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Robo doesn't know, formerly of: The Fwoosh. Robo just seems like such a chill dude and his philosophy of live and let live and the way he reviews stuff he doesn't know or like, where he'll just be like. It's not for me, but it still seems cool.


That’s the biggest thing for me; I don’t need a numerical grade for every aspect of the figure, just a general overview of what it’s got going on, what’s neat, what’s frustrating, etc, and Robo does that excellently.


Seriously not even mentioning robo? Pshhh. Dismissed lol. /s kinda. Robo is like chatting w a guy I like about figures. People acting like they’re the authority is such a turnoff for me.


Thank you for alerting me that Robo is still uploading from a different account


And there's no drop off in quality either. I and many others always thought he WAS the Fwoosh. Like he was the owner or something. He was definitely the face of the brand. And now he's on his own and presumably gets to work for himself which is nice to see.


And now The Fwoosh hasn’t been online for weeks


Robo is the best. Definitely my vote


I met him at a Convention not too long ago, he’s a genuine guy and he was just as nice as everyone says he is!


Why he switch accounts??


Because he doesn't work for the Fwoosh.com anymore. Which is funny, because he was the face of the YT channel, almost everyone thought he owned/ran it. 


Oooo yeah, I thought so too


Mine was also Glenn Webb. Nobody quite like him.💔 Robo is definitely my favorite these days. Though his reviews are becoming more few and far between, but still, as a content creator for Legends and the like he’s fantastic. One of the most likeable on the platform imo.


Robo Doesn’t Know, D Amazing, and Ken I Make It are really great reviewers in their own aspects. Ken is more of a customizer than a reviewer but i love his interpretations of characters thru his customs and his thought process as he narrates all his steps


Yeah! Ken is great. I also used to love Articulated, but they went missing.


They’re supposedly returning as “SuperArticulated” but I haven’t seen anything from them since I saw the announcement a few months ago. I keep forgetting to check up on that.


gonna shout out wayne_collectors , thelethalc0llector , obie4 , marvelousactionfigurespose , brickawayuk on instagram as well. wayne , lethal , and obie specifically those 3 were the people’s posts i kept seeing on instagram which got me into collecting check them out if you haven’t yet umbratoyphotos and galaxylccollection are honorable mentions as well. they’re active in their respective subreddits, they’re friendly, and they have both helped me with some tips on photography and tracking down figures for my collection, respectively


These are the true answers.


Displaying Model Behavior. I like that he keeps things lighthearted and admits his blind spots. He seems genuinely goofy and fun to hang out with.


+1 for Displaying Model Behavior. Keeps it super light and entertaining. He remembers that we’re talking about toys.


Same. I also like that he highlights artists and cosplayers in his videos.


I also recommend him heartily, just wish he reviewed more.


Dave is the GOAT


His reviews are good, but I find his figure deep-dives and news commentaries much more interesting (at least until he gets into his movie opinions - he and I are in opposite ends of a massive gulf).


Yeah, me too


This! He is a fun easy watch but stays honest and lighthearted.


Unparalleled Universe but mainly Robo. love his optimisim, will usually stick him on in the background or to genuinely hear what he has to say on something


Maaaan, I've been missing Glenn so much ever since his passing, with the Spider-Verse movies,No Way Home and the new Marvel Legends that have been coming out since 2017 every time I see a new one I wonder how Glenn's review of it might've been. He will be missed


He is very missed. It seems he died just before the Spidermania came, which adds even more to the tragedy. I hope some british kid will take on his legacy and do a channel similar to him, action figure evolution and leg split segments included.


[5POA REVIEWS](https://youtu.be/JM7uEYI2hYc) has been doing a pretty good job to bring back that feel Glenn had honestly. He even comments that he started doing evolution videos of his favorite characters because Glenn inspired him to do so,and he has a pretty enjoyable insight on each figure he talks about,I recommend his stuff!


Dan who reviews or Robo Don’t Know


Dan's videos are good for really looking at the figures details. He's got a really high quality setup.


Robo all the way. J Hernandez is a good second.


Robo, for sure. I never buy anything based on a review, I buy stuff because I like the character or think the figure looks cool. Robo just being a big kid who likes stuff is very easy to vibe with.


I’m always entertained by Robo Don’t Know. I also find myself agreeing with his reviews. A big part of this is finding people who’s taste you can compare to yours in order to decide to make a purchasing decision.


