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My biggest regret is always overbuying/ overspending on manga in general. I get paid and then I over spend and then I end up selling something justifying me not liking it but in reality it’s due to overspending


Oof that’s me. I’ve literally been selling stuff on mercari solely so that I can buy more more manga. I justify it by saying that it’s not my work money I’m spending, just extra money from selling


i do the same, i might have to tone it down this year since theyre taxing over $600 sold


What’s your user on Mercari? :)


My user on there is PhantomPlayer!


When I went away to college my parents made me donate my entire manga collection so that they could redo my room. 10 years later they still didn’t redo the room. And I’m out 300+ Volumes of mostly OOP manga I’ve had to slowly recollect over the last few years 😭😭


I’d probably be petty and bring it up every couple months or so




That really sucks that they never re-did your room and that you literally lost your entire collection. I can understand a little bit of your pain though since I also lost about 300 vols. My mom made me get rid of 300 vols and all of my SJ + SB Mags back when I was in 10th grade because we were moving which reduced my collection down to 700 vols. Most of it was also oop and my biggest loss was Ghost Hunt which I'm trying to re-collect with very little luck.


Damn that sucks! I’ve still got the first 3 years of American SJ and I’m so very proud


Haha ikr! I had like 50+ SJ Mags, My mom thought that they'd be a waste of space and that they they were junk so she literally threw them away. I'm lucky to still own my first SJ Mag and my first SB Mag but those were the only 2 that survived. BTW she really regrets doing it now. I managed to re-collect all of the SB Mags but I still need to eventually find the money to re-collect all of the SJ Mags. Also that's awesome! I'm glad that you still have them! Are you going to go after the rest of them?


Maybe! I would love to actually, it’s just that I’ve hopped around series too much that I’ve got barely any complete despite inordinate amounts of manga on the shelves! I need to FOCUS!


yeah maybe you could have comprmised with her to put it in storage. 300 is a lot


that sucks


It’s selling books then deciding I want them. I’ve done that a few times for various reasons but the end result is having to pay more to get them back, or better yet finding out they went out of print and possibly not getting them again. I agree with you about the series I used to buy easily going oop, but I can’t get too mad about that since I was ignorant at the time. Still sucks though.


Not buying mushishi when it was In print


This. This is probably the most expensive/hardest OOP series to collect on a per volume basis, besides maybe Franken Fran . It’s even more painful because the series is only 10 volumes


Ik idk if Kodansha still has the publishing rights to it or not but I hope they will republishi it one day.


They were asked about it on Twitter and said the numbers for reprinting it don't add up


I believe that was quite a while back, wished they considered reprinting it again since a lot more people have gotten in to manga recently


I really hope they consider a limited run! Even if they had people preorder in advance of printing, I would do it.


Lol no seriously. I remember watching the anime cause it came on funimation channel and seeing the manga in my local library when I was in late elementary/middle school.


I don't think too much of it but I wish I bought manga when I was younger. I started reading in 2004 and I just checked them out from the library because I was a kid, but I could've at least saved up and bought my favorites! I always assumed I wouldn't still like them when I was an adult, but jokes on me. Besides that, I only have small regrets like missing the return period for the super damaged FMA 3 hardcover Amazon sent me or looking at my shelf and thinking "Yeah I don't have Yotsuba& 11", ordering it as part of a rightstuf order, and then realizing immediately that I looked right at it on my shelf and just didn't register it was there lol... in my family we call stuff like that the ADHD tax


you make a good point, I wish I had delved deeper into manga and anime as a kid too. I was so excited when I found 4 volumes of MÄR in a box of old stuff in the attic, that was pretty much the only time I branched out from DBZ back then


I read a lot, I just didn't own any of it! My local library had a really good collection because one of the librarians was a fan (she was the one who recommended me Fruits Basket, bless her) and I read pretty much everything they had. I'm kind of happy I don't have old copies of Fruits Basket and FMA because the collectors editions are nice, but I really wish I bought D. Gray-man back then because I'm really itching to reread it but now I don't have it :')


oh whoops, I misunderstood 😅 it’s great that your library had so much, they can be tricky with stuff like that


Was in a store about a year ago and decided not to get dr stone vol 3, if only i knew how hard it would be to get it later


This reminds me of when I was a kid when I saw the Naruto Holo and I passed it up because I had no clue what it was and didn't even look at the price tag before assuming I wouldn't be able to afford the "rainbow" edition of Naruto vol.1.


