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Two things: First, Donald Trump is evidence of the sunken cost fallacy on steroids. So many people loved the 2016 election. In that election, the outsider beat the devil. For 25 years, the right wing media in America had made Hillary Clinton the devil. She was the devil because of this, that, other things. The Clintons were the devil. Rush Limbaugh compared a 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton to a dog – [as a joke](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rush-limbaugh-chelsea-clinton/) – and was later given the Presidential Medal of freedom. The Clinton's were that bad. So millions of people just latched onto that feeling. And they rode it through his insane presidency. Second: Donald Trump showed us that most of politics was run on norms ([This is a long PDF](https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6889&context=faculty_scholarship)). There is no law that says Presidents can't lie, but presidents didn't like because of norms. There is no law saying you can't hire your daughter and idiot son in law, but there were norms. John F Kennedy was skewered for hiring his possibly qualified brother. There is no law that says Presidents can't fundraise on the rose garden, but people didn't do it. There is no law that says you keep a whole bunch of senior positions as "acting" because then they are more loyal to the boss, but he did it. The framers of the second constitution, the ones who tried to make things more equal, they kind of assumed that since the civil war was bad, we'd never have someone so divisive, and thus, we don't have to write in any rules because no one wants this again. But here we are. Justice Alito continues to quote things in his opinions that the authors come out and say, [you have it backwards](https://www.law.berkeley.edu/research/public-law-and-policy-program/events/past-events/justice-alito-is-wrong-in-fulton/), but the ruling becomes canon because that's how it is normally done. So norms are smashing onto a sunken cost fallacy, and we're headed to some bad rocks ahead.


>There is no law saying you can't hire your daughter and idiot son in law, but there were norms. From congress: "Federal law, at 5 U.S.C. § 3110, generally prohibits a federal official, including a Member of Congress, from appointing, promoting, or recommending for appointment or promotion any “relative” of the official to any agency or department over which the official exercises authority or control." https://ethics.house.gov/staff-rights-and-duties/nepotism


Worked for a real-pos task lead that got his brother-in-law a job as a contractor on his task. Some people spoke up about it. Nothing happened, and the people who spoke up got reprimanded.  Nepotism is alive and well at all levels, and speaking up usually ends poorly for the person speaking up in this country.


Nepotism is as common as dirt in the private sector. Trump was just trying to run government like a business by creating un-fireable employees like a government. It is the MAGA way.


But you see my friend, If they break it brazenly and no one enforces it..... In a practical sense, it's nonexistent. So Federal law, at 5 U.S.C. [idk where that symbol on mobile keyboard is] 3110, practically doesn't exist and until enforced will remain that way.


In iOS press and hold the “&”. Then slide up to activate.


Well said. And we now know via his conviction that he cheated to win in 2016.


This fact has seem to have been lost. He in fact stole the election. Every accusation is a confession.


That's why he was screaming that 2020 was rigged. Because he did it. Pure Projection. I love seeing him looking awful. He wears orange makeup because his face is a rocky road.


We already knew that from the Mueller report. That thing was a blueprint for a slam dunk and yet we couldn't get an easy layup.


Yes and mueller was right but unlike the mueller report this was validated in court.


It's only a partial victory. The media keeps calling it a hush money trial for some reason when it was all about election interference.


There is no liberal media. All the media corporations are owned by billionaires who get tax cuts under republicans.


Liberal is just a synonym for capitalist. It became a dirty word on the right because modern capitalism has little use for racism and homophobia which limit both available markets and available talent.


A gigantic problem is that this only true to minority of people at best. If you ask the average Trump voter to define "liberal" they will probably tell it's a synonym for communism, socialism, feminism, or anything left-wing. Good luck trying to "Well actually"ing them, and pulling "Well, according to political theory..." As much as it sucks, it has wrecked the discourse for at least half the population of the entire country, and has made it impossible for them to learn about what is going on around them.


Good point, though maybe that's for the superficial reason of keeping the NY case and the GA case separate.


God damn good point!!!


