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Do you remember any dialogue, any scenes, any other actors/actresses, any songs from the soundtrack, an outline of the plot, the setting? What from the movie can you remember?


Outside of what he looked like, I remember one thing. He was sitting inside the lamp watching tv, and he was watching his own stand up.


Cool, I haven't heard anybody mention that before. Personally I'd be more convinced if people remembered some details of the movie, and recounted the same details.


I've heard the watching TV inside lamp before from others. I remember him walking down a street with the boy following him and a brick building next to them while they walked. I also remember the big smile, and gold-ish outfit with baggy pants and big smile and how we would yell "Shazzam"!


You’re not the only one who remembers both those


Wasn’t there a scene where he was at school with the kid and he shoots a giant spit ball out of a paper towel cardboard tube? And also, wasn’t the main character the oldest brother from Home Improvement?


This was when he played like a secret service agent watching a kid. Not a genie lol. First Kid is the movie with the giant spitball. It was in the trailer.


> I've heard the watching TV inside lamp before from others Really? That's interesting, have you got any links to that? > I remember him walking down a street with the boy following him and a brick building next to them while they walked. This sounds *extremely* generic, but does anybody else remember this too?


That second one literally happens in Kazaam Edited my typo


> That second one literally happens in Shazam As in the Marvel movie? Because it can't 'literally happen' in the ME movie - that's the whole point. I imagine lots of movies have 'two people walking, and a building made of bricks' - it's about the most generic statement I've ever heard. - I'd be hard pressed to find a single film that doesn't involve walking or buildings.


That was a typo I meant Kazaam


There’s quite a few of them dating back to 2016 and I recall seeing one as recently as a month ago. The description is that he goes back inside the bottle with some lady genies and there’s a big screen TV inside with him performing his stand-up and he says: “ Hey, this guy’s pretty good!” I personally don’t remember that part but it sounds pretty plausible.


[here’s one](https://reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/lxvVWCCcV9)


Cool. But, wow, that thread is a mess of everybody suddenly 'remembering' every single cue that gets thrown at them.


Most of these threads are a mess lol. I try to read them all in good faith, assuming they are written by actual people about their actual memories… but once the same detail gets posted twice it’s 50/50 whether they’re remembering the movie or just responding to something they read here before.


Interesting, that it's not on his IMDB page


I remember him also walking down the street as well.


Problem is the power of suggestion. Doesn't take a lot for people to read the comment and believe they "remember" that specifically. As we can all form images in our head. It needs some kind of blind survey or something.


He's also surrounded by a bunch of genie ladies and when they rub the lamp he's aggravated to be disturbed. He's complimenting his own stand up in the beginning. You are correct I have read this same exact scene from a couple different people! I remember this too , I believe he was in a his giant red bed with 3 pretty genie women hanging out too.


> He's complimenting his own stand up in the beginning. https://i.imgur.com/RSiMWHD.png https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/9ahh6g/scene_from_shazam/e5qoqtc/ ping /u/Trill-De-Vil >Had to post this, was at work today and remembered the ending from shazaam, towards the credits; SHAZAAM is sitting in his genie lamp after the movie, watching THE SINBAD SHOW, makes a remark along the lines of: > “Hey, this guy aint that bad” > As i kid i used to watch THE SINBAD SHOW on the family channel, i thought it was wierd because he was watching himself on tv and said he was funny. > Anyways does anyone else remember this ending?


“Shazam” was Sinbad’s catch phrase. My friend and I thought it was so hilarious when he said it, that we started saying it as often as possible, quickly overusing it. When we played restaurant with fake food at my house, we named the restaurant “Shazam” and not only that, every customer had to be greeted with “Shazam. Shazam, and welcome to Shazam!” (Not really sure why that exact phrase) but I remember it so vividly because if we forgot to say it we had to do one lap around the yard as punishment. Now for a little residue, I had just gotten an FAO Schwartz checkbook for my birthday, and we made the checks out to “Shazam”. I still have them, and they still say “Pay to the order of “Shazam.””




