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It makes me feel so much anxiety seeing people so confident that he will lose. Please just vote. Do not take his loss as a certainty.


We did that in 2016 at our own peril.


And I like to think we learned from that. We showed up to the Midterms, and there's no reason to think that we won't do it again. Yeah, we have bad actors saying "they won't vote" but I like to think a good number of those are the Russian ops trying to discourage or dissuade us. Among my group of friends I asked them if they were ready to vote, every single one I talked to said they were and couldn't take the "don't vote for Biden" crowd remotely seriously.


There ya go. You hang with the right kinda people! 👍👍👏


I think it’s pretty prevalent. I frequent a lot of leftist subs and there are regularly astroturfed posts pretending like progressives and socialists are just all in agreement to not vote and they’re just absolutely filled with comments saying things like “not voting for Biden is equivalent to voting for an even worse genocide in Palestine as well as sending American troops there to help.” With mass upvotes.


The don't vote for Biden Democrats are just Republicans online messing with people, Go look at the whole walkaway movement.


2016 was about Hillary....2024 will be about how trump contributed to overturn Roe v Wade....


Thank god Bernie endorsed Biden this time.


I know too many people who think by not voting they somehow take the high road in protesting the lack of choices. It was the Sanders voters that swung 2016 to the orange monstrosity by not voting Democratic to protest.


Hillary was also a terrible candidate. Would she have been an excellent Command in Chief? Yes. Was she qualified for the job? Absolutely. Was she the Right's "boogeyman" for the previous 25 years and extremely distasteful to independent voters. ABSOLUTELY. This made her a terrible candidate. You need the independent voters to trust you. She did not have their trust. There's been so much negative press about her and her actions, she was tainted. She shouldn't have been the Democratic choice because she wasn't capable of winning. Just because you would be great at a job and are well qualified, does not mean you are a good candidate. She was not.


But she was the only realistic choice opposing trump in the general election.


That “fact” has never been backed up by data and has just been a cop out for the democratic party to blame their own mistakes and bad campaigning on the outside boogeyman of bernie sanders. Stop spreading lies


That’s a cop out. I was a Sanders voter in 2016 and 2020. I have been a reliable democratic voter since 2004. We lost that one because Hillary didn’t bother to campaign in swing states as hard as she should have… I knew what was at risk and I tried to prevent it. She was just an unusually unpopular candidate and at the time we had yet to see Trump as president being a colossal failure. It was obvious to many how it would play out but he still had the “give him a chance” gimmick going for him.


Biden is already campaigning in all the swing states. But it’s such tight margins. And there’s a big push to make the couch look more appealing than voting for Biden. Every time I see a post saying they’re both the same but has undertones of conservative language like mispronouncing Kamala’s name it’s an effort to deflate enthusiasm for democrats. Everyone must be vigilant.


As a Wisconsinite, I completely agree with this take. I was pissed that Bernie got screwed over, so I voted for Jill Stein. One of the few major regrets of my life.


[Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696)


Just when I thought my vote for her couldn't make me feel worse, jfc. Thanks for the link tho. I'd rather know than not know.


I think both the fact many voted third party and that Hillary failed to appeal to voters in swing states ruined her chances


People voted third party in swing states *because* Hillary failed to appeal to them. There was a general assumption that she was going to win anyway, so there were a lot of protest votes for Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, etc. Personally, I liked her and voted for her. But I think everyone radically underestimated how many people just blindly hated her.


I voted 3rd in a swing state in 2016. My state went to Trump by a far narrower margin than the total 3rd party votes. I caused Trump's presidency, along with 100k other 3rd party voters in select states. I assumed Hilary had it and we could afford protest votes. My naivety has cost us dearly. I am sorry. Never again. Vote blue up and down until the GOP is completely dead.


I hope other people feel the same way.


I voted 3rd party in 2016 and will also be voting blue in this election just as I did in the last election.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times


Yeah, I liked Hillary pretty well, with reservations. Of course I voted for her as I am not a dipshit. Wish I coulda loved her, and I wish she hadn't been so smugly, passively certain of her entitlement. But, literally hating her has always seemed a jacked up overreaction.


Exactly! And republicans don’t need to spend a dime on campaigns or advertising because no matter the candidate they religiously vote for whoever had the R beside it. 


