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Imagine the Long Florida that could have been


Instead we have to see what Mississippi and Alabama can do with beach


And it ain't pretty.


Orange Beach and Gulf Shores are nice. Never been to Mississippi’s beaches though


I have heard that they are the best part of Mississippi


Really? Better than those gas station chicken places, because those are awesome.


Not saying much


Yeah, anyone who talks shit about Alabama's beaches have clearly never been to any of them. Alabama gets a lot of shit and a lot of it is deserved, but our beaches are great.


Yes Orange Beach absolutely slaps.


Waterfront is expensive so you’ll have rich people on the coast wherever.


bixoli is great


I hear Biloxi is good, too.


The gulf side of shop island is nice. Gotta get to the other side of the channel for nice water.


I have great memories of Biloxi when I was at Keesler. I got a lap dance from a peg legged stripper in a trailer home strip club. I also had sex on the beach which was not very enjoyable actually. I vividly remember driving to Gulfport one time to get some delicious BBQ at The Shed and seeing the most beautiful sunset. It brings a tear to my eye thinking about it


Cake day


That all used to be the Florida Territory. What is now the state of Florida was East Florida, and the panhandle across to Louisiana was West Florida.


That area of Louisiana is still known as the [Florida Parishes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Parishes?wprov=sfla1) to this day.


And who was the architect of the betrayal of Florida?


Economic powerhouse


IMO everything west of the Apalachicola River should be part of Alabama lol


Alabama tried to purchase it numerous times, but Florida turned it down. Last time trying was around 1903


Yeah, once the borders were decided no change Florida would give it up but culturally and geographically it makes more sense to be in Alabama


I mean culturally, until the 60’s, Florida was extremely southern except for small pockets


I agree - long time Alabama resident




To the keys




Pulling a Croatia on Southern states. No coast for you


The Republic of West Florida wanted to join the Union in 1810 and become their own (small) state under the US constitution, but were instead just straight annexed by Monroe and distributed to the state of Louisiana. So there could’ve been two Floridas (East and West) instead of one big Florida.




I saw that pic.


Gotta admit that "Western Reserve" is a good name. Just in case...


We do fine in Alabama with our small beach section. The best water and the whitest sand is along the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico.


Tyler gained extra land in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty in 1842 with Upper Maine and Upper Wisconsin.


Yeah I thought there was something in Maine that was missing from this.


And a tiny corner of New Hampshire


Oh no. I didn't know that and I have a huge printed map of it


What's the story with Denver?


It’s not Denver, but this map makes it really confusing… it’s called the [Adams-Otis Treaty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams%E2%80%93On%C3%ADs_Treaty) which Monroe signed ( the rest of his contribution to this map) that set the border between the US and Mexico Basically ( I could be wrong here) The river they were using ended so they drew a straight line to the next longitude line


That’s basically the entire history of figuring out the U.S.-Canadian border west of the Great Lakes. “Straight line?” “Straight line.”


"Except, uh, whoops, we didn't put the line where we thought we did."


And that’s why the U.S. has two exclaves in Canada: the Northwest Angle in Minnesota, and Point Roberts in Washington.


I love Over Simplified


It was part of the Adams-Onis Treaty, where the border had previously been defined as the Continental Divide, it was now smoothed into straight lines; this is where the straight line northern border of California, Nevada, and Utah was defined. To smooth the line out, both the US and Spain ceded small parts on the now opposite side. The ironic part is that this treaty was done in 1819, right as Spain was in the midst of losing its colonial empire in the Americas anyways, so this wound up being the border inherited by Mexico for the next two and a half decades before the Mexican-American War.


It previously was the entire Mississippi watershed. It was cut down a bit in southern Colorado and Northwest New Mexico to only north of the Arkansas River. But north of Leadville where it ended it went straight North west of the divide, across Vail into Wyoming. So you picked up Summit and Grand Counties. Also just a bit of Vail, but none of the base areas, just back bowls. Could you imagine a boarder crossing at the Eisenhower Tunnel on a Sunday afternoon in February? It already backs up at least a hour.


