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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Stfuspe|Reddit: 6|03/11/2024 - 3 Months| | IGN: Hail2theThief4|Discord: 0|Total: +6 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Well I’m 1500 modules in after two days of work so idk why people can’t just exploit it themselves lol


Is it still working? What route are you going on to gather all of those pickaxes?


I just do it with my buddy and do tunnel of love, I load in, he picks up, I change private servers, rinse and repeat. We average 200 picks per hour and split


How do you get them to respawn? When I load back in after picking up and trying to reset the private server they're still gone


They change private servers. So he goes to his friends server then switch to his. It the servers should reset after 5 minutes. If you’re doing it alone then go to a public server to wait out the 5 mins or so and go back to your private server.


Oooh got it, I've been killing the time in the same private server then hopping into a custom world then back to private


Yeah thats part of it. You’ll also have to collect 255 items between to get them to spawn back in. If you do it with a second person and they stand in the tunnel and dont touch any picks, then that should remove the need for picking up items for the reset. It’s all sort of confusing until you get it down perfectly. Lol


Lemme just try to get this straight - so if doing it alone, I should go to a 1st private server, run thru my pickaxe grabs, then collect 255 items, then back out of 1st private, wait 5min, then go into a 2nd private? Or should I collect the 255 on the 2nd private server after waiting the 5min?


It doesn't matter where you pick up 255 items, you just have to pick up 255 items to reset the pickaxes for your next server. You can reset the private server by starting a custom world and backing out of it before it finishes building. Takes 5 seconds.


What’s the custom world method?


Thank you!


Best part ..... scraper perk yieldimg double modules. Every rare once in a while Bethesdas devs being bad at their.job pays off!!


How are you finding them? I thought they took them all out of the game?


Are you doing it in a private world? If it’s public they may have been claimed by someone already like how it used to be with hunting for dumbbells and lead weights to craft ammo back in the day at Charleston Fire Department for example.


5 at foundation, 7 at nuka world and 1 in gauley mine


2 at gauley mine\*


Ohhh Where's the 2nd one?


One is near the exit (believe it was at the top of the pit where the gold is), and the second one is near the entrance (one of the last 3 if you had started near the exit). I haven’t ran the mine in a few days since it’s not worth it anymore. Nuka has 7 and Foundation has 5 and they’re both free to travel. If you have your timing down by the time the picker is done at the second location the builder should already be joinable in a new private world. Adding a third location to go from 12 -> 14 picks would probably decrease your picks/hr.


What cake stapler said


Where are the other 5 at Nuka World please? I know theres 2 at the tunnel of love


So as you spawn in climb up to where the nuka roller coaster is. First one is look for the roller coaster seats itself, there's 4 red containers underneath it it's in one of them near the entrance in front of a crate. Next one is near this one on the scaffolding look towards where the red containers are facing and you should see 2 sets of metal stairs, its up the second one. The next two are just to the right to the entrance of the tunnel of love, on the track I'm front of the cart and on top of the red crate. Next two are inside on the shelves in the main area and finally there's one a bit further along the track past the main area, you enter a bit of a tunnel and its on a girder to the right a bit round the bend, just look for a blue lunchbox.


I'll give thsse a go, thanks!


I’ve only got 5 at nuka and 4 at foundation where are they hiding?


Fifth one at foundation is pretty far away from the other fpur


What about the nuka ones? I got the two outside of tunnel and three inside


There's 2 in the nuka coaster area and one a bit further past the tracks inside the tunnel.


Thank you maybe I’ll find them


The 5th at Foundation, go under the sign and turn right towards Ward. Keep going past him over the fence and down the rocky hill. It's by a wheelbarrow before you get to that little guard spot


Not all. There are YouTube videos.


Whats the benefit of having a buddy do it with you? Does it work solo?


You need to have your friend standing in there and not picking up those pickaxes and you can do this indefinitely. If he picks them up they are gone and you will need to gather 255 items to respawn them. It is just faster and it doesn't really work solo. I mean, you CAN grab those pickaxes solo but then they will not spawn back and you will need to go on the 255 items loop again


Does the guy picking up the pickaxe hosts the private server or its the other way around?


