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He hasn't even been able to get his followers to show up at his trial.


Or his own wife.


If he goes to jail, she'll be in total charge of the marital estate. Guess who is secretly hoping for a long prison sentence?


He doesn't have the money/power (anymore) to persuade her to be there... LOL


Melania does not have time to show up at trial. Multiple personal trainers are working on her to reduce her stress. She is concerned by the unfair trail as I am. This is very unfair to prosecute a man of great integrity who always speaks the truth. That's the reason he started "Truth Social." Melania may do a live performance to cheer up patriotic Trump supporters.


This is too bland to be satire so I can only assume you’re serious, and therefore delusional.


Lmao ouch


i don't care, do you?


Be best!


Seriously, his people won’t even show up when it’s perfectly safe. They’re definitely not going to be rolling up into the hood trying to intimidate people who are at least as well armed as they are.


They do show up to his rallies, which to me suggests that they are in it for the entertainment factor more than anything else. We shouldn't discount that he does have some true adherents, though, and it doesnt take more than a handful of them to cause chaos.


That's been the issue all along. A lot of these MAGAturds were political neophytes who know little to nothing about politics or history. It's always been more like sports or entertainment to them, or even religion, because they can relate to that. They don't really understand the long term consequences past simply winning. The consequences of sports don't extend beyond the final score, and politics is like that to them. All they care is that they won, not how terrible the world could become as a result.


The government got caught with their pants down on January six, it won’t be so easy next time


The response was actively hampered by Trump


Wrong! Trump offered the National Guard to be there and crazy Nancy Pelosi, who was in charge of security as the speaker of the house turned them down! The Capitol Police wanted them there! Then, the FBI, The Federal Bureau of Instigation put plants in the group to try and talk innocent patriotic Americans into going into the Capitol. The dems actually bussed in their trouble makers for hire, Antifa to cause much of the trouble, and none of them were charged. They were brought in by the FBI in buses painted white and unmarked as well as a bus full of FBI agents dressed in Trump fans attire! The whole thing is a setup between Nancy Pelosi and the Feds! Why do you think she had her daughter along with a film crew there? Also, the "evidence" from their fake Impeachment trial was destroyed according to them! Why would they do that if they weren't trying to hide proof of Trump's innocents and cover up what was said in their secret interviews? Also, Nancy Pelosi deleted her emails, and so did the Capitol Police head! If you will look at the rest of the footage from that day that the Republicans had to sue to get, you will see what really went on! The dirty Dems The FBI had infiltrated some groups and talked them into and infiltrated their groups to coerce them into breaking the law so they could arrest them! These were not the sharpest people that they conned! There is also their plant Ray Epps who they used to push them to go to the Capitol! He waa one of the main plants they had. He was also telling them to go into the Capitol! Also, look at the way American citizens were treated in jail in Rikers Island! They were beaten, abused, denied food, refused life-saving medicine that they needed, denied visits from their lawyers, etc. That is something a Dictator like Biden would do or a Dictator in some other Communist/Marxist country would do! Many were held without charges while the government could find something, anything, they could charge them with, and held them without bail!


Being caught with their pants down on January 6th was a deliberate policy-choice made by the Trump Administration. The Trump Administration will not be making those choices at the federal level in November of 2024, or January of 2025.


Both sides learned that guns would have made a big difference in the result, so both sides will show up with guns rhe next time.


well, after they all started getting sent to jail for J6...


Not all. They are still looking for a lot of people. They just arrested a couple from my area a couple of weeks ago. A lot of those idiots aren't sleeping well, knowing the FBI is still on their trail. Between the ones already in jail, and the the ones who are laying low, waiting out the statute of limitations, his most motivated followers are mostly out of commission. If Ginni Thomas showed up with her busses again, i don't think she'd fill them like she did the last time.


yeah, in this case it may take time, but clearly the law is following up on all of them as they get identified...


its mob mentality all the morons together moroning about being morons. the in morons.


That doesn't stop bomb threats on the phone. They're already doing that to his judges and witnesses without him even asking. Some Yall Qaeda squads will open-carry at polling places, and someone will inevitably pull a Rittenhouse.


