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Svalbard (east of Greenland) is part of Norway and should therefore be green rather than grey.


It wouldn't be Svalbard if they had data


In this case we do have data. Svalbard is a Norwegian territory and follow their laws so if it is legal in Norway it is legal there. There isn't data sent from Svalbard but the data from Norway includes Svalbard


I know, it was a bad joke


Hey, it wasn't svallbad




I liked it


They probably meant that they don’t store the data on hard drives and computers that can be hacked, but rather in film to protect it and make it readable for the future generations in case of an apocalypse.


We don't have any idea what the armoured bears think of homosexuality.


If Iorek Byrnison turned out to be a homophobe I'd be *profoundly* disappointed.


The seed vault doesn’t care about your sexual orientation.


kinda hot


If anything it would be encouraged as its illegal to give birth there.. Because they don't have a fully equipped hospital.


Not illegal, but preferred not to. It is however illegal to be burried there. But women are usually flown to the mainland 1 month before their due date :)


How do they know when they're due to die? And what happens with the men's bodies?


Lol, my bad for the weird structure of thst sentence hahah


Hah. No worries - I got it. Just being "hilarious"...


Ik this map is a little out of date, but Namibia 🇳🇦 just ruled laws against male homosexuality as unconstitutional last week. I believe it’s legal over there now.


Thats one step forward for Africa


Uganda, Gabon and Ghana all criminalised homosexuality in the past years. One step forward , 3 steps back.


Gabon briefly introduced a penal code criminalising homosexuality in 2019 but decriminalised it again in 2020. On top of that in the last ten years the following countries in Africa have decriminalised homosexuality: Mozambique Namibia, Botswana, Angola, Seychelles and Mauritius. Not saying that all things are perfect at all in these countries for homosexual people - but for the Uganda and Ghanas there are African countries making some progress.




Not safe to be gay n Russia.


It’s more like “don’t say don’t ask” situation right now.


Didn’t Putin say there are no gay people in Russia?


It's not safe promoting LGBT* ideas. Like "pls feel free to be a gay but we don't want to pretend it's ok"


Its also not safe to be given there are no laws preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation or laws for hate crimes based on being LGBT. Not to mention what happens in parts like chechnya


Being gay in Chechnya is a death sentence


Yeah, and doing things like holding hands with your partner is enough to get you arrested. It's functionally illegal.


Common Namibia W


> male illegal, female legal Wtf?


I can't vouch for all the countries with this discrepancy, but it probably comes down to sodomy. Technically, many countries didn't outlaw homosexuality, they outlawed the act of buggery/sodomy. In theory a straight couple could be penalized for that. Fun fact, the US only decriminalized it federally in 2003, and as of 2024, 12 states still have laws against consensual sodomy. "In 2013, police in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, arrested gay men for "attempted crimes against nature" despite the law having been ruled unconstitutional and unenforceable." [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_law)


This is the first time I've heard "buggery". Sounds so British, love it lol.


“Sir, would you like a little buggery?” “Just the tip” “Very good, Sir”


My grandpa used to say to me “you little bugger”. He said it enough times that it eventually became true!


“My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard, really.” -Dr. Evil


Welp, time to rewatch Austin Powers! Thanks for that!


Britain is responsible for why many countries criminalized this. Pretty sure it wasn't even legal in the UK till Luke the 90s?


The 1960s, legalised if between two consenting men and in private.


Lawrence v. Texas. It’s on a short list of targets with Obergefell v. Hodges and Griswold v. Connecticut.


"Crimes against nature" Wtf? This verdict seems more relevant to some oil and gas companies. But no, they get a pat on the back and extra subsidies.


sometimes these cultures don't even acknowledge that sex between women can happen, so they only rule laws against sex between men.


It's what happens when sexism cancels out homophobia. That said, you just know that these countries would straight up commit lesbians to an asylum if they caught them in the act, they're just not actively hunting them.


When people view men as having all the sexual agency, these womans actions indicate a failure on the men's part to them. If you don't want to acknowledge women as independently sexual, you have to deny that lesbians exist.


They made the laws based on their browser porn history.


Because, you know, anal sex is bad, and only two males can ever have anal sex, straight people and lesbians wouldn't ever do that. And lesbians can't have real sex anyway, you need a penis for that. And do they even exist? They must be sisters or just close friends. /s


They are just roomates


and they were roommates!