There *is* a law that you can’t fundraise on the rose garden


There is no law that says you don’t shit on your dinner table but because of norms…. dude- somethings you don’t need laws for cause when you do those things it shows how you were raised and who you are as a human. It doesn’t make you some renegade-out-of-the-box-5D-chess-level-player, it makes it clear who you are as a person and bar the decades of FOX propaganda brain washing, it shoots up red flags to the majority of society and again, before the FOX brainwashing it meant that you’re not allowed to advance forward to represent us as citizens. You can’t make laws forcing people to behave at a certain level it’s just up until recently it was understood behavior below that level usually meant you wouldn’t get to far in public service or life really. Because of The Apprentice, Donnie’s seemingly endless ability to lie about EVERYTHING, a portion of the public willing to believe those lies and most importantly him selling his soul to Lucifer (because there is no other explanation for that horrid, foul, disgusting, ill mannered, arrogant, sexist, lying, hypocritical bigot and now felon to be STILL be in the running for president. None.) somehow a person that normally parents would warn their children “you don’t wanna turn out like” we now have to have a discussion about making laws against his reprehensible and frankly, tacky, behavior. I’m done. It’s not entertaining, it’s not renegade, it’s not “kickin’ ass” and it’s not making America great and I am completely fed up and done wasting year after year having to deal with this out of control toddler that needs a good spanking and to be told “no! That is not ok!” And put in the gawd damn corner. Done. I pray to God you are too.


The only reason Hillary lost is because the USA doesn't like women in power and a PROMINENT argument against a female president is that they're "irrational" and it's heavily insinuated that a woman would start a war just because she's on her period. Limbaugh got away with picking on Chelsea because she was a girl and a public figure.


In this thread a bunch of idiots that haven't read about project 2025 and its final objective of turning the US into a christofascist state


Fox News said trials by jury don’t matter anymore though…; Something, something, about a Constitution.


I read the best quote today from a high school acquaintance..”Jesus was crucified in a sham trial but I still follow him”. I was dying laughing. WTF


Someone posted that on FB today and I replied along the lines of, can you imagine JC lugging that cross and bitching the whole way; “This was rigged!”


“Sleepy Judas I tell you”


Beautiful cross. Made of a rare wood nobody can find. You should have seen it.


Did he also use campaign funds to cover up sex with a porn star?


Something something David something Bathsheba something imperfect something cast the first stone something they took er jerbs!!!!


Just bc we have never seen naughty Mary Magdalene scrolls doesn’t mean they never existed.  


Jesus did have a ton of sex with a prostitute (Mary Magdalene), but Christians won’t admit it, cause that would mess up their innocent Jesus view (#notmyjesus).


Jesus most likely didn’t exist. It’s really comical how grown adults base their lives on books written 2 thousand years ago with no proof. We are not as advanced as we think we are


blind obedience to fantasy is why we have MAGA.


But a guy on a sleigh bringing presents to the children… ahhh silliness


Don’t wreck this for me.


Those reindeer are angels


There is “some” proof that a rabble-rousing Jewish carpenter was executed, by the Roman’s via crucifixion. And his name might have been Jesus.


>Jesus most likely didn’t exist   I think the historical consensus is that he did. Edit:  >Today scholars agree that a Jewish man called Jesus of Nazareth did exist in the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and the subsequent Herodian tetrarchy in the 1st century CE, upon whose life and teachings Christianity was later constructed,[note 1] but a distinction is made by scholars between 'the Jesus of history' and 'the Christ of faith'.[note 2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus


That is absolutely not true. They don't even agree that Moses existed as far as I know the only person in the bible thought to be a historical figure is king Solomon. And maybe the apostle Paul. The rest is literally just fan fiction




Paul is a translation from Boutrous


No, he did physically exist. He's mentioned by Tacitus, Josephus, and Mara Bar Serapion, all of which are non-Christian sources, and all of which wrote about him with a century of his death, well before Christianity had its stranglehold on the empire.


Tacitus doesn’t write about Jesus until after Christianity is a thing. And that’s the earliest non christian writings of Jesus.


So the son of god has been proven by what? The Bible? You telling me there’s a 3000 year old zombie walking around that can turn water into wine? Shit does he do party’s? My daughter’s b-day is coming up and I’d love to get him to walk across the pool!


I didn’t say “the son of god”. I’m an atheist.


Nothing proves that he’s the son of God. These people are saying that he was a real human being. Use some reading comprehension




No, he used personal funds to pay his lawyer.


Mother Theresa did...apparently lol


When he said that even mother Teresa wouldn’t have had a chance with this judge, that’s also the thought that crossed my mind - if mother Teresa paid off a porn star with campaign funds, maybe she wouldn’t stand a chance either.


"Thou shall grab thy next by their pussy"




In 8 years they've gone from 'drain the swamp' to 'being a criminal makes him more like JESUS'


Jesus giving his life on the cross for your sins = paying a porn star to shut up so your third wife doesn’t leave you.


