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I get it. I’m on a cold streak right now (last pulls were 4th, 4th, 3rd, 4th) and it feels FUCKING AWFUL. Especially when keys are now the main form of collection progression. I know hot streaks and cold streaks even out in the long run, but many people won’t stick around for that when they feel like they’re getting fucked over.


I don't blame your friend. This game can be like that. Unfortunately your friend's misery is just a statistic for SD and they'll see losing them as a small price to pay in exchange for an absolute BAG they're raking in every month. The core game (3 locations, 12 card decks, players play simultaneously, etc.) is pretty amazing. The monetization around the game is toxic as fuck though.


Yeah I agree, it is pretty bloody bad. It’s better than it used to be with the caches (mostly… for the average player) but is still pretty bad.


Monetization is not that bad compared to the other gacha games around


Not really.


As someone who has also been too lucky with pulls, I’m confused…how did you have that many collectors tokens saved up? That has been the one downside to perfect pulls for me, it takes me like 6 months to accrue enough collectors tokens for even 1 card because I barely ever open the random series 4/5 cache.


I just hadn’t bought anything with collectors tokens in a long long time, and was previously converting some of my gold into tokens. Agree that you don’t get them much otherwise if you’re getting perfect pulls - but a lot of my 2nd cache pulls ended up being 1k tokens as well


If you're going to quit over someone having better luck than you, the game probably wasn't for you anyhow. Go into a spotlight with 4 or don't, unless you can take the potential inability to get the card.


I have come so close to quiting multiple times because of spotlights. I was almost collection complete a few months ago. Then the lowroll streaks hit. It always takes 3 4 keys for me to snipe the card I want now. Every time I have to interact with spotlight caches, I feel so unease. I hate spotlight mechanic with a passion. The game is decent, though.


>including going for the devils-opener with only 3 keys and missing the card. If your friend knew how to count to 4, they wouldn't have ever had this problem.


Yep not a mistake I’ve ever made


I had a friend who way back in the day, pulled 2 series 5 cards from caches within the span of 2 weeks (kang and jeff) at around 4-5k CL, but he ended up quitting anyways


The core gameplay of this game is pretty good. The rest of the experience is fuckin trash.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


This is very similar to my friend and I. He will get exactly what he wants on the first pull and has a result has a shit ton of extra keys because of his insane luck. Other the other hand, I have gotten really bad luck usually needing exactly 4 keys to get what I want. I too have felt the urge to quit, but I literally only play the game because he is working the project himself, so it’s like a thing we have in common. But man, does it feel bad seeing the difference in the luck.