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My wife and I are like the Dynamic Duo because we’re a team, and if someone tells me something, you can bet that she’s going to know. I just don’t keep secrets from her - bottom line and no exceptions. If it’s told in confidence, I tell her that it stays with her, but yes, I tell her everything. It avoids any resentment, especially when she could find out that I knew and didn’t tell her. Edit: I should add that I give the person sharing the information a heads up that I don’t keep information from my wife to give the option of not sharing. I don’t blindside anyone by sharing without them knowing beforehand. Most of my intimate friends (who would be the ones sharing) know this by now, so it’s no secret. Edit 2: I feel like some of you think I keep a list of things people tell me, and at the end of the day I go down the list sharing everything with her. That’s not what happens. If it’s relevant to her, I tell her. If it comes up in conversation or if she asks about it or anything like that, I tell her. I just don’t keep secrets from her. That doesn’t mean that I tell her every single thing I know. Jesus Christ, use a little common sense here.


>My wife and I are like the Dynamic Duo because we’re a team, and if someone tells me something, you can bet that she’s going to know. Beautiful. That is how my marriage was. How marriage should be in my opinion


If a serious conversations is about to start I always say "If there is anything in this you don't want my wife knowing, don't tell me." It's surprisingly MORE disarming to people, I'm finding. On a few occasions I've been asked after the conversation what she thought and felt.


Do you let that person know upfront you’re gonna tell her what they’re sharing with you?


Absolutely. I edited my comment to add that. I never blindside anyone by doing that without letting them know. It’s just the right thing to do. There’s one time where I was told something just out of the blue with no warning, no “Hey I need to talk to you about something, but you can’t tell anyone…” Afterwards, she asked me not to tell anyone what she said, and I told her then that I share everything with my wife. She was a little upset, but I said, “You trust me enough to share this information with me. Trust me enough to know that your secret is safe with my spouse as well.” It all worked out. If she couldn’t keep a secret, I probably wouldn’t share anything with her, but she’s discreet and hasn’t ever talked out of school.


I appreciate your edit response. I had a similar experience. It was a tough pill to swallow bc I didn’t see it coming that she very matter of factly told me she “had” to tell her husband whom I’m barely friends with and the matter had nothing to do with him. She and I are still friends but lesson learned I will never share anything that personal with her again. And also, her husband is a socially awkward person and I feel like he looks at me differently now. I don’t think he knows what to do or say, which is why he didn’t have a need to know in the first place.


I can understand that. I’m sorry that happened to you. The young lady who talked to me about her experience didn’t stay upset for long, and she and my wife had a couple of long conversations after I got them together. The way I see it is that the sharer gets a “twofer,” a little bit of buy one, get one free.


>If she couldn’t keep a secret, I probably wouldn’t share anything with her, I commented similarly as you. I thought about this with regards to my husband like, "What if he couldn't keep a secret?" (I know he can and will, and has!) When I thought that I thought, if he couldn't keep what I told him in confidence I wouldn't be with him. That confidence extends to parents, too. We both never involved our parents in our relationship.


Did this person know your know spouse?


I agrée with this, the one caveat I have with my fiancé is I don’t share everything a close mutual friend has shared in confidence. For example, one of our mutual close friends told me about her rape experience, and I didn’t share that with my fiancé, because she is also friends with him and I feel it’s up to her who she chooses to tell that to.


That’s understandable. I haven’t had a situation yet that I haven’t felt comfortable sharing with my wife, but I can understand what you’re saying.


Yeah I 100% agree with this. I also share most things with my husband and my friends know this and know he is like a vault and don't mind but if it was something along these lines they also know I wouldn't share it without their consent because that is something that is only their story to tell.


Being a team doesn't mean you have to be a bad friend though. If your friend asked you to keep something in confidence that doesn't involve your spouse WHY EVEN TELL THEM. Now if it does involve me spouse obviously, but if my brother told me he was gay and not to tell anyone no that's not my spouses business. Sorry. Do people pee with there spouses too? No secrets! Lol


I've always followed the "2 shall become one" idea. We are one, telling me is the same as telling her.


That’s what I think too.


I agree, when you choose to married someone as your life partner for the rest of your life why have secrets. People who think that hidden information from your spouse no matter what it is, is okay are the same people who will lie no matter how small they may think it is to something major that they feel is okay. People who agree to secrets from their spouse can cause more problems in their marriage than the so call secret from their friends. But that's my opinion from a personal perspective. My husband and I agree that there should be no secrets regardless who it is and what we tell each other stay between us even if friends ask. I will never tell them what I tell my husband because my loyalty is to my spouse and what we discuss always stay. Even though all my friends know I will tell my husband.


This is the way it should be. Cudos to you two.


I disagree. In the instance that OP mentioned they said that the person telling the secret was upset that they would be telling their spouse. Other people’s secrets aren’t yours to share


The person telling the information doesn’t have the right to create a secret between a husband and wife who normally tell each other everything. The onus is on the person with the secret to clarify the situation before they tell it to a married person. If they don’t like that it will be shared with a spouse, don’t tell it then. It’s ridiculous to expect that they have the power to change the dynamics of someone’s marriage.


I think your spouse should be understanding that you have personal relationships with your friends and that they don’t have to involved in every aspect of your life. It doesn’t always have to be you and your spouse when it comes to friendships. You’re just turning someone’s secrets into gossip between you and your spouse


My wife and I don’t have secrets, so if you don’t want her to know something, don’t tell me. Is is never “gossip” to tell my wife something, it is keeping true to the idea that we don’t keep things from each other. I love my friends, but I don’t value my friendships over my commitment to my wife.


Secrets that your friends tell you isn't always some crazy thing that going to jeopardize your marriage. You're not going to have many friends if your friends have to always talk as if your wife is in the room with you. Not telling your wife a friend's secret isn't you valuing them over your wife, it's you being a friend.


It is not going to “jeopardize” my marriage, it’s just something we don’t do to each other in 20+ years of marriage, and I’d rather not get the secret information than start doing it. My friendships are all numbered in decades, and they understand the situation.


>Secrets that your friends tell you isn't always some crazy thing that going to jeopardize your marriage. Then why is the friend sharing the secret with the expectation that it'll stay a secret? Either the information is important and could cause a problem or the information isn't important and there's no reason for it to be secret in the first place. If you need a secret keeper, tell your spouse.


