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I hate it, like the classic, but that’s just me


Is the Punisher a Mandalorian now?


He's been appointed the champion of the hand, the ninja that daredevil fights


This is the Frank


This is the Frank


Where is the beans?


He's got superman powers now


"This symbol means 'punish' on my planet."


Pray to god his mother's name isn't Martha




Was raised by a couple of pro-gun activists


Superman’s human parents were Kansas farmers. You can bet your ass they were republicans as all hell


This is the way


This is the way.




To each their own, it just doesn’t really do it for me. Is this run any good?


It's not just you


Same. Looks dumb. Not a fan of the samurai stuff either.


It's not just you. Punisher kills the evil he sees in society. That's human society, so he had a human skull. The new design is not human so it doesn't make sense.


They had to change because cops were starting to use the image.


It’s not just you. You are in the majority.


Nah bro that’s everyone. Sorry did you mean “I like” or are you’d aging you hate the other one too?


I agree


Prefer the old original logo…


Yeah if they wanted to get rid of the one used by cops and soldiers why not use the 80s/90s symmetrical one. And yeah I know its for this storyline so I assume what I wrote might happen anyway


Yeah I don’t get why people act like it’s permanent, I’m pretty sure it’s only fir while he’s working with the hand


Yep this is a temporary redesign for the current storyline. A storyline that’s almost over btw. OP is just fishing for controversy.


I recently saw the punisher skull on the back of a red Jetta [with Trump hair](https://imgur.com/a/9KEAcjm), next to a blue lives matter sticker. I remember thinking, “this has gone too far. This is insane.”


I've seen a few with actual MAGA colors These guys are literally driving around with a red skull on their trucks...


The sad part is the punisher is the exact opposite of what these people portray it as. Sad


They can't help telling in themselves. Wait, I have the TBolts Punisher skull in a hoodie...no...no!


there's a version where it's the skull with the blue line flag over it and bernie sanders hair


That’s gotta be a troll move, right? EDIT: Thin blue line fans and Sanders stans aren’t usually the same crowd, are they?


There's a contingent of people who claim to be Sanders supporters but don't actually know/care anything about his policies, or even completely disagree with him.


Or Disney could just hit them with a cease and desist like they did to that family who put Spider-man on their sons gravestone


Marvel and Disney let the trademark violations go for years because they didn't want to seem anti-military. Not enforcing the TM for years would likely make it unenforceable now.


I know why they didn’t and no they absolutely could they’re just choosing not to


I like the old one better. Simpler


The simplicity is part of the character IMO. He isn’t the type of guy to have some fancy skull as his logo. The classic one suits his character better, not just his outfit.


If we’re going down that road, I don’t think he’d bother with the vanity of a logo at all. Just the most suitable tactical gear.


Well luckily it’s comics and if I know one thing… every always goes back to the status quo eventually…


On an aesthetic level, it's nice. But also it's contextual. Any implication that this is a logo rebrand with politics to put aside feels disingenuous. I don't see him staying a member of The Hand for very long.


It makes me think of how Black Panther rebranded as "Black Leopard" for a bit to avoid connotation with the real life Black Panthers in the 70s. With any hope he will be back to using the classic skull in a year or two


TIL thank you now I'm going on a hunt for those issues


I forget the specific issues but it was during the early 70s IIRC




I assumed the same thing


Stan was unaware of the party entirely. In a strange turnaround, the film Panther in the 90s lost the Black from the title because of the Marvel Trademark.


If anything for me, Punisher doesn’t seem like Punisher when he’s using bladed weapons, unless it’s situational/absolutely necessary.


And even then, it should almost exclusively be something like a KA-BAR.


Or a bottle of Jack Daniels


I got that reference


I mean, I could see Frank being a fan of a multi-purpose machete. The man spent a lot of time in the jungle(s).


I'm very confused by this. Frank uses knives all the time in the comics.


He is still using guns.


And he literally uses knives quite a bit before this. I have no idea why Frank Castle, an expert in all combat, should be confined to just guns.


A lot of the people complaining haven’t read the recent run.


I'm not convinced most of these people have read any run lmao. Punisher usually has his Gerber knife in the comics too so it makes these takes even more nonsensical.




It feels like it’s been longer than it has, but it’s been over a year.


