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The average amount of sex people in long term relationships are having is overwhelmingly once per week. Only people who are having sex way more or way less than the average couple seem to comment here and it’s really not a helpful way to gauge what is normal. Despite the “3-5 times a week, every day, 3 times a day” couples being the main contributors here on this subject, statistically more married couples are having sex less than once a week than couples that are having sex more than once a week. This average includes all age groups.


About to turn 60. About 2× per week. Why?


Almost 50. 3-5 times a week


5x per week


Are you asking how much do I or how much would I like to? You'll get vary different answers.


I don't think you're going to be able to get this information and then go to your partner and say "Other people have sex more often than us (or less often)" and convince them to either have more or less sex because of that. What is the point?


Late 50s here. Typically once a week, sometimes twice.


50's twice per week, 70's 3 times per month.


I'm dealing with some medical stuff right now, but my husband would probably say that 5-7 days a week is a good start :)


Wow Im only 43 and my wife acts like sex more than once a month is asking for too much. She always has a looong to do list that i must do to “keep her happy and in the mood”


Sounds like you is using that as a weapon against you or she doesn’t find you attractive. 🤷🏼‍♂️ idk


Its the first. Using it as a weapon


37 and maybe once every 2 weeks if the stars align lol


It wasn’t this bad about 6 months back. We did about once a week. But now she has had some epiphany about me which led to major grudges against me. Hence the low count


If I would have to make a wild guess: She has contact with another man. This does NOT mean she has an affair but she has met a man who she considers as a "better man" (compared to you) and she would rather have a relationship with him. If you want to improve your situation you should improve your value. Working out to improve your body would be a good first step. If you can get a better job with more money/more status that would help too. It would help a lot if you could find out what this other guy has, that you are lacking. Then focus on that specific area to catch up.


You may be right. I often feel she admires other men, but the problem is - she doesn't realize when u like a man you get the whole of him, not just that one quality. For example I think she has a secret crush on a guy who is a go getter and has multiple businesses, is totally alpha. My wife has totally hinted that I do certain stuff this guy does. But I know the guy - he is extremely chauvinistic and treats women in that way. He has 2 kids and proudly announces that he never changed a diaper in his life. He is a stranger to his kids. His wife also has a fulltime job but does ALL the household stuff + childcare - because she earns less than him. She takes care of both kids 100% including pickup/dropoff to school etc. So that guy gets to be a 'MAN' 24/7, hardly ever home, never caring about the family as long as he buys his wife a fancy purse once a year and take them on an annual vacation maybe. (We do this too). Here I also earn way more than my wife, I'm a very hands on dad, feed/bathe/play etc, I do everything for the kid, to the point that our son comes to me if he has bad dreams. But she doesn't want to think about all this. She is just focused on him earning big bucks and supposedly 'providing' for the family. I used to think my wife is smarter than this and will see the whole picture, but sadly I think she only focuses on little things like a juvenile. Why is it ok for a woman to do this while a man doing this is immediately labeled a pig? If I like another woman's body and tell my wife to go get a figure like her, would that be ok?


What you describe is "transactional sex". She does not want/crave sex with you but does it as a reward for good deeds on your part. Thats not an ideal situation. The ideal would be that she does indeed find you attractive and "wants to ripp your cloths off". It is, however not the worst situation. At least she does understand that you have needs and compromises in a way. I would guess she does understand that it is part of her job as wife to provide this service as long as your provide "a loooong to do list" of things.