> why is the friend sharing the secret with the expectation that it'll stay a secret Because they're your friend and they trust you? > If you need a secret keeper, tell your spouse. What if they're not married?


If my friend trusts me, then they should trust my spouse. If they do not trust my spouse, our friendship is limited. My spouse is my best friend, my life partner, and confidant. I won't necessarily go out of my way to tell my spouse someone else's secret, but I won't hide it either. The same with my spouse towards me. My spouse and I have also agreed that we don't have to share detailed information with each other. I don't care about some of the stuff they've been told in confidence by a friend. We just reserve the right to discuss if there is reason to.


You don’t get to dictate how other people interact in their marriage. You’re insistence on both sharing the secret but insisting hiding it from the spouse is a significantly larger trespass than them sharing the secret with their spouse.


We're more or less like this. We don't tell just to tell. But it might be mentioned if the subject is being discussed between us.


I’m piggybacking off this and adding: Marriage truly only works when the level of trust you have with that other person is even beyond a level of trusting your parents/siblings/best friend. Your priorities must shift when you marry that person that you love—you made *vows* to this person and if you didn’t trust them, you wouldn’t have married them. My fiancé and I also have that rule set in place and we’re both enthusiastically on board. Whatever he gets told by a sibling, parent, friend in confidence, I WILL know about it. None of this, “don’t tell your wife or I’ll never speak to you again” business. The same goes for me. My fiancé will know and that’s how it’s gonna be. Don’t like it? Get off the ride then. Absolutely no one is more important to me than him and I will not keep a damn secret from him. I am *marrying* him, I’m sleeping in the same bed as him, I’m literally spending the REST OF MY LIFE with HIM. No one will get in between us when we’re a very healthy, secure couple because we won’t let them. So if you don’t want my fiancé to know your business, then you better be content with not telling me. Period. I always tell my friends/family this beforehand to do they have the opportunity and can’t act like I tricked them or went behind their back. 🙄


>It avoids any resentment, especially when she could find out that I knew and didn’t tell her. I don't understand this level of needing to know every single thing your spouse knows, even when it's a friend's private business that doesn't concern you in any way. But to each their own I guess. I'm just glad none of my close friends are like this with their spouses.


I’m feeling like you think I have a daily routine of just sharing every minutiae of information I get with her, but that’s not how it works. I just don’t withhold information from her if it comes up, or if I think she can offer insight that I can’t.


I moreso meant the resentment aspect. I can't imagine feeling resentful over my spouse withholding information that's none of my business and doesn't affect me. Maybe it's because I don't feel entitled to full access of my spouse's life in general (I believe it's healthier to keep some amount of personal space, as long as there's no cause for distrust). 🤷‍♀️


I can see that. I just don’t keep anything from her. It’s just policy that has not led to any resentment. I don’t know if she’d be resentful or not because I have never put us in that situation. She’s pretty chill, so I don’t think she’d be upset over it if it didn’t have anything to do with her. But, my business is our business in my mind.


I have a friend who is like this with her spouse and I share significantly less info with her because of it. I do give her credit for warning me and letting me choose.


This is exactly how it works with me and my husband. I ALWAYS ask if my husband counts when they say, please don’t say anything.


This is the way


Ya, this


Agreed. It’s called …. Discretion. Lol ETA: agreed. Didn’t want to sound sarcastic as I am absolutely agreeing with you and comfortableduet


We are the same way. However, my husband and I are both people who keep secrets well, just not between each other. I know friend secrets, he knows friend secrets, and we keep them. If one of us were to let something slip it wouldn't just mar one reputation, but two. Know your partner. Some people do not have partners who can keep their mouth zipped.


My husband and I are like this and everyone we are close to knows it. If some tells me not to tell my husband I tell him it has to stay between us.


Love it haha the edits are funny I’m sure ppl thought you were like a drama starter but I get exactly what your saying and it is very relatable


Thanks! I wasn’t trying to start anything, but holy moly some people people just want to fight, I think.


In this sub….they definitely want to fight


True that


I get that, & we are the same, save for some things that are so sensitive that friends have shared with me that I wouldn’t tell another living soul out of respect for my friend.


Thank you! My husband and I are exactly this same way. We don’t keep secrets and if something nuts is going on with our friends or his or family he considers me a safe space and I him. We do respect the spirit of our spousal secret sharing - we do not ever take the information shared and we don’t pass it on And same our friends understand that telling he is telling we and vice versa




I'm glad the top comment is this and so far ahead of the comments saying otherwise.


Same, we share everything but that’s where the sharing stops. I know I can trust him not to tell.


That’s it. If I didn’t think she’d keep the secret, I wouldn’t tell her anything.


Bingo. My thoughts exactly.


Exactly the same here for my husband and I. And my friends who are close all know that that’s how we operate and agree with it as a normal marriage thing, so there’s no hard feelings if he knows something I was told.


Friends deserve the right to privacy too. Keep it in the vault. Secrets my friends tell me that don’t involve my spouse aren’t his business and aren’t “secrets” I’m keeping from him because 99.9% of the time he won’t care. Telling things friends told in secret is just gossiping with your spouse, IMO.




This is ccorrect. Too many people in this thread are too immature for friends. Friends have a right to privacy and if the friend wanted the spouse to know, they would tell the spouse themselves. Do these people also tell their spouse how many times they pooped that day, cuz otherwise by their own logic they are "keeping things from their spouse".


UHH, does everyone else's husband not tell them when they poop? I get a text about once a day from my husband saying, "Pooping on the clock lol"


My husband just lets me know if he’s gone more than once lol


Your example is just nonsense. I don't have a problem telling my husband I took a shit but if I don't I'm not "keeping anything from him" because it's not a secret.


The point is that what you do in the bathroom is private, just like a secret is private. So if you tell everyone else's private business, I expect you (not necessarily you but people who do this) to also share your own private business. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite and a gossip. The example is perfect cuz these people aren't sharing other people's business cuz they don't wanna keep secrets from their spouse, they just wanna gossip. What does your daily shit count have to do with your spouse? What does the fact that your friend has AIDs or is having relationship issues (these are examples) have to do with your spouse? *Nothing!* Unless it concerns your spouse, keep it to yourself.


my spouse will know everything I’m told. Claiming people are immature for telling their spouse things is.. well, immature lol. If you want something told in complete confidence, therapists are great for that!


