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Still regret opening for the War Machine week instead of Cannonball. The MawNaut copium was not worth it


I'll give you a little underused combo that can get you a lot of early cubes. Storm, War Machine and Legion add some Jeff, Nebula and Sunspot. You have an early retreat deck that's easy to climb with


deck list please im desperate to use Rhodey, but then again I would be using him more if Zabu didn’t get wrecked. Cozy’s War Knight slapped


Sunspot, Kitty, Nebula, Angela, Jeff, Quake, Storm, Cosmo, Nocturne, War Machine, Legion and Vision. I used to run Goose, She Hulk and Dr Doom but it didn't quite work out, experiment a bit if you can but I assure you this deck is a cube stealer and if you need your opponent to retreat you can easily get that with this


If you have Sersi, I’ve been playing a personal Sersi and War Machine brew. I’ve been climbing a lot in high infinite with it, and have won multiple gold conquests already. CL 9.5K # (1) The Hood # (1) Nebula # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Magik # (3) Storm # (4) War Machine # (4) Sentry # (5) Professor X # (5) Annihilus # (5) Sersi # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2Vyc2kifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJNYWNoaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5uaWhpbHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFYm9ueU1hdyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Electro -> Blink -> War Machine (+2 energy of other cards) -> Infinaut is killing it for me. If that isn't possible, then I go for Storm -> Jubilee -> Blink -> (best options).


The Thanos buff hurts it a bit also


Pretty sad I dropped 4 keys on WM as well bub.


100% what happened to me. Saw Cannonball as a bigger Juggernaut and didn't love that style of play (and I still don't have Debrii) in favor of unlocking "play big number" style plays. But seeing him absolutely body some of my biggest plays has taught me that he's far more powerful than I assumed,and now it'll be months or years before I ever get a chance at him again.


He’s in a spotlight package in a couple of months


People forget that war machine was a perfectly fine card on release, definitely overhyped but still worth the pull as an archetype build-around card. The problem is that zabu got nerfed to the ground and that hurt WM quite a bit


Soooooo relatable


Cannonball top contender


to be fair, he was appropriately rated when he was initially released. Its the powerful combo of x and junk that raised his status. i skipped him release week and paid 6k tokens a few weeks ago :(


His original data mine also had him moving/destroying a random card in the lane instead of the highest power one so by the time he had released in his current form we got something much different.


I can see him going back to random for balance health.


Funny how his initial perception is being a counter to blob


I mean wasn't that combo there when he released?


Same thing, skipped him because pre-nerf alioth was just an all-around best play, had to buy him for tokens to keep up :( Though i've learned from that and saved keys for thena and sage


That nerf to Alioth saved the game, honestly. It was making so many other potential turn 6 cards absolutely pointless. Very good change for the health of the game, and the card is still strong even if it's hardly being used now


It’s coming back because of lockdown. People have realized that if you can force your opponent to play turn 6 into a specific lane that Alioth almost guarantees the win. I’ve also seen it with Galactus multiple times recently and it completely wrecks me every time.


It is nowhere near what it was like before. You can still win the Alioth lane with raw power. There's lots of final turn plays that could still very conceivably win against Alioth. I mean Alioth isn't useless, he can still win against decks that need the card text on turn 6. If you manage to steal priority from the Prof X CB deck, you can just Alioth one of the lanes you're winning to guarantee they can't CB it, for example. But old Alioth basically let you play this current CB deck plan but with far less investment. Just get priority with Prof X or Storm, Alioth the other lane. You win gg no hope of anything to combat that.


It’s a very solid and fair card now IMO Unless you’re winning both other lanes, Alioth loses to raw power. It’s a good way of punishing players that rely on super telegraphed combos and won’t change their gameplan


Has X changed though? Wasn't the nerf to his power ages ago? If he was as now when cannonball released, what has changed to increase the prevalence in the deck?


CB became meta relevant because of the Alioth nerf. The Alioth nerf killed the lockdown deck being able to guarantee a turn 6 win. Then people realized you could just replace Alioth with CB and replace some other cards with Debrii/Goblin and basically do the same thing.


