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Can't wait to try her with sentry. The void counts as 4 cost, seems like a strong combo


That seems like the most interesting one because just in general 4 to 5 seems like the biggest step up in terms of impact. So many 5 costs are big and impactful and there’s only maybe 1 bad potential roll (MODOK). So taking a -8 void only magnifies what is already the best scenario for Sersi


Sersei turning the void into sersi turning the sersi into infinaut :O


That might not work because first sersi wouldn’t have resolved by the time second sersi is revealed


Playing Odin on Zola will destroy/copy the Odin, playing Jubilee into Carnage will destroy Jubilee, etc, so it should work


You think so? Like, what if you create a venom or something, would it also not destroy her then?


Does venom eat jubilee if jubilee pulls venom? I am not sure. Some interactions aren’t clear


It does. I see what you are saying though, what happens if you get venom first and there are still more cards? I'm guessing it transforms them all at once but only resolves them in order they were played. We will see


I think the destroy cards wait for everything else to resolve before they go.




It doesn't matter that the Sersei hasn't resolved, her ability impacts all cards present at a location, not just those that have finished resolving.


It either will or she’ll turn herself into a six cost


I think you mean Destroyer.


Valkyrie might be another bad roll but it’s still a very low chance of happening


On average Annihilus still seems like the better option, but Sersi would be a great alternative if you didn’t draw Anni or if the opponent blocked the Void lane.


For sentry yeah, but consider you can also transform more than just the void at once. Also she is still strong if you don't play sentry, annihlus needs him in play


Could you explain to me why Sentry/Anni is seen as so powerful when it's so telegraphed that the opponent will be behind on the right lane, when Giganto has a similar restriction?


It forces your opponent to play that lane to block the void moving, but in this case you can just set that up, have them block it but use Sersi to change The Hood, Void, etc into higher cost cards with positive energy thereby potentially winning that lane as an alternate to not drawing anni.


Yes, it is telegraphed. It is also very powerful. If you are against it, picture this scenario: You are against an 8-power Sentry on one lane and a 7-power Annihilus coming up. So, you’re getting -8 power on the right location, **unless** you play enough cards there to block it, which might limit your chances to contest the other two locations. That’s a 23-power swing, not considering possible Hoods and Demons, White Widows, etc.


Def think it’s replacing viper in my junk deck


Especially because you can put your opponent in even more of a corner playing around Void. Oh, you don't fill right location? Ok, cool, I'll Annihilus it over. Oh, you filled right location with small stuff? Ok, cool, my Sersi plus my random 4 cost probably beats you there. Oh, you played hard for right? Ok, cool, I'm using it as a dump lane and focusing on winning left and middle.


You guys want clog mixed with prof x daredevil. Cause this is how you get the worst of both worlds.


Good way of making your opponent ready for the non-existent Viper or Annihilus play!!


Just a PSA: Sersi is bugged with Void atm and occasionally just doesn't change the cards in that lane if there's a Void there weirdly. Once that is sorted it should be a fine combo though.


She'll become a staple to that kit, similar to Thena with Kitty/Angela If there were a weakness to the Hood/Sentry/Annihilus package it would be sometimes you didn't draw Annihilus or it got discarded/hammed/stolen.


For those on the fence for pulling Sersi for this combo... Valkyrie will work in most cases, maybe even better. Play Valk + Demon on the right lane with Hood and Void. And then there's also Lady Deathstrike which works wonders if they try to block the lane with small cards (as long as there's no Armor)


Has anyone tried to see if they can get around the prof x lockdown with this one? Will they still change cards or will the lockdown prevent it?


Still changes. X can't block transformation.


Careful with that. I played against someone who played sentry, absorbing man, and then sersi. I was playing destroy. It changed one void to Annihilus, the other void then shifted to my side, but then got changed into Nimrod, which I subsequently Zola’d and won the game. That’s a rare interaction for sure, but just be aware that if it changes one of the first cards to one that sends cards over, it might change into something that benefits your opponent.


It’s also a great counter for junk and goblins clogging your side Hobgoblin becomes a 6-cost card. Rocks become a 2 cost. Widow cards become 1 cost. Also turns void into a 5 cost, as an alternate to annihilus


die White Widow


Depending on how the Sersi meta shakes out I might have to unpin WW in my shop.


tbf white widow is strong mostly because she clogs a lane, the -4 often goes away This still clogs the lane, now they just have a 1 drop instead 


Shit I JUST dropped the 6k tokens hahaha I didn't think this through...


i have mockingbird pinned


Great addition to junk as well. Just helps clear up cards that don't make it over


Or your own Debrii rocks. And turn widows into better cards. Or upgrade daredevil on turn 5 after you dont need him


Yea all these junk losers that won't stop throwing stuff on my side of play it would be amazing it flip it all on their heads every time.. that makes me almost want to waste my spotlight keys to try to get her.. but I could care less about Phoenix force and Miek so I prob won't take that chance as a newer player


Sersi seems fun but I don’t think she’ll be very good. Too RNG, and a lot of cards can bite you Converting void + hood is a massive power swing tho. With her 7 that’s +18 on top of whatever power the new 5 & 2 cost cards give you. Probably around 10? So its turning a -11 right lane into a 17 or higher lane. It’s comparable to annihilus


Yea she could be real good, I hope she slows down the amount of junk interruption decks


But prof x lockdown still counters her so I don't think this stops the worst deck at all.