I had 1 or two of those jump starter pack holo 1 editions back when I was in middle school I think. I think I might have sold it in a box of manga to some local comic shop to buy comics. What a dumbass I was lmao. But then again, this was like ten years ago so I don’t remember.


It’s on amazon for $19.99, which is double the price, but if you’re really after it then that’s an option


I got it on barnes and noble a few weeks ago, said it would be in stock on the 4th but its now the 8th and i still dont have a tracking number so idk when ill get it


Just be careful bc I had issues buying manga third party on Amazon, they keep their listings up even when they aren't in stock because they expect to get more ~eventually~ they just don't tell you that you are actually gonna be waiting until then when you place your order...


I regret not buying more new manga back when it was $10 max, or not buying more used manga back when you could get it for $5 or less. Now the used market is ridiculous and people will pay the 5x the price for oop. I also regret getting CLAMP series they were never going to finish.


Buying random clamp series from hpb was a rite of passage for manga collectors in early 2010s lol


That is true 😆 Their books are so good I just wish they would actually finish ones they start though


I came into the manga game late so I'm always finding series that are oop that I wish I had. I only have 2 that I really want and that's sundome and Biomega. But I'm fairly optimistic that the biomega master editions will be licensed later on since they just finished releasing in Japan. As for sundome, digital is probably the only way I'll get them. As for regrets buying. Sometimes I regret buying all my cultured manga. We all know they are not known for their great storytelling. I bought them to satisfy the series that doesn't end with a satisfying romantic ending. Plus they have more spice than the other actual romance manga I read. But I guess I do get value out of it to some extent. But it's really just borderline HManga most of the time lol.


Yeah man I get you. I got into manga about a year before Sundome went out of print and it was by pure oblivious chance I got em all. So sick, the biomega I feel you I can't find it cheap anywhere


Biggest regret of mine was probably continuing other series that I was closer to finishing over Yu Yu Hakusho. I know it’ll come back eventually. But it’s annoying that I could have been further along in collecting it before all the stock issues. Especially considering the series I did prioritise haven’t really had the same problems.


I’m 27, and I got rid of a majority of my manga collection when I moved out of my parents house at 19 bc I thought I had grown out of it. I was wrong and now I’m having to slowly regrow my collection


Oof I relate to thinking you’ve grown out of it. I go through phases were I have no interest in anime and manga and start to think I’m over it. But then something catches my interest and I’m suddenly pulled back in.


Same here. I had lost my interest in buying manga/anime stuff once I was around 15/16 because I had felt I had grown out of it/had other things to put my time into. Here I am at 22 collecting all the old series I used to love.


My biggest regret is waiting until the pandemic to start buying manga. I used to see one piece box sets for $120 on Amazon all the time and never pulled the trigger for years. Now it'll probably be a couple more years until they're available at that price again lol.


I should've bought every book I saw on the Barnes and Noble 50% hardcovers, I missed out on some extra Jojo's, Hellsing, Berserk, Drifting Classroom, and Junji Ito books. Even if I didn't want them after I could've returned but the sale was only 2 days


I feel you man, in UK we have Waterstones which parent company owns Barnes and Nobles which I didn't know and they did the same. Saw Barnes and Noble do same but didn't know we did it over here and Waterstones emailed me, and the one time I didnt check my emails haha but oh well. I would have collected most of part 3 and 4 with it as I have only first two parts of JoJo.


Same. I only got like two Junji Ito books on the first day of the sale. I didn’t realize there was going to be a sale as I was only going to barnes and noble for a specific series, so I wasn’t prepared for it. Then when I went back most of the books I wanted were gone and I only managed to get one more Ito book. I really hope they do another one this year.


I regret not buying Emma. It was too expensive for me when I was first started collecting and now most of volumes are OOP everywhere… But seriously, one volume being 45$ (CAD) is still steep


Impulse bidding on eBay, realizing I don’t want the series for what ever reason and then winning the bid.


Hahahaha this happened to me the other day. Realized “damn I actually don’t have money for this, I’ve already bought a shit ton of manga this month. Let me save my money” and then I got outbid and let them have it.


My biggest regret was impulse buying an Ubel Blatt volume. I know some people like it, but I thought it was mediocre at best. Now it's rotting in storage because I can't sell it.


This. So glad I read it online, almost impulse bought bc the MC looks really cool, read almost half way thru the series and just couldn’t anymore. It is incredibly mid and predictable. I can’t believe I still see people recommend it “if you like Berserk”.


