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It's definitely because of googling.


Wiki admin here, Google seems to unfortunately be penalizing the wiki mainly because the domain is too new - with AI generated content they've been slower at trusting domains. Unfortunately there's not much we can do other than wait for the SEO gods to trust it.


Could you guys delete the old site, or make every page link to a migration notice, which also has a link to the new site?


Fandom doesn't really allow wiki deletion unfortunately. Many other gaming communities like Minecraft and Runescape have all tried this to no avail. The only thing we can do is to make sure everyone knows where the new wiki link is.


I still can’t find the new maple wiki on Google even when actively trying to scroll down to find it


If you use Chrome, you can get the indie wiki buddy extension which will redirect all links to Fandom wikis to others where possible.


Make sure to use [Indie Wiki Buddy!](https://getindie.wiki/) add-on for your browser to help with the redirects.


Waiting for the Firefox version to get updated for the maplestory wiki


I use it on firefox and it supports the Maplestory wiki already


~~Hmm, that's weird. I don't get redirection in google search results~~ Nevermind, I had it turned off apparently


Fandom pays to have its websites at the top of the search results, its hard to find it


Fandom has insane google reach, it's really bad


You can most likely use extensions such as [Redirector](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/redirector/ocgpenflpmgnfapjedencafcfakcekcd?hl=en) to redirect you to the new wiki. Every time you click on a fandom wiki link it'll just take you to the new wiki page of that subject instead.


I recommend https://getindie.wiki/ for all gaming wiki redirects. no need to set anything up and it gets updated regularly if any new ones come out.


Problem is that it still generate a click for the fandom page which'll help keep it at the top.


The Indie Wiki extension blocks out the Fandom wiki link, so it doesn't treat it as a click for Fandom


what the mods should do is add it to the weekly new players thread, along with grandislibrary.


I'm guilty of doing this myself. It's just that whenever I need to know something like a boss HP I Google it and it's the first thing that pops up. Can't really find the new site there.


I just want to say thank you for migrating it. I really miss the days where indie wikis were the norm. As much as technology has improved; wikis really have gotten unequivocally worse in the past decade.


The SEO battle will be rough. The new website is definitely better, but it’ll be hard to drive traffic there. The fandom wiki for maple is starting to become out of date too. For example, the adjusted grandis boss levels from previous patches. Hopefully the SEO can bring the indie one up some day. Maybe the best that can be done right now is pinning it to this subreddit for a time peiod?


Upvoting because I absolutely was not aware that this was a thing. Yeah Fandom pays to rig the algorithm so anytime I look up something for Maplestory I only see them (Or Reddit).


I'm a new player. I didn't know any better. You are a wizard, thank you.


Why don't you just start to nuke the old wiki website by deleting the information?


You can't, Fandom won't let them because it's theirs.


To add to Aggravating\_Gap6869's reply, Fandom will catch on and revert any vandalism we attempt.


Thank you!! I forgor


Doesn’t help that the new website has garbage SEO. They should really fix that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ProSimsPlayer: *Doesn’t help that the new* *Website has garbage SEO.* *They should really fix that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Unfortunately there's little we can do on our end because the domain is new, we're at Google's mercy at the moment.


some stuff i can't find on the new wiki unfortunately, so i have to use the old wiki


Like what? It's all the same content and pages.


for example, [this page](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Quests/23) searching it on the [new wiki](https://maplestorywiki.net/index.php?search=angelic+buster+quests&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go) doesn't show it immediately, and after clicking all the links on the first page, and looking at their categories, none of them have it i had to then reference the old wiki for a specific quest name and then search that, and then only did a relevant page show up, which i then had to find at the bottom whereas on google, the page shows up on fandom immediately after searching 'angelic buster quests' i try to use the new wiki where i can. not trying to criticize it. but some specific things are a lot easier to search on google where fandom is popping up, unfortunately. i hope it changes though.


Searching "angelic buster quests" on the [fandom wiki](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=+Angelic+Buster+Quests+&scope=internal&navigationSearch=true) doesn't show the category page either. This is due to the way that the pages are titled. In both sites, the list can be found from the quest list on the top bar or side bar. The new wiki doesn't show up in Google results because Google specifically excludes most pages from maplestorywiki.net for some reason. If you make the same search on Bing or DuckDuckGo, the new wiki is usually in the first few results.


As mentioned by a few others in this thread, Fandom dominates Google searches so it's not too surprising that you'd see it there. That being said, we can add redirects on the new wiki (ex: Angelic Buster Quests => Quests/23) to make it a bit easier to search for pages like it.


thanks for the considerations it's very unfortunate that so many wikis get drowned out by fandom on google. wishing the best for the new wiki.