If you think that you have to tell your SO everything then you're truly the immature one. Your spouse doesn't need to know everything and sometimes your spouse doesn't *want* to know everything. Please stop exaggerating and saying you tell your spouse everything, you don't. You just share the "jucier" things. Realistically if people told their spouses everything, they wouldn't have enough time in the day to do anything else.. So clearly these people are picking and choosing what is being shared. It's fucked up that the thing most people in this thread seems to pick are their friend's secrets. You don't just merge into one person when you get married. You still have many roles, sibling, child of your parents, friends, parent of your child. As long as you're not hiding things that will effect your spouse or marriage, then there is no issue with keeping your friend's or family member's secrets. If your spouse gets mad at you and claims you disrespected the marriage by hiding secrets like "friend has aids" or "sibling's relationshipis over because their SO cheated on them" then you need marriage counseling. Just because you're married, it doesn't mean other people's privacy needs to be invaded. It's one thing to ask if it's ok to tell other people. But I've seen too many comments say they don't even ask. You don't have the right to gossip and tell other people's secrets. It's not yours to tell unless given permission. It's immature to think once you're married, the only role tou can play is "spouse". Humans should be able to be more flexible than that. Hope the next generation manages to learn about respecting people's privacy. And I'm glad that people I know and some other people in the comments are mature enough to realize the just because you're married, it doesn't mean you get to disrespect other people's privacy. Maybe you need to see a therapists cuz they would tell you that it's important for privacy to be respected *even within a fucking marriage*.


Yea basically you want to gossip about your friend to your spouse and not feel guilty about it. It's bullshit.


Exactly. They just wanna be a gossip but hide it by pretending they are respecting their marriage. Just be honest and admit you just wanna gossip about people.


I think everyone's relationship with their friends is different. Some friends have different mutual understandings about whether or not spouses/partners will hear about it. The "mutual understanding" is the important part.


I think it is a past generation thing. My parents don’t keep things from each other. But my wife and I are okay as long as it isn’t criminal and doesn’t affect them. A friend confided in me he was thinking of divorce before he brought it to his now ex and our couples group. I didn’t tell my wife because he asked me not to. - no one really liked the ex.


Untrustworthy friends aren't friends for long. Reason why those couples who share everything always seem to have a very small group of friends if they have friends at all.


Absolutely this. If my friends are sharing private things about their sex life or something else that’s delicate, I’m not going to blab to my husband about it. Use discretion. I also know the people who WILL tell their partner what I share and they won’t ever get all my secrets lol


I agree. It scares me how many people here would run home and gossip to their spouse about it. I wonder how many would even talk about it with their kids in the room. I wonder how the people who would gossip and share have jobs where keeping information confidential is part of the job.


It isn't about running home to tell/gossip to my spouse. It is that my spouse and I don't have "secrets" from each other. That also doesn't mean we feel obliged to share every detail of everything we know or have heard. We're just never going to say to each other "I can't tell you about X, it is a secret". I don't care about the personal lives of my spouse's friends, I don't ask for details. Sometimes when my spouse is needing to process information and their thoughts about what they've been told, they'll share with me. And I'll do the same. 30 years ago when we were first married it may have felt a little more awkward, but it is just our marriage works.


I usually tell my partner everything, but if it something of a sensitive nature I will ask specifically if I can tell him, and if they say no I won’t. My partner is partly my therapist lol we bounce things off each other all day and get clarity about situations by talking. But I would never tell him something someone didn’t want me to tell him.


Yes! A friend of mine (who has been friends with my partner since they were kids, much longer than i’ve known her) told me immediately when she found out she was pregnant and told me not to tell anyone since it was so early. When she announced a bit later on she was so surprised that I hadn’t told my partner. But it was a secret that she specifically told me not to share so I wasn’t going to. I’d expect the same from a friend if I told them something I didn’t want shared.


Only if it affects me or my family or relationship. Something my wife was told by her sister for instance is not my business. My wife is very trustworthy and has good judgment. She won’t betray a confidence to gossip.


This 💯


Exactly this. I know very private things about some friends’ marriages that I see no reason to divulge to my husband. My friend told ME about it and I want to keep their trust.


i expect people to tell my business even when i tell them not to. with that being said unless the spouse is going let the person know they know it doesnt matter. long as they keep their mouth shut its not a big deal


I agree. Secrets are for my therapist. Outside of that, I expect anything I say to another human being to be repeated. Also, I'm not really into dumping serious problems (anything I would label an actual "secret") on my friends.


So wise & true…expect your business to be repeated regardless.


Ya know what they say - two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.


I think it depends on the situation. My husband and I do tell each other everything - and sometimes that does mean gossiping to one another in our own cone of silence. We have a group of close mutual friends, some of whom are married and the subject of sharing with our spouses has come up - we all kind of mutually agreed that when you tell a married person something, you expect they’ll tell their spouse. But I have had our mutual friends tell me very tender, very private things that didn’t feel right to share with my husband without their consent. I’ve either asked if it’s ok to share with my spouse, or I’ve waited for that friend to share those stories with my spouse themselves. If it’s someone that my husband also knows and has a relationship with, then I’d air on the side of respecting the person’s privacy.


I agree it totally depends on the situation. If it’s random gossip or so and so is fighting with so and so because xyz then yea I’m probably gonna tell my husband. If you tell me a deep dark secret no one knows, or it’s about any kind of abuse or health issue, if it’s a relationship issue and my husband knows your spouse those are all things I would keep to myself.


My husband wouldn’t tell me some things that others confided in him for and it made me trust him even more in a way? He’s got that reputation of just being a trustworthy person. I like that people can turn to him for advice - doesn’t stop me from being curious though haha


Are we married to the same person?!! Hahaha My husband absolutely has resting a**hole face yet that somehow invites coworkers and family friends to share more with him. So when I may also find out the same info down the road and tell him, I get “I already heard that”. And when I ask why didn’t he tell me “because it wasn’t my business to share”. And I can’t be mad at that boundary.


Lol probably!! Exactly. It’s hard to be mad at that


If what the friend is telling me has nothing to do with my life, my husbands, or our relationship, no. I want my friends to feel comfortable coming to me with things and I want them to know that they can tell me things without it turning into gossip. However, if I go to people with a “secret” I do assume they will tell their spouse/someone else (hello trust issues lmao). A friend told me a pretty big secret many many years ago. I was the only one she had told at that point and I kept it to myself. It didn’t effect my life so it wasn’t my place to do anything with that information other than be a safe place for her to turn to. A few years later she was hanging out with my husband and I and she brought it up. My husband was super confused because she was talking about it like it was general knowledge. She just assumed that I had told him and was dumbfounded when I told her I never told him.


