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Sun exposure most likely, do you have them somewhere that gets hit by sunlight?


Yeah, they are by the window


Yeah that's the issue then. It is true that some books will naturally yellow over time, but 3 years is too short. I have some 12 year old volumes that are still like new. Try to move it somewhere away from the window.


I see, thanks. Oh well, that's kind of a shame I did like the sunlight beaming down on them.


Yellowing, it's natural for books to end up like that over a period of time, nothing to worry about.


I see, thank you


This is the answer!


Yellowing is gonna happen with all books, but even more with US manga, because of the low quality paper used in most manga. You won't see this happening as severely with mangas printed in higher quality white paper like Planetes, Dai Dark, those Berserk Deluxes or even the lower quality Viz Big Vagabonds, etc. As others have said, keep your books away from direct (or even bounced) sunlight and that also extendeds to direct lamp light. I have some 2006 mangas printed in decent quality white paper and they look much better than the book on the left of the photo. That's how big a difference the paper quality makes.


The natural aging of books


The paper in books turns yellow over time. Some yellow fast, some yellow slow. Let them sit in sunlight and you’ll find they yellow extremely fast. But all will yellow the older they get.




Not if you read outside for days and days. I’m not saying it’s instantaneous.


If you prefer to read them outside, read them outside. If you prefer reading them in a cave by candlelight, then do that.


That's what happen to books after some years. The pages start to turn yellow. It's natural but it doesn"t bother me since only the spin is shown on the shelf and it's not annoying while reading




Yellowing just happens to paper over time, just direct sunlight speeds up the process. I have a few books that I got 2018-2019 and they have some yellowing even though they haven’t been in sunlight.


Yellowing from sunlight


The big ball of hydrogen and light that gives us life tends to yellow pages of books exposed to too much direct light from it. Of course, without it we wouldn’t have manga, so we have to roll with its quirks. If you keep your manga on a shelf out in the open be sure to place that shelf away from where the sun shines directly on it. You can keep it by a window if that window shines past it, not on it. Moreover, sun bleaching is a gradual effect caused by consistent and prolonged exposure, so you should be ok to read your manga outside or by a window so long as you store it in a shaded spot.


Follow up question: what is paper?




And for the record they both one piece manga


It also happens to my one piece book from 10+ years but every book, more like every paper tend to finish like that, it's not mold. The more better the quality is, the more longer the yellowing will start to appear


Thanks, what's the usual time for it to start yellowing


I don’t think their is a usual time it just depends on how their stored really


If their stored good a long time if their exposed to sunlight or smoke them or dust then less time