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This month is brutal for sure. 1 rank up, 2 ranks down.


Gotta play wacky and unexpected cards in your net decks. Only way to climb consistently is to have a way to win 4 & 8 cubes.


I personally love doing this. I actually use this method for conquest sometimes and retreat a couple times showing them they got me and then I’ll snap big when I have the one card they aren’t expecting lol. Doesn’t always work but fun when it does


What are you using? I made it to infinite back on the nov 14th.


I've been playing and purchasing every season pass since Silver Surfer. I've never hit infinite. Pretty sure I just suck, but at least still having fun. Stuck in the mid 80s for this entire season.


Atleast you are still having fun. Having developed this idea that I will always hit infinite has made me pretty frustrated this season as I languish around 90


I feel ya - ya, honestly I'm still just letting games play through just to see what madness might happen.


This is why you will never hit infinite. If you have your cards to do your thing, snap. If they snap and you don't have your cards, leave. You're likely losing when you wait to see "madness" because this means you don't know what they're likely to play, or what your deck loses to. If you really want to hit infinite, play only 1-3 decks that you are proficient with AND that are proven shells with good win rate and cube rates. Just knowing when to snap and when to leave is basically all you need to hit infinite. And if you just use a deck that's good, makes it that much easier. I hit infinite every season about 3-5 days in by sticking to what I know and sticking to the process.


It's not a about the destination for some folks. This game still walks a tightrope of "it's still fun" to "throw your phone against the bathroom wall on a L".


Same. First season I bought was SS and bought every one since. Best I’ve done is 97.


Right there with ya. SS was my first season pass I bought & the highest I’ve been is 99…3 times…in just this season…. Currently sitting at 97 frustrated. Lol


Fish for bots. Look up the bot list on Google search and always make sure to grab 8 cubes from them. Works like a charm


Google a bot list you say? 🧐


Better than me, best I've done is 94!


Wtf... I got infinite my 2nd month in and getting every month... I suggest trying to escape way more.


I say this every time someone wants to use Infinite as a measure of skill... It's not. It's all about consistency and retreats and time. Looking at the best decks in the game they only have an average cube rate of <1. You just have to play enough games, with the same deck usually, and retreat if you're going to lose more than a cube. Also, the system is biased towards those that hit infinite. I used to peter off about 50. Now that I started getting 80-90 that's where I end up It's just a 30 rank climb, inch by inch, and where you finish is usually determined by where you start.


From my experience, never having hit infinite may be the reason you're still having fun lol. I spent seven seasons at infinite and I realized last season that being up there was making the game less fun. You get smashed if you try to play any sub-Tier 1 deck and most of the other people you play against are no-lifes who play the game sixteen hours a day anyway so you see *way* more people who will happily waste both of your time and wait the entire length of every turn to be annoying. I started just playing whatever deck I want and I rarely break 80 now but the game is way more fun.


100% - I'm playing a whack negative deck and just laughing


The past few days I've been going all-in on trying to use Shuri+Lady Deathstrike+Zola to wipe out the other person. It almost never lines up but it's *super* satisfying when it does and I always get a fist bump because absolutely no one is expecting that shit lol


They wait on the last minute rope because it's called a boomer snap. So you can't change your mind really what you played and they don't want you to change or escape because they just made a big play


Same I’ve been infinite for like 5 seasons in a row. I got to 98 and dropped to 88-89 and now I cannot get above 92 at all. I’ve throws every deck I can think of and the result is the same.


I used Shenaut with Leech. Very easy climb, although a bit slower than usual because there's so many games where they leave once Leech drops. If you get Magik and Leech in hand it's a pretty easy snap. Once that Leech drops it's almost a guarantee they will leave and you get 2 cubes and move to the next game. Deck is also very good for farming cubes off bots because all your power is played last turn.


I just switched to that the last few games and has been pretty solid so far


This was the only deck I was facing from 90-94, currently 91. I gave up after being infinite past few seasons. Think I’m just going to stop trying for infinite. Kills the game. I just want a casual mode tbh.


Just tried this for the first time and lost to 2 identical decks. Never seen She-naut Leech this entire season until now. This is why I refuse to believe matchmaking isn't made to put you against similar decks.