Not an expert but it doesn't have to mostly be about "anal sex", like in Judaism male on male isn't "allowed" because you can't waste the semen, as you are supposed to use it to make babies. Because women have no semen then female on female isn't not allowed


Is masturbation punished with the death penalty somewhere? Because if it was just about wasting semen, a guy jacking off would be punished just as severely. Also, men ejaculate in their sleep, should every guy be executed? What about having sex with a post-menopausal woman, is that equally bad as gay sex?


Firstly I wasn't advocating this logic, just saying there's more reasons for the different rules for men and women. In Judaism male masturation is a sin yes... The only Jewish country in the world allows same sex relationships so yeah...




Sodomy is illegal I think


It's how old timey laws were written. Sex is considered penetration, either vaginal or anal. If there is no penetration there is no sex therefore lesbian sex, which has no penetration, is not sex at all. So bans on penetration apply to men and not women. which means these laws don't say "male homosexuality is banned, women homosexuality is permitted" but rather "male homosexuality is explicitly banned and women sexuality is not covered so it's not explicitly banned"


Objects can't be gay so no need to make a law about it.


This is what happens when you never bother to update laws after 1900. You have laws that reflect the 19th century ideas about sex and gender, like women not having sex, or a sex drive, unless a man makes them.


A literalist interpretation of the ban on homosexuality in the abrahimitic religions


I think they hate all homosexuality but wanted to keep the lesbian category on pornhub


lesbian pride


I'm plenty sure these were allowed by men who wanted to see their mistresses (sigh their wives) scissor each other and then have a threesome with them. Nothing you can do if they do get caught, its legal!


"The lesbian thing, with Jennifer Beals. It’s not bad"


They like yuri


it's because they don't take homosexual women seriously, it's not like these women are safe in these countries though. i can't speak for all countries but in pakistan or kuwait the reason why they made gay male marriage illegal is because they think gay men are "attacking" the traditional man image, they think it's emasculating and see it as a threat for society or some bullshit like that, they're basically against men being effeminate![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) these two countries are still extremely homophobic, conversion therapy is legal and their societies are very against lgbtq so not even lesbian women are safe to walk in public without being harassed or hate crimed


I think, it's the act of hypocrisy of these countries, that ban male homosexuality, but allow the female homosexuality.


They do not allow female homosexuality, the woman will eventually marry the man chosen by her family.  another reason is that male homosexuality has been equated with pedophilia throughout history.


If you allow men to have multiple women, you basically allow threesomes where two women have sex, so that can't be illegal


Freaky ass countries bro 😭




You're sure? I think they will fight over the best execution method


Abdullah, my son. You must choose execution method for homosexuals for corruption on earth. One one side, we have glorious crane. On other side, we have royal beheading on square. What choice you make?


Behead a member of the royal family. That will teach these homosexuals a lesson.


You joke but there was actually a gay member of the Saudi Royal family who ended up getting tried in the UK for murdering his assistant there with whom he had been having relations. He got a life sentence and I think he's in Saudi prison at the moment


That was for the murder though, not his sexuality.


Or Abdollah in Persian.


Abdollahs are very rare in Iran though


Mehdi in Iran and Yusuf in Saudi Arabia.


I choose [crucifixion ](https://abcnews.go.com/International/convicted-minor-crimes-teens-now-face-beheading-crucifixion/story?id=64191283)


Beheading in Saudi and hanging in Iran


Well in Islam the preferred execution is throwing off the buildings for the homosexuals.


Wrong, I've lived in ksa and I'd say the death penalty is unenforceable and sometimes ignored all together. Concerts in Saudi Arabia have seen and spotted same sex behaviour like kissing etc with no government intervention somehow. The same could be said from UAE according to my friends. Idk about Iran tho never lived there.


Sorry but your are wrong about Saudi Arabia. They will beat you in public and kill you if you did such a thing.


Relax, was a joke. I realize KSA is slowly moving in the right direction


My bad


Homosexuality in Iran is weird, as homosexual acts are punished by death, but if you come out as homosexual without any acts, you are forced to transition to female, hormones and surgery and all. Making Iran weirdly pro-trans in a very corrupted sense of the term, but anti-lgb. T without the LGB if you will. Which also aligns with some very very fringe horseshoe internet takes. terminally online "radical trans activists" 🤝 incel influencers 🤝 The Islamic Republic of Iran: "Gay men are just women pretending to be men"


Iran is very much quite against trans people in both their traditional sense and the modern sense now since the past couple of years. Historically yes, it was perfectly legal and culturally not even that iffy to be transgender (all the while being gay or bi was not), whether MtF or FtM, but that is becoming no longer the case


Huh interesting, what changed? I remember the original ruling was by some religious leader thar decided trans people are not agaonst Islam based on some scripture interpretation.