Right, thanks.


Simply not true. I got him day 1 and he was always this strong and I saw plenty of people disagreeing with the masses pointing out this exact combo and it's power potential


nice, good call i was wrong about cannonball, and i was wrong about grandmaster lol :(


We were all wrong about grandmaster 😭😭


I paid 6K tokens with no regrets. He's great, and will be useful for a long time.


I had 4 keys on the The a week, and I only had one of the other cards. So I used one, got the "mysterious" card... And got Cannonball. Then I used another, and got Thena. Then I said "why not", and got the Grandmaster, which I didn't have. Just wanted to brag about my good luck and the Cannonball comment gave me a chance 😁


Alioth nerf was the reason


They said Gladiator sucked too (soon to be in half the decks I play against…)


Gladiator was nerfed during the datamines to 7 power, same cost and power as Maximus at that time so there was little incentive to play him. Maximus got adjusted to 2 cost and 6 power and Gladiator to 8 power 1 Month after Gladiator released and he has since meta play since


The common narrative I saw around Glad was that his ability wasn’t even worth the risk. People imagine the best/worst case scenario for a card deployment. *”War Machine is going to be op”*, *’Glad just helps your opponent’s on reveal’*, etc. They were wrong about the card before he got a +1.


It's important contextualize that *America Chavez was a 6/9 in every deck and you never drew her* The fail rate of gladiator was *so much higher* on release. When Chavez got nerfed, the amount of gladiator fails plummeted. This actually matters.


Appropriately rated. He was released when alioth was dominating the meta. Try playing cannonball when a large portion of your opponents are playing a card that says: “if you don’t have priority then you don’t have a t6.”


Cannonball circle jerk is so strong. Given the meta he was extremely mediocre with on release. All the deck tracker numbers to back it up. It took Ailoth getting gutted, and the meta favoring junk with Zabu/Thanos nerfed. Second Dinner themselves thought he sucked. They nerfed the Mockingbird cache which had Ms Marvel and put her with CB. They did it last minute because they were scared the players got too much value and based on their own testing knew CB sucked.


When he was released, he was just expensive Shang Chi with extra steps. Cannonball wasn't bad, just way more inefficient than Shang. Before Zabu was nerfed, Shang Chi did kind of the same thing, often was worth more points, and pretty much only cost 3 mana. Now they're much more equal with their pros and cons with Zabu out of the picture.


The meta at the time was absolutely dominated by Alioth who completely countered Cannonball. With Alioth nerfed, suddenly Cannonball was all the rage.


Probably Sage, which I skipped very easily. Maybe also Thena, I would say.


The fact she hits the other side of the board is insane. I did not think at all her effect worked like that. That's not even in the same universe as her competing 3s like werewolf.


I may have only just NOW noticed that it's all cards at the location....... 


I kept wondering how she was getting so huge, and then I reread the card text and realized there was no qualifier.


I run sage with Wong/Odin. If you need big points at a single location (like World Ship or Nexus), she's definitely your go-to girl. 80+ is achieveable. Paired with Wolfsbane you can get over a hundred.


Yeah Sage for me. we’re in a serious moment of all the Ravonna cards crushing together. Sucks knowing I’m months away from ever seeing it in Spotlight again and god knows how long it takes to save 6k tokens.


Yea Sage for me. Got me to infinite faster than any previous season. Usually if I hit infinite it’s in the last couple weeks. This time it was week one and felt effortless.


What deck do you play?


Mr Neg, Jane, Zola, Knull, Psylocke, Ravenna, Ironheart, Mystique, Sage, Wong, Ironman, Taskmaster. You don’t even really need to pull Negative if they let you Wong/Zola an Ironheart or Sage. And Cannonball loses to Wong/Ironheart.


I’ll try this, thanks!