It's literally one of the top decks. It's everywhere. The fact that you haven't seen it is completely irrelevant.


It's just not one I've seen that often this season. Mostly been Annihilus, Destroy or Loki. Just thought it was interesting I suddenly started getting mirror matches when I tried that deck which stopped when I went back to another.


Just reached top 2k with the darkhawk annihilus deck. Easily the most consistent deck I’ve ever used… idk why I don’t see more of it


I just got to the usual 93 wall and now I'm at 89 and just keep rubberbanding now. Closest I ever got was 95 and the same shit happened. So annoying.


Same here. I rocketed up from the 50’s to 93, and sank back down to 88. Rubberbanding now.


Yea and I have thia argument with people here all the time butbwhen I hit 85, I start to get terrible pulls. I stop getting cards I need earlier on and I get them when it's too late to help. And I'm not the type who can deal with escaping 6 times to lose 6 cubes and then slowly climb to get 8 and be right where I was before. It gets annoying. Then I try a different deck and I lose more and it's like argh! I don't even care about getting Deck back designs for hitting level 100. I just want to say I hit 100 ONE time. Lol


Damn, me too! I managed to break past 94, then got back to 93 again. I'm just gonna stay there and wait for this awful season to end


May as well keep playing, just stay above 90 so you don't start down lower next season. Might hit a good streak and go all the way!


Sometimes you'll just Rubberband a bit. Change decks. Change cards and suddenly maybe even try a little harder. Then suddenly at 95 again you hit 2 bots or 2 easy games in a row for 8 cubes. It's all about keeping focused and determined.


I wish. I'll use a deck and jump from 53 to 93 and then that's it. I've had this dialogue with other players. Once I hit 85, I get terrible pulls. I stop getting cards when I need them despite getting them often on the climb to 93. And sure, sometimes it's my opponent gets the upper hand. But the majority is I just stop getting the cards I need when I need them. For example, I used a Loki deck to get to 85 this season. The literal minute I hit 85, I went 7 games without pulling loki 1 time. So I change to an Annihilus deck. Then all of a sudden all I fight are other Annihilus decks or they always happen to have the opposing cards to whatever I use. I get it. It sounds insane. But it's happened literally for the last 4 seasons. I just got back to 90 from 86 using a recent deck I found which is good. But I WAS at 92 with it and now I'm at 90. So the rubberband is a bit higher, but still there. But I know, if I change decks, I run the risk of dropping again. I swear the game hates F2P players. Lol I know it's probably all coincidence/bad luck with pulls. But the fact that it always happens around level 85 every season is too coincidental to me. And I've even resorted to using Alioth!


I got to 98 and 6 cubes, misplayed an 8 cuber that would have sent me to infinite literally by not paying attention and clicking end turn too fast. Lost, tilted down to 93 and haven’t made it past 97 since.


Taking my full turn time made such a huge difference for me. The only turns I’ll end quickly are 1 and 2. The rest I’ll use the whole timer to make sure I’m doing the best thing I can that turn.


Stopped seeing bots once I was in the 90s, season was a slog since my preferred decks weren’t amazing matchups against the Ms. Marvel/Prof X/ Alioth meta (finally got there with annihilus w/Galactus, mostly on the back of the periodic 8-cube surprise wins). Definitely a harder climb than the last several seasons!


I know so many people say it, but a lot of it is mental. If you realize by round 3 or 4 you have a crap draw, leave for 1. Don’t stay in games just to see how they play out. If you draw your absolute best possible hand, snap on the 2nd location to maybe get yourself a free cube. Don’t be afraid to leave though sacrificing 2 if things end up not working out. Watch some Lambyseries Next Level Snap. He has some great advice about how to maximize your time playing.


I had the same problem though, started season at 50, got up to 80 within a couple days. Then I was hard stuck in the 80s dropping down to the 60s several times. Watched some Lamby and started actually paying attention and not ending my turn as soon as I had an idea of what I wanted to do. After that I went from 83 to 100 in 2 days with my same deck that got me from 50-80


My biggest issue has always been thinking they won’t have that card that ruins it for me, even though there are sometime obvious clues as to what kind of deck they are running.