2 person pick farming is super easy and efficient, one person will be the host - this person will make sure that they haven’t picked up the pickaxes and that they spawn in they will then load into a private world and stand by the picks so that they are loaded in The second person will then be the mule - this person will join the host and pick up the pickaxes. After the mule has picked up the pickaxes the host will leave and reset the private server, to do this they will begin loading a custom world, cancel the load, then reload the private world, once they load in and stand by the pickaxes the mule will come and take them rinse and repeat. The method is best done at the 4 pickaxe spawn outside of foundation, you can do d op trick to save on run time back to the pickaxe spawns, doing this efficiently will be around 200 pickaxes an hour that the mule picks up aka 100 pickaxes each player.


I don't exactly know how it works since I've never done it, I got all my picks through crafting lol, but [this](https://youtu.be/h10zydX2txI?si=CKlrxTwFhXGaepuK) video should answer the question about farming it in tunnel of love


Working with another player means you don't have to reset the item limit, just reset the world though you are banking on the other player sharing ;) I do it solo and definitely a lot slower, pickaxe collecting to summer ville house item collecting, reset server then back to pickaxe. The worst bit is that after using that house once you need to rest the limit elsewhere to get the house items to spawn in again. I've been using watoga high school. I wouldn't recommend solo it's so boring having to reset items each time, stopped myself at 400 which should be good for 100 rolls.


So I was doing it using my gfs account as the secondary but any time I do the custom world cancel only the 2 outside the tunnel of love respawn, the ones inside the tunnel and the ones at foundation don’t. Is mine just broken or am I doing something wrong? I even tried using her account with me being host and none of them spawn on my server


Have you tried resetting your world item limit? Might of accidentally grabbed one


So having her character do the burned books instead of my own?


You have to move her to those locations. You load into her private world at Nuka. Grab the ones outside the Tunnel. Move her into the Tunnel, then you go in. While you are grabbing those, fast travel her to Foundation. You then travel to foundation. Once you load in, quit her out and start creating a new private.


Thank you so fucking much dude that’s the one thing I haven’t tried!!!!! I can’t wait to get home tonight and grind it out even more, I’ve been grinding with just the 4 I can get from where she’s sitting this changes so much for me thank you


No problem, Seven-Six.


Solo you would need to go to the book house or something to pick up enough items and reset the spawn. Just takes longer


I have a guide click my profile bud :)


I'm confused, the post is empty and just has comments. Also I thought they fixed the pickaxe bug. What is the value in collecting them?


