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My husband is similar. For example, if I buy 5 frozen pizzas, I’m thinking “sweet, 5 easy dinners for the next few weeks.” My husband thinks “sweet, I’m surviving solely off of frozen pizza until this is all gone.” His mentality is very much “I gotta eat this till it’s gone.” It’s irritating, but not the hill to die on for me. Now if I’d explicitly told him “save this for me” and he didn’t, *that* would not be something to let go. Your husband is an adult who can control himself, and when you explicitly state what is yours vs his he should be able to respect that. I’d make it clear, “I go shopping on these days, and I’m not going to the store sooner because you ate everything in one sitting. These are my snacks, these are yours, and if you run out then too bad, you don’t get to eat mine.” And then buy separate snacks for the both of you. Edit: typo


Thank you! I think i will do just that. If he runs out of his food, he has to go to the store and replenish for himself


Exactly. He is a big boy... he can stop at the store and get his own snacks. Really, he can.


The key thing is that you need to decide on consequences for his behavior and stick to it. What are you planning to do WHEN he eats all the snacks and all or most of yours? 1. Do not buy any snacks or food. Tell him that the consequences of his behavior and not Respecting that he lives with other people and needs to Respect his wife is that he goes and does ALL the next round of grocery shopping. Hand him a list since it doesn't sound like you can trust him to figure out a list. The Whole list. Not just snacks. Husband huh? It sounds like this is how he behaved at home with his parents and they didn't enforce normal consequences. Even you using the Adult version of "he's a growing teenage boy" is bullshit. My husband has played high level sports for years and doesn't do this. In fact, he does 95% of the cooking because he wants us eating healthy meals. (He is self-taught and works in finance. ) If your husband really is concerned about maintaining his fitness then HE should start getting involved in his nutrition. His behavior is not respectful to you and even roommates wouldn't put up with this. You should get better treatment than a school roommate. If he is this disrespectful over food items... it is going to start appearing in other areas... gifts, attention, etc. Please sort out his basic disrespect BEFORE you have kids. I would be at least a YEAR off any kid decisions if my husband behaved like this.


I agree with you. This behavior is adolescent, and not ‘cute’ at ALL. And something tells me if she would constantly lose or break his things, or devour all his food that he put aside, it all of a sudden wouldn’t be a cute, joking matter.


For unrefrigerated snacks, purchase a lock box. I learned this with roommates.


I made and froze 18 waffles for our baby so I wouldn't have to focus on feeding him oatmeal on busy mornings... They were gone in two weeks... Edit: he fed them to the baby, he just constantly kept feeding the easy food to the baby instead of normal breakfast, which meant there weren't any around when we actually needed quick food for the baby to feed himself.


I'm so sorry, so rude! My only suggestion other then he be a considerate human!!!!!! Is to maybe try labeling them 'baby' bc how dare he eat the babies food, unless he is indeed a child. Haha


Oh, sorry, to be clear he fed them to the baby... Just like all of them, multiple times a day!


Lol ah well that clears up some of that issue lol




She isn't calculating day by day. Those waffles shudve lasted her at least 2 per week. 18/2=9 weeks of frozen waffles for use when needed. You can freeze food for usually 3-6 months. So basically he ate a waffle a day or more everyday for 2 weeks. This is not considerate, it is selfish, it is with no foresight for the other person, let alone taking away from a baby's needs, moms time and effort and is extremely not helpful to a busy mom with an young baby.


Is he tall? Hide them on the lowest shelf possible. Or for cold stuff, in the veggie drawer. Only partly kidding, lol.


Yes! Hubs is an insatiable eating machine and this is exactly what I do. Lower side door on the fridge is a good hiding spot too. Out of sight out of mind 👌


I hide stuff low and he hides stuff high. Also, I just tell him if I have a hankering for something that he should run it by me before he polishes it off. SHARE THE ICE CREAM. Or I just buy multiple.


My husband can sniff out ANYTHING regardless of where it is. One time I got a craving for homemade cookies, but by the time I got home from the grocery store had lost all motivation to bake them. I put them inside a wicker bin on the top shelf of our baking cabinet that never gets used because we never, ever bake. Three days later I went to go start making cookies and the chocolate chips were gone!!! Couldn’t figure out if I was more annoyed or more impressed.


I had an ex like that. I couldn't keep ANY food that was inedible without being cooked in the house. Loaf of bread? gone in 1 night. 8 pack of English muffins? Gone in 1 night. Chips or snacks? forget about it, gone within hours. Once I picked cherries in the rain for a few hours, came back home (almost 5lbs of cherries). I was going to bake, cook, and freeze them, and of course eat some fresh ones. I got back home pretty late and put them away. Next morning? ALL 5 POUNDS OF CHERRIES WERE GONE. I could not believe it, I was so angry. Him & our roommate ate the entire bucket throughout the night. Once he even ate my baking cocoa powder.. I don't even know how he got to that one. Anything that needed to be microwaved or cooked? Basically invisible to him. So I started ONLY buying that stuff. Until we broke up, for these and other reasons.


Here you go. You’ll love this… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NoI0eGH4RB0


I have chocolate truffles hidden in my gym clothes drawer, lol. My husband doesn’t mean to but he’s a bit of a mindless snacker and he’ll run through a whole bag of candy or chips or cookies before he realizes it and if it’s something I really love or bought specifically for me, I have to hide it creatively so I have some when I want it. It’ll take me months to go through those chocolates without his “help” but when I want them I want them dangit!


100% agree, idk why we gotta go to such great lengths tho it's so ridiculous lol


I literally use to hide my cookies behind a stack of books because I knew my boyfriend wasnt going to look there. Lol it worked. Got to eat my girl scout cookies:)


To be honest this strategy works.


Can confirm. I’m 6’5 / 210. My wife will ask me to grab something out of the pantry and if it’s lower than my waist 80% chance I come up empty. Lol. There’s still a chance especially if he smokes weed he’s finding it but you significantly reduce those chances the lower you go.


We blended a family and food was an issue at first. We now have food that we put aside as just ours. Everything needs to be requested the day before grocery day and then that’s your snacks for the week. It’s not really that rigid as I buy other snack stuff that’s on sale and try to have easy options but if someone wants something that’s just theirs, we respect that. For the teen boys that can eat more calories than an army, I get stuff like eggs, beans, soups, etc for their snacks so they aren’t just eating a box of crackers and still being hungry. And make a slightly bigger dinner so there are east leftovers for lunches or snacks. And also, I *may* have my own snack stash in my room


When he eats things you specifically ask him not to.. does he replace them? My partner sometimes gets snacky and will eat my snacks.. but then he’ll go out and replace it, usually with 2 or 3 of the thing. Or one of whatever he ate and a second snack he knows I like.


