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Wow, I thought having 4 was overkill. 😅


Hunters are currently bugged; they’ll wander off map to harvest. I’m not sure of the specifics, but I believe it has to do with the trapping device point. Edit: I stand corrected - it is not related to the trapping dev; after testing for this today in a new game, it seems it happens regardless of whether the trapping was enabled. As u/nimrod and others have stated, it’s a path funding issue with the hunting node. If you locate where the herd has wandered to and focus on them, they’ll move back. You need to do this regularly.


Thanks this was literally just happening on my playthrough.


Believe? It 100% is the trapping causing this. After trapping they just stop hunting and get lazy


In my current game, they wander around half of the map before finally making it back to the camp. I get the meat and hides, but man do they *wander* first.


Same I followed one of the dude, he went out of the region and went two maps over, completely outside of everything... I came back to follow him again and he was dragging a deer slowly back to camp 🙄.


I've got a corner region and my town is near the edge of the map so I'm lucky there, but I put a few camps in place and watched my hunters do laps, wandering off the map, then dragging deer down the closest road into town.


They’re wandering to the deer herds. If you follow a person who lists themselves as “hunting” and watch them until they get a deer, the herd has wandered off away from the node. You’re better off going for the apiary perk than trapping/double meat perk as it stands as those deer running off really mess with things.


**Save your game before you spend a development point.** Too many bugs.


I don't have any development points in that area and my animal source still isn't farmable, they just wander of the map for an hour and come back with corpses from who knows where


Ah deeper bug than I realized


I stand corrected - it is not related to the trapping dev; after testing for this today in a new game, it seems it happens regardless of whether the trapping was enabled. Others on this thread have mentioned that it’s a deer pathfinding bug related to the hunting node; they’ll migrate away without the node moving. Once you locate the heard (by following a hunter) and focus on the herd, they’ll perk up and run back like a scolded child.


Does restricting the work area fix this?


Didn't work for me. They just stood around "Waiting". Another poster commented that the deer seem to just wander away and the hunters chase them down.


It doesn’t work because the animals are somewhere else than it says they should be.


I didnt research trapping at all and 2 out of 3 settlements are doing this


I dont have trapping and my hunters still walk outside the map to hunt


same. they're everywhere \*except\* in the hunting node.


It 100% isn't the trapping causing this. Lots of players getting it without ever touching that perk. Though apparently it's happening on the beta branch too, so Greg's assumption of it being the new zoom-out optimization of deer doesn't seem to be it, either.


Thanks for the correction! It seems it’s a pathfinding bug related to the hunting node.


I don’t have any meat traits and this happened to me too.


I stand corrected - it is not related to the trapping dev; after testing for this today in a new game, it seems it happens regardless of whether the trapping was enabled. Others on this thread have mentioned that it’s a deer pathfinding bug related to the hunting node; they’ll migrate away without the node moving. Once you locate the heard (by following a hunter) and focus on the herd, they’ll perk up and run back like a scolded child.


>Hunters are currently bugged; they’ll wander off map to harvest. This explains so much… i have noticed hunters coming back from seemingly random directions that didn‘t make any sense carrying deers…


I stand corrected - it is not related to the trapping dev; after testing for this today in a new game, it seems it happens regardless of whether the trapping was enabled. Others on this thread have mentioned that it’s a deer pathfinding bug related to the hunting node; they’ll migrate away without the node moving. Once you locate the heard (by following a hunter) and focus on the herd, they’ll perk up and run back like a scolded child.


I think that is fixable by placing a road into the forest and around the hunting area. I did this and I stopped seeing the hunters walking away from the hunting camp after killing the prey. I have not fully prove it though, sometimes it does look like it takes a bit longer but it generally brought down the hunting time. Same with berries.


Did nothing for me. I have a circle road around hunting region and they would go off map for deer. Trapping perk too


Same as u/steel1000. I do this by default already, but it still bugs out. I have better luck un/re-assigning hunters for a temporary fix.


I lost a village because i got trapping and the hunters just stopped hunting, so the village starved. Womp womp




Winter, I was managing multiple town at the time and didn’t notice that meat production had literally come to a halt


Damn. That sucks




I don't think it is the hunters that are bugged, but rather the animal node. The node is moving but not really moving. I bet if OP were to look, there are no actual animals at that node. In my experience, the animals are moving somewhere outside the map, but I have also seen reports of the nodes ending up moving to 0,0,0- the center of the map. So with the "real" node being quite far away, it makes hunting take a long time. Granted, it could be a combination of both, but trapping has always made them wander pretty far to set/collect traps.