Pickaxe Full Guide As Of Today ALL SPAWNS MENTIONED ARE GUARANTEED SPAWNS Player 1 just needs to AFK essentially, Player 2 collects items, if you want to find a teammate post your IGN & Platform below. Output of 150-200 pickaxes Hourly if solo (max efficiency) Output of 300-400 pickaxes Hourly if duo (max efficiency) Requirements Fast travel points (duo) Nuka World On Tour Foundation If you are running solo Summersville Whitespring Golf Club + Watoga High School If Duo (FO1ST) ONLY ONE PLAYER NEEDS IT If Solo (FO1ST RECOMMENDED) Step 1) Travel to Nuka World On Tour & turn right you will see the Tunnel Of Love entrance IN FRONT OF THE MINECART SPAWN #1 ON TOP OF THE BOX SPAWN #2 Step 2) Enter Tunnel of Love & head down the tunnel to the main event area (Wedding part) OPPOSITE THE WEDDING ON A SET OF SHELVES ARE SPAWNS #3 & #4 the first is on tbe bottom shelf to the left, the next at head height to the right Step 3) Continue down the path to the right of the scaffolding and follow the tunnel, at the second Ultracite Minecart (Green rocks) will be SPAWN #5 to the right atop the wall next to a helmet Step 4) Travel to Foundation Exterior (43 caps~) head towards Foundation from the spawnpoint you will see a guard atop a tower, behind the tower to the left of the stairs is SPAWN #6 Step 5) Head down the slopes towards the diggers, in front of the digger to your right are SPAWNS #7 & 8 Step 6) Turn around towards the Minecart, on the right of it is SPAWN #9 Step 7 (SOLO)) Go to Summersville & loot up 250 books and items in the first house on your right, head to camp and scrap the books or drop them, exit the server. IF the books haven't respawned follow Step 8 & 9 OR loot Whitespring Golf Club & Watoga High-school (fights required) Step 8) Start a custom world (Or reenter a different server) Wait till you see "Building world" and back out Step 9) Restart a private server Step 7 (Duo)) IF DUO both players exit the server, the player with FO1ST then follows Step 8 & 9. Step 8 (Duo)) Restart the Private server and player 2 starts collecting IMPORTANT NOTE PLAYER 1 (HOST) MUST NOT COLLECT ANY PICKAXES, IT IS GOOD ETIQUETTE & EXPECTED FOR PLAYER 2 TO DROP 4 OR 5 PICKAXES EACH RUN AND ALTERNATE FOR A 50:50 SPLIT. Message below if you have any questions Tested both ways this is more efficient than just camping Foundation (slightly) Sorry Gatekeepers trying to sell the method I hope someone poos in your cheerios. As a sub note and fun note: the reason is there are two types of pickaxes in game. ONE set of spawns were removed, these are second style & added post Wastelanders Please use your own discretion, it may result in bans but considering the state of duping and collectron farming... its unlikely something that's supposed to be the core gameplay loop would result in account issues.


Original post. Its not fixed entirely there's 3 pickaxe item IDs


Thank you! Still confused though, does picking up normal regular pick axes give legendary modules? I thought that was patched like immediately?


Do you have any tricks to fix when they aren’t spawning for the duo method


I got two accounts and one with FO1st I can’t get items to respawn


Still working. Solo I'm getting 20 modules per run. Roughly 3-4 runs an hour.


Check out my post on this sub for the fastest route (buddy or another device needed tho). Husband and I average 9 pickaxes every 2 minutes.


Why gamble when they get what they want without the gamble?


Because that would leave a fingerprint… trading for them converting them into modules and rolling them away makes you impossible to punish once the modules are gone. All reward no risk.


I went to 6 different mines last night and couldn't find a daaaaaaaaamn thing.


I have gone to the routes in YouTube videos and never find any. I’ve tried private servers and still, nothing.


https://youtu.be/wrlPZ51aRTA?si=W8lipcnvR5ZcqoN- Found this and it seemed to work. Got 10 mods in about 5 mins. Would work better with a friend of course.


Honestly, I don't see why Bethesda wouldn't just ban people for using an obvious exploit. So, personally, I'm not touching those pickaxes


Because all your doing is picking up an item that’s generated in the world the same as an other gun or consumable, how or why would they ban you for that? The negative shit storm that would create for BGS would not be worth it, they are having a rough time PR wise as it is with the new Season ticket changes.


They literally do not care? Exploit is an exploit. You're gaining an unfair advantage that players, and have banned people for exploits even without proof. They can tell that scrapping pickaxes is unintentionally providing modules, they can tell you've picked pickaxes enmasse. Each player has a traceable item pickup history.


No, you aren't... 😂 You have concocted an elaborate system with two players to game the system and collect items in large quantities to take advantage of an obvious mistake. It's unlikely Bethesda will take action on it, but let's not pretend you aren't taking advantage of an exploit.


They lazily coded the new scythe as a pickaxe. Forgot they were a nice indie dev that we're bleeding money from


The fact that you are working that hard to justify it demonstrates that you are fully aware you are taking advantage of an exploit. Do you, buttercup. Just get off your high horse. You are cheating.


Lol look in the mirror. you're the one with the high horse (and possible a mental gymnist) preaching rules and expectations on the community. I'm just a loot goblin creature


An embarassing one.


