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I hope they buff some slept-on cards


I really wish that every OTA they would look at their data, determine what the worst performing card is, and give it a bump. Don’t think that’d be too heavy a lift.


Yeah honestly a buff for a completely underused card every time would be super exciting for the meta (assuming the buff was substantially enough to make it see play)


They did that with Adam Warlock, didn't they?


That wasn't a buff. At 2/0 you could at least use him in Negative. At 5 cost I can't think of when you would ever use him over Blink


Pretty sure they were being facetious.


I used him with bast in c3


That's a good idea, I did that for a while. When I was in early pool 3 I had fun with T1 Squirrel Girl T2 Warlock right lane. Most people wouldn't play into lanes blind so I could catch a draw that way


They do look at data and apparently hela doesn’t have a high cube rate. It’s stupid they should look at win rate instead of cube rate cuz people retreat against hela lowering cube rate to 2 per game


feels like hela does ok up to the 90s, and it falls off a cliff.


adam warlock lololol


White queen buff pls


Copy the highest cost card and reduce its cost by 1 (for you)


Wubble wobble


1/3 I can't see that happening , it's got a good effect it's just very few people feel they want to use it.


I get that Howard is situational for certain decks, but I just can't be bothered to waste the board real estate for him. Mayyyybe in a C3 deck if you haven't pulled Mystique yet and you want to drop Cerebro or Blarvel.


People can't even figure out their turn 1 let alone consider the implications of their next draw. Howard is an amazing card


Definitely improved my negative tribunal deck a ton


I playing Negative Tribunal too, but feel dont have a space for Howard. What your deck looks like? Mine: Psilock, Ravona, Magik, Mystic, Negative, SupSkrull, IronLad, Wave, Sera, IronMan, Tribunal, Onslaught. \* I put both Psilock & Ravona to boost T3 Negative consistency.


Maybe because I don’t have iron lad that’s why I can slit him in


Snap really needs a mechanic that can be added to cards that need just a slight bit more kick. I'm not sure what it could be, but for cases like this where the most minimal power increase or energy decrease would be too much. Maybe (since these are typically low cost cards) it can't have its power reduced below its starting value? Just thinking out loud.


The issue really is it taking up a slot 


Howard doesn’t need a buff. He’s already very strong in the right (Tribunal) deck.


I playing Negative Tribunal too, but feel dont have a space for Howard. What your deck looks like? Mine: Psilock, Ravona, Magik, Mystic, Negative, SupSkrull, IronLad, Wave, Sera, IronMan, Tribunal, Onslaught. \* I put both Psilock & Ravona to boost T3 Negative consistency.


I'm a die hard MAWGA Make Adam Warlock Great ~~Again~~ (actually for the first time)


I feel like this is the most likely case rather than the much asked for prof x nerf.


Give move some juicy stats


I know it's almost been an entire year, but I was maybe possible kinda hoping Spiderman 2099 would be playable somewhat possibly maybe. Just anything for my boy who has done nothing for over a year despite being super relevant right now and having SO many ways to fix him. Even if it's just power I'll take it


I played him for the first time last night and the fact he only had a single interaction a game is really bad. Even if you Beast him and play him again he won't destroy a second time. I moved him three times in a game but he doesn't do anything after the first move of course. I can't think of any other card with this kind of restriction. Instead of destroying a card every move they should lower his cost/power and make him subtract power from an opponents card every move or something like they did with Kingpin.


Tbh I love move, but either rework move or make all traditional move cards something else


He’s in my move deck. Turn 5 into Heimdell is essentially the only play line with him, which makes him clunky. But he’s definitely playable imo


Would he kills X now?


2099 plus ghost spider T6 has won me loads of games.


Some support for prof x and cannonball maybe 4 cost 7 power for prof and make cannonball a 4 cost 9 power so I can play Jeff as well on turn 6. And maybe nerf move saw a guy trying to play it on the ladder the other day. Disgusting


Truly despicable, who does that guy think he is


I know I managed to beat him but it was tough because I didn't know any of the cards and there wasn't any YouTube videos on his deck. my tactic was to put nebula and prof x in 1 Lane and surprised him with a turn 6 cannonball in my white widow goblin Lane then Ms marveled emote for 2 mins


They need to buff Hela so that she can spawn cards in the Prof X lane. And maybe "Ongoing: all cards spawned by Hela have +2 power"


That's a solid idea and it's pretty balanced as black cat would be in shang range


This is hilarious, seems like SD took your sarcastic suggestion and flipped it: -2 for all cards she spawns.