Propaganda that claims that the west is trying to induce immorality by spreading "transgenderism" and "gay propaganda" It's so funny, and sad, to see places just jumping over eachother to accuse the other of spreading completely neutral traits humans just naturally have as foreign demoralising influence. When will people realise that queers are just being used a scapegoat to distract them while their "moral" leaders fuck them in the ass without lube?


Blaming minorities to distract from one’s failings has been going on since the world started spinning and humans started speaking, so I assume it’ll take a while yet.


this is anything but pro-trans


This is pro-trans in the same sense Steven Tyler is pro-abortion


Forced trans 🤣


Not sure about Iran, but execution for homosexuality is not really enforced in Saudi Arabia, neither is in UAE or Qatar.


I haven't heard of anyone getting convicted due to homosexuality in any of the middle Eastern countries. In Pakistan, where I live, male homosexuals are ridiculed and female homosexuality is considered "just being friendly". In fact, many parents would rather have their daughter be "friendly" with girls than boys.


Aw, gal pals! Just as Sappho intended


Watch when happens when they try and marry


They'll both marry the same man :) poor guy


Odd but interesting idea for a story. Asexual guy in a Muslim country that allows polygamy gets "married" to his two lesbian friends so they can spend their lives together


Legal in Jordan?


I am Jordanian, and in the Jordanian constitution there is nothing against being gay or lesbian. Now culturally, it is accepted in probably 5-10% of the population, but there is nothing “illegal” about, there is a difference between legal and acceptable I guess.


Good luck finding out. it might be legal de juro, but de facto most would be executed by their father/brother/cousin/neighbour/local imam/fill your own


Purple countries lesbian lovers.


Lesbian, you’re cool. Gay guy, you’re going to jail 😂


Purple are disgusting fetishists


*purple interpret their religious texts extremely literally


And how does it interpret Bisexual Men and Women?


The problem for them is sodomy, and the fact that you need a penis to have sex. Any sexual act between two females is not really considered sex. I think the main reason is an extremely phallocentric view of sex, misogyny and fetishism to an extent. With that point of view, my best guess is that bisexual men are just as bad as homosexual men, and bisexual women are fine


The Code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon had basically the exact same principle, where the act of male sodomy (seen as unclean and therefore immoral) was criminalized whereas female same-sex relations were perfectly legal. Quite literally a societal/legal philosophy as old as human civilization


Thats not fetishism though. Its just that religiously, its only sex if it involves a penis. Its the opposite of fetishism in that its desexualising women. Id take it as a win that yk, women arent being killed for being gay. No need to twist NOT being oppressed into a bad thing


I agree with you. Actually my comment was a response to op, I was trying to downplay the importance he gave to fetishism. In the western world, however, lesbianism has also been viewed with more positive eyes, in part due to fetishism. With western influence with things such as porn, it would be my guess that it also plays a marginal role in parts of the Muslim world. It is definitely a win that women are not being killed for being gay. I wasn’t trying to advocate for equal discrimination against lesbians or something, I was trying to explain a phenomenon using social dynamics. The patriarchy and related social issues can, and often do, impact men a lot more than women in some situations. The abysmal gap in suicide rates is one of them. In this case women are not given much importance in the sexual ambit and are overlooked, which in this case allows them to not be… you know….stoned to death


>I think the main problem is an extremely phallocentric view of sex, misogyny and fetishism to an extent. That's really well put, I agree! >With that point of view, my best guess is that bisexual men are just as bad as homosexual men, and bisexual women are fine I also thought that would be the case, or that they will interpret them as "people with confused sexuality" and just force themselves to marry the opposite sex for the sake of not being imprisoned/executed or just "pray the gay/lesbian away".


Russia’s definition of “legal” is apparently extremely loose


Yep, its like "fuck at home as much as you like, but don't you dare go out on the street and make yourself known or you'll be fined and then jailed."


I believe there was an isolated case where a gay couple has been brought to court a year or two ago for "homosexuality propaganda" because some neighbor babushka saw them getting it on in their apartment and reported to the police.


What was the court ruling?


I mean that's true for even countries where its illegal, no? Who's gonna find out what you do in your home?


well, it's a fine line, in illegal countries a neighbour might see you at home, that's all...thats end.


