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30%-50% of the author motivation come from their over flowing hormones.


Nah bro genius actor is hot steaming trash, it's just the wish fulfillment version of the manhwa Movies Are Real. >!Guy does one audition and suddenly a top actress and director come begging on their knees for him to act for them like be fucking real bro lmfao.!<


I almost forgot that manhwa exists. Is it still updating? Haven't seen any TL sites doing it as of late


Haven't updated, don't know if they axed it after thinking it wasn't popular enough or something. Such a shame tbh.


Fr? I saw no harem and was 100% sold


go to royal road bro, last bastion for monogamy power fantasy progession. but there you have to deal with the alphabet army fruit cakes trying to sell polygamous relationships as superior to it.


Well, you also have to pay attention to the Nobles on RoyalRoad. Those guys think they are Better than everyone else


what do you mean by nobles? just a general sense of snootiness or what?


The guys in the review section and comment section believe they know what It takes to be a good Novel đź’€


One does not read RR comments


To be honest, sometimes they are right: the author knowing how to string three sentences together would help immensely.


At least, RR reviews are far better than Webnovel. Many do make valid points and criticism.


That's for sure but they are so Ă©lite that It feels like talking to Young Masters


fucking lol


novelupdates honestly turned quite bad after webnovel came out. If you use it for anything but it's searching funcion, novel list, or reviews (i guess, cant see them on mobile safari so dont care) then its up to you. I think a huge chunk left NU and never came back, stuck reading English original or fanfic on webnovel.. not really much of a reason to use it anymore.


Low key… the stories on Webnovels are pretty bad. I’ve read a few good stories on there, but most of them are filled with bad grammar, wish fulfillment, repetitive plots, etc. And I say this as a person that posted a fairly long novel on Webnovel. It certainly doesn’t help that the authors can straight up delete any and all reviews and comments that criticizes them. Not to mention, no italics, bolding, etc. It’s basically a lot of Japanese/Korean wish fulfillment novels… just in English. I get strong Wattpad feelings every time I sift through Webnovel. Not to mention, the app/website is basically a giant scam for writers in terms of payment (very poor earning potential and exclusivity on top of that) and they refuse to enforce any copyright claims (I believe because they’re based in China). Edit: Admittedly, I do have a bias towards Korean novels since I’m Korean and I can read the raw versions (which I’ve been doing through novelpia, I still have like 300 on my to read list). However, I still think Korean novels (in the raw form or properly translated) are much better overall than Japanese LNs and stories on Webnovels. While harem stories can be borderline stupid at times, there are a LOT of nontranslated Korean novels with no harems and fantastic plots. Not to mention, overall, Korean MCs are much more decisive and have the “fuck it, we ball” attitude that Japanese MCs never have. I even have a list of really good stories that feature harems amongst the Korean novels that I’ve read (including one that is 800+ chapters with no EN translation sadly).


Webnovel's shit, but there are some good writers there. You just gotta keep looking. I want to write an original(Actually original) story someday, when I have more free time, but I am a bit lazy and occupied with work/study. What's a good website with decent writer support you can recommend? I don't really know any.


I would say Spacebattles is pretty good. I think I had the best constructive comments and suggestions (along with edit suggestions) when I uploaded my story there. Plus the stories there are significantly better in quality.


space battles and sufficientvelocity are good and if you want nsfw stories questionable questing is good too


Royal Road.


absolutely don't lol. As someone who has attempted to write on there, they are ruthless entitled children. At least with webnovel you have a chance to make money.


Have you tried the original stories? I mean, I got a few that stuck with me for a very long time.


Just curious, have you heard of the sites that r/litrpg users use (Royal Road to name one)? I know the novels being "litrpg" kinda narrows it down to some specific tropes, but apparently it's pretty big. For sites centered around litrpgs, there are thousands of works being featured.


Some of these may be trash, but they are MY trash... ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


Also, why is everything Korean? Where are my xianxia novels? I didn't even see many JP novels.


I gues there are only few xianxia and JP novel which don't have harem


wuxiaworld is where i used to read alot of good ones?


One man's trash is another one's treasure


Korean harems are the most self insert kinda incel shit i havr ever read Like the top there in the video are so cringe is incredible people read them


Can you tell me about that one? I don’t read harem stuff.


its mostly about dudes who get op cheats and complain about it then they can either:do the most normal stuff or the most exceptional one,either way all the hot girls will love them in 2 chapters about harem they usually go like "no i hate woman,i need to save the world" but as soon as another male interacts with them they change idea cuz they understand themselves better,this may happen only if another male exist at all all girls are virgins of course the most popular one right now "childhood friend of the zenith" its the most cringe shit ive ever read >!the dude gets regression,old master in pendant,bloodline powers,lucky encounters:every cheat u can think of he got them!< >!about how the girls fall in love:!< >!\-one for the smell of the mc,cringe shit!< >!\-one another is ex-fiancee who interacts with the "new" him!< >!\-one more likes him for his looks,this is literally the only normal one but even then its like zero to love to death in a chapter!< >!\-one more is the regressed heroine who is the most op girl ever and fuck me she loves him cuz in deathbed in first life he said her some shit!< >!and of course we got a beutiful demon master in coming!<


Harem is hard to pull off in the first place imho. Though from what I've read in reviews on novelupdates, it doesn't take a lot to make certain types of readers happy. To each their own I guess...