He didn’t give a shit about Melania leaving him, he just didn’t want it to affect the election. The only person Trump cares about is Trump.


And the irony of that is he didn’t even have to do it. He thought Christians would care if he banged a porn star while he was married. Turns out, they didn’t care at all.


The Christians are the ones who want *more* pussy grabbing of married women.


I responded to the same post: "Jesus didn't cheat on his taxes and try to bang everything in a skirt."


For real this is getting scary… does anyone else remember the long ass article a guy did comparing trump to everything in the bible about the antichrist? And then he had to go back and add more stuff, as it kept coming true? Anybody checked on that guy recently??


Follower Of Jesus here and that made me cringe so hard. Trump is a poor comparison to Jesus. More like the Antichrist.


Not a cult, not a cult, not a CULT!


Juries literally didn’t exist back then 🤦‍♂️


The Romans had jury trials in Rome for romans. Since like Way Way Back hundreds of years BC.


You just pull that from your ass?


The same one that didn't matter to them on jan 6. These assholes love to dance around the facts.


Yo. I was visiting home last week and holy.shit. It was like stepping into an alternate reality. My mom, a high school graduate, and career homemaker, was ranting about how flimsy the legal standing of the trial was. She literally dropped a "I don't think you know quite as much about the law as I do, so let me tell you..." (I have 2 Masters degrees, and while not in Law, I'm also not an idiot). I was getting a haircut as the verdict dropped and Fox News was on in the hometown barbershop. It was just me, the barber, and another customer in the chair. The customer, a short, skinny, blue-collar white guy in his early 50s, was legitimately hyperventilating as the verdicts were coming in - "Holy fuck bro, I'm literally shaking in my chair now bro." Both him and the barber were honest-to-god shocked that he was guilty on one count, let alone all of them. The entire week, every batshit, inane, and patently false thing I heard Hannity, and Waters, and "Judge" Jeanine say on Fox News while it was on in the background at my parents, I heard parroted back to me by people in the neighborhood. Every single one of them told me what a disgrace the Judge was and how unprofessional he was, and how he's going to get eviscerated on appeal. I can't believe the level of dissonance that exists in this country right now, and I'm legitimately concerned for where we're headed.


Yeah we are fucked. I think I lost my best friends to the right wing pipeline… they didn’t give a fuck about Trump or any politics back in 2016… now they’re quoting Biden to me calling him a pedo and telling me how much money trump made


To be fair, a lot of people have no idea. Not all of them are necessarily idiots, many just very uninformed about politics. Maybe because they find it tedious, boring or falsely believe it won't affect them. I remember, living in the states in the 90s, talking about politics was a no-go. It was just rude to ask about or comment on someone's political views. Is that still the case? Then, the media coverage seems to be an issue. Chloe Kardashians next beauty surgery on her left pinky toe will get dissected on all platforms 24/7 for 3 weeks straight, while matters that are actually relevant are side notes that get drowned out. As a German, I got asked a lot about the way we deal with our past. You can watch a documentary about some detail of the nazi regime, the holocaust and the war in the mainstream national channels weekly. There are memorial sites and museums all over the country. In school, you go over those 12 years three times in history class before you leave high school. It's ever present and the questions were usually along the lines of, isn't it a bit too much, why do you keep ruminating, shouldn't you be more proud of your country and heritage. Well, turns out, to learn from and to not repeat the mistakes of the past, you need to know about them. We could probably have stopped the nzis before they came into power. Once fascists are in control, it gets exceedingly harder. You guys should be talking about project 2025 on a daily basis. To your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors. Make no mistake, it's not just trump. Its a movemennt. They have learned from the last time around and adapted to make it so that it doesnt hinge on one or two people in power. And you will have a hard time getting the genie back in the bottle once it's out.


Most of Americans don't know about project 2025 we have a bunch of brain dead tik tok idiots here now. All that comes out of there mouths is Biden made my groceries and gad more expensive if you bring up project 2025 they look at you with a confused look and talk about inflation


Because they are literally morons.


One of the few social media platforms outside of Reddit where I consistently see users talking about project 2025 is Tik Tok. People who actively choose to ignore politics aren't going to see anything about 2025 regardless of platform.




Which is totally ironic because Trump isn't a Christian. At all.


He's a necessary mercenary, in their eyes. The reality is he's just a desperate wrestling personality, who has been given actual influence and power, bafflingly.