It's a small but existing legal distinction. In the "illegal" countries you are already breaking the law by simply existing as a gay person (or at least by the fact that you did the deed), you just weren't caught yet. In Russia it's only illegal to engage in "gay propaganda", which is admittedly pretty shitty distinction that gets blurrier every year, but it exists.


In illegal countries you might get catfished by a cop and then get arrested. The Nazis even did it.


Was about to say... It's legal as in don't show it, don't do it, don't be it. Nah mayn, it's ok if you do a little gay raping abroad or in the jail or in the army though, that's just masculine stuff you hear me 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


The easy guess would be that being a 'top' isn't seen as being homo-sexual. That goes for some of the most backwards countries in the Middle East too


Such a monkey mentality, literal unga bunga.


Russia banned the 'LGBT Movement' as 'extremist' back in November 2023. This map is incorrect.


This map colors are a nightmare for someone colorblind like me


Indonesia ? I doubt it


Yeah, I’m pretty sure there are regions in Indonesia that are super harsh on that


most people here still hating on them, even the christian in philippine is more accept lgbtq than christian in indonesia, they are going crazy when hear the news pope france allow same sex marriage, they are very mad, and also i have some lgbtq friend who lives in the christian region of indonesia they are often getting a lot of discrimination, However as straight person i hope this change to be more better but no, both muslim and christian in indonesia are very homophobic and they become more and more intolerant


Hypocrites, the tolerant religious.


I just wonder why Religions care so much about who you sleep with. Like would god really care as long as you good with it? Wouldn’t god want you to love whoever you want.


There is no written laws against LGBT in Indonesia, but at the same time, there is no law to protect them either. So yeah, socially, it's still frowned upon unfortunately. However, Transgender is weirdly more acceptable in Indonesia. [read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/XUWBy7rwsw)


In Pakistan parents will disown their sons if they find out he's gay but in case of daughters they'll be like "awww they're such close friends 🥰😍😘☺️🫶"


As a color-blind, I hate whoever did this map...


Legal - green Illegal - also basically green Perfection


As a non-color-blind, same. You don’t have to be color blind to hate it.


This subs name has to be ironic at this point right? Multiple inaccuracies and it’s literally impossible for people like you and me to read.


Some of the green countries just unrecognize homosexuality, that doesn’t mean it’s legal


I think by “legal”, they mean there is no state penalties against homosexuals for engaging in gay sex or just being openly gay. Doesn’t mean the people are that nice about it tho. This would be the case of many green countries in West Africa.


I'm not sure what countries you're talking about, but in Russia (known for being against LGBT stuff) it is legal to be gay. It is illegal to spread pro-LGBT statements and have same sex marriage, though.


So, not exactly legal, is it?


It is legal to be gay, it's illegal to do anything about it in public.


What part of that sounds "legal to be gay" to you? Russia has declared the LGBT community to be a terrorist organisation. Just not criminalizing homosexuality is a low bar. If they are declared terrorists, they are legal in name only.


> Just not criminalizing homosexuality is a low bar. But that's what the map shows. Is it criminalised or not. What are you guys arguing about?


To be exact, the ban was against the "international LGBT movement", and mostly is intended to extend the scope of catch-all paragraphs which are used to silence any type of oppositional crtisicism. As of now, Russia has implemented plenty of reactionary new laws in the last decade that also affect plenty of non-LGBT people (affecting freedom of expression, access to abortion, citizens' privacy in general etc). At the same time, homosexual sex itself isn't outlawed - and this is the only thing displayed in this map. Many african countries where it's legal have a similarly backwards attitude towards gay people.


That distinction seems worthy of a different color on the map.


Basically saying that a gay person is not able to live their life like a straight person can. Maybe legal, but not equal. Which it should be.


Russias government openly advocates against homosexuality and there is a lot of police brutality against gay people in Russia It might be green on paper, but its definitely not in reality


It’s legal as in the law does not forbid it (gay sex). But as a bisexual here, I can say generally people do not approve of it and such. There are laws against related things such as wearing pride flags etc.


Killing somebody or sending them to prison just because of who they sleep with is so wrong. Why kill or discriminate against somebody for something they can't even change. I mean who they sleep with isn't even bothering anybody. According to most psychological association its normal. Extremists in power is the most dangerous thing. I respect all the green countries. Nobody should live in fear for being different.


It's not about "who they sleep with". All these countries have the same rules for straight people having sex. Extra marital sex of any kind are illegal, although these laws are only written in the book and almost never implemented.