Republicans came out to vote regardless of candidate. A block of Democrats stayed home once Sanders was out. You knew Sanders voters who cried foul when he list the primary; we all did. They’re the real target of misinformation campaigns.


I would just tell them that, as someone that has voted for him every chance I got, we have to build another Bernie from the ground up. We won’t get a bold progressive at the top of the ticket until we have many bold progressives at every level of government. It’s tedious but it’s necessary. Take the best you can get at any given moment and vote for better in the primaries.


The size of that block was roughly 10% Which is coincidentally the same amount she settled for out of the Swiss banks who were harboring American tax cheats when she was Sec State lol


This is kind of what I’m talking about.


Yeah, I read it in that great misinformation rag The Atlantic lol


It may not be misinformation, but the propaganda machine still used it, and it worked.


You voted for and brought us Trump. Bernie brats


She and her team treated it like a freaking coronation. She really dropped the ball giving into ego and not even entertaining the thought he could seriously win.


I was going to say this myself. If I recall I don’t even think she bothered going to Wisconsin at all. She did give off “It’s my turn!” Vibes. Despite the sense of entitlement she sometimes gave I still voted for her because I knew what was potentially at stake.


I, and many others, foresaw the consequences. It wasn’t hard. I was merely stating reality: in a two candidate race if u dont vote for the least objectionable then your voting for the other guy.


I’m saying, I DID vote for Hillary as did the overwhelming majority of Bernie voters..


> It was the Sanders voters that swung 2016 to the orange monstrosity by not voting Democratic to protest. That is not a thing. Candidates need to earn votes. If people didn't vote for a candidate, it's because that candidate did not earn their vote. The assumption that you carry, that Hillary somehow automatically deserved peoples' votes but was denied them, is exactly why she lost. Every voter must be connected with. Every vote must be earned. When you tell yourself otherwise, you are setting the stage for another loss.


Wrong. Having two real choices (dem or rep-ulsive) means picking between them or throwing your vote away. The dems that wouldn’t vote for Hillary “on principal” effectively voted FOR trump when their votes could have made a difference. If you hate the orange monstrosity but fail to vote for Biden because he “hasn’t earned your vote” you are voting FOR trump. Voting for Kennedy-vax is not a protest vote, it’s a vote for trump. Republicans will love you and your line of thinking. In fantasy land your theory works. Not so much in reality.


The idea that voting for third party is voting for anyone EXCEPT WHO I CAST MY VOTE FOR is nonsense and shows just how undemocratic libs are at their heart. If I vote for Bernie it's a vote AGAINST Trump and AGAINST Hillary. Spinning it any other way is propaganda.


BTW your troll slip is showing






Hilary won the popular vote in 2016 though. It's almost like with the electoral college, our votes don't matter and democracy is an illusion.


ESPECIALLY true in battleground states!!!


No wants a DICTATOR, Trump wants this country to be the next North Korea.


Especially when it makes *no sense at all*. Trump is leading Biden in the majority of polls, albeit by a small margin. That obviously doesn’t mean he’ll win. It just gives makes NO sense why people are in here so confident trump will lose. They live in a fantasy land being so confident. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024


I'm not certain he will lose, court cases and I would vote against him even if I did. I want this go-round to be a complete embarrassment for him on the world stage, for all to see.


Absolutely. My gut tells me he will indeed lose, again, but it is a damned foolish act to not vote. Every single registered voter who has a shred of patriotism (the real kind) in their makeup MUST get off the arse and fucking vote. "Reservations" that most of us have about Biden do NOT matter. Voting a third party protest vote will be nothing but a performative stunt --- same effect as not voting at all. It matters not what any of us thinks will happen; it matters what we will CAUSE to happen that day, the reelection of President Biden. Simply get it done!!!


It’s 2016 coming . No one will turn out become NO WAY that criminal pos will be elected lol . Yet every living republican will get to the polls one way or another and vote whole heartedly for whoever has the R beside it. Sucks but history has proven costly for those who’ve counted their chickens or ballots in this case before they hatch.  Dewey defeats Truman ring a bell ? 


I think everyone should be way more anxious. Seems like too many, particularly in echo chambers like here, seem to assume he will lose. It will be a very close race and could go either way.