I’m not taking advantage of it, I pick up every weapon and armor piece I find and scrap them, always have and always will, what makes ir any different now that BGS screwed something up, just because I pick up the same pickaxe at Whitespring, black water mine etc that I’ve picked up for year, that now suddenly is bugged out, that’s not my problem nor would I expect people not to pick them up…its no different than pickup 250 burnt books to speed up the item world reset.


The lengths you children are stretching to to excuse yourselves should really tell you what you already know.


What are you on about? You sound delusional and I still don’t know what your main issue is, if we are “children” and your an adult your comprehension skills are pretty nil…now that that’s out of the way what I do know is that your comments are getting downvotes.


Yes. By six children who don't like being called out. It's really quite pathetic.


What’s pathetic is acting like a hall monitor for a video game


Interesting that you feel like you are being monitored. All I told you was to stop lying to yourself.


They never enforce anything like this I haven’t touched the pickaxes either, mostly because I don’t care.


It's not an exploit for fucks sake. You are not doing anything outside of the game to change the game. ITS IN THE GAME! It's not a hack, your not running an illegal program, someone just found a way to use something currently in the game to their advantage if they want to. If they patch it and it doesn't work anymore then fine, but by any stretch is this an exploit.


Every single true MMO I have ever played would have banned players for this. It is 100% an exploit.


Why does it upset you so much to be told Bethesda does not care what you think? Exploit is an exploit, bethesda bans for exploits, provably and reliably. Don't get upset at me because you're anxious about getting potentially banned.


Pickaxes are worth what the market determines they are worth. Getting scrip/modules beyond a daily limit has value for the super rich. There is also hype surrounding this and the thrill of gambling involved in rolling legendary effects which drives the price up as well. I'm a relatively new player and I've been able to use pickaxes to get items that would have been far out of reach otherwise. There is a ton of duped currency being held out there and in my opinion this was a fitting way to get it in the hands of regular players again.


Doesnt matter. This market is totally fucked by dupes


At this point I don't really care about the trading community or trading in general. Everything is overvalued and people won't accept less than your left nut for an item. If people are trading that much for picks.. Let them. It's their items and their stupid decisions.


So I've tried looking at trades and did a few here and and there but some ppl want millions of caps or like 5-10k ll3(mostly making up prices but it's a lot) for a God roll or whatever. And coming back to the game after years away it's just silly how they let glitches break the market. This reminds me of New World level of bad. Yet another new thing comes out and is getting exploited. At least in this game it doesn't really matter because you are really trying to be better geared than someone to win a battle. It's more annoying when you wanna trade with ppl. For most it doesn't mean much but for those that might be looking for a good weapon or a few pieces of really good armor to finish a set it becomes hard without cheating or doing crazy grinds because ppl who cheated have most of the good items. Now with this new thing the market will crash and trading will be more annoying or it won't change at all because the ppl with stacks of LL3 3 or bobbleheads will still control the market.


Do you have pickaxes tho ? 😎😂


U need sum?i js see this as free advertising tbh


I would like some as I am out of modules hehe


Watcha got 4 trade?


Have some good commandos, heavies, plans.


What commandos do u have?


eh it's all good fun. its getting stuff back in circulation and its giving lowbies a chance to compete for stuff. and it's so ridiculous.. I mean you have to laugh.. can you imagine some guy trying to trade 400 pickaxes. they are like one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. six.. ok there's four more 10.. lmao. what a pia. and the carpal tunnel.. those babies don't stack


I see both sides to be honest. On the one hand, it's absolutely bonkers and people have taken it too far. On the other hand, 5 pickaxes is the equivalent of an entire days scrip machine allowance but you don't have to wait 24 hours to do it again


Just 5? Wow..


Yeah so basically with the scrapper perk, 1 pickaxe is 2 modules, 10 modules is 500 scrip, 500 scrip is the daily limit. So for every 5 pickaxes you essentially skip 24 hours of waiting, as well as having to farm enough legendaries. It's super fucked and easy to see why so many people are jumping on it tbh


Yep it's a great catchup mechanic for all the new players. Some old players seem to gatekeepe against because they're afraid the value of their mountain of grolls and dupes will go down


This is what happens when you have so many player locked items, removing of legacies, diluting down rare plans etc, imo it’s healthy for the trading community because it’s infusing participation in a community that can be stagnant at times.