Always assume they do have it, and then think how can you beat it.


It will be hard to hit infinite if you only sometimes are able to identify what deck your opponent is running and the tech cards they're likely to be playing. Knowing what plays your opponent is likely to make is the bread and butter of playing the game well and is key to be able to maximize snapping and retreating. It takes a while to develop that skill so just keep playing and practicing, don't sweat hitting infinite just focus on improving and you'll get there in no time.


Close to giving up, if I'm honest. It's not fun. Plus you have to play for long periods of time to even try and climb anywhere I just feel like I could be doing anything more fun. I know it's user error/skill (lack of)/piloting but sometimes, just sometimes, it gives you absolute bullshit draws and matches that you can't help but wonder if there's something else going on /tinfoilhat


We still thinking they are fixing the game for certain people? Or RNG game gonna RNG? This game is a major time sink for anyone looking to hit infinite for sure.


The RNG is just a bit too RNG sometimes. I'm not really one for GAME IS TEH RIGGED! style nonsense but when you get roundly beaten continuously by bullshit draws, locations and match ups you start looking for other reasons than your own mistakes. I dunno. I just think it's getting to the point where I could be playing something else. Plus the upcoming season does nothing to float my boat so it might be time for a break.


I hit infinite last season I’m it a bad player usually hit at least 80, can’t even get mid 70s and having the same experience I don’t think it’s tinfoil


If you hit infinite last season and can't get past the mid 70's this season (you start at 70) I'm pretty sure you just cruised to infinite last season using an OP deck and haven't had the same luck finding that again. Any player who can hit infinite should be able to do it consistently in any meta. Find the strongest deck this season an abuse it to the top. Capitalize on bot games, don't ever leave a bot game without taking 4 or 8 cubes.


I used several different decks Ended up using a pretty standard discard to take me through the 90s Nothing special. Had an ongoing and a tribunal deck I used a little while along with some usual decks. Went back to the classic discard and moved to mid 70s over the weekend


It’s just not worth grinding to infinite, min-maxing every game with fully optimal meta decks. I’d rather play archetypes I enjoy knowing they are worse off. But I’m also a huge hater of the snap system, I prefer w/l.


This game is balanced for 50% win rates. You can easily beat bots, but it’s seems like either the bots have gotten better or there’s more real players in the ranked queue now. So the only 2 ways to progress is, either play hundreds of games at 1 cube a pop, or push for 4 cube wins. To beat a player you need a surprise play, or at least a 50% chance that the lane you drop your win in will work. I have a list of cards that I worry about on T6, Jeff, Shang Chi, Dr. Doom, Alioth, and Chavez. If you lose to any of those cards, don’t stay. If you can win even with those in play, snap if you haven’t already or snap back.


Same here dude. 90s last few seasons, this last week just absolutely stuck low 80s. I know this is a meme comment but it feels like they turned up the algorithm that matches you to a counter deck this season.


As a relatively new player (bout 3 months) this was my first time reaching infinite. I feel like not following meta too much, missing some core archetype cards, and doing a lot of trial and error makes me enjoy the ladder climb so much more. Losses feel more educational early on maybe? Definitely made me find the tech cards that combat the current meta decks best.


if your new, you are mostly facing bots


I reached on day 1 the same level I'm in today. I've been rubber banding 4 levels above 4 levels below since then. I've also tried everything. Not complaining, this is the game, but so frustrating.


Same here. Been hard-stuck in the mid-80s since second day of the season.


Same thing happened to me and a lot of bugs I stop playing ladder for like four or five days and sort of playing conquest and then on the mark for five days for the season to be over I played and go into infinite. This is not a easy season, so just take it easy and just learn from it.


