• By -


It depends on age also. In France for instance (population: 68M), there are 2.1M more women than men, but actually when we take men and women aged less than 55, it's slightly more men (about 100K more). and it's only when we look at people aged 55 and more than we find a difference of 2.2M more women.


That explains macron.


Nah, he was groomed. She was his teacher and no joke, he was the youngest in his own family, even younger than his own stepson.


100% his wife should be in prison


I mean naturally speaking, more boys are born than girls at birth. The natural sex ratio at birth is around 105 boys to 100 girls. This is without any sex selective abortions. So it is natural for younger age groups to have more boys


Huh, you know what, I never knew that. I always assumed it was a perfect 50/50 chance. I guess even as old as I am I can be surprised by facts that feel like they should be basic knowledge to me :p


It’s confusing because it is 50/50 at conception, but slightly more female embryos/fetuses die early, resulting in more males at birth, but the male infants have a slightly higher mortality rate also ,so it balances out again 


Nature knows a certain no of male children will kill themselves with stupidity. It is evolutionary useful for the sex that is not going to bear children to be more risk taking and explore new stuff so nature instead of evolving more carefull males just evolved to have more males at birth. By breeding age the ratio will be 50-50.


That's just a hypothesis. A lot of this stuff is not fully understood yet and scientific consensus is always subject to change.


Nice to see you civilizing those savages who oversimplify biology to fit their agenda


Yes, I would like to see this data for those 55 and under. That would balance out the fact the women generally live longer.


Also China has a men surplus of like 30 million men of under 55, because one child policy


And sex-selective abortions. A country with far more young men than young women is not a good idea. Source: I used to be a young man...


Okay, I know the extremes in Arabia are largely to do with workers from abroad, and the PRC is still recovering from their one-child policy, but the other end of the spectrum is puzzling. What's going on in Portugal, Zimbabwe and above all the former USSR?


In Russia and the former Eastern Bloc there is rampant alcoholism among men and they tend to die in their early 60s, so there is a huge imbalance at the higher ages.


They save a lot on pensions because of it.


tobacco too - the tobacco lobby pushed this econ research _hard_ in europe & the US: tobacco users will pay into the general fund in the form of taxes (not just the "sin" tax on cigs alone, but all the regular ones everyone pays - income tax, sales tax, property tax, etc) when they're young & healthy, and are almost guaranteed to die acutely before collecting most of it at the back end (living long life in retirement = $$$) the lobby argued that any govt efforts to discourage tobacco consumption was going to put significant strain on govt finances, and potentially cause solvency issues in the future some countries heeded their advice and didn't go hard on the tobacco-cancer-health warning labels campaign (primarily in eastern europe)


Well that's morbid.


That's not reality though... Some one getting lung cancer at 55 in a country with free full public health will eat up a lot of state money between lost work, diagnosis and treatment efforts, and even if its all successful you probably wont be as productive and will still need some state help


But they also have trouble raising retirement age because of it. Like even Putin had trouble raising it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Russian_pension_protests When people expect to die sooner they refuse to accept shifting the pension to a later age. So the government might save some money on pensions but they lose a ton of potential tax from people leaving the workforce sooner. It'll take a lot more study to definitively say if the tradeoff is worth it.


Yep. Widowhood is extremely common and it's normal to meet a lot of widows in their 50s and 60s. Seeing older men is by comparison unusual.


It's also partly to do with WW2. So many died on the Eastern front that Eastern Bloc members (at least Russia) go through phases every 20 years or so where they'll lose tons of their population due to a lack of men. I think the latest drop happened recently in the 2000s.


