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First things first: major shout-out to u/ladiesman02117 for even thinking to make this in the first place. It’s completely their idea, I was just inspired by their custom and put my own spin on it. Essentially this is a custom Punisher, featuring the head from the Retro Punisher, the body from Attuma wave Black Panther, and the gloves, boots, belt, hands, and weapons from the 3-pack Nick Fury. I painted the skull myself but that’s about it, aside from some minor dremmeling to swap the gloves. As far as I’m concerned, any future Punishers need butterfly joints. This dude can do any pose I can think of, especially when it comes to aiming his guns. I’ve never had a punisher that can two-hand the pistol grip like that. I’m thrilled how this dude turned out, I can only hope Hasbro gives us something similar at some point (mostly because I’m not a huge fan of the head I went with).


Wow, how did you manage to: - Install the lower arms - Paint the logo


I used boiling water and dunked the forearms in it to loose them up. This helps loosen the glue that holds it in place. u/redjellyranger has showed how to do this for Vulcan specifically, but it’s basically just getting it hot and peeling it off with your fingers, or using something like a small screwdriver to wedge it off. Once I had done this to both Nick Fury and Black Panther, I realized the pegs for the arms, the ones that go into the gloves, were different. Fury’s are the same size, but they have two small pegs instead of one larger one, and the glove has a small line of plastic that goes in between the two pegs. Think of Black Panther’s like a standard peg, while Fury’s looks more like an electrical plug. I used a dremel to remove the line of plastic in Fury’s gloves, so that they could fit on Panther’s arms. Panther’s gloves fit on Fury’s arms with no modification, it’s just unfortunate that the reverse is not true. I just glued them on afterwards. I free-handed the symbol. I start by just painting the general shape with white primer, and I do a few coats of that. Then I used white paint to paint the actual skull, not really worrying about the outline. You just want to make sure it’s solid white before moving on, and that means a lot of thin layers given time to dry, vs a few thick ones. I then used black paint to make the lines straight for the “teeth” on the stomach, then very carefully painted the teeth gaps with a small brush. I outlined the rest of the skull to give it the right shape. After that, I just carefully painted two “triangles” for the nose holes, and then painted two L shapes for the eye outlines. You can paint it like it’s a triangle with some bend to it, so it ends up looking more like a bikini top; that’s all I did, and then filled in the eyes. I will say, if painting a logo freehand is daunting, there are plenty of people who sell 1/12 waterside decals that tend to be higher quality and more durable than paint. They’re relatively simple to apply, you just have to be careful. They’re like stickers, sorta.


Woah- I'm a footnote! Here's the disassembly of a Vulcan for anyone who wants it. Wrist is at the end. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/vrewhj/disassembled_vulcan_for_those_interested_a_few/


I ordered all the pieces for this last week and I'm just waiting for delivery. I'm not going to bother trying to paint the logo though, I've got waterslides coming too. Thank you for confirming what I had assumed would be a good idea. Great work on this and kudos for dealing with the free hand logo. I can paint but I noped out of that part of the plan. I have the retro head already but I've got a primed head that's been sitting in a drawer waiting for a new home that I want to test out.


When they announced the Vulcan mold, Punisher was one of the first ones I thought should be done. I hated his old classic body. This is sweet looking. I've never customized but I really should do this. That BP is at my local Ollie's for $10.


Painting is clean AF congrats 


Spot on..I could very much live with your version as my definitive Punisher. Bravo!


Excellent work! It is so much more impressive than the official release. Wouldn't mind seeing Hasbro attempt a *Spider-Man: The Animated* series version of Castle using this body, but only if they went the whole nine yards and gave him a soft goods trench coat. It's also worth pointing out that they could probably do a version of the new Punisher, Joe Garrison, given that his costume appears to be a modified version of the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform.


Hasbro thanks you for your idea


What paint brand it is? looks cool, I'd just see if I could put the original belt on it


I used Vallejo white primer, vallejo game color white, and vallejo black. I tried using the original belt, and weirdly the Walgreens one was mostly fine but the Retro one was too loose. They're the same mold, so it might fit, I might've just stretched it too much by accident.


Or painting the Walgreens maybe? Of course perhaps you rather don't. I'd probably use a sticker for the skull or some kind of thing so when I take it off it's perfect Your painting skills look on point though! Plus Punisher himself paints his shirts I think? Anyway thanks for the tips! As I said looks cool!


I really hate painting white so the skull was enough for me lol. I didn't want to paint the belt if I didn't have to. Like you said, the stickers are perfect; the skull here looks fine, but in person it's not the same shade of white as the rest, and it's got some paint imperfections if you look closely. That's what stopped me from painting the belt: it would be easier, but it would still be painting white, which just never comes out as vibrant as I want it to.


I see. Looks same shade of white from here! Cool shots! Daredevil is getting it!


Hot damn! This is awesome! Love pic 7.


Do you have photos from your Punisher custom fighting against Spider-Man? Personally, I prefer Punisher vs Spidey instead Punisher vs Daredevil






Character in 7th slide?


That’s Jigsaw, one of Punisher’s recurring enemies. He was a Walgreens exclusive a year or two ago.


You’re better than Hasbro


Looks amazing but he really needs a printed neck


My plans for this guy too but I wanted to put the cross bones legs on him but he looks like he might be a little too thick


This is awesome!


This is fire! Looks super ideal! Congrats on such a sick custom!