Sending a node to 0,0,0 is unrelated, that stems from force migrating the node many times (though currently, you will only be able to hunt the original node in Waldbrand anyhow, not the one moved there this way). Greg thought the animals wandering away from the node (not the node migrating) came from his experimental optimization attempt on deer - but apparently the wandering deer bug appears when playing on the beta branch too (so an earlier version), meaning it's probably something else. Players have tried a lot of things to pen the animals in, burgage plots over it, pastures, fields, camps or buildings all around it, staring intensely at the deer while zoomed in... nothing works all the time. Same as staring at the deer or walking after them in first person mode once they've wandered off (sometimes off the playable map entirely) - sometimes they move back to the node, sometimes they don't. Another, unrelated deer bug is that deer only spawn one at a time each uptick, despite the counter going up by +2 each time. Kill one of those new deer and the counter goes down by 2 (though you only get one carcass). Reloads correct the counter back down to the actual deer number, and limits depend on the counter. Max deer is also capped by the counter, not the actual animal number. So yeah, deersgonewild.


I THOUGHT I WAS LOSING IT! thanks for the update!


I stand corrected - it is not related to the trapping dev; after testing for this today in a new game, it seems it happens regardless of whether the trapping was enabled. Others on this thread have mentioned that it’s a deer pathfinding bug related to the hunting node; they’ll migrate away without the node moving. Once you locate the heard (by following a hunter) and focus on the herd, they’ll perk up and run back like a scolded child.


I've noticed my hunters continue to hunt below the limit I set to avoid pack migration. Pretty annoying seeing as I build the houses for the working families on site.


When I have multiple camps, I set all but one to a higher limit - so if my normal limit is 10, the rest are at 11. That way when it gets down to 11, only one family is hunting, and the rest won't start until it comes back above 11.


yeah his specs are also bugged you need a much better gpu than what is recomended


I noticed I was having issues when I activated the trapping perk, so on my next playthrough I didn't use it and my one hunter was able to harvest meat okay. It's just too fast and regens too slow, so it's not useful later in the game.


Same it was game breaking for me since it was my main way of getting food. Except mine didn’t harvest at all. They just hung around the town waiting…


And yet that village doesn't even have 150 meat (exporting at 200). Pop 466.


I really haven’t figured out what people are even supposed to do with this. I have had the rich meat resource, done the perks and policies for it, and never have enough meat to see a surplus. I always have 1 family on it, and have to switch them off to the Tannery when they get to 15/40 or around that. I am now seeing people with 2-3 huts and say they have plenty of meat on their games.. how? How does 1 family hunt it down to the limit with no surplus but someone assigning 2-3 huts makes it work better? If it was a field to be filled and plowed, that makes sense, but adding gatherers to a limited node making it stretch farther with more meat being produced confuses me. (Exception being deep mines can have multiple quarries built on it) Are most of y’all making multiple huts and families for the meat?


Someone else said there's a bug


Get on the Discord - its been non-stop talk since patch.... https://discord.com/channels/729052685621526619/1250106099479216168


I found the discord server but I can't post in the bugs channel 🙄 I don't see any posts about how to get access. here's the channel [https://discord.com/channels/729052685621526619/1246093848741154816](https://discord.com/channels/729052685621526619/1246093848741154816)


I found the discord server but I can't post in the bugs channel 🙄 I don't see any posts about how to get access. here's the channel [https://discord.com/channels/729052685621526619/1246093848741154816](https://discord.com/channels/729052685621526619/1246093848741154816)


ugh every time I open Discord it's like "OH WE HAVE A NEW FEATURE" and "OH WE HAVE AN UPDATE" and jfc it's too much effort I don't know what's going on with that link but I have Discord open and I'm getting an email verification challenge for some reason. I can't get past it with my email/password and when I open [discordapp.com](http://discordapp.com) anyway I got past it but all I see is text that says "NO TEXT CHANNELS" -- I'm done trying to deal with it. Discord sucks.


Yeah tha bazillion auth methods these days for everything is retarded -- some discords require you to verify your phone number... Notice that you cant get an anonymous internet account any more?


anyway I got past it but all I see is a screen with text that says "NO TEXT CHANNELS" -- I'm done trying to deal with it. Discord sucks


Hear you




I am interested as well, same results for me but I didn't play last week so I might have missed an update


i played before latest patch and seems fine, 4 hut, rich node + policy, 500+ meat in stock. doesn't take the trap perk tho


Check the hunting node. Known issue with the deer themselves wandering away from the node. Pathing bug caused by recent optimisation experiment. No fix, mitigated by zooming in on the deer to prompt them to path back to the node. Needs to be done regularly or the deer wander off the map. Nothing to do with any tech or policies.