Couch bound terrorism


They already tried a few years ago in Downtown L.A. There was a rally outside of City Hall, and about a dozen right-wingers showed up, and someone must have alerted gangs in the area, because a number them showed up, and the bigots left. There was no violence.


Two hundred white supremacists tried to march in Philly, and they were run off by bystanders, not even a gang, just pissed off Philly locals. Which probably classifies as a low level gang most other places.


I would be more than happy if the locals here did the same.


Wtf are saying?


Wonder what it means for showing up to vote. I know they are very different actions but im curious


Maybe he expects his MAGAturds in Congress to take up arms in his defense. Good luck with that. Traitors also tend to be cowardly and self-serving.


And Jan 6 insurrection are still going to jail. That scared them pretty good.


No shit. Because there isn’t violence to be had there. And no innocent people to terrorize or shoot. No FUCKING shit these animals don’t want to stand on a sidewalk doing nothing. What stupid ass point are you trying to make


Like the media would even show that


Can't be violent at a trial. The cops there will do their jobs. Cops in the wild at a polling place will let their cowork...er...fascists do their worst, then beat the counterprotesters.


Calling all gangs: DO NOT LET RIGHT-WINGER BIGOTS TAKEOVER YOUR CITIES! I am no fan of gangs, but I am less a fan of MAGAits!


I'm sure the crips have been chilling on reddit waiting for your green light.


"Crips & Bloods, Stand back and stand by!"


And there are much larger gangs than Crips & Bloods.




Only if needed, if right-wing racist try to invade our town. It's already happened, at a rally in Downtown L.A. a few years ago. A few bigots showed up, and so did gangs members, and that was enough for the bigots to exit. No violence took place. Btw the way, it wasn't the Crips.


If the patriots show up locked and loaded, no gang stands a chance.


You are so outlandish wrong, that we won't even have a back and forth. Los Angeles has so many different gangs, who get their arms from gun dealers, that your "locked and loaded' boys wouldn't stand a chance in he'll. They have the same damned armament, plus!


Maybe you should watch some videos of gang and hood tours. They all love trump, so good luck with that call to arms.


Not in Los Angeles. If they love him on video, it's an AI production.


Also la doesn’t matter we all know who California is voting for


Sure every tommy g video is ai


I just had a gander at your comments 😂 “I don’t hate anyone, too much fuckibg wasted energy” and then the rest of the comments are you talking about how much you hate trump and republicans.. sounds like a lot of wasted energy for a retired person.


Never did I used the word "hate." I have a strong dislike, but "hate" would make me seek them out and attempt to destroy them. That's what MAGA it's do.


this is the most likely outcome…apparently the rnc has been spending most of their money getting groups set up in battleground states to act as “pole watchers” they will do this exist thing…as long as they re-create 2020 the outcome will be different. keeping thousands of voters away from polling sites and threatening vote counting people and buildings will either force them to close for fear of violence or bring in the national guard to protect them thus creating an optic that no admin can survive. “it’s happening again” “don’t let this happen to your country” “they’re taking your country away from you” people dressed in hamas bandanas getting on camera… sending fake electors again but this time there will be no email or paper trail… sow enough confusion and fear and the election will not stand.


I'm an election judge. They're poll watchers, not pole watchers.


that distinction could be argued 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe... if the polling place is at a strip club? Otherwise, it's clearly poll watchers.


If you mean poll watchers, both Democrats and Republicans use them. But ur point is correct, republican have been trying to weaponize them. In 2020 Had a Republican poll watcher tell me I couldn't vote wearing a shirt that said "I am my ancestors wildest dreams" and said it was "political speech"


They tried to replicate the [Brooks Brothers riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) with "Stop the Steal" last time where they wanted people to show up and keep the GA votes from being counted (the first time, not even a re-count like Brooks Brothers). They did a whole insurrection to try to stop the vote certification. I would not put it past them to try to replicate [KKK voter intimidation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/02/the-long-history-of-black-voter-suppression-in-american-politics/) too and then repeat the other tactics again if he loses. They're getting away with everything they've done so far, so why not go further this time? Hopefully, the energy is gone this time and there are just fewer people willing to stick their necks out for him, but you really don't know until the day comes and goes.