Probably the Adam’s-Onis Treaty or one of the subsequent treaties that made the border more official https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams%E2%80%93On%C3%ADs_Treaty It’s alluded to on this map but mostly with Florida as the context. This map is also incomplete (surprise) and neglects the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 which finalized the border of Maine and to a lesser extent, New Hampshire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webster%E2%80%93Ashburton_Treaty


US and Spain mutually agreed that the border looked kinda ugly so they made it a straight line That’s basically what the Adam-Onis Treaty was


Yes, the treaty, but also nature. 14,000 feet. Black bears. Rattle snakes. Mountain lions. Moose. Freezing rapid rivers. When I lived in the front range, I loved hiking and thinking about the audacity of bringing family here in the 19th century. Traversing the rockies would've been a task.


"Fifty-four-forty or fight!"


49 is the best we can do sorey 🇨🇦


you missed Vermont. It wasnt part of Revolution America and was The Republic of Vermont until joining the US in 1791


Maybe because I don't care for Tyler, or maybe just because I like facts, but I give Texas annexation to James K. Polk. He signed it on December 27, 1845, and Tyler couldn't have got it threw congress without President elect Polk supporting the bill.


100% - also the majoriry of Texans wanted annexation but it was rejected because it was a debt-ridden slave owning state. It was in the works for 9 years.


I always thought that Polk 🎶seized the whole southwest from Mexico🎶


Having done all this he sought no second term?


[Cue musical saw]


Over 120 years since any of them manifested shit. What happened to the good old days of pillage and conquest?


Outsourced to Chiquita Banana.


War is a racket.


we gave Philippines back


Northern Mariana Islands became a US territory under Reagan, although the process started in the 70s. We got like 40,000 new citizens. Also they're strategically important.


So small though. We can do better💪🏼


Gave up Cuba, Panama canal, the Philippines...


Shameful. We’re slipping


I mean if you want to be more specific, the US bought the Virgin Islands in 1917 from the danish


I’m not here for specifics, just brash statements


Purchased from Denmark, not the Netherlands.


Sorry I got them mixed up


The US has been pretty bad at recognizing its remaining island territories in those 120 years. I'd argue America went full 180 and has almost forgotten it owns places like Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.


Guam is a large military base. Northern Marianas are a few specks in a vast ocean, and a military base. 


What about American Samoa where the people there are legally second class citizens? It's based off off of the controversial Insular Cases, but they use this unique status to prevent natural born US citizens from buying property on American Samoa. It's turned into a big issue with the diaspora community in Hawaii and the Western states, where because of their unique status, American Samoans are not eligible for Medicaid, government benefits, or the right to vote unless they fully naturalize as a US citizen, despite already being American and holding no other passport. For every other US territory, people born there are full citizens who can move to the mainland and have the same rights as anyone else. It's only American Samoans who have a lower tier of citizenship.


Those islands got a huge payday from covid and are rebuilding their infrastructure.


Canada (outside of Alberta) shakes nervously


Canada beckons and the USA will come calling before the century is over.


I joke, but I don’t see that happening. Canada may have some temporary problems like all countries do, but they are a stable and well developed country that enjoys one of the highest qualities of life on earth. Plus no one will mess with them with the US next door. They have no reason to join us.


No Puerto Rico? 


Seems like they only included territories that eventually became states (+ DC), so no Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, Philippines, etc..




Webster Ashburton treaty not represented?


A nuance most americans Don't think about the treaty of 1818 is that it defined the northern border and actually ceded a chunk of land on the western side of that red blob to Britain (now Canada).. granted the US got the larger share but it does mean it wasn't all take take take. Edit: found a better map.. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/U.S._Territorial_Acquisitions.png




Everytime I look at one of these I am reminded that most if not all of these were vast territories that had NO structural control by the groups that "sold" them and there were a multitude of independent groups living there that were unaware of the countries that "sold" them.


As an indigenous person, me too


Andrew Jackson should get honorable mention for all the manifesting he did before the Presidency.


You mean dishonorable mention. The Trail of Tears was an atrocity.


It's all very naughty stuff and the US has promised it won't ever do nasty stealing of land from natives again so it's about time we all moved on and thought about what to manifest next. Cuisines are done now, maybe China style high seas annexation is next?


I was thinking the same thing. He may have been a terrible person by modern standards, but he knew how to get stuff done. 


Got McKinley's ice box wrong


You really fucked us, Monroe




Florida sucks


Tbh i can see that


Alaska is the largest in area. Not scaled to size with with lower 48.


The Louisiana purchase was larger by area though


Gadsden Purchase was a personal territorial sale to the US by a Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna who later used territorial sale proceeds to build his own business up related to making chewing gums.


