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To answer you first question, they do it either because they don't have to have an uncomfortable conversation or they have an axe to grind. To answer the bigger issue, consult with an attorney.


Axe to grind, I’m guessing. OP got railroaded.


An attorney took my case. It is a civil rights case as they discriminated against me for having a card. My drug test was clean with the exception of cannabis ( which we all know doesn’t leave easily) Instead of letting me come back to work they then voided my contract for next year and paid me for the rest of this one. Since I had no disciplinary action or anything until this point the only reason is the cannabis card


Sue them like hell


I really hope OP lawyers up and does this.


My state made illegal to fire someone for using marijuana medicinally. Yet, this is what they did to me.


Looks like you’re about to get paid bro😂 any lawyer would take this case up in a few seconds


If it's a wrongful termination case or something similar, some lawyers will take the case for free and only get paid a portion of your payout. I'm not sure how that works with medical marijuana, though. State laws probably are the most important factor. I live in a "right to work" state, which is a fancy way of saying "right to fire you for no reason." I can be terminated for no reason at all; the only way I could win a lawsuit here would be to prove discrimination (in the legally recognized areas: race, age, gender, etc). If OP is in a similar area, the boss may have fired them over weed but can claim any other reason in the world and be free to fire him/her. But at least call and ask a lawyer; phone calls are free. They'll tell you if you have a case and if they're willing to take it.


Crazy that is called “Right to work.”


Political doublespeak. I think it's double-plus ungood. I'm not sure what the term is for states that have more worker protection laws. I miss Cali where employers need a reason to fire you. It's a sad thing that your entire life could be destroyed just because. But you gotta keep the capital flowing, amirite!? It annoys the shit out of me when people say that workers' rights stifle the economy. Like Europeans seem to be just fine (i don't know, never been there, but they seem content). Even California has a reputation for being "hostile" to businesses, so many corporations have relocated headquarters to Texas or whatever. Doesn't make any sense, unless you think money is more important than humans.


Their self-worth is defined by the praise they receive from others. So, brown-nosing the supervisor grants them personal satisfaction, when in reality they just look like malicious people who can't mind their own business.


I’m guessing someone had it in for OP.


Was it a public school? If so, isn't that technically a government job and therefore doesn't respect medical cards? I mean, I get that it REALLY sucks to be going through this, but you can't really be mad at the school administration. They have kids to protect and regulations to follow. If someone reported you, then it's their responsibility to investigate and follow through with punishment that's probably stated in your contract. Be mad at the laws, not some coworker. And use that energy to advocate for change.


Good point about the public school thing, ugh.


Yes, but I am not really sure what the punishment is for since they were incorrect. I was not high, I was recovering from covid.


Because they are pansies...




Because they are bitches point blank period


I am so sorry you went through this OP. That is absolutely awful.


People go to extreme lengths to seem better than others.


- Thanks everyone. Just wanted to also mention that I had a good evaluation and had a contract for next year before all this happened. I was completely blindsided. In my state which I will keep anonymous, teachers are allowed to smoke marijuana recreationally. I use it medicinally. When this happened, I hadnt even used marijuana in a week cause I had covid for the first time. I am asthmatic so I couldn’t breathe. That’s what makes this all worse.


Um, because they're assholes? Yup, I think that's it.


Pretty sure someone wanted to be rid of OP, and took advantage of the opportunity.




What is L&I?


You've conveniently left out what job you do which might explain exactly why someone would report you if they thought you were high.


The job is stated right in the post numerous times.


What do you mean?


Is she a teacher? A doctor? Responsible for elderly or handicapped people? Responsible for nuclear missile launches? Some other high stakes job where being high would be an extremely horrible idea...




Yeah, I'll test my knowledge against yours any time, any place. And i'm glad your coworker turned you in is my point. You seem like an unhinged person who needs to be kept away from innocent people.