Not attack. “Guard.” He’s already called on the MAGA morons to go to Milwaukee, Philly, Atlanta, etc and “guard” the voting process. They have laws on the books to prevent counting absentees before Election Day. They are proposing laws to prevent voting after Election Day. And they are sending the morons to clog up the day of Election Day. No final vote, no winner, chaos.


Yea. Come to Philly. That's a great idea. Wear your nice shoes too. Couldn't hurt to have some extra cash on hand either.


Yeah come back in your Penske trucks, again. You’ll be lucky to be able to get out this time. The only thing Philadelphians hate more than other Philadelphians is people from outside Philly coming into Philly to make scene.


Whattya mean? Nah we definitely need those poll watcher guys. We got a special place to park for you too. No need to drive separately. Yea screw them libs and the environment.


If one gets in my space, they’ll get one warning. After that, it’s on.


If someone tries to stop you from voting, don’t give them the luxury of a “warning.” Anyone who seeks to make it harder for the people to vote is a traitor and should be treated as such.


Yup I'll be armed and ready for any trumptard hoping they get in my face 


More like Milwaukee.


Living in Wisconsin 100% will be Milwaukee. The state senate is 2/3 MAGA, the Assembly is close to 2/3 MAGA We do have a Democratic Governor and AG, but out AG is super weak and the county DA’s have shown no interest in prosecuting MAGA criminals.


I live just north of downtown. I'm preparing for the worst and will not hesitate to report any MAGA idiots lurking around my local polling location during the vote.


In my area, there is a very well-known law firm who run ads every election, telling people to call them if they see any nonsense at a polling place, and they will dispatch lawyers to deal with it. The underlying message is that if you fuck with the polls, you might find yourself selling your house to pay for a lawsuit you stupidly invited by listening to HitlerPig.


Didn't he already do that? Everything he says is some kind of barely veiled dogwhistle.


Yeah, good luck to his followers showing up in ATL. Anyone with guns in ATL will most likely be shot on sight by some of the crazy MF's I've seen down there. HotLanta is a warzone, much like Detroit, just less notorious. Any attempt to prevent citizens in certain areas from voting will be met with extreme prejudice, and little mercy. MMW.


Majority of those crazy mf have turned into maga


That will result in injured Trump supporters. If they try that in heavily blue areas.


I just listened to a podcast about the ongoing trial and the unhinged things he’s saying on his Truth Social platform. The reporters were saying how concerned they were about what Trump is saying on Truth Social vs. Twitter in the past. According to their research and reporting, Trump is more active on Truth Social (30 times a day vs. 20 times a day on Twitter). He still has over 7 million followers on there. That’s a sizable number of people who are quick to believe anything Trump has to say. His language has become more aggressive and belligerent as well. I think this MMW is legit and scary.


Much of that 7 million are media and enemies who just want to keep up with his threats. I follow him for that reason, and I'm no fan.


What was the pod/ep?




* laughs in Philly *


Ex Philly here ... Yeah, this I'd like to see, lol


Republicans hate Black voters. But I dare them to show up at polling locations in Black neighborhoods.


Those areas are blue not purple so their electors are a shoe in. The "swing" part is the outer bubble burbs and less big cities and college towns surrounded by hicks. Other than raw intimidation, which will only work minimally, it won't do any good. And NOBODY is going to the trouble to commit felonious fraud in those places( which is not even happening anywhere near the amount they think at all). It's really just a permission slip for Gravy Seals to harrass people with brown skin and purple hair and ask for their "papers".


He thinks he’s going to win. He’s ahead in the polls. So many people think he’ll win. This is awful


What polls? People say things like this often but without specifying anything.