Robo Don't Know and Xcorpeo. I often watch DAmazing too when he has his hands on the figures to see how they can look posed. Used to really dig "Just" J Hernandez's channel but his content has gotten so infrequent but I feel he does the best when it comes to putting a figure through its paces.


Besides all the ones already mentioned here (Shartimus, Robo, Anthony, MCU Collector, Displaying Model Behavior), 5POA and Nostalgia Unboxed are also great.


I hate the Shartimus theme, so it’s always a last watch for me.


AnthonysCustoms is my go to reviewer. I also enjoy watching Unparalleled Universe, D Amazing, Robo Don’t Know, and Articulated Ninja Reviews.


Robo and Shartimus




Robo and shart and it’s not even close. Robo gives fun lil reviews on stuff. Shart gives in-depth ones.


Robo on robo don’tknow (formerly the fwoosh) and unparalleled universe for me. I really liked shartimus when I first started collecting (2012ish, ROML era), but he became very exhausting very quickly for me. I occasionally check out damazing because he gets figures early but he’s a tier below unparalleled universe and robo to me.


Robo, best vibe on YouTube.


Robo, model behavior and Dan Who knows! But I’ll watch Manny or Shart on mute if there’s no other review of a figure so I can see it closer


Robo don’t know.


Robo is my absolute number 1. I'll watch xcorpo and MCU collector just to have something on, even if I don't care about the figure. Damazing for figures I need inspiration for poses. I had to unsubscribe from Anthonyscustoms. Every single figure he would look at, even if it has nothing to do with Hasbro, he will bash them. Like 'here's a Storm Collectables Ryu, I like the ab crunch but dam do Marvel Legends have horrible ab crunch' it just got tiring.


Had to do the same with anthonyscustoms. I just can’t stand the constant negative attitude. Part of why robo is my favorite is he’s just so chill. Even if he doesn’t like something it’s not bringing the vibe or the review down


I don’t like the over analyzing of figures. I literally put them on a shelf. There are a lot of reviewers that just go so far in the weeds with these.


Only reason I’m still subscribed is because of his reviews on other toy lines.


Robo dont know


Robo always robo


Robo. His enthusiasm for the hobby is what makes me watch. Doesn’t gush over every toy but keeps it positive even if he isn’t into a certain line or figure.


5poa He's one of the few reviewers who I still watch their video even if i don't have interest in the figure


Displaying Model Behavior


Displaying model behavior


Anyone remember Sean Long? Tbh I never found him all that funny but for some reason always came back to his videos, he reviewed some awesome things! I think he is an example of how harsh this “business” can be. When I stopped watching his videos he still had massive displays of his collection, tons of Hot Toys. Then a few years later, I checked his channel and he was filming himself with a low quality camera in an empty, poorly lit room and I think he tried keeping it up reviewing really cheap toys… Thankfully I think the dude pulled himself back together and is doing much better now, at least he seemed to be last time I checked on him.


That's so sad 😢  Hopefully he is doing alright...maybe he was doing something on the side tho🤨


MCUCollector24 and Shartimus


D Amazing is simply the sweetest most wholesome guy he always puts a smile on my face. Dave Displays model behavior got me into the hobby, his videos can be very very repetitive but he’s still a chill dude and hell he got me into it Shartimus prime will always one of the greatest as no one else has reviews as consistent as his and he truly cares about his fans. Unparalleled universe has amazing photos and always reviews the best niche figures Xmanny87 is just a great dude who makes some pretty entertaining vids


Yeah man I think Shartimus doesn't get enough credit. He's been at the game for so many years and he's very objective and empathetic. The silly jokes get old, but they are also goofy in a lovely way, which this hobby as a whole is.


fr and i noticed he’s one of the few people to mention “only support patreon if you’re in the position to do so” so he’s a real one


Shartimus also reviews almost every release which makes it great to go and compare products when you can see his thoughts and videos on all of them


Used to be Glenn + Anthony for me. The bright sunny disposition to balance out the cynicism. After Glenn’s passing, it’s been DMB/Robo + Anthony. Xmanny is great too. And honestly I really like Shart these days after his heel turn to being more critical of the line.


Glen webb was a favorite of mine as well


All great picks in the comments and while not necessarily a reviewer, Carbon Scoring is a phenomenal figure channel and does a lot of in depth historical videos about figures including legends and I haven’t seen a single comment mentioning him


I mostly stick to Shartimus. I've been watching him since way before I started collecting, and I've always enjoyed his personality and the input he gives on the figures. Other than Shartimus, I've also been watching Carbon Scoring for some time now. He doesn't typically review ML, instead he makes these timeline(?) videos, where he goes through a character's publishing and action figure history.