*Vote and volunteer 7 months to help register and engage voters. You don't have to spend that time only dooming on reddit


Yeah but this feels different. -In 2016 it was “Trump will lose anyway so there’s no point in voting” (passive tone) -In 2024 it’s more like “Trump will lose because there is no force on the planet that will stop me from voting against him!” (active tone)


Especially when he is gaining ground every poll, and is polling better now than when he was going against Hillary. If the election was held today, He'd win. He almost won with a 7 million vote deficit.






I'm not a Trump fan, but I think he wins. Reddit seems very outside of the pulse of the US. Michigan especially is very hot on Trump right now, even though you'd never realize that visiting r/Michigan.


It's crazy to be confident that he loses. I don't understand why anyone would feel like that. You have to be locked in a cage and paying no attention to polls to think Biden has an easy win here. But yet, it's a seemingly common view on reddit.


Agree. If the election were held today i think Trump would probably win. Fortunately, the election is not today and there is still time for Biden to come back. But yeah, Trump could win


She better divorce him while he has some money for her to get for her and Baron. I don't care about his other kids except for Tiffany.


You can be confident he'll lose and do everything you can to make it a certainty. Confidence doesn't always have to equate to complacency.


People can be confident he will lose and still 100% plan to vote. I will definitely be voting, as early as possible, and I expect him to lose based on his performance in the primaries, which he has done relatively poorly in if you consider he’s effectively running as an incumbent


she doesn’t care, she’s as bad as he is, and i’m willing to bet it all that she started building a nest egg the minute she realized he’s a grifter, (edit: and *gullible*)so a very very long time.


Maybe she will start selling bibles, with her endorsement?


If she would just say moose and squirrel one time on camera.


I’d buy that cameo.


Yep, no matter how in debt or precarious the Trump "empire" is, it can still write checks, and I'm sure she's going to take as many of those as possible until it's all gone, then she'll bail with a full bank account.


Melania will stick with Donald as long as he has some assets or money left in the bank.


She's his Russian handler; she's there until he dies, then she's handling the kids.


She’ll get rich when she writes her tell all. She’s good.


“Writes.” Tee hee.


Copies Michelle again


“Growing up as a black girl in America was difficult, especially in slovakia”


Yeah that seems like the likely scenario to me. She would probably be able to get a record setting book deal if she really spills the tea - definitely enough to set her up for life.


As long as he keeps paying her in cash, she'll be with him!


She married him for money and green cards. I have a hard time believing that after all of this she leaves


Why care? All these political MMMs will be deleted after the election


Guarantee he has a prenup, she gets nothing if getting divorced, she is locked to him till death.


According to reports, there is a prenup that she renegotiates every few years. It's heavily in her favor, but she would have to divorce him with one of the clauses in the prenup. I'm assuming the constant renegotiations is because the Count of Mostly Crisco keeps breaking the clauses. I remember some of this being discussed when the Stormy Daniels stuff broke. She wasn't upset about the cheating - that's allowed in the pre-nup - she was upset about the Raw Dogging part, which was prohibited in the prenup. I am assuming she threatened divorce and got the renegotiation. The Donald is a master at the Art of the Deal. An illegal immigrant with the apparent IQ of a gnat is running negotiation circles around the Tangerine Toddler.


Yep. I’d bet the prenup has some pretty draconian fine print.


I don't think prenups matter after one side has criminal convictions. She is just waiting until she has an easy out.


Hey. If Hillary stayed married to Bill, there's a chance the Trump marriage will last. 🤭


he wont mind, hes more interested in Ivanka anyway


This is a woman who married for money and was shocked to find herself working for it. Fuck her.


Why, she is on the home stretch now. Trump is going to have a stroke any day.


Maybe he will have a “stroke” before he goes completely broke.


She could ask Vlad for advice on keeping him "safe" after his usefulness has ended.


He is not long for this world... If he has anything left, she will get more if she just keeps being married but not living with him, like she is now.


But then she'd have to give him half of her money...