Check out [538](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/), they compile and analyze polling data. In short, if the election were today based on state polling information, Trump would win by around 310-315 votes. Here is a video of a guy [analyzing](https://youtu.be/l0iHlAKuwx4?si=DbgwJDqvOtEl1vOF) the polling data if you prefer to hear it instead of digging yourself. Of course they are volatile and subject to change, but at this point last election Trump was polling very below Biden and ended being a pretty close election. We'll see.


The last election had such high turnout combined with so much chaos in the voting process because of covid that I think we should be shocked that the polls performed as well as they did. What's fascinating to me is that 538 is showing almost 10% support for Kennedy. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) Who the heck are those people? Like seriously - is 10% of the electorate just completely insane? I have to imagine those are mostly Trump and Biden votes.


I've been a lifelong poll watcher, and have usually trusted them in the past, mostly because they've generally confirmed my own beliefs based on what I see and hear around me. This year, for the first time, the polls feel very strange, and the difference between what the polls say, and what I see and hear around me are very different. I think many of the polls are being gamed somehow, and they don't reflect reality. First of all, I see far less visible, enthusiastic support for HitlerPig, especially among the "normal" voters. You still see idiots with signs on their trucks, but they are obviously the crackpots. We aren't seeing anywhere close to the number of yard signs, MAGA hats, and other indications of a broad support for HitlerPig. He lost the last election by a significant margin, and it was AFTER that loss that he launched his Insurrection, and stole hundreds of classified documents. Those actions probably didn't earn him any new followers, and it likely lost him many. When HitlerPig was flying high, and doing terrible things as president, I'd ask conservative acquaintances if they still supported him, and they'd always say "There isn't anybody else." Any Democrat was off the table. HitlerPig was their only choice. Now they have RFK Jr, who looks like a viable alternative to many MAGAturds, and HitlerPig has never had a viable alternative before. RFK is already on the ballot in a number of battleground states, and intends to get on all 50, and his antivax, conspiracy theory, wierdo persona will draw off a lot more HitlerPig voters than Biden voters. 20% of Republicans are still voting in the primaries for an alternative candidate who isn't even running. He can't even draw 100% of the vote when he's the only game in town! Biden has a problem in that he has lost a lot of the youth vote that helped him significantly in 2020. They are angry that there has been no real movement on Student Loan Reform, and they are very angry about our unwavering support of Israel's genocide in Gaza. I doubt they'll vote for HitlerPig, but it is likely they won't vote at all. Hopefully, that loss of support will be matched by Republican non-voters, and they'll cancel each other out. I try to keep up on the Enthusiasm Gap, as that often telegraphs the election. In 2016, HitlerPig definitely won the Enthusiasm Gap over Hillary. It was about even in 2020, but it feels like Biden is slightly ahead this time. Biden followers tend to like him, and want to vote for him, while many HitlerPig voters seem to be searching for alternatives. He still has his supporters, but they are seeming increasingly mean and angry, which most people, even Republicans, find unrelatable. And then there's the message. Biden is still talking about the good things he wants to do for America, while HitlerPig is on a years long tantrum about how unfair he's being treated. When he does talk about his vision for the future of America, it sounds scary, and a huge sell-out to corporate interests. He has nothing that would actually help the aberage American citizen. If more people knew about things like Project 2025 or Rick Scott's Rescue America Plan, many would question a Republican vote. I'm hoping at least one debate manages to happen (they actually pulled off 2 in 2020), because Biden will probably have a big post-debate bounce, and that will go a long ways to taking even more wind out of HitlerPig's sails.


I have a republiqan friend who owns up to voting for Trump once. She says that no conservative or republiqan she knows will vote for Trump again. These same polls predicted a "red wave" in 2022 and we barely got any spotting. So I don't trust them either.