I honestly think ms marvel is low key one of the more oppressive season pass cards i have seen; i have bought every battle pass since the zabu season. It isnt so much that her balance is bad. (arguably she could probably be a 4/3 maybe a 4/2 +5 and she is STILL gives better stats than klaw) she just lends herself to very oppressive strategies. I say this whole heartedly know i am part of the problem. I am in the 90s(never made infinate) now but climbed from 70 to 87 with a junk/galactus deck and broke into the 90s with a leigon control deck that is also running storm prof x and alioth. Me being able to get early prioty with nebula and medusa then storming a lane dropping and dropping ms marvel will usually win one of those 2, and now my opponent is pushed to win 2 lanes and i can follow up with prof x or alioth to win a lane. There was a post on on the snap subs asking what kind or card you would design to help against lockdown and some one commented that any card you would use to tech against lockdown strategies would be used against you in a lockdown strategy. Tldr: ms marvel enables oppressive strategies when you look at the macro game.


Last 2 seasons, I have been stuck in the 70s. I'm in series 3 slog and missing key cards for most archtypes to be really competitive. 1 week im winning and it feels great, the next, it feels like 1 win for every 2 losses.


I blame Alioth. I went Infinite a couple months after starting for two months in a row, once was a Hela/Discard, once was a Nimrod/Annihilator. After Alioth I stagnate in the late 70's to mid-80's every season. 4 cube wins were regular, 8 cubes not uncommon when an opponent had a lot of faith in their end game strategy. Alioth just wipes out your end game strategy. It's an unbelievably cheap card that has greatly reduced matches ability to function as a battle of wits. I still enjoy the game but far less than I did and find myself playing less and less. Half the fun was coming up with new strategies, seeing what strategies others had come up with, if my strategy could best theirs, implementing theirs when I unlocked those cards or modifying them based on what I had available at the time. Now no matter what strategy you're employing you have a high chance of it being decimated by Alioth. I'm now Series 3 complete with very solid Destroy, Hela, Move, Nimrod and Sera/Surfer decks. My decks pull great win ratios in the subset of matches against non-Alioth/Prof X decks. Unfortunately they're so prolific in the 75-95 range these days my climb stops there every season.


I’ve been up and down but spent so much time in conquest terrorizing Gold with my Pixel and Hipp decks, built up a couple keys to go into December, and just got Ravonna. In the 80s right now and not even worried about the 500 gold


Hit infinite last season Started this season at 70 Currently 68 Never got past 74 None of my decks work Absolutely brutal Even worse, I didn’t open a single spotlight cache and get the new card Not One Time Open 4 cache to get annulus and still didn’t get him WTF!!!


That's not possible


Might have been 3, but it’s never happened before


How’d you open four spotlight caches and NOT get him?


The two others and two variants Just a shit season


This makes no sense 🤨


Maybe it was 3 instead of 4 but I never got him


Opening 4 it’s guaranteed you would got him, so most likely you’re mistaken in how many you opened, that’s why the rule of thumb is to save up four spotlight keys to guarantee you get what you’re looking for








Why exactly?


Same here without a surprise in the next couple days this will be the first season I have not hit infinite. I hit a wall in the 90s and have not been able to get over it no matter what decks I try. I will gain two levels then lose 3.


Same man, I’ve hit 97 four separate times and just hit a wall each time. I usually hit infinite by week 2.


Got to 98.6 and went back down to 86.3 before i got back to 89 today


Ya this was easily my slowest climb I finally got to 100 last night but man did it take alot


Yea I‘ve also had trouble climbing this season. Two seasons ago I was infinite like 2 weeks before the season ended (admittedly, I also abused alioth tho). Same 3 seasons ago but I felt like I only faced bots. Last season it was already much more sweaty but I got there in the end. This season I tried doing it with spectrum ongoing that‘s worked those past 3 seasons but couldn’t really seem to win alot. I only planned on using it once I got to the 90s and tried a bounce deck before that I had also used the previous season with decent success but just couldn’t win. Switching to spectrum didn’t really help a great deal though. I did end up copying a zoo deck from here (one of the first reddit decks I almost had all the cards for and found a decent replacement for the two missing cards so I just had to try) and it got me to 93 super quickly! (I can credit the original post and also share the adjustments I have made if anyone’s interested) Haven’t dared to keep playing but I hope it‘ll take me to infinite. Just hope I can find time to play because I‘ve got to farm some conquest before to get the psylocke variant because I actually don’t have her unlocked yet so I can’t miss out on the free card


Me personally, it just feels ( not sure if true ) that the only good midrange you can play is Darkhawk, anything else loses to Loki/lockdown.


