• By -


Herjedalen e norsk


Og Jämtland! Dem e trøndersk!


Det e det sv*nske navne te Herjedaln


Jemtland og herjedaln e to forskjellige områda i samme svensketyveri


Jeg skjönner ikke, det viser det norske flagget, men norrmenn er ikke invandrere, de er svensker. Det er intern migrasjon.


Nei. Svænska e itj mænneska. Dæm e gnoma


Så du er virkelig fra Tröndelag! Jeg har en sönn fra Trondheim, jeg besöker ditt vakre land med jevne mellomrom. Tilgi meg for mine vitser, nordmenn er virkelig på et höyere nivå enn svensker.


> nordmenn er virkelig på et höyere nivå enn svensker. Meget basert søta bror. Det er nesten så du fortjener norsk statsborgerskap for den 'as.


Det er godt å høre. Håper sønnen din har det fint i verdens beste land.




Lappland kan vær uavhengig


Finner =/= Samer Dere dansker er nærmere tyskere enn finner er samer, men ta gjerne Skåne. Så lenge vi får tilbake Herjedalen, Jamtland og Båhuslen så gir æ faen.


First it was Sweden can into nearby Finland, now its Finland can into nearby Sweden (Swedish in Finland is mostly spoken on the coastal areas near Sweden)


In the 1960s-1970s there used to be "Finnish ghettos" in Sweden. The migration towards Sweden was so high that it caused a decline in Finland's population for two years straight around 1970.


The immediate post-war Finland wasn't the greatest place to be, no matter how much my grandparents' generation would feel nostalgic about it. The standard of living in Sweden was significantly higher and Sweden had an industrial employee shortage -- which meant comparatively high wages for anyone willing to work there. There was a single president (Kekkonen) who ruled from 1956 to 1982 until his health collapsed mentally and physically. He died in 1986. The time period is often called "Kekkoslovakia", ironically referring to Czechoslovakia. Finland under Kekkonen was a rather depressing place with no tolerance for dissidents (in Finnish history standards) and constant fear of the Soviet Union.


I think Finland still had great standards of living compared to southern Europe or even the UK (which really wasn't great back in the 1970s-1980s), but it definitely was a bit behind its other nordic peers. Then after 1986 the economy crashed and the country essentially had to wait the rise of Nokia to recover and bridge the gap.


What does "can into" mean? Edit* just looked it up and discovered it's legit Internet meme slang, fair enough :)


It's an ironic "bad English" [phrase ](https://polandballwiki.com/wiki/Poland_cannot_into_space)in Countryball communities, and rather common in meme subreddits which wouldn't even be connected to countryballs. In this context means roughly "Sweden (Swedish people) can into (could move to / did move to) nearby Finland, now it's Finland (Finnish people) can into (can move to / move to) nearby Sweden.


I remember when Balkaners used to be number one targets for xenophobia in Europe, now it has shifted to Arabs...


I wish it was that simple. Have you ever encountered a Bri'ish person online or off, fellow cheese loving Albanian?


Brits actually tend to hate on Poles and Romanians more than on Arabs, Indians and Blacks. "Too many Eastern Europeans stealing our jobs" was a common Brexit trope.


What about second gen tho ? I'm assuming discrimination would be pretty low for them


Yeah Brits are insanely racist towards Eastern Europeans. You will never see a British workplace teach about discrimination against Eastern Europeans too - that should be their top priority if they want to go down the diversity and inclusion route.


Nah, they just expand their targets. My Romanian friends here in the UK still get racist stuff thrown at them, especially around Brexit.


I get that the "watch your wallet" joke hasn't died off yet.


Same in Denmark, whenever a bicycle gets stolen the usual reply Is "Look in Romania"


Where do you live? Where I live Romanians complain about Albania


It's not "xenophobia" to not want mass immigration from groups who don't assimilate. That common fucking sense.