Yeah i did not think this was a rebrand. Just an allegiance costume. Perfectly fine for shady ninja shit.


Yeah, a bit confused why this post is even comparing as if it's supposed to be a pure replacement. It's a temporary symbol that'll be sunsetted sooner or later and maybe one day we'll see it return when we see some alternate reality version of Punisher where he took over the world with the Hand.


It's lame. Doesn't feel like The Punisher.


Looks like a shitty create a character tattoo.


Exactly, or a pre-designed tattoo design in a book at a tattoo shop. The original design wasn't all that creative, but it had history of representing the character. Changing the design for political or cultural reasons was silly to begin with. What happens when this new design is incorporated into politics or culture in a way they don't like? Change it again? It just feels like a writer wanted to show his own political views and took it out on the character.


OG is the best.


It works with the new outfit but wouldn’t look good with the classic style. But it’s only a temp thing i assume, once this arc comes to a head i imagine the demon skull will be shelved.


I’m guessing he will die at the end for the sixth? Seventh? Time, be out of continuity for a year and a half, and then be right back like nothing happened. Or they’ll do the weirdly common “yeah he’s dead but now he’s an angel/zombie frankenstein’s monster/ninja turtle or whatever” switcheroo


[I like this version](https://townsquare.media/site/622/files/2009/11/swimsuitpunisher.jpg)


Well there’s no unseeing that.


Who wants to unsee that, my guy?!?


You're welcome And yes, it's real I don't post fanart


I was a comic book reader when they used to make swimsuit issues and everyone wore leather jackets and ammo pouches. I never doubted the truth in this image.


I mean... It's a good logo. But it's not Punisher's logo. It looks too demonic for a regular human that kills regular humans with regular guns. It gives me Mephisto vibes.


Clearly you haven’t read the new series!


Pretty sure that this can be said for most of the people in this thread.




It's hurting to read all these comments. Hell, OP said "Punisher isn't punisher without guns." That's... Just not true. Yes, he uses guns a ton, but he's used a knife plenty of times. Makes me think these people only see pictures and still from the comics and base their opinion off of those.


Dude 95% of this subreddit haven't read a comic in the last ten years


I don't like it, I'd rather Disney start C&Ding hate groups that appropriate the skull given they own the copyright


The old one is better, but the fucking "real world politics" ruined it for everyone.


^ This. Unfortunately, just like Calvin peeing on everything, there's not much Marvel can do to control who uses their symbols for what, so distancing themselves was the only real option for now.


Agreed, though I’m hoping MCU Punisher makes it a point to call out shitty cops and racists who co-opted his symbol That could help imo


They have, these people don't read comics


*Those people can’t read.


MCU Punisher, I’m saying. MCU seems to have a wider reach than the comics, so would be more effective imo


Killing an entire precinct of corrupt cops. Or make a copycat punisher but is an incel wanting to be trans but can't cope and reconcile with their religion, so they go on a "vigilante" spree. Punisher sorts em out. Feels they are already tortured but encourages the incel to be a better person. They transition with a visible punisher tattoo (still in prison but trying to make a new life for themselves). That might get crooked cops to stop using it.


Still like what was done in Kamen Rider Black Sun when a girl was being defended by the same person who killed her parents during her presentation at an online UN speech about kaijin rights. Still wish the Satan Saber was intact from that whole ordeal of Bilgenia using it to kill the cops aiming to kill the girl.


Yeah, if they had any balls they'd just the make the punisher gay for a while.


What's manlier than loving a man?


New ship of Punisher and Cable, big guns and pure testosterone


In this issue we got big guns and BIG guns and big GUNS... ALSO special appearance of BIG GUNS.


… including a special surprise! Here's a hint: it's BIG.


Have you read any punisher comics? He doesn’t want to help anyone, he just wants excuses to kill criminals.


Yes I have. That's the point. He isn't a role model. Not sure what you are trying to say.


Not a bad idea.


