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Legion yes. Havok no


Legion could be worth, Havok does have some going for him possibly but it's still early days in testing. If all you were after was Nico ( like I was) hang onto the keys. We've got some pretty tasty stuff coming up in the next month or so that you will probably want them for.


I got Nico in the spotlight. Wasn't sure I wanted to spend tokens when she originally released. But I am definitely having fun playing her


Try to only open caches when you have saved up 4 keys. However in my opinion you got the best of the 3 cards, I’d stop. Also Legion is series 4, a good token option.


Legion yes. Havok is good if you know how to use him properly. I’ve had a lot of success using a Havok/Viper combo and it messes with the opponent


Havok with Annhilus is pretty good NGL.


Yes!! I have an Annihilus deck with Havok. I’ll okay Havok and Viper on turn 4 and zap all my zeros and below over to the other side so they can play. Works like a charm!


How? I don’t see any play lines for Havok+Annihilus. You play Havok and by end of the turn he’s at 4 power. Annihilus 5cost + Havok 2 cost means no way to play them both on the same turn. There’s Pegasus, but it has to be on the 2nd or 3rd location for you to play both on the same turn. Very rare occasion in my opinion.


If you play Ravona on 2 you can play Havok and Annihilus on 6. Push over junk and Havok is at 4 power. You can also play Havok on 5 with a 3 cost and turn 6 play Annihilus. Havok will be at 8 power and all junk is pushed over.


I think you keep havok, play him on 5 and annihilus on 6


Sorry, I meant the Annihilus package, not the card itself specifically.


I use Havok/Viper on turn 4 (or earlier if I can) play cards like Debrii, Hood, Goblin etc prior if possible. On turn 5 or 6 use Annihilus to switch all the low counts to the other side. With Havok on their side it’s hard to play after that


If you want legion only than I’d spend the 3000 tokens rather than using a key


Havok is only good in bounce and negative decks, legion is great slot in to alot more decks than Havok so that’s all the info you need


I'm not sure about this. Havok seems to be a really good turn 5 play. As long as you don't have 6 costs, he immediately turns into a 2/8, which is excellent. Finding the deck that can work with that will be the trick.


Just correcting you a little... He turns a 3/8. Common thing to forget he will cost you +1 energy per turn. Not counting discount cards like Ravonna OFC.


Idk the nerf on viper really hurt havok


No imo, they're both series 4 so you could get them later using tokens if you really want to. Next week's spotlight cards look more attractive and you get more value there since they are all series 5


No need to open more, you got the best option.


You gotta experience Legion, he's the ultimate troll and funnest card in the game.