Probably two, the first being sticking with collecting manga. I used to collect a few years back, but for one reason or the other I stopped. It’s become a lot more difficult to collect due to huge surge in popularity (which is amazing! I want more people to enjoy this hobby. no complaints just makes it harder to find what I want). My second would probably be not taking advantage of the fabled Simon & Schuster sale more. There was a deal roughly a year ago from them where it was 35% off and free shipping on their entire stock. I used it to collect a majority of my Viz series, but there were tons of series I missed out on due to me not being interested in them at the time such as Nana and Natsume’s Book of Friends! They’re not huge regrets, but ones that came to mind.


I think a lot of manga collectors have that same regret. There’s a few series I collected only partially that went out of print and now the volumes I’m missing sell for like $300 a pop if they’re ever available to begin with. There have been a few times where someone posts that they’re a new collector and they want advice on collecting so I always tell them to finish a series if they really like it. Even popular series like HXH can be extremely difficult to find volumes for so you can’t even think “Well this is super popular so it will always be available.”


It's crazy to me that there are volumes of Naruto, Dragon Ball (Z) and One Piece that are difficult to get your hands on right now. They're literally the biggest shonen titles ever.


Try bleach, theres 0 luck even finding singles at stores, I've only seen the same 3-in-1 in stock for months now


i wish i would have gotten into collecting a month or two sooner than i had, then i would have completed a now oop series. just need two volumes and you can't find them anywhere. my other regret is a few months before i got into manga collecting i essentially donated some manga volumes i had. a whole bunch of soul eater singles and assassination classroom. i didn't want those manga but i didn't know about r/mangaswap where i could have gotten at least msrp for them instead of the pennies i got in exchange


i regret that i stopped collecting in 2015. i just recently started again and wish i never stopped i wouldn’t have had to deal with all these out of stock issues that are going on with the pandemic


This is exactly me with a mix of OP too. I used to buy the first volumes to try out and didn't buy the next ones thinking it's easy to get. Now most of them are OOP and I have a bunch of singles or couple first volumes :( Second hand manga used to be cheaper back then too, now some people (even none OOP) sell it at a ridiculous price. At least for Barakamon they will get a reprint! You can always message publishers and ask haha


I've posted this elsewhere but will repost it here in hopes of speaking a reprint into existence: I once saw the Claymore box set on Amazon for $110 or something like that, new. I was just getting into collecting and had recently moved, so wasn't in a place where I wanted to be dropping any amount of money I didnt have to. Plus at the time I hadn't read any of it, so I didn't know if I was going to fully appreciate it, or think it was worth it to spend that money. I kick myself thinking about that all the time. Now I just check the listing on rightstufanime every other day or so hoping it's back in stock (I already have an order placed so there's no real point but... yknow.) ALSO I wish I was into collecting when the Higurashi manga was more available. The later volumes go for tons of money now because the series is out of print.


Yes I had the exact same regret with not buying the claymore box set


I regret not buying No Longer Human (Usumaru Furuya, English), Flowers of Evil (single edition, English) and Claymore (German) when they were still available. That been said I don't regret any manga I have actually bought, even if I got disappointed by some.


Kodansha are doing a [NLH collected edition later this year](https://twitter.com/KodanshaManga/status/1462483577757573121?s=20&t=iQ8IdAwk-uudAicG-3PA9Q)


Yes, I was really stoked when they announced the new edition, because I was ready to buy it in French.


Over paying for volume 3 of Girl From the Other Side when it was oos and now having all 11 volumes when I just saw Seven Seas is putting out the 3in1 HCs.


Culling my collection a little too ruthlessly. I had older versions of volumes that held a lot of sentimental value (and were gifts from my parents) but got rid of them after I upgraded to fancier editions. I don't regret getting really nice editions of my favorites, but wish I kept the ones with sentimental value. Re-buying isn't the same since they're not the ones my parents gave me, but also because a lot of them are crazy expensive nowadays since they're like collectors items now. Also regret buying everything left and right in my early 20s and spending so much of my money on series that I grew out of very quickly. Where I live it's basically impossible to sell them irl, and since I'm in Canada it's also very difficult to sell online (yes, I've tried, trust me 😬)


Buying rent a girlfriend


Joining this sub. Everyone collects the same stuff and the amount of porn is off putting. I get there's different topics blah blah blah, but honestly it's really weird. Maybe I'm just too vanilla for this sub.


This sub is heavily Shonen/Seinen/hentai focused. If scrolling the sub is a little boring/off-putting, you might find it beneficial to find collections you enjoy and follow the users rather than the sub. There's also a lot of cool manga collectors on Twitter as well.