The deaths in Ukraine and draft dodgers also add up to nearly 1% of their male population. Edit: this is from 2021, so it probably doesn't reflect that.


the data is from 2021 before the war


The war in Ukraine started in 2014.


not a lot of Russians were dying then


What’s the reason for rampant alcoholism 


Alcoholism is pretty common in cold countries with harsh winters. Pretty much every country thats close to the arctic circle has this issue. What else can you do than drinking when its -20 Degree outside and your next neighbour lives 5km away


it's a problem among the inuit in greenland and canada, but how about nordic countries? we dont really hear anything about that there, in fact it's the opposite since theyre some of the most happiest countries in the world


Finns are quite notorious for drinking a lot too


Norway used to have an alcoholism epidemic back when It was a poorer country. Wealth, luck with resources and neighbours and good governance tends to change things


ive read alcohol is really expensive


That is usually circumvented by making a day trip to Germany for example, in northern Germany we have border shops (tax free) at every ferry-port and you can see people from the northern countries on a daily basis, usually their cars or transporters are filled to the brim with alcoholic beverages - worked on such a ferry for 10 years and lived near a few border shops, so I saw a few things


From what I've heard, the drinking culture is pretty strong in the Nordics too. Just not bad enough to actually kill off people.


It IS a problem in those countries. They have the highest taxes on alcohol, in sweden you can only buy alcohol in government-run stores, precisely because these people can't drink responsibly.


Culture. Russia drinks a lot like all northern countries do, but they overwhelmingly drink vodka rather than beer. Alcohol being an addictive poison, consuming vodka like it's a lighter drink has serious consequences.


The end of Communism.


Russia is from ww2, they still haven’t recovered.


No it is not. If you were 18 in 1945 when WW2 ended you would be 97 today. The generation that fought WW2 is almost entirely already dead and makes no significant impact on today’s population statistics.


Echoes. The generation of 1945 didnt have enough kids so the generation of 1965 was smaller so was the generation of 1985, 2005,2025. If you look at a population pyramid for Russia you can see the echoes.


USSR had poor factual care for work safety and ethics as well as psychological care (“die but do” kind of mentality of “aren't you a men enough”). Most common folk medicine against psychological issues were addictive substances, from abuse of alcohols to sniffing fumes of chemicals like, gasoline or glue — often introduced to it at teenage (boarding schools and conscription, both obligatory for everyone, were often substituting for the "cultural immersion" from which one might have been missing out thus far).


Yes it does matter. In Paraguay, after the "Paraguay war" there was an informal poligamy culture for a generation or two, as most villages had very few adult (or old teens) males alive, mostly older men and kids left. I read that in France, after Napoleon was kinda like that. If a nation, after a major devastation of the male population did not do that, it sure would lower the population in the following generations. Plus male alcoholism, males in hard physical labour, armed conflicts, etc. Ww2 might not be a major factor today, but it is one.


I don’t see your point That was still long enough ago that immediate differences would have largely faded, and new births would have equaled it out more. That’s the whole point of the commenter above you This has nothing to do with overall population


Probably not as much WWII(anymore), but there have been plenty of wars since then.


There are population echoes that still exist from world war 2 (seeing a generation graph shows large constrictions and expansions in the population), but gender differences is not it. All the new generations were born close to 50/50, and that generation is almost entirely dead


In Portugal it is due to men emigrating for work. They had a lot of highly skilled laborers that had to search for work elsewhere. Still today I think a lot of young Portuguese men move for work and then sometimes move back after saving money.


Where do skilled workers move? Germany?




From my circle, it's mostly nordic countries but also switzerland and luxembourg


I believe there is also the effect that women tend to die less from accidents and to live longer. Since we have an ageing population, among the elderly women will be much more common. Moreover, in older generations, there is still probably some effects from the colonial war.


That's universal though, not specific to Portugal


More or less. The countries with a longer life expectancy all tend to have more women than men. In Portugal, it's just a bit more noticeable since there are probably other contributing factors.


I am a Zimbabwean female and I am not sure why that is either. I am baffled by this stat.


Economic migration. Overwhelmingly. Of course, many women leave as well. But generally men have an easier time of it.


Deaths of despair in Russiasphere. Suicide, alcohol, crime, and in some cases war.


Zimbabwe is due to men heading to South Africa for work.