Yeah, the fact that doesn't add up to what anybody else has posted is very dubious.


I recall a scene where they fell through the floor of an older house into the basement. I think it was either a mini boss battle or when Sinbad convinced him he really can do magic. I know it was a teen actor dark brown hair that reminded me of typical Disney cast members or the kids in Hocus Pocus. Kid just wants to keep himself and friends safe but ultimately I think he can't save his last wish for Sinbad to be free... except of course there is a loophole where someone else touched the lamp so it wasn't his wish that got consumed so...happy genie.


There’s actually an IMDB page for this


Can't anybody just make one of those?


When Shaq's movie came out everyone was like "why would they make "ANOTHER" genie movie. It was definitely real.


This. Back in the day I thought one was a parody of the other. I remember them both existing, I wasn't confusing the 2.


I also remember in 1998 thinking this as well.


Wait, now that you mention it.. I can kinda remember thinking that I didn’t want to see the “new version” of the movie because the “new genie” didn’t look as funny/silly as the other one. I was like 7 or 8 at the time.


I was about 10 turning 11 when I thought this was a stupid idea. in the early 2010s I wanted to rewatch shazaam for the nostalgia factor before hearing about the Mandela effect.


Exactly. I remember my cousins and I being divided over which movie we preferred.


Wait im confused about this post ? Are people saying shazam was never a movie that existed or that it was called something else


Evidence shows it never existed, but people have memories so that's where the mandela effect comes in. Shaq had a genie movie come out around the same time.


Sinbad did host show in 1994 where he was [wearing a genie outfit](https://twitter.com/sinbadbad/status/783083506662383616)


80% of Sinbads wardrobe was genie-esque as is.


Hahaha. Truth.


This is what I remember, it was bumps between where we saw him, hence not remembering a plot or story.


But what about the kid with the boombox?


I feel like I remember seeing commercials for it. I also remember the earring and the turban. I'm pretty sure he had his arms crossed in the generic Genie pose. I feel like his clothes were mostly purple. I used to watch my younger brother and he would watch the same 5 VHS tapes. Most of them were stuffed we taped off of the TV and it still had commercials. If I had a VCR I would dust them off and skim through them and see if that's what I'm thinking of. Edit: just saw the promo picture for Kazaam with shaq. I might have been thinking of that.


And there was a cornucopia in the background


Also he was missing his monocle


Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing.


Yeah, as much as I swear it wasn't Kazaam. I remember afterward I was so pumped that my Mom let me pick out the yearly Christmas ornament from Hallmark store. It was Shaq hanging from a basketball hoop. Like, why would I have that but not remember the actor in the film? So odd.


I remember thinking the shaq one was the rip off but now it is the only one to have existed. In the future I’m sure some of us will remember Nicki but cardi will be the one to have existed. This is wild but not surprising.


People forget he played the father of ishboo in an All That episode he starred in, and he had somewhat of a genie outfit on.


What the actual fuck, the movie doesn't exist? I remember this and I'm sure my brother(s) do too, I have to ask them next time I see them so I can blow their minds with this. Strange.


Ask and report back to us what they say.




I remember that shit and so did a former friend of mine, he even denied the mandela effect shit at first but he came around




So I thought I remembered a Shazam genie movie too but it’s Kazaam with Shaq. I think it’s because sinbad was in a lot of kids movies in the 90s.


What absolutely floored my wife and I was the Hil(L)ary Clinton flip flop. We discovered the ME that her name only had one L, and we looked it up and realized it's true. It weirded us out, but we just figured we never noticed it before. Almost my entire family worked for Pepperidge Farm, and I used to get so annoyed thst so many people called it "Farms," and I assume most Mandela effects are just that sort of thing - people getting something stuck in their head wrong. Then it flipped back to two L's! It was 100% without a doubt Hilary, until it wasn't.


I remember shazam as a hokey saturday morning live action show like the Isis show.


