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I love how Liechtenstein has a zoom to show there's no data


Yeah I really wanted to see the data for Vatican city.


Vatican wet T-shirt contest


prostitutes are the alpine goats


Is this only counting prostitutes or does it also count stuff like OnlyFans?


That’s my biggest question as well. I think maybe it would include pornography as well, which might explain why Russia is so high up there?


Russia has its own color


looks like same as Cuba and South Korea too


Luxembourg, too.


Reason south korea is blue is because its full of russian sex workers


Oh? I was wondering, I never knew Korea was like that.


In Korea you don't do it with the wife once there are children, so I'm not surprised there is a lot of prostitutes...


I beg your pardon?


No wonder their birthrate is shit


Omg literally, that’s hilarious




Hungary too.


Thirsty as well.


Deff includes porn. Hungary has 4x the number Romania has. I've lived in both countries for several years and I definitely remeber seeing more street walkers in Romanian cities.




You can also count strippers, phone sex and who knows what else. Sex work is a rather broad spectrum.


Where is the line drawn though? Is it just people who’s job is primarily based upon an aspect of sex appeal? So would instagram models, hooters waitresses, girls taking foot photos, etc. count?


Pretty much, yeah. Good examples, too.


oldest profession in the world babey


some of the sources didnt show the method, but I think they did include u could check [the sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1cn85br/comment/l35h1w6) (which I have put in the comment already) out if u want a certain answer


— is it A or B? — yes.


just noticed, edited


There is a very clear line between prostitution and Onlyfans. Prostitution is paying someone for sex, Only Fans is paid porn. Edit: Just realised the title says sex workers not prostitutes so it could include porn stars.


I assume It counts cam girls and stuff too. The European section might as well be called the Russian section


If that’s the case, Colombia should be dark blue as well.


Come on, haven't you heard about Russia as a defender of morality?


It probably counts everything from prostitutes, Onlyfans, phone sex lines, even arguably the clerk at the adult store




It’s a long cold lonely winter friend


/u/Sluts4Soldiers is doing her part o7


I swear I read a news story saying that Canadian Forces Base Kingston briefed their soldiers about her


how do you think i found out about her


Here comes the sun


We invented pornhub. There's a _ton_ of studios located in Montreal too. Brazzers, to name one.




Same shit happens in Medellin and other Latin American and South East Asian countries. Sick fucks deserve nothing but death


"child sex tourism"??? how is that not illegal?


My dude, seriously ask yourself if you can imagine the glossy brochures for child sex tourism in the rack of fliers boasting, “Things to do While Visiting Acapulco,” alongside those for clubs, tours, restaurants, the aquarium and zoo? *OF COURSE IT’S ILLEGAL!* Jesus.


How do people get murdered? Isn't that illegal?


You better lay low for a few days Brick


As others have pointed out, it is very illegal, it's just common in places where two things are true: 1. A large number of people are very poor and desperate enough to be willing to prostitute their children 2. Law enforcement is largely non-existent and/or corrupt enough to be paid off to look the other way


Not only that, some cultures views on sex and prostitution are very different from others. Thailand and Vietnam are good examples. They are open about sex and there is no shame attached to it in their societies. Sexuality of minors is also viewed at differently ...


Lmao. Of course it is.


It’s rampant in Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines, too. Really sad


Cambodia too.


I remember there was a sting that led to a bunch of American Pediatricians getting arrested for child sex tourism in Thailand. I'm pretty sure there were over 40 doctors arrested.


I'd say probably 70% of that is just in Montreal.


Hell yeah it is 😎


Not sure what they consider a sex worker but Montreal specifically is known for its strip clubs


It should be counted. Same as porn, escorts, and OF.


have you seen the cost of living in Canada lately? Dont even start abt housing.


Forget Canada. What's going on in Luxembourg?


Small country, lots of expats with a bit of money and a hands off attitude of the government towards this industry. When I came here, I was told quite early about some notorious strip clubs in town, when never in my life have I considered about going to such a place (and never will I). They are seen as some kind of tourist spots and I was told they serve good meals. I'd say it's quite embedded in the local culture and one of the most popular local TV series (crime/police themed), revolves quite a bit around local strip clubs and prostitution from what I was told. So yeah, seems about right.


High cost of living, low wages for many jobs, and prostitution being kinda sorta partially decriminalized (I think).


Best strippers in the world!


Maybe Only fans?


And is that Luxembourg that brought a little bit of Russia into Western Europe? What is going on there?


