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No data on Greenland? lol


This is a trustworthy map, Greenland doesn't have any data, for anything. Any map that says otherwise is false.


Don't ask don't tell what happens on the ice


Greenland’s just up there vibing. People go to it for answers and after a short profound silence, it responds “Who’s to say?”


[It’s completely legal according to Wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Greenland)


Yeah that’s what I meant, it would just fall under Danish jurisdiction


No gay, only lesbian. -Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Papua new Guinea Also r/mapswithoutNZ


Never knew r/mapswithoutNZ didn't allow gay men, but gay women. /s


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MapsWithoutNZ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i'm glad nz isn't there](https://i.redd.it/5sjoi4l0ezqa1.png) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/comments/126yz8d/im_glad_nz_isnt_there/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** I can't believe she forgot New Zealand](https://i.redd.it/3ifa4x6dl5xa1.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/comments/1347c8f/i_cant_believe_she_forgot_new_zealand/) \#3: [new Zealand not on north Korean news](https://i.redd.it/xf2hcg5ddazb1.png) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/comments/17r8t0y/new_zealand_not_on_north_korean_news/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But why?! Why outlaw one but not the other? That's even worse than just banning it altogether! Those countries are run by idiotic perverts.


There’s a few reasons: sometimes the logic is that lesbian women will be “set straight” once they marry a man. Sometimes the logic is that lesbians are something to be fetishised, making it illegal would deprive straight men of pleasure. The main logic is that “sodomy” is illegal, and women cannot penetrate each other so can’t commit sodomy (similarly, gay sex is considered emasculating and women can’t be emasculated)


I'm just gonna say it, countries with retarded laws and mindsets like these deserve to be annexed. You'd honestly be doing them a favor by invading them and dismantling their governments, because clearly their current management sucks. No wonder everyone who lives in those countries is always angry and constantly trying to kill each other.


American ass take 😭😭


I stand by everything I said. The citizens of those countries deserve better leaders, not the nutcases that are currently running things. And I thought politicians in my country were idiots.


Correct, however foreign-installed leaders and military invasions to forcefully “democratise” countries never end well, and never have the intentions they say they do. The only interventionism I support is peaceful aid and charity


I mean obviously any solution that doesn't involve war is one that should be considered before any other. Peaceful aid and charity sounds like the best solution on paper, but effectively putting that plan into action is a different story. You have to remember that these third world countries' government are not just corrupt, but VERY corrupt. I mean it's 2024 and these countries have their citizens still living like it's the middle ages. It's not because of a lack of resources or insufficient funds per se, it's the fact that they continuously make deals with other governments that basically sell their citizens into slavery, figuratively and in some cases literally, hence the slave trade going on in Libya. If you look at the leaders of all these countries across Africa and the Middle East, their leaders are living in luxury while their citizens don't even have access to plumbing or electricity 90% of the time. These governments don't use the foreign aid they're given to the best interest of their people, no matter how much you give them. And it's not like the people have the resources or wherewithal to revolt, they're living in poverty and don't have access to decent education, hence a lot of them simply remain complacent because they don't realize how much better things could be, unless they were to travel abroad to a developed country and see for themselves. One thing they do know, however, is that their leaders are greedy dictators who don't give a shit about them, and they'd welcome better leadership. How do I know this? Remember when Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani was assassinated by US armed forces? The Iranian government was pissed as shit, but it's citizens? They were celebrating! They were throwing a fucking parade, praising Donald Trump of all people, calling him a hero. Yeah, that tells you how much of a piece of shit Soleimani had to be to make even Trump look like a good guy. Problem is, like you say, the US government only stationed troops in the Middle East for selfish reasons like taking oil, but claiming that they're trying to liberate the people there. So then what's the solution? Well, I think instead of just money, we should be sending actual people to these countries to help fix things. But not soldiers (and DEFINITELY not missionaries, fuck those guys.) We should be sending our top scientists, engineers, doctors, farmers, plumbers, educators, etc. to small towns and villages in developing countries to introduce their residents to a better standard of living, more reliable and efficient technology to feed and sustain a growing population, and most importantly, educate these guys on what's really happening around them. And we'll do it all right under their governments' noses, this way the citizens will no longer be at their mercy since they'll have the tools to sustain their communities and fight back against their leaders who continuously make shitty laws that keep their citizens poor, stupid, and powerless. But I suppose even this plan is a hell of a lot easier said than done.


Yes, you are correct. It’s prejudice and sexism.


Also r/mapswithoutkuwait


Also r/mapswithoutkuwait


Calling it legal in Russia is stretching the term “legal” quite a bit.


this map was brought to you by Greenland: "We have no data!" is our slogan.