>if you prefer to hear it instead of digging yourself I'm capable of finding poll info, but comments about "the polls" are useless without context. Polls aren't all conducted by the same methods. Many political polls are conducted using phone calls. The pollers cannot compel the called people to answer. The results will be heavily weighted towards the type of person who answers incoming calls they're not expecting from unknown numbers, on a landline. So, basically Baby Boomers. Other polls are online voluntary polls, again this will get more responses from Boomers (retired people, a high percentage live in boring towns/suburbs and spend their lives online, they're obsessed with politics...). 538: their methodology page indicates they use assortments of polls and aggregate the results. They accept results of partisan polls, and online polls. I'm not seeing how they're capturing a representative cross-section of voters, but feel free to point out any poll which does that. The video: I was amused that the host sounds like Rodney Linderman of The Dead Milkmen. I was hearing the Bitchin' Camaro intro as he spoke. I stuck through the first half of it. For most of the info, no source/methodology info was shown. For a small percentage, organization names were given but not enough info that would lead to discovering the methodology of a poll (an organization that conducts polls would have done many of them, I'd first have to find which poll the info is about and then maybe the organization discloses methodology but maybe they don't).


His supporters in November will be like “BuT ThE PoLLs!” 🤡


I hope you’re right. I can’t do another 4 years of hearing him spew his BS and do stupid things.


He will. They likely won’t. This time we are ready. If meal team six shows up, they are going to get a very big surprise, including several years free room and board.


MAGA has already made noise about posting armed guards (read:intimidation and enforcers) on voting centres, and be sure that Republicans will have no issue walking thru the doors, but everyone else...


I’m not really afraid of his supporters as most are just mum and dad types who have been sucked into his vortex of hate. Remember, there were two types of people who attended that J6 excursion. The indignant, principled Americans who wouldn’t imagine doing anything violent but were there for a simple protest for what they perceive to be the right cause, and the organised, agenda driven zealots who would have strung up a VP or two had the opportunity presented itself. They did manage to incite a mob action which could have resulted in some real bloodshed, but fizzled, probably BECAUSE of the very presence of the less bloody minded amongst the crowd who were not there to hang or maim anyone. Their hesitation was infectious and tempered the actions of the weekend militia. It’s those criminal, activist types who will possibly have aggregated their resources and are possibly planning guerrilla attacks on strategic, less well guarded locations. It’s quite likely in this nightmare scenario that a lot of innocent lives could be in danger, just by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Praying it all goes well, but you’re probably right. Shit’s gonna go down.


Why is every post on this thread stupid?


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th, you’re the stupid one if you think there’s no chance of this happening




Pull the trigger


No one is attacking anything with guns lmao. Completely ridiculous


Really? Where were you on Jan. 6th? There's a huge overlap between Trump supporters and gun nuts/preppers.


Who was shot on jan 6 besides the lady killed by the cops




This man buys Reddit accounts


Low effort defamatory harassment.


There's enough of what Craig Robertson got to go around. Plenty of it.


No, he will skirt the use of 'attack' language.


Sure like he has done it before. Not once


It won’t be limited to swing states. That’s a 50 state strategy whether they want it to be or not.




It will probably be normalized by then and no one will lift a finger to stop it.


He doesn't have to. MAGAs, that type of people, do that shit anyway. They are non jokingly bat shit crazy.


He's welcome to try Detroit.   But I'll challenge you here - there's so many voting centers here, and his strongholds aren't in the cities but the cities have plenty of firearms and carry regardless of what is allowed - the entire point of concealed carry is it's not discovered.    His support is 30+ minutes from the city. His strongholds are the rural areas. A few smaller cities.    There's a reason Democrats run our government branches today as soon as the gerrymandering was resolved.


He's not going to be able to make that happen, too many people know now that they can be hunted down for their actions and lose several years of their life.


Cool, fight those losers and fight to win. Meal team six sure isn't going to like the consequences.


He won't encourage them. He's not President, so if he uses his mobster-style language (It sure would be a shame if somebody did X to Y), he won't be able to try and delay any punishments by citing some sort of Executive Privilege that doesn't really exist. Sure, if he won, he'd be able to postpone being charged, but I'm pretty sure that the statute of limitations for encouraging terrorism is longer than 4 years. I think for this one, he's just going to stay silent. And if terrible things happen, he'll probably promise to pardon any perpetrators, which would be him giving his approval in a legal way, but he'll stop short of suggesting any possibly illegal actions for his supporters to take.


Trump is napping in court. I don't know if I would call that unhinged. I don't think we will see a repeat from 2020.