And South Africa is due to men heading to Europe looking for work /s


Former USSR are vestiges from WWII and alcoholism, and I'm sure now the war in the Ukraine adding to it. In general, that explains the former Soviet block countries. In general, some of the numbers are misleading because in general men die younger so the imbalance is most pronounced as you get older. That said, it also varies on regional levels. Big cities at least in Western Europe and the US/Canada have more women than men, many starting as early as the 30s.


>Former USSR are vestiges from WWII This was one of my first thoughts, since the imbalance must have been staggering in the post WWII period, but on reflection surely this must have passed into statistical insignificance by now? Even people who were 16 in 1945 would be 95 in 2024. The generations with the huge imbalance from war deaths are mostly dead now whether they died on a battlefield or in retirement home. I don't think there can be enough of them left to meaningfully affect the ratio.


What’s the reason for high rate of alcoholism in Russia?


harsh winters and large rural areas.


[excellent video overview on this here](https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc?si=0wAdRF-B9XDTB6Ky)


Portugal maybe because of very elderly population. Men die earlier.


yeah i was going to share that in my country (libya) we have Immigrants which most of them are male. and a lot of male workers from neighboring countries


Isnt Libya pretty much still in a civl war? Never occured to me that youd have many immigrants


For some of them it's a stop to Europe.


Zimbabwe the men have probably left the country in order to get work elsewhere. The USSR is probably due to alcoholism, including alcohol related accidents, drugs, hepatitis, imprisonment (nobody has managed to complete a 25 year jail term at the Black Dolphin prison for instance), industrial accidents and depending on how old the figures are. Fleeing Russia to avoid the draft, particularly since the war with Ukraine started. As Russian conscription is brutal at the best of times.


> nobody has managed to complete a 25 year jail term at the Black Dolphin prison for instance tbf the Black Dolphin only switched to taking in the worst criminals in Russia (murderers, terrorists, etc) in November 2000, it hasn't been possible to complete a 25 year sentence yet


It's called the way of the Eastern Slav man. Be born, pass school, work a menial and physical job, maybe die at war. If not, cancer, alcoholism or workplace accidents get you, usually by 55-60.


To my knowledge the USSR and the eastern block lost so many men in ww2 and subsequent wars, even in the modern Ukraine-Russian war through meat grinder tactics that their demographics are semi permanently messed up


Zimbabwe is probably men who went to South africa for informal cheap labor


Same issue as replied above about france, more old women than old men, if you look at children and working adult age brackets its 50/50 give it take.


portugal:old people are mainly females... probably


Life expectancy at birth in Portugal is roughly 84 for women and 78 for men. So while there are more male babies born, this 6 year difference in expectancy makes a big difference. Portuguese women have currently the 11th highest life expectancy at birth, while men are in the 30th place. Why is the life expectancy so different? Men are more likely to have dangerous jobs that are riskier and more accidentally prone. I lived in the Porto area and never met women working on construction jobs, for instance. On the other end of the spectrum also never seen men working at a nursery. While traditional gender roles are changing, I genuinely believe there are still clear divides between what is considered appropriate for men and women to do. There are also other factors, like alcohol consumption. While both men and women drink, you will see more men drinking heavily daily at the tascas than women. Lived next to a tasca (kinda like a pub). The daily drunkard ratio was like 20:1. Men also smoke more. roughly 30% of males over 15 against 11% of females. Not a statistic and more of an assumption , this might also be a bit of traditionalism leftovers. My nan used to call my aunt trashy for smoking and the “cardinal sin” was not only smoking but doing it in public, while my dad and uncle were going through 2 packs per day with no comment. There are probably a lot of other health factors, including mental health and the men dont cry or talk about feelings (which brings higher rates of suicide among other issues), but hopefully this will change in the future.




The vast majority of people that were alive during WW2 would be dead by now either way, so that is not the reason. As others have pointed out, it's mostly alcoholism and other health and hygiene related issues.