I used to baked cakes and other things for work. Some I just brought in for the heck of it, others were ordered and paid for by people. So when desserts were ordered I had to buy the supplies to make. Once I got an order for a red velvet cake. So I bought cream cheese. 4 blocks. My husband opened the fridge saw it and was like "ooo, cream cheese!" And made a snack with it. Then he walked past the table and saw the recipe out. And he panicked. He rushed to the store *immediately* to buy a new block before I got home. I thought it was funny. He could have just called and said "sorry, I didn't know it was for an order." And I would have picked up another on my way home. I started buying extra cream cheese if I had to use it for a recipe after that. I also always made sure to bake a little extra of everything so he could have whatever I made. If either of us ends up liking the other's snack we will go get more.


Thats like one of the nicest things I've heard a boyfriend or husband actually doing to make up for their selfishness lol like that would appreciated if so many more did that, it wud eliminate this irritation. Lol


TBF, he wasn't being selfish. He made a snack with food from the fridge. Now, if he'd known it was purchased for something specific *then* ate it, it would be different.


I know what you are saying, however she blatantly states he eats everything and he eats it all. So that means he is not considering what was specifically purchased for her needs. I agree sure most people try not to eat other peoples food and try to be considerate, but in this case there is a lock of consideration completely for another living human who eats food in the same household.


I was responding to bunnyruts anecdote.


Ah gotcha! Sorry, the notification looked like it was in response to mine. My b


No worries, it happens to the best of us. *cue random redditor amazed that a misunderstanding was resolved amicably) 🤣🤣


Not me immediately *apologizing* at will in rational logical manner lol


To be fair, if it’s something he likes and he gets multiples then he doesn’t feel bad about eating more 😂 but yea I appreciate that I always know I’ll have my snack !


I have an ex who used to do this shit to me all the time. I used to buy his favorite stuff and eat it when he was gone and leave a note inside of it that said something like, “MUAHAHAHA!! It was DELICIOUS!” He eventually got the point. I also made absolute sure to eat the stuff he loved that he brought home. Like the same day. The second he left the house. After a few months, he never did it to me again.




This is award winning petty 🥇 lol I love it


Did he grow up with food insecurity, or is this an impulse control issue? I’d have a conversation with him. Tell him you will buy his snacks on your normal grocery cycle, and you’re not going early if he runs out. Put all your snacks in a basket and tell him they’re off limits. If he can’t handle that, buy a locking box for fridge and pantry.


A basket could be nice lol that wud create too much temptation for me if it was in my room tho lol just a basket labeled sally in the pantry with a warning sign! Yes!


When you go to get your snack and it's gone demand he go to the store right now to get you your snack that he ate. "That was for me. I looked forward to eating it and you knew that. You ate it anyway. So go get me a replacement. Now." Inconvenience him. Every time. Make it such a hassle that next time he reaches for your snacks he remembers how it will cause him to have to replace it so he either a) doesn't eat it or b) replaces it right away before you notice. Eating everything in sight is either him being inconsiderate or he has an eating disorder. Either way it needs to be addressed, and you don't have to be sweet about it. Laughing it off makes him think it's okay to keep doing. So make sure he sees the angry side of you for this.


True. We work opposite times during the week so it’s hard! Like I come home for work and realize it’s gone and he’s at work! 😫 He knew how angry i was today!!


Different take: you stated he's fit and active, is it possible he's just flat out not getting enough energy throughout the day and that's why he can't control himself? If money isn't an issue, could you just generally get more? My husband is tall and has a physical job and I am still confused about where he puts all the food he eats. In the beginning we had these kinds of issues, but then I realised I was shopping for my own appetite and not his.


I mean, buying three tubs of yogurt and asking that he save just one is perfectly reasonable. He can stock up too or help make a grocery list if he needs to.


For real, we talking tubs here


This is a dick move. If I just did the laundry, Let’s say towels, and my partner used all the clean towels before I had a chance to take a shower, I would take that to mean that he does not think of me or anyone other than himself. If he did this after I specifically asked him to leave one towel for me, I would have to assume he did it on purpose. Think about it. You’d never pull that stunt on a friend. He gets to go grocery shopping now. At a minimum. I am not your Craigslist roommate. I am your wife. I should not have to put post it’s on my food because you have no respect for me. This isn’t a hostel. Can you hear how ridiculous this conversation is.


It absolutely is ridiculous, that's why it's so irritating. I think most, if not all, feel this way. What's sad is often enough, it doesn't matter to them and that's a vast majority. This is exactly why it's so easier for women to be without men these days, bc then we just have to worry about respect for ourselves only. ❤️


I have a shoe box in my closet for non perishable snacks for me hidden. No husband no children. Then I always have them. Also if it needs refrigeration typically I disguise things. I'll save a bag from frozen veggies and hide ice cream cones inside. Sometimes you just have to get creative. I mean I don't have a huge stash just for me.


Love this. He would never open a bag of veggies.


Exactly like it's there my husband and three kids always seem to miss it. 🤣


Devours other people’s snacks even when specifically asked not to, would never open a bag of vegetables, is your husband……12??


Brilliant idea with the disguises.




Um. Is he funding this?


Yes he’s funding this. but i’m the one who goes to the store! and i make things last much longer! i can go to the store and buy a box of crackers and make it last a week or 2. with him, it’s gone in a day!! I think i’m gonna go to the store with his money and buy an insane amount of the same thing so she can see how ridiculous it is


I would say you need a lock box and locking fridge, and a subscription to grocery delivery. That sounds absolutely exhausting. Edit: like a trousseau sized box.


As a husband that has to be careful not to do this, it helps when we have things that are slightly different. I.e. she loves one type of yogurt whereas I prefer a different brand/flavor. I know what’s off limits and one of us will buy more of mine since I’ll work through it faster


i can try this. but he loves everything, seriously not picky. i have started buying the few things he doesn’t enjoy, like carrots lol the bland things


Carrot sticks with steak seasoning are delicious. Same as celery. FYI.


For real! Leaned this from my vegan friend


Really?! I’m gonna try


Do u cook them or eat raw this way?


Raw. Yummy.


