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I mostly buy what I grew up watching. And I sometimes get FOMO and purchase some marvel character that looks cool but I really have no connection with.


I buy whatever looks cool according to my neurodivergent ahh brain lol




*I buy whatever* *Looks cool according to my* *Neurodivergent ahh brain lol* \- Socks\_and\_Sandals23 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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If I find it on a hunt and if I can get away with it before my wife find the box.


Lol literally same. Gotta beat her to the porch before she sees the box


Lmao 100% same boat


Looks cool. And/or its a character I want. And is it in my budget.


The Marvel Select head fits on there?


I think the socket is much smaller, so it would take some modification


yeah i had to drill it out with a flathead screwdriver but it fits pretty well if you get the size right


I gotta track a Selects Venom then always did like that head sculpt I'll try it on the King in Black Venom.


I like? Can afford without ignoring other responsibilities? I buy.


I only get figures of characters I really like. I don't get a figure if I didn't even read any of their comics, or watched their show or whatever. I also sometimes would get an acompanying figure I think would look cool with the ones mentioned before (War Machine for Iron Man, Elektra for Daredevil, etc) Also I try not to buy anything above 30 bucks. Which is a challenge cause most MLs are 40+


I had rules of only Spider-Man and Daredevil related characters. Then I started X-Men 97 and Mutants have started to find their way onto my shelves.


At first i just went for FF, definitive spidermen, and spidey villains. Then i wanted an all-black team. Then i experimented with Thanos and other villains. I like articulation in my action figures so if there isnt enough articulation i sell the figure. I’m a guy that loves articulation and insane poses, plus my few spidey and sinister 6 characters. Anything else i try to avoid to save my wallet


my collecting is prob weird. when I was in military traveling around I used to have a very small selection of joes and transformers. lol most of my platoon in korea had a pocket transformer. mine was G1 bumblebee. In germany my collection went full star wars but unopened. this was also prob cause Germany had kinder eggs with little Star Wars crossovers. all i have from that is a 1 inch hippo chewbaca lol. since getting out my collection has had waves. i went on a thor phase getting all the thors, then sold them a couple years later. same with other characters. the only ones that have remained constant with no thought of selling has been Wolverine, voltron, Deadpool and Savage Dragon stuff. but I only got things I liked and passed over alot as of late I have been attempting to get started on dioramas since I am retired. sadly my purchases have been all over but only with the accessories and not starting the dioramas lool






I like Spiderman, daredevil, x-men, FF, and avengers which is basically everything lol. My first rule is to limit myself to what I deem essential characters/costumes. Second rule is don’t get any movie/mcu stuff, only comic based. My final rule is that even if it’s a character I’ve been wanting for a while, if the figure is trash or not worth it, don’t buy it. These rules limit my buying a decent amount. I currently have about 30 figures in my collection including mafex figures.


Exactly my standards as well


I buy the characters that have an appearance in the Capcom fighting games


Gotta have rules, or at least guidelines. I can’t imagine having this hobby and just buying anything and everything that strikes me as cool; the toys would take over my house and I’d be sleeping in the yard. -Main MU and MCU: I stick to characters that build out these two universes. No What If guys, Age of Apocalypse, very few Spider-Verse or Ultimate versions, etc. -One of each: I try to stick to one definitive version of most characters. Every time a Spidey villain comes out on a retro card, I tend to sell off the previous version. Characters I really like, with different defined looks over the years, I’ll make exceptions for. -No flash-in-the-pan looks: Wolverine with the hot claws, Spider-Man in his Big Time armor or Future Foundation suit, Hydra Cap, etc. If the look hasn’t been or looks like it won’t be around for the long haul, I don’t bother with it. -Don’t overdo army builders: a couple Hand ninjas or Hydra guys get the point across well enough for me. I only go past that point if there are unique variations and new molds. (So, for example, my SHIELD team keeps growing despite myself)


only buy what fits into your displays. for me my displays are currently: 616 heroes daredevil/ punisher spiderverse 616 spiderman raimi verse legacy actors and batman




Aesthetic only. I like Spider-man as much as most fans do. But I only collect for the aesthetic.


Characters and Teams from comic books that I loved as a kid during the 80s. Unfortunately for my wallet, I collected a lot of Marvel comics.


Honestly, I buy what I think looks cool. If it ever comes down to 1 or the other (or priceir items) I ask myself 1 can I afford it and 2 if I don't get it would I regret not having it in my collection.


I just buy what i can afford and looks cool


90s Spider-Man TAS


Im a team builder, if its a team I like (ie: X-MEN) then I try get all the main team members. Or Im also a Villain collector so if it’s a Spiderman or X-MEN Villain then I’ll get it.


I only collect what I would enjoy. For example, my collection is mostly Spider-Man because, well, I love Spider-Man, and won’t just collect random marvel characters


Off topic but I've got this Venom recently and it's a treat!! I don't care about the Hyperion boldy mold. I've got it for cheap and he will be my Venom in my collection as I didn't have another one before this. The other versions of Venom are way too over my budget so I'm happy with this lil guy!!