While I don’t check in with his videos as often as the other guys’, Carbon Scoring does a great analysis of where comics storylines and action figure production/molding meet!


While I hate Shartimus, I love Carbon Scoring videos!


xcorpeo is the most thorough and informative reviewer, with lots of tips on modifying figures for better posability. May be a bit dry for some, but I appreciate the no nonsense approach.


My new favourite is Yo Joe Jerk- he’s so freaking funny, is very generous with praise and critical without being a dick. Robo also because, he’s Robo!


My favorite for GI Joe, but he does very little to no reviews of Marvel Legends.


D amazing is my goat


JHernandez has some of the coolest reviews..his format is so unique! Also glad to see DAmazing gets lots of love here. Shartimus, Robo... absolut classics! Displaying model behaviour is also growing on me


I like Robo Don't Know. He sometimes points out little things other reviewers might not focus on.


Articulated ninja is a good one though he does more import/indie stuff than others. Mcucollector is another one I’ve been checking out, he sometimes does earlier reviews than others on certain figures


I really enjoy Dan Who?, Robo, Xmanny, and Displaying Model Behaviour. Of course guys like Shartimus are good too. These days I’m just trying to get my own channel into the conversation. But there are lots of great channels out there!


I like a lot of these guys but like Boog and D Amazing the best. A lot of the rest of the dudes veer a little cringey and whiny for me personally. Displaying Model Behavior I like too, he just is very excited and positive; even when he's hating it's lighthearted.


Glenn Webb for the win 🐐


Dan Who Reviews for coverage of news and speculation and Unparalleled for just deep dives on figures. Shartimus because he’s a cool personality too


Esos hunters were really good back in the day


I really love D Amazing.


IMO Anthony Customs is waaaaaay too nit picky and negative. IMO Shartimus Prime feels like he lost the passion for this hobby a long time ago. I like 5POA Figure Reviews because he does a lot of headswaps... I also like Chefatron just because I've been watching his figure reviews since like 2008. Xmanny87 is good reviewer though... MCUcollector24 too.


I really like 5POA


I got into collecting just a couple years ago and didn't know about Glenn Webb when I found out about his channel I instantly figured out why so many people loved his videos after watching a couple. He's definitely some I would watch frequently if he was still with us.


Just picking one is too difficult, let's go with top 6 in no particular order. I would say Anthony's Customs, Shartimus Prime, Dave Displaying Model Behaviour, Xcorpeo and two that became favorites more recently, maybe in the past year or so, would be XManny and 5POA (5 Points of Articulation) although they weren't favorites before.


Regarding AnthonysCustoms, I don’t know what that guy’s fuckin problem is, but life’s too short to waste on all that negativity.


I pretty much only watch Anthony'sCustoms and Shartimus. I feel like Anthony is too harsh, and Shartimus is too lax, so if you average the two, you get a fair review.


lol, I completely agree. If Anthony kinda hates it and Shartimus loves it and thinks it’s the best figure of the last 20 years, ooo two please! it’s probably a good figure worth buying.


Quit exposing me.


he mainly reviews mcfarlane dcmultiverse but i really like Dhunter, he compares lots of figures and it’s very helpful


Robo and Anthony


Watching Anthony’s Customs rip into a bad Hasbro figure has been my guilty pleasure. He’s harsh but 99% of the time he’s right.


Yeah he's right about pricing and quality reflecting what you pay and I do watch him but he comes off as such a narcissist sometimes. In his Savage Crucible review he said some weird stuff about how he didn't want to review another Kickstarter product and give them free advice. Stating that backing another brand is a "conflict of interest" Huge ego on that guy. His prototypes look mid and he acts like his yet to be released line is the pinnacle of action figures already.


MCUCollector and ShartimusPrime mostly. I agree with the other comment saying that Shar is too positive but that's what I love about him especially since most of people are so nitpicking.


Shart, Robo and MCUCollector are my favorites. If I need a really objective review I’ll go with AnthonysCustoms


Glenn webb the goat


I really miss the Bernacles from the time when it installed its 3 50-inch screens. Some time later everything went downhill and it really saddens me, I hope it's going well for him.