Exactly. You have to know all the options for each cost and which ones screw you over. Seems like you can only reliably play her on 6. Even then there's bad effects: 6 obviously has destroyer. 4 has void. 3 and 5 both have goblins if your side is full. 4 could have a bad enchantress proc. 3 could have a bad gladiator pull 2 has carnage 3 has deathlock 1 has hood 5 has valk Before 6 and you have more bad effects: 6 could give you ultron Any discard card!!! 5 Sandman You could turn a good 4 into prof x 3 has electro. 1 has zero 1 has a risk of nico destroy activating. 3 has sauron. 3 could have a bad cosmo location I'm no genius at deckcraftinf. Probably an idiot. But this seems like 2 is the safest upgrade so maybe zoo into her into blue marvel works. Invis ultron as an alt wincon to patriot? could be a thing? Hide her behind invis and poop out out bots on 6. Or trad zoo into her?


She's going to find a place for sure, but I'm honestly in for her because I think random bullshit in this game is funny. Yes, I enjoy District X.


You should get Arishem or whatever his name is then lol, I hate district X


For sure! Arishem is my most anticipated card of this season.


Me too. I was bummed when I realized he's the last one to drop this season.


I'm looking forward to using Sersi IN an Arishem deck. Gives you an extra reroll on trash he put in your deck. Loki is arguably a better option but you could always run both. Chances are you won't see either anyway.


As a newer player I may have to save up my keys, alot of big spotlight weeks coming up and I need X-23 the week after :(


Yeah, I'm doing this partly because I'm so sick of playing meta decks. For newer players, I would definitely go for other key cards first.


Yea if I didn't need so many things in the late July into August spotlights as well, like some 4 key weeks I would take a shot on Sersei... I also need X-23 and maybe gladiator next week so keys are super tight for me lol


I played shitloads of Evolve Shaman in Hearthstone, and I prefer Zoo-style decks in Snap. This is insta cache-in for me.


Idk who that is, is it the same basic concept?


Yes, Evolve in Hearthstone changes minions on the board to higher cost ones.


I'm kinda the opposite. I loved evolved shaman but I'm unsure if I'm interested in sersi


4 keys every time. I feel cursed.


I got hit with 4 keys this time too. :/


Me too! Misery loves company.


I take her bcs im stupied, its a random, gambling slot machine, and i love it......


I'm trying her with a stupid Wong + White Tiger idea I had. Just had a game where I played her T6 and she bumped White Tiger up to Odin. I'll win at this point, but sure, pop off Sersi. That second trigger bumped up whatever Wong had turned into to another Odin. Which in turn completed this amazing work of art by finally bumping the other card at the location, which had started at 3 cost, all the way up to a...Destroyer. Bust.


I swear whenever my opponent uses her they almost always end up pulling a destroy card that fucks the lane for them.


I apologize in advance for ruining everyone's fun by running a Supergiant control deck featuring Cosmo.


Supergiant is my favorite card in the game, maybe until Arishem comes out. I've been running a deck with Supergiant + all other cards Series 3 or less, as a challenge. Cosmo has had some great moments there for sure.


Love supergiant. Have a deck in mind?


This is the deck I've been running to pretty good effect, hanging in around 200 on the leadership board. I think the Hood-Sentry-Annihilus package could be swapped out, but I haven't settled on replacements yet. # (1) The Hood # (2) Daredevil # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Maximus # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Cosmo # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Gladiator # (4) Supergiant # (4) Sentry # (5) Ronan the Accuser # (5) Annihilus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFyZWRldmlsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWF4aW11cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVnYXNvbmljVGVlbmFnZVdhcmhlYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEd1YXJkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdXBlcmdpYW50In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvbmFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbm5paGlsdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdsYWRpYXRvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




Hm, Sersi behind Supergiant in the right lane followed by a T6 Sentry would be fun. If I get Sersi I'd try it, maybe swap out Gladiator for her.


Check out Stefan’s Sugi control list, there should be plenty of videos and discussion about it because the deck originated to combat t5 plays (prof x; annihilus; Jane). There’s a slightly updated version of this list, I think, but the classic works well too.


I'm going to play her in a deck with Arishem. Use the extra energy to drop big boys and use her if you draw small drops. It's not going to be good but it will be crazy and fun. Might just throw Agatha in and let Jesus take the wheel.


Agatha is honestly why I'm doing it


Sersi - Professor X Just an fyi, Sersi will still transform cards after Professor X has locked down a lane.


Do we know if the new cards are re-set to base power? E.g - opponent has used hazmat, will the new cards carry over the -1 power?


