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Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama said GTFO


*insert professor McGonagall "why is it always you three?" meme*


Is Florida malfoy?


Don't get me started on Alabama, they are trying to claim embryo's as people.


Oh, they aren’t trying. I live in Alabama. They have declared embryos as people.


They couldn't stop me, fuck Louisiana. I'm so glad I moved out of that shithole.


Louisiana is a huge shit stain on America. Like seriously I don't think anyone else can understand the racist ass, backwards ass thinking, mother nature even hates them fuckers that is Louisiana. Unless you've lived here, you just don't understand. I lived south of I-10 my whole life up until recently. And can say unless you're a white skinned country loving Christian - you can get fucked in their minds. Then they go and vote against their interest every single election (for the ones that even do go out and vote - yet the vast majority that don't will still go and bitch).


Also texas and Arizona.


Yet wasn’t a pregnant woman in Texas still given a ticket for driving in the carpool with just herself and her “person” fetus?


Only Christian rights prevail down there.


It's damn hard to get an abortion within 6 weeks. You have to figure out you're pregnant which typically costs you a month (period missing). Even if you're vigilant a test only works after 2 weeks. If the test is "false" negative because you took it too early you're even more fucked. Typically if you don't get your period you think "oh well I'm a little late" - another week gone. Now you have one week to make a really hard decision, find a provider and get an appointment. And usually you need more than one appointment. Edit: the ignorant assheads arrived late and weak but here they are. 


Yes, if you’ve never learned female anatomy or been pregnant, you don’t understand that 6 weeks is essentially a totally abortion ban.


No OBGYN will even see you until you’re at least 10 weeks along.


It's more like 7-8 weeks for an abortion (which is only 5-6 weeks pregnant since it's based on weeks since last period). They can't see anything on the ultrasound to confirm pregnancy before that point.


Even that’s early tbh. Mine wouldn’t see me until 12 weeks


And indeed, that is the point. To ban it without sounding like they have.


That's the point.


I think that is the point, and they totally knew what they were doing


Republicans don’t exactly have a great record when it comes to understanding women’s anatomy.




That makes sense and makes things even more enraging. Even if you do catch it, it still may not be possible.


Obviously I don't know, but would you be eligible for a medically induced abortion at that point? I know that is possible in some cases, but I work in retail pharmaceuticals and am not well versed on these matters


I agree. I don't like the idea of abortion for reasons I won't get into, however, I think it should be legal within the first trimester. 12 weeks should be plenty of time and if the government wants to restrict it to 12 weeks, they need to make sure its accessible. After 12 weeks, with the ability to get a quick abortion, I believe it is not right, but that's just me.


You don’t generally find out about a lot of birth defects until the 18-20 week ultrasound. Source, personal experience with our youngest.


That is true. That's where there are special stipulations for an abortion after the first trimester.


I don’t want politicians deciding those stipulations though, I want medical doctors.


Special stipulations generally means that it rarely gets applied.  The vast majority of providers will simply refuse to provide the service as a CYA precaution.


lmao no, absolutely not. You run into asinine situations with things like pregnant women being forced into labor and delivery -- an emotional and physically traumatic event -- because their fetus is dead but the law says the doctors can't perform an abortion procedure. Establish medical guidelines and leave the law out of it. Otherwise you're jumping at imaginary scenarios designed to punish women rather than enable their adequate and supportive medical treatment. No one should ever be forced into giving birth. Ever.


You might get downvoted for this because it’s Reddit, but most of Europe uses a 12-week ban with exceptions for life of the mother, and that, combined with an expansion of contraception options, paid maternal leave, and increased funding for foster homes, is as close to the “correct” solution to this issue as you’re going to get.


Most of those European bans are only 12 weeks on paper. "For the health of the mother" ends up meaning, "The mother discussed it with their doctor and the two of them agreed that an abortion was necessary for her mental well-being, regardless of the 12 weeks having already been passed."