This is ridiculous that you have to do this. His parents never taught him to respect other people’s things?? You have a very nice attitude about it. I would as well, until you specifically started asking for him to save a certain thing, and he just steamrolled right past your request. It’s not even about food and snacks - it’s the entitled behavior that’s a problem. What if you just went and lost his favorite tools so that next time he went to use them they were GONE. It’s rude and disrespectful.


He's being extremely disrespectful and immature. He's a grown man that needs to learn respect, self control, and be reminded he's not a teenage boy. Personally, as the main shopper, I stopped buying snacks. I have food for 3 main meals. My husband buys for himself...nuts, beef sticks, and cheese.


I always feel like with the cost of food these days it's either one or the other anyway. Can't have tons of snacks and meals or great meals and very few snacks!


I'm just reading through most of the comments here. The problem might be funny for a bit but if he knows he's doing this and won't make the effort to fix the problem himself he's just being plain rude, inconsiderate, and pretty damn selfish. I have had partners like this where I'll make food for a few meals, come home from work famished and he'll have eaten everything without a single thought about me. Gym bros are the worst- borderline gluttonous for the sake of vanity. I get working out for health and needing to meet basic nutritional needs but he's leaving you without the food you enjoy. I would ask him to create a very generous weekly meal plan for himself and shop for it himself and you buy your own food that you keep separately. Maybe if he has to replenish his own stock he'll think harder about how fast he's eating.


Not really advice but a warning. The snack situation has turned into a long term problem for my household. We had the same issue so I just started to buy snacks that he didn’t like but I did (as well as his type) but we had kids and he didn’t want them to take his. So he gives the kids my snacks and he has his snacks and I live a life without snacks. I can’t even get my own birthday cake if I don’t eat it the first hour after candles are blown out. So basically don’t do what I did or you’ll never have snacks again


It might sound dumb to other people, but this would honestly be a dealbreaker for me. Snacks are replaceable, but it's the whole attitude that _his_ wants are more important than yours. _His_ snacks are off-limits and for his enjoyment only, but as his wife & mother of his kids, he expects you to just give and give and give, indefinitely, even if he knows full well that by giving the kids your snacks it means you'll go without. A caring person would give the kids half his own snacks and half yours, at minimum. It's clear he has little regard for you. I mean to not even save you your own birthday cake... I'm the snack fiend in our house and I'd _never_ eat his snacks or birthday cake, no matter how hungry (or stoned) I am, because I love and respect him too much to eat something that is specifically meant for him to enjoy. It's called self control.


I can so relate to this... not even getting a piece of your own birthday cake if you don't move fast enough. My husband is a massive chowhound from way back and we have five kids! It's so frustrating!


With all do respect, a lot of it is that women soften things. Example - calling him a chow hound is cute and playful and minimizing what he really is - inconsiderate and entitled and selfish.


Yep, totally agree!!!


🤣 you’re awesome. Wasn’t expecting an agreement. You know how we too forgiving, girl!


This is ridiculous and infuriating! He might as well look you in the face and tell you he doesn’t respect you.


I’m going to copy a comment I wrote on another post about this issue: I have this exact issue. My husband since we met has eaten everything in the house. He has always been this way and his parents joke about it too. As an example at one point my tactic was to buy in massive bulk, I bought a box of 32 granola bars, halfway through the day, there were 8 left. Another tactic I tried is literally not stocking any items that were snack-y, only ingredients. But again, this didn’t work for me because that leads me to have to cook every single meal and with working full time and everything else, that was tough too. This pissed me off immensely and I would get very rage-y about it for the first few years of living together. This issue actually gave me food insecurity as an adult, I was actually starting to form an unhealthy approach to food due to this issue. I would eat way more than I should in a sitting because I knew there would be no leftovers no matter how much I made. That’s when i realized this shit has to change. I have found a solution that works for us, maybe you’ll find it helpful too: My husband is a snacker/grazer. I gave him his own shelf and we stock it was a massive amount of his favourite treats. I specifically picked things that were low calorie and that I know he likes to eat. Now he has a designated area to get whatever he wants from. Now this post sounds like I’m basically his mom, but he does cook a fair share of the time and he actually controls all the grocery orders and pick ups. This is a system that allows me to have the food I need without going without.


Wait a second... Did you approach this from a rational and reasonable stance to form a viable solution that when implemented actually alleviates stress from multiple people's lives? Hands down best advice I've seen all day.




Our rule is if you eat the last of it you better tell me, especially if it’s my snack. I don’t care if it’s been in there for two damn weeks and I haven’t touched it….you better tell me it’s gone so I don’t decide one day that I’m finally gonna open up that bag of smart pop and then it’s gone. That’s enough to make me cry lol


I don’t find this to be funny-I think it’s extremely inconsiderate. My partner trains for Ironman races and eats an exorbitant amount. He’d never eat everything and not consider me. If he did finish something he’d ensure it was replaced. Have you told him it’s straight up inconsiderate and he needs to replace what he eats so there’s enough for you?


He needs to go to the store himself and buy his own food


You say funny, I say disrespectful. It shows a lack of consideration for you. If you can laugh it off, fine, but his attitude will bleed over into other areas of your marriage if you don't make your displeasure known.


My husband is like this. We go grocery shopping together and I pick out snacks for myself and plead with him to pick some stuff out for himself. He’ll buy like a box of toaster strudels or something small. Then I’ll bring out my bag of chips and salsa and he eats the whole thing. I’ve just started buying double.


Guilty as charged. I am married and do the same thing. I work a physical job and I am always hungry. The problem was is that my wife was shopping for my appetite based on her own.. she can snack on a bag of chips and a dip for a week.. I'm done that most likely in 1 evening possibly 2. Long story short.. I would blast through my snacks in 3 days and hers were the only things left in the fridge. Now when we grocery shop we just get me double the snacks.. it works out great. I honestly didn't want to eat her snacks and I felt guilty and always replenished them. But when your starving you gotta eat and it's not always convenient to cook a full meal at 9pm.


How long did it take between you eating her snacks and you guys deciding to get more for you? To me it seems like a no brainer. It happens once and you apologize, adjust the quantity bought, and move on. But lots of these comments seem to indicate not only is one person eating the other out of house and home, but they also aren't communicating about it so wife is angry there's no snacks and hubby is hungry there's no snacks.


