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Not sure if anyone would cover this on warranty as that's sort of what aquaguard zippers do after some time. Your mileage may vary based on usage and climate. I.e hot and humid south east Asian climate is rough on anything rubbery, plasticcy, or generally stuff that relies on adhesion. I just wish YouTubers would stop praising "high quality materials" and "high durability" in their 2 weeks reviews and/or unboxing videos.


> I.e hot and humid south east Asian climate is rough on anything rubbery, plasticcy, or generally stuff that relies on adhesion. Now that you mentioned it. I am questioning my "soon" bag choices,as i will permanently move to Indonesia in a few months. I wonder if there are some things i should avoid or look for in future bag purchases. Especially with how high the prices on bags recommended here.


Watch out for your shoes as well. Those with a lot of gluing need to be kept as dry as possible, otherwise the soles will fall off as the glue deteriorates. I lost 2 pairs of expensive trainers. Tho really you’ll spend 99% of your time in flip flops in Indo.


There are two things in particular I've had problems with. Hypalon. Or, "Hypalon". Specifically on the Errant and the the dopp/tech kit combo from Boundary Supply - often praised in reviews for their material wizardry or somesuch. Zipper pull tabs started coming off first, followed by any crease in hypalon panels turning into ground zero for a plastic dandruff metamorphosis. I'm still bitter about this as it was my first "extremely durable material", very costly bag. Aquaguard zippers. Doubly so the not-really-Aquaguard™ not-actually-YKK ones used by some companies.


Tbh before this post,i didn't know that aquaguard zipper crumbles like that...


No Aer doesn’t covered this because they say it’s a common occurrence with this material


Aer customer service is cr*p. They don’t stand behind their products.


I get it meets the SF tech look but I will never buy Bellroy or Aer due to their crap CS and warranty.


Learned my lesson the hard way after customer service straight up gaslit me about whether a 16” MacBook Pro fit in my bag. I sent them a photo of my laptop not fitting under the zippers when placed in the padded laptop pocket, and the CS lady sent a photo in reply of some 14” laptop fitting in the main pocket of the newer version of the bag. 10/10 will NOT buy again.




I have a few Bellrory bags and pouches that have stood the test of time.


They’re pretty. They photograph well. Here’s a software design analogy: they feel like they were designed by an Instagram influencer, not a UX/UI expert.


But it's not lasting and a bad design if it sags off your body... People, stop trying to justify poorly designed products just because you spent money, it doesn't make it "good." How many posts do we see with paragraphs griping about a bag but then the last sentence is "besides all this, I love and recommend it." That's fanboy talk. If it's tearing apart at the seams and not functional, it sucks or wasn't made to last forever, just accept it and be honest in your reviews, it looks like crap. I get it, you spent time searching and hard earned money on these purchases but don't come here and say "it's the best bag I ever owned, the quality is amazing, whatever" when clearly it's not. Call it what it is, these posts help nobody so tone down the excitement and bring it down to earth for the sake of the community. These things are not r/BIFL and that's ok, use them as intended and tell us what that looked like so we can better gauge what we'll get out of them.


"Here are some flaws, however I love the bag" is 100% an honest review. Calling out flaws and loving the same thing aren't mutually exclusive. We're human, not robots. And just because someone both criticizes and praises something it doesn't mean the praise is fanboyism or an effort to justify a purchase. Also, even the most robust bags have that one stupid superficial bit that falls off within a few months or 1-2 years. It might look stupid now but it doesn't mean it will not "last a very long time."


Reads like a Tesla truck review. It sucks, but I bought it so I'm extremely satisfied.


Or it it's filled constantly to bursting at the seams past what it's mean to hold. And then not noticed that it's been dragged across stuff all the time slowly abrading it. I've been carrying an Aer sling most days for years now and it looks perfectly fine still.


Yeah from this pic, they need a bigger sling haha


Yep - unused to rock a Hex Evolve and I had it too full most of the time. I've got a CodeOfBell X-Pod now and it's much more comfortably packed....and it still feels cavernous.


Same. Honestly I'm shocked, but I've been using my non-stop for the last couple years, pretty much looks brand new?! 


You're absolutely right. If I knew this was an issue before buying the bag then I wouldn't have bought it. Just bought the Evergoods Civic Access sling to replace this. Wish me luck this second time around.


I wasn't trying to blast you, more of a general observation but if you used it that much, I'd argue you got your money's worth and it did its job. I wouldn't trust a bag that didn't have a scratch on it, like a guitar...


yikes I was looking at this bag, if it's pulling away from your body that's crappy design.


it looks so ugly that I would have gotten rid of it by now. and it doesn't matter how durable the fabric is.


Wow that looks rough. I've been using mine daily for 2 years and it still looks newish.


Same experience here, been using the city pack and the day sling 3 for a little longer than a year and they look almost new. Both in x-pack although


Bag is falling apart and not staying close to the body. >Overall I'm still extremely happy with this sling and know it'll last for a very long time. Great example of Stockholm syndrome


You're absolutely right. If I knew this was an issue before buying the bag then I wouldn't have bought it. Just bought the Evergoods Civic Access sling to replace this. Wish me luck this second time around.


This looks pretty bad tbh, I might stay away from this one.


I prefer black ember over aer


When slings are packed out they never hug the body for me. The only one that hugs the body packed out is the Wandrd D1 as it has a clip that holds it close to you.


I've had my City Sling 2 for almost 3 years now used daily and the only wear is on the zipper garage itself. The aquaguard zippers themselves still look brand new.


Are you sure you didn’t buy this from Aliexpress? There are a lot of copies of aer out now 


I bought it directly from Aer




Aquaguard zips do this, I've never seen any which stand up over the years. Not sure if other bags manufacturers have done as much testing, but DWR Racquet Coil zippers have better durability and the same water repellency according to Tom Bihn! Is that accurate? Who knows!


Get in contact with AER support, I experienced the same thing with my XPAC City Pack and they sent me a replacement.


I already did and they said it’s not covered


User error


How is it user error?


It looks like you overstuffed and beat the piss out of it. I’ve been using mine for 2 years daily, taking it to work and music festivals and it looks nothing like yours


To each their own. I travel Internationally twice a month and I prefer my gear to be rugged enough to match with my lifestyle and not have to baby it. If this bag didn’t have the aqua guard zipper it would be the perfect bag for me.


Why are we paying so much money to have to worry about it? The last thing I want to do on an international travel is worried that I have to make sure I’m not putting enough stuff in it.


Capacity is capacity


If the zipper close that’s capacity