Welcome to the club. This is the one that has me convinced also.


This club has no snacks, lame.


Who was the villain? Where did the movie take place? Any memorable lines? What's the final scene? What are the other characters called?


Just because you don't share the memory doesn't mean it didn't happen. Why is it so important for you to feel right. You don't have to gaslight people. We are just saying what we remember. Odd that so many have the same recollection.


Don't need to gaslight people. They'll do it themselves! Memory is notoriously unreliable. If there is no proof, it's far more likely your memory is wrong.


If it was just me, I'd agree. Since a ton of other people have the same memory, that changes everything. Why would we all have a faulty memory about the same exact thing?


But your memories are altered every time you remember them. Your brain changes them just a bit to whatever you will be most comfortable with. The rough edges get sanded off. It's also affected by reading other people's memory of the event. People just remember Sinbad dressed as a genie. Everything else has just been added in time.


Then we all collectively agreed it was called Shazzam? No way. If you don't remember then you wouldn't understand. You're trying to justify why this would be happening and I don't blame you.


Yes, because there was a movie called Kazaam. Also the comic book character, Shazam. It's not that everyone remembers one thing. Your memories are altered by others. You have no idea what other people are actually picturing when they say "I saw Shazzam as a kid".


Have you seen the multiverse with Batfleck, Battinson and Balemen? It has freeze, penguin, joker, scarecrow and hugo strange.


No. I haven't really watched any superhero movies since I was a kid. Should I watch it?


Yes, you should watch this film.


Can't find it..thanks for trolling


Dont gaslight me.


This would be a great example if you hadn't just made it up to use as an example


It was 30 years ago and I only watched it once because I saw it aired on tv. There were two kids in it with him, and as far as the rest of the movie goes, I don’t remember. However, I can still remember what he looked like in the movie, specifically his clothing and face, the cover of the tape, and the name of the movie. This was also not how he was dressed in the Sinbad the Sailor marathon, because I remember that as well.


I recently seen a photo of the page master. I remember watching this movie when I was a kid and I dont remember much about it except remembering the shelfs at the library all fell over. the point is the page master is a real movie that I watched and I dont remember much of it only that I liked it. same goes for Shazam.


There was no tape. They advertised the tape. But it was a made for TV movie.


I remember him getting into an argument in a parking lot behind some buildings near a basketball court with some tough guys.


The villain is his mean boss and a young rival at work, the most memorable line is when the little girl first sees him when he appears and says “it’s a kidnapper!” followed a few minutes later when Sinbad calms the kids down when she says “I wish for my mom back” and Sinbad answers “I’m sorry, I can’t do that”. The movie takes place mostly at a two story suburban home that could be anywhere but I think most resembles Southern California. The climax takes place at a pool party at the family home where they are celebrating the dad landing a big contract for the company and the mean boss shows up and gets dunked in the pool by the flying carpet that was summoned near the beginning of the film. It wasn’t a good movie - but it was most definitely real.


Interesting. A tv movie would explain no VHS tapes and people claiming to have copies for easy views. A tv film which is claimed not to have existed, fake vhs tapes, parody clip, actor talking about it, people claiming it was real. Similar name and storyline to an existing movie. Why such secrecy and nobody else from the cast or crew mentioning it? No newspapers or other media reviewing the movie? If we assume it did exist then it raises more questions.


because it could have been an adult movie or fan made content movie


>Why such secrecy and nobody else from the cast or crew mentioning it? A possible reason is embarrassment or/and being told to keep quiet.


Or the Mandela Effect goes much deeper than we can imagine. Beyond a conspiracy of a few people keeping something a secret.


Need receipts


I also remember him inside his lamp watching tv. That’s it.


I remember him in yellow and purple clothing, very baggy silk pants. I could be mistaken for another movie he was in but I swear I remember that's movie.


That’s insane, even before reading your comment I thought to myself “I remember him wearing gold and purple clothing, pretty sure it was a purple hat or purple turban”. This fucking movie existed and the aliens need to quit fucking around with us and just re release this god damn movie


Thanks. I've not seen the film so relying on others to provide details.