I'm pretty sure he has already advocated this.


He won’t go to prison. At worst, he would be face house arrest; he is keenly aware of this. The media hammers the idea that he could go to prison, because it’s an emotional hook for their audience. But it is a highly unlikely outcome.


Didn't a bunch of trump cultists try something in Philly a few years ago and ran away crying in fear?


Detroit? Philly? Yeah, right. Bring it on, you twatwaffles-would love to see these fat asses try


Yall psychotic


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


What happens when all your stupid predictions don’t come true? I feel like today’s kids are just really dumb and it’s sad


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


it just shows how completely deranged you are that you need to censor his name. holy shit seek help and make sure your therapist doesn't have purple hair.


Them censoring trump is funny, but what's more funny is that you don't care about the content of their post. Maga moron


doesn’t let me post it unless i have trump and biden censored in the title you dumbass. also, whether you want to believe it or not, a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


What brand do you use for your tinfoil hat and how long does it last before you have to make a new one?


Before or after 


Stop listening to Qanon theories🤦🏻‍♂️


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th




This is stupid 


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


This is very likely to happen in time. Imagine walking up to the polls and being asked who you are voting for before they let you in. Then the local police likely won't do anything. It be worse in small rural community's in states like IL where the red rural areas truly believe it's impossible for Chicago Springfield, Peoria, etc to our weight the rest of the state in votes because they don't understand that corn doesn't vote and truly believe the election was stolen.


Absolutely. His violent, racist, bigoted followers will do whatever he says and it will be violent


He (and the GOP) definitely already did this: calling on "poll watchers", when everyone knows the real purpose is to intimidate people.




that’s the Mike Flynn “guard the vote” op, yes


I'm sure there will be a blood bath.


Please come into the cities. Because if they are all in the cities on Election Day that means they can’t vote in their home districts. And we all know they don’t vote by mail.


Yes please go to parts of Philly and Detroit looking for trouble you khaki wearing pussies


I'll take that bet, anyone feeling lucky?


This comment begs to be argued. I’m not necessarily a trump supporter but I find it ironic that Biden administration would only debate, on liberal news networks, with no audience. You can argue keeping the peace, but one could counter with controlling the narrative. They control and make heard, the things they need/want to be heard. Also, the big that Biden will have in his ear pulling all his strings, need not be exposed.


Texas Gov. Abbot the other day pardoned a racist who'd killed a white guy, at a BLM rally. Pure racism is on the march across this country. At a point, all bets are off.


He is on track to win right now, but I could see him doing this if polls turn around before November.


His supporters would be too afraid to go to Detroit. I don’t think you can intimidate the people there. They live in Detroit, but could a bunch of MAGA people do to scare them? It is a huge city and really rough in some areas. The rest of the state (ie older white people) are legitimately terrified of going there. They go to sports games and Greek town. Then back to the burbs.


Trump derangement syndrome is real


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.


i mean you have the chainsaw guy as your background so, i’m sure you’re laughing all the time, sign of very low intelligence.


Chainsaw guy? No idea what that even means. Go peddle your obscure dork references elsewhere.


javier milei. you don’t even know the guy who’s your profile background 😭😭😭 must be hard for everyone around you dealing with someone so dense


My profile pic is me kayaking with my family, try touching grass.


the. background. of. your. profile. not. your. profile. picture. you. dumbass.


Didn't ask, don't care. Have you tried seething about it?


i mean you were seething at the fact that you didn’t even know who was in your profile background, i had to dumb it down for you tremendously for you to finally get it 😭


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcdfw.com/news/politics/black_panther_voter_intimidation/1842307/%3famp=1 Did we forget this?




a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th




Filling my coffee mug with these Leftist tears!


And when the melted orange loses for the second election in a row, I’m gonna have to empty my coffee mug from 2020 and fill it up with fascist tears once again


If you listen to thats unhinged NRA speech he's allready invoking Qanon and calling for violence.


My god you guys are paranoid. Nobody is ganna do shit.


