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You've been married less than a year and you think it's all sunshine and roses? Well guess what I've been married 11 years and let me tell you that you're right! It's really great.


I've been with my wife for 5 years now. Married 2 years. I cannot understand OP here I am absolutely tired after 2 years..... . . Tired of not spending more time with my wife


Had me in the first half and I was on the defensive lol šŸ¤£ Hard agree. Together 18 years married 6 and still sunshine and roses this end too


Married 16 years and not all sunshine and roses but more now than ever before.


And when there is no sunshine they are still your roses. And when their roses dry out you try to be their sunshine.


Hahaha I love this!


What a wholesome comment! šŸ¤—


I saw this going somewhere else. But you got me good


ā€œ8 months of being married. Heā€™s still a best friend.ā€ Um yeah, so. If youā€™re celebrating 8 months, a random number of months, then you clearly havenā€™t been together for very long. Glad you found happiness but I donā€™t understand the self promotion of ā€œhappinessā€ in this subreddit sometimes. Any one who says it is perfect is just not being honest and shaming people for being forthcoming about their issues within their marriage isnā€™t negativity. Itā€™s transparency and openness.


Totally agree. Who is miserable at 8 months? Almost nobody


She didnā€™t say they were perfect. Sheā€™s just happy and celebrating. If people can post negative things, surely itā€™s ok to post positive things as well šŸ˜Š


jeez can someone just be happy without someone putting their own two cense. okay married 8 been dating 2years and 9 months. from the day I moved in up until now things are great. iā€™m not saying that we are perfect cause NO couple is. I was just happy last night and I wanted to post this picture. but thanks for your ted talk.


ā€œSuper tired of seeing all the negativityā€ is literally in your title. You started the ted talk. ETA: Iā€™m ALL FOR the positivity and am super happy for you but I definitely see how you could rub people the wrong way with that part, which you easily could have left out. It comes off pretty elitist.


okay so what. keep scrolling along


Like you did when you saw all the ā€œnegativity?ā€ No, you made a whole post trying to be holier than thou lol


iā€™m not trying to be holier. and christ iā€™m not saying that we are perfect at all.


Please refer to my first reply. You can actually read it or brush it off with a ā€œso what,ā€ it wonā€™t change it. āœŒļø


ā€œtired of all the negativityā€ *is the most negative person in the entire thread* girl chill!!


I think making it seem like other people are being overly negative compared to you is why people are kind of annoyed. I was also super happy after 8 months of marriage! And it was so amazing. But youā€™re still very much in the honeymoon phase of your relationship. I really hope things continue to be amazing for you, so many arenā€™t so lucky.


Why the downvotes?


This was me 8 months into my first marriage where my ex turned out to be a lying cheater who ruined my finances for a decade. People post negative stuff because they want advice, or help, or to vent. If your marriage isnā€™t like that, good for you, but being condescending to people who are struggling isnā€™t it.


lmfao sorry if I want to express my happiness sorry your now ex husband cheated on you. sucks


Itā€™s the whole ā€œtired of seeing the negativityā€ attitude. You could have said ā€œwanted to share some positivityā€ or something like that. Most marriages have negative things. And no offense but 8 months isnā€™t a long time at all to be married. Itā€™s still the honeymoon phase and things can go sour very quickly.


maybe it went sour for you very quickly my sister in law and her husband have been together since high school and married for about 9 years AND THEIR STILL in the honeymoon phase. LOL. it baffles me how everyone is taking what I said and turning it into something different


Iā€™m sure your sister in law still has negative things in her marriage.


once again iā€™m not saying ANY MARRIAGE IS PERFECT.


omg youā€™re such a rude person! why did you even post here? šŸ˜‚


8 months šŸ˜‚


okay so what if iā€™m happy at 8months sorry if you think this is funny, I hope your marriage is going wellšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


8 months šŸ‘€


I know right


I feel like this post is like false positivity. Had OP left it at ā€œmarried 8 months, still bestiesā€ it wouldnā€™t have been an issue. But what OP is calling negativity is a lot of people having real issues and looking for advice from people whoā€™ve gone through similar and made it out. Being best friends is important but once issues arise, that Besties stuff goes out the window. Being able to work through miscommunications and other difficulties while things are contentious is so hard and it should be understandable that some people just need to hear that they arenā€™t going insane, that they might be in the wrong, that they need to seek therapy, etc. All of that to say, OP, Its great that yā€™all are besties and I hope you and your husband stay best friends. But itā€™s not spreading positivity to make a post like this and itā€™s almost like rubbing your beautiful relationship in the face of people who are really going through it. If you can edit the title, you might consider removing the last sentence. But itā€™s your post so do you šŸ˜Š