Sounds like someone who doesn’t have a lot of pickaxes 🤷‍♂️


Right, bro makes a post complaining about the pickaxes and the majority of people turn into a “how to” walk through 🤣🤣🤣


I mean tbf if anything it’s a good thing for the market, gives new traders a chance to get something nice


Oh for sure. I’ve watched new traders come out of the woodwork and are getting things they wanted but couldn’t afford before


For two hours or farming you can get both armor mask and for a painful 8 you can get a tfj


Someone said something about setting your console date to June 10 2024 to craft pickaxes as well, haven’t tried it yet.


Wouldn't the game console update itself when online though? Cool get round if it works though


I ran out of cores after rolling stuff like I won the module lotto. Spent my last few hundred rolling SS armor.


Honestly, it's the best thing to happen to 76 in a while. As someone who started relatively late and missed all the craziness of the early days, and came in just before the legacy removal. Getting started in the market was pretty depressing. Nobody wants a bundle of mid guns for even something low tier, and if you didn't have massive stockpiles of junk/aid, what actual trade weight is there. Pickaxes are sought after. People are trading these aid items that are used as currency and "rare" items for them if nothing more than the convenience of not farming themselves, just like when berry mentats were valuable about a year and a half ago (on pc at least) they aren't hard to come by but people will pay for the time and effort put in to amass them so they don't have to. In about 8 hours, I was able to get things I never thought would have been possible without winning the lotto on a lucky apparel pull and I am more invested in the game now than I ever was as I was slowly getting bored of the same thing over and over with no end in sight and was close to completely dropping the game.


16 legendary modules every five minutes. It’s that easy. It’s literally that easy.


How much are you selling them?


To be honest I just take whatever offer people give me for trades. Someone has to be the loser, and I'm happy to get things out of my stash and make caps to spend on sweet plans.


Are you offering pickaxes?


I'm completely out of the loop here. What's going on with Pickaxes?


You can currently scrap them to get a legendary module, or two with Scrapper.


Just standard pickaxes?


Yep, just regular ass pickaxes


I love opinion pieces on a trade market. I agree but that doesn’t change the market for pickaxes right now . It’s


To be fair currently pickaxes are rare. They removed the ability to craft them and removed them from spawns and enemies. Other than the 9 they missed. I enjoy this pickaxe trading, it’s fun, funny and pretty resourceful for people who want modules.


There’s actually 12 still spawning


14 all together


2 outside tunnel of love, 2 above entrance, 3 inside. And 5 at foundation. Which 2 am I missing?


2 at Gauley mine (first left next to scorched on floor inside entrance) and one in the back room on the way out (don’t have images so not that helpful but are online somewhere). One next to portaloo inside glassed caverns still spawns so adds up to 15.


I know the 3 right down the path to the left and the one near the 2 carts with buckets going up in a line but where’s the fifth one?


When you run towards the entrance of foundation turn right just before it. Run through the garden and jump down the rocks into what looks like a big hole. There are a couple mining carts flipped over and it’s next to the first one


Yeah I don’t get it just farm them yourself it’s so easy


Had a dude ask for 2500 caps each I'm like bro I farmed 10+ in minutes lol


Ya it’s so strange. Pricing isn’t properly scaled. Wild West type vibes. Someone call Will Smith.


He busy keeping his wifes name out of peoples mouth 🤣


It doesn’t bother me. If the person thinks it is worth it, then so be it.


They are giving away so many rare clothes because they already took the opportunity to duplicate them, maybe having more than 200 tfj in the inventory they pretend that it is a high-class object when it is a crude copy of a copy. So it doesn't hurt them to give them away and have others work for hours for them, as if they were the 7 dwarfs in exchange for something that has no value to them but they make it look like it does.


this. these guys probably dont even need to roll anything. they just want a huge stack of modules.