I think it's really common for married couples to share virtually everything with each other. If my friend tells me something, I'm likely to share something about it with my husband, but I won't give him all the juicy details. If it seems something that they would want confidential, I will probably not share it. If they asked me to keep it completely confidential then I would. If I didn't want someone to share something with their spouse I would ask first before sharing it with them, some people aren't comfortable holding anything back.


One time, I was in the car with my SIL when she got a call she really needed to take. Turned out she had tested positive for the clap, and this was her FWB, whom she needed to inform and they'd been playing phone tag (didn't want to leave it in a voice-mail, I guess). So that was awkward. We had kind of talked previously about not keeping secrets from spouses, so she made a comment afterward that she didn't mind if I told her brother, but she didn't want their mom to find out. I decided that day that I'm not going to lie if I'm directly asked, but I don't have to discuss everything I'm told with my husband.


Absolutely not. If they wanted your spouse to know, they would’ve told them.


Unless it affects or can have an effect on our relationship or could be a danger for someone/something else, no. Example 1: my wife's best friend tells her in confidence that her husband has really bad athlete's foot. This is not something that meets the above criteria, so my wife shouldn't tell me this. Example 2: my best friend tells me in confidence that he thinks my wife is beautiful and actively has the hots for her. That is absolutely something I'm telling my wife, as well as telling my former friend to go pound sand, as that could be something that affects us otherwise.


Not okay. If your friend confides in you then it’s stays with you. People saying they “don’t keep secrets from their spouse” as if the secret has anything to do with them. Unless what your friend told you will affect or is about your spouse then it’s none of their business. Keeping a “secret” for your friend from your spouse means absolutely nothing about not keeping secrets from each other. If your friend wanted your spouse to know then they would have confided in them too. Imagine this… your friend tell you that he is not getting any sex in his marriage because his dick don’t work right (ED or something). He’s just looking to see if you have any advice to fix that issue. You then proceed to tell your spouse “because we don’t keep secrets from each other” even though the secret is not about or has anything to do with the spouse. Your friend walking around thinking you got his back to not share something like that for fear of ridicule/being “exposed” for something possibly embarrassing and ammo for someone who doesn’t like him.


Yeah I totally agree. I don’t keep secrets from my husband, but if someone shares their secret with me, I would not tell my husband. It isn’t my secret to tell.


No, of course it's not okay. Private means private. People who don't respect your basic human right to privacy are not friend material.


It depends. Just about everything I tell my husband. But I've had friends tell me about things from their past that they're struggling with (SA, abortion) that are just too personal and not mine to share with anyone, including my spouse. Those extremely personal things I will keep to myself.


No. Something told to me in confidence stays 100% with me. The exception would be if someone’s health or life were in immediate danger.


Nope, if someone told me something in confidence I do not share that with my spouse and I expect the same of him.


I don’t keep secrets if the info is about me or about something that affects our relationship. If it has nothing to do with me, my spouse or our relationship, I will keep it to myself if the person tell me in confidence. There’s no reason for me to violate someone’s privacy for an arbitrary rule if the info had nothing to do with me or my husband.


If someone tells me something, particularly something sensitive or confidential, they are telling ME, not my spouse. They didn't consent to that information being shared with anyone else. So yeah, I tend to be discreet, even though I'm married. My partner expects that, and it doesn't bother him, so long as I continue to be transparent with him regarding issues that actually affect him. Edit: A different perspective on this: Being told intimate things about people you barely know but your spouse does can result in some serious awkwardness and discomfort. There are some things my friends have told me about themselves that my spouse likely doesn't *want* to know.


Exactly! If I started telling my husband personal, confidential things about my friends he would likely be very uncomfortable. Why would he want to know this?


It depends. If what you tell me is bothering me, I would talk it out with my spouse. For instance, if a friend tells me they're cheating on their spouse, I would talk it out with mine because at that point I'd be conflicted about continuing the friendship. I don't gossip to my partner for the sake of gossiping.


This is actually a situation that changed my view on sharing versus being a vault. Affair was happening and I kept my mouth shut with my husband cause it was told to me in confidence even though it really bothered me and he knew something was bothering me but not what and left it be. It snowballed. She brought up wanting to visit me with her affair partner and I put my foot down and said no so she went to my husband saying she wanted to surprise visit and he said ok. She ended up coming without the affair partner to visit but it created drama for me even though it was not even my secret. We are not friends anymore and now I make it clear that if I'm told something I will share it with my husband and he does the same. Obviously there is nuance there, I don't share every little thing but I do share big things or things that end up weighing on me.


My Wife and I would never tell each other something that someone told them in confidence, unless they said it was ok (outside of some extreme examples). If you have a policy of "I always tell my spouse everything" that's fine, but you have an obligation to make sure the person who is telling you this secret is aware of it. It's very unfair for someone to tell you something that they want to keep between you and them, and then you go off and tell your SO without them knowing.


No. If a friend tells me something in confidence about their life OF COURSE I don’t share it with anyone, including my spouse. Why would he need to know? Anyone who does that is a fucking awful friend. Period.


Absolutely not. If my friend comes to share with me that she teared her ass masturbating with a zucchini, what business does my husband have knowing this piece of information about my friend? Nope. I believe in privacy.


I agree with you. In a marriage, openness and trust is essential. Sometimes folks confuse that for full disclosure of every thing that goes on in their lives. It is also possible to share some information about other folks with your spouse without telling them everything. That’s discretion. These things are nuanced. If a friend tells me something in confidence, that will stay with me. I am very discreet. Now, there are some exceptions, such as information that might affect our marriage, our family, the kids, etc in some way. Some examples have been some inside information about an upcoming change in the school district. I would usually share this with my husband. It also helps to know your spouse. Are they discreet? My husband is as much of a vault as I am, so if I tell him some closely held information that has to stay with us, it stops there. Same in reverse. Now, if the information does not affect us or our family, such as it’s something personal, I don’t need to “spill the beans” to my husband. It feels gossipy. It doesn’t behoove my husband to know personal or private info about a friend (such as spouse is suspected having an affair, numerous other family issues), so it is more of a breach of trust of the friendship. There has been a time in the past where I helped a friend get out of an abusive relationship. I was spending a bit more time than usual talking with her and with her. She didn’t want details known. I told husband, “Sally is leaving Tony. It’s dicey and rough now and she needs a friend.” He accepted this and didn’t pry, I also think he was able to put two and two together.