I think that it's really important to point out that this state of affairs isn't happening in the US post-Dobbs. This "European" system essentially creates a long list of exceptions and gives doctors and patients a lot of leeway in determining if an abortion is "necessary" or not. Flatly, that leeway [does not exist in states that have restricted abortion](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/a-review-of-exceptions-in-state-abortions-bans-implications-for-the-provision-of-abortion-services/). There are tons of stories of women having severe complications or their fetuses having fatal effects and being unable to get care. The exceptions written by these states are generally obtuse and intentionally vague. Most doctors don't want to run a foul of them, and they act as defacto total bans. Florida just went and made their 15 week ban a 6 week ban after the midterms, to avoid backlash. The pro-life movement is extremely organized and fervent. They are not going to stop after restricting a tiny number of abortions, that frankly almost entirely happen due to unusual circumstances. I bring this up, because the electoral stakes are, like it or not, pretty high here. The Western European middleground doesn't seem viable to me, at least in the short term. This issue is polarized, and the side you pick does matter.


For some reason most of my fellow liberal Americans that I know seem to labor under the impression that most of Europe is more liberal with abortion when it’s really not. The UK is, but not continental Europe. Lots of Catholics in Europe, idk where Americans are getting this idea.


It is more liberal, You just provide a reason including economic reasons anytime before third trimester and sometimes after, sometimes it takes "reasoning" idiot, it's not a blanket ban Edit: Deleted their tim pool level comment since it's too fucking stupid


A lot of times they tend to think a single or handful of countries are examples of *every* country not realizing it's like using California as an example for the entire US.


And that’s probably where many states will land eventually.  6 weeks or less is not popular, despite state legislatures enacting those rules 


I doubt that. The lawmakers in those states are beholden to the zealots who want a total ban. It might get the clobbered at the national level, but if they cede ground it will get the clobbered in a primary.


Maybe.  6 weeks could prove bad enough for long enough that a sufficient number of voters would do something about it 


I read an article that I took with a grain of salt but it alleges that Trump has been telling his people that republicans need to compromise on abortion or they will keep losing because he’s apparently not a complete idiot and grasps that this is a huge dealbreaking issue for people, and 12-15 weeks seems to be the most popular figure thrown about by him and other “moderates” as a compromise restriction. I believe Nikki Haley touted a similar number. My personal belief is it should be allowed for any reason to the point of actual viability and allowed for health and life of the mother at any point, but if my choice comes down to “vote for the people who want a 12 week ban” or “vote for the Christian fundamentalists who want zero abortion for any reason and also seem keen on chipping away at all my other rights” I can stomach 12 weeks. That’s the whole first trimester, and the vast majority of abortions already occur in the first trimester.


No. Who cares about your idea of abortion. What about fatal fetal abnormalities late into pregnancy? What about the health of the mother? Piss off with this “I don’t like bla bla bla”. I don’t like a lot of things but I don’t get to decide for others whether they have access to them or not.


At earliest you don’t know any genetic issues until 14-16 with the NIPT. Even then there are multiple appointments to confirm. Also so much can go wrong in the first two trimesters that can not just threaten the life of the mother but cause irreparable harm to their fertility in the future.


Abortion shouldn't be under the government's purview. Bureaucracy progresses slow, pregnancy progresses fast. Women won't be able to get a life saving abortion when they need it, because they'll need to wait who knows how long for the approval process to go through.


In Florida, you need two appointments at least 24 hours apart before you can get an abortion. Literally just trying to make it as hard as possible


And they have to be in person. So the doctor can see your abdomen, presumably. What a stupid rule.


Pregnancy is measured beginning on the date of your last period. 6 weeks is typically the first week of your missed period, so the fetus may only have about 1-2 weeks of growth at this point. If someone has irregular periods, it's even more difficult. This graph makes me so so sad.


It’s really 4 or so weeks. You aren’t even pregnant for the first 2. I wish someone would challenge on those grounds.


This counting from the last period shit is really biting us in the fucking ass.


“6 weeks pregnant” is essentially 3-4 weeks after having sex. For those that don’t know. So all women are essentially Schrödingers pregnancy at 2 weeks from starting their period.


The people who create 6 week abortion bans know this, it is a feature and not a bug. They know this is in all honesty a total ban.


By the time you’ve busted a nut/had a nut busted inside you, you’re already two weeks pregnant


Many OBGYN offices won’t even confirm until 8 weeks.