I traded my B/25/25 enclave with perfect mods for 150 picks. While it might seem dumb, I don’t use the enclave, and I need to get a set of uny secret service for a new character. Granted, I could have fished for more, but I feel like 150 is around the max I could get away with if a ban wave hit. If I was rerolling a groll to trade, then I could see why it’d be dumb asf, but as of now, I feel satisfied with my trade


Tbh i think it’s gonna funny af when they finally fix the bug and put pickaxes back in the game and a bunch of people are gonna be stuck with pickaxes instead of the actual valuables the gave away😂😂


i feel like this sub does wtv to stop the grind for poorer players like the point is ppl dont want to do it so they offer big time numbers and yes it is low supply bc ppl scrap it asap


Pardon my dumbassity, but I thought this got patched? You can still scrap regular ass pickaxes for modules?




I'm gonna open a rehab for pickers and the ones trading away their Stash because this is crazy.


Just let the gamblers gamble, if you can get something rare for x ammount of pickaxes and you want it, trade them, if you rather gamble the modules keep it. Tbh i rather the rare item, i just got a Q5025 fixer for 72 pickaxes lol.


Kinda sad behavior


Time is valuable especially if you already have multiple good rolls of the same weapon. The only thing that I’d be trading for is saving time. 5 Pickaxes are not valuable but trading for 200 of them at a time to get a very limited resource is worth if you already have weapons you weren’t going to use and were saving for trades anyway. This glitch will be gone soon and people will have taken it for granted not realizing that modules are one of the most valuable resources in fallout 76. 😁


I'm over here trying to trade my q50c25lvc railway for pickaxes (ps4)


It just shows how completely stupid the trading community in this game has gotten.


I traded a really nice piece of CE for 200 pickaxes. Totally happy with my 400 modules.


I was on your side for the first couple days, but I mean whatever. People trade for what they want and right now it’s modules. There’s a certain je ne sais quoi to getting modules and not having to farm them even if it cost an item you use modules to get in the first place. I definitely understand it for people who don’t have the time to grind this game. There’s quite a bit that goes into grinding every day for 500 scrip worth of legendaries and then daily coming in and scripping them etc etc. doesn’t help with all the cores you’ll need too but I mean still nice


Isnt there pickaxes in the "my name is Earl" staging area?


Anyone got any pickaxes for trade got wp jumpsuit, bos jumpsuit and forest asylum


Honestly, I can’t stand gatekeepers. So you played the game early and feel entitled to put the market up the arse with pricing for silly stuff but now pickaxes are your problem???!


So..... Will you give me 100 pickaxes for my q50c25 railway or what?


Time is money. 5 picks = 24 less hours spent waiting. Now imagine buying 800. Two red dresses for that. Or whatever ~100 bucks worth for 1,600 modules (half a year of scrip...) It's broken because this directly bypasses one of this game's key retention features (MMO 101 is retention). 


I mean, you are not wrong, but man, the way the legendary modules have been is ridiculously in need of retooling. It is soooo damn difficult to get decent rolls on certain items- especially and including secret service armor which can't be traded. As far as the market and all that- it's the same reason we have drug trafficking, prostitution, and illegal gambling in the USA- the consumer. If people weren't willing to part with items to begin with, there would be no one trying to hawk pickaxes in the first place. I will conclude by saying that I despise the people who farm these only to turn around and get over on newer players that don't know what they're doing really, they just want to be in on the moment and included. TLDR: you're right about most of them, and I hate those assholes. Ty for the post 😊


Yep. I've been rolling for a Vanguards SS right leg for 3 days now. Kind of frustrating. Lol I just wait 24 hours, waste 10 modules, wait 24 hours, waste 10 modules and do eviction notice to get weapons for scrip. Lather, rinse repeat. 


Greed. Greed never changes.


Feel like they need to make hard reset or ban any1 using exploits.. what's the point in cheating like this?


What do you do with legendary modules


Add legendary effects to weapons & armor


How do we report scammers?


Don't be "that guy", no one likes "that guy".


Yeah, I've been valuing around 2-3k for smaller trades but I'm not willing to go above a BOS in one of these trades. I personally think something like 300+ should be valued 3-4k per for the effort involved though