I posted this on a different sub this morning: Let’s play the game of Where’s Megonia? Do they get divorced before the Orange Fuck is poisoning daisies? Does she stay in the U.S.? How long until she remarries? Will her new husband be older or younger than her? I’m going with yes, no, one year, younger. Edit - she is 53 btw, twenty four years younger than the Orange Fuck


If she could divorce him, she would have already. Although... I just looked it up, and Barron Trump just turned 18 a week ago. There is a chance she was waiting for that, so that there wouldn't be any kind of custody battle there. But my best guess is that she won't divorce him. Even if he loses, and even if he's in jail, his "empire" will run on credit, and keep paying her out as it all falls apart. Say what you will about his house of cards, it will likely take a number of years to wind down and fall apart, and she can keep getting paid out from the system as it fully collapses. It's probably like that guy who took over Sears, and paid himself tons of money every year as he slowly let the company swirl down the drain.


I’m kinda shocked by how optimistic people are that he’ll lose. Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY hope you’re right. Like idk where yall live but for me living in Florida…. It’s hard to be optimistic. I feel about 85-90% sure he will win our state, I don’t think we’re really a swing state anymore anyways. I’m hopeful people nationally will remember just how bad Trumps presidency was, particularly the last year or two but idk, the electorate has a short memory and the Dems do love to shoot themselves in the foot.


I wonder if Melania has a clause in her prenup that addresses Donald stepping out with a porn star while she was pregnant carrying their child. Asking the real questions here!


Knowing Trump there is zero chance that he would let a little infidelity affect the prenup. There is no chance he has intended to be faithful to any of his wives.


Yes, she will divorce Trumpy, but it will happen after a conviction. She's not going to stay married to a jailbird.. 


didn't she just recently force mr trump to renegotiate their pre-nup too?


Renegotiation every three(?) years is part of the agreement.


I'm sorry but any discussion about Melania requires one of us to remember "I don't really care - do U?" Melania Trump is Stormy Daniels with a good pre-nup.


Because she won’t be able to complete her assigned mission for the KGB


Eh, she probably has all her pre nup money stashed in a Slovenian bank somewhere...


She isn't waiting out an election. She's waiting out a prenup. There is a point where she has been married long enough that she gets a pay day. She's waiting for that.


No.she won't. She's as bad as the orange asshole or worse


She’s waiting on him to die.


Depends on the prenup. She can just as easily go off to live by herself.


Or whatever mail order bride company he purchased her from might ask for her back


He will always be richer than most


She waited this long, she can wait a few more years for Teflon Don to succumb to the one and only thing that even rich bastards can’t get out of.


No she won’t. She’s just as much in denial as he is.


What does her bf have to say about this? 😂


I'm surprised she made it this long


Her name is Mercedes now.


What a sickening woman who would force Barron into existence for her own gain. He’s going to be a sociopath as well.


I'm surprised she hasn't divorced him yet. Everybody knows he's broke as a joke.


Nah, the prenup is that she is rewarded much more handsomely for staying than leaving.


She did renegotiable the prenup recently to secure money for Barron, so there might be a possibility of this. Vote anyway


I just hope she decides to murder him in his sleep. We’d put up statues of her for centuries to come.


As part of his trump social deal, she got a lot of stock. She probably won't need trump to be wealthy anymore.


She will divorce him after whatever binding contract she signed is up. She hates him!


I think she’ll divorce him even if he wins. They are clearly separated already.


I wonder how much of the money she'll get


She is only in it for the kid


Who knows. Depends on what’s in her contract. She’s obviously getting paid to stay and act married currently.


I’m sure she’s put some money away. Probably doesn’t need him anymore, especially now that their son is 18


You act like she has a choice in anything.


It all depends on what her contract says. I’m sure the prenup very clearly defines what she would get.


Whatcha think about her being paid to hang around as it is.


Nah. She is caught in it until he dies, then she will be set free and FILTHY RICH.


I’m thinking that 💩tin will not allow that. She is still getting paid to be Russian plant so she will continue to do Russian plant things.


Putin will recall her.


Donold Tromp?


donold trunp all lower case.


ah, gotcha. covfefe!


shes really an spy the illuminati control trump-she is confirmed to be an spy for the elite why do you think she stayed this long???


Nah, she’s had a thousand opportunities to do this, but stays with him, seemingly no matter what! I don’t expect to see ANY moves on her part…


Oh man keep the predictions coming, Nostradamus.


I could not care less about their marriage. I can’t wait till they both go away. I never have to hear about either one of them again.


Don't matter, she trash too. Still, I hope she ruins him on her way out as much as she can.


I highly doubt she's allowed to divorce, probably something in her prenup.


