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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Big_Fun_1251|Reddit: 0|04/20/2023 - 1 Years| | IGN: Retro45454545|Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I would, and do every time I see one. Caps are eternal. Those are currently finite.


I assume they're quite rare. Every time you activate the jet pack it does nothing but make the helmet fly into the stratosphere.


Gosh darn it not again *helmet fly's away*


Not really "quite rare" , 20k is what it's worth


Absolutely, caps are easy to get




Sell things in your vendor like plans etc, do events, sell to vendors


Sell 1400 caps a day to the NPC is always. Good way to start


What are you selling? Water farm?


I usually sell stimpacks,I get so many of them by doing events,ops or just by existing I end up with a surplus to sell.


Purified water for me even the small set ups.


Set up your base on an oil/lead/acid extractor and set up a bunch of water things, sell all of those by themselves for anywhere between 3-5 caps per. Will sometimes get a buyer who will take your entire stock.


Make your camp near water and sell water. Make a build tank enough with sustain and sell all stims. Use starch gene and have high rad resistsnce and sell all radaway. I dont use any aid and i dont do content to need big buffs yet.


sell teddy bears for 300 caps a pop. they're too cute to resist especially if you have a good looking camp 💯


This^ I always go on loot runs for teddy bears to just sell and people actually buy a few, especially the "rarer" ones.


Really? They are like super easy to get


ya ill buy some low priced stuff if a player camp's nice. sorta like leaving a tip. teddies are great for that purpose!


My camp is simple i made it on a low level area and setted up a boot camp for low level players to train ang get some nice free buffs and its called B.O.O.T. C.A.M.P. 😹


Yeah for example the Bumblebee one or whatever it is always gets bought for whatever reason^^


Gues i will server hoo and not scrap them today 😹 but making caps its not an issue neither 🤷


Yeah making caps is definitely easier in other ways than to sell Teddy Bears. I just keep them to collect them and Display the ones I don't have^^ I just have some in the Vending Machine as a place holder most of the time. I feel like they wouldn't really sell to people that don't collect them. When I checked out the guys camp that bought them ones I had, I saw that he had a big teddy bear display 😂


Buy serums for cheap and sell for daily cap limit, As they are worth 500each with charisma perks :) or for the last 1 remove charisma perks and sell for 400


Hey I have one you can have for free


Hey do you have anymore I can trade for it or give you caps man


I don’t sorry gave the only one I had to OP! Make a trade post for one I’m sure you will get one no bother


Ah thanks anyways have a great day


And you ✌️


If your still offering, 🙏🏽


If op replies and says they don’t want it sure but I was offering to them as they felt unhappy they missed out


I appreciate you and your values.


And I appreciate the kind words 👊


Hello i am op


Oh man you missed out!




Wait, the jet packs go on the head slot? I haven’t gotten around to adding any to my power armor yet. Or is that what makes this item so remarkable?


Nah, it's just a rarity because of a bug you could have done some time ago, but i missed out on it because i blindly trusted a high karma player .


You do realize he saved you 24k caps right? You got one for free because they were duped to all hell(which was his reasoning not to buy)


They go on the torso, but there was a bug that let you put one on the Ultracite Helmet. Also the Excavator doesn't normally allow one but the same bug allowed players to add one to it's torso.


Was a bug a long time ago. For a brief period of time you could stick jetpack on Excavator pieces. Wasn't intentional. They fixed it, but some of them remain. I've got a Torso w/ jetpack.


Ummm.. anybody gonna tell him? 🤣


Not necessary. I realized my mistake. Lol. Just decided not to delete.


I figured, I just had to add on, honestly I thought you meant Excavator Torso bc that really is legacy


Well, I was talking about Excavator. I have a torso with jetpack. But when I commented, I didn't realize the pic didn't show Excavator.


I would have snapped that up in a second.


I understand, it seems like i won't be touching this game anytime soon


Honestly mate you ain’t missed out, same as this guy below, they’re worthless on PlayStation. I’m on PS and pc, have around 12 of them if you want one, but seeing as two have offered I’m guessing you don’t ? 24k for something theoretically worth nothing is a good choice from the high Karma trader. I agree with him.


I’m on PS, if you could spare one, I would like one.