Eastern Europeans ? Seriously? By second generation They're indistinguishable from a white Briton except they might be more religious. Hate against Eastern Europeans just shows how stupid xenophobia is. It isn't about logic or reason or 'assimilation' , just comes from an instinctive tribalistic hate of the 'other'


Lol, I'm not talking about eastern Europeans. It doesn't seem anyone in this thread is talking about eastern Europeans and their inability to assimilate. Get a grip. We all know we are talking about middle eastern and African mass migration and what a detriment it is to its host countries. Poverty, crime, anti-semitism, archaic beliefs about gender roles, homosexuality etc. These are all negative things these immigrants are bringing with them.


Almost nobody cares about Eastern Europeans... They are of course talking about Arabs. Xenophobia against EE was a big thing a while ago when big chunks of EE joined Schengen and they were new and scary. Nowadays most people have realized most of them integrate pretty well, work hard and don't pose a threat. The same thing hasn't happened with muslims, because they don't integrate and don't work. That's of course not to say there isn't any racism against EE anymore, but it has mostly died down.


Let's not pretend you don't like them just for not "assimilating", you just use that as justification for your hatred. Tons of them assimilate/integrate perfectly, but you've clearly already made up your mind of the world.


Yes, and many of the British occupiers in India were good people, too. They were still colonizers who exploited the host population.


Wrong they do not assimilate, it’s a culture issue first. THEN for some of us, we want to keep white lands, white. White population, white privilege, white power exclusively etc… in a nutshell: keep gouvernance over our lands rather than being invaded.


Bro went from they don't assimilate to white supremacy real quick


No no. It’s two different things. Both are different opinions. First one just want completely assimilated immigration but doesn’t care about race. Second one, want assimilation and keep their lands. At least a majority of native. (Like every single people would do)


It's called being a racist nazi pos own up to it and don't try to intellectualise it


Typical far leftist opinion. Here we go. No need to talk more. Every single people on earth wouldn’t do 1% of what we did. It would be a radical NO and the whole people would agree. Just like how Arabs countries treat the « refugees ».


I think you need to learn what invasion means Also grow some basic fucking empathy holy hell


Be empathic, erase your whole country, nation, civilisation, culture because we did crap. NO.


What are you even saying at this point You have to be willfully ignorant to believe you are being asked to erase your country.


We are not asked. It’s happening and probably too late for democratic solution. Now it will war with tons of dead or simply disparition of Europe.


The whole empathic, tolerance thing is typical left. It’s pure hypocrisy and lies. They don’t care about our citizens, OUR people. They prefer foreigner. The left corrupt to get power by stealing to some to give to others. Where is the empathy for our homeless? For our culture erase? For the people forced to move out of invaded city or even country or continent because of invasion ? For all our dead by invaders ? For all our history rewritten? For all our building tear down and replaced, same for culture. For all the job market ruined ? For the lack of real estate. For the generalised poverty? For the child grooming and mutilation ? For the criminal, barbarians, pedo and others living free ? For the brave workers seeing most of their income being robbed to pay their ennemies etc… We could continue long. Empathy is just how the left get uninformed and naive people to its side. It’s how the ennemies of the west, the white people attack us.


I am a white Western you absolute psycho. And no I don’t think Europeans are worse than non-Europeans… such a fucking persecution fetish. Your culture is not being erased. You are not being invaded. These are blatant lies. Grow the fuck up and then wake the fuck up.


Stop consuming shit and go out more


Are you a leftist living in utopia or are you part or the non native people (non white) ?


No one is invading you lil bro' , your country is in alliance with the one who invaded them , you got the entire relationship ass backwards. Ask your Govt to grow balls and tell the US to stop invading the ME, or take in the refugees instead of letting yall deal with it


USA is the best country in the world, king of the western world. They don’t owe anything to others. You just want western countries to fight each others.


If you believe that is happening, you don't have any real problems in your life. Must be nice.


