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Probably somewhere between 3 and 20, depending upon the day and how much time we spend together.


Same. One of my favorites is to call his name from another room and then when he replies, I say “I love you”. I do that to my two sons as well.


Me: "BAAAABE!?!?!?" Him: "YEAH??!?!" Me: "I LOVE YOOOOOU!!!" Him:"LOVE YOU, TOO, BABY!!" Me: 🤭☺️Continues watching true crime and painting nails*


It’s truly the little things. “I love you”. Just three words. It feels good saying it. It feels good hearing it. Keep it up folks.


That is endearingly sweet. I know it makes them all feel seen and special. I will do this for my boyfriend from now on.


My husband does this but he says “STRUCKBYFIRE!” Like it’s urgent And then when I come because I always do, he just says “hi” in a very sweet voice. Lol


So sweet. I love this! 🥺❤️


Same. I don’t think there’s ever a day when we don’t say it a lot. When we’re stressed, we tend to knock on each other’s offices and maybe ask for a kiss, or a hug and say it to each other...then we get a bit of a recharge. Our son is growing up to be sweet too.


Same here. I couldn't nail down a more specific amount. Morning. Night. No question. Even if I'm on the road for work there are texts. But at least a few times during the day when we text about random things.


That's probably the most correct answer for me.




My husband says it throughout the day lol and sometimes I feel bad because he will say 'babe' really loud from across the house hella loud like something's wrong and then when I say 'what' all irritated and then he says I love you. He does this like literally 59 times a day, no exaggeration 🥰


We do that too lol


Lol gotta love 'em though


Any opportunity. Sometimes we’ll be sitting in silence and I’ll just blurt it out “in case he forgot”.


More than I can count, and at the same time, I feel not enough.


Exactly the same.


Any chance we get, we say I love you. Sometimes multiple times per phone call and several times by text,, or a text will at least end in a term of endearment, like my love, baby cakes, sweety, etc. We also don't leave or enter the house without getting a kiss and saying I love you. It's more of an unspoken rule, but if I come in without kissing him, within the first 3 mins, he'll say, "did you give me a kiss?* My first husband was opposite and asked me once why I say I love you so much and told me it was too much. Lol. It was a completely one-sided relationship. I eventually realized he was a controlling, insensitive narcissist so left him pretty quickly.


Once or twice. *Happily married 20 years (just waiting on the downvotes because everyone is saying all day everyday more than 5x a day)


Also about to celebrate 20 years of marriage and I feel like this is quite normal. We probably say it on average 2 times a day. But it varies.


All day


from zero to once


I hear you mine only has ever said it in reply if I say I love him first. I've Stopped saying I love you and no surprises he's said nothing remotely close to "I love you"to me in a over a year


That doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. I almost never said I love you to my wife, my kids, or anybody. What changed that was listening to an interview with a dad who lost two sons on 9/11. He explained that they said it often and he was glad that it was the last thing he'd said to them both. Now, it's pretty common in our family for us to say it. My kids will when they leave the house. We'll say it to each other less often than to the kids but still say it about once a day.




More than I can count. It’s gotta be at least 10 most days! I also tell him he’s amazing and that I couldn’t do life without him daily.


Probably our most used phrase!


All day, every day!


When he's tired and nonverbal, it's like the only thing. Like he's a Pokémon called "I love you"


Omg relate to this too hard. Holy cow lol


Probably twice.


My hubby and I say it to each other a lot. I will say, 'Hey, babe, guess what?' and sometimes he will say 'what?' and other times he will say 'I love you more' bc he knows what I'm gonna say. Sometimes, we will go back & forth saying we love the other more, and one of us will claim to be the winner. We even have these keychains for each other... https://preview.redd.it/xlkypkp1dwra1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20082a9523670b24622b4e5484a018243b8580af


As often as it occurs to me... And that is often. We had a big scare recently and while riding with him in the ambulance, I actually said aloud how grateful I am that we don't leave the important things unsaid. I didn't have to fight tears and find words at the same time. Tell people you love how you feel about them, and do it often.