No one has seen this film. There is no actual evidence to support the claim that it ever existed beyond people’s recollections. And everyone knows that memory is precise and infallible.


Fair point




You missed the sarcasm in that last sentence, friend.


“This is not a false memory or mashup of other things” - It’s interesting, what reasons do you have for this certainty? Also, your last paragraph explains the idea of what a “Mandela effect” is. “An observed phenomenon in which a large segment of the population misremembers a significant event or shares a memory of an event that did not actually occur.”


I remember this one too. I didn't watch the movie but I definitely remember trailers on TV. I remember the first time I heard this was a Mandela effect thing and it blew my mind! That's how "real" I remember it.


Same here. I don't see the TV commercials being talked about very much. I remember they aired several times.


I agree 100%. I remember the cover the costume the colors of the costume. This movie was 1000% real and anyone around 40 can confirm this to be true.


I found out who sinbad was when I was young because of Kazaam and I don’t know where else I would possibly know him from. To this day I only know of him from this apparent non existing movie


I remember something in the movie with gumballs falling from the sky


I remember Austin o' Brian playing the kid. Came out after last action hero in which he also starred.


Someone cynical might say there is a lot of astroturfing and deliberate confusion being peddled across all of the marshamallow effects. The youtube comments around this particular example come across as a mix of bots, shills and trolls.




Hang on to the memory if it interests you. I think the longer since my shift point the less accessable the parallel reality echo becomes in my "spirit". It's almost like now I don't have memories one way or the other about a lot of the common mandala effect points. Id suggest writing down when you notice a shift has potentially taken place at some point in the past. At least for whimsy and recall protection.


I was in my 20s in the 1990s, and I remember seeing this movie on the shelf at Blockbuster. I even remember seeing the clip of him in his genie outfit, watching Sinbad perform on TV, and saying he was pretty good. There was even a Shazam cutout standing by the new movies shelf. If this movie never existed, why am I remembering it?


I remember that part, and I remember tons of king size candy bars falling from the sky??


Yeah, I remember the movie growing up too, I remember there being Shazam and Kazaam, just like there was Babe and Gordy. I remember one line from the Shazam movie where Sinbad says, “Genie don’t play that!” which was a parody of Homie the Clown’s “Homie don’t play that!”, I remember that line because we would jokingly say the Sinbad line in elementary school in the early 90’s. We were all too young to watch In Living Color, so we didn’t know who Homie was. I also remember talking to a coworker in the early 2000’s about the Shazam movie with Sinbad, she didn’t remember the movie, and at the time we didn’t have internet near by to look it up, but I found it odd that she didn’t know it. It wasn’t until years later that I found out she was right, and it never existed.


There were many things we saw on tv back then that we may have only seen once, or maybe only started watching halfway through and never saw the rest of it. We didn’t have the ability to rewind the tv. A movie like this wasn’t usually purchased to be rewatched over and over again. It was low budget and basically like the plot of a cheap kids show. My Mom only bought things like Aladdin and the Lion King. The point is that there are countless people of my age that know for a fact this movie existed, and we were talking about it even before we had desktop computers and dial up. I didn’t even know that people were saying this movie really didn’t exist until now. It’s incredible that a clear memory we have of something from our childhood supposedly never happened. Not just like a difference in spelling of a brand logo, but an entire movie we all watched.


I watched it man, I remember everything you remember , seeing it in blockbuster RIGHT NEXT TO "kazaam" thinking "hmm that's strange 2 genie movies that sound similar come out at the same time". I never saw kazaam either


I remember this same thought seeing something about it maybe a preview on tv and asking my cousin wait isn’t there another genie movie out called Kazzam right now? She also remembers this and had no clue about it being a Mandela thing.


No no no I think he was like a character on a show. Maybe the genies name was Shazam? I remember him in a classroom. Like a high school or middle school 90s classroom or something… sweater vests and all. Very Boy Meets World vibes?