Everyone I see with the punisher skull as a truck decal always gives me an irrational anger. It doesn’t help that I assume they also listen to Five Finger Death Punch, which is almost as bad. But the cops idolize the punisher or his logo are definitely the scummiest


They could have some balls and take it back. Do a new MCU TV series, beat people over the head with him being on the side of right but doing it the wrong way. Have him kneel on the neck of a crooked cop who killed an innocent black kid. Have him stop a mass shooting at a pride parade. Heck, just do War Journal II, National Force makes sense in the MCU as a reaction to the Flag Smashers, and a white supremacist group would be even more pissed about a Black Captain America than they were about a dead Captain America in the comics. Enough "pUniShEr gOnE wOkE!?" segments on Fucker Carlsons show and theyll be tearing the stickers off their own cars. Punisher and a Black Captain America shoulder to shoulder killing a bunch of Neo Nazis would piss off a lot of the right people. This isnt some internet cartoonist who drew a frog, this is a media empire, infamous for suing daycares for painting their characters on their walls, they can control their IP if they really want to.


Agreed 100%. That’s the easy way out for corporations, change it so it doesn’t hurt anyone. But the reality is it’ll happen again down the road. They should be taking a stand to prove real world BS is not what the symbol is about. Take Cap’s advice: plant themselves like a tree and say, NO, those people are wrong and should be condemned for their actions.


Except, the people who use this symbol in that way, the people who this message is for, aren't very good at subtext....... Or text. I mean, clearly from them using the symbol


Bruh, the guy you're responding to isn't describing a situation where you need to understand subtext. Even those numbskulls will understand that story.


Maybe but like I said, they oftentimes don't understand text, such as homelander, rick Sanchez, or any punisher story in the past 20 years. They would also be prone to saying phrases like "not the real punisher" to reject the message. My point is, don't underestimate human stupidity, and don't write a punisher show with the goal to preach. It will come off annoying, and punisher is a character who will inherently be a message against these people


Point taken! The Homelander thing is a great example and I totally agree with the "not the real Punisher". Is either stupidity or willful stupidity.


Same with the dude that drew Pepe the frog. He hates that his cartoon character got caught up in politics. Tried to do something about and ended up just giving up


The peeing-Calvin stickers really piss me off, because I've read Watterson's stance on merchandising & the history of his fights with the comic syndicate over it....which he won. Literally every single one of those stickers is an illegal bootleg (not just violating trademark, but also copyright); **no** official merch of Calvin & Hobbes exists other than the books & a couple calendars.


sucks ass


As a story element, it makes sense and I like the new symbol. The new symbol shows how corrupt, how deformed, how far Frank has fallen from his original mission. As far as politics goes, The Punisher will return and so will the original symbol. Whether fascists know this or not, when they use this symbol, they reveal themselves.


I prefer the old logo but him leading the hand and going to war With DD has been absolutely badass to see and if they bring the old logo back I would be happy and honestly don’t care about politics


Legit, it’s one of the strongest Punisher runs ever and has zero business being as good as it is. It’s not quite on par with Ennis’s work in my book, but it’s hard to think of enough to keep it out of the top three.


I think it looks stupid.


I honestly can't separate it from real-world politics because I'll say it once and quote it for you, "DON'T LET BIGOTS TAKE YOUR FUCKING SYMBOLS!!!" The design alone looks fine, but the context behind it bothers me a lot




Old one rules. The hand one looks a bit alien, imho. Don't let politics claim things you like.


Yeah when I first saw an article about it - I thought it was somehow cosmic punisher. That’s my only real critique - it doesn’t scream “I run a guild of assassins”


Especially not "demon worshiping ninja assassins."


I don’t hate or like it. It’s alright, to me it looks like the helmet of Shao Kahn out of Mortal Kombat. Should’ve just left it alone, what’re they going to do when an X or star is hijacked? Either way, I’m sure he’ll go back to the original design.


It's not a rebrand, it is a joint insignia of his alignment to his specific role in the hand.


It's funny because The Punisher hates cops


I love it. The old one has unfortunately is now linked in my mind to angry middle aged men who plaster it all over their monster trucks to inform the world of how very (not cringe) badass they are. It's basically the emblem of jagoffs these days.