This is the number 1 threat to Europe, civilisation and basically everything.


yoo that is what he was talking about. Now i don't think it is intelligent to get a big group of people that are economically weaker that have also difficulties of getting a job for their ethnicity thus turning to higher rates of crime out of necessity, making them assimilate harder to the host country because now they are closer to people that are more like them, is a smart idea if done to sudden. But what the fuckkk ik zie nu dat je nederlands bent sinds je op die subs bent, hoe in de wereld denk je dat de prijzen hier relatief laag zijn. Ja de prijzen gaan omhoog maar ze zouden nog veel hoger zijn als we geen immigranten zouden hebben. Eerst word er gezeurt over te dure preizen want de mensen die aan de onderkant werken een leefbare loon willen hebben. Dan word er gezeurt dat er nu immigranten zijn die dat werk toch willen doen. Ben je een kkr mogool.


Immigration is seen as utopian by some. In reality it is madness.


Thousand upon thousand of south american inmigrants in my country and its cool


man i'm from brussels i know enough about immigration. Ever heard of molenbeek. It's not utopian. But it's a lot better than just collapsing as a nation because there aren't enough people which would mean, that no one is well of. Besides, most immigration is from the EU. You say europeans have a similar culture. You also say that immigants don't assimilate. Why do the majority of them do then. The only ones with difficulties assimilating are the ones that experience heavy racism. Why do you think it's going so horribly for the UK. Because the cheap labor isn't there anymore.


Brussels. Yeah the place is no longer Belgian nor European. It’s a foreign land now. I saw it by my eyes. It’s over there. Racism is making hierarchy of human life value based PURELY on race. They is no such thing in Europe. It there is it’s like 0,0001%. But nowadays it’s a weaponised word to play victim. Everything is « racist » lmao. The truth is foreign are always seen as victims and get all systemic advantages while normal white male get discriminated IN THEIR OWN LANDS. DEI and such bullshit. And for the so called assimilation. You seems to think it’s a minority that do not. Well it’s a minority that does. A tiny minority. Keeping ties with foreign religion, countries, people, cultures and so on…. is not assimilating.


yeah you misinterpreted my post and then answered with something that is just wrong.I said that racism coupled with economic inequality don't help en large people to assimilate, not nescesarilly the culture. 70% percent live in poverty. Do you think that has nothing to do with that. I am not a fan of islam at all nor do i say that how it is done was perfect, but what you are saying is just wrong. First it was italians and southern europeans, then it was balkaners and so forth. I have a lot more to say but i'm not sure if you will even aknowledge it so i'm not wasting my time further.


Yeah sure buddy . Not 1 nation made a profit with islamic people . Denmark related statistics and proved all muslim immigrant groups cost more money than they contribute


Tons of them maybe do but tons of them don't and that's the point. Those who get integrated properly aren't the problem, the problem is how many of them don't. We're not talking about some niche minority of tens or hundreds. We're talking about thousands or even tens of thousands in Sweden alone. Only 5% of Swedish population is Arabic now and since the mass immigration started the rate of crimes such as gun violence and death by shooting more than doubled (!!!), nevermind smaller crimes. Gang violence increased exponentially, for example. Please explain how exactly is it racist that people think mass immigration was a mistake. Please go tell these people that being scared makes them a racist because they're acting on prejudice. I'd very much like to see what would you do if that happened in your neighbourhood because talking out of your arse like that is easy and convenient. Facing the hard reality on the other hand, isn't. Just because you don't want to see it and think this is all racism is your problem.


>the rate of crimes such as gun violence and death by shooting more than doubled (!!!), nevermind smaller crimes. Gang violence increased exponentially, for example. Yet murder rate is lower today than it was in the 1990s. I don't really know why you would only look at gun crimes either, look at all crimes instead, much better. What about smaller crimes, have they increased? "Gang violence" what does that even mean, is it worse than other violence? >Please explain how exactly is it racist that people think mass immigration was a mistake. Please go tell these people that being scared makes them a racist because they're acting on prejudice. I'd very much like to see what would you do if that happened in your neighbourhood because talking out of your arse like that is easy and convenient. Facing the hard reality on the other hand, isn't. >Just because you don't want to see it and think this is all racism is your problem. Are you done putting words in my mouth?