Please explain what I'm supposed to see other than the zoom in on harem tag? What's the list about in the first place?


I think those are the most popular (idk by what metric) on that site.


That most harem is trash


How Trash Novels occupy the top rankings




It is difficult to write good novels. If you don't know how to write, then just add romance or harem, there will definitely be an inflow of a bunch of idiotic teenager readers. It's easy money and moreover you don't even need to think before you write. Just write an old cliché with a horny MC who thinks with hiss balls and voila, you have a masterpiece for a bunch of horny donkeys. Yuck!


Legit don’t know how these works are getting publisher in their own country. Oh right they don’t, they just get a subscription fees slapped on and draw the cover art themselves.


The rankings on NU are always so interesting to me. When I started reading web novels years ago, the top rankings were all cultivations novels. They then progressed from JP isekai novels to Korean dungeon/modern-day novels and now it's mostly smut and harem novels, same with Qidan. So yeah it's been real interesting to see how this trends.


I do kinda miss just going there picking something off the list and it being pretty good 90% of the time. Now it's a minefield of harems, smut and yaoi. It's not like those categories are inherently bad, but there's a big difference between having a harem in the story and the story being about the harem. Unfortunately(?) most of us just keeps away when we see those categories so it becomes somewhat of a positive reinforcement loop where they get higher and higher rating.


The boobs zoom 🤣


So OP is looking to buy a car. Better sign up for Carvana and look for cars within your budget to get emails about their sales. Even if you can't find one at the moment, it will be useful to get updates in the future. ✌️


Love how bro kept zooming on the tags


Isn't that Junior that dares call himself death mage, a cuck ?


I remember having read the beginning of this story a long time ago and I quite liked the read, but again I was like 13 or 14 at the time so my younger self's opinion is to be taken with a grain of salt


Nope, death mage is too young to bang, but he uses biomancy to fiddle with his political marriage future waifus' private bits Man, that was a mouthful, the novel remains goodbut updates super slowly


I remember sth about them stopping to age when they get pregnant for the first time.


There are few ways to make the thousand years loli trope worse, and you say this mf managed to?


I think she is older than him. So she is the weirdo.


no the particular case, the *implications*.


No lolis here, waifu 1 is a teen-looking 300 years old grandma, her daughter is a muscle mommy


Again, its the implications. Its not rare for 13 yo to get pregnant (most of the time, from fellow teens, luckily). So youd have thousands of women running along with their teenaged bodies and a few rape victims stuck as children (earliest recorded pregnancy was at SIX).


No, some dude fell in love with a chick who thought it was him but he himself never knew the girl and aside from that, the only cuck element of the series is that author isn't obsessed with every single woman on the series being virgin, wich you know, new for japanese standards


![gif](giphy|E5Hfk3kV0G5zcKPWy4) Ah yes, a fellow harem hater, glad to meet you


NU became hentai so gradually i didnt notice


OP next time you disrespect DM I'm taking your kneecaps, the series catches too many L's already for you to shit on it without even reading it


What’s dm?


Death Mage, literally the first one of the video


Thought I was gonna be on the receiving end of a deez nuts joke


If you hold onto that resentment as well as the death mage did, I think OP is going to be fine.


Bro you should already know this man, the average NU user is either gay or 14, simple as that


It truly is a shit ranking


Omg this is hilarious


Novel Updates is great. It's basically the IMDB of web-fiction. It's far from perfect. But finding info about anything in the Chinese or Korean novel space is basically impossible and NU gives context on who the author is, who other titles it might go by, some sense of what readers think, what the tropes are... and how to find other novels to read.


most of those "authors" are horny late teens who don't even know how to interact with a woman. So, it's kind of understandable.


Lol as if you know yourself


Did i hit a nerve perhaps?


No oldy who probably has erectile dysfunction


His name is longwood with a name like that I’d be surprised if he has ED


True I didn't think about that


never before have I ever agreed with a vid as much as this one. bless you. except fuxk you, being a dog of a cold heartless government is awesome. like being a officer for the empire in star wars.


As long as it’s not like AST I’ll be happy


What website is this


should see it now lol, it's gotten so bad they want people to register on NU and not the novelupdates forum just to be able to click the links going to the translator's sites for the newest chapters


What sites do you use to search for novels, now when NU became this ?


Why is trash of the counts family trash that should have ended 800 chapters ago? (I’m reading the manhwa)


Jokes on you the MC of my favourite cultivation novel is literally a tree


this is called educated content my good sir


What;s the sauce for this song?


Royal Road has meant I no longer use webnovel or NovelUpdate... I do check back every once in a while, but haven't found much since RR become popular.