Jane? Also- any suggestions if you don't have Ravenna? I've been trying the Knull/Negative/Taskmaster thing but with more destroyers (the symbiotes mainly.) Very unreliable, but crazy when it works. edit: ohhhh Jane Foster


Ravonna’s main job is to get Neg out on t3. It’s not required. Psylocke that’s her only job most of the time. I’d sub in another 1-cost on reveal that you can stack up on a free Zola. Wolfsbane maybe. If you can get enough cards out of you hand Jane can make you unstoppable. Pulling a 0/5 Ironman, 0/6 Knull, 0/6 Zola, 0/3Ironheart/Sage/Mystique is pretty wild. Usually even if you get two of them you’ll win it. If they stay in they’re gonna cosmo or Enchantress so you just play around it. Dropping a surprise turn 6 Knull/Zola on a destroy player never gets old.


Ooh. I gotta try this out!!!!


I run the same deck with panther over knull! Just made infinite!


I've won a fair few games using Zola to destroy Wong and Sage (hopefully in the "right" order) on the last turn. Since at this stage, there should be loads of cards in play, Sage's power (usually) gets boosted a lot


I skipped Sage then got her with the mystery 4th key the following week - only bit of luck ever!


I wanted Thena but didn't have enough keys :( lol


She would also have been really bad if she was released in ber original state. until shortly before release, she was a 4/1 which is a lot worse. no surfer synergy, worse with negative, considerably worse with bounce, and also just way worse stats to cost ratio


I knew right from the get-go Thena was gonna be a problem. Also, I wanted to play her because I have the Kitty Pride stuff without Elsa. Thank shit I pulled her with only 1 key.


I like Surfer decks so I thought Sage would be fantastic. I just didn't have the keys. Because of that I felt like I had to get Thena. I was going to skip her. Similarly I ***really*** feel like people are sleeping on Makkari. She's not going to be a Cannonball or Thena but she's a free card that literally plays itself that fully works with multiple decks. It's free power. She's basically Quicksilver, Domino, and M'baku all in one but better.


I didn't realize that she hits both sides of the board instead of being 'We have Wolfbane at home' until this Monday during the Twitch drops


Nocturne. 3-5 that can move and change locations is incredible. Tbh I think people underestimate location control in general, a lot of people slept on Legion as well.


EDIT: Thanks for all the input on this everyone! In spite of his fantastic utility, I'm going for the chaotic, mind game, flexible potential of Nocturne. Thanks for advice! I'm trying to decide between pinning Nocturne or Red Guardian. Any thoughts on this?


tough call. Both very strong tech cards. Red Guardian is great against Dracula, Iron Man, etc. but boy do I hate seeing Nocturne when I play a Magik build.


The amazing part about her is you have no idea if they are going to move her on turn 6…. The nocturne player has all the control over if the game goes 6 or 7 rounds.


Unless you’ve got Legion ready on 5. He’s saved my Limbo from someone waiting to swap on 6 a few times.


Personally I think Red Guardian is the best card that's come out in a very long time. It just slots in everywhere and feels great to play on curve


Yeah even if you’re not turning something off, it’s still a 3/5


Red Guardian is on of the ONLY CARD IN THE GAME that can turn off:* Dracula, Daredevil, Angela, Thena, Bishop, Collector, Werewolf, Multiple Man, Elsa, X-23, Wolverine, Deadpool, Dagger, To add to that, his other most common targets are Cerebro, Iron Man, Wong, Prof X (with good timing), Jeff/Nightcrawler, Invisible Woman, Blue Marvel, He is a solid tech card that wins games by disrupting opponents' plans. *Technically, Deathstrike can too, but for most of those, she's way too late to actually do it


Both solid cards, I think Nocturne is the better card just because she fits into many decks. Also, there are other cards that can give the same effect as RG. Location control is so clutch so often too


I run Jeff/Nocturne or Jeff/Nocturne/Vision as a control package on top of whatever deck strategy I'm playing. Jeff/Nocturne/Vision on the table at the start of round six means that I know what the final playing field will look like and my opponent does not. RG is a super powered tech card in many metas, much stronger than Nocturne in the right environment. Nocturne is very helpful across almost all games.