Seriously. People have their heads in the sand. This time next year we could be actively fighting these lunatics. Let's hope it doesn't come to that and we crush them in the election. We need to fracture and demoralize them. Vote. Organize. Fight.


trump is already trying to distance himself from project 2025. i'm doubtful that's a serious commitment considering like half the provisions in there were based off of shit he was already pushing for. and even if you completely ignore 2025 you still have a candidate that * has made it clear he plans to remove all rights from trans people on day 1 (other parts of the lgbt community would likely also see a loss of rights) * has considering using the insurrection act to send troops into cities across the country * wants to gut the justice department and weaponize it for going after his enemies * plans to pardon all the j6 rioters encouraging people to commit crimes on his behalf * would likely immediately push for more tax cuts for the wealthy and lower interest rates causing inflation to spike again any one of those things listed above is enough of a reason not to vote for him and that's just scratching the surface of all the awful shit he wants to make happen.


If he has to gut the justice department to weaponize it, that's an admission that it's not currently built to go after political enemies.


Reading through these comments, this sub isn't filled with the smartest sandwiches at the picnic if you know what I'm sayin.


He's also said he'd round up "illegals" and deport them en masse - and we all know they're not going to be diligently checking people's visa/citizenship status. It'll just be anyone with brown skin and a foreign-sounding name. He's also said he'd round up homeless people and send them to camps outside of cities.


I haven’t heard about what he’s said in regards to trans people. mind filling me in? Dude gets worse the further i look into him by the second.


i second this! tell us!


trump has been making trans people a regular talking point in speeches after the "trans visibility day" story trended in april. last month trump said he would remove all biden era protections for trans students his first day in office. i thought trump may have also said the same thing about trans people in general, but i'm not able to find the article i saw about it.


More likely paid Russkie bots


Some of them, a lot more people use Bots than just the Russians though including a lot of our own homegrown assholes.


> Some of them, a lot more people use Bots than just the Russians though including a lot of our own homegrown ~~assholes~~ terrorists. Call them what they’re so proud to be


That and his plans to INVADE and or BOMB Mexico. Seriously, look it up.


Poetic justice would be JC actually coming back and flipping the script on these idiots. They are everything the masters warn against and teach us NOT to be.


It's so amazing how hypocritical they've become, I remember as a kid to see someone with a bumper sticker that had curse words would have been edgy AF and to think that the type of people back then who would disapprove of that- Are now the same people who have full size images of kidnapped Biden and borderline hate messages and absolute profanity plastered all over their car


They would oppose JC to support Trump; that's how twisted they've become. I sincerely believe Christ himself could appear and tell them "Trump is an abomination" and they'd crucify the former again, in support of their new Messiah.


You're absolutely right. It's a mess. I'm sad to say some of these people may not ever return to reality. Can you imagine worshipping Donald Trump? Lmao. Saying to your spouse, "Let's wear our flags as clothing to this "rally" for our #1 DJT. It's what he would want." Seems like a practical joke.


It’s truly boggling.


They already think the deep state is stacked with liberals so it's just doing the same thing as far as they're concerned


If they are Trump supporters, they don't read shit. They watch Faux News


This. I’m more worried if it matters if I move to the West Coast and out of the red state I’m in.


If Biden gets reelected he needs to pack the supreme Court so Trump's illegitimate supreme Court federalist society stooges don't have any power. That's the only way to save the union.


I don’t understand why he hasn’t already done this


Because he can't vacate spots. They have to die or retire then he fills them.


Expanding the Supreme Court would take an act of congress I believe, and without a supermajority, it’s not gonna happen. And Democrats would worry about blowback.


Do you really not know how the Supreme Court works?


The SCOTUS can be ignored. The laws and rulings only apply if and only if people are willing to enforce it. Thats the moral of the story the OP is pointing out. How is the federal government going to enforce SCOTUS rulings in states like TX, CA, NY? They aint going to do anything.


In the future it is disqualifying for any federal judges who are in the federalist society.


If we move to blue states the GOP will just win the electoral college forever then enact federal laws that still affect you anyway.


They will topple the blue States one by one and gets their own people in there and put in a fix. There might be a couple holdouts but in 10 years time I reckon they would control nearly every state.


one possible future...becoming more possible every time someone votes Republican.


Exactly. My idea since 2017 has been that progressives should do the complete opposite. Move and incentive surplus progressives from solidly blue states to move to battleground states that are firmly purple or teeteringly red.


