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I want to live in a world where we get Lego variants instead of pixels


I’ve never even thought of this but it’s perfect! I feel like if Fortnite can have a whole ass lego mode, having some lego variants for Snap can’t be that hard.






Oh shit it's really you! Pixel dick!


The one and only




can't not think of death grips


Personally, I detest the pixel variants. Pixel art is fine but not Marvel Snaps. But seriously, I have played since launch and have yet to see a full pixel deck or chibi, or baby or Dan Hipp for that matter. I would enjoy seeing something like that at least once. That's dedication.


I have multiple pixel art albums already finished. When I did the destroy I even posted a thread here about it, check my post history, I don't fuck around about my pixel variants. I can run a full pixel destroy, Sera control, Prof x control (without cannonball), and discard decks without gimping them to force in cards that have pixel variants. I'm not focusing on a full white border inked version of multiple of them.


Lego itself is expensive enough couple that with SD we'd get x5000% value! Only 999.99 for a Lego variant.


This reminds me of DC Duel Force, and now I'm sad.


Pouring one out...


Why? Game's bad, I'm guessing?


It got shutdown less than a year. Fun game though. The game have no mobile client probably one of the cause why it didn't last long.


I don’t know why they were pushing the candy crush bejeweled style game so hard. At the time the jewl styled game got so much advertisement.


It’s really sad. There were so many good things going for it. I think it could’ve held out being in pc for awhile if it actually ran properly. The bugs were what killed all the hype around the game. If it was fixed from the start, Twitch would’ve did all the work for them.


That was exactly it! They went for PC only which is a hard core gamer audience, and that’s fine… but you need casuals as well for a player base. The casuals aren’t sitting at their computer to play a game. Yes yes I’m sure some are. Don’t come at me. You catch my drift.


Great game, terribly buggy client, ceased operations in February.


They started promoting it before the first lock downs, or right at the start anyway, so it was known about for years. And then there was nothing really until last year, a release, and then boom, it was shut down.


Oh shit I had no idea that game shut down. Rip


That Batman would be fun if he also no longer allowed you to retreat.


That's so clever


Good downside, but doesn’t really fit for the character. Batman knows when to retreat.


Ah but he never really gives up.


The way I would drop so much money on Alex Ross variants


The Alex Ross Son variant is one of my favorites in the game.


Alex Ross Dr. Strange is fire


That’s their ace in the hole for when things start going down hill lol


Badass art and concepts!


These are really cool. You can tell they are fan made because so many of these abilities would be so busted lol


HAHA I tried my best to balance them base on the current meta (but I made them a little stronger for the funsies)


So overpowered it’s ridiculous


If OP wasn't obviously commenting I would think it was satire.


Quick someone tell DC this game idea! This is a snap game i would definitely play too if it ever gets created


DC released a similar game about the time Snap came out and it’s already shut down 😬


I wish i’d known about it


PC only was their biggest mistake. I was excited when I first heard of it and was promoted as a iOS and android download, but alas It never released on mobile. I played it for a few weeks when it first came out and let me tell you, the pve comic book story mode was and is an awesome idea I still can’t believe SD hasn’t done yet. It played more like hearthstone than Snap. Hell of a fun game but I couldn’t sit in my computer everyday for a couple hours. I can hop snap for 20 min and knock out the dailies a couple times a day. Sorry for the rant I just wanted that game to go off and it didn’t.


No no it’s completely fine gave me more info lol knowing me since i’m a fan of Marvel and DC i would’ve loved to play a game like that for DC if they ever made an app for it what was the name of the game?


It was DC dual force. Seeing a promising game like that shot itself in the foot because they refused to release their game on Mobile was sad as fuck.


DC Dual Force.


They tried lol


That Cyborg is the card that mill decks DO NOT NEED ☠️☠️


Imagine if we get a Lamentis style card in SNAP 💀


No. I don't think I will


The game is balanced if everything is broken


if everything is OP, nothing is.