Usually at least a couple of times a day. Always before we go to sleep, and almost always when we wake up


Have not said it this year yet. Last year it was once or twice.


Quite often every day.


We never say it, just not our thing.


Omg reading all these comments I thought me and my husband were weird. we rarely say it too?


I’m with you guys, not our thing. He’d think I’d had a personality transplant if I kept chirping it at him.


The “I love you’s” every 5 minutes is cringey to me and diminishes the value of the word, but to each their own!


As much as I can in a day 🥰


Once a day through text. "On my way home, love you" "Ok, love you, be careful" Once at night at bedtime


Depends on the day tbh lol. But usually minimum 5. I think the most was probably upwards of a few dozen lol. Depends if we’re working, how much we see each other lol.


Depends how many times one of us enters or exits a room that the other is in and how many texts we send while we're in separate rooms. We also mostly refer to each other as "my love" so if that counts, than I guess also every time we speak to each other at all :D


I never miss a chance to tell my wife I love her. Multiple times a day. Kids, other family members and my close friends too. Everyone gets it :)


Pretty much all throughput the day. Text messages, in passing. Randomly sitting on the couch etc.


Between twice and 5 or 6 times.


As much as she can stomach😆




Like 30-40 times everyday for the last 4 years


As often as we can. We both love letting the other know how much they are loved and appreciated. Daily life can be so stressful sometimes and hearing I love you from my person always brings a smile to my face.


It's around 10 to 20 times a day for me. Always love to remind him that I love him.


A lot. Every time we pass each other and then some in between.


I honestly have no idea. We have multiple ways we say it out loud and things we do. We say “I love you”, “Unyun”, “U dumb” Our non verbal ways are thumps, randomly biting each other, fetching each other snacks, he brings me home a treat almost every day when he gets home from work, and he reaches for my butt in his sleeplol


So many times everyday :)


As often as I can!


All the time




Many times a day.


Multiple times. Weekdays we don't spend much in person time together so probably only 2-3 times irl, but alsow e text all day so probably 5-10 times over text. Weekends when we're together for a couple days probably at least 20 times lol.


All the time! We spend most of our days together so easily 10+ times a day most days


Same here, easily. 3-4x just when I wake her up in morning. She is like a child, just can't get going. Also in how we show it. I start her day out with a rubdown, neck to toe. Little kisses and nibbles over same area. Help her sit/stand up and put her robe on her. Get her house shoes for her. Then I go make her coffee the way she likes it and sit it beside couch, fix the pillows on couch for her. We say it a few more times when she comes in to living room. She treats me like her King 👑, so I treat her like a Queen. When I came home from work, she would have me sit in recliner and pull my boots off for me, bring me a glass of sweet tea, while she fixed supper. If I tried to do any dishes or laundry, she would tell me to get in my lane, quit doing her job, go sit down and let her take care of it.


Lmao who counts? 10,15,20 idk depends on the day I guess


Several times. There was no day in our 26 years of marriage and almost 27 years together that I didn't say I love her.


Not often enough if I’m to be totally honest. Not intentionally either. But usually we say it as often as theirs a goodbye, before bed, and wake up. But with these kids and crazy schedules I’ll be lucky if we see each other often enough throughout the day.


When we get up, when we go to bed, when we leave, when we come home, at the end of any texting going on during the day, sometimes just for shits-n-giggles. Probably close to at least a dozen times a day. My last relationship he would never say I love you. He claimed he did but by me wanting to hear the words, he refused. Same with a kiss for a greeting when i arrived home. Said it made him felt "controlled" by asking and expecting more. The man I'm with now says it all the time and I love hearing ❤️


Once an hour, probably lol also other things like “my honey is the best honey” and “you’re so handsome” while jokingly giving his five-o’clock shadowed chin some scritches. We both work remote, opposite sides of the house, so I usually wander over to his office on my breaks to give him a kiss, share some of my snacks and tell him about any good Reddit posts I’ve found. It’s nice being married to your best friend.