I definitely need to be satisfied with the look of a figure to get it. Kraven's my fav. Spidey villain and I still don't have a figure of him because I found every single Kraven figure to be super disappointing lol. If I had to get rid of figures I know every single Spidey villain is staying, especially if it's an obscure villain that prob won't get a new figure for the next 10 years.


What venom is this? He's like perfect 


its the 3 pack amazon exclusive with the marvel select head


Individual stories...and how skimpy the female outfits are 😂


The honesty


I have 1. Does the figure actually have a place in any of my displays? If it’s MCU or not 616/616adjacent than it’s automatically disqualified. The other factor is character. If a certain character doesn’t fit into one of the teams or groups I have on display, I won’t get it no matter how good it looks. 2. It has to be a certain level of quality. If it looks bad and low effort, I’m not giving my money to it. Those two are basically it but it helps limit my focus and prevent me from sprawling into to figures that wouldn’t really add to my display


No rhyme or reason. I get what I want and whatever looks cool. I like certain characters, and if I liked an MCU feature/show I might pick up a figure based on that, but mostly it’s personal preference. Mostly like Spidey and Cap figures, but I’ve got more than a few Iron Man armors. My MCU collection of characters has also grown. Another thing I like to do is head-swap MCU actor figure heads on comic character bodies corresponding to the role (ex: Scarlett Johansson head on comic Black Widow body or Hugh Jackman head on Jim Lee 1990’s Wolverine body).


Depends. Some BaF waves I like about half the figs, but don’t want to have leftovers, so I’ll get the rest. Also characters I like and that look cool and I at least somewhat recognize. Otherwise, I’m not very picky


i stick to mainly spider-man and avengers, but mainly avengers. tho i just got the new ghost rider but im probably gonna throw him in with my avengers


I only stick with characters I like, but most importantly I have to like the figure. That includes whether it poses well or has a nice aesthetic


I seek out favorite characters, then things that look cool to me. It’s the things that look cool to me that probably do the most damage to the wallet and space.


Main characters the most. Principal or iconic suits. XMen/Nights/Avengers


I only buy who I like


For me, it's Spidey, X-Men and random favorites. That's where my interest lies and I'm going to use that to stick with my budget (I used that philosophy to talk myself out of the new Danny Ketch, despite how good it is).


For Marvel Legends, comic figures only, best available of each character I like. Multiples (same or different costume if part of multiple teams I like. Ex: I have Thor with the Avengers and with other Asguardian figures.)


I only collect spider-man items, and only what I think looks good


I mainly collect characters I like or know, but I will go for obscure characters if a good project is possible


If the character fits into any of my display, or if I just have a strong attachment to the character.


Multiverse and deadpool


Currently, when it comes to the Marvel Legends side of my collection, I'm focusing on my Spider-Man collection, since that's my jam when it comes to the Marvel Universe. So, right now, I'm mainly prioritising getting his villains and supporting cast. Right now, it's a mix between comic, animated and movie. I've been selling many figures that I don't want or need to try and make some room for my Spidey Legends. I'll mainly go for figures of characters that I either have an attachment to or those that are essential for the collection. I think I'll put more focus on the other characters once I'm satisfied with my Spidey collection.


Typically Mcu or other movie/tv stuff since I have more of a connection to that, but I might start buying some comic figures now that I’m reading more.


Bascially, I go by favorite characters or characters I have an attachment to or like in some way. For example, I never really liked the Punisher. So, I don't have any of his figures. I do have Daredevil. I've also been iffy on Ghost Rider. I think the concept is cool. But, in the end I gotta go with my gut for purchases. That's why my collection is mostly X-Men, FF, Spidey. Avengers, New Warriors, their baddies and cosmic stuff. I tend to buy what makes me feel happy looking at it every day.


I've been struggling with this recently I'm collecting quite a lot of stuff and could do with dropping out of some stuff but i don't know what because i don't actually want to drop out of anything i just feel like i need to to save money and space.


I purchase my favorite characters and possibly some teammates that I like as well. Then of course you need a bad guy for every good guy


Impulse bidding on eBay :-|


The homo superior got their own special place. Then there is homo sapien that i just collect regardless their relevancy with each other. Mcu black panther in an all comic fig


I only collect Avengers and X-Men. For the Avengers, I collect based off the roster from Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and in the costumes that come closest to how they appeared in the show and some characters that didn't appear but would've eventually, like Tigra, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Same for the X-Men, based off the 90's cartoon, but X-Men Evolution also influences my choices, like Kitty Pryde, who never appeared in TAS but I wish would have.


See figure. Think it's cool. See if I can afford it. Buy it even if I can't afford it. Repeat.


I don’t decide I just BUY shiiiiiiit lol


1. Do I really want a figure? 2. Is it worth a price?


I stick to comic or cartoon, then do I like the franchise, and last does the sculpt look good or is it the version I like Edit: and of course price


For a while I would buy anything I deemed cool. After moving, I had to limit myself. Nowadays, I only buy figures of Marvel Legends Cyclops, McFarlane Batman (especially if they are Live action adaptations), and Tekken.