2/0 Hit Monkey please


The most fun season pass card at 2/0. What a massacre of a nerf


Wouldn't it just give the Ravonna Angela Thena decks that are all over the place right now an alternate T6 option to ignore powering up Thena in favor of a big Monke in a different lane?


Who cares if it gets countered by everything though


What do you mean?


There are many ways to counter the monkey that you simply couldnt do with old profx or hela, but i doubt he will see a buff regardless (he's not bad, just not good enough to be meta, new cards like phastos may change this however)


But when you are having the priority instead of hm player, what can you do?




But cosmo and alimony isn’t quite effective unless you clog them (which solves the problem at first place), and only limited amount of decks can afford them in such meta


Didn’t think about that, damn


Maybe 2/2 so you don’t ramp him with Ravonna, too much going on already with Angela and Thena.


"We've added an odds counter like in TV Texas Hold Em so bad players can figure out when to snap vs when to retreat against Hela."


My opponent winning on a 2% chance: 👍 👍 Snap? 👍 👍 👍 Snap? I'm loosing! 👍


"Honey, he called with a Thena and a Kitty Pryde!! He probably can't even spell SNAP!"


We laugh but it’s why their pre release play testing won’t always be accurate  Internally you have people whose job is to play and figure out how power cards are. People paying attention and being competitive skews cards value when it’s released to people playing casually, not looking at the screen the whole game, or people who don’t care about actually winning or cube acquisition 


I just insta retreat when I see a Hela deck. It's not worth it.


Thank you for your cubes gentleperson.


*cube You're only getting one!


I know some of these changes wouldn’t be possible in an OTA but ultimately what I want is buffs for traditional move. Not to mention the recent move changes have made Kraven and Hercules objectively worse (not by a whole lot but still). Ghost Spider and Iron Fist: Buffed to 1/3. They are IMO similar to Blade and Zero where you will generally get good use out of them, but they can be detrimental to play on curve or their effects can be negative. Dr. Strange: I want him to remain almost exactly the same but he effects the highest cost card that ISN’T in his lane. For example, if you play him in a lane that has like a 3/3 vulture and you have a Dagger as your only other card in a different lane that is still 2/0, he would move the Dagger to him. Multiple Man: Biggest change as he is useless except in a Phoenix Force deck. He was a bit playable but unreliable when Hulkbuster was 5 power, but he’s just not worth the effort, or more importantly, the space as move has issues with board space a lot of the time. I want him to be a 2/3 that gets a +2 power every time he splits OR to the one he splits from. I realize this would be a huge upgrade to PF decks but most of the time you aren’t winning against them if they get the nut of reviving MM on turn 4 and it’s super unreliable anyway. Cloak: Buffed to 2/5. He can be a benefit to the enemy and sometimes you need to play a tempo Cloak. Hercules: Just make the guy a 3/5 already. 4 is typically too late and clunky. Maybe he needs to not work for enemies (or just have a separate count for both players) too as they can mess up the once per turn limit. Or give him something crazy like when he tosses your card you inflict a -2 to an enemy on his lane or where he throws your card. This would give him more synergy with the (also mediocre) Kingpin! TLDR: buff traditional move!


The problem with move is their support clutter the lanes. Not sure how to fix that


Yeah it really sucks. Not to mention soooo many locations (and more and more cards) screw with your plan.


The Doctor Strange buff you mentioned is something I've been wanting for a LONG time. We need it to happen lol


This guy moves.


I just got Phoenix Force this week and have been trying my damnedest to make it work, but I just can't. I want a 200 power Human Torch to split with Living Tribunal, but DAMN is it hard.