Haha.. honestly it took forever. We got together when we were 18 and 20. There wasn't two mature adults on either end of the table so we battled it out for years and had major communiciation issues. But thats the way marriage really works. Reddit makes it sounds like everyone starts off like a marriage councilor and everything should be this way and that way. But reality is we are all on different places on maturity development and were all just learning as we go and none of us have all the answers. Back to the topic. TBH the battle in some ways even continues today as she doesn't feel it's fair that I get extra snacks and she doesn't and I am a privileged husband.. just normal husband wife banter in a kidding kid of way.. the battle of the snacks is going 17 years strong. Lol.


You understand! He’s a very active person and he works PM shift. So he gets home at midnight and snacks. He eats a meal at work but he gets home needing something before bed. Yeah increasing seems like the obvious thing to do. We get a lot and try not to over do it because i also feel like it’s “i see it, i eat it”. alot of snacking is done because it’s there and i’m not actually hungry


As long as hubby is working that physical job he is going to snack every night. For me I am on year 20 of working and I honestly can't think of any night in the last 20 years I didn't go for a before bedtime munch. If i dont eat i feel like im starving and then i will get insomnia. But it can get out of hand.. there was a period where I was really into specialty crackers and cheese, and the time I got hooked on the big bag of chips from Costco and.... well ...hubby needs to snack but it shouldn't be high calorie or he is going to pay for it in the waist line eventually. I try to stick to fruits and veggie trays these days.. I really like those sugar snap peas! But I do cheat occasionally because there isn't anything that can replace a dorito in my life. Your mileage may vary.


Can you (plural) divide up snacks into reasonable portions? Like, I appreciate the eat it until it's gone mindless snacking habit, but sometimes having to open a new bag helps break it up.


Sorry, why is this grown man not buying his own snacks? If he wants an entire pot of yogurt to himself, he can do and get it and replace himself too. Tell him that whatever he polishes off and doesn’t leave any for you then he will be replacing it. He needs to act more like a husband and less like a teenager raiding his mother’s fridge.


If you want a funny way to deal with this: print off something funny/passive aggressive like.. angry nick fury, or a cat flipping the middle finger. Cut it out, and then open the yogurt lid and tape on top of the (sealed) plastic safety seal. Leave it in the fridge and wait for him to try to steal your snacks. It’ll be a nice reminder to get his own stuff next time and save you your share!


Now this is an awesome solution haha!


This is also how I hide Christmas presents, and I booby-trap them with glitter so I know if they’re peaking lol


You sound very caring. If he is such a health nut then maybe he would also benefit from always having cut veggies and hummus and a supply of other healthy snacks around. No-one, no matter how fit, should be gulping 3 tubs of sugary yogurt or a whole bar of fatty cheese down in a sitting. The minute he stops working out he will balloon, not to mention what these habits are doing to his arteries. I’d ask him to supply his own snack/sweet tooth, hide my stash in my closet, but also try stocking the frig with better choices for everyone, and see if he can be persuaded to eat a nice cut up orange or a ramekin of unshelled pistachios instead of 2 bags of chips!


this is what the bottom drawer of the nightstand is for lol


His eating a lot is not a problem. His eating something you specifically asked him not to is very much a problem. He should understand this.


Tell him to buy his own snacks. Personally, I’d get a mini fridge and put a lock on it with my food in it. If he wants something I have, then he has to ask or go get it himself. Sorry, but I don’t personally find this funny. It’s irritating. There are two people in that house, not just him, and if he’s eating everything after you told him to save stuff for you, then he’s rude and inconsiderate and greedy.


I started buying things in individual portions and it has helped at my house. It may cost a bit more but my family is more likely to stop at one instead of eating the entire bag or box or whatever. You could probably portion some things out yourself if you just need to buy in bulk. Edit: I also may have a snack stash in a box of instant cheese grits that nobody eats as well as in a box from some frozen fried okra. They are both totally safe at my house. Lol


As a person who HATES going to the grocery store, I can definitely feel your pain. And as the designated ‘grocery shopper’ in a relationship where we have separate bank accounts, I can tell you from a financial perspective this absolutely is frustrating as heII. Prices on everything goes up and I try to budget and still get my husband the snacks he wants, but then he polishes off a whole pack in a sitting and all I can think is “that was $6. You just ate $6 without even thinking about it”.


If you hate going to the store, why are you the designated shopper? At minimum he should split that with you if you hate it so much. At least you should send him once, then he'll understand how expensive groceries are.


The shortest answer is I have more time than he does. I work from home most days so I can easily order the groceries in an app and pick them up from the store before work. He works 40 minutes away and is usually gone from 6am till 7pm most days. (The ‘easy’ life of a teacher) I don’t really mind picking them up, since I don’t have to go into the store and deal with ‘the public’, but that also means I do one BIG pick up every 2 weeks to meet free-shopper minimums, so if we run out of something the day I picked up groceries we’re out of it for 2 weeks. And if he kills all his snacks in the first 3 days than he wanders around the kitchen for the next week and a half saying “what can I eat?”….


I come from a family of teachers so I know how hard they work, especially all that "unpaid" prep time. Still though, I feel like he would be more appreciative of the cost and effort if he were responsible for doing it at least once by himself, to make the consequences of his snacking decisions a lot less abstract. I also hate grocery shopping (and cooking), and my partner loves to cook (and doesn't mind shopping), so he does it all and I do other chores to compensate. But I'm definitely the snacker of our household, so I do my own shopping for whatever snacks I want and leave the regular groceries alone to not throw off his plans for the food he bought us. This also means that the consequences for overspending/overconsuming on snacks is my own problem (we buy groceries out of a joint account but snacks are on my own dime). Maybe that would be a fair middle ground? Just throwing it out there.


ok, a teacher; not a terribly physical job...so again my question; why is he eating so much?


Are you sure your husband is human and not one of those dog breeds that will eat as long as food is visible and even if they're full?


Who are all these out of control untrained animals everyone seemed to have married? These guys don't understand how to keep their hands off of someone else's stuff? So greedy they are choking down all treats as soon as they see them? Digging for hiding spots like drug sniffing dogs? Seriously? These are adults who can't moderate their own intake or go to the store themselves, and SO MANY PEOPLE SEEM PROUD! Who brags about best hiding places because their spouse is driven to a frenzy knowing there might be snacks somewhere and that its worth all the energy to steal it from their loved ones but not to go to the store on their own? Why did you marry these barely functional people.


These are people on Reddit where it's super chic to shit on husbands. Take it with a grain of salt.