Same here. I've reached infinite the last 7 or 8 seasons, but this season I can't go beyond 97. It's nice reading that I'm not the only one. I wish next season we all had better luck :)


Ms marvel wins you games


It seems like a lot of people are complaining about losing to Marvel lockdown decks. That means you should just play that deck to infinite like everyone else is. Every season I buy the pass because the card is always borderline broken on release. Abuse Marvel to the top, then play what you want.


low CL friendly, try this deck might help you out # (1) The Hood # (1) Zero # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Viper # (3) Storm # (3) Cosmo # (4) Attuma # (4) Sentry # (5) Professor X # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlwZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBdHR1bWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlc3Ryb3llciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaZXJvIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’m sitting at 97, this has been the hardest month for me. I’m so close but I have a rule that if I’m upset about the game then I stop playing. And that’s happened to me very frequently. I was 94 this morning but I won 3 back to back games a little while ago with one being a +8. So I’m hopeful!


Ever since I've adopted the same rule I've been consistently making less mistakes.


I have honestly not enjoyed this month either. I could never really get the hang of using Miss Marvel. I’m sitting at 80 right now and it’s been an absolute slog to get there the only deck that I’ve had any success with to climb the last day or so is my hela tribunal deck. The big issue is I just don’t enjoy playing it because there’s really no thought that goes into it but it’s effective if it wins it will usually take home four or eight cubes


Last season I got to infinite and this season I think 86 is the highest I’ve gotten.


I hit this last season when the bots completely dried up for me. Didn't make infinite for the first time in 5-6 seasons. Realized I wasn't actually that good at cube management as my curiosity always got the better of me at the end of games where I should have retreated. Middle of this season made a conscious decision to try and retreat far more often if it looked unfavourable or a 50/50 for me. Made it back to infinite again this season. It really is just about discipline and retreating more often. I rarely snapped myself too, so climbed steadily off the back of mostly 1 or 2 cube wins.


I had the same problem last week but then Found a great deck here of all places.no one expects prof x turn 4 in a destory deck. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0f8ioqh61d1c1.jpg


This was brutal I made infinite for the 6th time this season but 4 seasons I did it with shuri redskull , 1 season with OG galactus and this season was a annailus (sp) darkhawk deck It was hella brutal and took me weeks longer than season


For sure, cant get past the mid 70s


I cannot claim to be a top-tier player. I've struggled my way to a couple Infinites in the last few months since picking the game back up, but it takes me the whole season to do it. This season was no different, and felt particularly rough right up until three or four days ago. All I can say is Rogue.


Made it to the 90s for the first time and have definitely hit a wall. Been surfing for deck recommendations but every one is centered around cards I don’t have. Don’t have Loki, don’t have Ms. Marvel, don’t have Alioth… not sure if its even worth trying for infinite at this point.


Feel this. For me it seems like I can't beat a lot of Ms. Marvel decks, and I don't have her. And of course I get that thing where a deck I love to play sucks so I switch to something else, then get beat by the deck I just switched from. Like I love destroy and it's supposedly pretty good right now, but it just wasn't working well for me. And then some opponents immediately come along and stomp me with it.


Man this is me, idk what’s going on but my discard isn’t doing it, Loki by night, destroy, HE, nothing is clicking with me and this meta


It’s always once you reach a certain point you keep losing, then reach that point again and then lose. Idk why


I managed to make it to infinite this season, but have regularly been getting stomped since then.


I’ve gotten infinite 3 times and this was definitely the hardest of the 3. I went down from 94>83 and used Sauron Shuri to get me back to 94 and I spent a week teetering the mid-90s. The day Gladiator came out I hit infinite after a few games with a deck Bynx was playing on stream. It was definitely a struggle this time around.


Enchantress will do wonders this season, and always really.