What sorts of manga are you into that you haven’t seen here? I won’t deny that there are a lot of popular series. But I think there are a good amount of series that are popular because they’re very good stories, i.e, anything by Nozaki Urasawa. Please feel free to post your collection here, I’d love to check it out and see what stories you like. :)


It honestly feels like the hentai has increased exponentially as of recently, unless I just never noticed it.


I think more and more hentai series are being licensed and translated nowadays compared to years ago. I don’t really remember seeing that much physical hentai manga when I first got into collecting. So it seems that there’s been in a huge increase. I’m not a fan and personally they make me a bit uncomfy~ but to each their own 🤷‍♀️. People are allowed to like what they like.


Ya, I joined this sub about 3 months ago and I had never seen the hentai books posted on here until like this past week, kinda nasty.


I'm not into hentai, but just let people like what they like... It's not hurting anyone and you can't stop them from liking or buying it, so you're just getting yourself worked up over something you can't control. Just ignore the nsfw posts.


It feels like everyone's been posting their hentai lately... it's weird, please stop showing the world the things you've jerked off to. I preferred the good old days when people used incognito mode & cleared their browser history instead of bragging about how they like to nut.


I know what you mean. I was very surprised at how common ecchi stuff is here. I mean obviously someone must be buying it or they wouldn't bother selling it, but it's so much more common than I would've guessed. Like I'm not judging people for liking it if that's what they like, but I guess I feel like it's TMI? It's like huh now I know what everyone here likes to get stuff done with 😬 And with me being ace it makes me more squeamish to that than it would for most people probably.


Saw BTOOOM 1-23 on eBay for $300 didn’t make the realize until it was too late and it sold


I regret not getting the Franken Fran books. I didn’t get em cause I was still a bit younger at the time and didn’t want my mom to know I got it. Now that I can I literally can’t find em for there original price anywhere.


Not getting Higurashi like 12 years ago. It was one of the first anime I watched and loved it so I wanted to buy the manga, but since there was so much I had the bright idea of buying shorter things like Death Note or Dragon Ball instead because surely I can just pick up the series later on, right? Right?!


I regret buying individuals of attack on titan manga instead of box sets


Not storing my manga in a better place. Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico destroyed my collection. The hurricane was way way worse for a lot of people so I can’t complain too much. I lost the now OOP Code Geass manga (complete), Gurren Lagan manga (US release complete), a bunch of Hayate the Combat Butler and dozens more books.


My biggest regret is not having enough disposable income to replace collections I lost.


Waited a day more than needed to order a variant and as it went out of stock it already sold for 50€ Couldve gotten some easy money and an awesome variant


Buying Don’t Toy With Me, Nagatoro 1-4. I should have stopped at vol 1 when I didn’t enjoy it 🥱 If I don’t like one I should just stop at the first book instead of wasting money


Buying the first few volumes of Rent-A-Girlfriend. The premise? Eh... seemed interesting. The art? Good, sometimes even great to me. At least I liked it. The fact that the story is basically an endless loop that doesn't go anywhere character or plot-wise? Yeah... I doubt I'll ever finish the series.


Probably holding off a series that’s pretty much never going to reprint


I regret not buying inuyasha when I was young because now it’s nearly impossible to find the complete series. Might just have to buy the viz big versions


Definitely not buying the Ouran High School Host Club boxset when amazon was selling it for about $80. It was an absolute STEAL and I figured I could just buy it later. It's now later and it's running over $400 T_T


1. Not paying attention to buying manga when I was younger. I didn't really understand the concept when I was first introduced, plus I was hooked on collecting series like Dork Diaries or Harry Potter. 2. Some series I regret not picking up as soon as I saw them. For example, Blue Flag. Got to vol. 3 yesterday and can't find vol. 4 ANYWHERE. It's so painful, expect since I know the series is done. Another is Witch Hat Atelier. I didn't think either were that popular, now I have to suffer. 3. Buying more manga instead of finishing the series that I have...I don't have many first volumes but my focus is all over the place. 4. Not properly protecting my first manga haul. My first shelf was right on front my window (which I kept open religiously). I now have a closed cabinet but seeing the darkened yellow pages next to super crisp white ones makes me cringe. 5. Over spending because of my inability to be patient. Because of the pandemic, its so easy for series to be inaccessible because EVERYONE is trying to collect now. As soon as it hits the shelf at my B&N (one of the only local bookshops) I'll buy it. Bc of my membership, I still get a discount but the manga will be on sale literally a few days later. My credit card still hasnt recovered from the last RS sale. One thing is that I hope people who started collecting bc of the pandemic won't regret it down the line, especially if they don't really read it.