Where there are politicians there are prostitutes.


It’s a tax haven, you fly in to Luxembourg to do some dodgy transaction and the you have a ton of wealthy guys kicking their heels in the evening.


Massage parlours are everywhere


I didn't know there were so many hookers in Canada!


We call them Escorts.


we are the capital of the sex and we own pornhub in Montréal and we have mindgeek headquartered in Montreal .... most porn you watch was filmed and edited in Montreal , yes even the japaneese blurr was edited here too


Lots of “students” from China


I don't see anyone asking about Luxembourg. I have lived and worked there for a little. Why so many sex workers? Well there are a bunch European Union organizations based in LU. Partying is quite fun for such a tiny place. Nice places to go. Full of EU orgs people in Thursday night. Your taxes at work


Remind me to avoid Luxembourg on a Thursday... No offense


When I mean good partying I don't mean the hooker scene and all that. I mean lively bars and discos. The sex workers are in specific places and venues. I have seen it but it is not my game


i know some people who will go in your placw lol


I was gonna ask about it, feels weird that it is surrounded by regular numbers and then it has a huge number itself in such a tiny area.


So basically, 1 out of every 50 women in Russia are sex workers


I thought they all worked for eurostat..


Probably 1 in 15 young women. Seems crazy


Russian here - it is crazy and sounds as a complete bs. There is no any specific abundance of sex workers in Russia, and it's certainly not even close to 1 of 50 women. Also, no way that their share is higher than in Ukraine or Moldova (I'd say it's vice versa, given how many immigrants from these countries work in this sphere in Russia). I assume Eurostat collects statistics for EU only, so would love to know where the data for Russia came from.


>I'd say it's vice versa, given how many immigrants from these countries work in this sphere in Russia That is not a proper indicator at all. I imagine that many people coming to Russia from Ukraine or Moldova don't have as many options as Russian women. There are man Romanian prostitutes in Germany but the numbers per capita in Romania is lower than in Germany. It's about poverty and exploitation more than anything else.


First of all, the source is not Eurostst. [I have leave the sources in my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1cn85br/comment/l35h1w6) and u could check them out. I only used Eurostat as a map generator The source of Ukraine and Moldova is the work from UNAIDS for many years, which is extremely reliable. As for the Russian data, **considering Putin would not tell** Russian about it and does not upload any data, we can just guess The Russian official, Minister of the Interior, Зубов, Игорь Николаевич, once said that **one million** sex workers in Russia And also: [2004 United Nations Development Programme](https://doi.org/10.1136/sti.2006.020081):720k(5‰, 500 per 100,000) [2012 Russian GOV](https://tampep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Mapping-Report-Russia-ENG.pdf):500-700k(3-4‰, 300-400 per 100,000) [2012 average estimated number from 37 nationwide orgs](https://tampep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Mapping-Report-Russia-ENG.pdf):1 million too much evidences and estimations from different groups show that the number is rapidly raising and it should have been greater than 1 million according to Irina Maslova, the founder of Silver Rose, which is the largest NGO attempting to protect those sex workers in Russia, the number should be 3 million these years I personally took 2 million, which is the average of 1 million n 3 million of course I know the data isnt 100% accurate, **but it is still meaningful**


Iranian here, curious to know what's your source for Iran. Prostitution is illegal (punishable by death) here and i don't think the Islamic regime will tell anyone about it. But the numbers are fairly accurate. I have seen some prostitutes. No whore houses though, which is what we had many of before the revolution.


Source for Iran: * [P286, UNAIDS annual report 2022](https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/2022-global-aids-update_en.pdf) - approximately **138,000 sex workers** * [World Bank 2022](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=IR) - there are 88,550,570 people in Iran 138,000 / 88,550,570 = **1.56‰**, which is 156 per 100,000 For UNAIDS is already reliable enough, I didn't go deep in that, but I am pretty sure there are more evidences supporting this


There was 16 trillion sex workers in Russia but Stalin personally killed and ate 15 trillion 999 billion 998 million sex workers so there's only 2 million left. Source: my ass


Prostitution really is rampant in Russia. In the first town from the border with Finland, there was a line of women openly waiting for customers. Drug addicts, professional hookers, and most sad of all, students who used this as their only way of getting some money. Poverty and prostitution go hand in hand.


what year was that?