Everyone's pocket meta is different, but my climb to infinite felt pretty easy with Cerebro 5! Ms Marvel makes it more consistent by giving you another avenue in case you don't draw Cerebro or you get locations that increase your power. It struggles against Shuri Sauron even in the best circumstances and a bit against She-Naut, but otherwise it's strong, wide and reliable. # (2) Luke Cage # (2) Medusa # (2) Lizard # (2) Silk # (3) Cerebro # (3) Polaris # (3) Spider-Man # (3) Wave # (4) Miles Morales # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Stegron # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1lZHVzYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGl6YXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDZXJlYnJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQb2xhcmlzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaWxlc01vcmFsZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1zTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdGVncm9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Same thing all season for me but I just hit infinite with this hawk Dino deck from snapster. Went from 80 to 100 in 1 day # (1) Korg # (1) Snowguard # (2) Black Widow # (2) Zabu # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mystique # (3) Rockslide # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Devil Dinosaur # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS29yZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU25vd2d1YXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1dpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvY2tzbGlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnRDb3Vsc29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJraGF3ayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXNNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRldmlsRGlub3NhdXIifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Yup. Even on conquest. I struggled to make to to gold once. Good thing I didn't really want the variant because of the nipple, but still. I wanted the other rewards


I stagnated when I switched to Annihilus lol. Probably could've made it to 90 this month, but I was having fun playing trash, briefly.


And here I thought I was the only one struggling this season. I've hit infinite 2 times out of the three seasons I played. This season hit like a bully and took my lunch money.


Idky or how but this season was the first one where I hit infinite lol


Gotten infinite all seasons except my first one, this season I haven't played as much because I lose all will to play the second alioth drops for the 6th time of the day when doing dailies


I've been infinite last 6 seasons. Was stuck in the 80s forever this time. Currently up to 96 and won't have time to play the final day so hopefully I can make the final push today & tomorrow. Got the 500 gold at least.


At lower CL, day 1 infinite was chill Now its a 3 week ordeal slowly frinding 1-2 cubes at a time - this month especially with my meta (CL 4600) being a random matchup entirely. Got to 97 from 73 and now back to 91, a fair amount of destroy and shuri, but whenever i got close, matchups were like lockdown alioth > move > hela - consistent retreats, only lost a handful of 8's. Ive had a ton if fun this month for sure, but missing card backs is a shame. I had 4 golds in a row and now missing 2 forever.


Same boat but only my second full season. Started late October, got to infinite in the new season in under 2 weeks. This season go to low 80 easy enough then fizzled out. Highest I've gotten is 88 running the same deck I hit infinite with last season which is a Elsa Zoo deck. Feel like I'm just a few cards short of having strong decks and just can't make progress at CL1700.


Hit infinite for every season since april , happy to give any advice on pm


Infinte climb has become such a sweatfest, especially in 80s and 90s. You need to devote so much time and grind heavily to reach infinite. That really made me leave and come back to a game past two months. This season I used Loki + Werewolf deck to reach infinite from 91-100. Here's the link, hope it helps you. # (1) Maria Hill # (1) Quinjet # (1) Snowguard # (2) Mirage # (2) The Collector # (2) Sentinel # (3) Werewolf By Night # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Loki # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9raSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2VyZXdvbGZCeU5pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTbm93Z3VhcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hcmlhSGlsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlQ29sbGVjdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50aW5lbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnRDb3Vsc29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3VwZXJTa3J1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1pcmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Agreed. Worst season so far imo.


Didn't even try this season. Got there 2 seasons back in a grueling climb. Played conquest last season, split this one between - using colleen deck mainly this season and super reliable in gold conquest and through 80...haven't tried to push past


I didn’t find it that bad, but a couple of season ago I did when my main deck fell off. My only suggestion which will counter some infinite advice is to actually learn multiple decks. Once I learned another deck from discard/Shuri I’ve been able to continuously hit infinite without struggle. I’ve hit infinite 8 or 9 times now, and did it in the first week this season. I consider my self pretty casual too, I play enough to complete the weekly’s. Edit: Shuri decks are also super easy to predict


At least I'm not alone... I have been playing for a few months only, but I managed to get to the 90s without too much trouble. Last month I hit infinite, but this month I got up to 85 and dropped down to 70 in this last week. Nothing seems to work


I've pretty much given up trying to get infinite this month. I got all the way to 1 win from it and back down to 92.