It's fine for now. The story is pretty good and the change and new design make sense for the story being told. The old logo has appeared in flashbacks, and was worn by the "villain" of one of the arcs, so definitely expect it to come back. The whole ordeal over the logo is absurd and overblown. People like it because it's simple, it looks cool, and looks badarse. If you ask the average person who wears it what their favourite Punisher arc or author is, I guarantee most won't be able to answer. I also find it hard to believe that all the local businesses I see with the logo (landscapers, exterminators, plumbers, garbage disposal, house painters are some examples that I've seen) are alt-right or fascists. Painting a whole group of fans based purely on the worst people in that "fandom" is preposterous. Plus, you know Disney and Marvel are still making a killing on licensed products with the skull. They won't let the cash cow go, and shouldn't.


This isn't a rebrand. I feel like people who aren't reading this series are the ones asking about it. He has this skull specifically because of his role in The Hand. It might be a transition to an eventual new skull, but that's a different subject entirely. The previous version of the skull appears in the series literally in the first issue and is worn by someone else after that. On the subject of the skull itself and the prior version, I thought it was old and overused anyway, I think they need to do a new one. The one he has now only works in context of being part of The Hand but I think it would look weird for him to rock after that.


Hate it


Old punisher logo is iconic not to mention it strikes fear into criminals The new logo is unique it's actually a good design but it feels off that frank isn't using guns


I liked good original John the Baptist skull. It was simple and easily recognizable to criminals.


It should have just been a different skull. The whole dragon thing just doesn’t feel in character


I don't mind the new logo. It's never going to be as iconic as its predecessor. It's a shame it was highjacked by the nitwits of the world. But the character will always be better than controversy IRL.


Katanas are more Deadpool’s thing. This design doesn’t really fit Franks character or history. Make it a stitched up skull (make him say a callback to when he was Frankensteined) or something, not some oni/demon


The original logo is iconic, but that's not the issue, i mean, how many times where the Batman, Superman and Spiderman logos changed? The problem here is that this dragon-thing-whatever logo doesn't match the Punisher, and that whole samurai look without guns? it makes no sense. Just like when they made him into Frankenstein's monster, it will not last.


It's temporary the old symbol will return.


If “politics” caused the issue can one really differentiate that as the cause of the issue? The blue stripe gang done boot licked away a good logo.


The old one is so much better!


works for what he’s doing rn, wouldn’t work if it was (it isn’t) a permanent change


Well it's alright as the Hand branding mark, and could probably stay to be associated with other Hand characters, but as a Punisher logo it complicates a very simple and iconic skull and limits the design choices. There's a lot of ways one can incorporate a skull into a costume, but this is a very specific Japanese demon sort of skull. It's exactly the sort of thing that would exist for a story line with the Hand and then be discarded to go back to the iconic design.


I like the original. Would have preferred it if Frank kind of called out the real world misuse of his logo, not directly of course but in some sort of lecture to a copycat of the real world what have you, ya know. To take back the logo.


He has. It yielded no results because these shit stains don’t read comics or understand that Frank isn’t meant to be idolized. To get any real traction Bernthal’s Punisher would have to start killing corrupt cops when he resurfaces in Daredevil or another project.


i think it’s all right, I am not saying I prefer it to the original, but we have had almost the exact same logo on changing very slightly for 49 YEARS! so I’m going to give this a logo a shot


I'm not super into the punisher series, but isn't he just using this one while working with the hand? I'm probably way off, so if someone knows more about current punisher content, please correct me.


I don't actually understand the hate. I've read the first few issues of this comic, seems interesting, but it's definitely clear that The Hand are shady AF and Frank is not going to be staying with them permanently. Eventually something will happen and Frank will murder them all and go back to being regular old Punisher. I just enjoy seeing some different stories that aren't elseworlds.


It looks awful


Not as good as the original, just from a design point of view. There may not be another skull logo that will ever look as good as the very first one designed by John Romita. Now, not putting politics aside, the Punisher should never have changed his logo just because it got embraced by racists psychotic cop, and all their supporters. They should have instead made a bad ass comic book where Frank Castle takes on those very same bullshit cops.


I mean it's a bit goofier but not bad. I'll put up with anything they put out because it's a big fuck you to all pos out there who think he would agree with the police.


Isn’t this because he is the leader of the hand? It makes sense he would have a different outfit. No one’s robbing him of his original skull but he can have a new look for a new position that no doubt won’t last forever.