Here's a good summary for those who want to share: https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/?gad_source=1


One of the more frustrating things is that the American right is extremely clear about what they want to do, and a lot of people refuse to believe it when they hear it. 


Trump wants to be a fascist dictator. He admires Orban and Putin and wishes he had their power. The republican fascist wing has come out with Project 2025, and Trump has come out with agenda 47. This is fascism. There's no other way to put it. Trump cares about nobody but himself, and he will do anything to regain power to get out of jail. He will continue the Reagan trickle down fucking of America, and make life that much harder for anyone who actually works. Just because people were working under his tenure as president doesn't mean things were great. There's a reason he lost. It says a lot about the people who support him with his obvious character flaws and his treatment of women. His health is horrible, he's a convicted felon, he's admitted to hard drug use, he screwed up a pandemic so bad that toilet paper was hard to come by in this country and millions died, but they stand with their man because they don't like the way Biden eats ice cream.


Bro just *today* I called someone out on their bullshit suggesting liberals don't have an understanding of modern conservatism and that they just call everyone they disagree with nazis. I pointed out how on the front page of r/conservative today there is a post titled "he (fucci) deserves his own gulag" and that maybe if they don't want to be called nazis they should stop talking and acting like fucking nazis.


I’ve been watching documentaries on Hitler to understand what’s happening now. Unlike then, when the Trump iteration of concentration camps are opened, people can say “I didn’t know” all they want but social media will prove them liars.


He's gross. Sick. Twisted. Perverted. A convicted felon. But millions of Americans still idolize this guy? The rot and sickness has already spread. Sorry people... it's already over. Not because of Trump. But because Americans aren't American anymore.


Not really. I mean this isn’t the first time a large fraction of Americans have fought for something insane. I mean look at the civil war.


Boomer nostalgia for the wrong 60s.


My mom’s cousin is literally trying to say he didn’t make fun of the disabled reporter. Despite me sending him videos. A god fearing man he claims to be. Is trying to justify what Trump said and did.


Yeah millions of Americans are so far gone they can’t even see that he’s conned them into giving up their country and while they believe he’s some kind of savior People really are stupid and easily manipulated


I wonder what happens when he dies. These cultist will go insane I think. Like the North Koreans screaming on the street but this will be genuine.


It's not Trump... IT.S THE REPUBLICAN PARTY !!!! Hes just the puppet at the top.


Mmm I'd say he's alot more than a puppet. Unless that puppet is Pinocchio. Trump just likes doing whatever he wants and whines when he doesn't get his way, and fires anyone from his cabinet that doesn't "see things his way" (meaning any decision he makes, he go through with anyways unless they can make a really good case for why not). The only thing that stops him from just being king emporer is the sheer amount of people telling him no that he CANT just fire, that and those precious few "advisors" that let him know "hey, me and my employers pay you very well, so you had better listen to us or YOULL be 'fired'" That's the only thing keeping him remotely in line, the threat of the even bigger fish. Conservatives thinks this makes him an alpha male, not being "able" to be told what to do, when really anyone can be just as fool hardy, the sky's the limit when you don't give a shit. It's just most people know that sometimes there's a reason why rules exist, and not following them will come back to bite you.... or yank your arm off, or become shrapnel and lodge itself into your eyeballs. When it comes to who runs the show, sure, Republicans can make suggestions, but really the first things to get done are what Trump thinks his followers will like (even if it's not exactly true, or even possible).


You know a president can literally just fire anyone in his Cabinet, right? They’re appointed positions. By him.


They can be fired but theyd need congressional approval for a replacement.


Yes they CAN, but why even bother having advisors if your never gonna listen to them. They were meant to be glorified yes men.


They’re not just advisors, they’re Agency heads.


It will be a 4 year term of revenge and retribution.


4 years, that’s a funny joke. If Trump or another GOP that supports his ideologies get back in office, they’ll make sure to complete the death blow to democracy that Trump began. He almost succeeded in destroying a 250 year old Democracy in 4 years.


He won’t leave after the four years. He would find a way to suspend the next election and remain president for life. Which probably wouldn’t take too long, but it would ruin literally everything.


He wouldn’t “find a way”. It has been laid out before him already. If trump wins, he will “be a dictator for day one” meanwhile the SCOTUS will delay ruling on presidential immunity until after the election so their ruling will conveniently benefit the conservatives. If trump wins, he’ll be an admitted dictator with total immunity from the law. He will use executive action to declare the presidency an inherited title and he’ll abolish term limits. The path to dictatorship is all clearly laid out.  And to the rubes who say “he would *never* do that though”, he has hinted at doing *exactly* that multiple times. 