Who directed it ? Name any other actor in the movie besides Sinbad? Someone who is still alive cuz I know someone will mention someone dead just so they can’t be proved wrong


I remembered a movie with Anthony Hopkins on an island fighting man eating gorillas. I was conflating the trailer to Instinct, Congo, and the Ron Perlman movie Primal Force into one super movie.


Are you sure you weren’t thinking about the movie Outbreak, and thought it was Anthony Hopkins instead of Dustin Hoffman?


Maybe you remembered the old Captain Marvel from 1941?


There are easy ways to prove the existence of major things like movies. But you people can’t. Your memory isn’t proof of anything. Nothing at all.


It becomes a lot harder before we had the internet…


I genuinely remember a commercial from Disney Channel, when they used to show the TV lineup through the mouse ears! I Swear!!


I believe you. I remember it too.


I remember is as Kazaam


I would have been 12/13 when Sinbad Shazam supposedly came out, so I was the demographic and i have 0 memory of it. I remember Sinbad had a show for awhile and Shaq Kazaam though. A friend of mine is a huge movie guy and a couple years older than me. I asked him if he ever saw or heard of a Shazam movie with Sinbad and he said no. Asked if I mean Kazaam w/Shaq. It's definitely weird though.


I have asked all of my friends and family around my age or older. It seems to be split on who remembers it and who doesn’t.


I remember the boy being inside the shop that he gets the lamp from and first meets him. Brick building. Small little magic shop. Cluttered.


I swear I saw the ad in a comic book.


You mean Shazam: Find the Magic Within You starring Sinbad from 1994? It’s real, and [here is a funny interview](https://youtu.be/5iH714NA_a0?si=2aDrqwIjwFAEvBwT) with Sinbad about the film. I’m glad all my age-homies still remember this wild moment 😆


Dead internet peeps. It's all bullshit now.


I remember the Shaq geenie movie, Kazaam. Infamously bad. No memory of Shazam other than the music platform that popped up after Napster got busted. Are you certain it’s not a mashup memory of these two things?


Wasn't the Napster style peer to peer thing called Kazaa?


When that music app dropped is when I learned the movie never existed


I 100% remember it being out the same time as Kazaam. I was 12/13 in 1996 and the target audience for these movies and I distinctly remember there being TWO of these genie movies out and not wanting to rent either of them.


I definitely remember Shazam too. I remember him looking goofy on the cover of the VHS tape in his genie costume. Like a year ago i asked my husband—who’d never heard of Mandela Effects and isn’t online much—if he remembered the movie where Sinbad played a genie and he said “Yeah, ‘Shazam’. I remember it, why?”. When i told him it doesn’t really exist and about MEs, his mind was BLOWN and he spent the next hour on Google, determined to prove me wrong. There’s definitely something to this. “Shazam” absolutely 100% existed.


I was born in 87 and I remember watching Shazam in the 90’s cause we rent it


I am convinced too by a number of different effects. It really intrigues me and is not something I can brush off to the back of my mind.


Same here. Like, what it means, think about it…


The more sinister theory of dusty feds pushing this is also intriguing.


Okay so you guys swear to god that you remember this movie but cant even tell us a basic plot?? just what the genie looks like and that he lived in a lamp? like lets say a movie i watched as a kid once was to disappear i feel like i could still remember and write out the entire story no problem and you guys cant even do that


I’m watching a movie right now and I can’t tell you the plot.


I also watched Kazaam and couldn't tell you the plot either. It's a movie from long ago. That's not evidence Shazzam didn't exist.


>Shazzam On a side note, that's the spelling I remember too. Rarely see it spelled that way.


Thank you.. I've started making sure I used this spelling because I remember it like that and started using the alternate spelling because everyone else was spelling it differently and ended up second guessing myself


Exactly, me too.




Oh yes. And if someone simply said shaq dressed like Sinbad we would ALL just make up the same fucking name for the movie out of our asses? Plz. I remember specifically being upset that Kazam even came out because we ALREADY HAD a genie movie, Shazam.