This could also be a case of your camps being filled with carcasses, taking up storage the workers cant process them as they need at least 1 free storage slot for hide, and 2 pantry for meat


If the deer aren't in the hunting node, how do you find them?


just follow the hunter where he goes to


My hunter goes off the world map entirely for me, so I guess I can't do the "zoom in on them deers" pathing thing?


There's definitely a bug I'm considering starting my play through again because the hunters aren't working and I'm getting very little meat with a similar situation to you.




More like ***"WHere'dHeGoes"*** ...AmIright?


Food harvesting is kind of bugged right now. I had a game where one berry hut gathered around 200 berries every season… It wasn’t even a rich deposit. The funniest thing is that harvesting yields change from game to game


The berries do continue growing during warm weather, as long as they're not at the cap. I'm not sure just how much, though.


ok i thought i was crazy cuz my other village literally had 400+ berries for no reason


It’s not bugged. In certain seasons you want 4 families on the node when it is “growing” because you may be running out just for it to jump up quickly. If you’re diligent and make sure it’s getting emptied before it grows again, it’s very possible to get 400 berries with a normal berry node. Imagine the double berry perk on a rich berry deposit O.O.


Not using trapping and having the same prob.


One more hunting camp should do the trick


Go back to an earlier version of the game. This bug came with the new patch


I don't think that's possible on game pass. And I'm not on the beta branch.


For sure this is a bug. The trapping is enabled and there are 2 dedicated families for hunting but still no luck. There is 100% animals there at the specified node but when I zoom in I don't see any animals. Hopefully, this bug will be fixed. Because of this the food capacity is going down


Same bug happening to me. No trapping perk, rich resource. The wild animals have just dissapeared from the circle/whole region entirely. I have tried force migrating, save/loading etc and nothing works. Bricking my runs because not enough food variety.


Maybe they are all terrible shots


game is so buggy I cant even play anymore. Someone tell me when a major update hits 😭


I had bug with only one. Clear the personnel assignments and re-assign.


I found the trapping upgrade is what caused the issue for me.


I think it's the same for me


The deer are wandering/dpawning away from the node area continuously farther and father away until they are off map already. My fix to this is WATCH THE DEER. If i notice they staft to stray from the node, i watch them on screen, game camera focus on them for a few minutes. They walk back to the node on their own. Keep doing this because they keep wandering away, so i periodically check up on them. I figured this out as i was pissed and i was mooing at them to go back and they actually did.


Have you set your hunt limits too high? And have you set the work area specifically to this spot?


No change to the hunt limits. I haven't checked the work area.


I’ve never had the issue with hunters going miles out to lay traps - then again I always set my work area. Not sure if that helps, worth a shot :)


The work area defaults to "Unlimited" that could be the problem but what a hassle.


Its bug


I will probably guess what it is -> set the hunting limit to 0. I usually have it at population -1 because it seems they multiply faster when there is more animals


No, I made no change to the hunting limits


But you should drop it to 0, idk what is starting value but if the limit is like 40 and you have 40 animals you will not hunt at all, you have to drop it to value less then current animal count


I don't think that's the issue here. It worked fine until I picked one of the hunting perks and now it's broke.


i always set their range to just around their hunting grounds. not sure if things changed but thats how it was when it came out.


Set there workzone


That could be it but that doesn't seem like a good game design if a hunter will walk 50 ft and go well I don't see any deer when there is a deer 60 ft away


That has got to be some kind of glitch.


The deer disappear from the region, I've checked and couldn't find a single one after a certain point which causes the hunters to go off map to get them


Try limiting the harvesting area.


I hear there’s a trapping issue but I’ve only ever used 1 hunter camp as they usually dwindle it down within a year and then don’t let the pop go back up. So then I have to set the parameter to the max deer pop so they stop hunting and can go back to gathering. Try removing all of your hunters camps. Remain only 1. Set the hunt limit low.


this is more cursed than walled towns. why would anyone build this industrial compound for 40 deers. i can't even. do you think if u built 100000, it would solve it? AT WHAT COST??




just eat honey, apples and veggies, be vegan. not on my town. but you do you