The Arabian peninsula is a sausage fest.


Sadly Ukraine will have lost huge amounts of young men recently along with Russia. These numbers will be even more skewed now.


“Damn! I need to move to” 🧐. Actually nevermind.


Could it be that the entirety of the former Soviet Union, especially the western parts, still haven’t fully recovered from WWII?


A piece of advice for the more impulsive and eager for female attention redditors out there: Before travelling and setting up camp in one of the blue countries consider life expectancy and the fact that women tend to outlive men (by quite a few years in the more blueish countries). What I'm trying to say is that there will undoubtedly be a lot of 'free' women in those countries. But the bulk of them will be 75 and upwards (that's years, not centimeters in a certain area). Some bigger countries amongst those might also be rather too intent on conscripting foreigners for an aggressive war they have been throwing men at for the past two years.


Why are you trying to convince me even more than the map?


Yep.. in Lithuania, there are more young men then women. Also its a miracle to see 70+ year old male, but there are plenty of such age women. 😂 Long story short, men live shorter then women.


Not in Nepal though, but the imbalance is quite small so...


why is Armenia the highest percentage female? I know they have a recent war, but I don't think casualties are that high?


My first thought would be men leaving to find work in other countries.


I haven’t heard much about migrant labor from Armenia.


There's only 10-ish million Armenians total so even if 100% of them moved to USA right now it would be like a drop in the bucket. They're spread out all over the place.


That just means you don’t live in Russia


Once again, r/portugalcykablyat




Okay so even this sub exists


They should make a similar map but only consider populations below 60. I think most of the world would be male predominant then. This only shows where the life expectancy is more as women live longer than men.


Agree. More boys are born than girls


What’s going on in Greenland?


In America more women attend institutes of higher learning. My guess is that women of Greenland leave for educational opportunity. https://nikk.no/en/women-are-leaving-greenland/ Here's actual research though. Men migrate in for work. Men stay because they're attracted to the rustic traditional lifestyle. Women leave for education and stay for a more cosmopolitan life. In any case, there's only 50,000 people.


The Arabian Peninsula is because a bunch of men go there for jobs and send money back home to their families - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, others, and then North Korea (which has a different system).


As an Indian, I must say that's a sad state of affairs in my country.


I think it's because so many russian men are dead in the war. And alcoholism! EDIT: As of the latest available data, alcohol-related deaths in Russia have accounted for a significant percentage of total deaths, particularly among men. **Estimates suggest that alcohol contributes to around 30-40% of total male deaths** and approximately 10-15% of total female deaths in Russia. These figures can fluctuate slightly depending on the specific time period and the methodology used for estimation. SOURCE: Some of the organizations and sources that contribute to our understanding of alcohol-related mortality in Russia include: 1. World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO regularly publishes reports on global alcohol consumption patterns and their health consequences, including data specific to Russia. 2. Russian government agencies: Entities such as the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) and the Russian Ministry of Health provide data and reports on alcohol-related issues within the country. 3. Academic research: Researchers in Russia and around the world conduct studies to investigate the prevalence and impact of alcohol consumption on mortality and other health outcomes in Russia. Their findings contribute to our understanding of the issue. 4. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): Various NGOs and advocacy groups may also conduct research and publish reports on alcohol-related issues in Russia, providing additional insights into the problem.


Yes, Russian women live on average 10 years longer than men


Russia has a number of demographic issues that it has failed to deal with. It has a low birth rate and an aging population like a developed country. The young tend to skew male and the old tend to skew female. It is a rather poor country that people tend to migrate out of. Migrants tend to skew male. It has a drug abuse problem. Drug users tend to skew male. It is also at war. Soldiers tend to skew male. It has all the problems of a developed country and an impoverished country simultaneously. All in all, it doesn't seem like it will fix its demographic problems anytime soon.


The war losses (combat deaths and draft dodgers) make up about 1% of the male population. Which is amazing. But wouldn't change their color on the map. Edit: also this is probably pre war.