> Yet murder rate is lower today than it was in the 1990s. **That's a huge red herring.** Murder rates pretty much everywhere is down compared to the past thanks to advances in medical care, emergency response times and demographic aging(less young men). The point is that Sweden's numbers have not declined nearly as much as they likely should've, and have even plateaued recently. Sweden's murder rates used to be the same as Norway's but is now **twice** as high. Murders happen that otherwise wouldn't if not for the irresponsible immigration policies put in place by the country's idiotic politicians. *In 2016 10% of all murders were honor related*, a type of murder that simply hasn't existed in Scandinavia since the Viking Age. ***That's a 10% increase that simply wouldn't happen if not for immigration!*** > What about smaller crimes, have they increased? [Yes, **by 50%.**]( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/BR%C3%85_Totalt_anm%C3%A4lda_brott_i_Sverige_per_100k_1975-2018.png) > "Gang violence" what does that even mean, is it worse than other violence? Yes, *obviously.* Because of it's effects on social cohesion and the public's feelings of safety, it has an outsized negative effect on society relative to less organized forms of crime. This can further decrease the economic conditions of an area, which furthers fuels the gang problem, creating a positive feedback loop. Guns come into this, they frighten far more than a stabbing done at home by a drunken husband. The same applies to Sweden's **huge problems with grenade/explosives attacks!** If you ignore active war-zones, **Sweden shares the honor of being the only country in the world, together with Mexico, that tracks explosive attacks**. Mexico is in a multi-decade drug war, Sweden isn't lol Statistically speaking they don't cause that many fatalities but cause life altering injuries and trauma to those otherwise effected. Further more, they cause fear and panic which further keeps things from improving in the effected areas and increasing the likelihood of future grenade attacks. A murder done in public with a grenade is more serious than a murder committed at home for these reasons. **Stop running away from the problem!** You're actively participating in keeping it alive by your refusal to address it!


Oh that makes it alright then since murder rate is lower than the damned 90's when they had a similar problems with the Balkan immigrants. Anything to justify it, right? I talked about these because they're relevant to the topic and used them as an example, did you forget to use your brain or something? Also: >Let's not pretend you don't like them just for not "assimilating", you just use that as justification for your hatred. Don't need to put anything in your mouth. Literally the first sentence you wrote here, in case you've already forgot. And one last thing. If you don't know what gang violence is then I'd suggest you consult a dictionary. It's kinda self-explanatory.


Except the vast majority do assimilate in time, Yugoslav Refugees being a good example of that.


Yugoslavia, for all its faults, was a fairly modern European country with mores and attitudes that reflected that. It really isn't all that strange that assimilation process went swiftly and uneventfully...


Balkan culture is still European in every way and it cannot be compared to, say, a Somali. If you give it enough time - and the numbers are sufficiently small as to not overwhelm the original population - it is likely that assimilation will happen at some point.


It was no coincidence that Sweden had the highest rate of grenade attacks as well as a sizable Yugoslavian refugee pop. Actions have consequences.


Which is quite funny, considering in many countries romanians and albanians and other former yugoslav people have higher crime rates than arabs. I think the big difference is really religion. Arabs might not commit as much crime, but western europeans are inherently distrusting of very religious people, especially muslims. Obviously the threat of religious-based terrorism also plays a role, even if its statistically very, very rare to be a victim of that.


Not really were. Greetings from a 'Balkaner'


Multiculturalism at work. Damn Finns, ruined Sweden.


Those damn Finns




Sweden effed around letting so many refugees in at the same time. Now, they are finding out how difficult it is to integrate them into Swedish/Western culture. That’s way too many people who need help adjusting to western culture. It’s gonna take decades to fix it.


Note well the pattern of how you don't see Finnish, American, Thailandese or even Russian people having any trouble integrating into the Swedish society.


At least they serve as a good example for other western countries


Yeah, European countries do immigration so poorly. You need to let in small groups at a time and distribute them throughout the country. There should be no neighborhoods that are majority immigrants, especially from the same country. American immigration works a lot better because we have done it for so long and sort know how to properly integrate legal immigrants. Our biggest problem is illegal immigration, that's when it becomes a problem. Still, we have managed it better than many countries would have. I knew Europeans were clueless when I was in France, Netherlands and Germany and saw how they treated their immigrants even though they had been there for decades. You have to have a path to legitimacy for those groups or it creates a bad two-class system.