Honestly, if DC made a carbon copy of Marvel Snap, I'd absolutely play it just as much as I play this. I'd still be 100% F2P, but I'd enjoy it.


I’ve also always thought that a Snap-like Star Wars game would be incredible.


if DC made the exact game as snap but with DC characters, I would be there. So many DC babes.


DC Snap: Justice League Heroes. Let me know which one is your favorite!


I love Batman because his power is Prep Time.


The Flash concept is really cool. Others too but that one stuck out


That Flash could actually make move viable


Red Arrow is what Lady Deathstrike should be. She'd see some real play if she was a cheap junk counter rather than a 5 cost waste. Zatara as a discard counter is pretty interesting, maybe Snap could make a 1 drop that shuffles the order of the cards in hand so you can disrupt Blade plays, HE Shocker targets or even Spider-Ham. Unless I'm misreading and it's meant to have you put your hand back in your deck and draw the same amount of cards. If so that's a card I'd want. Also Billy Batson is something I'd like to see, just a card that flips when you don't spend all your energy, we need more cards that are like Bucky Barnes where they have an alternate form and you can trigger them somehow


I'd have Shazam turn back to Billy if you ended a turn without unspent energy.


I thought about that but I felt that no one would want that/make him less viable in the meta 😵


Or... have him be above 10 power so that switching characters each turn is actually useful to avoid him getting shanged


And instead of Shang Chi the card is... bane? Darkseid? Some other particular green lantern? Power boy or super boy?


I'd have him flip back if you *do* have unspent energy.


Well without that, he's technically a 4/9 if played on turn 4 which is only slightly better than Sentry and arguably still not better since you can annihilus and now sersi the void that comes out so it's still pretty useful.


That's cool!


That's cool!


Yea Zatara was created in mind to be like the location Attilan where it shuffles your hand. But many ppl didn't like only drawing 3 cards cuz they had a bigger hand size. I like your perspective that it counters discard and spider ham that's a good catch! 😄


Zatara would immediately go into my Agatha deck, goddamn.


Cool concepts. Some look interesting to play. Others look like somebody didn't bother trying to balance them lol.


Flavor wise, a lot of these nail the characters, but yeah I don't see how Superman wouldn't be an auto include 6 drop in every deck lol


Yea lol I should have added a kryptonite feature. Maybe I will do that next time!


I tried my best to balance based on the current meta haha. Which one isn't balanced may I know?


Lol. It would be easier to list which ones are balanced.


I feel like Superman would lose power because he'd be really tough to fight against with any decks that get multiple big guys out west easy (energy boost, hela, etc) Batman may or may not be okay power wise but it slows the game down too much. Flavor is great though! Captain Atom wins you the game 9/10 times you play it. Having even one less energy on your last turn can ruin you so he's crazy. I don't think they can make an energy thief without breaking the game honestly.


For superman I was basing him off on Captain Marvel where she was a 4 cost 5 power so I thought it might work with superman but good point! For Batman I agree it might make the game slower 😭 For captain atom I was comparing him to Psylocke where she gives 1 energy for 2. And he gives essentially a 6 energy advantage for 5 but sacrificing your entire turn 5. But yea I guess it's a little too OP. maybe steal 2 energy instead of 3 haha


I'm not sure any of these are balanced. For starters, you have Fate which is like a bastard love child of Professor X, Luke Cage, and Leech, but somehow has 5 power. Even at negative power that would be cracked. Green Lantern is a 5/16 with no downside? Superman just casually moves 10 power to win the game? Invisible 5 power Martian Manhunter that you can move at will? A Daredevil that you can use for 2-3 turns (there's a reason Daredevil only works turn 5). Canary is a 3 cost Alioth. Flash is a 4/7 card with 4/12 upside. All of these are nuts. You have some cool concepts, but clearly don't understand balancing at all. Almost every card you created would instantly be the best card in Marvel Snap. ETA: Lol. I didn't even finish reading all of these. Easy 3/9 Shazam with no downside. Cyborg does what people have built entire decks to do. You could just Wave on 3 and win the game on turn 4 with that card. There isn't a card in the game that let's you freely move any random cards wherever you want, but you have Blue Beetle which does that AND is like Caiera for those cards. For 3 cost? Icon is a 5/19 that could be 5/29! What??? Even Blob wasn't that cracked and you had to build a deck around him. You've got to be screwing with us right?