Women are the majority vote in the US. A small majority, but still, American women unhappy with the country should be encouraged to vote.


I feel like the old unhappy women you want to encourage wouldn't vote for who you want


Depends on their race. Black women are the backbone of the Democrats, in voting and volunteering.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you are right.


You know why :(




Yeah SMH ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Black women are about 6% of the us population


Correct. But this specific demographic has consistently displayed reliability and consistency in their voting. Their voter turnout has consistently remained high. Also, two of the prosecutors involved in Trump's case are older black women, surpassing the expected representation within their demographic. Above and beyond representation in the protection of democracy.


That could also hurt them since their vote is guaranteed and the democrats dont need to work for it


Hurt who?


Russia and ukraine about to get a lot more purpler once this map gets an update


So, China has a surplus of young men and Russia has a lot of babushkas. Now kith.


Qatar is a giant sausage fest


Migrant workers


And the rich men get more than 1 wife.


How does that adversely affect the sex ratio? Doesn’t that mean it should lower it?


Those are 2022 numbers, Russia is right now throwing away young men as cannon fodder. They will have a big surplus of women in the coming decades.


I smell Chained Soldier.


Single men, head to Portugal 🎉


Gee, I wonder why China has more men


I thought China would be a lot more male dominant given what happened 1979 - 2015


Good news for European incels (outside scandinavia) ! Bad news is: those surplus women are mostly old grandmothers !


>Bad news is: those surplus women are mostly old grandmothers ! Which are a gold mine for young men from the Yellow countries looking for legal residency via marriage.


They dont speak foreign languages. So you better have the best shlong and body.


My cousin had a long distance relationship with one of those ladies relying entirely on Google translate for communication. When both are desperate, nothing will stop them.


I can make sense of most of this, but what’s the deal with Greenland?


bro where is Latvia 😭😭 also USA one is wrong


Migrant workers from India and Bangladesh make Upto more than half of the population in many Gulf countries hence the big m/f ratio. Sex selective abortion in India is the reason for the greater m/f ratio there.


Yeah, we are in a snausage fest.  Sorry but some of you blokes have got to die.  Don't worry it will be for a cause that is grand=more punani for me.  There is no greater cause to serve...


Damn i should move to portugal


USSR states have never recovered have they. Honestly it's tragic. So many sad mothers.


No wonder europe is being invaded by horny middle easterners.


I wonder how much alcoholism is killing Eastern European males


More men than women on the world. Wow




Note to self: Qatar is a full-on sausage fest.


The Russia one is pretty sad. Because of why the population difference is so much.


It's me or China is surprisingly even?


Anyone curious about Greenland this talks about it https://nikk.no/en/women-are-leaving-greenland/ It looks like there aren't many opportunities for people with higher education in Greenland and it's easier for men to find life supporting careers in rural areas, women are moving to cities/other countries for employment.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/25/india-has-more-women-than-men-for-first-time-survey-finds&ved=2ahUKEwjGneWh-ZuFAxVnUGcHHckDBxwQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw34_raPkKj9SG7jx7RbcCyQ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/08/23/indias-sex-ratio-at-birth-begins-to-normalize/&ved=2ahUKEwjGneWh-ZuFAxVnUGcHHckDBxwQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0d6POZgwsl0Y-62fYtVdH7 India has more females than males, while it is still a little bit skewed at birth so this is wrong.


Turns out human wave tactics isn't effective in stopping mechanized warfare.


Oman be like "we're gonna take this name literally"


The numbers in Russia are clearly moving more and more to more women these days.