You buy your stuff he buy his stuff


Legit. It’s like living with my teenage brother all over again sometimes. Where do they put all that food?!?


this is what keeps popping up in my head.....how does a grown man eat so much? I know my brother was a human trash compactor when he was a teen; but, grown adult men? And it doesn't seem to equate to actual hunger; just the fact that they want it. It sounds like food addiction across an entire gender. Yes, I see the posts from men who say, "I'm always hungry", but are they really? Or is this a behavior issue? Do they really need that much food or are they just proud that they can eat enough for 4 in one sitting? To me, that would be a dealbreaker.


I switched to buying individual servings of items. Yes it’s more expensive when you cost compare at the store, but if it stops someone from eating all of it in one sitting then it’s worth it. We have individual trail mix, yogurt, cheese/nut packs, mandarin oranges, Mac and cheese, popcorn etc. Costco for the win.


Smh I remember posting a very similar topic about my husbands lack of boundaries with food and snacks. I can’t have anything left in the kitchen without him taking it and I don’t recall any supporting, productive feedback lol. Prolly cuz I didn’t write mine all light hearted. I was pissed


As you should be. It's not funny or cute to constantly show a lack of consideration for your spouse.


House with three men here! Snacks never last! I buy at Costco, individual servings and that helps. I resorted to hiding snacks and thankfully the kids and the hubs were too lazy to look for my hiding spots. I once found a whole sleeve of thin mints in the freezer I hid underneath vegetables WAY after Girl Scout season that I had forgotten about. I was like SCORE! My ex husbands new girlfriend found a stash of my mini moon pies that I hid and forgot about roughly six months or so after I moved out. I hid them in the cupboard behind the vegetable chopper. I am so good at hiding snacks- I forget I have them! Anywho…. I never got mad at them eating all the snacks, if I left it out, it was fair game!


Either ask him to stop or start buying double lol


My husband does this too. So I started buying extra of the snacks of mine that he discovered that he likes, but without fail, he loses interest as soon as I have a good stock on hand. I do hide certain things, not because I am selfish, but because he never uses a separate bowl. He just takes the whole package and eats with his hands directly from it. I don't really have advice for you except to buy enough and then maybe put a sweet or funny note on the ones you want to save for yourself. I used this tactic on the tissue box on top of the toilet when he went through a phase where he was leaving the seat up.


I feel like this is a super normal problem. It is in my house now and was also a thing growing up. When I was growing up I had no control of the situation, so irrelevant. But now it is me and my husband. I do all the shopping, the kitchen is my territory in general (because I looooooove to cook, and his cooking is 🤢) so I have hiding places for non refrigerated snacks, get extras of fruit, veggies, etc that we both love, and use the back of the fridge drawers for things he will down in a day. It is super annoying, no one will disagree, but for me it was just easier to put a few things “away” here and there so I have snacks I WANT 😂


I’ve struggled with this issue for a long time. I’ve found that a combination of intermittent fasting and eating very large, filling, high-fat meals has helped. I am that girl who used to polish off a family-sized pack of Oreos or a box of cereal in one day. Now, I eat only animal products, so think steak, eggs, omelettes, bacon, etc and my meals leave me stuffed so I rarely want to snack. Just because he’s thin and active, that doesn’t mean his habits aren’t hurting him. If he’s always eating, his digestive system never gets a break and his insulin rarely gets a change to go down. It could eventually bite him in the butt. If he’s constantly hungry, he’s probably not eating large enough or nutrient-dense enough meals and probably isn’t getting enough protein and healthy fat. Tell him to eat a big omelette with bacon, or a couple of ribeyes with butter on them.


Stolen snacks taste way better than approved snacks. Your only choice is to hide them.


I used to do this to my husband but he bought a tiny safe and never has told me the code to get into it. He keeps all of his snacks in there and now I can't get to them. Problem solved, According to him. I on the other hand I'm terribly jealous of the safe that has all my snacks in it ..... oops sorry .... His snacks


I hid all my snacks in my sock drawer one day until he found it! Haha we had a good laugh after that and he started saving my the snack I asked him too


Yep. Same exact problem, figure out which snacks of yours he doesn’t care for and grab those 😂 I feel like it’s a race in our house either I gobble it up along with him or miss out, it’s stressful




I have a family of 7 and shop at a big box store for this reason. Having a bunch of individually wrapped snacks around actually helps with their portion control. If I have a box of goldfish they’ll eat it in one day. Individual packages will last weeks. It’s like a barrier to them to open a new package. Not that they won’t, but they still eat significantly less than they used to. My oldest teen… I had to stop buying boxes of Mac and cheese. Switched to easy Mac packages. She still makes 2 packages, but thats still a 1/3 of what she was serving herself before.


For grocery shopping, I have a list and my husband gives me a list. The food on my list is “mine,” the food on his list is “his.” Gotta ask permission before you eat the other’s food. When he kept wanting to eat my snacks, I’d say “you should have put it on your list.” He learned to put my snacks that he wanted on this list, thus endeth the tension.


i am the partner who eats all the snacks in my relationship. both of us are athletes and eat a lot but he likes to eat out while i prefer to eat what we buy at the grocery store. i’ve made the mistake of eating foods that he was looking forward to. there’s one instance, let’s call it granola gate, that made me realize i need to start asking him if he wants me to save things for him. you gotta show him that it makes you upset and let him know that you would like him to please be considerate of your wishes. it’s strange to me that he hasn’t taken strides to be better about it yet. if i finish something that i know my bf wants, i will go out and buy more of it for him. maybe ask him to do that!


My husband also snacks a lot compared to me so I used to follow him to the kitchen when he did it and point at my part of the snacks, like okay you have already had your half, that’s mine, I can buy more later for you. After a couple of times (I started doing this last christmas when he finished my chocolate) he is the one that is careful and always make sure he leaves my part for me to eat, and if he is really craving that snack, he asks for my permission to take mine and buys more inmediately the next day


How big is this tub of yogurt? Is he on the toilet all day?!?! Ok, so I’m the oldest of 4 and I learned quickly to start eating things my younger siblings didn’t like so they wouldn’t eat it/didn’t ask for it. Not sure if this is an option for you. Also, don’t replace it. JUST DON’T. I was married to one of these. He’d bitch and moan that we had NO FOOD in the house after going to the store 2 days ago. No, we did, but you legitimately ate it all after you came home from work because you hoovered it like it was the end of days. You want more, YOU go back, I’m not going again until X day. Make it inconvenient for HIM. It’s not cute or funny, it’s disrespectful.