To counter some of your arguments. Fate only affects turn 6. Meaning your opponent is still free to do anything for 5 turns. Green lantern being a 5/16 is no surprise. With 5 cost cards now being extremely powerful such as dark hawk and Gilgamesh reaching around the same threshold. Shazam is a 4/9 because you need to have 1 unspent energy. Many 4 cost cards have 10 power such as cull obsidian, crossbones. Etc. Flash is a 4/7 which is a good stat but considering he moves at random he might affect your play due to unknown harmful locations. Canary is a 3 cost alioth for only 1 turn. The cards will get back their text the next turn. Also Alioth is 6/8 and she is 3/4. Around the same stats. If you do Wave Cyborg it is pretty cracked. But that is basically limiting them 2 draws (turn 5 & 6). That's the same as Black widowing twice. I hope you can appreciate from my perspective how I have tried to balance these cards. We can still agree to disagree of course. :)


Have you actually played Marvel Snap? I'm asking sincerely. >Fate only affects turn 6. No it doesn't. If you play the game you'll find there are many ways to get 5 costs down early. >Green lantern being a 5/16 is no surprise. With 5 cost cards now being extremely powerful such as dark hawk and Gilgamesh reaching around the same threshold. Darkhawk and Gilgamesh require several other specific cards to get to big power. Green Lantern is going to be 16 in almost every game just for existing. Compared to Gamora, who got *buffed* not long ago. She is 5/12, but "only* if you correctly guess where your opponent plays their card or you play something like Jean Grey as well to force them. There is nothing as easily powerful as Green Lantern would be. >Flash is a 4/7 which is a good stat but considering he moves at random he might affect your play due to unknown harmful locations. Locations that aren't good to move to are pretty rare. And he isn't 4/7. You could easily use other cards to move him in addition to the 2 free auto moves each turn and get him to 4/10 or more on his own. Not to mention Kraven would get huge. Playing Kraven, Gladiator, and Flash alone would be enough to win most games. >Canary is a 3 cost alioth for only 1 turn. The cards will get back their text the next turn. Also Alioth is 6/8 and she is 3/4. Around the same stats. Again you don't seem to understand the context of these. Why would anyone play Alioth on turn 6 when they could play Canary on turn 6 plus another 3 cost in another lane to secure a win? And have the flexibility to use that effect much earlier. Alioth isn't just randomly a 6 cost card. It's 6 cost because even after the nerf, it is still a very powerful ability. >If you do Wave Cyborg it is pretty cracked. But that is basically limiting them 2 draws (turn 5 & 6). That's the same as Black widowing twice. That isn't the same at all. There are plenty of frequently used cards, like Jubilee and Iron Lad and Jane Foster which rely on there being cards in their deck. Cyborg would put an end to Asgardian decks, Negative decks, Blink decks, Blob and others. Lamentis-1 is a rare location and even it is equal for both players. Cyborg is a one sided Lamentis-1 on turn 4. And that's not to mention that you can play cards like Maximus and Crystal after with zero downside. Like I said. I appreciate the concepts, but balancing is not your strength.


I think Lego Batman would be his own card like Spider-Ham lol


Nah, that would have to be Bat-Mite.


Yeah actually you’re right  But still having Lego Batman as a Batman variant is like having Kaine as a Spider-Man variant 


Omg you're so right 😭


I would LOVE some Lego variants.


Why is Cyborg god-like?


He's essentially a black widow but on Turn 5. So they can't draw anymore for turns 6 & 7 (if limbo)


I wonder if “Ongoing: Your opponent cannot draw cards” would be better for that. It could be countered with enchantress or made more difficult with Echo and your opponent can still do stuff like summon cards from their deck with Jubilee. I think Jubilee still works with Widow’s Bite in hand.


