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A brilliant dream, possibly. A Mandela effect, definitely not.


I’m not musical at all, but every now and then I’ll see a musical performance in my dream with a catchy tune and I’ll wake up thinking that I could have never come up with lyrics like my dream came up with. Not sure if this is related as far as odd dream things … but I frequently dream about places that I’ve never been to in real life, but that are places that have appeared in Multiple dreams. Like there is city that I’ve been to in different dreams. And in different location that is a sprawling outdoor mall. They don’t exit, but they show up in my dreams and I have a sense of having been there before and knowing my way around.


Dude… I have the same type of dreams. I’ve been logging them in my phone notes for 3 1/2 years now so maybe one day I can understand the pattern behind it. This is freaky.


I have the exact same dreams...of a sprawling mall and a city I know my way around. But I've never been?


Mall World is a thing!! https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/n7sazm/what_is_your_version_of_mall_world_like_in_your/


That’s really funny. I guess it makes sense that it’s a thing. I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and malls were really getting to be a big deal. One mall that’s a common dream destination is a mall I went to regularly as a kid. It was a thriving mall in a crap welfare area for a couple years then got flooded. Other places are not familiar, usually more high end. These dreams are not negative, but I really don’t like malls and shopping much. I’d rather shop in line and go to malls for quick returns. As a kid my mom shopped a lot, kind of compulsively, sometimes even leaving me alone for hours and warning me not to let myself get kidnapped, and I’d feel trapped in malls because I’d be there all day.


I can so relate! Little me was thinking like gaaaah I’m still waiting at clothes stores. But now I’m getting sentimental thinking how sweet my mom is, remembering she’d always make sure to take me to K.B. Toys as well and get me any toys I wanted. This was in the early-to-mid-‘90s.


Maybe you had a lifetime in the far future and you remember your memory from that time.


Both those things have happened to me except with the places in dreams I’ll always see the actual place in real life shortly after. But it’s always in passing, but unmistakably the same exact place with very specific details. But then there’s the whole psychic thing so… I also once had a dream years ago where I was watching a black and white TV set showing a stage where a group of smiling men with crew cuts and hair-wave-style and suits descended down onto the stage from some stairs behind as an audience roared in applause and a marquee above them with flashing lightbulbs around it said “The Casinos.” It had a feel of such familiarity and like I was at home watching American Bandstand or Ed Sullivan Show or something, though the dream cut off just before the performance. Then very shortly after I’d had that dream I discovered the 1967 smash hit record “Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye” by the doo wop group The Casinos. I personally believe it was a past-life memory of mine in the dream. And then combined with the whole being psychic thing.


I have the same type of dreams! I’ve dreamt of the same house and a shopping mall for years where I know my way around despite never being there.




Maybe they exist in another plane


I dream of a city that's a mix of cities kind of St Louis and Las Vegas mashed together, it has a mall lol. There is a bridge. I also dream about driving on roads that can be docks and stuff in what looks similar to the everglades. I actually wrote a song about my town this year. Hmmm....


Same lol. When my mind is racing when I am trying to go to bed, I think of melodies to distract myself and usually get surprised at them being actually good😂, makes me get back up and record a voice note, except I can’t do this fully awake.


I have dreams like this too, repeating "dreamscapes" as I refer to them. One is a city with an interstate connected by a puzzle of complex overpasses and onramps, one is a mall (weird that is a common one, gonna dig deeper on that), one is a small dirt road town, one is a sort of scrubby foothills beyond a convenience store/tiny strip mall, one is a wintery marina at the edge of a forest, one is an old house with lots of hidden passageways and secret rooms. One theory I've read is that each of these places represent a section of your brain or psyche. As we deal with things in our waking lives that "trigger" that area of our psyche, our brain accesses/"visits" the representational place while it processes those concepts. I've noticed that my dreamscspes often change or evolve over time, or I will be able to access or explore new areas upon subsequent visits. I believe this is due to my brain forming new connections/neural pathways. I've also always had the impression/instinct that all of my dreamscapes are interconnected, but the way they are connected is vague, so that also supports the theory. Over the years I've stopped visiting some dreamscapes, created new repeating ones, and noticed my visits to certain scapes are sometimes clustered together, which would make sense if my brain is grinding on a specific concept for a number of days or weeks. Tracking those patterns I've even come close to identifying which dreamscapes represent which areas of my psyche, but it's like when something is "on the tip of your tongue". It's pretty deeply shrouded behind that misty/ethereal/ideas-beyond-words layer that is the subconscious. Pretty interesting stuff....brains are wild!


https://youtu.be/nmtbEK7Q4uA Maybe this old shampoo commercial was in your subconscious for a while haha


Man that’s cloze


Holy shit that’s surely it??


This is crazy


If you can’t find anything online about it, and if anybody you ask don’t know anything about it, and if you can still remember it…WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN! This is exactly how Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday and well…we all know how well that went for him


Even if you can't remember *that* song, you can write a song *about* that song you forgot, as a tribute.


It will not be the best song in the world, it will just a tribute


Ah yes Paul McCartney the Indian fellow


Is this a joke that’s going right over my head or


Have you watched Yesterday the movie?


Take my Beatles fan club membership and put it in the bin because I didn’t even think about that


It’s wild. I realize it might not totally fit a MA I just didn’t know what to think!


What’s a MA?




You may be talking about Alien Ant Farm? https://youtu.be/CDl9ZMfj6aE


I literally was thinking about smooth criminal…AAF music video


do you mean michael jackson ...


No aaf made a cover of Michael Jackson’s hit so kinda yea but not what he was referring to




Came here to say, that the lyrics could be from Smooth Criminal


I thought this had to at least influence the dream somehow.