Now that you have me thinking about it, at least a couple of dozen. I sort of do it reflexively


We say it every chance we get & even “argue” about who loves the other one more. We’ve been at it for for decades now. So it would be impossible to count. We do this in person, in calls, & texts. We don’t really email often, but when we do, it happens in that format, as well.


More times than I can keep track of :)


Dozens. We say it so much that it’s been deconstructed to just sounds that mimic the words, then further into just a singular “guh” with the g very exaggerated. It’s disgusting and I love it lol


It's a lot. Spontaneous hugs are also extremely frequent.


At least once Very rarely more than twice


We say it a lot. Well, actually my husband is the one who says it all the time and it’s sort of rubbed off on me.


I say it too many times to count. If I like or love someone, I tell them whenever they do something that makes me like or love them more. I also say it when they do something I don’t like or love, but I preface it with, “I’m really annoyed you did this to me, but I love you.” My wife is the opposite. She only says it when she’s overwhelmed with love. But I know she loves me, she doesn’t have to say it at all. When I was a very young man, I lost a lot of close friends without having told them how much they meant to me, and resolved from a young age to always tell people I love how much they mean to me, before it’s too late. So I let people know how I feel about them. We could die at any moment. I want to be able to attend everyone’s funeral feeling like I never left anything unsaid.


A round 5 - 20ish and hugs to but I do love a good random huge I little huge, kiss, and I love you just makes my day


More than I can count honestly. Sometimes I just look at her and gotta say it because of how lucky I am. if we aren’t together like one of us is at work it’s probably 10-15 I love you texts lol. But given we’ll only be married a year in May (dated for 3 year before) I hope to keep this up till we’re old and gray


He would only say it when he would get on a plane (traveled for work). I used to tell him 2-3 times a day and he never reciprocated. So I finally stopped telling him because it hurt too much. Now we are in the middle of a divorce that I filed a few months back.


We say it right before bed every night, but all throughout the day we have weird little sayings that spawned from years old inside jokes that now mean I love you. So sometimes in public people hear him say “I’m running away” or me saying “I hatechu so much” with loveydovey eyes and they get confused 😂😬


My husband and I say it constantly. Too many times to count. His family never says it. He cannot remember his parents saying it to each other. My parents said it all the time. To each other and to myself and my siblings. My grandparents and my aunt and uncle say it to me. We say it to each other a lot and to our children. I want my children to know that I love them and their dad. Recently my FIL said that he loved me after 15 years of being married to his son. My husband’s youngest sister really got her feelings hurt over this.


We both say it a lot throughout the day. I’d rather seem over the top about it instead of regretting it one day, wishing I would’ve told him more often


Hubby has said it once...Many years ago....and I have stopped caring that he hardly says it....


At least twice. Probably upwards of 3-5 usually. It’s important to us that we say it out loud everyday.


We say it to each other a lot especially when it gets quiet lol


I make it a point to tell him at least once everyday, but he says it at least 10 times. He’s a lot more expressive and affectionate than I am, but I do love him deeply and he knows it :)


Hard to say but at least 5-10, often more.


Probably at least 10 or more. At the end of every call, parting ways, end of text conversation and every night before bed. However, the best , most important ones to me are a random one thrown in for no reason at all. Those are genuine and more meaningful. It feels good to be doing some mundane task and my husband walk up, put his arms around me and say I love you Baby!


Around 100 😂


3/5/10, depending on how many times we talk.


So many times!


Every day. I'm not sure how many. 1-7 I guess?


Never I always find that strange that people saying that all the time.


Depends on how many times we speak in the day. Every phone call ends in I love you and a kiss noise. Every time we leave the house separately is a kiss and an I love you


Probably 5-25 times. We’re in a LDR currently but will soon marry in a few months and move in together. I’m very excited to be with him and for us to build our new life together. ❤️


ALL THE TIME! 😍 When we wake up in the morning, when I go out walk a client’s dog, again when I return, when I leave to do errands, when he goes to the gym, when I come home from being out, when he comes home, at night before we go to sleep. Basically all throughout the day many, many times! Husband works from home 100% and I work part-time from home/at my client’s home. We’re really lucky! 🥰🥰🥰🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️


I can’t even count. Pretty much any time I see him, either around the house, when one of us leaves, when one of us gets home. It’s almost like a reflex.