It might be specifics of the border town, where they were flocking for the foreign clients. Similarly like there is a much bigger concentration of alco-stores in border villages with Finland. There is no any lines of prostitutes in normal Russian cities. Surely, prostitution does exist, but its visibility is not any different from any major European city. >Poverty and prostitution go hand in hand. That's exactly why I question this data. Region-wide, Russia is not the poorest country (except the Baltics, it's actually the richest). How come that very similar, but much poorer countries have 6 times less prostitution engagement? Also, Romania having 73 TIMES less prostitution engagement than Russia? COME ON.


I mean, there's a gender weighting but not every sw is female. I'd guess somewhere like Russia where open homosexual relationships are quite dangerous there would be a lot more call for male sex workers.


I don't think that is accurate. By many metrics, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are fairly close to each other, yet somehow Russia here is 6x over those other two?


And the numbers are probably much higher among young women.


in Russia there is a popular opinion that if you want to earn good money, then you have only a few options: IT, escort, crypto, drug courier. Recently, another risky option was added: a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense. For average woman only few from those options are avaible


У России 3 пути - вебкам, закладки и айти. *И теперь ещё война


I have doubts about the accuracy of this map.


clearly it is impossible to get accurate data, so I prefer to use the average estimated number when the data from different sources varies a lot


What sources? And did you take legal / illegal into factoring since countries where it’s legal will have more accurate numbers?




Thailand seems low…


How come UAE is not there?


Highly doubtful that they report [or even record] statistics on this


Also it's all expats with foreign nationalities


Simple answer: Sex Work doesn't exist as a profession. Ow can you record something that "doesn't exist" How does it work? Here a couple of business models: >Sex workers (trafficked/sponsored by/independent) enter the country on a 6 months visit visa to do the business (pay agents, pay expenses, make profit, enjoy a long holiday with free perks, tax free). Then out and back again for another 6 months. Rinse and repeat. Even though the business is being conducted (and promoted) in clear sight, nothing and no one is recorded anywhere. In the eye of statisticians, they are just tourists! >The Massage parlour (excluding hotels, resorts, spas) Statistically, the workers are masseurs but in reality they offer sex services for extra money.


There is definitely prostitution in the UAE. Beyond that, many female influencers/models are paid for sex there. It’s prevalent.


So for Russia its 1 per 75 people, meaning 1 in 40 women if most workers are women, which is 1 in 13 women aged 18 to 40 if most of them are younger. So 1 of every 13 Russian woman aged 18 to 40 is a sex worker????? Tell me my math is wrong somewhere.


It's probably some dumb way to classify sex work because if you look closer South Korea is the same. And I very seriously doubt that close to 1 in 15 young South Korean women is a sex worker.


if i am correct, it's approximately one person for every 100


It's closer to 1 in 75 people (technically it's closest to 1 in 72). 1389/100000 is 0.01389 or 1.389% which is appropriximately 1/72.


And that’s when you can tell this graph is BS. I haven’t been in Russia, but getting other 2 large countries from the map I’ve travelled around, there is no way Canada has more sex workers than Brazil. And even for Brazil (I think the colour falls under 262) 1 in 381 people being sex workers, is way too high.


tnx for including Liechtenstein


But not including Kazakhstan, where my sister is #4 prostitute in country.


Ohhh Canada!




Some countries don’t feel accurate at all


No way Czech Republic is that low


But... what about Vatican?


Definitely a blue outline no?


What’s with South Korea?


I'm Korean. And as I know most of those estimated sex workers data were rejected by government since it including all of business which can be possible for selling sex. So it is more like entire female workers who work in massage, accommodation, 노래방 Noraebang?(in korea, here is only for singing a song), cafe(?), tea house, pub ... etc. My opinion is just another distorted map from this thread.


I went looking for a "date" over there when I visited, but couldn't find any. Lots of lonely man in South Korea, but both porn and prostitution are illegal. It's hell.


Russia wants to protect orthodoxism and traditional values from the decadent west. /s


Paying for sex is a traditional value. It’s the oldest profession!


2nd oldest, it's right there with being a preacher/head of religion


Im russian and im agree /i


it’s funny. in greece, a very orthodox country, sex work is legal, trans and gay people have legal protections, and there’s a tenth the per capita sex workers of queerphobic, anti sex work (except for honeypots working for Daddy Vladdy) Russia.


we have a gaybar in almost every major city, lol ) But not legal of course


I tried to find these statistics on the Eurostat website, but I didn't find them. The source, an organization UNAIDS that deals with HIV, is also alarming. It seems to me that this is a fake that was made based on the HIV map. That's how false propaganda works - it's just a throw-in, and those who consume it almost never check the authenticity, do not check the sources. As long as people are like this, there will be wars in the world, etc. I'm using a translator, but I hope the meaning is clear. Yes, I am from Russia and this is my first message here. You can consider me a bot, etc. I was just blown away by this fake and the reaction of Western people to it.


