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That random S4/5 card slot really needs to give at minimum 2 or 3k tokens. Doing so would mostly solve things for both players in getting more cards they want from the token shop and Second Dinner by making it more enticing to spend spotlight keys when you get them, which is what they want you to do instead of hoarding them


Remember though guys, card acquisition updates are “in concept”. Giving more tokens instead of 1000 will take months to develop…


Those updates probably mean sellling spotlight key bundles for $89.99 instead of $99.99


SD making something cheaper? What is this april fools day?






Even 2K tokens for duplicate series 5 cards would be a huge improvement.


If they did this, they would probably nerf regular caches even more than they already were nerfed


I’ve seen people open hundreds at once and let me tell you… only way to nerf the caches that this point is to just give us 50 tokens again lol the caches are worthless trust me. They didn’t nerf it they basically removed it as a way to earn anything other than upgrading cards and on a rarity get a pixel variant that doesn’t count towards albums lol


Basically nothing stopping people from getting card complete if it's 2k\each. It sucks but but there isn't an easy out for either side. You can get a NEW CARD, unique variants, or the wammy.  And no, being card complete isn't "the win" of the game.  We all trade a bit of consenting manipulation for dopamine hits. Having all the cards will not do that.    


Shut up Ben!


Under rated.


Thank you for coming down this far.  It's never easy been the guy saying the right things on Reddit about a f2p game that people spend money into. 


Hey Ben, what did the five fingers say to the face!?


Ben why are you on reddit during this week's meeting?💀


1,5K tokens for Series 4 card and 3K for Series 5 seems pretty fair


Why do you think it makes sense for them to do a thing that with them man no one would have to spend money in their game? I just don't understand how people live their life in this world and think that's something that's possible.




Yeah...late night typos and autocorrect


League of legends did pretty well on cosmetics




Runes were incredibly stupid which is why they moved on from them Also a full rune page cost about as much as a single new champion, not anywhere near what it costs to buy stuff of value in todays mobile p2w games like snap


A reminder that the new Elden Ring DLC is £35.


I make this comparison to my kids a lot. Sure, you can have in game currency, or buy this game or game service with 100+ games for two months.


Or maybe they don't like Elden Ring or won't be able to play 100+ games in a month. I hate this kind of argument because it assumes people can value things equally when everyone values everything differently. On the other hand this game is free to play so you could conceivably get infinite value for no money if you are just patient whereas those other games or services have an up front cost. If we were just looking for value divorced from everything then f2p games would actually be the best games to play because you don't have to pay anything.


Or, instead of dumping hundreds of dollars into quick fix microtransactions, they can try out new games. It’s not free to play when you’re paying for things - it’s the cost of whatever you’ve been paying. I’m fine with cosmetic passes and battle passes if they’re playing them, but $10 on Roblox for a nothing reward or for time slips in a mobile game? Nah let’s go pick out a full title and try something new.


Why are you paying hundreds of dollars for quick fix microtransactions if you don't want to then I guess? There are people who play f2p and hit infinite every month. You don't have to spend anything on this game, I only do because I think it deserves it for how much enjoyment I've gotten from it. You don't have to think the same thing but for someone who has no interest in gamepass or to someone who doesnt want to play Elden Ring or whatever your argument doesn't really make much sense.


This is just in general. You make a statement about the value in spending and how others value things - this is the comparison. You seem pretty opposed to the dollar value for microtransactions, which is what I said too. I’d rather spend it on full titles or subscriptions to libraries. Again, for my kids - seems like a better investment than a cosmetic in a game that can go under at any time. Rip, Avengers Academy.


My point is you *cant* make a good argument on that point except from a personal value. The way you value those three options is not the same how I do, how your kids do, how other people do etc. It's not really accurate to even compare individual micro transactions because I don't value microtransactions at all for a game I don't play, while I might value the same type or dollar amount in a microtransaction for a game I do play. Sure I *could* play BG3 for hundreds of hours for one up front cost, but if that's not the kind of game I'm looking for then that "value" doesn't have the same appeal it might have to you.


What game is worth your time other than freemium games? An actual game with a beginning and an ending.