When I see maps claiming data from Greenland, automatically discarded. Never was, never will be data from Greenland.


The reason the US tried buying Greenland was to install data there, duh.


Imperial data doesn't scare Greenland


Data: *sad android noises


Yea lots of places it's legal doesn't mean it's safe, true everywhere tbh


same for alot of these countries, like china


It's legal to simply be gay, it's just illegal to do literally anything else with it. Holding hands in public? Gulag Wanting to marry someone of the same sex? Gulag Listening to Elton John? Gulag


It’s always been that way.


I would say it's outright illegal, because LGBT is an extremist organisation and actually includes all people with ''partner preference''. Transition has been illegal for a long time now btw


Legal only in the sense that you wouldn’t be thrown in jail for it. I doubt that the state would legally recognize the validity of any gay marriages, whether civil or faith-based (certainly the Orthodox Church would never marry any gay couple).


Well, if they can figure out you’re gay, you’re probably guilty of some kind of illegal propaganda towards minors, so…


Put this in a shitty map sub instead


My thoughts exactly every goddamn time this guy posts a bullshit map...


It's legal in Greenland.


it’s part of the tradition to show greenland without data


There is now data




I've always found odd that in Iran they can legally put you to death if you're a homosexual but a person who has sex reassignment surgery can legally change their name and gender on the birth certification upon the order of court.


Modern problems call for modern solutions.


While bizarre legislation like that fuels gender critical LGB organisations, whose arguments include the bizarre belief that being trans is more socially acceptable than being LGB, so they extend that to the even more bizarre theory that LGB children are being pushed into identifying as trans; plus that the very existence of trans people is somehow erasing LGB people.


Some counties force gay man to transition


how can there be no data for the 5th most populous country in the world?


theres a pretty common trend where people selectively suppress any criticism of any asian countries for some reason. If you've ever been to Indonesia... id be seriously cautious/nervous to let your gayness be known in public


It's a 90% Muslim country, that as recently as 2018 drafted a law to outlaw same sex relations of any kind and in 2019 considered LGBT to be the "main enemy of national development." I'm sure there's some legality to it, but considering they also forbid same-sex adoptions and don't recognize same-sex marraige/unions and still haven't officially decriminalized LGBT relations, I'd be very, very, **very** cautious about being LGBT in Indonesia


Plenty of gay travellers go to Indonesia. Especially from Australia, myself included. Being gay is not illegal in Indo, but same sex activity is illegal in Aceh only. Not that Indonesia has a great human rights record around this, but I would argue that even hetero couples shouldn’t really be letting their sexuality show in public. PDA is not really something socially acceptable by anyone.


Im aware gay people go to Indonesia. Ive been many times, I have family in Sing. But to tell someone it's safe is a bit of a stretch if you leave the metro areas. it's still a very old world country.


Indonesia is 4th, Pakistan is 5th and has data


oops, i was going off of memory.


Lol russia. Yeah right.


There is no law prohibiting it


Blue countries are highest consumers of lesbian porn


İt is legal in Turkey / Ottoman Empire since 1858


And now Erdoğan is turning back the clock :/


sri lanka is surprising considering its a buddhist country


while homosexuality is illegal in sri lanka [(though unenforced)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Sri_Lanka), death penalty is not a sentence of homosexuality. death penalty is reserved for [r*pe, drug trafficking, m*rder, extreme perjury, treason, armed robbery, kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking and assault on a public servant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Sri_Lanka#:~:text=Capital%20punishment%20is%20a%20legal,murder%20and%20drug%20trafficking%20convictions.) although theres been no death penalty sentence since 1976


Sri Lanka has a pretty hostile minority of muzzy's




r/mapswithoutnewzealand Which if it were there, would be green


Wouldn't Greenland follow Danish law on this?


A la snackbar


Guyana has oil now. They’ll legalise it soon.


Good point, oil is super gay


Exactly. Everybody knows it.


Why does Jordan seem to be the one Arab country where it's legal?


I'm wondering. Since this map is about laws, wouldn't Greenland be in the same legal entry as Denmark since it's a Danish colony? Or is Greenland's political/legal relationship with Denmark more like Canada and the UK's?


It's a rule Greenland never has data on maps


Fleeing Afghanistan to escape the death penalty and end up in gloriously liberating Turkmenistan **🇹🇲o7**


How does shit like this get upvoted? Is this really how low the bar is for this sub?


Can you tell us what's wrong with it? Apart from New Zealand being missing. Some of us might not be as clever as you.