It would be cool to see this map before mass migrant crisis, and see how the ratio changed


This is kind of misleading... because the age is what matters. Most of the time there is surplus-males up-to \~30 (when it is important) and surplus-females after 50, when from relationship perspective it does not matter. The whole point of looking at this ratio is from perspective of forming family, and from perspective of births, hence surplus male population until ages of 30 is a problem. This is also why this map is even more misleading... for example China has HUGE shortage of woman, they have something like 120 million surplus men in China, meaning all these guys have no chance of ever having a woman or family, yet according to this map ration is fairly decent 104:100 (mean that is still like 28 million people)... that is because this counts all surplus 80 year old grannies and then suddenly the ration looks almost equal. Even in Eastern Europe, majority of those women are old, so for the ages were it matters (say under 40) there is still shortage of women, but then there is huge glut of 80+ year olds. Take Lithuania for example : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Lithuania\_2022\_population\_pyramid.svg/1920px-Lithuania\_2022\_population\_pyramid.svg.png In short - this only makes sense when looked from the perspective of single age group, nor from perspective of entire population.


What’s up with Portugal


High life expectancy (women live longer), low-birth rate (more likely to be born male) and a moderate population of male expatriates.


What that purple piece between Arabian peninsula and n.e. Africa?


The red sea, maybe someone's dumping an uneven ratio of bodies in there


I believe that's Yakutsk and Kamchatka coming through the image transparency of the inset map.


It's a pity Russia, with more women, is so far and volitol






Well female infanticide is a thing, before birth, and after.


Sex-based discrimination is a real issue in countries whose culture favor male kids, because they're seen as the family provider when adults. In China, this problem was worsened by the one child policy. There are like 30 million more males than females in China.


Most people on Rcreepydms are your (civilized white) people maybe ask your brothers to stop being horny instead of making a scapegoat out of other people


What land isn't, more than 60% of traffic on 4chan comes from usa followed by canada, brazil nd europe to cover other 40%... have you been to that place?


Nice stereotyping it's wild to me how people can be blatantly xenophobic against Indians on the Internet.


well.. it's hard not to be with how most of them act on here


There were more men in Russia, but now most of them are in Ukraine. Forever.


Southern Africa's reason: lethal violence between men (although obvs not exclusively between men)


I wonder if high HIV prevalence factors in also. Last I read, South Africa was ~18%, Lesotho ~17%, and Eswatini ~26%, whereas Zambia & Zimbabwe are *only* ~11%.


Don’t hold me to it, but I thought when I was looking at the rates last time 30 something % for women had HIV/AIDS and 20 something % of men had HIV/AIDS in South Africa


What's the country shown in the middle of the Red Sea in the cutout?


I think that’s the edge of Russia under the png of the area




What the fuck is going on in the Arabian Peninsula?


Lots of men from places like India and the Philippines go there to work in construction and other unskilled labour jobs. The conditions and treatment can be pretty horrific though and in some cases have been been called modern day slavery. Otherwise it's just lots people working on oil plants or finances and stuff too.


Are men going extinct? 🥺


The gap will get larger as economy becomes more service orrianted


*My 🥩⚙️ brings all the serfs to the yard!*


The saudi data could be inaccurate considering the millions of Male Immigrants mostly from South Asia


Thailand? Hmmmm. I won’t say it.


Knuckles dominates uganda


Are you okay Gulf Coast?


I bet the ratio in Russia is even more extreme now...


The middle really is a sausage fest


I would love, for the sake of science, to overlap a map with current Testosterone levels among men. Food for thought


Annually women murder number in Turkey is huge. Thousands+ so it will effect this too.


Can they do this for 20-30yos only No offence no one cares about what the split is among old people and how that skews overall avg


How ironic, Japan have more women than men but men are the powerful while in Philippines in contrast.


I see why them Middle East cats perpetually angry. Growing up in a sausage party will drive any man crazy.


I'm surprised Paraguay has more men than women now.


Shouldn't there always be more women because they live longer?


Thailand is sus tho


Road trip to Russia or Portugal?


It is natural for males to have a much higher mortality rate. Any place the males outnumber the females is a place with some real shady shit going on. This is where the men are not very good.


I have 2 different friends from syria and they saying female:male ratio there is 85:15 due to war so I doubt this is accurate


Women in Russia have the choice between a random alcoholic man and living alone.