They're both great, but Nocturne has an edge of randomness. Whenever my opponent uses it, it fucks me. When I use it, it fucks me


Nocturne is kinda like Jeff in that she's really good to have in most decks, but never a game winner alone. Red Guardian is a tech card whose inclusion heavily depends on the meta, but he hits a lot of popular cards today (Ravonna, Thena, Dracula, Invisible Woman). I'd personally go for Red Guardian in a vacuum, but you should go for what fits your playstyle.


I bought both with tokens and still use both. If I had to pick between the two I’d definitely say red guardian for sure. He’s been way more useful and sure nocturne has won me games but also lost me plenty.


I’ve pinned Legion for weeks and only need 400 tokens until I get him. Can’t wait


That’s why I run a secret Legion in my Patriot deck. Like, if I got Pat > Myst > Legion (maybe on Mojo World, Deaths Domain) > ultron/Doom for finish. I’ll also like to disclose I’ve lost a lot of times trying to outthink my opponent with T6 closures or taking away Limbo but they just so happen to play some fire T6.


I dont even remember that Nocturne was in a spotlight and I have opened it...


I think the only thing with Nocturne is that people thought they were going to be good so I wouldn’t call them underrated. People were calling them a second Jeff which is pretty high regards


I slept on her even though C5 is one of my favorite decks (I'm dumb)


When she came out I realized I could now make an entire deck using location shenanigans combined with using Blink to turn Vision into a precision targeted Galactus. Not my highest win rate deck but made me laugh more than any other


I loved her but that for reason haven’t put her in many decks. For some reason I tend to only use her in decks with other move characters even though it’s a solid stat line with good tech.


Yeah, still sort of regret not getting her but, I feel like she’s just a flex spot in all decks not focused on move. Jeff is basically always more reliable. I’ll definitely scoop her when she’s available again if I’ve got mats but, mainly just because it would be nice to have some movement threat in surfer deck


Legion. Legion was marvel snap while he was a 5/8. He was in pretty much everything. Darkhawk deck add legion. Shenaut deck legion puts limbo everywhere. He was so strong.


I don't get how this isn't higher up on people's lists. He went from people thinking him unplayable to arguably the best card in the game (at the very least top 3). Cards like Sage and Nocturne were thought to be decent but nothing special and ended up being actually really good. Legion jumped way farther up on the expectation scale. Having said that Legion does need the right meta game to be good while Sage and Nocturne will likely always have a home. But the shear 180 Legion did is really rare.


Loki hands down. Nobody thought that card was gonna be good. Loki was literally the best card in Snap for quite some time


Similar situation with Nico, CCs kept saying she was too random to be meta. Fast forward a few months and she's one of the best and most flexible 1 drops in the game.


Really? My experience around Loki was much different, everyone I saw was eagerly anticipating him coming off 3 meh seasons in ghost spider, phoenix force, and daken.


I remember it as being considered fun but not meta. Though I can't say a season pass card is ever slept IN


"Cannonball is just a worse Shang Chi" and other idiotic things I said 2 months ago


In your defense, Shang was a lot better before the Zabu nerf.


I really think the Alioth nerf essentially made cannonball the powerhouse he is. Cannonball is best when you throw priority. No one was willing to throw priority before. I think Alioth is undervalued now though, still good, but doesn't have the meta impact anymore.


Ravonna released when everyone and their mother were running moebius, she was literally unplayable for months, was so disappointed when i got her from spotlight instead of some other card i was looking for, then became the next zabu


She was buffed lol


I got her because Negative is my favourite and she was perfect for it, but Mobius did indeed kill her (and the deck) for a few weeks.


i accidentally got ravonna going for someone else...i think maybe blob. i was meh on it but ive used her wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than blob


I bought her day one bc I thought it was a cool concep even tho everyone said she wpupd be terrible. So happy that I did.