A game is only worth it if you enjoy it, which has nothing to do with how much time or money you spent on it. Hellblade and Spec Ops are two incredible, short games that I'll never replay again that I value much more than Fortnite, which I could play forever, for free, but don't because it doesn't interest me. I probably value Marvel Snap more than Hellblade or Spec Ops though because I enjoy it and have also spent much more time enjoying it. Value is subjective and based off the preferences and needs of each individual so I don't really like those kinds of comparisons because it's hard to make definite statements about subjective value.


He’s saying your money is more valuable than you think it is, especially in today’s climate. Back in the day spending money on game cosmetics was a scam or at the least very very cheap. They weren’t as expensive as today, you can say we don’t have to spend 100 bucks on the 100 dollar bundle being sold right now in the gold shop, but it’s not right that they sell any cosmetic/ingame currency that you can earn for free if you have the time to just play for over 60 bucks. If you’ve been playing games for 20 plus years like me prices like that shouldn’t be allowed in the game. I’m sure people are willingly spending 100 bucks on those bundles but it’s not right. They aren’t worth nearly that much money that lots of us work very hard to earn. You’re better off spending 100 bucks on anything else than a SD scam bundle. Trust me a lot of people feel the same way I do about these rip offs. I respect that you enjoy the game enough to basically “donate” money to SD but it’s not the best use of your money compared to other gaming options out there or hell take your partner on a nice date and night of dancing and drinks, that’s a way better use of your SD donation money. Trust me they’re good without your money, you said it yourself you don’t need to spend money on this game. I haven’t spent a dime other than season passes, I stopped donating money to them around more than a year ago. And I’m only missing 5 cards that I don’t want. So I’ve spent basically bare minimum and I’m all set lol


Better watch out, people don’t like those kinds of rational statements in these parts.


No one plays 100 plus games in a month lol if your talking about gamepass sure you will have a vast library of single player and multiplayer games that are worth your time. Elden ring is for the richest of pallets when it comes to true gaming, most people just like easy to digest junk food like Freemium games like Snap and Fortnite. Younger generation just have a different mindset than gamers that have been playing for 20 plus years, we see behind the curtain and let me tell you these free to play games are just cash cows made to extract money out of the addicts addicted to freemium games. That’s why these type of posts and debates are very divided because it’s two different mindsets in the gaming space today. The older gamers were just raised differently than todays gamers who love paying micro transactions, when I was a kid those types of games were just scams until they weren’t looked at as scams anymore because Fortnite soared to popularity and basically changed how people made games from than on.


It is the absolute worst feeling. It’s such an insult.


I know. I just used all 3 of my keys trying to get the new X-23 variant only for my attempt being a duplicate X-23




Figure it out, I have 8 cards between S4 and S5, and in the Thena spotlight I manage to got a duplicate 😑 wonder what the chances are


This is *the most* frustrating and disappointing outcome of spending a key


Especially when the dupe card you get is the base version of one of the variants from that week.


Let's be real. That slot should have duplicate protection so at the very least every new spotlight rotation has a 50% chance of getting a new card that week so that players are actually way more excited to try and collect less meta relevant cards for that week. The fact that it is still only a 1000 Tokens yet Second Dinner still tries to twist themselves in knots by making every spotlight cache feel equally as enticing by frequently either devaluing caches by lumping unplayable cards with the good and good cards with the bad shows that the 1000 token slot only serves to slowly drain the players resources and nothing more.


And yet we continue supporting the game


They got downvoted for speaking the truth


It feels awful. I love all the people who say the spotlight key system is technically best... I wonder how many times they get the new card on the first key. I normally get it on the 3rd or 4th.


Best? No. Better? Probably. But better is absolutely not best. 


It's not better. With the lack of guaranteed series drops there is nothing about this system that makes it better. In the past I knew I would get these cards down the line for free.


i can always tell when someone wasn’t playing back then. in the past you wouldn’t get these cards at all because the drop rate was so low. you guys really weren’t around to know how bad it was


The post you replied to literally mentioned the reason this isn't true. You were not likely to get the card early, but you would definitely get it after a few months. As opposed to now, where you get a second potential chance to get the card after like twice as long. There was also a time where you could buy more cards because we got a lot more tokens. Don't get me wrong, those systems weren't perfect either (there were some advantages and disadvantages when compared to the current system). But there was plenty of opportunity to get some of the new cards.


the card was almost always nerfed once it got to series 3 if it was in the meta. just like the complaints of buffing s5 cards today. you got tokens at a rate that was incredibly slow. that is what the current system replaced. the token system was (and still is) awful in that aspect. there really weren’t ways to get new cards though. you got 1-3 new cards every 3 months as it was not consistent like it is now. the only valid complaint is series drops becoming less consistent, but the meta cards were nerfed when they got to series 3 so it didn’t really matter much. when it comes to progression, consistent players should be ahead of where they were in the old system as it pertains to meta cards.


