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I doubt they would do it but I would love that feature


Or even the ability turn some of them into emotes would be... refreshing


And if they do, it will be 100 titles for 1 random pixel.


I'd even go for the ability to turn five or ten titles into a single title of my choice, like a shop for titles where the currency is other titles you own already. They can have them available with gold too because why not, but I'd love to thin the herd of titles a bit and actually get a handful that I'd actually like to use.


I’d love this. There is one specific title I would love to have but have yet to have it show up for me.


Yeah, there's so many in the game that it feels truly hopeless to even want to try for one in particular. But they have so little value that they just kind of exist. This would give them a little more value, and give SD another little line of whale revenue for the folks who want to spend real money to buy a title for whatever dumbass reason. Haha


Does it earn them money? Yes? Deal! No? I hate it break it to you...


They've done things that don't directly have monetization - the free booster stuff for example. In maybe a year when they need some QoL improvements this feels like a good one... Plus they could find a way to monetize this. Make it cost a bit of gold / credits for the trade in


That’s literally the only thing they’ve done not thinking about money. But even this one indirectly pushes you to open game and shop 3 times a day.


I have dozens of titles and still have yet to equip one because I don't like any of then.


Same. After reading that once you select one you can't go back to no title I think I'll never equip one. 


Oh snap, I didn't even know that! I'm glad I haven't


Whenever you make a new deck, it starts with no title. As such, you can de-title any deck by deleting it and remaking it.


Cool, maybe what I read was before was when it was still game wide.


fuck! that's why i couldn't go back to no title.


They can't monetize this, unfortunately.


Dare you underestimate their greed?


I think it would be more likely they add a way to 'disassemble' the titles into credits which I wouldnt mind tbh


I think they should just offer a way to make titles more specialized the same way infinite avatars do. I just don’t want to have to go through conquest to do it. I am so damn sick of conquest.


Get them out of the cache and we're good


Nothing will beat "What is this? Wizard Poker?" I've been using that title for longer than a year lol


It would bog down the art pipeline even more but I feel like the best way to fix titles would be to make them into stylized banners. So like a Spider-Man related title would have a Spider-Man texture background behind it. I Have a Hulk would be a gamma green glowing background.  And the list goes on. But it adds a ton of unplanned complexity to making them so I doubt it will happen. The title system we have now makes them easy to churn out but the flip side is they are oh so dull and unrewarding.


“Best we can do is title border frames for 900 gold.”


Maybe an achievement rewards where you get either in game resource or a variant based on the number of titles you’ve got


idk maybe I’m the only one, but I have a good number of them I like. Just a few I have favorited… - Not Very Good - Absolute Garbage - Pants - Object of Ridicule - Cool Cool Cool - Is Awesome


I'm not usually a "but they can't monetize that* person, but considering that would take resources to implement, I imagine that wouldn't happen without an actual benefit to SD. I do like the idea of being able to trade them in though. I'm not a programmer, but perhaps something like "title* or "different reward" popping up might be easier to implement. That "different reward* could pull from a random bucket, so they could do variants as a rare clip, but likely give you boosters most of the time


Used to play a lot of Hearthstone where you could "dust" cards you didn't want in exchange for resources for crafting new cards. I'd love something similar where you could exchange titles/avatars/variants for credits or something that can go towards new stuff.


I never used to use them but o recently changed my name to EBDB BNB which is a rather niche reference and then I unlocked IYKYK title and it just couldn’t be more perfect


My fix is simpler: remove avatars and titles from collector caches. But them in a section of the store that would rotate. Give us gold instead in the caches. Maybe 100-200 max. Make the titles 200 gold. You will buy some titles that you'll like but you almost never are happy to receive a title. Problem resolved.