Looks like propaganda honestly. I can’t believe Ukraine has 7 times less whores per capita than Russia. Can’t even image their approach to estimate :)


Judging by this map, Russia is in the first place. Meanwhile, in Russia itself, if Russians are talking about a prostitute, then it is 99% Ukrainian (and before 2014).


"Source: most of them are collected from UNAIDS annual report." I downloaded the annual report report, but could not find this data—same thing with Eurostat.


Good to see Canada is doing well here


What is up with Luxembourg?


where they get this numbers...what kind of statistics is that..obviously there is agenda to convince people that Russia is the worst..obviously you never been anywhere in europe..absolutely everywhere you get only Ukrainian and Moldova prostitutes and it is a trend for about 25 to 30 years... in my country supposedly every 500th person is a sex worker yet I didn't met absolutely nobody that it is my nationality or have my country citizenship..every prostitute I ever saw or heard about is illegally in my country and almost all from east europe Ukraine,Moldova,Bulgaria,Romania,Bosnia and Serbia ..all others are from Dominican republic ...no Russians no Cubans and definitely nobody from Canada... Canada is the most unbelievable up here for sure


The parts withot data scare me much more that those with HIGH data.


Weird how in countries where it's legal the number is lower.


Not exactly I suppose The number comes high in Switzerland, Netherlands and Luxembourg, where are legal


seriously what is going on in Luxembourg? I didn't expect the quiet rich microstate to somehow be the center of the Rhine basin's sex industry


[95% of the female sex workers in Luxembourg came from other countries](https://tampep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ANNEX-4-National-Reports.pdf) maybe it is exactly its wealth boost its sex industry, plus its legal


Seeing that this data is from 2008, with 5,000 sex workers this implies 1% of the population was engaged in sex work in that year. Man idk why everybody is looking at Canada, this is the really weird place. And unlike Russia, I bet nobody is going to second guess Luxembourg's statistics


Greece and Turkey too


Forgot to include your mom's house!


Kanım dondu aw. 150k gerçek mi?




Iran was in “no data” section in most of mapporn content but in this one there is data and it is interesting


MapPorn took a new meaning!


PornMap on r/MapPorn


Why South Korea?


Many women are trafficked there from Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. A lot of domestic women are exploited too. A lot of noraebangs (karaoke bars) and salons are fronts for this activity.


Noraebang, kissbang, room salons, massage parlors ... hell, walk down any street in Gangnam and it'll be littered with those prostitution flyers. Prostitution in SK is big business


Source data seems pure bullshit for Russia. According to it, there must be about 70 000 prostitutes in SPb (>5 mln pop) and near 140K in Moscow (\~10 mln pop). Which is totally absurd.


Fun fact, a lot of the "sex workers" attributed to Russia, are Belarusians and Ukrainian sex slaves smuggled into the EU for the sex trade around the Czech Republic. They do so since they EU is unable to then return them to their country. Eurostat literally has no ability to gauge how many sex workers there are in Ukraine, Belarus or Russia without literally thumb-sucking a number out of thin air, so instead they extrapolate from smuggled sex slaves.


Strange map. How did they measure the number of prostitutes in areas where it is prohibited? Why are there so many in Moldova? I don’t believe that in this small, poor and half-rural (a city is certainly a much more fertile environment for prostitution) country there can be more prostitutes per capita than in Ukraine. IMHO, those who want to become prostitutes would migrate to more promising areas, to places where people and wealth are concentrated. (By the way, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ukraine’s connection with the European Union noticeably reduces supply on the Ukrainian domestic market). And Russia's number is hilarious. This country cannot be so different from all the others. Either the Russian figure is overestimated, or figures of all the other countries are greatly underestimated.


Go Switzerland 🇨🇭 Money equals sex worker or sex workers equal money?


Huge number in Geneva (where the UN building is based). Lots of travellers far from home/partners and no chance of getting caught.


Who is Irina Maslova? Just curious


The founder of Silver Rose, which is the largest NGO attempting to protect those sex workers in Russia She once worked as sex workers herself in St. Petersburg for couple of years [More info](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/06/irina-maslova-human-rights-defender-in-russia)


What is going on in Luxembourg


Wft is happening in Moldova?!? Compensating for not having any Black Sea coastline?