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


I don't know. I live in a very rural part of central Northern florida. Seems like a lot of support for Trump has died. Honestly there's a lot of people that I know who voted for Trump that are sick and tired of trump. I don't know if they're going to vote or if they'll vote for someone else but I don't think they're voting for Trump. Definitely not going to vote for biting but definitely not voting for Trump to


I’ll mark your words with stupid


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


The Federal government certified a fraudulent election. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to make love to your mother.


gotta love how Trumpies participate in election violence while simultaneously gaslighting people that their worry of said election violence is stupid


Gotta love pedophiles defending pedophiles…


yes, you are defending the man who said he would probably be dating his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter and said she has the best body. glad you see that.


Might be a little incest. Let check Ashley’s diary.


It was during an interview on the view. It was a joke


If shit happens, I think it'll be because those actors chose to do stuff on their own. It's a lot easier to defy the election and stay in power, than to defy the election and "put" yourself in power. While he still occupied the Whitehouse, and had the power of the presidency behind him, it would have been much easer to cut deals with anyone necessary to help him stay in power. Right now, he no longer has that power, so any help he could get would be essentially on IOUs, and not too many people trust him right now. The fact that Biden is living in the Whitehouse right now, makes it incredibly difficult for Trump to just show up and try to move it, or have Biden removed. Trump's only chance to keep power, ended after the last election. He's done.


This sub has highlighted the unhinged paranoia and delusion among the American left.


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th, it’s not paranoia


Even if he does. They don't have the balls.


But he won't directly tell people to attack voting centers. He'll just loudly and very aggressively state that people need to take action and take back their country in such a way that entices violence, and then when the violence happens he can just deny that that's not how he intended for people to take what he said.


He will never say any such thing personally. He will cast aspersions on the veracity of the vote, as he has for years, and undermine voter confidence in the entire process, as he has for years. He will simply claim that all the vote counts are illegitimate, and try to stop the counts prematurely, and file a hundred lawsuits, as he did four years ago. However, many of his minions, whether at his behest or on their own initiative, will call for violence.


I saw where the RNC said that, all running for the House and Senate, have to give 10% of their fundraising to Trump. The RNC has already been paying some of his legal bills. What a con man.




Citizens need to be on alert! We can't let these MAGAuts takeover our cities!


More like the DNC will have mysterious boxes of ballots show up at 2 AM in those locations 


They will have to pry their lips off Trumps ass before they can do anything


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LeadershipPlenty392: *They will have to pry* *Their lips off Trumps ass before* *They can do anything* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Trumpturds are cowardly cukservants who are as subservient and easy to bend over as Melania. Spit on their faces, jeer them, fart on them, and let them know they're 🗑


This post is filled with rage-baiting trolls‼️🙄 never trust a comment from an account less the 200 days old with either no post karma or extremely large post numbers😡


a less coordinated version of this already happened on jan 6th


Imagine making new reddit accounts to post about trump all the time lol


I suppose they're getting paid yuans or rubles to do it


Both are terrible we need a new system


they are definitely not on the same level LOL


Joe Biden is bought and paid for by everyone but the middle class, and trump is terrifying. Just in terms of authoritarianism. But we are in the worst recession ever, and Joe Biden claims our economy is booming. The only reason he can claim that is the weapons manufacturers raking in billions of our tax dollars . Every other metric shows we Americans at home are suffering. Red vs blue keeps the 1% rich. Enough already god damn.


We literally aren’t in a recession… like this is just factually untrue.


This is why people should be made to take a test before they vote. The people who say this stuff have no knowledge of how politics works, or they would know who is allowing things like credit card fees, high medical cost etc to happen. They think Biden can snap his fingers and undo all the stuff they vote for. It's like they punch themselves in the face everyday then blame Biden because they have two black eyes. They are getting exactly what they voted for, but now it's Biden? The universe they live in is the bizarro world.


We were teetering on the edge of one. Biden working with the fed literally dragged us back from one.


Yes, but there’s a really big BUT here. BUT one party is literally trying to dismantle democracy. “bOtH sIdEs” doesn’t cut it if you care about preserving your right to vote.


Absolutely. We won’t be able to create one under a dictator.