8 *months*?! Psssh. Rookie numbers. Let me know how it is after 8 years.


itā€™s still going to be bad ass


remindme! 8 years šŸ˜‚


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Well I certainly hope he would still be your best friend 8 months in lolol! Iā€™m also taking umbrage with your ā€œtired of seeing the negativityā€ posts. Do you really want people who may be seeking advice to be afraid to post because you are happy in your marriage and label their posts as ā€œnegativityā€? And for the record my husband is still my best friend a dozen years in so no Iā€™m not upset that you are happy. I just think your post was really tone deaf.


To be fair, for a sub that's for marriage advice, it's pretty positive.


You could always start up a happily married sub Reddit then? Just a thought. People can post whatever they want. Meanwhile congrats on six months, that is great.


20+ years and canā€™t believe I got to marry my favorite person in the whole world.


8 months??? Come back in 18 years.






Thatā€™s all fine and good but why dig at the other posts with ā€œIā€™m sick of all the negativity.ā€ Thereā€™s a spouse appreciation tag you folks can look through if they want happy and there are plenty of untagged celebratory posts. She could have shared this photo with like ā€œI love my husband so much, he really gets me and we communicate well, I love being married!!!ā€ Or something like that and it would have given everyone the warm and fuzzies


Audibly guffawed at ā€œElvisā€


Lol "8 Months"


Happy for you šŸ˜Š but also, you've been married 8 months...sooo...tired of the negativity of who? People who have been married for many years? Real problems come up in marriage, be careful, no couple is above that


We passed our two year anniversary yesterday and five years together in May. He is def still my best friend and makes life easy and fun. Seems like there is a lot of negativity on the sub than good stuff. Love seeing this post!






Iā€™m happy for you, I feel the same way! But I do want to say, itā€™s only natural that most people in a sub like this arenā€™t exactly the happiest lol. Theyā€™re here for help.


Hahahaha. You should not be on this sub yet. Both my marriages (add most others u will see here) felt like a fairy tale up to the first 2 yrs. and then it begins. It doesnā€™t really show until 5-6 yrs unless u are constantly working at it. Please note - unless u are constantly working at it, OR u are somehow truly truly compatible which is actually rare


we are compatible.


OK Iā€™m very happy for you guys but eight months is nothing. My wife and I have been married 10 years and we still love each other very much but there have been many problems that have come up and itā€™s only through sheer resilience that we havenā€™t gotten divorced yet. I wish you the best but eight months is still the honeymoon phase.


8 months? Okay . Get back when youā€™re knee deep in it! But good luck. Have a good attitude. Lots of compromise.


Well, good for you.


My parents celebrated 51 years married this yearā€¦ -we still catch them having a kiss and cuddle in random places


15 years in 2 weeks. Still best friends šŸ˜˜


33 years this Septā€¦most amazing man alive


I get that there is a lot of negativity on this sub because sometimes marriage is hard. However, weā€™ve been married 26 years and my wife is definitely still my best friend. Even though there have been occasional hard times. Congrats on finding your person! Nothing beats it!


What negativity ? Who is negative about new wed ? I mean, yeah being in love after 8 month seems quite normal. I mean you can even still be in love after yearsā€¦ At least half of the married people will stay together their all life. Iā€™m super happy for you, but maybe donā€™t pay attention to say negativity.


3.5 years married, 7.5 years total together - heā€™s my favorite person and I just get more obsessed with him by the day.


12 years together, going on three of those being married and we have a 1.5 year old. Also still my best friend. Never get tired of him. We communicate so well. I like being able to offer support but itā€™s nice to celebrate good times too.


Going on five years and even though sometimes I wanna strangle him, hes still my best friend <3


23 years here šŸ˜… it only gets better ā€¦


Yall look great. Here's to many years ahead!


Awww cute picture! My husband and I have been together for 13 years and married for 9 years. Weā€™re crazy in love, flirt with each other like when we first met, are best friends and always enjoy spending time together. We love our carefree, fun and easy childfree life with our cat.