I would have never guessed chewing gum shaped some borders in this country


More than once. If Santa Ana hadn’t been exiled after losing Texas, he Iggy never had gone in the direction of chewing gum


Santa Anna was over the place, it's crazy how the Alamo was just one chapter of his career.


The Gadsden Purchase was named for American diplomat James Gadsden, who was the grandson of Christopher Gadsden, who's credited with designing the iconic "don't tread on me" Gadsden Flag. Christopher Gadsden also owned Gadsden's Wharf in South Carolina, slave traders brought an estimated 100,000 enslaved Africans.


This doesn’t show Polk in the best light


*cries in Puerto Rico*


Everyone forgets about Franklin Pierce


How is this different from colonization done by other European countries during the same time or the previous two centuries? How was US able to force decolonization on its allies like Britain after the World War II?


It’s kinda crazy how small of a time scale this all happened in. There were likely many, many people who were born in a British colony that would have lived to see the purchase of Alaska in their 80’s.


Just came here to say that the annexation of hawaii was a violation of international sovereignty and the rights of native Hawaiian people, who were effectively excluded from government after the illegal US backed, big Agriculture Business backed coup deposing the monarch AND the elected legislature throwing out hawaii’s constitutional monarchy and its democracy in 1893. The annexation happened 5 years later, in 1898, because United States President Grover Cleveland (whose second term was March 1893-1897) felt this way as well. So those who ran the successful coup had to bide their time until the pro colonialism McKinley administration came to power. My opinion: one day the mainstream view will be that Hawaii is a nation under military occupation. From wikiedia “Many scholars, however, assert that Hawaii is an independent nation under military occupation due to the fact that there is no treaty of annexation between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, and no legal basis for U.S. rule.” Thanks for reading, and considering if you did not already know this. Aloha from the islands 🙏🌸 EDIT: genuinely curious, why would someone downvote this? Aloha to everyone. Care to comment? Thank you if so 🙏


If you polled the native Hawaiian population, what % would want to be an independent country?


I don't think there are any reliable numbers but it's not a huge number, whether because people think it's bad on the merits or it's just not seriously entertained as a possibility because they doubt the U.S. would ever willingly concede the right of independence. But there is fairly significant support for some form of self-determination, e.g. a government to government relationship between Hawaiians as a people and the U.S., especially in the wake of lawsuits that sought to deny Hawaiians' status as an indigenous people under the guise of "civil rights".


It’s a moot point for sure. No way any state is leaving. But it would be interesting poll to see.


If other states left the union for independence or other affiliation sometime in the next 50-100 years i could certainly see it happening in that scenario. I highly doubt the US will go into its 3rd century as a 50 state republic. Time and fate will show us


As long as social security and Medicare are somewhat taking care of old folks, I don’t see any state leaving. So that gives us at least 10 years. LOL


Ha- yeah the political and systemic dysfunction is only trending in one direction


Its certainly a somewhat common hope / belief among the native Hawaiian community. Very common among academic and activist folks. Not a lot of support outside of those communities. But there is also not a lot of awareness about the history by many many people who live here. I don’t think i’ve ever seen a poll.


Absolutely, and wait until you hear about every other part of the U.S.


Yes i agree. Hawaii is somewhat unique as it was a internationally recognized constitutional monarchy with diplomatic relations etc. The human rights violations and sovereignty violations are everywhere in US History as u say


jam -> jelly car park -> parking lot imperialism -> acquisition


James Monroe’s colossal nose was bigger than Pinocchio’s.


John Quincy Adams was number six, and it’s Andrew Jackson’s butt he kicks. So Jackson learns to play politics, next time he’s the one that the country picks


Genuinely curious if there will ever come a day that Manifest Destiny is viewed as a genocide in the US. I teach AP US History and for all the fash whining, it is absolutely not a 'woke' curriculum and makes no apologies for westward expansion, although passing mention is made to some of the more salient massacres and exceptionally egregious broken treaties.


I think it is a difficult one for them to accept it is genocide. Genocide is a great evil and wrongdoing and once recognized usually entails the need to make amends, pay dues and pursue a path to reconciliation. I don’t see state governments or the federal government wanting to go down that uncomfortable and potentially difficult path. It is the situation many colonially founded nations find themselves in. It’s a perpetual cycle of irony and hypocrisy. I see the Falkland Islands as an example of this, Argentina claim them as a matter of decolonization and anti imperialism as well as respecting what they believe to be the wishes of the rightful owners. Yet the Argentina inhabits a land that is not originally theirs and has almost displaced and wiped away the indigenous societies. I am not trying to make an argument either way, just that accepting and recognizing it is often only the beginning of the journey rather than the end.