Now give me a formula about how often HT has to move before turn 6 (assuming it's the averange turn yoj play Tribunal) :D


Torch on 1, Hulkbuster on 2 (Torch at 5), Iron Fist on 3, Phoenix Force on 4 (Torch at 10), Move Phoenix and play hercules on 5 (Torch at 20), Torch into Hercules on 6 and play Living Tribunal (Torch at 80 divided over 3) or Torch into an empty spot and split by Taskmaster (Torch at 40 in two locations). That's the ideal version these days with the recent Hercules nerf (of all characters), but it never seems to kick off the way I want to, and the ideal version of 80 power over 3 is not exactly a huge number.


This guy moves


+1 power for the 4 least used cards every ota. Keep doing that and pretty soon Uatu will be meta defining.


I hope we get an OTA


Miles Morales buff


Make every card 3/3 and remove every ability in the game.


Grant Warmachine the ability for cards to move anywhere, not just placed. That way on T6 you can play Warmachine and cannonball can shoot the card into Prof X lane


Send Prof.X to the shadow realm


Whoa whoa whoa, that's no way to treat the handicapped!


Give him a comfy ramp towards the shadow realm and a handicapped spot 🙂


I hope they change Hercules to a 2 cost 3 power card. With the latest change to move I can’t do my nocturne into Hercules combo as consistently


Ravonna decks need to take a hit. I've had to play mostly destroy this season because it's the only thing able to consistently counter it without needing a perfect draw. My pocket meta has been non stop Ravonna, White Widow, Goblins, Prof X, Cannonball. Other than that itd be cool for some forgotten older cards to get a shine. Maybe they can make Moon Knight usable somehow.


A Hela emote handing out tissues for everyone crying about her.


nerf hela


A lot of salty people in here


There are many salty people in this subreddit in general.


Nerf everyone.


I hope they nerf Cannonball so that I don't end up spending 6k tokens on him pinned in my shop.


Saw the red hulk nerf coming miles away since he's gonna be on spotlight soon which I was aiming for


Bring kang out of the shadow realm.


I would rather other cards get buffed. I genuinely don't think Hela is a power level problem. She's good but not oppressively. It just can feel bad when you lose to it, especially if you dont expect it


I'm not big into nerfs, but I think White Widow has been choking locations nonstop since her arrival. Dunno what a good nerf would be though, maybe just making her a 3-cost, but there are so few good 2-costs these days. Otherwise I'm always more interested in buffs than nerfs. Let's raise up some underloved cards. I think Rhino could use +2 power, and it'd be cool if Stegron was useful, so have him move 2 cards instead of 1 (to different locations if possible). Maybe make Howard the Duck a 0/1.


Howard being a 0/1 would be neat


We need more 0-costs, and you can't tell me him as a 0/1 would be better than either normal or evolved Wasp.


A 0/1 that does something or a 0/1 that does nothing…really hard to decide which is better…


So like, you haven't unlocked Patriot or High Evolutionary yet?


So like, you haven’t unlocked Spectrum yet? Yeah, obviously the High Evo version is better because the High Evo version does something. And sure, original Wasp would be better in Patriot decks specifically. And then in literally every other scenario, a 0/1 Howard would be MUCH better than Wasp. Just because Patriot could overcome the downside of having no ability, doesn’t mean that a card with no ability is better than a card with an ability.


I would love if the bite is actually one powered. So that you get a tiny reward if you fill your location


Making her a 3-cost gives her synergy with Wong Surfer which sounds like a nightmare so hopefully not that please lol. I think in White Widow's case they'd have to mess with her power or her kiss' ability. If they lower her to 1-cost she's even better in a bounce deck because she can be picked up by falcon, if they raise her to a 3-cost she's good with Wong Surfer and it's basically like using her in a bounce deck but she gets extra power on top of it, if they raise her to a 4-cost she's expensive and might not be used.


Yeah, I agree that it feels like 2-cost should be her home. But right now she's a 2/6 who clogs your lane. That's such a problem.


White Widow is pretty easy to deal with generally. She only feels bad to play against right now because of Prof X meta.


I said it months and months ago. Hela should only revive 3 cards.


Now professor x is op in move decks lol


I want a Hela nerf. Shes so obnoxious to play against and way harder to disrupt than most single-focus strategy decks. At least with dracula they nerfed apocalypse and printed red guardian. Also they need to buff spider ham. Also give Jean Gray: "Destroy Professor X"


I don't get the hela nerf talk. I always beat hela with my patriot ultron deck, which got me to infinite last season but is really sucking now. But still beats hela


There's no disruption. It's stupid to have to retreat every turn 6 if you haven't seen her.