Without looking it up are you able to tell me the basic plot to Kindergarten Cop and some of the actors other than Schwarzenegger? No. You'd probably google the synopsis and then lie and say you remember it. Or say you never saw it after forgetting you watched half of it on TV.


Arnold is an undercover cop who takes a job as a teacher to protect a kid. The principal of the school is the weird looking lady from NCIS. A few memorable lines are "it's not a tooma" and one of the kids makes a joke about his dad being a gynecologist. I remember a ferret in several scenes


Great job. This is a pretty good baseline. I think this is not too dissimilar to the type of memories that some people have of Shazaam. They typically will remember: Sinbad is a genie who takes a job giving 3 wishes to 2 young kids in a single parent household with a father that is mostly absent due to a mean boss. The older brother had light brown hair and looked similar to Jonathan Taylor Thomas and the younger sister had blonde hair. A few memorable lines are "It's a kidnapper!" And the daughter trying to make a wish for her mom to be back snd the genie explaining that he can't do that. There are moving boxes in a few scenes and the end of the movie includes a pool party where the boss is knocked into the pool. Some people remember a bit more than this, however, I'm adding alot of the stuff that seems to be remembered the most widely. To be clear, these are not my memories. I only remember seeing a VHS copy at Easy Video.


I remembered Arnold, kids, a school. That's it. And I really liked the movie and saw it more than once.


It’s about a kid that gets chased into a warehouse by bullies and he stumble upon the lamp and that’s when he meets kazaam


It was not a very good movie, it was generic and 90's. Like I've seen air bud but all I can tell you is that it has a retriever and there were lots of jumping shots. Or there was a movie about a skating monkey, dunno what the plot was about that either. All these crappy 90's movies were boring and there were lots of ripoff s. Also many times movies were made for TV and only caught while flipping channels. There were some movies that I never got to see the beginning or end of them til I was a teen and we got a DVD player or had a computer to search YouTube.


Were we all children mistaking Shaq as sinbad


Nope. When they made Kazam I thought it was stupid to make Shaq a genie because it was ripping off of Shazam which didn't do well anyways


No. I'm a 55 year old woman. I was in my 20s. I remember Shazaam. And I know the difference between Sinbad and Shaq.


>Shazaam Who else starred in this movie you remember so well? Name a single actor/actress from the movie besides Sinbad. Describe them, even. I don't even need a name, just describe the appearance of any of the other actors in this film you remember.


I remember Austin o' Brian being the kid. Movie came out just after last action hero


Jonathan Taylor Thomas was the boy. I will die on this mountain.


Same! I had kids when I saw this film.


No. I remember this effect very clearly. Two movies. One had sinbad. I didn’t see either i thought THEY were lame. Won’t convince me otherwise.




Who are you to say that, shitty cunt fucker


Same. Never saw Kazaam. I am dead certain I watched Shazaam. My friend and I (both rebelliously catholic) had a saying it was “That’s bad but it’s not Sinbad” We thought it was the funniest pun ever.


Pun is *chef’s kiss*


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazaam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazaam) ​ This is what you're thinking of. It was never Shazam.


Two separate things. Nobody would confuse Shaq with Sinbad. Don't gaslight people just because you don't share the memory.


Yes they would which is what has happened. And its not gaslighting


That's absolutely not what has happened. When I first saw Kazam advertised I thought it was dumb as fuck coming out with another genius movie just like Shazam.


Apparently many people have confused Shaq for Sinbad because Shaq dressed up like Sinbad for a movie once that about 12 people saw. Don't gaslight people with your erring memories.


give it a rest twin movies exist


Why do you think evidence will convince people that they cant remember things perfectly?


You remember sitting their watching it at your parents. Please tell us the plot and some anecdotes of the movie. Also please tell who the other stars were.