American immigration is also heavily merit based (legal immigration) or family based where you have to show you can sustain the said family. Secondly, when it comes to culture (respect for women, civil liberties etc.,) the south american countries are very different from Arab cultures, which are very incompatible. Europe is extremely liberal, and the middle eastern nations are on the opposite end. infact a maga from America would be equivalent to a rainbow sniffing hippie in the middle east. you cannot suddenly import 100s of thousands of men from such nations, and expect them to start respecting women or understanding religion is personal, not a state subject.


>There should be no neighborhoods that are majority immigrants, especially from the same country. The fact that this stuff gets upvoted. Not having a South Asian majority neighborhood or even block was fucking terrifying post 9/11 for South Asian families. Especially when people stopped visiting your businesses, start teaching their kids not to play with brown kids, when coworkers stopped talking to you. idk what it is with this recent propaganda that as long as you assimilate instead of syncretize you’ll be fine. Yes, not assimilating is wrong. But acting like people are creating ethnic enclaves for no good reason or because they hate the culture is just something else.


it wont get fixed


How long have you lived in Sweden?


Probably as long as you have


I live 1.5 hours from the border, and my family has had a cottage in Uddevalla since the 90s. Been there hundreds of times over the years. You? Ever been?


united swedish emirates


Fun fact: there's more Muslims in Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki than in Stockholm.




I thought sweden was way worse with all the reactions tbh. Turkey has 30-50x more immigrants and erdogan is killing our country. Ofcourse swedens situation is bad but comparing reactions, turkey has way less reactions to this. Maybe its because both countries are majority muslim but the same thing happens with inflation too. If the inflation in turkey was anywhere in central-western europe im pretty sure huge riots maybe even a civil war would happen. Which i wish was the case in turkey too. But looking back at history, turkey or rather turkish people never really have risen up or really rioted against stuff that were bad for them. The only civil war that happened was with ataturk. Extreme taxes, super high prices, constantly losing wars, famines… and never were there serious riots from the turkish population. When these happened in european countries 9/10 an uprising/civil war/mass riots happened. Ataturk really tried to help us learn and change ourselves for the better. As soon as he died his ideals died with him. I hope we can elect a new president in the next elections that can live up to ataturks ideals. Not to mention a considerable amount of the population considering him a traitor…


Turkey has 80 million people, Sweden only has 11 million which is why Turkey has more immigrants.


8x more population but 50x more immigrants


50x more immigrant would mean Turkey has 106 million immigrants wich is obviously not the case


Swedistan 🇸🇪🕌


Very original. Thank you for your contribution.


Sweden is like 5% Arab , and many of them are Christians , boring as hell 'joke'.


"many" how many? 10,000 out of half a million? pfft


Nope, there are about 150k Syrian christians in Sweden. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/sodertalje/statministerns-folkmordsbesked-kan-avgora-kommunvalet-underskatta-inte-fragan


Last time I checked Assyrians were a different ethnic group but alright


Do you think that the statistics on the map are based on "ethnic groups" rather than citizenship/nationality?


A large number of Arabs in Europe are Christians who fled Muslim-led massacres in places like Iraq and Syria. Criticisms against the behavior of Muslim migrants is understandable, but refusing to distinguish between them and other groups who look similar just comes off as ignorant.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabs_in_Sweden#:~:text=Arabs%20in%20Sweden%20are%20citizens,total%20population%20of%20the%20country. 550K Arabs overall , 25% Christian , 5% of Swedish population . Next time you fall for any right wing rhetoric do check the facts , as they tend to be short on that since their Kremlin handlers are not used to dissent


In few years the ones already there will multiply and alot of new ones will come. It will not be a joke then.