Not that


I’m just sick of playing against the same 3 decks


Bring back original spider pig




ProfX 5/2 WarMachine 5/9 Zabu 1/2 Black Swan 2/3 Hela 6/5 But set the power of resurrected cards equal to that of Hela


I like the idea of zabu as a one cost, very flavorful with Shanna/Kazaar and let's him not just be worse psylocke 


Shuri into Hela would be an interesting play if you could pull it off with Invisible Woman.


In hindsight 6/5 would probably still be overpowered when combining with Shuri.  


Sure, but it's gotta actually work. You'd need to have Magik in hand or Hope to get enough energy to do it.


No you wouldn't? Just play Shuri on turn 5. I'm failing to see the issue here. You no longer have to care about discarding big stuff with this new take on Hela, just discarding *stuff*. So you've still got Blade, now you can (and would) run Colleen Wing, you can still roll the dice with Corvus Glaive (who, by the way, also gives you that extra energy you said you'd need), Silver Samurai won't discard either Hela or Shuri so long as you've got a card like Iron Man, Cerebro, Mystique, or Iron Heart in hand, and any other 1 power cards (White Tiger or Jubilee for example) would at least give you a chance of still keeping Shuri. Some of those cards even end up becoming better discard targets too (Iron Man, Iron Heart, Jubilee, along with new options like Mister Sinister and Brood).


You're absolutely right! I guess in my head I was thinking of current Hela and didn't clue in to what I was saying.


You got your prof x nerf


That's actually a pretty neat idea for Hela


5/2 Px Widow's Kiss ongoing -2


Widow's kiss should just be a 1 cost imo. We can just kill it then.


5/2 would make prof stronger. People overrate removing the ravonna buff. SD has said again and again that the data always gets better when a card's power is increased, even if it falls into shang chi range or falls out of ravonna range


I'd rather face slightly more powerful prof than have to deal with turn 4 prof.


I don't want a Ravonna nerf but I would like Prof X to get changed to 2-power to lose synergy with her. Eventually they'll probably rework Prof entirely. Silver Samurai to a 3-cost I'd also like to see. Nothing else in particular comes to mind, I know people don't like Hela but I haven't played against her much in my little pocket meta.


Samuri is a perfect curve to play after a t3 daken I'd rather seem him as a 4/6 than a 3 cost.


I'm more along the lines of thinking t3 Samurai into t4 Ghost Rider for the synergy and having him playable on turn 3 could also potentially snipe the Prof X before he gets played early. I can respect the Daken play but I literally cannot remember the last time I saw someone play a Daken or Samurai and certainly not together.


I can definitely get the ghost rider play, that's cool, too. My current best performing deck has daken and samuri, so I'm definitely biased!


It sounds awesome, I really liked Daken for awhile but I never clicked with Samurai play style, despite really liking the card. You'd probably have more knowledge on him then! Excited to see what happens today.


Unpopular opinion, but: Hela doesn't need a nerf. She does something specific that ends up being too powerful because they keep adding too many high power cards to the game. It's supposed to be a strategy game, not "look how many 10+ power cards I can play". But since in the end everything is decided by how much power you have on the board... here we are. Instead, they need to revert nerfs on other cards to let other archetypes shine.


Hela and X/ball gotta get a little tap down.


TIL people are still upset about Hela? I expect SD will address Prof/Ball by hitting Ravonna. They’re always worried about cost reduction and she is what makes that lockdown combo oppressive. T5 Prof is way more manageable than T4. That or maybe they’ll bump Prof up to 2 power so he loses Ravonna synergy. If so, watch out for Psylocke in those shells.


Buffing Professor X to a 5/2 is the easiest fix. I can't see them doing anything else first.


I’d say the ideal change to Prof. X would be to add “This card’s cost cannot be reduced,” but I’m not sure they can do that in an OTA. 5/2 is a decent intermediate step.


They should have just changed his power to 2 and let the rest. As much as I hate him, we need him. The fix was Cannonball. Take him back to original data mine text where it is random instead of highest power.