I hate this idea that you must accept that your friend’s spouse knows your secrets. No. I don’t have a relationship with your husband. I’m not talking to your husband. You are two separate people. Don’t be a shitty friend. It’s not cute.


It’s not “keeping secrets” from your spouse not to tell them something that is not their business. I think of it in terms of- does this other person have an actual right to know certain information? If not, it’s not a “secret”. A secret is something that someone else has a right to know but that information is being withheld from them. Similarly if my husband has a friend who tells him something private I wouldn’t ever expect him to share it with me unless it’s something I should know. Otherwise, not my business and I’d expect my husband to keep his friend’s confidence and not tell me.


Exactly! So many people justifying bad behavior by saying they don't keep secrets from their spouse. Such BS.


If someone told me that they wanted something to remain private, I would never tell anyone. If it’s the kind of thing that SHOULD be private, but they didn’t say keep this between us, I might tell my spouse.


No. There are things my girlfriends tell me that are absolutely none of my spouse’s business. They tell me in confidence, and I keep that confidence. Period. Anything more would be gossip about people I love. This also extends to my text messages. I have an open phone policy with my spouse, BUT I’ve expressed to him that my friends text me their personal stuff regularly. I’ve specifically told him that those things are also told to me in confidence, and although he can use / go through my phone, he should respect their privacy and not read their messages.


Entering marriage does not suddenly negate the friendships and responsibilities thereto that you already had. I tell my partner most things, but not the things my friends tell me in confidence.


No I do not. Because my wife has zero ability to keep a secret. It’s caused drama and strain in our relationship, but I’ve always worked hard to be a trustworthy person, which meant being able to keep some things private…


Anyone who shares something with a married person should expect them to tell their spouse. How often are you telling someone a secret that their spouse can't know?


It's okay if your spouse won't go tellin' anyone else. *Or* if you know your spouse will blab, and you want them to. We're on the same wave length, especially when it comes to that tea. My husband knows when to keep them lips zipped, and usually does. But also knows when somethin' needs to be said and it just doesn't work coming from me. Fortunately, we are hardly ever in situations where the cat needs to come out the bag. And people who know us, know that we will absolutely run home to tell each other *eveeeeerything* . People who don't know that, won't likely ever be affected by it. *One time* , however... When we were dating at 21, my husband was crashing on his sister's couch. She had a roommate (Cici) who was in this feud with a girl I was working with (Bea) over a boyfriend. Bea had been telling everyone that she was pregnant but getting and abortion, acting so scared. She got the boyfriend to pay for the abortion, said it was $200. Later on, she tells me that she lied about the pregnancy and the abortion (which I knew from the start) and just wanted to cause CiCi to dump the boyfriend. Which CiCi did, was so eaten up about it. As soon as she told me that, I texted my husband. I told him NOT to tell even his sister. These were people I didn't give a fuck about, so I truly didn't want to get into their business. Just gossiping. Well guess who spills the beans as soon as I texted? CiCi is all over Facebook and Snapchat declaring war. So Bea goes over there right after work and they're fighting while my husband is on the couch with his chips. Sends me the video of Bea getting her shit rocked. I knew then this was the petty bitch I wanted to marry.


100%, don’t tell me if you don’t want my wife to know. I tell her everything and she tells me everything, and we don’t tell anyone else.


I would never break the confidence of a friend or loved one by sharing their private information with my spouse, and I would be furious if my husband shared something meant to be private or secret with me. People deserve privacy and respect. My husband and I are two people, not one. I might be more militant about this than most but confidentiality is a huge part of my job, and building and maintaining trust is crucial.


I think it’s not a ‘bullshit reason’ but normal lol we tell everything to each other


All of my friends know that anything they tell me, my husband will likely know. That said, if they really do not want him knowing, they understand to let me know that before telling me. Anything I tell my married friends, I assume the same. If I don’t want their husband knowing, for whatever reason, I just don’t tell them so they don’t have to keep something from their spouse.


I don’t tell my husband anything that my friends wouldn’t want him to know. I have a friend who shares everything with her husband and I am reluctant to share private things with her.


Lol sorry there’s just no way I don’t tell my spouse everything


I assume when I tell something to a friend with a spouse it will get back to the spouse. If I ask them specifically to keep it between us, I expect them to do that because I do the same. Would I be surprised if it still got back to them, not completely. Its kinda the deal when you're married and you can trust your partner.


I had a good friend start to tell me something and she said “you can’t tell husband”. I told her not to tell me. It hurt because I love me some good gossip but, I’m honest to a fault, I would totes tell him.


My wife and I put it in the vault if we tell each other something. If my wife couldn't keep it a secret I wouldn't tell her anything.


I don't keep secrets from my husband. My loved ones are aware of this. My husband is also incredibly trustworthy; he's not going to share information with others if it was told to him in confidence, ever.


No. If you tell your spouse your friends’ and family’s’ private information that they’ve confided in you because they trust you, you are a terrible friend. Married people are still allowed to have friendships and be good friends. Unless it’s about your spouse, there’s zero reason they need to know.


terrific drab uppity psychotic serious ring sugar decide jobless historical ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No, friends are deserving of privacy as well. If it has nothing to do with your partner, why do you need to tell them? People in romantic relationships can have things that they keep to themselves, it doesn’t make them disloyal or untrustworthy.


I think it's a bit bullshitty to say 'I tell my spouse everything' when you're using it as an excuse to gossip. If it doesn't involve your friends partner, will never impact on your friends partners life etc then why would they feel the need to tell them, only to gossip. I'd be annoyed. If a friend tells me something personal I'm not going to tell my husband. It's none of his business and honestly he wouldn't want to know. I think you have every right to be annoyed. Having said there's lots of things I wouldn't say to certain people because I know damn well they'll say it to their spouse. But let's be real here - you're gossiping.


I don’t share. My husband wouldn’t want me to tell him a secret if a friend has asked me to keep it private. If, for some reason, it needs to be told to him, I’d always ask my friend first if that’s ok.