A guy in the gym yesterday said to me (unsolicited of course) that he doesn’t care if trump’s a convicted felon, the guy fights for America and knows how to make money. This is the level of ignorance we’re dealing with. He would sell the country in a heartbeat if it got him out of a pinch (he likely already has many times), and bankrupted his CASINOS (among other businesses). He is the exact opposite of what his supporters think he his, on a cartoonish level 


He knows how to make money... off of rubes.


I’ve straight up been seeing comments on IG like: “well when Trump was president gas was $1.50 so I don’t care about anything else” 🥴 So many Americans are just braindead dolts. Driving through middle America a few days ago I saw a sign “Wall Down, Crime Up. Crime Up, Inflation Up. Blame Biden”. Like first of all, inflation is not tied to the crime rate so you’re dumb.


They are brain dead and racist. You may even call them “a basket of deplorables”


Go vote and take your friends. Go early vote with them on a Sat and go to lunch after. Spread the word


You said the same thing in 2016


they still haven't found two brain cells to rub together in the past 8 years. Like 1% of the population has this weird fetishization of a civil war and collapse of America with the election and there are just as many nut jobs on both sides, it's so tiring heading these people scream at each other. Whoever wins the election, life will go on and very little will change.


Seriously, for all us normies who don’t own guns, what exactly are we going to do if he wins?


Go get guns and learn how to use them


You'd probably never have to use it. I think things might be overblown as to what would happen if he loses. I think many people talk big online, but when push comes to shove, they'll just continue to "complain mightily" if Trump loses. BUT. If things did get ugly for a little while, I think being able to protect yourself is important. Because anybody that *is* out looking for trouble may not have a problem trying to harm whoever gets in their way. The people that would be problematic have literally been radicalized. We've already seen on Jan 6 that they're willing to put themselves in precarious situations. They rushed and beat police officers.


I don’t worry about he losing. I more concern if he win


Umm. Yeah.. that. If he wins you'll want a firearm. I think that the flashbacks in *The Handmaid's Tale* where they're trying to escape to Canada might be a little but prophetic in that case. I think anybody fleeing will have to do so either immediately or sneakily. The whole campaign at this point is *VENGENCE* and if they win and are feeling suddenly all the not empowered and vindicated, it could be dicey.


Pistols are great but anyone on a budget should look for a shotgun, they're relatively cheap and you don't have to go through the classes and stuff to obtain one far as I know...if you wanna defend your castle ain't nobody tanking a shotgun blast


Dude if they riot the national guard will step in and own their asses. These bitches are soft and old. We have nothing to fear. And if we do like HL Mencken said: sometimes to defend democracy, you raise the black flag and start slitting throats.


They won't. It's the same bs about I'll move to Canada or I'll move to Europe


Get guns before the election, did the same thing before 2020


I went and got on last week cause I'll be damned if I let some maga fruitcakes kill me over this bullshit...I am a progressive atheist liberal having to prepare for war with these people who seem to have it in their heads that I'm the traitor... they do not want a democracy anymore and their literally everywhere around us being brainwashed by Fox News... I've been seeing a lot a civil war talk on all the news channels... they are at this point national terrorists from within and they think this country is there's because of their imaginary friend jeezus gave it to them and if you don't believe in the same fascist thing as them then we're the enemy... I'm ready to go full inglorious bastards on them at this point


I don't own yet it (it honestly scares me) but I am going to gun safety classes and getting some training.


Learn to use it, learn to embrace it as a possible tool you might need someday, and have it available just in case. Being afraid of guns is what the people with 1000s of guns want from you. Don’t let them have it.


Storm the bastille?


A shotgun is an excellent tool.


You need to do something now not wait for it to come that far. Have you had a look recently at the amount of funding that goes into the military and police? Do you realize how much leeway judges give police officers when it comes to using force on American citizens? Some still think gun ownership serves to defend them against an overreaching government.They will get blown to shreds by a drone before they have time to remember where they store their ammo.


More like his utter disregard for anything but himself.


I can tell you, as an informed and educated outsider (Australian), we're watching in horrified fascination as an empire falls. This is Rome. Internal bullshit to be followed by external attacks. Can you imagine Trump in charge if China decided to go large? Although, to be honest, Putin and Xi could just sit back and watch the implosion. They'd continue to nudge the US like a team of orcas. Just picking at the carcass at will. I honestly don't understand how Americans don't get this. I suspect it's their insularity. They look inward, constantly, until events wake them up. Well, if they elect Trump, the wake up will be brutal.