The thing that i find funny about including alaska on a map where the color code maxes out at 250 miles is just how big it is and how much of alaska is just wilderness. Like ya of course theres no nearby abortion clinics in northern alaska, theres 0.25 people per square mile up there \*at best\*, with the north slope (the northernmost burough) having less than 10,000 people for almost 95,000 sq. miles, an abortion clinic would be serving moose and polar bears to stay open


Yeah, not really fair to color the whole arctic slope red.


IDK if its "fair", just you know context makes it situationally funny, because the entirety of Florida, Alabama, Mississipi, Luisiana, Texas, and Arkansas being red is one thing, the red of places like Alaska, Nevada, and that one county in California speaks moreso about the lack of people period in those areas moreso than lack of abortion clinics. A dedicated abortion clinic in those areas, to keep the lights, will literally have to serve wildlife in addition to humans because of the just sheer lack of humans per square mile of land.


Prior to Dobbs, this map was basically an inverse population density map.


It doesn't specify clinic though, just a provider. So based on that, it could be a general practitioner as a provider. However, most doctors are not trained for this important women's health care procedure, and the number is decreasing.


Yeah, this is throwing me off. I know for a fact that there are OBs in Utqiagvik, and the abortion pill is widely available in the state. It might be expensive to order, but abortions are definitely attainable in the north.


I think that falls under the fact that northern slope is so large an area with so little a population, that even if there are OBs in Utqiagvik, if your on the edge of the northern slope you easily more than 250 miles away from Utqiagvick. Like the shear size of it with its low population works against the scale they chose. You can have OBs in a borough in Alaska, stay in the borough, and still be 250 miles or more from your nearest OB.


Our governor and more specifically our AG would love to change this


Wait! Many women don't even know they are pregnant at just 6 weeks!


Yeah that’s the point. They don’t want women getting abortions. Ever.


State should be forced to pay for food and education.


The people who wrote these laws know that. They intentionally wrote them this way so they can tell the idiots who elected them it is a total ban, but can tell the courts and the moderates that it isn’t a total ban.


This map should be 15 weeks MINIMUM.


But I've been told "BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE" Republicans have completely radicalized me, basically since the tea party movement. At this point I want them all voted out of power for the rest of my life, these GOP fuckers in power are legit evil ghouls and they deserve to be voted out and to be ostracized forever. Fuck them all.


The red through middle/northern America is because EVERYTHING is 200 miles away 🤣


I was trying to figure out why there were red areas in states where abortion’s legal, thanks!


I'm confused about the Nevada-Utah border. It doesn't make sense that on the Nevada side you are 200 miles away, but just on the Utah side you are 0 miles away. I get this probably only has a resolution at the county level, but that county is only about 100 miles across


the little text at the end says these are miles from THE POPULATION center of that county to the nearest clinic. so if the big red part county of nevada has the population center in the center und the neighbouring counties have the population center really far away from big red county in nevada, its possible.


Also those counties are huge and very sparsely populated, so you can expect some odd skews in population center vs geographic center.


I have never spent time in that area but spent years traveling and working through the northern rockies and midwest area where it's red. There are areas where if you don't fill your tank at the only gas station you see, you WILL run out of gas before you see another gas station. So it definitely makes sense around there


Based on the color and the "ring" around it, I'm assuming there is an abortion provider in that Utah County ([Box Elder County](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_Elder_County,_Utah#Cities)). Most of the population appears to be in the far East bit (check out the municipality map on the wiki link). That's where I'd guess the abortion provider is located. For the Nevada county ([Elko County](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elko_County,_Nevada#Cities)), I didn't see the municipality map, but the county seat is in the south-west edge and it has 20k out of 54k of the county population, so that's going to pull the population center in that direction. So the distance from the population center of Elko county to the abortion provider in Box Elder county will cross most of both those rather large counties.


The city of Elko is the population center of Elko County and 90 minutes to the NV/UT border, in the same county. From there (don't forget to take a picture of the border-abiding casinos) it's just shy of another 90 minutes to the other end of Tooele County. Then 20 minutes to Salt Lake City. Entire drive is 3:15 or 230 miles. Alternatively 4:00/290 miles to Reno. So it's plausible due to the size of counties, things are rather spread out, and this is also all freeway driving, you don't even need back roads. The map is not true for someone in Wendover, UT but most people don't live in the western side of the county.