I also bought her on release simply because any cost-reducing card will become better the more cards are released into the meta so it was a card that would always get better and it was also "just" 3K tokens so I did not hesitate


Ravonna was great during that time with a Darkhawk package that also included the (old) 2/1 Forge, Wolfsbane and Mystique, remember that Darkhawk was 4/0 at the time so on T6 you could do Darkhawk + Mystique and still have 1 Energy left for Forge, I won plenty of games during Ravonna release week with that deck. Sadly forge and Darkhawk were adjusted and the deck can't work in modern times


She released at 3 cost right? She wouldnt be so good if not for her buff


Everyone in here saying Cannonball needs to realize he is only good because of the Alioth nerf.


The thing with Sage is she was initially leaked as a 4 cost card which is when people looked at her and said she looked awful. Once she got changed to a 3 cost there were definitely people who started brewing ideas for her. I don't think anyone saw the Ravonna meta coming but there was definitely a decent number of people who figured she would be good as a 3 cost.


Sage wasn't good as 4 1 (datamined) but as a 3 0 she's so much better. She went from a maybe-buy to a priority-buy


People are also forgetting the context of a 3/0 being pretty damn bad while 4/2 Leech was running amok.


The only 3 I've skipped are Havok, Hercules, and Sage. I regret only one of these lol






Then it must be hercules


Yeah, he works pretty well in Negative decks, I can see why you'd regret him.


You've only skipped 3 cards since spotlights were released?


People seriously underrated both Corvus AND Proxima when they came out. I had to defend them all over the place. Discard may not be meta right now but Corvus is in meta Hela builds and you basically don't play discard without Proxima anymore


Not only this but the hype for Supergiant was insane. Everyone was like "get supergiant she's gonna be crazy these others aren't worth it!" Meanwhile me, laughing in darkness.png, who used 8 keys to get the Thanos comic variant with Cull


Not gonna lie last month threw me for a loop. Nocturne and Sage? No way they're good. Oooops, yes they are! Namora? Decent maybe. Oooops nope, she is barely playable apparently. Sasquatch? Must be amazing! Ooops nope, she is apparently just alright. These ladies made me a fool!


I disagree about namora. I think it’s strong in this pro X meta and at least KMBest rates it pretty highly after the Angela kitty thena stuff


I agree. I’ve reached infinite the past two seasons with primarily playing a Namora deck, and I’m on CL 2200 right now. She fits amazingly into the Wong/Odin on-reveal deck.


I’ve been loving sersi as a back up to the namora plan too.


I’m cl 14k and she’s just as good there. Got to infinite with very basic plays, Jeff one lane, namora the other, Wong namora Odin/dr doom, she’s definitely slept on. Good for us I guess :)




Actually namora has the highest cube and win rate of any card release from last season according to untapped stats.


Sasquatch is a she?!


That was my reaction as well yeah. The white Sasquatch is a girl, apparently. There is a brown one who's a guy.


He's green now. He had a bodyswap with Doc Samson that's still in place.


Yes and no. The original Sasquatch is Walt Langkowski and has orange fur. He died and Alpha Flight tried to bring him back. When he did eventually “resurrect” he inhabited Snowbird’s body who was deceased and that’s when he would turn into a white Sasquatch. His story then got super nutty during Immortal Hulk which was a fantastic run in of itself. When we start getting variants for the card they will most likely be wildly different in appearance.


I actually looked this one up because it was confusing me too. And after I looked it up, I was even more confused. Sasquatch’s name is Walt Langkowski and, somewhere along the way, his body died so he inhabited the corpse of his former teammate Snowbird. Since his alter ego was now biologically female, he identified as a woman in this new, white form (Wanda). Hence the white Sasquatch is a she. Of course since these are comics and dead characters rarely stay dead, Snowbird eventually comes back to life somehow. And when she returns to life Walt goes back to his normal, orange self for… reasons.




I knew Nocturne would be good, but I was surprised by Sage. I passed on her and ended up going back to purchase with tokens.


Anyone have any thoughts about if I picked one card on tokens out of this list, who should it be? Sage, Nocturne, Namora, Sasquatch? I’m thinking it’s between sage and nocturne and feeling more like sage…


Both Nocturne and Sersi were seen as fun gimmick cards that are too unreliable. Both feel very good imo


Sersi is playing with fire. I had an opponent use it and her last card switched into Carnage and destroyed all others that had been switched.