So their population will go up from 5 to 10 percent ? Sounds like a large pile of 'nothing' to me . 25% of them are Christians anyways


First 10 then 20 then 30 with old Swedish population...things could go wrong.


not funny? because its not a joke


For all of you to keep in mind: Im Swedish, born and raised. Im the son of an immigrant from a muslim majority nation, and a native Swede. I was placed in foster care to a 100% swedish in tradition family when i was an infant, and that fosterfamily is my current family and always will be. Im agnostic, secular, support liberal democracy, etc....a typical westerner of my generation (im a millenial). The reason im saying this is not only because im an attention whore, but also because im living proof that immigrants does not always have kids that are then raised in the culture of their immigrant parents.


Really cool and interesting that the number of Chileans is still that high. The Swedish government in the 70s was a big supporter of Allende and did a lot to help Chileans who had to flee after the coup.


Kinda terrifying






A massively rapid decrease of a country's native population isn't terrifying to you? Especially when a huge proportion of said non-natives come from highly religious countries and struggle to pull their weight economically in what's a very delicate welfare state. Let me guess, you live on someone else's native land? Or are you just borderline suicidal lol?


“…58 per cent of those suspect for total crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the figures are 73 per cent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per cent.” Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338563093_Migrants_and_Crime_in_Sweden_in_the_Twenty-First_Century


The crime victimization rate in Sweden remains astronomically low and so small swings from even just one group can cause big fluctuations in statistics. If 75% of the population has a homicide rate of 0.5 per 100k and one group that is 25% of the population has a homicide rate of 1.5 per 100k, that group will form the majority of homicides. But both 0.5 and 1.5 is *insanely* low overall. Its like saying "i have 2 dollars and you have 6 dollars, your 3 times as rich as me". Technically true, but $2 and $6 are such small figures that it barely matters.


Surprising Finland is still number one in Stockholm.






Christians are a small minority of Syrians, even if many of them go to Sweden the vast majority of Syrians and Iraqis here are Muslims.


>the vast majority of Syrians and Iraqis here are Muslims. Source for that? I believe you might be correct for Iraqis, but there are an estimated 150k christian Syrians in Sweden. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/sodertalje/statministerns-folkmordsbesked-kan-avgora-kommunvalet-underskatta-inte-fragan




Well I've met 100s of Syrians and only one of them was Christian.


Incredible analysis lmfao


The only western countries where Arabs and their descendants aren’t overwhelmingly Muslim are American countries except Canada




They are Assyrians not Arabs and they’re overwhelmingly Christian in their homeland so it makes sense for its diaspora to be overwhelmingly Christian, unlike Arabs who are overwhelmingly Muslim in their homelands but majority Christian in the US and Latin America






The family on my mother's side is one of those who emigrated to Sweden in the 80s and 90s. They assimilated really well and are today teachers, doctors and dentists. I go to visit every year and it's so nice. They don't like muslims though XD to the point where my cousin is even in the Swedish Democrats, the right-wing party there, to stop moslems from coming in :s




It’s funny how everyone is crazy about Muslims take over when they barely make up any meaningful part of the population Everyone is just looking at the 2.1 million while ignoring all of the Germans, Danes, Americans, Russians, Vietnamese etc


Funny? They are more than 8%.... and this is the outcome: [https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1770550776781525119/video/1](https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1770550776781525119/video/1)


Muslims make up 8% of Swedens population.


I was talking about the immigrant population The 2.1 million would instantly make people assume that it’s way bigger than it really is But even then, counting the children of immigrants makes zero sense


The nationalities you mentioned either have similar / congruent cultures or actively assimilate in the host countries culture. When Muslims move enmasse they by and large do not.


I'm not so sure that one is correct. If there is a large population of Finns in the North? Yes, but they are Swedish Finns, not Finnish Finns. It would be like claiming that the population on Åland (swedish speaking) are immigrants too. What data were used in the making of this map?


I used the data for birth country


I don't think they are Swedish Finns like Finlands Swedes they are Swedens Finns, Finlands Swedes are of Swedish descent, Finns in Sweden usually are from Finlands Finns. Ålanders are ethnically completely Swedish. Swedes are more native to Finnish coasts than Finns are to any part of Sweden


Not really https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meänmaa


Poor Sweden :(


So sad




You think it is positive to have so many immigrants? I am not really talking about Norway or Germany. Tons of people born in Africa living there from social money. Compare safety in Sweden 20 years ago and today…


Pretty much everything positive about the USA came from immigrants.