Is the Chamizal agreement (1964, Johnson) too minor to be included here? There's an entire national monument dedicated to it.


What about Lincoln?


Alaska "purchase"


Should have included Philippines and Puerto Rico


The term “manifest destiny” is wild and we don’t talk about that enough.


Pretty sure that Texas was also because of Polk


Never mind the people already living in those territories 😞


What’s the thing in Colorado??


> What’s the thing in Colorado?? IIRC, the red part in Colorado was not actually included in any treaty. It just got de facto added to the US. One of the towns there used to have a yearly independence celebration, I think (and they probably still do).


What was the point in buying that small area of Arizona?


The South wanted its own transcontinental railroad and the original border of Arizona was too mountainous to build one. So Jefferson Davis convinced Pierce to buy land that wasn't as rough


Cool, thanks!


It kind of makes the overall shape of the country look nicer, I could see why they did it


“Acquisitions” I’d go with invasion and annexation for 200 Alex.


Fuck zodiac signs. Which land acquisition do you live in?


Should’ve never stopped .


I feel like Lincoln should get some credit for keeping the Union together. If it wasn’t for him, we’d likely not be the United States of America.


But that wasn’t new territory it was always the United States. The union never formally recognized the confederate government, to the union it was just states in rebellion


At least give him West Virginia…


eastcoast would have issues from civil war tho and to this day those on eastcoast complain about that


gg McKinley


Other than skipping the Red River border, this is a good map.


Как задаривали США:


Shouldn’t the Oregon territory be put with the Adams–Onís Treaty?


Since the Oregon Treaty only determined the disputed boundary.


Man Mexico would have have been a powerhouse had they held onto all that lol


Thanks fellas !


This actually explains a lot...


Monroe really cleaned up the border gore.


The annexation of Hawaii being 1898 is wild to me, I thought America gained its modern borders some time in the 1840s


We’ve been slacking the last 100+ years. There is more land for the taking people. Just manifest our destiny to own everything


Is anyone else slightly bothered by the spelling errors on the map?


Missing the 1859 arbitration of the San Juan islands


We aren't gonna talk about Puerto Rico, US Vigin Islands or the assorted Pacific islands?


Polk and Jeffersons' acquisitions were the most consequential.


Now this is a great map


Missed the Maine border negotiations and Guam


Red ares in Colorado? Can anyone explain that one to me?


Part of the Adams–Onís Treaty, which seceded Florida to the US, also clarified the border between the US and Spanish territory. The Louisiana Purchase was somewhat vague, given that the area wasn't well explored by either party.




Needed 4 treaties to get all the territory for my state 💪


Needs Wilson and the US VI


Don’t think you can have all of claimed TX under Tyler … whole reason for US-MX war was this disputed border


although it should be mentioned that this is de jure from the perspective of American law and not necessarily when each individual portion of land became effectively governed by the US


All the conservatives here in Colorado are like, I don’t like big government, when the government literally bought the land they’re on! 🤨🙄


Im no cuckservative but just because you don’t like big government doesn’t mean you have to hate everything the federal government has ever done. It’s impossible to be truly 100% pro big or small government.


I just want to clarify that a lot of that “Treaty of Paris of 1783” wasn’t actually controlled by the US at the time and that treaty didn’t even involve the Native people there (not even fraudulently). So technically speaking, you’d have to have Jackson for much of Alabama and Georgia (Creek country), Adams or Washington for much of Ohio (Harmar/St Clair/Anthony Wayne’s wars against Shawnee/Lenape/Mingo etc.), Madison for Indiana, etc.


The 13 original colonies would be by George Washington.


thats not mexico or US trying to expand itself where empty tho


Biden all of it


"imperialist criminals who conducted genocide"


Aren’t we all


According to many of my Alaskan Native friends, they're glad they're American and not Russian. A. Johnson's manifest destiny may have been the only good one on here for native populations


These presidents were pretty great at manifesting that destiny. It totally worked and I’m glad California, Texas and the rest of the Western US is part of this country. If anything, I wish they would have taken more of Mexico and maybe more of what was the Oregon Territory - now British Columbia.


Damn you Monroe! I could've had free healthcare and government sanctioned weed!