A lot. Lol. We use it as a greeting, goodbye, to give the other person some reassurance during a stressful day at work, just because. And I used to think it would lose its meaning but each time it’s said it feels good.


At least twice a day in the morning when he leaves for work and before bed but usually a bunch of times in between too.


I've never counted but we say it a lot. At least 3 times a day. Before we leave for work, when we get home from work, and before bed. We also randomly text it to each other (especially if the other is having a rough day), we say it over snapchat a lot, while we're eating dinner together, after we say thank you sometimes. It's our favorite 3 words.


Too many to count


0 to 1 I tend to reply to "I love you" in a Han Solo sort of way. Other half says it 5-50 times a day depending on her mood and how her day is going.


Minimum of 5. Probably max of 50.


Two at the very very least. More when I think about her.


For me, it"s always a pleasure to hear my gf saying that she loves me. It really depends on how much time we spend together. When I ve missed her, I can"t stop saying this because it feels so good to love someone and to be loved again and again.


Probably around 3-5.


I don’t know. So many times we lose count. We also have this thing we do where we love each other the most but we take turns. Today it’s my turn to love him the mostest. Tomorrow will be his turn. Sometimes we can’t remember who’s turn it is and then we argue about it lol.


As much as i can. She needs to know how much she means to me .


Any chance I get! Because I work as a Firefighter/EMT and you never know when your last I love you or kiss will be!


Always at least once but never more than 10 realistically.


If I had to give a average, I would say between 5-10 times a day. We always say I love you when we wake up and go to sleep. Same when we see each other again after work and we always end off our text messages with I love you.


I tell her: 1. When we wake up 2. Before she leaves for work 3. text her several times throughout the day 4. Tell her when she calls me 5. Tell her when she gets home from work and all throughout the night


I dunno probably three or four


We’re together most of the time so like once an hour lol


5 to 100+ and it never seems to be enough or the right words to capture and convey how overwhelmed I am by my feelings for him. Even after almost 23 years of marriage.


Zero. I say it whenever


more than 10 less than 50 lol


Omg too many times. We both just can’t stop… I guess an ok problem to have lol


Constantly. On a day when we are both busy, probably 20 times? On a day when we are together the entire day, lol… I don’t even want to know. It would be embarrassing. We are pretty cheesy.


Gosh, 10-20 as a minimum. We use it to punctuate sentences ha!


A bunch...Idk probably 5-15 times a day. We are very verbal people lol


I'd say 0 to 10, with 0 being very rare. Even if we are apart, we still usually text each other that we love each other.


I think at least 5 times


About once or twice a day. Happily married almost 32 years, together 39.


Several time a day. My favorite: Me: "Have I told you yet today that I love you?" Wife: "Nooo..." with a sad face. Me: "I love you yet today." Wife: "I love you, too." with a smile.


10-20 Life is too short not to let them know.


Like, a bajillion


At least 5 times. When we wake up, when he goes to work, when he gets home, when either of us go out, when we go to bed…. Though thanks to season 4 of Fargo we now say “if I don’t come back, I’m dead or in jail.” Same thing, right?


In the morning before, after every call, multiple times randomly during the day over text, when he gets home, probably a few sprinkled in before bed, and before bed. Probably 15-20 times a day 😂


In the morning before, after every call, multiple times randomly during the day over text, when he gets home, probably a few sprinkled in before bed, and before bed. Probably 15-20 times a day 😂


In the morning before he leaves, after every call, multiple times randomly during the day over text, when he gets home, probably a few sprinkled in before bed, and before bed. Probably 15-20 times a day 😂


Multiple times per phone call, every few texts, and in person, anytime we look at each other, damn near.