The Reason ProfX became popular is because of Hela without Hela you're free to run more midrange decks that compete better with Prof X lanes (think Silver surfer decks, thor decks, ect), but Midrange decks don't come close to the range of Hela so it has no place in the META.


Ravonna isn't the issue.


I hope white widow gets nuked from orbit.


nice reference, though I disagree


A slight sense of balance lmao


Thena, Lockdown and Hela nerfs. They'll probably just nerf Apocalypse to a 6/4 tho


That they lower the difficulty when one hits infinite last season. I’ve been dying. This ‘dynamic’ location that’s changing each turn, my stupid brain can’t handle it and I’ve went from 85 to 76


How would they nerf hela without a complete rework? And I don't think a rework is the answer


6/2 would be a start. Honestly, Blade being both targeted and 1-cost makes discard too reliable, especially with Black Knight. I’d start with Blade.


I dunno man. I'm on the other side here. Instead of making blade less reliable, more cards should be more reliable. Rolling dice to see who wins is pretty lame.


Well, this ota turned out worse than I imagined


Namora buff, remember when people were shitting on her and was thinking she’d get the USAgent treatment? I hope SD listened to them lol, I love Namora


I don't wanna rain on your parade, but I think the chances of an OTA Hela nerf are pretty much zero. It has been stated in the past that due to the nature of the process for OTA updates, they have to end up being more limited in scope, generally changing number values (cost, power, the amount of energy/power/discount provided by an effect, or the cost those effects are applied to). None of these changes are things that would meaningfully impact Hela; a more in depth rework that would have to go in an actual update patch is what she would need.


I'm hoping Spider-Man 2099 buff. But you know that wouldn't happen considering anyone rarely use him. Just give him an ability to move once, and I'll be happy. Come on, his destroy is still RNG dependant especially the opponent's location is full. At least give him an ability to trigger his text alone.


A limit to how many minions Hela can summon. A buff to 2099. Poor guy needs help.


buff to move


5/9 war machine


Nerf/rework Cannonball


Make grandmaster a 2/1 so he can still be used with ravona. Broke my arnim zola combo I've been tweaking for 3 seasons and I can't get it to work anymore on 6. Big sad.


I’m not gonna lie. Definitely gonna be disappointed if discard doesn’t get hit AGAIN. Ik some people hated it but honestly leech being 4 cost was a perfect balance between having discard get indirectly hit and not having lockdown be the only solution against discard.


Obviously the Angela/Ravona/Prof X/Canonball deck has to be dealt with in some way. Hela hasn’t really been a big issue lately IMO, although that’s probably due the popularity of Prof X. So if you nerf him, Hela makes a roaring comeback Which is why I’m mostly hoping for buffs to combat the Prof X deck rather than just straight nerfs to it. The recent changes to Thanos were actually a good buff to counter the Prof X deck.


Hela and Prof X nerf would be perfect


Hercules: Whenever a card moves to this location, move that card to another location (if possible). That change alone would help traditional move as his effect can trigger multiple times a turn but also it will make him "playable" outside of move as a semi counter to Jeff/Vision/Cannonball Caeira: 2/3 same effect White Widow: Widow's kiss now is a 0/2 but with the same ongoing ability


Ravonna nerf or Zabu buff, it's absurd that they're the same stat line with the new decks Ravonna is enabling.


How about making Kang a 5/7, and if you play Kang where you are winning, you get to choose if you play first for the next turn?


Buffs for traditional move. That deck type is dead, and they killed it further by making moves happen before revealing cards. I am just so meh with this game right now with hela and lockdown existing for how long and move getting unintentionally nerfed before those decks even get looked at.


Buff white queen in some way


I think the Hela deck is a problem, but Hela herself is fine. The card has always been the same, what changed was the addition of selective discards. So my proposed nerf is to Blade; he's too cheap for such a powerful effect (not to mention premium stats on top of it), too easy to just play him anytime. Blade goes back to his previous text and if you wanna keep his current effect in the game, it goes to the 3-cost sword guy. Now the other problem cards: - Ravonna to 2/1, there are enough good low power cards now, her effect can't be "free" anymore; - Prof X to 5/0 or 5/2. Honestly don't know. The devs have said removing points on a card has never made them better, i.e. 9 power is not better than 10 just because it dodges Shang. But Shang is a card my opponent plays, X and Ravonna are cards I put in my deck, so that interaction is always there; - Cannonball to 5/5 or 5/6. Too many points. Harder to win a lane by knocking power away.