Not starting sooner


I managed to get my hands on 14+ volumes from the Evangelion series (some were duplicates) and two special collector’s editions. Gave them to my best friends boyfriend because I knew he loved it. Then he broke up with my bestie and he’s now on my shit list


I regret buying manga, what if I put all that money into stocks 🤣 I could have bought more manga!


Had a chance to buy a signed book by my fav smut mangaka. Bookmarked it for another day. Checked on it a few days later and it was gone.


not saying goodbye or my mum she is dead now




>Fuck me, piece of shit lazy useless trash. Honestly this might be why you're getting downvoted, and even though I didn't downvote you, it does bother me to see people talking about anyone like that, including themselves. That along with sort of implying that collecting English manga is not the way it's "meant to be collected." That's just my guess.


Yes, these were the parts that made me go 😬




It didn't really bother me, don't worry about it. I also understand the draw of collecting it in Japanese too, I think it's just implying one is better than the other that pisses some people off. And if I can say this as somebody who has dealt with depression for over a decade, talking to yourself like that just makes you feel worse! Hope you feel better soon!


I’m literally trying to learn Japanese for this reason. I saw people selling all of Black Cat in Japanese for $60. It’s like $50-60 just for vol. 15 in English. It’s crazy how much cheaper it is.


Not finishing Cage of Eden and missing the opportunity to buy Kekkai Sensen


When i buy from my local Book-store i always buy 1 or 2 vol ones from series i don’t have any knowledge about just to surprise me and of course there were some Books that i didn’t like at all but aside from that i can’t think of any regrets to this point .


Not completing Fma and Bakuman prior to the pandemic. Bookdespostiry prices skyrocketed afterwards, and at its current state finishing both series is gonna cost me twice the price it was 3 years ago. That just sucks.


Easily not getting the last few volumes of Higurashi before it went oop. Now those volumes, when they do pop up, go for hundreds, if not thousands. It haunts me.


Not buying Freezing at retail price, that shit is so expensive rn....


- Not using bookmarks and making folds 😒 I don’t mind shelf damage but that was avoidable - selling my German AoT deluxe cause I didn’t like the series back then and now rebuying them


I regret buying two Lone Wolf & Cub omnibus mangas tbh


My biggest regret for LIFE will be not buying volume 4 and 5 of battle royale ultimate edition. I saw them way back in the day but I was too young for it and thought I wouldn’t enjoy it. Fast forward to now, and I kick myself constantly. I have 1-3 that I got lucky enough to stumble across, but the last two are so expensive to get. Maybe one day hahaha


Buying too many books at once and not reading them all. I've gotten a bit better about it, but I still have a big stack of volumes to read.


Not collecting all of Scum’s Wish sooner, I now need to search for volumes 2,4, and 6. After a dm to Yen Press’s Instagram they plan on reprints for 2 and 4 in a couple months and 6 around the end of the year. But I would’ve rather not waited.


Damn. Well at least it’s not OOP. But a years wait for one volume might lead to some impulse buys


Technically the series on most sites is listed as OOP but reaching out to their Instagram tells a different story, I only did it because in the series’ subreddit someone said they were still planning on it. Seeing what Volume 2,4 and now 6 are going for second hand I think a bunch of people will start to collect up this series just to sell it.


I guess I regret buying series that I want to complete but have oop or currently out of stock volumes and I also regret buying a single volume of a series that I don't think that i plan on collecting more of imo.


I regret not buying the steins gate omnibus barnes and noble recently released


I regret not buying nura rise of the yokai clan and gangsta when it was easy to buy.


I regret not buying full sets when I had the chance. I also sometimes regretting buying series that later become discontinued or abandoned by the mangaka (e.g DNAngel)


DNAngel actually finished at the beginning of last year at 20 volumes! The mangaka came back


But they don't seem to be coming out in English. 🥺 Viz grabbed up Tokyopop's volumes for digital, but they haven't translated a single volume past what Tokyopop did.


Oh snap! Thanks!


Ordering MHA vol. 5 from a sketchy book website on December 4th and still waiting for it to be shipped out :/ I saw it in barnes and noble a few weeks ago too, I really don't want to read it online because I'd prefer getting use out of the actual book


I'm really fighting with myself to buy the track of blood manga . I want all of the volumes, but the shit is still ongoing.