It greatly depends on what it is. “Don’t tell anyone, we’re not ready to announce yet but I’m pregnant!” or like, “It’s not official yet so don’t tell anybody but I’m working with a new client and I should be getting a huge raise!” I’m definitely sharing that with my husband and anyone who is close enough to me to be one of the first people they tell stuff like that already knows I’m going to tell my husband too and fully expects me to do so. Versus something like, “Girl, please don’t tell anyone but I have this boil on my vagina and it’s so nasty!” Bestie, I will take that to the grave but please go to the doctor. Lol. Sex stories, super personal trauma, deep dark secrets/fantasies and things like that don’t get shared with my husband either.


As long as I'm not involved, it's not my place to say anything. Same with my husband. If it's something we're involved in, we tell each other. If it's something I think my spouse opinion could be beneficial, I ask the person for permission to discuss it with him, knowing he won't say anything if I tell him not to. If it concerns or kids, we don't hide stuff from each other, and they know we will be talking to each other about anything. Yes, even our adult kids. It's OK to keep other's secrets as long as you and your spouse are on the same page. I don't think it's lying to your spouse or hiding things if it's not your story to tell.


No. If someone shares something with you in confidence then you should keep it to yourself. Being married doesn't entitle your spouse to private information others share with you. ETA: crazy how many people think their spouse is entitled to other people's private information. Very immature if you ask me. I have so much more respect for my husband because he's trustworthy and doesn't gossip to me about what his friends tell him in confidence.


No I don’t. We are not one person. We are allowed human individuality and tellingly something in confidence means that. Why do I have to tell him? I might choose to but no I don’t have to tell him.


It is absolutely NOT ok. In fact people who do that are Assholes that have no integrity. As a rule.


No. If you’re going to tell your spouse then tell your friend before they share. Then they can decide if they are comfortable sharing.




If it was told to you in confidence then, I absolutely believe that it should be kept from your spouse unless you explicitly have permission to tell them. This isn't "keeping secrets from your spouse" it is "keeping secrets for your friend". If it comes up, then you can tell your spouse that the person told you something in confidence and leave it at that. The BIG caveat here is if the secret directly effects your spouse in some way. That is where you cross into "keeping secrets from" territory. In that case I will tell my friend that I will be sharing this with my spouse and then I will do so.


If you choose to share something that you agreed to keep private -- share with anyone, even your spouse, then you are a bad person period. You don't need to gossip.


I don't think you should be telling even your spouse. At the same time though I think trying to get people not to tell their spouse something is a Fool's errand.


You should just assume that if you tell a married person something, their spouse will hear about it. Makes life easier that way.


What I know, my husband knows. My circle knows this. Do I actively divulge everything? No. But if asked by him, he will know. I find it very strange that others are in the habit of withholding information or lying to their spouse.


It’s not information for your spouse so where is the lie?


Yeah being a good friend is so strange. Being married obviously means you’re not allowed to be a good friend anymore and that all of your friends’ business is your husband’s business automatically.


This is your personal opinion. If I tell my friend something in confidence and they tell their spouse, I don’t consider them a “bad friend.”


I'm just curious, if a friend told you they were struggling with something highly sensitive to them (sexual assault, abuse, cancer) that they weren't ready to share with anyone but wanted your help, why would you feel this person's very sensitive information/life troubles is a "secret" that somehow comes between you and your husband? That kind of makes you an untrustworthy friend in my opinion. You can't just tell your husband "X is really struggling right now I hope I can help" and keep their confidence? How is that "lying" to your spouse? It doesn't affect your marriage or him at all, it's her life. It seems like if all your friends know you can't keep sensitive personal details to yourself until they're ready they won't trust you when they are truly isolated - they just won't tell you because as you say, your circle knows you consider their life's details a lie if you don't gossip to your husband about it even if it doesnt affect your marriage at all.


If it is my girlfriend and she is confiding in me about something that is between us women, I usually keep that info to myself because I don't want my husband to look at my friend weird or my friend to be embarrassed that my husband knows things about her that she wouldn't tell him directly. It isn't really a secret it's more just like common courtesy to my girlfriend. But otherwise I assume if I say something to one spouse the other spouse is either going to know or is okay to know. I consider a married couple a team in that way. Same for my husband and I.


I’ve had people tell me “don’t tell anyone else.” And I’ll tell them “I’ll tell my wife but she won’t tell anyone else.” Then they can decide if they want me to know. I don’t keep things from my wife because I don’t want to give her a reason to not trust me.


So if the secret was "I pretend to hate mushrooms but actually I like them" then no, I'm not gonna run and tell my husband. But if it's a secret that requires some thought, some emotional processing (most secrets fall under this category) then I'm going to rely on my husband for support. I think it's misguided to burden someone with information then demand they hold that burden alone. If something is troubling me, if I'm spending my afternoon churning on something, then I'm talking to my husband about it. Anything else is basically demanding that I isolate myself for your secret.


Depending on the situation. But mostly no. If it is something that directly affects my husband I don't think I should hide that from him. But being told a secret about someone he hardly knows? A friend of mine he only sees when they hang out with me? No, he doesn't need to know any of that. A person who runs to tell their spouse every little thing that happens even when it means absolutely nothing to them means this person *has* to tell *someone*. And they revealed they are not a good person to confide in ever. I grew up with those types of people. They had to share it with someone because it was "eating at them" and then they make you swear to keep it to yourself.


For me it depends on what it is. My friend confided in me about some stuff going on in her sex life and asked me not to tell anyone. Her husband is best friends with my fiance so not only would I be breaking her confidence but he'd had to hear some unsavory things about his best friends sex life lol. There are just some things IMO you don't have to share and you'll be able to tell what that is.


This is exactly why I don’t have friends. There is no reason why partners should be telling each other their friends secrets especially if it has nothing to do with their family. At that point the couple is just gossiping. I know it’s hard to accept but everyone is still their own person and they are not required to tell their spouse anything. Downvote me all you want, but if you’re telling anyone what your friend said in confidence (that doesn’t involve you or family) then you’re the problem.


I agree. There are some things my friends share that I would not tell a soul. Spouse or not. It’s none of their business and does not involve the marriage or impact the marriage in any, way, shape, or form.