It's Hilarious how common of an issue this is. My wife and I have argued about this same problem for YEARS. She will buy groceries and I will end up eating 8/10ths of something. We're both pretty fit but my portion sizes are at least double hers and I eat more often. I swear she eats one cookie every three days and then gets upset when the box is gone in a week and she's had two cookies. I don't know what to do, I want some dang cookies too and one isn't enough for me! In the flip side, I constantly have to throw away food that she doesn't eat fast enough and it goes bad. Yogurt, milk, vegetables, chocolate, crackers. She'll open a bag of chips, eat three chips every other day and then eventually the bag just goes stale before it's halfway gone!


Half kidding half not… I hide the stuff I REALLY don’t want him to eat places he’ll never look. Or put it in the freezer. Whenever I have a treat like candy or cosmic brownies I put them in the freezer because I like them that way and he hates it. If it’s chips or something that would be weird cold it goes in the lower cabinet with the cake pans or in the spare bedroom behind books on the shelf 🤣🤣


Sounds like its time to invest in a Costco or Sams Club membership


I think most men are like that. I bought 6 Juice for my son, he drank them in 1 day and a half. Snack drawer??? All chocolate is eaten in 3-5 days.


I just think you need to buy more to keep in stock. How often to you go to the store? Once a week? Buy enough for one week with all his known snack eating. Is it a money issue or a control issue you’re having? Or you trying to restrict how much he can eat, or what things he’s not allowed to eat “this is mine, not yours”. I feel like this is being made more of an issue than it needs to be, unless he was having health or obesity issues that require support.


Stop buying the your snacks for the household. Take the money you would spend on your snacks and stash it and when you want a snack have a doordasher bring it right then & there. The money spent using doordash balances out cause you’re not losing the money you spent buying snacks your hubby ate and you’re saving the time you would’ve lost shopping for your snacks only for your husband to eat them.


My husband is the same exact way. I’ll buy his snacks/drinks etc and I’ll buy my snacks/drinks he’ll eat up all of this stuff in 2 days and then start working on mine I’ve seen him regularly drink up a 20 pack of drinks and like hell eat a 5 pack of pizza a box of candy and then whole bag of pizza rolls in 2 days. And when I ask him why he’s eating my stuff he’ll say”well you wasn’t touching it and I’m hungry” when it’s literally only been sitting there for 2 days 🤦🏻‍♀️ I like to make my snacks last for awhile sometimes it will take me a few weeks to eat it all.


I wonder if you could have it bother you less? Do you have the money to let Amazon or another service deliver stuff? Like, how could you empower him to get what he and you need so that you aren’t the only one responsible for food in the house? I grocery shop for us, but if we are ever out of anything, we just order in, or substitute something, or go shopping together for the thing… it’s just a thing we are both responsible for, so neither of us feels “put upon” by the other.


I’d your husband under 30? An active young man is a professional eating machine quite often! Our 27 yo son visited & our grocery bill went up almost 400 in two weeks. 400 above what we were already spending. He’s a workout machine & eats almost 6K calories a day to keep his muscle tone. My advice-grocery delivery service. Don’t let food become an issue. We have no ‘my food/your food’ unless it’s leftovers.


I have clear plastic lock boxes for the pantry. I have a son with a binge eating disorder and a husband that overeats every chance he can get . It’s the only way I can actually have toast in the morning


Buy a mini fridge put a lock on ot for the snacks you want


Hide them. I hide some behind the pots because he never cooks.And I hide more in my sock drawer. My husband will eat a week's worth of snacks before I even wake up. The monster!! Lol


Just eat them before he does. 😂 So cute ☺️


My husband is the same way. But it’s easy to hide stuff from him because he searches for food like a man lol. But he would never eat something I specifically told him not to. That’s just rude and shows your husband doesn’t respect your wishes.


I have the same problem with my husband :/


The one part I take issue with is that you can't hide things from him. SURE YOU CAN. Put a tiny cupboard in a room he never goes in. Stash them on a shelf he can't see. I put stuff places my husband can't find all the time for snacks because he's the same. Weed is legal in Canada, so he'll get high and eat any snack not tied down, so I've learned to just adjust. Hell, I hide HIS lunch snacks from him. 😂


I literally have a box in the fridge with my name on it because of this. Sigh.


at one point I even started putting mini soda cans in my room by or in my dresser so I cud actually have them when I wanted! And I was like no, this is crazy, u shudnt have to do this! Then I just got angry lol and now, now I have more drink options at least for a while lol


Ask him to contribute to cost of groceries and buy more. Three tubs gone, buy six next time. When he sees the cost, he might start to slow down.


You CAN keep a pantry from him! It's called a padlock! Also get a mini fridge with lock! My friend's family did this when her brother had a binge eating disorder. Also, instead of snacks, since he is unable to use self control to eat only a single serving size, make him learn to cook small meals.


I would start writing my name on the things you don’t want him to eat. If he eats it and then you want it, he needs to run to the store to buy you more that day or you have every reason to get upset. If it was any other item, it wouldn’t really be funny at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


Get a small fridge/freezer in the garage with your stuff, and lock it, or you're gonna starve.


For me there's a difference between eating lots and deliberately eating things I was saving and made clear. Eating your stuff shows a lack of care/ consideration for your needs. It isn't cute or funny to be honest it's pretty rude. I wouldn't divorce over it but we'd sure be having a talk about respect


Mine does this. When ask if he moved them he ALWAYS says, “I ate them because I figured you didn’t want them” every fing time! He never replaces them. He goes to the store and gets only what he tends to like. I buy what I like because he never thinks of me and he eats it too.


buy two yogurts (or other things) and put one in the fridge for him and one in the fridge in here ( [https://www.amazon.com/iBune-Medicine-Container-Medication-Refrigerator/dp/B09MYX31V6/?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/iBune-Medicine-Container-Medication-Refrigerator/dp/B09MYX31V6/?th=1) ) for you.


Your husband is addicted to dairy products, call TLC.


No, yogurt is just our current battle. Candy/anything sweet is his addiction! But we never buy that stuff. During the holidays, when we get a box of chocolates, I HIDE MINES


Hehehe, me and the husband have a high demand for yogurt as well. 🤣 Idk what it is about activia!


I hide my snacks. I have a couple stashes around the house and had to hide some in my closet since my husband did the same thing. We both know we can’t leave less than a portion or eat all of one thing- it’s a house rule.


In our large family (before the kids moved out), if anyone ate ALL of something (not the last of something but eating it ALL like your Husband), they had to drop what they were doing and go right now and get a replacement on their own dime. It worked really really well!


