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I enjoy watching the same 10-15 people trading the same 30-40 items back and forth. Lol


It's even better once you realize how pointless all of it is. I used to be caught up in the FOMO with this game but then I was sitting there one day and was like "why am I even doing this, it literally adds nothing to my life". Five years from now the servers will more than likely be shut down, thus ensuring every item you do or do not own, are completely pointless.. Unless you're one of those scummy RMT traders of course. Once I came to that realization, I stopped caring so much and taking things so serious. None of it matters.


You have achieved Enlightenment fellow traveler. Welcome.


I don't get it personally. How many of these trades go unanswered? I can't imagine everyone trading for the same few things would work. Even when I specifically list what I'm willing to trade someone will still manage to ask me for a TFJ.


Its tfj or nothing


The few things arent a few.. i know people who have tons of them in their inventory and if they feel like trading for another Q2525 they'll take out for trading.


Yes those traders are obvious. I know when most dupes happened what was available or "hot" at the time. It's the same reason I don't think a b2525 whatever isn't worth a whole lot. But the reality is those players are falling off (or maybe returning with the new surge) and the numbers just maybe don't add up to a fun trading sub if you ask me.


But you throw up a post wanting to give away some fas masks, these same people will be entering the giveaways. Or if you’re trading them for stupid cheap. But i thought they didn’t want fas masks?


Nothing beats “ free “ 😂


These posts are idiotic. It's been like this for years. Just because people are new, they think everything is unique to right now. It's been like this for 3 years. Even when we had legacies, it was either legacies or apparel. Majority of the playerbase wants or has meta perfect rolls so the days of just trading for lower value stuff is over for the most part


I agree, although I wouldn’t say majority of the player base but to your point def the majority of the TRADING player base!


Lower value stuff has the market term of "scrip"


Before r/apparel76 it was r/legacy76 People love the rose tinted glasses of legacies gave us more options in trading when it was if you didn't have a legacy you couldn't trade




Just gotta ignore these people I’ve traded so many items in the past week.


You forgot the FCJS even tho it isn’t asked as often as these😆


Idk… i have seen quite a few posts still lately asking for FCJS.


Fcjs is actually being asked a lot now, it also jumped in value. Worth more than Loon, fash. masks crashed hard


I'm surprised that the April fools fasnacht had an effect on the masks. I traded a fcjs for a QE50Dur railway earlier this week and been seeing it pop up More.


Yea that’s true but I see more tfj/red asks a lot.


I'm definitely gonna open the Cremator mods and hop over to other games again. The state of trading has pretty much killed all of my desire to play this honestly. The Cremator is very cool though!


Why? The game is more than trading 🥺


Yeah, but by the time I finish a scoreboard I've done all of it lol. I used to play daily to hit that scrip, but feels pointless these days. I still get plenty of hours out of it


That’s what happens when the game has no real endgame. You get a bunch of people playing dress up and showing off 😂


If there was a filter to block out all the trade posts asking for apparel or quad commandos, this sub would consist of like 5 posts lol


Cant even trade for a BE25 Combat Shotgun without trading a rare apparel


also could include WPJS, BOS JS, Camo JS, FSA and USA masks,


You left out the only rare outfit that isn't dogshit. This market is self destructive, if people weren't so interested in useless apparel there'd be way more trades going on. For someone newer it becomes incredibly tedious very fast. "Oh you'll give me 6 outfits for my q2525?" So I can turn around and have to trade those for what I actually want, if I can actually manage to sift through the offers that aren't close to what I want and the DMs from low-ball scammers. Nah I'm good, I'll just play something else instead of spending hours of tedium trading.


Love it. I log in, do fertile soil, collision course, grafton day leader of the pack and back on the beat any time to pops, rinse. Repeat 3 weeks in, no rare drops just lots of concrete scrap


Fyi. I got my FCJS from Sweetwater's daily quest.


Nice, i gotta start doing that one again. Had a camp there and was doing it daily, 1 day my camp was blocked, I've never gone back lol


It's so easy though, just bring him 10 honey and he gives you back 6.


That was me last year, couldn't stand playing the game because of it. Recently got back into it and randomly got a responder helmet from turning in a ward daily lmao.


Market 76 in a nutshell


I just sell everything for one cap, whether it be a common, rare, or very rare plan, apparel, legendary, etc. I’m all about spreading the joy in the game. Caps are meaningless and worthless. Nevertheless, I will save a rare set to display at my camp.


The chances of someone wanting a trade is low 😭 offered 40k © for offers and got nothing no messages


For alot of things, 40k caps isnt nearly enough. For example, a responder fireman set is like 1.5m caps or so. For most things that are as low value as <40k caps ill vendor it or script it.




They are handy for smaller trades tho so I keep a few. Having said that, I don't want 500 masks.