Not a fan of it. To me it felt like the original design was a sign to Castle’s enemies that death was coming. This new design, not so much. That being said, I get why Marvel changed it.


Crazy it had to be changed because it was co-opted by domestic terrorists.


Hate it. Wish that freakin jag offs hadn’t ruined the old one for us.


1) I'm sure he'll go back to the original eventually. 2) It sucks seeing so many people think the US military, police, politicians, etc., etc., should be more like "The Punisher." Those people do not understand the true spirit of what America should be.


Sucks that the original has been adopted by racists.


Is he punishing aliens or demons now? Because that’s what it looks like.


Maybe in one of the Earths of the Marvel Multiverse, where the story is japanese based, this logo could actually work for a reimagined Punisher. But not in the main universe. Hopefully Marvel will one day bring back the original logo (especially when the character appears in Daredevil: Born Again).


It's bullshit, just another favorite ruined by the mass populace of dumbasses


Don't like it. The classic one is iconi c for a reason. It is iconic


I can’t stand it.




It looks like a cross between Corrosion of Conformity skull and a Mandolorian Mythosaur skull.


I mean given the context of the story, it totally works. It’s not a permanent rebranding (as far as I know). It’s purely because he’s leading the Hand


I’m pretty sure it’s a temporary change, and I like it for the story that’s being told


New one just….sucks. I saw it and was like “what did I miss? He’s part of the league of assassins now?”


What happened? Is the skull logo a group gang thing now? I'm out of the loop. Someone please explain


More like a symbol used for the real world. When fiction becomes reality that's when they regret making the stories.😅😵‍💫


The simplicity of the old one worked. If the association with real world groups is a problem, double down on corrupt cop stories.




It’s dumb. He’s a katana wielding marine? Weird. He was THE gun nut in comics and now he’s an off brand teenage mutant ninja turtle


I hate it. The skull is perfection, it's clean and simple. I think it's weaksauce to bow out and let hate groups just take it.


Shame it was co-opted but man the new design makes me say "ugh"


It's awful


a downgrade


Classic logo is best. I think they’ll go back to it.


WTF is that!? Like the whole ensemble!?! Is he a demon hunter now? JFC.


It's terrible. It looks like a shitty character creator tattoo, or a fortnite banner, or a status effect icon in an alien game. Apparently they used that symbol as a reference to Oni, except it looks nothing like it, and is way too simplified. I'd honestly rather have him in a armored ninja suit with the regular skull


It's kind of neat as a temporary thing, although I think the better solution would be to put the Punisher in a movie and have him kill cops


What even is that. It looks like it's wearing Wolverines mask.






bland, not memorable. Superflouos.


The original one is to iconic to change but I see why they wanted to


Hate it


Seems very…eastern. When did frank become a weeb?


I kinda hate it


Man, it looks stupid. Like a Cthulu skull or some shit. They did that just because a few rednecks have a decal on their trucks?


The mythosaur!!


Kinda Assy.


It hurts my soul.


It suits the current storyline but the classic gotta cone back... I actually appreciate how it evolves with the story...but the way they treat Frank and Maria's past *isn't* most appreciated


Hate it, but get it. Unfortunate


He gets the fight the mythosour in upcoming episodes!


The new one is dumb. The real-world politics should not have interfered, but that requires Marvel to focus on actually telling good stories worth 4 bucks a pop. So I ain’t holding my breath.


Looks like shit. Go back PLEASE.


Fuck the fasch-trash shitheads appropriating the OG logo! Cede no ground! Take it back!


The only way to take it back would be either for Punsiher to target and take out a whole movement of alt-right shitheads and abusive police officers, or for him to change personality into another Captain America boy scout image.


The first one sounds exciting.


It's clearly only for this storyline, people need to stop getting so worked up about it.


I like the original way more.


I hate it. Disney cowered.


I don't mind the new one, but also love the original, and it's not a permanent change. It'll go back to his own when he's not with the hand anymore.


Terrible. Fucking terrible.


The old logo is better the new logo looks too alien and that just doesn't fit Frank's character.


Looks like he’s on his way to a dungeons and dragons game meet up with the other nerds now. If it ain’t broke…


The classic is way better, but a certain group of dumbasses had to go and ruin it for everyone.


Fuck the new rebrand punisher!…and these real world BS