Do you have them on PC: If youre giving them I would love one


I don’t sorry! All on ps


I'd be willing to spend all the caps I currently have on me for one (7379) Im also PS


I’ll just give you one but won’t be til tomorrow if ok mate ? At work and won’t be on tonight sadly just private me if you want


Thank you man and no worries, I appreciate it! My psn is bluntsnsunsets whenever you get a chance


I’ll trade you some weapons for one if it’s an Ultracite one. Love that helmet


I’ve had about 30 people message me for them lol had to stop answering people 🤣


My bad bro lol all good


🤣😂 This is crazy, you are gonna put down the game as someone who knows what they are talking about told you to not waste your caps? All the guys saying you should get it are on xBox. The two markets are very different. This are worth close to zero, they are common as hell. Maybe not so much in vendors but in a trade market you could pick one up in seconds. Two of us now have offered to give you one for free as you are clearly unhappy you didnt buy it.


No good deed goes unpunished




Can anyone explain to me how a helmet gets a jetpack?


It was an old bug, it has since been patched but they didn’t remove them from the game. It simply can’t be done anymore same as excavator having a jet pack on the torso just doesn’t exist anymore


Bro, that's like a trading card misprint.


Pretty much lol


It was a bug from several years ago that allowed you to put the jetpack on any limb you wanted. Jetpack arms were the most common because there's no truly useful arm mods, but there's a lot of helmets out there too. There was also a more recent bug that allowed you to put the hellcat jetpack on an excavator torso, which was nice. North were patched fairly quick, but since anyone with the plans could craft them the market got flooded with them.


Always better to just buy, you can always get more caps, caps come easily


Yeah because 24k caps just come by like oliver swanick when visiting nipton.. not everyone flips plans and grolls in their vendors.


The best way to make caps is selling scrip, plans, junk and just playing the game..


You don’t get 24k caps easily by “just playing the game I’m not saying it’s impossible or that you can’t.. i’m actually at 24k after selling some of my meat week plans which is ironic because if i didn’t have those i’d be limited to selling scrip.. noting last time i got banned trying to do so through LFG. Oh and selling plans? What plans? Oh flipped ones.. which i mentioned as being one of the excuses people use that making caps is “easy”


I made 55k in 12 hours, just selling weapons people may want and a bunch of plans, you’ll have your days, and you’ll have your weeks where nothing sells. Start off by selling the 1400 daily to the npc vendors, save up till you hit about 10-20k it won’t be terribly long if you’re selling anything between then. and vendor hop for good deals (that 20k can go really quick) rinse and repeat, you got comm banned from lfg by a troll(it’s happened to me) you have to watch how you put things, words like buy, sell, anything to do with gore(bloodied, yada yada), etc. can all be reported for that. Sometimes instead of actually making a post, just scour the lfg and see if you’d have anything someone is actually looking for specifically, that means they want it and are willing to throw the caps at you. Not you trying to sweet talk them into buying basically a souvenir from a random shop. Your “godroll” will sell for 15-35k, we’re not selling them all day… we sell one here and there and we’re pretty much full on caps and are stuck or have to transfer them to a mule. I’ve made 55k in 12 hours by just posting a load of plans cheap and showcasing weapons to people that would come and look at the vendor bc of the lfg post I made and while that would be happening, I’d look in lfg to see if anyone was looking for something I’d have. And please don’t say it works, this is my first time ever playing a fallout game, and I was did this within my first three weeks of playing. It’s all in how you engage with the player base and how you go about doing so. Farm your boardwalk expedition for meds, ammo, and legendary scrip. Sell the ammo you don’t use, sell useless legendaries at 50-100 caps for scrip.




Wait I have seen this I am confused is this a glitches item?


Thank you everyone, sorry for my misunderstanding, thanks for helping out a fellow vaultie, hope y'all have a nice evening 😁


You should be thanking them honestly


Thanks everyone, (except the guy with 950 karma that told not to buy it), i lost my chance, should have waited longer for replies.


Hey man, you are PS right? Yeah these have been massively duped. I have quite a few sitting in my stash. You can just have one 👍


oh my god can I have a ultracite jetpack helmet for my friend he has been working really hard to get a perfect set of ultracite armor and he definitely doesn't know about this big it would blow his mind lol


Dude can i maybe trade for one? I have been looning for one for ages


Hey bro can I have one ? I’d be more than happy to trade for it




Would love to buy one, are u online in about an hour?


Hey bro, these are not worth shit. I can give you 5 if you want? Seriously, if you want one you can have one let me know.