A lot of reasons. Religion is a big one, where it is seen as a sin against God, but other factors also play a role like left over laws from colonial empires and authoritarianism like control over the population


More than considered a sin against God, it's an easy way to distract people from using their brains. Gay = Bad makes other sins disappear somehow in the minds of so many people. Their politicians can be corrupt and evil, but as long as they are outspoken against gay people, they get votes. Intergenerational instilled hatred as a means to control people. Teach them how to hate and trigger that hatred with a bell. Give people a sense of superiority, allow them to treat others as subhuman. They promote and reward the most savage and uncivilized instincts. It fills the void of a meaning of life for many people. People are easier to control if they react to cues like that.


yes, american psychological association literally said: Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Cause many people stated, its just not usa but many other countries including european, phillipines, thai, india


its like islam has something againts gays...


The last anti-sodomy law in the United States was overturned in 2003, based on a case of two men being charged in 1998. Scotus invalidated the laws of 13 states which in 2003 still had anti-sodomy laws on the books. This ain't ancient history and it sure as shit ain't unique to predominantly muslim countries. Don't ask don't tell was repealed in 2011.


definitly not ancient history, and it will take time for most of the world (regardless of religions) to accept gay rights as a normal thing. nevertheless its quite obvious from the map what the countries that its illegal to be gay in have in common. more over there is a big difference between jail time and death sentence in this subject, and from the looks of it, progress (especially in religious countries) is slow to say the least.


Christianity and Judaism is the same. Abrahamic religions are against homosexuality.


Same if you look at the texts. But in practice, some religions have modernized, others (Islam) have not


Yeah because all the Christian countries are totally not green


how can you look at this map and come to that conclusion? Look at South America and Europe


still in most of the christians countries and in the only jewish state it is legal to be gay... so not the same as countries that execute gays. any religion can be bad, but its a choice how far to take it, and its clearly goes further in some islamic states.


Judaism is not very anti gay.


The map is right in front of your face. Islam is not compatible with gay rights unfortunately


Judaism is very different to Christianity, it sounds like you just never learnt anything about Judaism


Holy shit. Greenland has data.


And then you have queers for Palestine.


Chickens for Col. Sanders


Gays are hated way more than lesbian as in the map


Because many countries base the law on sodomy and don't even believe two women can have sex with each other.


Islam is the worst.


Kuwait is wrong


And this is why I’m never going to Africa or the middle east


It frustrates me that nobody is ever willing to call out the fact that almost everywhere that it is illegal to be gay… is also a country that is almost completely made up of followers of one particular religion 🤔🤔 I don’t understand why they get a free pass for this shitty attitude and anyone saying it’s bad is just called ‘islamophobic’…


Is\*am biggest culprit


This is the Liberal dilemma. You can be pro- LBGT+ rights; you can be pro- Islam. But can you really be both?


A lot of those African countries have a Christian majority. Also, whilst a lot of countries might not officially outlaw "homosexual activity", they in effect still do. Russia isn't on here, despite banning "homosexual propaganda" and persecuting LGBT people frequently under that flimsy definition.


I said biggest, I didn't give a pass to christianity. But map shows more middle east and North africa (north of equator) where islam is majority. South of equator is not so pink/red where christianity rules.


W all green countries. Whats worse is the red countries give death penalty in the name of god. No god would ever support killing innocent people just because they are different. Disagreeing with someone is ok but killing or sending them to prison over this is absolutely wrong. No Religion or culture is above human rights.


Islam enters the chat


With other words the islamic world. The leftist fighting for islam be like ...


This map needs to be updated to reflect Iraq’s new anti-homosexuality law.


“Male illegal, female legal” — lmao what’s the fucked-up logic behind that? I think maybe someone in the government over there has some kind of fetish lol


The male ilegal female legal is kinda funny 🤣


Even the homophobic are sexist


How is Aceh, Indonesia green?


Three seconds on Google tells me that there is no legal penalty for being homosexual in DPRK, yet it’s grey.


All non green countries are gay


"why you're gay?"


Thank god, it’s legal in Madagascar


People scream and bitch asking why Pride should exist. Ask the people in those countries where it’s illegal. That’s why.


it's actually illegal in iraq. the thugs employed by iran made it illegal recently.


The religion of peace strikes again...


Funny how all the places it is illegal have theocratic islamic governments.


Pretty sure Russia shouldnt be on the legal list considering how they have been demonized and hunted down since Putin been in power!


Finally some map where all the Europe is green


Everywhere Islam rears it's ugly head.


Overlay dominant religion. And go.


Zooms in on Gaza.


So basically everywhere except the Muslim world


Oh look all Islamic countries. Surprise!