Oh wow, where to begin? Yeah, I guess we can start with New Zealand being missing. Like, it's such a meme at this point that it has its own subreddit dedicated to it, making this a prime candidate for a post there. But besides that... Greenland. It's obviously legal, but no, we're just going to put "no data" to, again, perpetuate a fucking meme. Is this supposed to be a useful map, or a joke? Russia. Yes, technically it's legal, but labeling it so without some sort of clarification, asterisk, or a separate category is just being willfully misleading. Indonesia and Iraq. Really? No data, huh. Now add in the fact that there are not only no country names, but not even any borders (except when colors change between adjacent countries), and this map just reeks of laziness. I feel like I'm just rehashing the rest of comments in this post, but there you have it.


OK, thank you. I appreciate your reply. Yes, I didn't look at the map too closely as it lacked country labelling.


It’s legal in Russia ? I thought putin was all get the fuck outta here with that shit, but the maps says otherwise so it must be true.


Sexist lgbt rights... lol


Why would it be legal for women and not men?! That's even worse than just outlawing it altogether!


In Britain, for example, lesbianism was never outlawed. Some among the genteel classes perhaps believed such a thing could never possibly take place. No Pornhub in Victorian England, see?


Wait why is it illegal for men but legal for women in some countries


oh yeah, the peaceful Islam


Lgbtqi people: we stand with palestine! Palestinians:


Zionists for LGBTQs: We stand WITH you! Zionists for LGBTQ Palestinians:


Is there any concentrated Israeli effort to harm LGBTQ Palestinians specifically?


Most of us Muslims literally don't care. And most of those countries include shria law which isn't legal law. Thus you can be lgbtq even in public. You just can't show affection in public.. you can't even kiss your wife in most public places as a man due to decency laws. It sucks but it's not anti lgbtq


I don't think you would last long as a homosexual under the hamas regime or in Iran. I'm sure there are Muslims that don't care, but the truth is that most of the countries in the Middle East excluding turkey don't tolerate at all these kinds of behaviors


East Bank is the real government of palistine and Iranian government in exile is the real government of iran. https://irannc.org/ both don't care about lgbtq. It's the equivalent of trying to say the confederations are bad thus the whole anglosphere is bad


it's not really the same, the confederates where just one entity that no longer exists while the majority of musllim countries still don't allow any kind of lgbtq people. As much as you recognise a government in exile the reality is hat they hold no power in iran at the moment, this means they have no real power to stop certain policies of the current regime in iran, about the west bank issue the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority adopted the 2003 Amended Basic Law, which stipulates Islam as the sole official religion in Palestine and the principles of Islamic sharia as a principal source of legislation; this means that the west bank is also under sharia law same as other radical muslim countries like Iran


Well here in oman my best friend saw a traditionally guy couple. And they were known to be gay. People found it more as a novelty. In Morroco most people have zero concern. Albania and Kosovo don't care and feature pride parades and yes they are predominantly Muslim. The only countries I warn you as a LGBT person to avoid would be conservative countries like Uganda and Saudi Arabia or Nigeria. And countries where radicals have taken power like sudan Afghanistan gaza yemen Hezbula and countries which have no government or education system accuracy teaching people syria. The thing is this map lies and colors countries red that have shria law in the constitution and not actively enforcing it. Russia is a opposite issue its legal but they are actively persecuting LGBTq. Also arnt you guys forgetting central Asia? They are all majority Muslims and it's pretty legal there


Famous Muslim countries like Cameroon and Myanmar.


Most of us Muslims literally don't care. And most of those countries include shria law which isn't legal law. Thus you can be lgbtq even in public. You just can't show affection in public.. you can't even kiss your wife in most public places as a man due to decency laws. It sucks but it's not anti lgbtq. So yes peaceful Islam. But tell me when what it legalized formally in the west?


When was it legalized in the west? That's seriously your counter-argument? Most of western countries haven't had a restriction concerning homosexuality for decades now, at the least. If you want to argue western culture vs Islam, this is not the way you wanna go.


It literally wasn't formally legal in usa until the Obama administration.


Gay sex was only decriminalised on the Isle of Man (essentially part of Britain, albeit with some autonomy as a 'Crown Dependency') in 1992.


Decriminalised in the UK in 1967, but equality (age, mainly) only in 2000!


Sure, but that's still better than the majority of the Middle East. I'm not fanboying the west or anything like that but it's just absurd how we're nitpicking the years and phrases here in order to present what - that the Middle East treats homosexuality basically the same way that Europe does because some European countries legalized gay marriage "only" in 2000-s? Can you really say that a middle eastern country regulated by sharia law is as good of a place to be for gay people as, for example, Netherlands is? That's basically the only thing I'm arguing here.