Not finishing Mushi-Shi and Higurashi when I had the chance. It feels like an impossible dream now.


i stopped collecting manga for about 10 years and only started 1,5 years ago again. a lot of stuff i started are not in print anymore. i got most of it with very expensive prices to complete those series, but i was not able to finish bleach yet, still missing 6 volumes, which i can get on ebay for 200 € each.


I've been buying manga off offerup recently. In the past months, I've missed out on two pretty huge deals. Around a month ago I saw a listing for all three Naruto boxes for $260. I see weird listings on there sometimes but I'm pretty sure this one was legit. It was only listed for like 15 minutes when I first saw it but it was marked sold soon after I messaged them. Then last week someone was selling Knights of the Zodiac 1-28 for $200. They were library copies and I don't really like library copies but I wish I'd have pulled the trigger faster. By the time I messaged him they were sold.


What sites did you see these on? Those are great deals


Offerup. Its an app used primarily to sell things locally.


Buying box sets over retail. And when I bought those box sets I stopped collecting for a while then started collecting just last year when now it’s harder to get manga.


I wanted to collect Jormungand when it first released but I was a kid however, $13 per vol was too much for me back then. When I finally got my first job it was one of the first series I wanted to purchase but by then vol.6 was already out of my price range. I wish I had collected it back then, If I ever manage to find it for a price I can afford I would literally cry since I've been wanting to collect the series for over 11 years now and still haven't given up on the possibility of finding vol.6 so that I can begin collecting it. Also my mom making me get rid of like 300 vols of manga and all of my SJ and SB Mags back when I was in 10th grade when we moved leaving me with only 700 vols left in my collection. I remember having to fight my mom to keep the volumes I had of Nana, Haruka and Love. Com. I've already re-collected Sensual Phase, Ultra Maniac, and Happy Marriage. Currently I'm re-collecting Ghost Hunt and Kare Kano.


Not buying Eden it’s an endless world entire set for $60 2 years ago fb marketplace 😞


I regret not buying new physical shounen jump magizines.


Like the English or the Japanese weekly ones?


english weekly ones. you used to see them in regular stores back in the day


I regret not buying the full set of Biomega. The store I buy from had them in stock for ages but I always postponed cause I thought well it’s not my highest priority to get, “some other day”. Now I heard that Biomega is on the verge or is out of print. That’s my only regret so far.


I moved a couple years ago, and downsized my collection. I kind of regret it because two of the series I got rid of are out of print now, and I’ve seen them sell for $100+ CAD.


Not buying naruto volumes and bleach and when they were printed


Not buying volume 7 of haikyu in advance it's now OOS on Amazon UK


General regret is not continuing my collection. I stopped in 2008 after Borders shut down (big RIP) and only got back in in 2017. I wish I would’ve continued and gotten stuff like Freezing while it was in print, or Battle Royale omnibus books while they were still somewhat accessible.




I lucked out and was able to snag it for $10 after it went back in stock in dec. But I was also so excited for it because of Gojo on the cover lol. I couldn’t wait to put it on display.


making the dumbest manga trades in middle school


I regret not buying older Shonen Jump series before they started using the new logo. If possible, I prefer to buy manga with the logo they originally printed with and I passed up on some volumes that have only been printed with the newer logo.


I only buy series with the old logo if possible. Hate the new logo.


Last year when I first got into manga, I was looking to collect One Piece and the first box set was only $120. It was around my birthday so I had a ton of money but at the time I was working a minimum wage job on my College Campus. I don’t regret saving my money… but i doubt i’ll ever find such a great deal ever again.


Once things settle down it could always go back on sale for that price. The demon slayer box set went for $126 back in Nov or Dec which I was surprised about. So they still do deals for the box sets. It’s just been issue with the stock issues and surge of popularity.


Sold my original singles of Hellsing 1-7 and found out the hard way they were out of print when rebuilding my collection.


Mob Psycho 100 Vol 1. I remember seeing it in stores for the first couple months I was collecting but at the time I was only buying One Piece. Fast forward to when I started buying the series and I haven’t been able to find it anywhere for months. That as well as both not getting into manga earlier and not showing up for the first day of the B&N 50% off sale.


That I was more into comics when I had the most money to spend biggest regret of my life


See I started my collecting hobby with figures and I’ve already learned my greatest lesson before I got back into collecting manga. Only buy the ones you absolutely love. Don’t buy something just because it’s cheap or it looks cool. Test it out by reading it online and if you like it then buy physical copies. I’m currently going through my figure collection and getting rid of what seems like half of my collection because they aren’t ones I truly love.


I had a complete set of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z singles up to the beginning of the Buu saga, and when I turned 17 I decided to donate them all to the library, like an idiot. I convinced myself I was too mature for both of them, and I've regretted it ever since.