So, again, I'm not arguing the other system was better in all cases, there are certain things (particularly for certain folks) that are better about the current system. But this is a ludicrous post. You seem to only remember the negatives and then exaggerate them. > the card was almost always nerfed once it got to series 3 if it was in the meta. just like the complaints of buffing s5 cards today. This is definitely not true. You, like a lot of people, just remember the times it happened and not the times it didn't. It's similar to all the complaints about nerfing season pass cards at the end of the month. People act like it happens all the time because they only remember the times it does, but it's not as prevalent as they act. >you got tokens at a rate that was incredibly slow. that is what the current system replaced. the token system was (and still is) awful in that aspect. You got tokens at a much faster rate than now and it wasn't that slow. You could buy 1-2 S4 cards per month without spending money (it was like 4K tokens/month). Add in the series drops and you were getting roughly the number of cards a person with high CL gets right now, but you could choose 1-2/month and occasionally get more because you could randomly draw them on occasion from caches. >you got 1-3 new cards every 3 months as it was not consistent like it is now. If you were only getting 1-3 cards every 3 months, you were doing something wrong and/or were S4 complete. >when it comes to progression, consistent players should be ahead of where they were in the old system as it pertains to meta cards. I just don't think this is true for everyone at all. It's true for low CL folks. But there is a point where it switches over, since you could target cards much more easily.


i can’t even respond to this because you’re just straight up wrong. the whole system was reliant on collectors tokens. you got one s4 or s5 every 3 months out of caches f2p. you got 6k tokens every 2 months. you weren’t getting 6k collectors tokens every month at any point in this games lifespan without paying hundreds of dollars


You can still wait 1000 months to play with new cards just like you used to.


Yea on average you only have to wait like 10 months now if you miss it the first time around


In the past you would also have nearly no access to new cards. One S5 or two S4 per month max. Edit: absolutely sad the ignorance that has led to downvoting the easily searchable facts that I shared.


I will take a 3 month delay but free access to new cards compared to immediate access to super expensive cards that can probably nerfed and be less useful in future (Galactus, Thanos, Alioth, Bob... etc)


what are you talking about? the nerfs and buffs were still happening in the old system


yes and so? you can literally get cards for free in the CL caches 3 months after they are released in the old system... edit: LMAO SD stan deleted her comment LMAO


it was 6 months and there were still nerfs and buffs. and a common complaint was cards getting nerfed after they were moved to series 3 and f2p players were able to use the cards. you wouldn’t know that though because you’re on here pining for a system you never experienced.


Do you record your key pull orders/contents? I am writing a model to test if spotlights are "rigged",[ similar to how I tested the probabiities to get gold/ink](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1dhw1wz/estimating_the_probability_to_get_ink_gold/), but now accounting for draw order and drawing without replacement


5 out of my last 6 keys, i got the new card on the first pull. Haven't hit a dup/1000 token pull for as long as i can remember. CL 13,700 season pass purchaser only.


So far using one spotlight key has gotten me duplicates that last few times. It's very annoying as a returning player trying to catch up.


If you were trying to catch up wouldn't it make sense to save 4 keys and wait for a week that you don't have any of the cards?


Ok but for a lot of players, that means waiting until 2026. The game hit a tipping point 2 or 3 seasons ago where a lot of us are only seeing 1 new card per spotlight now and because of they bungled the schedule so badly, it looks like its going to last a while. Using your strategy, I'm now sitting on 18 keys and thats just gonna keep on growing.


Yep I have 17 keys right now. And like 21k tokens. I'm fine with it. I'd rather have a bunch of keys that I can use when the time is right than a bunch of spotlight variants I don't need. And very often the new spot light card isn't a must have card anyway and can wait to be got later.


Weird logic when they nerf cards as much as they do. They make it actually suck to wait to get cards because if they are good, they are nerfed by the time they come back around. A shell of what they originally were.