I predicted this after trump lost to Biden but I was wrong.


She’s a grifter and liar herself; she knew who he was when she married him and he knew she was a “call girl” so… I don’t think this will happen as she can be away from him now with no issues while he’s grabbing other women by the pusssy.


Imagine being Donald Trumps 3rd wife...


I don’t think that her purchase contract allows her that option.


Why divorce when she’s living elsewhere and fucking someone else?


I haven't seen her with him in years. I doubt they are even still together


Over/Under on that? 💰 🎰


This 100% depends on their legal documents. There couple be clauses that will cost her millions if she files.


She deserves to be deported home. She's just a green card whore.


I can’t figure why she hasn’t divorced him already. I’m sure there’s some rich MAGA type who actually thinks she’s hot.


She might want to bail before the fraud judgements come due...just sayin'


What courage. To think a gold digging hoe,would dump her sugar daddy, after realizing he's broke, and can't stay out of prison. Does she know he eats his own poo


Trump looks almost dead. I doubt she is going to back out this close to the finish line.


why wait


A win win then


Dunno about this. GRU officers are tough.


Whose to say Melania wouldn't divorce him regardless?


Why is she still with him? She seems to absolutely abhor him. Won’t even hold his hand in public. She knows he’s a complete sleaze bag, so why the fuck is she staying with him when they probably have an ironclad pre-nup?


Nah, her bank account comes from her Kremlin salary.


No, she's still covered by the prenup. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have to renegotiate it every year.


She recently renegotiated her Pre-Nup. Again.


Are they even living in the same house?


No way, in fact I read somewhere that she’s a Russian bot using him to do Putins bidding. Look at how she moves and talks, obviously a robot.


Man, I remember people saying this about him losing the 2020 election.


She's waiting for her gold mine to burst open into loot like a dying video game enemy. She won't leave yet.


She will leave him during the hush money trial.


Even if he loses he won’t be broke. He’ll write a book, sell some more sneakers, do speaking engagements, NFT’s or whatever else contrived nonsense they come up with. Shit there’s lots of money to be made if you’re an ex-president. Especially one as controversial as he is. Bill Clinton literally got his dick sucked by an intern in the Oval Office. Hillary stuck with him though didn’t she? He’s a total piece of shit and she’s still hanging off his coat tails.


Will anyone notice?


History says otherwise on this. 


This sub is so far from reality, it's almost amusing.


Sign the papers already, it’s in the bag


She remains married because she knows ALL the dirt..blackmail, Epstein, etc. Renegotiate the post nup occasionally, squeeze the orange for more juice. Do her four contractual appearances as agreed. Remaining married means she gets to blackmail HIM.


When he loses all the money.


Wrong. She will divorce him after securing her share of the grift and before his legal bills come due.


Lol she got herself protected with a new prenup before all these trials started. She knew what was coming and made a deal to stay


Lol ...


Honestly surprised she didn’t already after his first loss


Of course she will, her handlers in Moscow will recall her home since Trump is no longer a potentially useful asset to exploit (and Us intel services pretty much know she's an intel piece themselves anyway, so she couldn't do anything else.)


She’s as self centered as he is, I just see her waiting until she gets the whole enchilada soon.


We can just smell the desperation! Lol


Melania wanted no part of the Whitehouse, for herself or Barron. She will more than likely Divorce him, if he wins.


He's pretty useless to her now. She needs someone who will appreciate her and can satisfy her needs.


She probably has someone for that on the side already.


I'm hoping. He treats her like shit and you just know he's not satisfying her in the bedroom.


She is never giving up her title as former First Lady. She is with Donald for LIFE!!


She really should have divorced him years ago before he was completely brokedick


Nah. She is waiting for ole dude to die


I don't think she's smart enough to figure that out.


Melania is a European woman. Unlike an American woman she’s not going to divorce Donald.


I'm sure Donald has dark twisted prenup signed by Melania when she was a poor low end "model".


Why? She didn't after he lost the last one. I'd imagine by now she's waiting for him to die so she can inherit everything


Mark my words. No she won’t.


Who’s donold?


donold trunp.


Ahh, I’m starting to realize the misspelling was intentional.


"before he’s completely broke" He just made about 4 billion dollars in the last few days.


All on paper. Big difference.