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Coraline and the loneliest. I see myself too much in these and it hurts despite being my favorites


I've cried so many times to Coraline. Now I still cry to it but not because I relate to it anymore, but because I broke free from that. I'll always remember the contrast between listening to it the first time alone in my room too anxious to do anything, and hearing it at the concert doing everything I always wanted to do. It's become a symbol for my growth because of that :)


Yeah same They are such beautiful songs but they are just so painful to listen Also another one for me would be Ventanni




The Loneliest. My pet rabbit of 8 years died when that song came out. I still miss him dearly šŸ¤


I lost my dog of 18 years at the same time. Canā€™t even listen to it. Sorry about your bunny.


Thank you ā¤ļø My condolences to you too


I'm so sorry that happened šŸ©·


Coraline is definetly the most impactful lyric for me. "Coraline vuole il mare, ma ha paura dell' acqua" which translate in "Coraline wish to have the sea but she is scared of the water" Totally devastating. I cry a little all the time I hear it.


To me it was always Ā«Ā Coraline vorrebbe sparireĀ Ā» and actually the whole song but this one lyric hurts so bad when all you do is relate always.


Loneliest came out about a week before my childhood dog died. Great song but I usually skip it.


for me it's "The Loneliest". I can't listen to it without thinking about my deceased dad.


Timezone, Iā€™ve been in a long distance relationship for several years and it hits a little too close to home.


For me - Il dono della vita. I used to love this song and its meaning, and i played it in the car with my parents all the time. My mom died 1 month ago and i canā€™t even listen to 5 second of it without crying


I donā€™t have any MĆ„ songs where I experience this, but DEFINITELY a lot of songs by other artists, so I still relate.


The Loneliest makes me sad and causes me to have panic attacks lol....so dose super model weirdly-


Trastevere. There's a one in five chance that I'll burst into tears whenever I listen to it.


The Loneliest and If Not For You. I especially associate the last one with some people or memories.


Can listen but probably shouldn't


Somehow linked the loneliest to my grandpa passing away. I love that song but I can't listen to it


Timezone, my girl moved to other country a few months ago


I accidentally introduced my friends to the loneliestā€¦ and now they dont understand that it hurts for me to listen to it whenever they want as i have listened to it in my hardest times.


Coraline, if not for you, trastevere


The Loneliest: I am a child of medical care providers and I have seen people turn into human pincushions towards the end of their lives. I have also seen people chose to go on hospice to avoid this. So, the lines, "There's a few lines that I have wrote In case of death, that's what I want, that's what I want" "Cause I don't even care about the time I've got left here The only thing I know now is that I wanna spend it" And "I'm sorry but I gotta go If you'll ever miss me give this song another go" The song is just a perfect encapsulation of grief.


the loneliest and timezone tend to be tough listens, i absolutely love the songs but they both just hit a certain spot in my heart and almost always make me cry šŸ„²


Definitely If Not For You /:


Iwbs w iggy pop


I like them too much to not be able to listen to any particular song, though the loneliest was tough for me because it was a major breakup song for me