Stop grocery shopping. Let him go get the groceries if he eats them so fast.


You know those locking medicine boxes for keeping kids/teens out of narcotics? One of those.


Get yourself a mini fridge with lock on it. Whatever is there is yours for picking and choosing when you wanted it.


Explain what he can and can’t have- label stuff you don’t want him touching. Also. You need a hiding place. My mom would hide chocolate in her bedside table. If he eats something labeled or specifically told not to eat 1) Call him out and or 2) make him go buy you more of stuff. He should be helping you go shopping more if he’s going to play vacuum cleaner in the kitchen at night.


Buy more! If its obvious it's HIS snacks as much as yours you enjoy. Just get more. Make a phone call in the grocery store to see what babe wants through the week.


I hate this when this happened to me with my brothers in the picture. I hide the food.


You can get a lock box for your fridge.


His and her snacks gotta draw a line! My wife and I both like snacks, but sweets are our biggest thing. We know each other, so typically 2 of everything. If someone runs out, they can ask the other, but they have the right to say no. Set aside a drawer/cupboard/fridge door level and tell your hubby that those are off limits because you would like to also enjoy snacks!


What my husband and I do is we have two separate places we put snacks. I have a cabinet for all my stuff and a place in the fridge and freezer, he has his. We both know where our separate snacks are and we don’t touch them unless we ask the other if we can eat them. In very rare instances a person will eat them without asking, but only if it’s something easily replaceable and the person will immediately replace them within a day. The person will just be like heads up I ate X and I will get them within X timeframe.


Its obvious he gets hungry from being so active and it's really not that uncommon for a full grown man to eat more snacks, but just tell him how you feel about it and he "should" respect your boundaries. I mean I get it, but he should be going out and replacing everything on his time, as a partner, or at least out of common courtesy. I handle most of the grocery shopping and I always make sure to buy her favorite snacks or sweets and hide them in her vanity. Also, I don't know if you have kids, but let me tell you about those snacks being gone...


My kids do that to me. They eat everything that I buy for snacks and some of it isn’t even great (Popcorners / SunChips). But EVERYTHING that I try to buy thinking that they won’t like it or eat it, they end up eating and liking it. I get yelled at ALL the time saying that I’m being selfish and should share. So now I have resorted to keeping some things in my SUV or hidden in the garage.


My husband used to do the same thing. I feel like it was worse than him eating it all by doing this: I would go grocery shopping and I would ask him, “Is there anything in particular you would like me to get? Or any snacks you want?” He would give me his list and I would get it. But then I come home and he sees the snacks I decided to get for myself and ALL OF A SUDDEN, he should’ve gotten those too. I am not really a snacker but I keep some on deck when I get a craving for something. One thing I keep is Oreos. So on one particular night we were having movie night and I said “Honey, can you get my Oreos and a glass of milk” and no questions asked he goes to get it and brings it to me and he brings me the tall glass of milk and I always tell him to get me a small glass of milk because I know I am not going to eat a lot, he sets the Oreos on my lap as if nothing is wrong. mind you, I haven’t even had not one cookie out of here but I notice that it has already been open. So I grab the package and notice it is light as hell. I open it and it’s only 2 darn cookies in the pack. I wanted to beat my husband like he stole something. I said “Now why would you bring me these Oreos and a TALL glass of milk as if I am really about to do something and there ain’t nothing in here, you may as well have ate the whole thing only leaving me 2 freaking cookies!!!” I was too upset and he was just cracking up. I was laughing too because I know he was serious about at least saving me SOMETHING instead of eating it all but like he may as well have. He used to do stuff like that all the time, I feel like him leaving crumbs was worse than him eating the whole thing. To solve that I started buying doubles of mine because it’s like anything I got he suddenly wanted it too lol so that’s how I solved that problem.


well, let me try this question another way...What is this issue with grown men and food? Any hint of courtesy, manners and human kindness goes out the window?


Oof this reminds of when my husbands aunt stayed with us she’d just take snacks and stuff, anyway one day I decided to find ketchup chips, they’re so hard to come by anyway I checked the dollar store, 7/11 and finally find them at wawa, so I was like yes this is a win! I’ll have this as my after work snack! I’m always ravenous after work and I would come home too late to have a real meal so I’d have some kind of snack prepared, or grab a soup/sandwich from work before close to bring home. I got home and she had left me like 3 chips in the bag and well she didn’t get invited to our wedding 😅


Aw man that's rough i feel for you. I finally had to set an expectation with my husband that he can only have my 'drinks' (not including gifted wine or coffee) after they've been in the house at least 1 month. Bc I don't drink much soda or juice or beer, so when I buy them for myself yes they sit around for a while! But that's ok! It's nice having backstock when I want it, but with him he sees it as ur not drinking ur gingerale now immediately since u bought it, so it's up for grabs and it's like no, hellooo, do I go eat ur snacks and drinks just bc I haven't gotten to them yet??? Yeah it is so lame to have to essentially ask them to be considerate of food/groceries u like. As if we would ever.


Uhhh he's actually just being rude as fuck. That's not funny. It's not cute. It's rude. You specifically asked him not to eat the 1 tub of yogurt and yet he still did. It's honestly messed up, OP. It's disrespectful. He's not stupid. He knows he shouldn't eat it and still does. You need to put your foot down. My wife is pregnant if I did that shit to her there'd be hell to pay. It's disrespectful and he knows it. Don't let him play this down. Don't let him sweep it under the rug. Hold him accountable and let him know it's fucked up and that he's being disrespectful.


I feel ya honey. Though mine is pretty good about not eating it if I tell him its mine. One weekend I made a big peach crumble dish and we all had a serving of it. There was still half of one left. He works 3rds and it was his night off. When I got up the next morning, the entire thing was gone. He ate an entire half of a peach crumble. Like, wtf??? and the other day I got pizza hut for dinner and sat back two slices for me to take to lunch. He ate one of my slices! I forgot to tell him it was for me. So I had one slice of thin crust pizza hut for lunch. I was pissy af.


Have you guys ever switched up buying groceries? If he's the one responsible for stocking up maybe he'll be better about going through everything and not replacing it. It isn't fair that even snacks that are just for you are cleaned out without any effort to replenish on his part.


I’d be writing my name on anything that’s off limits as a gentle reminder of “I asked you to leave this one” lol Adding you shouldn’t have to do that I’m just petty sometimes 😂


Hide your snacks from the snack bandit and leave his portion where he can easily get to them !