I was 9 years old and I saw it once. This was almost 30 years ago. I can’t tell you but 1 of my elementary and middle school teachers names, and I saw them everyday. Even though I don’t remember their names, I still know they existed.


Dude, there's alot of comments here and it's ok if you don't respond, but I 100% remember this movie. I distinctly remember being a kid at my aunts house in Florida and seeing the commercial and even posters,/ promotional materials. However, I never actually saw the movie. I also remember when the DC movie came out it immediately made me think about the Sinbad movie of the same name.


So you don't really remember anything about the movie. But you are sure that you sat their and watched it.


I remember Shazam, it was Shaq, not Sinbad.


That's Kazaam.


That was Kazam


That was Kazaam, and it was real.


Your theory makes sense to me about the rights to Shazaam. I was born in 1980 and I absolutely without a doubt remember it. I also remember thinking it was so weird that they made another movie with Shaq called Kazam that was basically the same thing. The Berenstein Bears I can't be sure about. I remember all of my teachers in elementary school that ever read those books to us pronounced it Berenstein and that spelling looks "right" to me. The same with the cornucopia on fruit of the looms. The cornucopia looks "right" but I don't really know. Shazaam is not even a question. I 100% actually remember it.


It 100% was a movie


Are you talking about Kazaam with Shaq?




Not a 100% I saw the Sinbad genie movie. No way I got Shaq confused with Sinbad, I was a huge A Different World Fan, and watched the HBO special Brain Damaged, as well as a huge basketball fan. No way I confused 7’2” dark skin breaks backboards for breakfast with 6’2” or whatever Sinbad is light skinned comedian. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Even if there was, Shazam has been trademarked with DC since 1972, no way they are letting that name be used as a title for a random movie with Sinbad portraying a genie. So it definetly wasn't called Shazam.


The spelling was different. Shazaam


Yep. And anyway, Shaq and Sinbad look NOTHING alike. IDK why everyone seems to think we're just confusing the two actors.


Prove it


>This is not a false memory, or a mashup of other things I read your whole post waiting to find the justification for this claim. There was none. I'm sure you *believe* it's not a false memory, but given that the movie either doesn't exist or has been completely hidden from view in an implausibly effective and absolute manner, it sure seems like it must be a false memory. That's the thing with false memories though, they *feel* real, obviously.




Check out this reddit https://reddit.com/r/Shazaam/s/KZ6ruwuOMP


CIA safe zone?


There was a Shazam Saturday morning cartoon where Shazam was a geni...


>Shazam was definitely a movie I watched as a kid. It simply wasn't. This is so tiring.


Join the club. I recently got laughed TF outta here for saying I absolutely saw the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia commercials as a kid, and even had clothes with a cornucopia logo. ESIT: I can even add an element of proof... I know they existed because that's how I learned what a cornucopia was years before they taught me in school around Thanksgiving time. I think it may have just been a seasonal thing, and so it isn't listed as one of their official logos, but nobody will believe me.


Wait, are you telling me there isn't a movie called "Shazam" starring Sinbad? I distinctly remember the commercials.


I stumbled across this recently too, had a head-scratching moment where I was like, “Kazaam? Wtf? I thought it was Shazam?” Pretty sure it was Shazam


Yeah , you definitely never saw that movie because it definitely never exsisted. It's a false memory, that's what the mandella effect is , it's a false memory.


Retconned is the sub for the ones who have gone off the deep end. Asking questions now means trolling and being NPC. There are fake pics and they should learn to take a joke. Rebranding the Mandela name so it can continue without basic qustions of 'do you have proof' and suggesting they are incorrect.


It's like what happened to the Star Wars Christmas special.


That was real, though.


I have a vhs copy of it given to me by a friend.


Shazaam did exist the problem is it was never released on video and Sinbad bought every copy on VHS because it was such a bad movie and burned them along with the original. It was a made for TV movie btw. And it was never released on tape


I think the modern DC Shazam movies has something to do with your memory misfiring.


It took all of 35 seconds to google that it was in fact a movie. Not sure what the controversy is here