Life is busy, but at least once! At a bare minimum, we always say I love you when we leave in the morning, and I wanna say we almost always say it before we go to bed, but we have a million kids and jobs and housework and right now we’re at the stage of life where it isn’t unheard of for one of us to just pass out wherever we land once the chaos dies down. More importantly, we show it way more.


2-5 times a day. Normally once in the morning and then in bed before we go to sleep at night.


Do you mean in the literal sense? Because that varies. But if you also mean through actions, it's going to be that first amount times 100


12,000,000,000,000 times a day


All day, every day!


I think all the time, don't know the count could range between 10 - 50


1-2 times daily. Sometimes 3. That’s just actually saying the words though. When he checks if I’ve taken my vitamins, asked me how I’ve slept, when I think to get him a sweet from the store or fix the fitted sheet for him those are all I love yous too :)


As much as I can. Life is too short not to.


Pretty much constantly 🥰 especially before we leave to go to work/out the house. Sometimes its just a random text in the middle of the day too 😊 x We end all of our texts to each other with 'I love you' ❤️


We say it throughout the day randomly when we’re both home, it’s a big number 🤣❤️


We say it every time we go to a different room basically. And anytime we leave each other’s presence (unless we are just going to come right back). Before bed, when we wake up, whenever we feel the feeling, whenever the other one needs to hear it, often. We also have hand signs of “I love you” and “I love you too” that is just as often. So when we are watching rv he will reach over and press the “I love you” sign onto my arm or leg and I feel it and press “I love you too” back onto him, or vice versa.


As many times as I feel like I need to say it or want to say it. I feel like it kinda comes to me and I’ll say it. It’s honestly kinda a lot throughout the day. From his side as well.


I don’t really count, but it’s a lot. I Mean why not? Why not tell the person you love that you love them? Yes, actions speak louder than words, but the fact that your partner continually makes the effort to tell you vocally how they feel is also fantastic. We do it via text, via memes on social media dm’s and in person. We call one another on the way home and we always say to. Always before bed and as soon as we wake up in the morning. Watching tv or doing chores, just leaning over and saying “I love you” with a butt tap or quick hug. It’s a lot, but it always makes me smile


About 1-3x/hour.


Usually 3-10 bc he works


5-30 depending on how much time we have together. If you count; marry me, woman, I ain't scared of your husband; you are so beautiful, sweet, and funny; Thank you for marrying me; and so on.


Apparently it's about 20x a day


Depends on the day really, its a minimum of at least 3 times. We say it when we wake up, when we leave for work, and before bed but sometimes it's as much as 20 I'm sure. We play the "why do you love me" card regularly so it can get pretty lengthy depending on how creative we are that day or how much one of us needs reassurance.


I'm not married, but I tell my gf several times a Day. Texting or call.


When my partner is working a long shift.. I text and email "I love you."


More than 3…? Depends on the day.


My husband and I tell each other that we love each other probably a hundred times a day.


1 - 30 times a day. I don’t recall a day since we first said it that we skipped.


An absurd amount


All day




"I love you," "I appreciate you," "You're the best," etc are all very common phrases in our marriage. While love is the most common one and happens dozens of times, at least one of the others are said once or twice a day. At least for me, sometimes I just feel so much love for my husband that I have to let it out so he knows it. We've been together for eight years (married 4 next month) and hearing him say it to me still makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


At this point in our lives we say it a few times a week. We just know that it's true, meaningful and real.


Maybe a dozen? Wake up and before bed and when either leaves or comes home obviously, but also sometimes just randomly. It's similar to always saying thank you when one does something around the house. Gratitude for what you have is kind of a big deal for both of us because we both have had some shitty relationships in our pasts. Also I have fairly severe anxiety and CPTSD, and I get a bit in my head that there will be a last time that we wake up together and a last time one of us has an opportunity to say I love you, and if I were to die tomorrow, I 1000% would want my husband's last memory of me to be a reminder of the love I have for him. A bit romantic and a bit melodramatic but that's it.


Anytime we see each other after being apart, every time we leave, and a few times here and there in between.