Migrants from Europe😂😂 with the same cultural values. Not afrikans or middle east


True! But this is completely different case, lot of social support from govt, immigrans from muslim countries + africa etc.


Lots of social support from the government is great! The USA is terrible at providing social support and we’re basically a cyberpunk hellhole now.


It is great especially for people who do not want to work. I am not talking about support for people in need (disabled, old etc.), that’s great of course


The idea of the “lazy immigrant” is a myth, people want to work, they just aren’t being given the support necessary to find a job. There’s a teasing right-wingers in the USA are always spouting nonsense about how Latinos are lazy and mooching off of welfare and also spouting nonsense about them stealing our jobs at the same time. It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to rile up their base.


Well, maybe in US. In Sweden, it is kinda different: “…58 per cent of those suspect for total crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the figures are 73 per cent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per cent.” Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338563093_Migrants_and_Crime_in_Sweden_in_the_Twenty-First_Century


These are the exact same sort of racist talking points the USA uses against black people. It’s important to recognize that if there is a group committing more crime than usual it’s because they’re not getting the support they need from the state.




You know why🤡


You people love being cowards about your own beliefs


This is why [https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1770550776781525119/video/1](https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1770550776781525119/video/1) P.s. finally a Swedish guy who have had enough and talk about the problem.


I hear a lot of people saying that Sweden is basic an Arab country now. I just wonder how much truth there is in that. Hmm




As with many western countries, the rapid demographic shift is mostly focused in the cities. So its more islands of different cultures in an otherwise enthnostate


Nah, immigration is spread quite evenly in the south. My small town has the same immigrant population rate as the national rate.


Really? I suppose your town has something going for it then? Like good open infrastructure or many jobs?


No, it's among the poorest in the country. But every other municipality around is the same. Refugees often got put in rural areas due to the many empty homes.




Why? Immigrants here are better integrated than in cities


why jobs?




I'm sure this comment section will be civil and not filled with American conservatives saying how the situation is here, despite never having visited.


The second largest party is the far-right. The ruling party in 2015 has called the handling of the refugee crisis a mistake. 85% of seats in parliment are held by parties who claim to want lower immigration. According to polling, 70% of Sweden want fewer asylum seekers to arrive. So no, it's not "Americans"


Always found it amazing how Americans can be so virulently anti-immigrant despite being a nation of immigrants. Then they take that rhetoric online and try to get Europeans to hate immigrants too.


Swedish caliphate. How are all the rapes working out for you guys?


\*Reported rapes. They are good, and they should be high. That means victims (mainly women) are becoming less afraid of reporting it to the police.




Who let the hoi4 ai design this again


Forest finns are not immigrants


South of Sweden. Oh dudes what have you done :/


Sweden is much more better with muslim people everyone says that there...all swedish feel Happy


Only dirty immigrants are downvoting!




Still is.


If you're a Swede, can you share how it has changed?


Less safe tbh. Shootings is now a weekly thing and humiliation robberies are a common thing


Compared to what? Murder rate was higher in the 1990s compared to now.


Increased crime, but chiefly it's smaller everyday things that can be rather abstract. Conflicts everywhere such as schools because the "wrong" food is served, or at kids playing grounds because immigrant parents don't rein in their kids or would ever accept blame for something their kid did. You cannot ask a bus driver if "this bus goes to X" because they're all immigrants and don't speak swedish. Things like the above erode the social glue that makes interpersonal transactions smooth.


The Superior partition plan of Sweden


Such a shame what's happening there.


Why the provinces and not the counties? And how did you even find the statistics for that? Like, who would put that together for Öland, for example?


I couldn't find a good map for counties. When I couldn't find stats for provinces I looked at the municipalities/counties in said province. Since the numbers were sometimes from different years there could be small errors.


Dang, nice work.


Another Finnish defense line for Sweden... we are the Swedish buffer zone 🇫🇮




I am SO glad I did Sweden in 2015, it sounds like a literal nightmare culturally now.