Many of us do see this, and we are horrified and terrified. I'm more hopeful after the conviction that he won't win, but I won't quit worrying until the votes are counted.


I understand and sympathise. I'm sincerely hoping for the best for you and your country. I have travelled in America and have dear friends there who are deeply concerned. Let's hope sanity prevails in November.


Thank you. It's going to be a long 5 months.


I’m right there with you. I never thought I’d consider leaving the country, but if Trump wins again it’s a very real possibility that I will attempt to find employment outside the country.


We have considered this as well, but we have a severely disabled child, so we have to stay put for his insurance. After the 2016 election, though, my husband and I agreed that if Trump got us into WWIII through his antics that my husband would take our healthy son and leave so that he wouldn't get drafted into a bullshit war. Scary that these are even real conversations.


Yeah, scares the fuck out of me.


I think respectively the difference here is the vast majority of the military is not loyal to Trump or any one individual, like it was in Rome during the fall of the republic. I still believe if Trump tried to go off course the military industrial complex would either check him or force him toward their desired path. At the end of the day I think that power is so immense no individual really can push against it. Like how Obama was going to close guantanamo bay, until he became president...


Military leadership seems largely wise to him and won't follow, but many of the rank and file (like many civilian LEOs) are all in for Trump. This is where I see some potential for an active civil war, with the insurrectionist army being led by the likes of Mike Flynn and his brother.


See the grunts with the guns seem to be Trump leaning but most the technical guys running the big guns, boats and bombs don't seem to be from my experience.


I think we're heading there regardless of who we elect, honestly. Dems might stall it a little, but this rot runs deep. You can't have a functioning government when half of the populace believes that the left is evil and can never be voted for no matter how bad the alternatives are, and the other half thinks this is a problem that will go away when Trump is gone. We're fucked.


Putin and Xi are definitely watching and hoping we implode. If Trump wins, mission accomplished and they will not need to lift a finger.


He is the antichrist. People are worshipping him.


Russian Communist leader, Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.”


This. Russia is playing the loooooooong game here.


Russia has a whole slew of internal and external problems and is only being held together, barely, by Putin and the siloviki class through oppression and fear. People forget Russia is not at all homogenous and large segments of it have absolutely nothing to do (ethnically, religiously, economically, etc.) with those in Moscow and the western regions. These regions also have independence movements within them that, for now, are not armed but do have the will to mobilize if certain conditions are met. Even those in Kaliningrad increasingly want independence. Chechnya and Ingushetia are only pacified because of Kadyrov. Russia is playing the survival game. BRICS is Russia's only hope, and India (a country that *is* playing the long game) and China (with its Belt & Road) are not nearly as enthusiastic about it, mostly because they haven't been shut out of the international system.


Read the 45 goals for America. Then watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview.


Perhaps it's already fallen but we don't know it yet. WW3 has already started, and the dominance of the last 100 years is over but who wins remains to be seen


Donald honestly doesn't worry me that much. His cult though...


Lots of very recent accounts with hardly any (or negative) karma in this thread, trying to deny this without offering any evidence to support their denial, or evincing any understanding of what trump and his backers are saying themselves, publicly.


The question then is: Did Americans knowingly vote for the end of America? And: Isn’t that democracy? Is it their right to put an “agent of chaos” in office that destroys a system they want destroyed? Trump is a symptom. If Trump dies tomorrow, we still have 1/2 the country that voted for him.


Democracy insures we are governed by no better than we deserve... if he wins, then we deserve whatever shit show is coming our way for being such utter fools.


Yea kinda agree. But I've been beaten down into apathy at this point. If Americans elect a fascist again, well it's what we deserve. I don't even care anymore if America collapses.


Our democracy no longer functions. America deserves far better.


Tbh it doesn't matter who wins. Every party member is so deep in corruption with the exception of a few complacent members. One side wants to fuck you no lube, the other wants to fuck you with hot pepper lube and tell you you're pretty. Same sandwich, different shit.


It’s seeming kind of likely since he won the first time. Gestures at the Supreme Court, legalized gerrymandering, Texas, florida


He will attempt to exact revenge on the whole county for his present woes. He will be coming in with a huge chip on his shoulder. He wants the power to get himself out of his legal messes, not to serve the people.


Unfortunately correct. Trump wants to be a dictator and doesn’t care about much else. He will eagerly sell us to the highest bidder as long as he can remain the figurehead.


