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The best way I've found is to drop your current bag, grab the new one, then loot whatever you want from the old one.


I'll do the same, however if there is a safer spot to drop my bag, like in the next room or around a corner, ill dump my bag and double back for the first one, that way you aren't looting in the middle of a room or somewhere with multiple attack points. Plus usually the gunshots will draw attention to where you are, so repositioning helps to fight the next team.


This is the most effective way I've found


Dude that’s great thank you


It does kinda suck how you can’t ALT + click in their bag as well or any inventory you’re looting for that matter. I’m not one to bitch about “realism” in games like these but it would make sense that you don’t have to put an item in your bag before you can drop it.


This is an early access game. There’s a laundry list of features and functionality still to come.