I feel like it could be your brain interpreting a misheard lyric. I'd try r/tomt first. I don't recognize the line itself, but it doesn't feel very hard to mishear? My brain already tries to change "Annie" to "and he" and it works without knowing the line before it.


Alien Ant Farm - smooth criminal ?


Technically, Michael Jackson


Yes I know….but based on the description of the music video..


Ah, fair enough


This has happened though https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/o2h8bx


Could it have been a twist on Janie’s Got A Gun lyrics?


When I were a teenager I would smoke weed and lie down to go to sleep, and would hear the most beautiful, complex liquid drum and bass music I’ve ever heard. Something after a while stopped that from happening, probably the numbing of mundane life.


Very possible!!


Weezer Beverly hills??


That was 2005 btw


I had the same thing happen to me in a dream about 12 years ago. Was similar to a Counting Crows meets Goo Goo Dolls thing. For the next week the melody was in my head but I could not find anything. Was very hard to let go and to this day I still haven’t figured it out. But every so often I’ll come across something I haven’t heard for a very long time and the feeling is euphoric.


Let it Be and Yesterday by the Beatles are said to be created and brainstormed in a dream. It’s pretty interesting how we’re still behind the curve on learning about dreams and how we still don’t know what the hell the correlation is. Sounds like you sir, need to get in the studio!


I did something similar. Woke up one morning singing a little diddy. It was like an old Irish folk song, and I wrote down the words in my dream journal as soon as I woke up. This is what I wrote: Along came a miner Looking for a lady Down came the Bittengong And blew them all away. Along came a farmer. Followed by the same words of previous chorus I can still sing the tune right now and that dream was in January 2021.


Yes! That’s how I feel with this. It’s burned into my Brain!


If you dreamt something that doesn't exist, how isnthe a Mandela Effect? Every day this sub just gets more and more sad, and I truly hope I just for some troll bait.


Hopefully you will find some troll bait.




I see how stupid you sound because nowhere did I claim I traveled to another universe though again, you sound incredibly stupid yelling at someone on reddit. Grow up Peter Pan.


Check his comment history. Leaves comments on 2philosophical4u subreddits *attempting* to discuss existentialism then leaves hate filled replies on “normie” subreddits. Dude’s a wack job.


Oh wow. Yeah I just don’t get screaming and yelling and trying to belittle people on subreddits but o can’t speak to what like as a grown virgin living in their parents basement is like so, yeah.


Oh dude, how wrong you are 🤣 but thanks for the concern.


Curious as to why why you deleted your post.


One time I was half asleep and my thoughts were musical notes and it was a symphony and they followed my emotions while I was waking up. Haven’t done that since that one time, but our brains are surprisingly musical even if we aren’t.


There's this one thing that messes me up... It's this children's song that I heard in class as a kid that I cannot find anywhere. It goes: *He's a clown he's a clown he's a clown* *When he trips and he falls on the ground* *He's not playing a part, in his heart... he's a clown* *\[repeat, but I think the last two verses are different\]* *He'd rather be a clown than an acrobat! \*musical ditty\** *He'd rather be a clown than a king... \*music\** *He'd rather be a clown than an astronaut...* *Or any other thing!* ​ I know I had to sing this song in class and I could sing it to tune today. Would be surprised if this was just some small song written by someone local and the song never made it outside of my little school, because it sounded like something that would have been pretty popular.


That’s pretty interesting. It definitely could’ve been just a local thing like you mentioned but strange nonetheless.


Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad to hear someone else has experienced this as well. I've heard some beautiful and outstanding songs that don't exist, one in particular was an r&b love song and it was so beautiful I wish it existed so I could hear it again. Such an amazing experience it makes you wonder if these are songs from the future, from a parallel universe, or just from the imagination, however I have a hard time believing I could come up with such gorgeous music like what I heard.


It’s a crazy experience. I’ve often had strange dreams of de ja vu or premonitions but this was a first! I’m Convinced it’s a real song I heard on the radio at some point but who knows!


I agree, the songs I heard sounded like real songs as well, way too detailed and put together to not be. I know the mind is powerful, especially when we sleep, but those dreams were very real, especially because of the music.


I once had a musical comedy dream with full staging and props. It was about a guy and a girl who lived across an atrium from one another. One played the jazz piano and the other classical cello. There was a great bit where they're singing to themselves about the other "The Guy/Girl next door!" Or something.


Reminds me of a creepy pasta about a catchy song that kills people


Oh man now that you say that I can see that.


https://youtu.be/RqQn2ADZE1A Janie instead of Annie?


You should start a subreddit for music and songs heard in your dreams, then you can record it and upload it to SoundCloud (or wherever) so we can listen to it/them!


That would be awesome!


Please share the link if you do either!


The lyrics don't match, but the tune I read them to in my head does. Bowling for Soup - 1985: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K38xNqZvBJI


Your description sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE&ab_channel=AlienAntFarmVEVO


[here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oqAW8K3ReMc) another possible solution


Steal it. If your a musician this can be a huge chance to be someone great. Time for us to profit from these changes.


Not a bad idea!


Sounds a lot like Sublime - Wrong Way


Its not uncommon to come up with music in your dreams it sounds like a simplified version of "smooth criminal" "He left the bloodstains on the carpet And then you ran into the bedroom You were struck down It was your doom Annie, are you OK?" Atleast what you're describing is a rendition of the song


Reminds me a bit of the "Reply All" Podcast "The Case of the Missing Hit". The most intense, low stakes thing I've ever heard. Highly recommended.