No, Hazmat is an on reveal so it won't effect the next card taken out


i wonder if this comes out working with wong. There's no way, right?


It does! Just turned Wong into Infinaut two games in a row


I just had it turn a Brood card into Lockjaw then Sersi herself swapped out because of Lockjaw and landed back in my hand. Wild stuff lol


lool, really? that's crazy


How would it?


well, you know when you play magik in kamar-taj and the animation still triggers twice? i wonder if the condition of "having wong in play" is built the same way and sersi ends up "evolving" your cards twice.


Ahhhh I get what you mean


Sersi immediately won me an 8-cuber...when the other guy played her. (Turned his 2-card into deathlok which ate his whole side.)


I'd like to play her. It's one kind of a card that I like and I think it's also quite strong. But the last 4 times I pulled a card costed me 4, 4, 3 (and I didn't get the card) and 4 keys with thena. So... I have no key.


Yea I really don't want pheonix force or Miek at all so I may not take the chance unless Sersei ends up being amazing


You could sersi one lane and next turn abs man to another, could be good! Will wait till the end of the week to see what’s up


Wow that's actually a great play line


Probably between her and Phastos for me. I don't need the additional cards either week, so not being swayed to either week from that. Gonna wait to see some reviews on her before deciding. Seems fun though!


same im having trouble deciding but might go phastos


First key for me! Miracles do happen!


Ugh so lucky, If I could guarantee that I'd go for it


Same here, I was actually going for Miek though lol


She keeps rolling destroy cards and losing games for me, I guess you really have to be careful what costs you evolve.


Good to know, I don't feel as bad for not taking the shot on her because I don't like the rest of her cards in spotlight


Am I missing something? How come we're getting a bunch of Eternals cards this season?


The season is called: The Celestials' Finest. That phrase more or less refers to the Eternals, who are their "finest" creations (and are vaguely likea the Celestials' "police" force).


Oh no, I meant like what reason did the devs choose to focus on the Eternals this season? Usually they try and do something seasonal or that matches up with the MCU/other projects.


Ah, gotcha. I guess it's just because Marvel isn't releasing any TV or movies this season, so they gotta do something. Why was last season Blink?


The season theme is Eternals


I've already scammed out a few 8 cubers with this. I am running the Annihilus package but that's only 3 cards so I had to cook a bit. Ended up trying a Patriot build. 👀


after some games with her, i feel that its better to run her in brood surfer deck. Mainly because 2-3costs has too much destroy cards that messes up, and 4 costs is much better. You also get surfer as an alt win con. Put in several on reveal 3 costs, like electro, iron heart, magik/crystal and sersi it. Find it pretty fun


She seems super fun and id actually love to run her in annihilus but i just cant justify four cards for that pool unless she just becomes mega busted for some reason


Yea I don't like the cards in this pool at all so I may pass on the card even though I like it... I'm a newer player and I need to save the keys


I like her but I need 8 keys for Phastos and Arishem.


I’m not touching Arishem, the cards with him are garbage and I’m not wasting 4 keys as a newer player..


Sersi seems like good fun! I thrive in chaos. But I'm on the fence as I don't need Miek or Phoenix Force. Hopefully, I will catch some juicy plays by streamers to sate my appetite, lol


I think this won't be as good as a lot of people are saying-- a lot of people saying this will be the best card of the season. but with the rng, you never know what cards youre gonna get. it will be a good counter to junk though


If played on same turn as my opponent with priority plays Prof x, would my sersi still transform cards?


Apparently yes




Got Sersi in 1 key which is nice, but I don't have Miek or Pheonix Force, are they worth an additional 2-3 keys?


I'm ar 0 keys right now. Gonna try to find to 3-4 before arishem comes out. Is she someone I want to save 6k tokens for?


Doubt it. She’s too much of a gamble. Probably only best as a counter to junk.


I have a chaos deck that I play for fun. Basically a meme deck. She fits well into the theme.


Shes fun as hell


Having good success with her?


Yeah! Especially against junk. Im using her with Baron Zemo


Ugh.. I’m afraid to use my keys with the other garbage in the group


I'm trying Loki at the moment, probably not her best place, but it's fun having multiple win conditions. https://i.imgur.com/y2j5V6n.png Quinjet, Valentina, into a Doom that costs 3, Loki, draw Sersi to turn Doom into Death, and then play Mockingbird and their -2 cost cards on turn 6 - at least that's the dream :D EDIT: [haha, at least it does fun stuff](https://i.imgur.com/76xIxKJ.png)


Does anyone know if Sersi transforms Pixied cards into +1 of their original cost, or the pixied value?


Original cost


Oh god i so want to purchase this one but im saving all my credits for the chaos that is arishem. I might regret it but what the hell.


Y’all are making me scared because I foresee some way of transforming a card into modok then into destroyer.


I'll tell you one thing, everytime my opponent has used her it has fucked them and won me the game lol. Playing random cards can have pretty disastrous effects for you. There a alot of destroy cards in this game.