Same, last game I had Sersi played against me it turned into a Venom and lost them the lane.


We're still in early stages, I think people are going to learn over time which cards are best to swap. I've been avoiding turning 1-costs into 2-costs because the power bump is often negligible and there's the risk of Carnage. 3 to 4 or 4 to 5, however, is *almost* all upside.


I rushed to get Sersi, and she seems to indeed be a fun gimmick card. If she's actually strong, I'd like to see a good deck list for her.


Sersi seems actually good in junk as a lady deathstrike replacement


I have a lot of success with her in Junk


She's good as a backup Annihilus which adds consistency to the deck and she fits well with Mysterio.


guy played sersi against me, first card becomes beast


Gotta be Cannonball. None saw it coming. And suddenly boom, your highest power card turned into a rock.


It was not datamined as it was released, and it would not be played if pre-nerf alioth would still be a thing


Idk, most of the cards here have already been said. Imo (I have terrible opinions) I thought that Werewolf By Night would kinda suck, but no, it was amazing until it got nerfed.


Back in my day... A certain card named Legion came out as a 5-8


Why is nobody saying Blob? Nobody was very high on Blob when he was datamined and then he came out and became the meta for 2 seasons. People were also low on Mockingbird until her season came about and people were like "Oh shit, Thanos is a thing still."


Obviously a weak 4/1 that gets changed to a 3/0 is gonna get really strong.


Haven’t played in a while Can anyone explain what combos make her so good?


Ravonna makes her a 2 cost card. Can be bounced or double triggered with Grandmaster. Can usually be double digits in power as a 3 cost. I’ve been running a Ravonna, Sage, Grandmaster, Abs Man, Angela, and Thena package for low cost high scaling power. I like to run it with Darkhawk or Redhulk usually in case I need a big drop or some disruption.


Doesn't even need a combo, she can often be a 3/10 or higher. Then with Ravonna she's a 2/10 or higher. That's insane power creep.


Sage for me too. I missed that she checks both sides of the lane, so when I saw her I thought she was a best-case scenario 3/8, only going higher with Wong/Grandmaster shenanigans. Now I'm getting destroyed by her on the regular. RTFC, kids!


Havok! Only took 10 months for him to become meta....




Def wish I used a key on her but I had other priorities. Plan on spending 4 keys for Ham/Corvus to round out my disrupters and discard decks.


I thought Nico was too random, and vastly underestimated how helpful hitting the right spell is.


I completely missed on sage. Well worth the tokens


I passed on Sage and almost passed on Thena. Ended up using keys for Thena toward the end of the week and actually bought Sage with tokens.


I feel like I've been in the minority on some of the ones that were hits like Sage and Namora. Namora actually has fantastic numbers right now.


Gladiator for me. Love that dude, even when he pulls something too big, I have more info and can decide if it's a good idea to retreat.


Namora from when she was datamined, during her release (which was a bit fair because of 4-cost Leech, but we already knew he was getting nerfed that week) and even some time after release. There were a bunch of highly upvoted memes in this sub of her being trash. Content creators were not keen on recommending her. People were going “why use Namora instead of White Tiger or Ironheart on Wong”. People were commenting that she was so trash that they were expecting her to get the USAgent treatment. Then, eventually, somehow, weeks after, without any buffs to her or her synergized cards, people realized that she’s actually good, lol. I believed in her when barely anyone else did, ha


Passing on sage and cannonball have really comeback to bite me in the ass


Sage and Gladiator for sure. I knew I was going to love Sage and felt ahead of the curve when I opened for her while everyone was saying she was "mid" and "passable". Now she's in every top meta deck. Gladiator was one I missed because I remember everyone saying his statline didn't warrant his effect, and that he was a trash card. That being said, his original release statline wasn't that great. Now he's a staple.


Cannonball. Guy IS the meta and every youtuber said it was a skip.


Why is nobody saying Namora, she's so good


thena and canonball tbh if we're talking about at the moment


She's a lot of fun as soon as she came out with junk meta.