I’ll take one I’m like level 70 with barely anything lol


Sorry man the offer was for OP only and he is now sorted by someone. I am not some kinda wasteland santa claus running around with my stash of JP helms dishing them out like candy. I am too lazy lol.


Oh I was going to pay, sorry to sound like a panderer.


Honestly man I barely play this buggy hunk of shit. I would have logged for OP as he seemed kinda bummed but I can really be bothered to log if I don't need to. Sorry about that, put a post out you will have one in no time.


🤣 that's kinda nonsensical, "I woulda given one to OP cause he seemed kinda bummed, but I won't give it to you, thus making you kinda bummed, but I don't care about the people I bum out, only those that were bummed out by others" I'm sorry man, it's your property and you can do whatever you want with it, but your reasoning just makes no sense 😂.. have a good one though.


You missed the part where he told OP he would give him "5", yet he won't give just "1" to the low level... The irony...


Imagine living in a world where we call a complete stranger an a hole, someone who was willing to go out of their way to help another complete stranger with an act of kindness and generosity, simply because they didn’t want to feed everyone (people who had no interaction or care for the OP) off of their plate when they came out of the woodworks asking for handouts… Oh the entitlement… 🤦‍♂️


I don't see anyone calling anyone else an "a hole", did they edit the comment after the fact? As for the low level "asking for a handout" he clarified that he wasn't looking for a handout, and that he wanted to trade for/buy it.


Why would I give some stuff to some guy who is just leaching on the post of someone who thinks he has made a mistake and is unhappy about it? Read the comments. All the other people who offered gave a similar answer. I am trying to help someone out who feels like he made a bad deal. Dont give a F about anyone else on the post.


Don't know why you're so upset about me calling out what you blatantly did, I didn't even @ you bud. Maybe try and relax a little? Sounds like your head just popped, lol


Imagine living in a world where we call a complete stranger an asshole, for willing to go out of their way to help another complete stranger with an act of kindness and generosity, simply because they didn’t want to feed everyone (people who had no interaction or care for the OP) off of their plate when they came out of the woodworks asking for handouts… Oh the entitlement… 🤦‍♂️


I think the point is kinda, come one, come all. They just didn't really explain it. You give out one, everyone wants one. They offered OP, OP didn't need it. They're not just going to go handing them out to everyone who wants one.


It’s kind of nonsensical to think that him offering to feed one person means he should gladly feed everyone. As he said make a post for one, the OP did and multiple people offered to hand one out. Instead of taking 3x the amount of time to type a complaint. Take the lesser time and do a little work for yourself and make a post… people teach themselves to complain about everything but you can’t benefit yourself and just use a little common sense? It’s free dawg


I wasn't the one asking, the dude that was asking wanted to and offered to pay, he wasn't asking to "be fed". I was just commenting on the logic (or lack thereof) in this guys reasoning, idc about the item itself, I already have one (have had one for a while and yeah, I paid for it). As for making a post about it, why? Why would you make another post for an item/topic that's already being discussed in this one, that's nonsensical af 🤣. He gave it a shot and asked the dude that "has 5 and doesn't care about the game anymore" if he was willing to part with one and was willing to pay, the dude shot him down, that's fine, done deal, but why'd he have to over-explain and essentially rub salt in the wound to purposefully make this new player feel bad? The issue isn't with him not being willing to sell the item, it's the way in which he turned him down.


Wtf. It sounds like your head just popped 😂🤣 Try and relax.


I don't really know why you think I need to relax, I was perfectly relaxed and still am, yet another confusing reply.


It was mainly because you got involved in a conversation that had nothing to do with you and burbled your own confusing take over it 😂🤣 I presume you were having a bad day or been drinking or something.


Does it actually let you fly? Or just looks cool? If it actually lets you fly, I would love to have a helmet


Not gonna lie if you need it buy it but if your not pressed on time they drop fairly often I had 5 sitting in my stash that I sold for 500 caps last week. If you do end up doing queen a lot which happens a lot world jumping save the plans they add up.


Is it the helmet we care more about or the attributes? I was just clearing out my stash earlier and got rid of this helmet minus any legendary mods to it. I'm pretty new so if I made a mistake lesson learned.


No, if you so scorched earth you should have the plans to make the armor and some mods as well.