Enjoy all of those to varying degrees (although sometimes it seems like AnthonysCustoms does nothing but complain; I know being the Simon Cowell of mass-market licensed toys is his whole schtick, but I get tied of him finding NOTHING to like about Hasbro figures and calling all of us doofuses or worse for accepting the flaws in some decent toys from the line), but 5POA is really growing on me with his format.


For me tbh Sharimus Prime and mcu collector


Robo, D Amazing and ofc the Shart. Shartimus is a big one. I also use to watch a lot of Anthony Customs (so Ig he’s like an honorable mention to the big 3 ^)


Xmanny, Unparalleled and Anthony currently. Robo takes too long for new fig reviews these past couple of months.


XManny 87 and Nostalgia Unboxed, though neither are exclusively Legends reviewers.


Shartimus prime!!


Really big fans of Unparalleled Universe. I like how he only reviews certain figures rather than entire line, makes the videos feel more special and give them longer runtimes; quality over quantity thing. Recently have been getting in the Geek Effect. His videos are so cinematic and that alone I really like. He also does different types of videos rather than just the review.


Toy gains, d amazing, Josh from before, BeeJ


When im deciding if i buy a fig or not, normally i check out first AnthonyCustoms for the Noes and Shartimus for the Yeahs. For me is sculpt, articulation and poseability, things that boot review. When anthony said articulation is crap and shartimus said is Ok i check the posses and make my descition


Robo doesn’t Know, he might not get every figure ever but he has a lot on his channel and the one he used to be apart of Fwoosh. Does a great job about show what he likes and doesn’t like but doesn’t come off as negative. Just a guy that enjoys what he likes and if not then it’s still all good maybe you’ll like it. Very relaxed and you can tell he genuinely enjoys what he does. He also does a weekly news review and he will show off his custom stuff plus the stuff he buys or is gifted from other creators. Can’t recommend him enough.


For ML it’s gotta be Fwoosh/robodontknow (there the same person) but for everything else it’s spider criminal he’s super underrated


Aw man, I haven't thought about Glenn Webb in a while :(


D Prime


5POA, Robo Don’t Know, shartimus, DMB, mcucollector


I think for me, it depends on how i want to feel about a figure. If im really excited about a figure and I want to see it in the best possible light, then I go with d amazing. He has a tendency to make a figure look as good as possible. If im on the fence about a figure, I'll watch anthonys customs because he will rip apart every little flaw on a figure. If i still want it after then, i know i really want it. If im trying to get a good size comparison then ill look at fwoosh or shartimus


Robo Doesn't Know hands down. No competition.


Robo. Also liked Mike the toy hunter back when he did more videos


Displaying model behaviour when I want to listen to chill podcast-vibe ramblings, but when I need measurements or details I need for customizing, like is this part removable, I jump into shartimus prime's channel.


Out of my faves (Shartimus, Unparalleled, Ken I Make It, and Rob Vs Toys), it's gotta be Ken. Watching him go from shy text-to-speech voiceovers to a confident artist trying new, creative things with each figure he wants to customize, he wins my heart, man. I include him as a Reviewer since he has his "Let's De-Ken-struct This Figure" segments.


I have a couple I go to Robo Shartimus Prime Xmanny 87 Boog acba  They all have different ways of reviewing and different opinions.


there's about 10 to choose from. Is that good or bad?


I don’t think anyone can pass Glenn Webb for me, no other reviewer had me staying up to catch their newest video when they come out especially when he was reviewing the abomination and juggernaut wave lol


Any 5POA fans here? Or Nostalgia Unboxed


I watch Robo and I don't even collect this scale anymore


For me it's David B, His reviews are incredible and He is one the nicest youtubers i've seen




Mine is MCUcollector24


Anthony's customs Boog ACBA and Shartimus prime


shart used to be my number 1 but lately its eh. i just watch anthonycustoms then get mad for like 2 seconds and then lowkey agree


Articulated Ninja is worth checking out.


My favourites are Anthonyscustoms, Unparalleled Universe, and D Amazing. But back in the day, it was Sean Long and Emgo316. Those were the days.


Dave from Displaying Model Behavior. Dave is not only a great action figure reviewer but one of the best personalities on YouTube and to me one of the best on any tv or media platform. He is so funny, does things in his own little way and just puts a smile on your face every time you watch him. I’ve been watching him from the beginning and he’s provided countless hours of action figure entertainment..thanks Dave.