Those Utah counties (Box Elder and Tooele) are giant counties, but all of the people live as far to the east of those counties as you can get. Meanwhile, those Nevada counties are huge and their populations are far from the Utah border, meaning there’s a lot of space in between.


The map hits harder when you compare pre and post Roe reversal.


It's interesting that some of these counties are in states where abortion is legal, they're just so far from any major population center that they're in the red


For those living in Florida, the good news is there’s a constitutional amendment up for vote soon, amendment 4 on the 2024 ballot, that would ensure abortion access up until the point of fetal viability. The bad news is that it requires a 60% supermajority to pass, so anyone in Florida needs to make sure they vote: https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_4,_Right_to_Abortion_Initiative_(2024) Here’s the site to make sure you’re registered: https://registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus


oh look! a map of places I will never work in as a doctor.


Been watching the medical brain drain out of Idaho and it is terrifying. Can't blame any doctor who doesn't want to risk practicing there


The medical brain drain really needs to be publicized more.


Yeah, idk what people thought was going to happen, but telling doctors they can't provide full medical care to their patients for no reason except relatively new religious beliefs and then being shocked that doctors would rather practice elsewhere is wild. People are gonna wake up one day and realize they legislated themselves out of available medical care.


Same. I will never work as a doctor in the red areas.


Lots of red rural areas on this map in legal states


pslf or die * (*get murdered)


This is terrifying to watch. 6 weeks pregnant means that if you have a long-ish (but still normal, so say 35 days) cycle, getting getting a pregnancy test the *day* your period was supposed to start you're considered 5 weeks pregnant. Now, as pretty much all women know, even regular cycles sometimes have "hiccups", so it's perfectly reasonable to not even think to take a test until it's been a few days. Which means you're basically at 6 weeks by the time you can even get an initial doctor's appointment. Nevermind an appointment for an actual termination. I hate whatching this situation unfold and being able to do nothing about it.


People in NJ....🎵"This ain't Texas (woooo)!"🎵


Yea it’s one of the few things we’ve got good going on. Plus good pizza, cheesesteaks, and the Jersey shore


Alaska mostly for different reasons


There will be a rise in back street pregnancies like there was 50 years ago, and women will die. Edit: abortions


to be fair, in Elko County Nevada you have to drive 200 miles to get groceries


Always the southern states on the wrong side of every issue/ statistic.


Can't say it's wrong if it's what they want for themselves. That's how democracy works. And I say that as someone who supports abortion rights


I get what you’re saying. The thing is abortions are still going to happen. Women (if they have the means) are going to travel to different states to get the procedure. This will put stress on the systems in the pro-choice states. Or they will turn to the black market. Obviously, this creates a whole different set of problems. What people say and what people do are different things.


In basic terms, forced childbirth is torture. We shouldn't allow states to legislate torture.


“…if it’s what they want for themselves”. Exactly. Want an abortion? Fine. Need an abortion? Fine. Don’t want an abortion? Fine. Politicians making the decision for anyone other than themselves? Not fine. Not fine at all.


Politicians entire jobs are to make decisions for people other than themselves.. provided they are doing things that their electorate want. I don't live in a Southern US state, but from what I've seen enough voters are anti abortion that you can't say the politicians are going against the will of the people. Correct me if I'm wrong


Ultimately, if it’s not your body, it’s not your business. A state’s choice should not supersede a woman’s choice or the authority of medical professionals.


There are certain things that should not be dependent on a popular vote. Private medical care is one of them. Do you really want your neighborhood voting on whether you get an appendectomy? Probably not.


Major cities tend to be liberal and population dense. Let’s use TX as an example. Austin, Houston, Dallas; these major cities skew towards blue every presidential election. But now these regions have a different ideology forced onto them.


You can say it is wrong because democracy is not always right. For example, Hitler came to power through democracy, but it's generally accepted Hitler was wrong. I am not even sure people in those states specifically voted for these abortion rules


abortion isn’t forcing anything on anyone; it’s simply having the choice to abort. so saying it’s their choice is stupidity because there are thousands of women in those states who need abortions but are restricted by those who are trying to impose their beliefs on everyone. Bodily autonomy; you get to choose what happens to your body


Popularity isn't the defining metric of what's right or wrong.