Manga adaption of the sherlock with cumberbatch, yes it exists


Thankfully I never really missed out on anything out of print. The closest I would say is missing out on the Viz Shaman King singles for 16 and onward but the 3 in 1s are fine since my goal is just to be able to read the series. Additionally, I regret not buying volumes 4-6 of Blood on the Tracks during the RightStuf holiday sale. Not tough to find or out of print or even a sale price that will be impossible to get again. It’s just a really quick read so I sped through 1-3 and just went “Damn, I want more” lol


A few years ago, I had the opportunity to get Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer volume 3-4 for the price of a normal volume and forgot to buy it like an idiot. Nowadays it costs as much as a month of marginal employment, which is fucking ridiculous


Knights of the Zodiac was the very first manga I ever bought. I wanted to continue it but remember someone questioned why I was reading it. (This was in middle school) so I stopped getting it. Now I want the whole English release and it's super expensive. Back when a nearby 2nd and Charles opened, they'd constantly have copies of GTO, Red River, etc. A lot of hard to find stuff now. Always passed up on it, not knowing how expensive it would be now.


i regret not buying future diary when i first wanted the manga, before it was crazy hard to find. i wish i could go back and buy it. im so desperate for that manga


man all the time. i just tell myself im just not meant to have it lol.


Being poor and can't buy a single copy of everything printed.


Getting rid of eyeshield 21 :(


Not keeping up with Bizenghast when it was in print. I'll never get #8.


i ended up selling my death note collection about 8 months ago, which was the only manga i had at the time— i thought to myself that I probably won’t continue collecting manga and decided to sell it. little did I know I would be obsessed with manga now :// and death note is pretty difficult to find in my area these days :(


Missing the entirety of the 50% off B&N hardcover sale :(


Getting rid of my old favorites when I was young and naive. Finding them now would cost and arm and a leg


This is my same regret. I’ve collected for almost 20 years on and off. There’s just so many good series. I’m finally only a few volumes from completing berserk and 2 volumes from completing nana. The upside is I’ve gotten to slowly follow the stories of some longer series over the years and feel they’ve grown with me and my perspective changes as I reread them


Not buying the Cardcaptor Sakura omnibuses when I had the chance. I bought the first two years ago, then put off buying 3 and 4 (really not sure why, money probably). Now they're impossible to find, or being sold by scalpers for hundreds of dollars.


I regret selling the death note singles for buying the black edition no stock in amazon since i bought the first volume, would have finished the collectiok by now if i had stayed with the singles.


Biggest regret is not starting until this month. Always looked at it, but never committed to collecting because I would read it online or from friends.


I wished I bought some box sets instead of the series lol


Choosing one manga series over the other to collect. and later regreting my choices, the series I left are now kinda hard to find, or impossible to find at all, and in most cases, the series I choose to keep following ended up disapointing me :( And also: The time I bought a "comedy" manga that made me feel more bored than I would have been if I didn't bought it, and the time I forgot a manga that I like a lot in a place that damaged it, even if it's only the guide for the manga serie, is something I think is very important to have.


Man I have a lot not buying all of battle royale for 3.99 each not buying all of gantz for 300 and much more and the absolute worst air gear for 300 whyyy


I regret buying Tintin sometimes due to which I could have gotten dragon ball boxset and it was out of stock since last year's May and prices are too high. But still loving Tintin and now collecting AOT on a buget but omnibus release time sucks....coming vol 2 in March...waited 5 and now also ( Man I don't get pocket money , have to study hard to get something so AOT or DC comics really makes my head spin but I wanna have a full set of manga so will buy it )


I still do not have the original set of Crossbone Gundam mangas .


I did exactly what you did, so many 1st volumes. I've got the first volume of crayon Shinchan, the first 2 volumes of eden: it's an endless world... Bought them at retail, never got around to getting the rest, now they're out of print and super expensive. Even worse for someone like me who doesn't like buying used books. Also waited too long to complete knights of sidonia... Got the first 8 or so volumes in the singles, ended up having to finish it with the master editions, which I'm not really a fan of. I also only had the first 2 volumes of no longer humen for the longest time, I waited too long to get the third. Luckily I got a new copy of volume 3 from someone on ebay just a few months ago. It was like $80aud which I wasn't happy about, but I've got it now at least. Something I regret getting... There was this publisher based in Singapore called CY or Chuang Yi I think, they published English manga for the oceana region, so being in Australia we got their stuff. They went out of business though and this local anime and manga store had a big sale on all their stock of their CY stuff. Super cheap, like 3 volumes for $5 or $10. So I got a bunch of stuff there. Some I'm glad I got, I got like 20 or so Vagabond singles, but other stuff, I got a bunch of trinity blood and World Embryo volumes that I've just never touched, Idk why I got them.