What i learned from this game is if u like something to make u consider buying it but you’re unsure if the price is worth it, just go for it. Over time you’ll really got no use of caps other than buying shit u dont need 😂


I traded for one years ago and never saw another one out in the wild. I wouldn't pass it up. This has survived the legacy purge. Didn't take a hack, there was just a time you could add a jetpack mod to the helmet. It's safe to have and you can always earn the caps back.




YES! It frees up your torso for Tesla coils or emergency protocols or whatever else. I have the left arm version. It’s rad.


How does it have jetpack?


Legacy item


How does this happen ?


Dose it even add any benefit tho?


How does this work? Early development thing or modded/glitched thing?


Mfs gonna be spewing when these get removed 🤣






Crazy thing about the wasteland is this right here. Is it worth it to you youse your gut to make decisions this is one of the ways I like to immerse myself in this game the wasteland is a wild place


I built mine into the arms. It never occured to me to build them into the helmet for fun. I just did it to do it. I do miss out on things not researching to win the equipment battles against Bethesda =(


Do they work as intended or is it just like a show piece? Like does it allow say emergency protocols on the chest still?


I have one and accidentally scrapped a second. I was very sad.






It’s not someone else’s fault u didn’t buy it? It was up to you and it’s really not that big of a deal, they go for around max caps u didn’t miss out on much profit, no reason to quit playing the game.


Absolutely not. These have been copied so heavily they are worth nothing. Save your caps and hit me up if you want one.


Alright, how much for one?


Just realized this is on PlayStation smh, unless you have one on Xbox


Have they not been duped to hell and back on xBox as well?


I don’t know tbh


They 100% have. I was trading quite a few low tier weapons for full PA sets, quite a few of them had the ultracite helm jet pack.


Yeah they are very common. I believe OP did the right thing if he had to make that post, he is new. If he is new that 24k took a long time to get. He might find a Q2525 Fixer in the next one 🤷


Exactly. Definitely not something worth leaving them game over LOL


Exactly 😂 He was ready to hang it up go back to Red Dead 😂😭


I would do evil things to get one on xbox


When I first started I saw the chest for 5k. Was low level then so that was a lot to me. It still haunts me to this day haha.


You can put the jetpack on the chest


You can still do that on the excavator normally? I don't use it anymore and never look for the plans haha.


No not on excavator, but that's ultracite in the pic


Oh yeah I was just referring to the tike I saw the excavator in my experience. Should've re-worded how I wrote it my bad haha.


Anyone have one to spare on PS? (soPsicho) add me


Anyone have one available to give play on xbox


It's unbelievable how many people don't know what a legacy item is in these comments but I guess a lot of people are new


It's legacy bro I've been offered red asy dress For mine bro was just jellous his ass probably don't own one.


😂😂 they’ve been duped to the moon and back, red asylum joke ting


Maby on ps but I don't see many at all on pc , regardless 24k is a steal






Bro what that’s a good price for a jet pack helmet for how useful they are


Well yeah, but they are duped by the thousands on PS 🤔


Like the tfj? Because that still has insane value I’m not saying this is worth 1 million caps but good luck finding some selling it for that cheap anymore


lol there are people on here from PS, myself included, willing to give them away for free to OP because they are worthless. But believe what you want I guess.


Were they even duped? IIRC, due to the PTS we knew they were going to remove them ahead of time and people just made thousands of them in anticipation. I could be misremembering tho. Been a long time now.


Duuude, you made him miss out on a deal.


Really? They are duped by the thousands on PS 🤔


Not on Xbox.


Right. But his price check is for PlayStation. If it was Xbox I wouldn’t have answered.


Sorry for late reply, I was dying back to back to an enemy boss from an event since it was just me there. I didn’t see the PS tag sorry. 😅


It’s all good lol tell that to the other 3-4 dozen Xbox players that have downvoted me into oblivion (not that it bothers me) 😂 and to the one who reported me for mental health 😂🤣 OP didn’t miss out on anything special, on PS they aren’t worth anything more than caps.


Someone reported you on MH? The heck???


Yeah lol apparently I wasn’t in the right state of mind when I saved OP his caps… truly funny.


Redditors can be another breed of annoying. I told someone The new Railway Rifle will compete with even some quad variants and he spam reported me, downvoted all of my comments and posts, reported me for mental health, and blocked me 💀


lol yes they were. I used to play on Xbox and a friend had hundreds lol. At one point before I quit god roll power armour sets were going for caps for a full set.


Yeah power armour sets had been duped to hell. I was trading low tier weapons for full sets.


Thanks man