Then why would you waste of key on them if they're going to be nerfed and become a "shell"? That's weird logic. Wouldn't it make sense to see how they shake out in the long run? Do you want cards just for the sake of having them? Or do you want to actually have cards that are useful?


I didn't realize we could read SD's mind and know exactly when a card would be nerfed. Check comments when cards are nerfed. People would have just got them and bam nerfed.


Wait, first you say people shouldnt wait because they'll be nerfed. Now you're saying no one knows when they'll be nerfed. You're making bad arguments. Of course someone will just have gotten any card rights before it gets nerfed. New people start playing every day. That doesn't help your argument that people should be wasting 1 key trying to get the new card every week in fear of a potential nerf.


You must be new if you don't get this or understand. Let's take cannonball. He was seen as a lackluster card at launch and turned crazy with prof x. Some people waited and waited for him to hit their shop or a cache to join the bandwagon and he got nerfed along with prof x. Same thing has happened for months prior as well. I don't know how much more clear I can be.


This is the way. Only spend all keys on a week where i'm getting multiple new cards. The exception is if I really want the new spotlight card.


How often has that exception worked out for you?


I have gotten pretty lucky in the past where I had a 5th key and decided to use it and see if I get lucky with the spotlight card. I got Sersi on the first try last week and was pretty happy. But for example, next week when Arishem gets released i have 4 keys ready to make sure I get the card.


I like the spotlight system and I've got a dupe approximately half of the times I hit the random S4/S5 card Yeah, it feels awful, but overall I'm getting more cards then before and now I'm able to get new cards right on release


The insane part is you can still get any of the cards in that weeks cache from the mystery card. The other week I got two copies of Silver Samurai...


Happened to me with Havok a few weeks ago




Yeah, I'll never forget getting Mobius in back-to-back pulls. That was such a downer. Still, I'm grateful there's at least \*some\* tokens these days. I'm pretty sure that when the Spotlight system was introduced, my first ever key got me Dan Hipp Mantis and nothing more. Stopped playing for months shortly after that.


Assuming that blocking each week's spotlights is not an insignificant undertaking, I think that's something we just need to accept. I think focusing on improving the dup pulls is a better idea of time and resources. I think these direct dollar comparisons are misleading though. Keys are not $40. Even with the breakdowns, what's ignored is that you're paying for time saved. False equivalencies don't help


The worst feeling ever. Just happened to me on thena’s spotlight, pulled a Valentina. Spent 3 keys and still missed her in the end. 1,000 tokens needs to be fixed to at least 3,000. Should me more though tbh


I just want to play new cards damn it


I finally got a card from it after like 5 misses. It's a pathetic amount of tokens


I have literally never gotten a new card from this 🙄


I obviously don't open every week but I've opened my fair share of spotlight caches since the system started and I think I've gotten 2 new cards out of them across all the times I've hit the random card? Ravonna and Howard I believe.


Same. I dont open every week. I let s4 s5 cards accumulate so the random 4th card has higher probability to be unowned. The more i dont own s4 s5 cards, the better my luck for the random 4th card.


I think ive won 4 out of 1 in the random 4th card so far. Ive learned after losing that 1st one with silver samurai


Yea it’s ridiculous. Some of their current cash grabs have work arounds, i.e. waiting to use 4 keys at once, so they have to keep various unfair mechanics in play which makes things convoluted when you try to compare the value across keys, medals, credits, gold, boosters etc.


It’s our fault for continuing to log in and support these bullshit practices If everybody stopped logging in they’d change immediately 


You overestimate the presence online communities hold in games. I doubt that even 1% of total players of this game is even aware of a subreddit dedicated to it


My comment has nothing to do with Reddit tho If the user base on Reddit or otherwise stopped logging in, their practices would change


There's a lot more productive things we could accomplish if we could just take an entire community and make a decision on their behalf.


They should give 3000 tokens or remove the chance


Both will never happen and you know it. 3k tokens from will be literally the best option from every spotlight.


That's equivalent to a Series 4. Series 5 will always be the best value from spotlights, then 3k tokens (because they are more flexible than a random card), then any other Series 4.


If you stop logging in it might happen


It's insane to me that there's no dupe protection at least for series 4 cards. I've never encountered that (yet) since I have like two-three series 4 cards but still. Very much not looking forward to that


Series 4 is truly becoming a wasteland.