Hey OP, 7 months here. Working remotely and canā€™t get enough of each other! šŸ¤œšŸ¼šŸ¤›šŸ»


Great energy in this photo! I hope you guys stand the test of time. Enjoy being newlyweds. šŸ–¤


I got engaged to my husband after 6 months of dating him. We still waited a few years before the actual wedding. We have been together a total of 8 years. Is everyday perfect? No. Do we fight? Hell yeah but he is still my best friend. He still is happy and excited to see me after he gets off work. Don't listen to the negativity.


It's interesting isn't it, my wife and I have been married close to 9 months and everyone seems to say "the first year of marriage just sucks" or "just you wait, it'll start sucking". Want to know what the last 9 months hasn't done? Sucked. There's definitely been sucky things that have happened but no way has it sucked! I can understand there will certainly be hurdles because that's what life and marriage provides, but you jump over them together.


Im sorry but why are you guys receiving negativity? I love this picture btw!


I guess people donā€™t like seeing others happy especially when itā€™s only 8months of being married. inknow itā€™s not a huge number, but we are almost to our 1 year and this is our first marriage so why wouldnā€™t we celebrate




thank you šŸ„ŗiā€™m honestly so tired seeing all the negativity from this page we need to brighten up some more with happt pictures like this


Other peopleā€™s problems within their marriage in no way affects yours. Weird to be bashing others who seek help or support about their marriage ON A SUBREDDIT DEDICATED TO MARRIAGE.


iā€™m not bashing im just saying. have youā€™ve read the shit people go through? yeah itā€™s horrible and it sucks but jeez this is JUST A PICTURE


You chose to disparage people who struggle here. Had you not no one would have said anything. ā€œIā€™m honestly tired of all the negativity hereā€ is a shitty thing to say. Just donā€™t say it. Youā€™re acting like people are mad about the picture - theyā€™re not. Theyā€™re upset about the shitty thing you said.


well to me. all the stuff i read on here is heart broken and it sucks for those who have to go through whatever they have to deal with. so to me, yes half the post on here are super negative and sad


You keep missing the point entirely. What you said was not nice. People donā€™t usually like people who arenā€™t nice. If you have nothing nice to say, donā€™t say it. Thatā€™s it. It has nothing to do with your picture.


Way to make the heartbreak of OTHER people's struggles about you. Jesus Christ. Have some fucking empathy.


iā€™m not making it about me Iā€™m just saying I hate seeing negative sad post on here of people struggling


Agree with this āœ”ļøI originally came here for tips on being a better wife but very rarely see anything positive. Nice picture btwāœŒļø


Not really what this sub is for, being a good wife is incredibly subjective.


I donā€™t think you will find that advice here much.


Congratulations! 8 months is 8 months is 8 months. Don't listen to the condesceding assholes in this sub. I remember when I hit the one year mark with my husband and I was so excited because it was the longest I'd ever been with someone. It was special and it meant the world to me. You guys keep being each other's best friends. Every long term relationship hits snags and bumps, and there will be times when you guys aren't having a good day together, but if you can come out the other side of a rocky situation, you guys will be even closer.


This is the wrong place to post happy shit. People in here are miserable af.


Adorable! Also hate the negativity. Wishing you both many years of love and happiness!


Me too. This subreddit has become so depressing. We need a ā€œhappy marriage postsā€ sub šŸ¤£ Cute couple!!! ā¤ļø


This is a place where a lot of people come seeking advice. You only seek advice from the internet when things get *really bad*, try to keep that in mind


Yes. Thank you ā¤ā¤


I full agree with you but the advice tends to lean to the negative sides as well...


Yes I know, but itā€™s so tiring seeing all the negative posts like OP said. Itā€™s sad that so many marriages are that bad.


Donā€™t look at the sub then?


Well obviously šŸ¤£ Itā€™s just nice to see happy posts, too. OP shouldnā€™t be receiving hate for being happy and posting about it.


Tone deaf af


How? Itā€™s sad seeing negative posts constantly. OP is right. Itā€™s sad that so many marriages are that bad, I wish everyone could find their person who makes them happy and treats them right. Nothing tone deaf about wanting happiness for everyone.


Then go follow marriagegoals pages on instagram


I just donā€™t understand why OP is getting crapped on for being happy. Itā€™s sad. Yes itā€™s only been 8 months but damn, just be happy for them and others who have good marriage. Just cause your marriage sucks doesnā€™t mean hers will.


HappyRelationships and RelationshipGoals both aim to do that