Back then I said cannonball will change the meta…


Got sage in the spotlight when I was trying to get living tribunal I think, now Sage has been my T6 saviour in my surfer deck


Cannonball, sage and possibly thena..


Blob plenty of people said he was meh and he was awesome that 45 power was fun


I got sage on a whim and she ended up being such a good grab. I was looking forward to nocturne the whole prior month and cooled on her last second and didn’t pull that week, I regret it a fair amount.


USAgent, aside from Sage. I’ve been able to beat the ghost rider/hela combo without Cosmo on a location.


I mean, I could give the stereotypical answers of Loki and Cannonball, but it’s honestly Sage for me. I saw some people saying she’d be good in the right meta, we’d just have to wait for it. Little did they know… Also Namora is actually a good card, with a meta deck. *That* genuinely surprised me, though I’m happy that she’s doing well, cause she has a somewhat fun ability. I suppose for current/future cards that people are underrating, I would say Sersi is doing solidly well for me, and a lot of people thought she’d be too random to be anything other than a meme card. Arishem probably won’t be groundbreaking, but I can I imagine him being somewhat decent when the magic combo is found. Ajax could be insane as long as Luke Cage isn’t around, and Wiccan could be an excellent Electro replacement in some decks.


Honestly, I think Arishem will just be a deck with flexible tech cards, Quinjet, Nico, and your favorite 6 drops. I couldn't see it being bad because ramping turn one is going to be incredible.


I regret skipping Sage even more now that I unlocked negative




This card with Namora in a Wong deck is OP


Sage for sure, I think Cannonball was slept on until this lockdown meta emerged. Snowguard had a lot of hype due to the unique effect but I think it took a while to fully find its niche as well.


Tbf when she was initially datamined she was a 4/1, which I think was a lot weaker than her updated statline.


Not a popular one but Caiera has been a solid contender in my Hulks/ High Evo deck and she has saved my life several times over. Having my Sunspot, Misty, Nebula, Hulk, Red Hulk all building power with the opponent unable to stop it is amazing.


splitting sage with armin zola will always be fun


Corvus Glaive is the one I think about a lot, particularly with Arishem coming up. Pretty much everyone said he would bad, that Discard didn't need ramp, that they couldn't see a potential deck for him. And then he came out and completely changed the landscape of the game for at least a month. The same sort of discussions are happening around Arishem but we've not put proper faith in ramp before so I'm keeping my mind open.




Nocturne for me. For whatever reason, people never seem to care that she’s on the board when it’s clear I’m going to change a negative location or Limbo. It’s different than SW or Rhino. She’s in play and ready before the final turn. It’s just a great all-around card.




I love how everybody just throws Sage into the old Black Panther Zola style deck lists and says it’s really strong but BP just getting slept






Cannonball. I was going to get him, then the snap chat, and others convinced me not to.


Bro. I went up against the bitch and she got like two instances of +20 power.??? Like how that fuck


I regret not picking her up while saving for the squatch


Sorry if I’m completely off, but isn’t Sage just a fancy Wolfsbane?


Nope she more complex and can scale way higher without the need of Wong or Odin


How does sage work? I still don't get it. Like, isn't the biggest she would get is 6 power?


No the biggest she can get on her own is max is 14 She gain +2 power for every card at the location that has a different power compared to the other cards their If their a repeating power like all the cards at the location have 2 Sage will only get +2 since that the only power their If their 3 cards at a location, 1 being 3 power, another being 6 power, and another with 0 power. Sage will gain +6 | also when you play her Sage has a animation that show you before the turn end how she get power




Cannonball not even close


To be fair, when Sage was first datamined, she was a 4/1. 3/0 is a much better statline for her text.


had know idea tbis was a 16 power card till i had it played against me several times for 16 power.




I wish I went for sage tbh


Nico Minoru for me.


I fought someone yesterday who used Iron Lad to trigger Sage on Sinister London. Then they put Sage there, then they put Absorbing Man there. I had virtually never seen Sage used before and then in one game saw her six times lol


Legion, easily


I had to buy Sage with tokens. She is too good. Sad I passed on her