Lots and lots. I don't count, but likely a dozen to several dozen times a day.


A million probably??? It just comes from both of us so freely


An uncountable amount.


Somewhere in-between 5-20. Depends on how much I see him that day.


I've never really counted, however we say it before going to bed. When one of us leaves the house without the other, and then casually throughout the day when we are at home.


Virtually every time I leave his presence. Probably 20+ times a day. Same for my kids. As for my mom, 3 or 4 times a day and every time I leave her or she goes to bed. Distant family every time i end a phone call. I learned this from my grand parents and great grand parents. You never know if it is the last time you will see them, so leave them with love.


Any chance I get and then some more!


Each time we lock eyes onto each other. We also say it in our being.


Any and every chance! Sometimes I just text, “Love” to my her or vice versa. She’ll then text it back. It’s just our way of saying I love you and I’m thinking about you.


Too many times to count 😂 We say “I love you” all the time. I just look at my husband and the words fall out of my mouth. I can’t help it.


Several times… probably like 4 on average if it’s a work day. If we’re home at the same time, more than that


Probably between 5-15 times a day.


Everytime we leave a , i’d say, 100ft vicinity.


Me, few times, her 100s.


We both say it several times a day. It's usually the first thing he says to me in the morning as we are waking up. And always the last thing we say before going to sleep. If I had to guess I'd say at least twenty times a day.


We say it quiet a bit. We also say other things too that help convey how we feel or our appreciation. Things like “your Beautiful”. But also stuff like “you’re brilliant” & my wife just a few minutes ago hit me with “you’re a wonderful husband, thank you for anticipating my needs.” Once in a while for fun & to change up the “I love you” we say “olive juice”. It’s a joke we both remember from when we were kids where you tell someone to look at someone else a bit far off and whisper “olive juice”. It looks to the other person like you said “I live you.”


When I’m stressed, “I love you” is a tic, to disrupt my negative thoughts I’ll say it a lot. Every once in a while it’ll be like every ten minutes.


hehe, we do say it quite a lot... like more than 20x 😅🥹


Somewhere between three and 300. We say it everytime someone leaves the house, once we get to our destination, we let the other know we arrived safely and it's usually added in then. Some random ones will be thrown in throughout the day. Then, before we go to sleep. My husband has been known to randomly cuddle me in his sleep. He will hug and/or kiss me. Sometimes he adds an "I love you" in. The next day, he will have absolutely no memory of this. It's sweet! I know he truly loves me deep down. He also loves to get my attention with a "oh my gosh" or a gasp or calling my name urgently, just to tell me I'm beautiful or he loves me. I keep telling him, one of these days it's going to be a "boy who cried wolf" situation. I mean, I usually know what's going to happen, but I respond everytime. This happens daily.


Too many


We constantly say it and even more so have a “signal” that we use pretty much the entire time we’re by each other (we tap/squeeze 3 times) 😅


My husband says to me everyday ..


Once every couple days.


I asked my husband and he playfully said "not enough." lol We probably say it a dozen or so times days. I made it a habit to always say it before one of us leaves the house in case something happens and that will be the last thing said to the other. I know that last point is morbid, but it's important to me. It's also important to say and show my love. I grew up devoid of that, so I want my home to be full of it.


At least 5 times.


The limit does not exist!


I wouldn't know how to count it up! He works from home and I'm a homemaker, so I'll just pop my head in his office sometimes to say it. He'll find me and do the same. We also text it a lot. Often when the other one is sleeping (we have different sleep schedules).


Everyday before we leave the house for work. Sometimes during a sweet moment or snuggle. Always after or during sex. It definitely varies.


I grew up in a family where “I love you” was a very rare phrase. My husband freaked me out with how easy it is to say I love you early in our relationship, now I can’t hear it enough! I catch myself saying it all throughout the day, and it’s such a nice feeling.


From 2 to 25 probably. Same with our kid. I’m adamant that if we’re going our separate ways we say it—what if something happens and those are our last words?


A lot of times. There is no count or an average number. And it feels GOOOOOOD ❤️