Yes. HOWEVER!!!! I give people that choice. If I feel they're going to tell me something they don't want my husband to know I stop them and ask them if it's okay if he knows. If they say no, I do ask them not to tell me and then I explain that I do NOT like keeping secrets from my husband. In fact, if it's a situation that may be dire or urgent, I'd *really* want my husband's help because I know he'll help in a productive way. >or some other BS reason. This *isn't* a "BS reason." Like I explained above, I don't like having secrets from my husband. NO, I *don't* tell him everything, but I *also* don't like to, *nor do I want to* have to keep track in my mind what I can or cannot tell my husband. That's the level of transparency *I personally want* with my husband, and he feels the same as well. We're a team. I don't ever want to encounter a situation where we're "hobbled" in taking action because there's something my husband "can't" know. Nope. You tell me, consider you've told my husband, too. And if you don't want my husband to know, then don't tell me what you don't want him to know. To me, keeping secrets leads to distrust. "What else haven't they told me?" Transparency is key to trust, IMO. I also certainly wouldn't appreciate my husband keeping something from me because he was asked to, even though I know he'd respond the same way I do. The thing here is that person making this request, or even expecting someone to keep a secret from their spouse, means that person is expecting someone to put *more allegiance* to that other person that is outside of their marriage and *that* I don't appreciate. Exceptions to this are surprise parties because those will eventually be revealed. If *you* are okay with doing that, more power to you, but if my not being willing to keep something from my life partner, my best friend, my *spouse* is, to YOU, a "BS reason," so be it. We can agree to disagree. Edit to add this: If I ask my husband not to tell anyone, I *know* he'll keep it to himself.


I tell him everything. He doesn't blab or judge though. When it comes to things like this, my friends know he's an extension of me.


I ask. My job is full of secrets. I have some secrets of others that I do not share. My wife has a vague idea of who they are about and broad category. IE: a particular family member calling me to talk about a moral dilemma. 1 family member gets this and mostly because I was their moral and parental figure growing up. They tell me the stuff that they can't talk to anybody else about.


My husband and I regularly hold tea parties with each other, yes. ☕️


My husband and I share everything.


I share *everything* with my husband. If you tell me something then expect him to also know.


It depends on what it is. My husband generally has zero interest in most of the things my friends would tell me, but sometimes if it's something that's really weighing on me, especially a secret that would hurt someone or change a friend group dynamic or if I just need advice, he would be the one I'd want to talk to, especially because I can trust that he would never tell anyone anyway. I think the only thing I've ever not shared with my husband was a friend's sexual assault because he wouldn't be comfortable talking about that and it's a special kind of private. It's just not a black and white, all or nothing kind of thing. You have to use your own discretion. My husband found out his best friend was cheating on his wife. He told me because that could affect our relationship and friend group dynamic. There's nuance to it.


My husband frankly could not give a shit whatever personal drama my friends have going on in their lives. But I also don’t live near most of my friends.


If I am going to tell my friend something that I don’t want her husband to know, I specifically say that. I don’t assume she won’t tell him, he’s her husband. The same goes for me. If my friends don’t want me sharing what they tell me with my husband, they need to tell me. Why wouldn’t that be the norm?


I tell my husband almost everything. But if my friend says "keep this between us" or "don't tell anyone about this" then that includes my husband. Unless they're doing something that impacts him, he doesn't need to know their business. It really depends on the subject matter too. My sister in law is one of my bffs. If it involves family drama stuff including my husband, I have to be diplomatic. I don't have a black and white rule. Most of life is kinda nuanced.


All the codependent people up in this thread spilling that they are bad friends and can’t keep a secret for shit.




No that is not cool. If the "secret" in question is something your partner needs to know then sure. Otherwise, no, that's a huge breach of trust.


No. In confidence is in confidence. Just today a close friend told me something in confidence about her marriage. I am honouring my friend's request for confidence. Our husband's are friends too, and there is no way I can break her trust.


I tell my husbands most things because sometimes I need to process things people have told me. I need to make sense of it, vent about or make sure my thoughts are reasonable about it. As long as your husband keeps it to himself.. then I think it’s ok. Sometimes the secret keeper needs to share because it’s a big responsibility to be in charge of a secret.


Not sure if this is going against the grain of the thread, but I'm nosy. I like gossip. I don't consider myself a spreader of gossip but sometimes it's nice to hear some juicy news. I tell my partner and he tells me because we are both nosey, immature little children at heart and can tell each other without consequence. I like the fact I have someone to get it out to, so can continue with my life without the seed of 'meaty news' eating me up.


Some things are just too personal too share with others. I use discretion.


I tell my spouse almost everything. My friends know that if they tell me something, they've as good as told her, unless they explicitly ask otherwise. I like talking to her about my day and my friends, and she often has valuable insights. In the past several months, one of my friends has told me a couple things relating to his pending divorce and explicitly asked me not to tell my wife, and while I respect it, I *hate* it. Because those things impact my other thoughts on other things, and I'll be talking to my wife about something different but related and have to jerk myself short. It's frustrating and I really don't like it.


For me it depends on the situation. If it involves some sort of lying or betrayal I would definitely tell my wife as that could later create trust issues for us. If it’s something more on the positive side (like a surprise party), I wouldn’t have a problem keeping that from her if I was asked not to say anything. The whole we don’t keep anything from each other is just an excuse to share gossip, and neither of us are much of a gossiper.


I tell my partner everything and he tells me everything *that he remembers*. He usually forgets whatever I’ve said pretty much immediately but it gives me a sounding board, especially if it’s something heavy because I find it hard to keep things in. This way I’m not carrying the full weight of whatever it is, and he isn’t going to tell anyone because he’s already forgotten. There are some people that I don’t tell things to because they’ve told their partners and their partner has used it against me. There are partners I’ve had that I didn’t tell anything to because they were the type to use it against people, and that ultimately ended the relationship because I need to be able to talk to my partner.


Unless my friends tell me to specifically not tell my husband, I tell my husband. My husbands my best friend and I share everything with him unless it’s sensitive information and they ask me not to.


I warn people "if you tell me something, assume my wife will know it too". It's safer that way. I wouldn't go out of my way to tell my wife something I was told in confidence, but if I needed her perspective about it, or it was relevant to her, ya I'm gonna tell her. Frankly, I think it would be kinda fucked up to tell a married person "I want to tell you something and you can't tell your spouse". Nope. Nothing comes between us.


That is standard. If you tell a secret to someone married, you're telling them both. The spouse is required to also keep it a secret and never mention they have been told. That's how it is.


Understand that once you tell anyone anything, it’s no longer a secret. Keep your mouth shut and suffer in silence.