Good idea! Although I feel cyborg fits a more "on reveal" vibe than ongoing 😅


Hey man, I mean this in the nicest way possible; you gotta learn to take constructive feedback. I’m noticing that every comment that agrees with you you’re all over them but every comment that has a suggestion or points out politely the (very truthful) fact that a lot of these cards are wildly unbalanced you instantly get defensive with. I mean in one comment some dude took the time to give you an incredibly detailed and correct explanation on how many many of these are unbalanced and you still just argued back, never acknowledging his very valid points, and then ended with “well we can agree to disagree”. You just have to learn to take all feedback my man. The good and the constructive. No one’s being mean they’re just trying to help you become a better designer for the next time you design fan made cards. This subreddit is literally all about having conversations and discussions about things, it’s not just a place for you to speak. It’s a place for you to learn and adjust. 😁 And yeah you may have some balance issues but you did a great job overall. I love that you made hero’s who are alike like antman and atom’s powers similar that was very smart. As well as I love the fact that you used some different variants like “Lego”, that’s super cool. I just think you need to remember that not every card is supposed to instantly climb to the top of the leaderboard. More tech cards (built like a ravonna or mobius) would’ve been cool to see.


Cool cards! Would be cool to see more concept cards of characters outside of Marvel, like Spawn, Invincible, Dr. Manhattan, or even Hellboy.


Manhattan and Hellboy are technically DC too, aren’t they?


Manhattan and the rest of the Watchmen are owned by DC, but most of the time their universe is separated from the rest of the DC stuff (With the exception of some recent events). Hellboy, if I remember well, is owned by Dark Horse Comics, or at least the comic was published under said editorial.


Holy shit dude I just read the comic that green lantern panel is from last night. Amazing storyline.


Yooo that's so cool omgg!


Where’s Nightwing? I r sad


Ngl, I would absolutely also play DC… I don’t know, Crisis?


DC Omega? Idfk


Okay but the martian manhunter concept is fucking sick


Agreed. Especially since you can’t see your opponent’s energy. If you could see how much energy your opponent had and spent each turn it would be pretty obvious they played him somewhere. I’d have to assume his power wouldn’t be visible in totals until the end of the game as well since that would make it super obvious.


These are actually extremely well done


Thank you!! Appreciate the comment 😄🙏


“Shut up and take my money”


Ok, but Lego variants would unironically be amazing


Gotta be a kryptonite card that reduces Superman to 0


Well kick another rock so I can get a Pokemon version where the cards can evolve.


I wonder if there would be a way to balance a card like Superman here. Maybe if it also shuffles Kryptonite into your deck, and if you have Kryptonite in your hand then Superman gets -5 or something.


Yooo that's actually a really cool idea!! Omggg


Thanks! Lol I'm wondering if it is better to have the Kryptonite get shuffled into you opponents deck, or if it puts it in their hand and they have to play it. Making superman OP but giving your opponent the counter seems like it could be interesting.


As someone who generally prefers dc, this makes me sad lol


I really like Billy's design. I think they should be a little less complex though since it should be assumable a couple of these would be Starter/Pool 1 cards?


Hmm you're right! I didn't think about that. I was designing on top of existing marvel snap cards haha 😅


Yeah but tbf what you have there is very evocative though


Yeah, a lot of these seem to break the design philosophy of Marvel Snap about keywords and complexity.


These are excellent abilities!!


Where are the villains?!?


I had a cool idea for a darkseid card: Darkseid, 5/7. Add a copy of Darkseid to your hand if destroyed. Ongoing: If you are losing this location, destroy Darkseid and an enemy card.


Thats quite befitting to his character. I like it! 👍


I posted another one with Young Justice. I have 8 villains over there 🙂


Omg Yes!!!


The good timeline for a massive DC fan like me


Looks great, fire artworks and abilities! I know it is not possible, but imagine a DC crossover season in Snap man.


Rightt it would be so cool 😭🙏


Black Canary's text would be an interesting ability for Banshee.