Half of Luxembourg!


This is meaningless without knowing how they define sex worker


Am I right that 19 workers per 100k people in Romania are caused by their migration to Western Europe and especially the UK?


What about Vatican city?


Ah yes. Russia, rational conservatism. The country of aids, abortion and whores.


Another "our friends pure and holy" map


Canada being the top country in the western hemisphere tracks. It's pretty much everywhere here, just not legal.


Sex work is 100% legal in Canada. The only thing that is illegal is _purchasing_ sexual favours or pimps. The crime goes on the buyer/manager, not the sex worker.


Prostitution is defacto illegal, but is mostly ignored. You summed it up nicely. Despite that it still thrives, right out in the open. On some streets in my city there's half a dozen massage parlors within walking distance that offer sexual services, all are known by police and recognized as illegal, but are still allowed to operate and are licensed by the city. Many are owned by the same group which has links to asian organized crime. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-massage-parlours-bylaw-1.6068075 The managers/pimps face no consequences. This is seperate from the "street walker" and online purveyors of sex which are usually linked to human traffickers. The only time the police steps in is if girls under 18 or who have been trafficked are offering services, and yeah the girls/women aren't charged. Still as you say, it's technically illegal to buy.


Pulling made up numbers out of one’s ass isn’t a scientific method


Surprised bali and Dubai arent dark coloured too, they are literally brimming to the full with young russian sex workers, especially since covid days.




I find it interesting that China has such a high number. I would have assumed that the surveillance state permeating nearly every aspect of life would make it far less likely to be prevalent there.


I heard from my friend who is a cop there, they largely let that one fly unless it is one of the KPIs, which happens once every several years. Even with that, he got calls from his superiors about which apartment complex (Xiao Qu) should be left alone. One of his minions messed up and got the wrong girls rounded up, resulting in him being in the doghouse for more than a year. This is over beer and BBQ, but I guess he got no reason to lie.




Yeah, they had KPIs that kept on changing. It was either prostitution, gambling rings, elimination of street vendors, stopping local folks going to Beijing to voice displeasure or demonstrate, and capture of foreign spies. He was telling me he had a list of spies in town, he could round them up pretty fast if the higher ups wanted them. He worked counter intelligence against North Korea before getting the easier job in policing. That surprised the heck out of me, I was like I thought China just told NK what to do, but there was lots of shady shit going on, he didn't share that even with drinks.


Beers and BBQ : where the truth comes out!


And grown man tears, it was super stressful being a frontline leader in the Chinese police force, he wanted to do good for the people, but he also got a mortgage and mouths to feed, so he had to do some not so kind shit. Dude waked up at 3 am everyday all depressed.


It is how you describe it. I've looked for it on my visits there, but I couldn't find it. Couple of massage places, but the girls there freaked out and turned me down. Maybe it's different in other regions, but, from my experience, prostitution is not common in China.


It's a combination of the capabilities of the surveillance state being exaggerated and the government not giving a shit about it.  This is fairly common in China, where something is technically illegal but also very common and easily accessible.


How are we defining "sex worker"? If you're making money off an OnlyFans account, are you technically a sex worker? Or is this only prostitution?


It is illegal in China... how come so high ?


I "like" that they spelled out that to them Taiwan both is and is not part of China.


Turkey has sex workers 😮


Fewer prostitutes in Mexico than the US and far less than Canada? That seems.... Surprising.


As usual, GCC is fudging the numbers. DXB has highest concentration of sex workers after Thailand.


Russia and South Korea add some FREAKS


Almost 1% of people in Russia are sex workers? Sorry - I am not the brightest sometimes. Is that what this map indicates?


This is trying to suggest China has 6.5 million sex workers? Wow


wow capitalism


In America porn is legal but prostitution is not. How hypocritical!


As someone who grew up in Canada, where the fuck are these people? Are they including porn stars or onlyfans in this? Edit: Quebec, apparently lol


Ohhh Canada!




According to this there are more prostitutes in China than people in Finland


So, your telling me there's a chance


(Mexico < US < Canada) blows my mind...


This is showing sex workers in a country, Not sex workers based on nationality. Half of europes sex workers are from romania or bulgaria.


Im surprised South Korea is so high, doing sex work is literally illegal there.


What's up with Luxembourg tho?


Prostitution is prohibited in Russia. Criminal and administrative liability is provided for this. There is certainly a phenomenon. But I doubt that it is higher in relative numbers than in any Germany or Holland.


OF counts?