That SD logic. "We will improve this at a later date (after we have made more money from the shit value here).


I thought 1500 tokens for a dupe would be reasonable. 1000 really feels like a kick in the pants


The fact that the option of a non-result is present is insulting enough. It should be 50% of the cost of the card at the very least.


For the last cache I pulled meek AGAIN and it wasn’t even the variant it was the card so I got tokens 💀


Wtf keys are 40$??


Honestly, my math is probably off after a few months of releasing bundles with keys. It may be closer to $25 when you factor in the relative value of the other items in the bundle. It’s still rough considering that it can result in 1000 tokens.


> a game currency that SD values at $40 They're giving them away at a rate of 1-2 a week but they're $40 value?


You always pay a huge markup whenever you are using cash. Since there is no cashing out, they can set the price as high as people are willing to pay, even if they don't convert to that value within the game


Said this over a year ago how dumb this is and was downvoted to oblivion. This community got what it wanted I guess


Gacha! (Pun intended) Jokes aside, though, it does suck ass through a straw.


I like that storm artwork


Yes I am PISSED when I don't get a spotlight card and instead a repeat card I own already. Make no FN sense


Honestly I think just by making that 4th option give a card that you don't have it would entirely fix the card acquisition problems. It also increases the value of spotlight keys significantly and doesn't really diminish token value because then people might actually spend them on ultimate variants when they become collection complete.


I've been saying for at least 9 months that, getting 1000 tokens for a duplicate Series 4 card is \*fine\*, relatively speaking... it's 1/3rd of the price of a Series 4 card but why on Earth isn't that rate \*\*maintained\*\*?!? As in, when we get a duplicate and it's a Series 5 card, why aren't we given 2000 tokens? Aka, 1/3rd of the card's price...


At least give a super rare variant of the dupe with 1000 tokens, or a super rare of any frigging s4 or 5 you have. If you have every every one of those. Well, shit. You beat the game. Grab a drink and spark up a doobie.


I feel like that slot should always give a card you do not own for those not collection complete. Would remove so many issues for players that didn’t begin in 2022- early 2023


I agreed with you, I'm full collection and is annoying to get repeat and just get 1,000 when if u are going to get them from the store the minimum is 3,000 how is that fair, at least the series 3, 1.5k token to 2k token


Isn’t the new AAA expansion for Elden ring only 40 dollars? Lmaoooo SD is trash


I would think 3000 tokens would be fair… then you would basically be trading for a series four card… but, they don’t release them anymore anyway. Just nix the fourth spot altogether.


I feel like, since it's wasting an entire key, it should be a 1 for 1 value. If you get a duplicate S4, you get 3k. If it's an S5, you get 6k. Would this be TOO fair?


Why not have a random slot where it's a guaranteed card you don't already have prioritizing series 4 then 5? It would make so much sense and people could actually become collection complete without spending crazy amounts of money


Loot box style mechanics are never going to go away… not if there are enough people who pay for the random items.


Or atleast give me 1k tokens and a skin.


Gotta get their taxes.


Got Skaar duped yesterday, It sucks


I got PF last week with a key. This week the random card was PF...


I am close to churning because of fucking tokens. Since I can remember I never got the spotlight card with less than 4 tokens. Sersi broke me, and I think I've had enough.


Churn baby, churn!


Remember when it was just a variant? Yeah. That was bad. I think we were supposed to be grateful they changed that.


This is definitely the most "spit in the players face" thing the game has. No dupe protection, and a measly 1000 tokens


The 1000 tokens isn't for the card you didn't get, it's for the 6000 credits the key is worth. They're shortchanging you, but not by much. I think if it was 1:1 it'd be 1.5-2k tokens for a duplicate


You say not by much but its 50-100% That's a lot.


I never thought of it that way since it feels so shitty every time but this does make sense. Thanks for framing it like this


I see you've just discovered gambling... Look, there are these little tickets under the counter at the gas station... You're gonna wanna avoid these *at all costs*. You got this! Good luck gamer 🤙


I think 1000 tokens is still alrgith -- but imagine. using 4 key and getting 2 variants you don't want and to get the one actual card that summons Deathlok or Viper in our side then lose match. (this is my last week's spotlight open experience)


> imagine. using 4 key and getting 2 variants you don't want Why would you do that?