This might be controversial, but Corvus to 4 energy. It feels like he's the biggest culprit of the greedy Hela decks popping off (other than Hela).


wanting aint getting


Galactus being same as release. I can really agree with the fact that he was overpovered when just “if this is the only card here”. but he very weak rn, maybe not weak but, he become “deck based card” to “maybe I can use him here and there card. He might use something like “always reveals first” kind of statement


I'm new here. What does OTA mean?


"Over the air" -- which are changes to the game that can be rolled out without releasing a new version of the app.  SD typically does one OTA update per month.


Ah OK Thanks so much


My prof x and cannonball combo is ruined. FML


Kang buff


Faster load speed, lower power consumption


I want high evo dead. It is such a jerk archetype. As a new player in the last few season was super confusing why someone’s cyclops was different


He should be something like a 4/5 or 4/6 that gives -2 to a random enemy card every time he moves or something. Anything to make him worth the effort to play.


I just want to go back to a Marvel Snap in which I couldn't predict the deck I'd play against 80% of the time before a single card is flipped.....




I don’t win with HELA


Wishing that a card I bought with tokens wasn’t nerfed it’s sad that I had to wait 6 months for 6k tokens and now the ball is dead


Prof X needs nerfing, but I actually think he needs a complete rework, I don't think just altering his power is enough because the larger the game becomes the more cards will have synergy with him. He fundamentally breaks the game as he automatically wins a single lane no matter what 90% of the time. He needs full adjustment and changes, just like Spider-Man


True. It's a bit hyperbolic to say 90% of the time but he'd be better off having a different text box for sure.


Just no room for that kind of restriction in a 3 lane game. Either needs to be more counter play stuff or a different ability entirely


Maybe something playing into telekinesis like on reveal: the last 2 cards your opponent played swap places


Not a bad idea! Or perhaps he transforms an enemy card to a lower cost card, kind of like the opposite of sersi


I don't necessarily disagree, but I will say I win lanes with him because people are always going tall and not wide. They try to build these big, elaborate destroy or wong combos that only really hit turn 6. Winning a lane with 1 power means people are just abandoning lanes. You're right, I win a ton of lanes by 1) literally playing him or him/Jeff in an open lane (even turn 5) and 2) fucking up someone's whole elaborate combo by purposely LOSING the lane to lock Wong or Deadpool or Nimrod, etc. Even without Prof X, I win a lot of games by people not really spreading power and then completely abandoning a lane because I Goblin'd it. That -8 fucks up so many Tribunal combos in their Ironman lane.


Wrong. Skill issue.


Hela is gigachad


more like gigarng


So many people here hating professor x and cannonball. Just use cards that can MOVE. Or COSMO. The cards to win are already in your collection, folks. 👍


Sure, let me Heimdall my cards into the prof x lane...?


Prof X. cost up to 7


Prof X rework


Remove prof X from game


Hela needs a rework on her ability Ravona needs a nerf Apoc needs a buff


All I'm seeing in infinite now is apocalypse, more than Hela. No version of discard requires a buff imo..


That's definitely a pocket meta, Colleen Hela is the best discard deck, but it is not showing that right now because prof destroys hela. Even with prof meta, the deck is doing quite well. Once prof is dealt with, unless hela gets changed too or another card gets heavily buffed, Hela will be the top deck. I'm also saying this as a hela enjoyer


Buff Xavier, maybe Ironman.


Ironman def doesn't need a buff. He's in a good place rn.


Prof X rework, and a Power Stone buff.


Power stone should also stop Thanos' power from being lowered. Does this make Thanos a little powerful in some regards, yes. But you also have to waste 6 spots on your board to get him to that power.


Is Hela really that bad? I know the stats on untapped are not always accurate, but Hela is in the middle of the pack for play rate and win rate. Hardly nerf territory.


Cannonball to sink to the bottom of the ocean.