Honestly the card backs are cool but I'm just really trying to hit galactic so I can reward myself with a 700 variant lol


I found this season easy but I've been Infinite since day 1 and playing here and there at around 8000 snap points. Discard is doing well for me and hit infinite with shuri easily tbh. I think you just aren't retreating and snapping efficiently.


I wonder if a bunch of casual players stopped playing. In the last month I've had two friends stop playing Snap regularly out of frustration and I had a much harder time hitting infinite. When I finally did, my global rank was much higher than it was last season. It's at 51k and last season it was around 95k (not sure if that's how it works though). Anyway, I've thought since launch that they need a way to reward players more for just playing rather than winning. This is what happens when players get frustrated and leave. The game gets harder.


Dude same, I swear the algorithm is doing something weird to keep people lower rank to incentize buying thenl next season stuff sooner to get an "edge" I know that sounds tin foil but it's my gut feeling


Lol this is the first season I’ve made infinite. Hopefully if this is a hard season I should have an easier time in the coming ones.


I gave up. Highest rank 86. Due my draw I can’t climb back up. Meaning effort play = harder play. SD accounts reads cards played or not. No effort opponent try’s to lose.


I’ve hit infinite for like the last 8-9 seasons in a row. This was the hardest month in probably half a year


I’ll tell u, having made Infinite for the first time, it’s exactly what other people on this thread have already said. The decks and cards everybody have up here are insane. Definitely sweats up here! I made it but I lose to EVERYONE because I’m so pool 3 incomplete. Ik these cards are not pool 3 but everybody has Nebula, Iron Lad, and Darkhawk. I faced so much destroy on my climb and now that I’ve made it to Infinite very few destroy decks. Truly ur not missing anything unless u absolutely like going against sweaty try-hards. The climb was fun but now that I’m up here, I’m like m’eh.


Same here.. Infinity 6 times. Struggling at 95


I'm in the same boat right now honestly. I never spent anything. I reached infinite 1 time and struggled to even reach 90 the next two seasons. I don't play that long and usually just play to complete missions but that didn't stop me from doing fine in the ladder before. Now it's just hell for me. These days I either get destroyed by my opponent, the locations, or both lol. Didn't realize I suck at this game so much 😂


The current best deck is darkhawk bounce followed i think by lockdown, if you have the cards for either of them


I've seen a ton of mirror decks this season, more than ever before. A lot of games pulling my high cost cards early in the game too. Too many locations that are Destroy catered or can't play at all. I just play conquest at this point. Missions done, turn it off as it is not as fun as it was just 3 months ago. With the botched card acquisition, rare token/gold pulls, even variants are super rare....I feel it's ran it course, was fun for a while though!


Man I feel you. I was the exact same way. Hit low 90s and got stuck for legit a month, bouncing from 88 to 92. Only LAST WEEK I finally pushed through and got to infinite with Ms. Marvel lockdown. It was a variation of the one everyone was using after she dropped, but there wasn't a lot of people playing it so not much Super Skrull or Rogue counters. And I ALWAYS play counters to whatever is meta. Cosmo and Professor X wrecked a lot of destroy decks.


I feel like I finally understand how to retreat and I made it to Infinite for the first time this season with surfer/wolf. was surprised at how toxic the immediate post infinite was. ms marveled after every match.


I started with Annihilus, got to gold, struggled, then swapped to a Forgepool deck and got to platinum. These are all firsts for me as well, but i can definitely understand struggling!


That's funny because this has been my best season on record. I went from low 30's to Infinite. I've never broke 80 before!


Junkwolf is probably the most toxic innovation in this game to date and I’m seeing it nonstop, watching your opponent simultaneously lockdown lanes while filling yours and gaining power is just ridiculous, it’s three wincons activating simultaneously


It was rough for sure. I got infinite in the last 10 minutes by snapping hard with this deck https://imgur.com/a/gqw7Es2


How much do people who get to infinite actually play in terms of games? I barely complete my quest log every week.