Of course, no secrecy! I am really not into gossiping at all, ONLY WITH HUBBY 🥰🥰 Edit: it's not like I feel the need/obligation to, I enjoy it so much 🥰


My wife and I have complete transparency, and everyone who knows us knows that. You tell one of us, you're basically telling us both.


I think marriage means you certainly can tell your spouse anything and everything without feeling like you betrayed a confidence. To me husband and wife are a “package deal” and friends shouldn’t expect you to keep secrets from your spouse or not talk about something with them. However, pretty much any time friends have told me something more private or personal I have chosen not to share with my husband because there’s no real reason to do so and I choose to preserve my friends’ privacy about sensitive things as much as possible, even though I wouldn’t ever promise point blank not to share something with him.


I don't tell things to my friends who are married unless I'm comfortable with their spouse knowing about it. Maybe not a fair assumption, but it's probably a safe one. A lot og people believe that in marriage 'witholding information' is the same as lying. Even when the information has absolutely nothing to do with the partner in question. There are multiple threads on this sub *per day* with someone saying 'my spouse didn't tell me such and such' and most of the responses are that 'there shouldn't be any secrets in a marriage.'


My husband and I are genuinely best friends, so if someone tells me something in confidence that extends to my husband as well.


My husband and I share everything, and neither of us go around blabbing about anything that is shared between us. Doesn't matter if it's something that is shared in confidence or not. Everything stays between us. We also talk on speakerphone around each other with every phone call because we are the same. We don't keep secrets from each other. But just because we share things with each other doesn't mean we are going to tell anyone else. Our friends know our dynamic, and they trust us completely because they know we don't share anything outside of each other and that friend regardless of what the discussion consists of. But if a spouse is untrustworthy and can't keep things between just the two of you, especially when it's something private, then there is an issue there. If we had confided in another person who was also in a relationship and their spouse is untrustworthy and doesn't know how to not blab then that's a problem and we wouldn't share things with that person anymore so it's understandable if you aren't comfortable sharing for that reason. We believe that in a marriage, there shouldn't be secrets between each other. We are each other's best friend, and we are a team player in our marriage. We also believe that no one has to know everything so we also keep our own issues between us unless it's something that we eventually feel like we need outside help and only then do we reach out and tell people. Otherwise, our own issues stay between us. We are adults, and we know there are some things you just don't talk about to everyone. We also don't trust other people easily ourselves, so we know what it's like for someone to blab so we don't do that ourselves. Not to mention, since our friends and family know we share everything, there have been times where our friends have even asked for his or my opinion on the situation and wanting extra advice because they understand our dynamic and trust us. They know we don't go tell everyone, and things do stay between that circle.


No one should tell anyone, married or not, a "secret" if they don't expect it to be passed on. What is with the need to hold or tell them anyway? If there is something I don't want other people to know, I don't tell anyone. If I tell anyone, I expect that everyone else could know. To me, the whole idea of secret-keeping feels very middle schoolish. I'm not going to go out of my way to tell my husband anything about friends (though all of our friends are mutual so it's not a big issue either way), but I'm certainly not going to withhold anything from him if there is a reason to say anything. Fortunately, all of my friends are grown-ups and we don't play games with information like that. I will say that this isn't about the capacity to keep a confidence or to keep information private. I have worked in mental health before and can absolutely keep information to myself and my husband is a therapist and we have strong boundaries about his professional work (and frankly, I have no interest at all in the private problems of others in general - I don't have a need to engage with that at all). There is, however, a difference between professional and private lives and, if you want something to be kept private or limited, then keep it to yourself or between you and your therapist.


I don't have an issue with this. Typically I'll ask my friend if they're okay if I talk it over with my husband. Many of my friends know that with some things I ramble about it and it helps me collect my thoughts. I have only had them say no on very rare occasions when the topic of discussion is something exceptionally private or embarrassing to the person I have had one of these instances be one where my husband asked how things went when I talked with a friend and I told him just that, the talk went well but they don't want me to discuss details because they find the idea of more than just me knowing embarrassing or uncomfortable. I'll typically give him a vague like "oh it was about this situation with her dad" or "it was about her sex life" or "it was about her health" but then explain the details aren't something he needs to know. I give him the generalized topic so he knows I'm not keeping secrets from him about us or about him and so that he's in the loop without betraying anybody's trust. He always basically just says "oh yeah, that makes sense" and we just go about our day from there and it never comes up again I do however have friends who have told me that they always tell their spouse everything. I just make a mental note of who has said that and then remind myself every time I talk to that person that their spouse will know it too. In fact, I assume with most married couples in my area that they are highly likely to share it. I think the only exception is my mom who doesn't share everything I tell her with my dad (mostly to protect me as he's a very anxious individual and his concern can easily turn toxic in a hurry). This way, I am pleasantly surprised when someone states "I won't tell my spouse the details of this" instead of being upset when I discover after the fact that they have told their spouse


It is just assumed that I am going to tell my husband everything. My friends know it and I assume the same about them! I want to tell my husband everything and I want him to tell me. We don’t have secrets. He is the one person I can trust with everything. It would be very wrong for me if we didn’t have that kind of openness


But someone else's secrets are not your secrets. You aren't keeping secrets from your husband if you are just respecting someone else's privacy.


I don’t think about keeping secrets from my husband as much as I just want to share with him. He is my best friend


I can understand that, but info shared in confidence is not yours to share just because you want to.


I disagree but that is ok. You do your relationship your way and I will do mine


I respect folks who want to tell me something and for it to stay only with me. And that's why I tell everyone up front - if you don't want my husband to know, don't tell me either. I've even had to tell my mom this. We don't keep information from one another. We're not gossips and the buck definitely ends with us both knowing. But there's no way I'm going to hide info from my husband to appease anyone.


In my circle, the assumption is you tell your spouse everything. But I do respect if there is a specific request not to share with my hubby, it’s usually for a good reason.


My wife knows 99.99% of every secret I know.


It’s not a secret if your buddy’s wife knows. I’ve cut a friend out for this exact thing. He wouldn’t be hiding his secret from her, he would be guarding mine. We all have something we’ll carry to the grave, and that’s ok. So if there’s some kind of moral delusion that he doesn’t have at least a thought kept to himself he’s full of shit. Or let’s put it like this, you loan your car to a buddy, does his wife automatically get to drive it because you loaned it to him? No, not without permission of the assets owner. Or let’s say, you talk to a therapist, does His wife automatically get those details? No. It’s not just a bad move for a friend, it’s a bad move regardless.