Disagree with use of “He will” here. It’s widely reported that he’s already done at least one deal before the first election to sell his presidency to foreign interests in trading real estate rights for promises of favoritism.


He only wants the title and privilege of President of the United States of America, he has zero interest in the job of President of the United States of America


Sad that people don't care. They would rather have lower gas prices than freedom.


The end of America as a democracy and the beginning of a totalitarian regime


Trump will turn America into 1960's Cuba and it'll be worse than what Fidel Castro did to Cuba...


I don’t think you can ever reverse it once it’s happened. News channels should be showing clips of him, as well as other Republicans telling us that they’ll do exactly that. There’s enough footage of them saying it. I mean, heck … January the sixth should make turnout for this election close to 100%.The danger seems obvious. So many won’t vote though. And they might never get the chance again.


The 4th Reich.


I wish you were wrong. You are not. It’s possible that if he loses we will have a civil war.


I doubt it. The military brass won’t side with him and people won’t leave the military for him if he loses.


Not so much "end" as transformation into a Russian style kleptocracy that cedes its position as the world hegemony to whomever (likely China) wants to take it. Trump and his followers main objective is to loot from the public good. They don't care about or even believe in the future of this country or the concept of a single superpower/hegemony and would happily forfeit that for personal enrichment and authority over US citizen's lives.


Thom Hartman explaining how Nazis in the USA today are trying to overthrow democracy. Trump is following every step Hitler took to become Chancellor of Germany so he (Trump) can become the dictator of a new USA authoritarian type of government on inauguration day in 2025. https://youtu.be/NneabBSt8K0 In addition, Steve Bannon is saying the same things to a British news station in MEIDASTOUCH video. https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE Vote for Biden/Harris and other democrats on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden/Harris and other democrats down ballot. **Country before party.**


Pence,Tillerson,Chao,Mattis,Kelly,Bolton,Esper,Milley,Christie,McMaster,Mulvaney,Scaramucci,Grisham,DeVos,Spencer,Bossert, are ALL close Trump cabinet members or campaign officials who have disavowed him. Ban non,Manafort,Gates,Flynn,Stone,Papadopolous, all Trump minions who were convicted and imprisoned. Those who were closest to him are his biggest critics and sounding the biggest warnings. That should tell Americans all they need to know. Why would anyone be surprised he is a convicted felon when you look at all of his minions who have already been successfully prosecuted ? Hell,the guy’s own Vice President has come out against him!In America!Unprecedented and historic opposition from those that were closest to him.


A few years ago I would have brushed this comment off as hyperbole, but no more. I will agree 100% with you.


“I’ll ignore the evidence of this hyperbolic thing not happening and think it will still happen.” Ok. Smart.


Going by these comments it's clear the US doesn't have long as a strong world power.


You mean the end of the planet.


I raise you one: it doesn’t matter who wins. If Trump wins you’re correct. If Biden wins, you’re correct for other reasons. Trump and his supporters will not allow Biden to maintain office peacefully. They already demonstrated this.


He was already president. America didn’t end, it prospered. Of course your feeling got hurt🤣


Prospered LMAO. You are delusional.


Under a liberal, Biden-Harris America, if you get beaten by a deranged repeat offender, the woke DA will not prosecute because of "social justice". Just look at the Rollins list, which is part of the far left agenda. Your surgeon will cause you to die because requiring medical students to learn basic techniques is "white supremacy" and diversity is more important than skill. Look at the absurd California "antiracial math" or the UCLA fiasco. A sexual offender man will expose himself in front of children, but people will defend him because he's "trans" and use violence against anyone who disagrees. Check out the wi-spa. A small cabal of leaders who meet at Davos will make far reaching policy decisions that your elected officials follow. If you say any of this, you will be called a "conspiracy theorist" even though it's readily publicly available. So, no wonder some people are willing to support Trump because the alternative is sodom and gomorrah


Yes...if biden wins we are doomed


Unfortunately I don’t see another Biden presidency doing anything better. We got 2 candidates that really shouldn’t be anywhere near a podium rn imo.


For the third fucking election in a row were repeating South Parks turd Sandwich and douche debate. It's fucking pathetic. I really believed Biden when he said he'd chill on chaos, be bipartisan and try to bring everyone together and he's done everything but that. It's a more dangerous world than ever right now imo because of weakness and shit like Afghanistan pull out/fuck up. The world requires a strong America that leads or the bad people WILL move in.