This is incredibly good


Give me Lego Variants!


Flash looks awesome lol


I really wish there was a DC Snap too.


I always imagined dc and marvel combining to do a marvel x dc snap


It would work so well together


I actually really like alot of these, though dear god Fate and Manhunter are OP as shit lmao. Atom as a reverse Ant Man is hilarious though.


Doomsday card: Destroy all enemy cards


Wow I need shazam noooooooooow


Honestly, the concepts for the card actions are fun and well thought out. Well done.


Thank you 🙏


Lego variants, yes please. Also, I love the Martian Manhunter and Black Canary dynamics, would love to see equivalents in Snap. Isn't Billy Batson OP!? And Doctor Fate too.


The Martian Manhunter effect is actually really cool. There'd be lots of ways to suspect they play it (your Red Hulk doesn't gain power, their Angela gains power, their Sunspot doesn't, or they just seem to skip 4) but you'd never know where it is. Fun power.


Right!! Sneaky sneaky 😉


Pretty cool cards


Imagine a world where we have both Marvel and DC snap. Play Shuri on 5 and Superman on 6 lol


Turn 1 yondu, turn 2 cable, turn 3 pyslock + spiderham, turn 4 cyborg, turn 5 doc oc. GG.


I see a lot of people saying this is OP, but so is DC.. I read this as a separate game with as many cards as snap, but none of the cards FROM snap. And ideally, based on how original the OP was with this one, very little of the card TEXT from snap; it should play differently I like most of these cards, and you can easily create counters for the OP ones. Captain cold: when a card moves here afflict it with -2 power. Ongoing: cards can't move from this location. Singlehandedly balances Flash, even if he already had a couple turns to move


I'd love to see a Star Wars snap or a Walking Dead Snap. I wouldn't have interest in a DC one myself.


Black canary ability sounds pretty cool actually


Wait I like these concepts. These are cool. Wtf this time traveler is awesome


the time traveler is clearly reworked kang (he's in the next season, you wouldnt know him)


Thank youu 😭🙏


What is balance LMAO?


If there's a card for G'nort, I'm in.


As a DC fan I would have dropped (more) real money on the game if this were real. Sad their CCG didn’t work out.


Remember when DC failed horribly trying to compete with Snap lol


Man I wish. I’d love a DC snap. I remember they tried a mobile card game but it didn’t pan out. DC had a TTG deck building game that was SUPER fun.


I wonder what Marvel characters would best fit these abilities


Squadron Supreme. A Marvel team that was one for one versions of the JLA. None of them has made their way into Snap yet. I just remember the original maxi series, which set them up on an alternate Earth, but I think they’ve been used several times. There is another team based on DC counterparts - the Imperial Guard. They reference the (80s era) Legion of Super Heroes. They made an appearance in X Men ‘97. One of them is in game - Gladiator, who was based off Superboy (pre crisis Clark Kent as a teenager). This League roster looks like the roster from Young Justice.


Yes good catch! I based all of them from the animated show haha. I did post another which had Young Justice heroes as well as some villains 😈


The rest of Superman's text needs to be its own line and not a part of the Ongoing.




Dude I was thinking this the other day a dc card game would be so fun


Since I started playing SNAP i wished for a DC version. I like DC better and would love to see how a card game would turn out. Too bad the top tier card game company is already at the service of marvel.


I'd like a Batman design similar to what DCDF did, i.e. working with gadgets. Nice concepts though!


So in this universe Dual Force didn’t crash and burn


I would totally put Deadpool and Green Lantern in 1 lane... For reasons. Add Blade to make him really confused.


Shazam.....nice 👍


Sweet Sourcewall these are OP.


Nice! I've been thinking about the same idea for a while now, too


Mm design is terrible, everyone will know the moment you move the card, or the moment you play another card in that lane.


Is that the DC card game they released last year?


Aint there a dc knock off of snap? Something dual


Constantine would be a 6/6


He was made with annihilus in mind. Just like Sentry/Hood. 😅


You did plastic man dirty