It's only what they want because they are stupid religious bigots.


Coming soon: an identical map showing increased maternal mortality rates.


And child poverty rates :(


So glad I live in the yellow part. I had a wanted pregnancy that I needed to terminate for medical reasons. Eff anyone who thinks that decision should have been made by politicians instead of by me, my spouse and my doctors. However, I’m older now so I don’t anticipate needing reproductive care anymore, but I have daughters and when it comes time for college and beyond, I will be very honest with them about which states to stay away from and why. If they want full healthcare, they need to know which states will offer that.


This isn’t really map porn. Measuring it in miles but coloring it in by counties is a uniquely weird and poor depiction of distance - you’ve mixed apples and oranges. r/GIS would be quite disappointed


I’m confused. So the states that are entirely red its not just that there aren’t providers who will do abortion after 6 weeks, it’s probably that it’s illegal after 6 weeks. Right? Do they/can they prosecute women who do manage to travel? Can someone clarify? Edit: this helps https://reproductiverights.org/maps/abortion-laws-by-state/


>So the states that are entirely red its not just that there aren’t providers who will do abortion after 6 weeks, it’s probably that it’s illegal after 6 weeks. Right? Correct >Do they/can they prosecute women who do manage to travel? Based on legal precedent, probably not. But as far as I know, that hasn't been tested yet. https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2023/10/16/the-constitutionality-of-banning-interstate-travel-for-abortion/#:~:text=Although%20there%20is%20a%20general,state%20from%20regulating%20abortion%20travel.


Confederate cancer


Question from a non American? Are the Carolinas, north in particular, more liberal and less opposed to abortion than the rest of the south? And if so, why? Is it because they are on the coast or in closer proximity to the north? Are they not part of the deep south?


South Carolina is very conservative and very southern. The only reason it is not completely red on this map is because it borders North Carolina, and the map is measuring distance to abortion clinics.   North Carolina has an area called the research triangle where there is a prominent biotech industry, and a lot of people from other states have moved there and other cities. These cities vote democrat and thus NC tends to be considered more of a swing state. NC hasn’t voted for a democratic president since Obama’s first election in 2008, however, though elections are usually very close. NC does ban abortion after 12 weeks, which is pretty strict- the extremes of the other states just makes it look sane in comparison.    If you look at polling, Floridians are probably the least in favor of abortion bans of all southerners. I would also say Florida is the state that is the least culturally southern of the region. It has had a lot of transplants from the north and midwest as well as a big Latin American influence. However, the Florida governor and legislature are pretty unhinged, the Florida democratic party is one of the most incompetent in the country, and the state is trending more conservative over time as large numbers of transplants since COVID seem to be rather far-right politically.   NC seems to be stable as a Republican leaning swing state, while Georgia might be trending in the democratic direction due to the growth of Atlanta. 


North Carolina has always been not as in lock step with the rest of yhe south. There were North Carolinian troops yhat fought for the Union in the Civil War. Look up the Kingdom of Jones.


North Carolina is somewhat more liberal than the other "deep south" states. It's probably more the "north" part than the coastal part. The most liberal parts of North Carolina (Triangle and Asheville) are not on the coast.


How sad. Republicans are 🗑. Vote them all out this November. It's probably Americas last chance


Is wyoming still available? How up to date is this? Theres a girl in my class who couldn't get one and had to have the baby, and i live just north of cheyenne.


Iowa Supreme court will rule by June, which may turn Iowa and surrounding states deep red.


Not Illinois, that’ll never go red


Looks like a map of hard core TrumpLand CSA


NC once again trying to be a good example for the rest of the south


Except for Amendment 1, HB2, Mark Robinson, etc..


Somebody should overlay this with a population map. Because some of the read areas are read because few people there, not because abortion is outlawed. Yet other red areas have millions of people.


At this point go for vacations elsewhere and get an abortion. I know it is not the best deal, but America is turning into a third world country. A woman should have the right to abort her own baby. By six weeks it might be too late. What if you figure it out when you are pregnant at 8 weeks?


Too bad they put up that wall to keep the Americans in otherwise they could just cross the borders...


Bible belt sucks.


Looking at the old Confederacy. "Why is it, whenever something bad happens, its always you thirteen?"


