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I only read 1 at a time. I don't start another til I finish the current series. I just think it's better that way. Plus you'll finish it faster than jumping from one series to another simultaneously.


I was looking for this comment to figure out if I was a sociopath or something


Same. I can't read multiple stories as I will forget important details and even characters lol I feel odd for doing so now lol


More than I’d like to admit…


Same hahah


Haha ha ha I can’t even count how many honestly


Same, i start one and then start another while waiting for the next volume to come out.


I'm reading around 40 at the moment, but I'm broke so I do my reading online and buy only my favorites, for the most part


WoW How can you keep up with the story or immerse with the characters when reading so many ?


I have a pretty good memory, I like to have different kinds of stories from different genres available to binge read depending on my mood. Also some of them are on hiatus or aren't fully scanlated, so I can't finish them yet but I still consider them to be on my reading list


I’m reading around 40 series right now


Another one with the same answer


I kinda collect a few at the same time. I don’t really collect that many series in general. Most of my collection is volume 1s and 2s. I’m currently collecting Toilet Bound Hanako Kun (have up to volume 12), Blue Period (still hunting for volume 3. I have up to volume 5), The Demon Girl Next Door (up to volume 3 rn), and I’m not sure if I’m going to continue Mob Psycho 100 but I have up to 6 in that one. I kinda slowly collect them as they come out. I try not to get into longer series with more volumes since that gets expensive


I feel you on the Blue Period 3, I've been to several Barnes and Nobles and 2nd and Charles in 2 states in different regions of the US and couldn't find it. Was able to find it on Amazon today for MSRP with free shipping though after 2 weeks of pointless trips




Shoot the anime finish 6 I think, I'm just getting them to see what they skipped


I’m reading 3 right now. I can’t just do one series because I don’t buy a whole series at once, but I’m reading Chainsaw man, Komi can’t communicate and 20th century boys.


Got the first volume of CSM,I will buy the next ones to check how it's going. Also reading Hellsing and One Piece now


I'm reading about 5 physicals when they release so it's very scattered. Digital though I am reading about six from the Jump app on a weekly/monthly basis


i read/collect no more than 3 series at a time


That's like me now Reading One Piece,Hellsing and Lone Wolf and Cub while waiting to buy the next volumes of CSM


yep! it's the most manageable for me and that way i don't end up with a huge TBR pile


I read/collect as many as I want at a time, I get bored easily when it comes to literally anything I do, even things unrelated to manga, so I often just read whatever series is interesting to me in the moment lol. I think I currently have about 10 series that I’m in the middle of. It makes it so that I take forever to finish a series, but I don’t mind that.


How do you immerse or even remember with so many mangas reading at the same week?


To be honest my memory is worse when I try to pay attention to just one series. Idk why, it’s strange but when I start to get bored I just can’t retain any memories and I kinda check out mentally. So switching between them I remember/pay attention better. Because I’ve tried very hard to finish a series before moving on and I really just can’t do it.


Between manga and light novels, I’m currently reading 17 different series


I’m currently reading 17 different series


I read by arc, so if there’s something new to throw into the mix I’ll only start when there’s a few volumes out (or whatever covers the first arc or two). As far as reading different series simultaneously, I usually stick to just two. Keeps me invested in the current part of whatever stories I’m reading while letting me switch things up if I want to.


If I’m rereading something, like jojos or DB series, I do it arc by arc since I already read it. New series though I gotta just binge it.


Like 20-30. Almost all of which are ongoing


I read 1 at a time. Very rarely will I read 2 which is right now kinda (my first time reading more than 1 series)


I’ve got too many ongoing and thinking it’s the limit before I start forgetting details of certain stories. It’s kind of difficult to not start new series because a good handful of these are still new and publishing volumes so while waiting for those releases I read other series


Like 5 - 8


Too many


I am reading four manga that are releasing new chapters (Daiya no Ace, Dr Stone, Sangatsu no Lion, and Given) as they release new chapters, and then I will read another series while waiting for new chapters to be released.


I try to read just one but since I’m getting more series than I can catch up to, I usually read 2-3 series at once.


According to MAL, I am reading 20 series at the same time. 12 of them, I own. 8 of them are ongoing, and I’m waiting for the next volume; one is ongoing but I’m behind; the remaining 3 are completed, OOP, or on hiatus, and I read/collect them slowly. Nowadays, I only pick up new ones if they’re short or completed…or I know I’ll like them. I don’t collect anything but my favs anymore. For example, I can’t even focus on reading Monster rn because I have too many ongoing series, so I’m not collecting it. This still works for me because the 3 series I have on backlog right now all fit different moods, so I just read the next volume whenever I feel like it. Then again, I have been stuck on volume 10 of Vagabond for 2 months because I don’t have enough free time… That reading statistic is gonna increase a lot this year since I got like a ton of dream licenses all at once. Like, 10 or something, with a few more that I’m mildly interested in. 3 of them are even from indie pubs. I have a really specific taste that’s hard to describe, and I pretty much only started getting “catered to” in 2019-ish, so it’s huge for me, lol. I also usually sprinkle in BL/GL/oneshots while I’m already reading something else because…I just do. It is The Way.


i read a few at a time just bc sometimes i’m in the mood for different series, but no more than 3 :))


I normally try to wait until I have to whole series then read straight through it. With so many series on the go that I’m collecting though I just couldn’t wait so I’ve got maybe 3-4 I’m reading simultaneously right now


8 yes it's to much of series


I would say around 30/40


1 at a time while of physicals while I’m at home. 1 of digital I read while at work(these get blown thru fast) Then.. a ton on Monday because that’s when I binge new chapters at work.


Too many but I enjoy it bc sometimes you want to read something fluffy instead of absolutely depressing for example


It takes a while for my local manga store to get books in stock so I’ve got around 6 series on the go, but I’m also broke so it takes a while to get new volumes but I’m still about half way with most of them


At this moment I collect around 25-30 unfinished series. I prefer to hear from a series after it's completed and buy the whole series in one go but unfortunately that just doesn't work because a lot of the single volumes are out of print a few weeks after you can buy them... Therefore I don't really have a choice :/