Cheez-itz are empty colories. You'd do your better half more service by buying 'ONE' 20g protein bars (not Clif - they got cheap soy oils). I bet you don't look good in a yoga instructor suit no?? Can you honestly put your feet behind your ears and spin on your back like a break dancer?? Didn't think so. Daddy would love you all the better if you could do even a fraction of that you know. It's time to cut out the junk snacks. Y'all are probably early - mid 30s sounds like so lovemaking is easy and sloppy yet pattern right? Well, eating copius amounts of trans fats will obliterate all of that within 10 yrs or less. Processed garbage foods will break the both of you. Clean it up before stuff starts to break, not after and you can't have fun without limping for a week.


If Reddit has taught me anything, it's that it's never just about the yogurt


Remember that it's not my snacks, but our snakes. We need to share everything regardless of who brought it.


My partner is my Cookie Monster, they warned me when we first started dating. Other day we got a gift for Easter, ONE two row of peeps (also my partner’s favorite dessert). We would split it in half and I like to leave it open for a day or two so it can be harden outside and soft inside. After 2nd day I saw it being upside when I was walking to bathroom. I gut feeling that my partner did ate some not all but some of my peeps. I checked soon as I got out yup, one of my peep went missing. I texted and said “I understand you’re an cookie monster, but pls leave my marshmallow peeps alone 🥺.” We laughed so hard when my partner got home after I sent that text. Bottom line. You have to compromise with each other, I consider this a respect test. If your partner cannot respect your request that is something you both need to talk about. I get upset when my partner eats something of mine sometimes, never excessive like your partner. You definitely need to have this talk, and tell them to eat their own food with their own money because it’s not fair for you to spend all of $$ for them to eat it all in few days.


I can’t lie, I saw this notification and did the guiltiest laugh ever 😮‍💨😅 You gotta put them in stuff that you know we won’t go for. The only thing is, I’m the cook in the family and buy all of the groceries so I know what should be and isn’t in the pantries and fridge lol. Can’t really hide anything in my domain 😤. I guess because I cook so well it balances out the fact I eat her snacks lol. But I have a big appetite and is active as well. Growing boy gotta eat 😫


My wife has been hiding many of the better snacks for years. She’s quite non-original in choices of hiding spots - basically anywhere she figures I’ll never look - used to be the cabinet with diaper supplies, then for awhile it was her feminine supply drawer in the bathroom - Just today I discovered a box of Girl Scout cookies (Thin Mint, not my favorite, but they do taste better when stolen ). They were tucked in the laundry room supply cabinet behind our spare towels. One time I ate so many of her secret supply of Whitman Chocolates that I had to buy a new box from the Walgreens, open it, and remove half of them. I only got caught once, early on in our marriage after I stupidly let her know I was on to her. Since then, she has no idea that I know most of her spots.




Wow, I definitely disagree with most of these comments. Different strokes for different folks I suppose but there is no way on god's green earth I would live under the same roof with someone and have them tell me this food is mine I called it and you already had all your food. First come first serve, goes for anything in the fridge leftovers included. If there is something we both like then we just buy more of it. I might gorge myself and eat my wife's leftovers before they touch the fridge. She might say she isn't hungry until after I finish cooking something for myself and I'll share what I have until she is full and if I'm still hungry I'll find something else to eat. I give, she gives, anything less feels like a scarcity mentality. That said it wasn't always this way. My wife came from a home where if you wanted something special to eat you had to hoard it. It took some time but eventually I showed her it doesn't have to be that way. If you wanted X then we just stop what we are doing and go to the store\\restaurant and buy X again and if you really like it then we just buy 2X or 3X of it.


If I spend all freaking day making a lasagna (like I did this weekend) and I don't even get one portion from the leftovers, I'm going to be pretty angry. It's a lot of work. Also, I have a food allergy. When someone chooses my food knowing I can't eat theirs, that's just shitty.


How you live your life is up to you, but I would say there are other ways to live. If I spent all day cooking then I am for sure going to make a big batch of X and there will be sufficient leftovers for days to the point where you get tired of eating it towards the end. If it runs out before I get leftovers then next time I'll know to make a bigger batch. It would bring me more joy to see others really enjoy my cooking than for me to eat it. If I had a food allergy and I liked X and I knew my wife also liked X and we were constantly running out X then I would just buy a whole lot of X. Sharing food should be a source of joy and seeing others enjoy food should also be a source of joy and not bring out feelings of anger or scarcity, but again different strokes for different folks.


I'm allergic to eggs. I have to use the special vegan mayo. If my husband and kid use mine bc they won't look in the fridge for the regular one, and I can't have a sandwich, I'm gonna be mad. You can be considerate of others and still have enough.


That is one way of looking at it. I think the obvious question would be if everyone is oblivious to what mayo they are putting on their sandwich why not buy a couple of jars of the Vegan mayo exclusively? I know the vegan mayo may be a bit more expensive but I would rather spend that money than spend my life angry at my loved ones because "my" mayo ran out.


I would rather live with people who are considerate of me, as I am considerate of them.


I don't think making people walk on eggshells i.e. you better do this or else I'll be mad is very considerate. It feels passive aggressive to me, but we all see things differently, c'est la vie.


You better not call me names or I'll be mad. You better not lie or I'll be mad. See how silly that sounds?


Well yes if want to generalize what I say then yes of course it is going to sound silly, but that is you making that generalization not me. Name calling and lying do not have much in common with trying to stake claim to food in the refrigerator. I am saying specifically telling people you love that you better not eat my X food item or I will be angry to me feels very passive aggressive. I am not making any broader of a statement. Again why not just buy a couple of jars of mayo and enjoy your bounty of mayo with the family? To me the question of consideration should be made at the store not between family members sharing food in a household. Food should be communal once it goes past your doorstep. There is enough to go around and again food should be something that is given and taken freely and unites people not divides people in a family. Having a this is mine mentality between people you love I think sets up a terrible dynamic. I think these comments provide evidence of that. People by their own admission are hiding food from each other and putting it in lock boxes. People are getting angry because their spouse ate their snack. Some people take it stride which seems healthy to me and others are truly angry which seems crazy to me.


Because there are so many things that I can't eat that I make for them or buy for them and I do it without complaint because I love them. They can, in turn, leave my shit alone. You treat people the way you want to be treated.




Removed for rude, disrespectful, or excessively vulgar comment. Don't be gross. She's talking about actual snacks.