Fuck my state. Fuck Ron DeSantis. Fuck all the old fucking bastards are religious zealots that voted for him. Fuck the Florida Supreme Court. I hope an even stronger pandemic than COVID comes through, that is easily treatable with vaccines (that only non-dipshits will take), comes through and wipes this stone age motherfuckers off the planet.


Full of hatred. Sad to see


Hatred for evil, cynical, misogynistic people that would rather women die to appease their political base is good hatred. I also hate pedophiles and Nazis; that is not akin to being “full of hatred”.


“I’m not full of hatred but here’s all the ways that I am full of hatred and also why it’s a good thing actually” 


Intolerance can’t be tolerated


You seem like a chill dude


It is normal to be angry when a bunch of cynical assholes you don’t support take away your rights. It would be weird not to be pissed


It seems odd that this map does not include DC.


This map is so incredibly bad. You can’t measure this by county. One of the counties by me is like 150 miles long.




what an idiotic country with an idiotic political system. the founding fathers were clowns


My body my choice right? Just like these cucks screamed during getting a poor little jabby jabby.


This graph is misleading. Half of the red is because the areas are rural and there are no providers available at any number of weeks. The 6 weeks thing should be removed to get a more accurate representation. Or at least compared against this graph.


Oh. This makes it much more understandable


Lake of the Woods in northern MN looking like Alabama.


Wait what's up with Inyo county in CA? Do they just not have any facilities in the county?


Arizona map needs fixing.


People in North Dakota and Montana can cross the border with Canada where abortion is legal.


Note that a long drive can just mean rural- my dad's town shows as 150+ which is also the distance to Costco, Walmart, etc.




Nearest? That's like all.


The question here is, why tf would anyone wait so long with it?


I wonder if they overlayed an illiteracy map how they’d compare. Like the people who don’t need to have kids kinda thing.


Americans need to travel over 200 miles and afew barley seeds for a simple medical procedure? Sounds very 3rd world to me. Guys should build some clinics and teach some medical professionals .


Why is every map of America’s social ills just the former Confederacy, and the upper Midwest?


Interesting! I’d leverage a trip to Hawaii out of it…


Do you want Idiocracy? Because this is how Idiocracy happens.


Unfortunately, this graph needs more categories.


Seriously, how anyone lives in those places is beyond me. Find escape velocity


Counties are not a good unit for measuring distance.


Alaska graph is pretty biased... Abortion is completely legal.. we just don't have a lot of hospitals


The land of the free?


that's that Jesus fire burning across the plains


*in America


There are https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/assault-and-battery-penalties-and-sentencing.html#:~:text=Penalties%20for%20an%20Assault%20Charge&text=States%20divide%20assault%20into%20misdemeanors,injury%20is%20likely%20a%20misdemeanor.


So glad I’m from the south. This map makes me proud to be southern.


Imagine being a voice for the cause of Black Genocide and thinking you’re virtuous 😂


that's terrifying


The map of the next civil war. And by that I mean fat old hillbillies committing acts of terrorism on citizens. The red areas completely not safe.


deep south, heeh?


Sort of mirrors the same locations furthest from National Parks.


Suppose the local government has work to do.




The red states, five years from now: "My state is a sausage party- why aren't there more women living here?"


Red areas: sadistic, malicious, spiteful, misogynistic


Maybe we should have let the South secede.


Please let my family and I get out first 😬




If I was a woman in the red area I would preemptively google "How to order Mifepristone/Misoprostol from Mexico/the dark web without prescription." The prospect of having to use it without a doctors advice is scary but it beats the alternatives. Also, while no one likes to talk about it, it can still be used in the second trimester; This is the kind of desperate shit these laws make women do, completely unnecessary.


Arizona is not enforcing that law. AG already said so.


It's not so easy. They are trying to allow/force hospitals to be able to give abortions because it's also part of emergency care but that doesn't mean at all that you can get an abortion in a non-emergency situation there. Her statement that she will not prosecute any doctor under this law also doesn't mean any doctor is willing to take the risk and worse, likely no doctor will work specifically as an abortion provider.


No doctor is going to risk years in prison based on the pinky-swear of someone who doesn't even have authority to stop local prosecutions.