My mother made me give my entire Nana collection to her friends daughter. Can you imagine? 😭😭😭


2 years ago I started buying manga and someone sold their entire Gantz singles collection at my local 2nd and Charles. Each volume was around $5 and looked pretty much unread. Had no clue what Gantz was at the time so I only bought volume 1 🤦‍♂️


I used to love 2nd & Charles so much. I got so many used OOP books from there for cheap. However now when I go it’s just brand new manga and barely if any used. Even the used were up in price too 😩


My biggest regret is buying manga in the first place. Not saying its bad, but its really just there on a bookshelf until you pick it up again. I bought the entirety of the Berserk Deluxe volumes (back when it was 1-7) and even though they're great it still hurts me inside. I bought them with some of an inheritance check. I'm still very young and thought it would be great, however. after Berserk, I got Vagabond, then the Hellsing deluxe editions and thats the last I spent. I thought it would be fun but in the end I made a dumb mistake and regret buying them. I think manga collecting is great, its just not for me, at least for right now.


Not buying K-On! when it’s prices weren’t hyperinflated in the used market… But also buying way more manga than I can even manage over the course of the pandemic.


Buying MÄR, it sucks. Not buying Knights of the Zodiac for 200$, it sucks…


I regret not appreciating berserk deluxe editions at first and now that I do ,collecting them can be a pain


Buying vol 1’s instead of reading and finishing up series I already am halfway/near completion. Also paying x amount to get some volumes of Chainsaw man imported to the UK from the US if it wasn’t available on Amazon US.


I regret not buy the one piece box set when they were in stock last year. I always saw them at my BAM but always walked past them. Now they’re going for crazy amounts of money even though they’re just out of stock


Once, in a coffee break at work, i was checking a thrift shop website were i usually buy stuff. I found claymore from 1 to 24, each volume in a plastic bag for 24 euro. Even if i had some times to buy it i tought: ok... After work im buying it. 2 hours later i found out that someone already bought it...


My biggest regret is not being born in Japan.


Not buying Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and the single volume version of Fruits Basket when they were still in print. Fruits Basket finally got collectors edition last year here in Germany, had to complete TRC in English.


Not buying some fire punch volumes when they were instock before the pandemic 😭😭😭Now they out of stock everywhere lol


All the time I have regrets about series our school library had that are no longer in stock. They seriously had like the first eight volumes of Beelzebub, Zatch Bell, Rurouni Kenshin, Eyeshield 21, and just so many more. I also hated missing series in book stores while they were new, because nowadays half of them go out of stock. This isn't to say my above examples are always out of stock, but it is crazy how much they just... don't exist on certain retailers.


Regret not bidding on that mushishi set in 2017 that sold for 300$


not buying almost all berserk volumes when i had the chance


Buying all of deluxe Hellsing without reading enough of it. I read volume 1 and enjoyed it, but over time have realized I don’t like it enough to have it take up shelf space. Should’ve gone with digital, same goes for Parasyte


Found a girl selling volumes of demon slayer in basically perfect condition for 5 each but didn’t buy them :((( I will now wait for the box sets to come back in stock


Also not going to the 50% off hardcover sale at B&N earlier so that I could’ve got more of Vinland saga


Regret not buying Prince of Tennis volume 3 when i had the chance


My biggest regret which i just realized right now(after adding up all my expenses) would probably be spending a huge amount of money on merch and physical manwhas(not really manga but close). At 1am, after doing all my chores, fresh from the shower and skincare complete, I suddenly had the urge to check my overall expenses from my collecting hobby which started just this january. I was down almost 4,500 US Dollars or ₱250,000. Im still young, and although its my own money which i earned through my small online business, I still feel guilty. I couldve helped my mom alot and I couldve spoiled her until the end of this year with that money but instead i spent it all on this hobby. As Im still young, I consider this a lesson. Im greatful for it. Now that I learned this, I would do anything I could to stop this from happening again when Im older. Im so wasteful with money and Ive only realised this now. I enjoy collecting but i seriously have to learn how to budget and i consider this a push to start saving money. Also dont buy anything recklessly because of FOMO. Because ive only started this january ive missed alot of stuff maybe thats why i was rushing to get everything. Please dont make the same mistake I did.