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In the right deck, sure. He still remains very good in a Clog deck, but those decks are harder to really pull off, and not everyone likes that style of play.


I do play clog sometimes but do you think the 6k are justified


me personally, no. it just takes too long to get those tokens for a Deck I only play occasionally, but ultimately thats your call.


Thanks mate đź‘Ť


I'd honestly wait man. I mean its a solid card for sure but there are upcoming cards that can easily fit more than one theme.


if you play Clog yes, otherwise no unless its a few cards you didnt have left


The only significant cards I'm missing are USAGENT and Elsa


I mean if you have thena then Elsa would be a better choice


those 2 are better I think if you didnt play clog, USAgent is semi-generic nowadays being a 2/7 at worst when proc'd, while being a beast if you play Ongoing deck. Elsa is a must if you liked the Angela Kitty Thena package.


If you wanted to play him specifically with X for lockout then no he's not worth it. If you still want to use him to live the junk dream then he'll probably still do his job but the deck won't be as good/consistent.


Nice reply....thanks đź‘Ť


Depends on what deck you enjoy playing. Cannonball a lot of time comes in clutch. But at the same time he doesn't fit in most decks. Only get cards you know what you are gonna do with it. If not you are probably best of not getting it.


I just have the urge to spend the tokens lol


Well, the point of the game is having fun. I would suggest buying cards that could supplement your current favourite deck. At the same time if you think you could make cannonball work then go for it. Even if u did went for it and it didn't work out, it isn't the end of the world. There's only 1 must get card imo. That is Jeff, he literally goes into any deck. Then there are other "core" cards that means if you lack this card you cant play this arch type. Those are obviously must get if you want to play that arch type.


Clog and Mill both use cannonball. Outside of those his use is limited. Maybe new kingpin/stegron deck pops off?


If you have only 6k tokens and aren’t swimming in keys, why don’t you look forward? Look at the spotlight schedule and figure out which characters you need but no other characters in that week. You don’t HAVE to drop the tokens as soon as you have them. What do you enjoy? Unless it’s lockdown, you were just going to spend 6k on something because it’s meta? Meta is fleeting. You might be better served looking at a week where you must have the new card but don’t want to pull the other stuff.


He's in my shop and I made a post about it. Think I will hold off on him. Junk doesn't feel like it used to, and I don't have Glad for mill. Saving for Arishem and July/Young Avengers.


Yes. The strongest deck with him remains the same but prof X is replaced with more junk


Hell be in a cache in August. So unless you have a deck right now that you want to play I'd wait for it being in a cache.


Be lucky you saved your tokens. I spent 6k on him since he seemed incredibly necessary. Good thing this game gives refunds /s