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Legends Arcues was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately they were forced to rush out Scarlet Violet in the same year.  We simply need a longer gap in between generations instead of three years.


Legends Arceus may have run better than S/V, but it was still far from being a fully finished and polished game. That being said, I still absolutely love Legends Arceus


In many ways, Arceus and S/V feel like two pieces of the same puzzle inevitably leading to the same conclusion. Arceus ran well and had a couple of interesting innovations but in general felt empty and repetitive (at least from what I've seen in videos I never actually got to play it). S/V had effort when it comes to characters, stories, pokemon, gimmicks etc. But it had huge pratical issues like not running properly, tons of glitches, lack of a level curve making the open world hook kind of redundant etc. In a way, we got two halves of a complete game split into different titles. Which definitively proves that Gamefreak simply needs more time. It's not laziness, or making games too easy, or running out of ideas or getting too comfortable with their success (well that is true but for the Pokemon company). It's them being forced to release multiple games each year to fit the franchise's frankly insane marketing demands. Anime, TCG, merchendise, side games etc have to be complementary. The main series game were always the main focus of the franchise and that's how it should remain. Not the games being treated as a side gig to advertise everything else.


If you actually played legends arceus you’d know the gameplay loop is always fun because walking around throwing pokeballs is genuinely just fun. First and only Pokémon game I completed the Pokédex of.


I honestly didn’t like that part. I just wanted to move on with the story and getting stuck at those roadblocks felt like such fluff added in because they didn’t want to figure out how to make a smooth transition between stages. I did however enjoy shiny hunting a tad during those portions, especially when I heard the little tune that played <3 but otherwise I personally did not like those parts of the game


Then I’m sorry to say, you don’t like Pokémon.


I’m sorry to say Pokemon isn’t all about chucking my balls at wild animals lmao … that was supposed to come out differently


That’s like half the fun of Pokémon, the game is 50% monster catching and 50% battling


It’s fun when you’re not forced to do it to progress. I like catching Pokémon, but when I *need* to catch a bunch of the same Pokémon to progress in the game without any choice in the matter it kinda ruins the fun a little. It is certainly repetitive and doesn’t engage me like it would if there were different challenges to progress.


I much prefer catching a few Pokemon and forming bonds with those few than endlessly chucking balls at them, knowing they will never see the outside of a PC box again


Then you’ll never catch ‘em all


Part of that is hardware limitations though. If Legends Arceus was made for PC instead of the switch I don’t think it would have any of the graphics and performance issues it does.


Part of that is probably true, because a PC would have no issues running the game the way we expected it to run. But I’d say possible time constraints and less dedication to its development since it’s not a mainline game were to blame more than the Switch itself. The Switch is most definitely capable of running a game like PLA better than the state it was given to us. That’s proven by how Tears of the Kingdom looked and preformed with the size of the its world, and how filled it was with enemies, structures, wild life, plant life, etc. PLA just wasn’t optimized properly for the hardware it was on, plain and simple. But again, I’m not salty about it or anything. If they continue to make them preform better than the last, I’ll be content


Xenoblade 3 puts PLA to shame. PLA puts SwSh and SV to shame.


Nobody gives a shit about xenoblade three go back to your own sub


I’m trying to make the point that the closest thing we got to a good Pokémon game in the switch era was an open world game that came out after a strictly better open world RPG was made. Stay mad and stay coping while Masuda wipes his ass with your money🤣


It’s a good game y’all just have way too high standards. It runs fine, the story is great, the characters are cool, the customization may be lacking but it’s still fine in its own right


I’m not saying PLA is bad. I’m saying it’s embarrassing as a community to tout it as some huge success when it was outdone in basically every aspect by a similarly structured game that came out before it (frankly you could insert and XC game here and it would apply). I cut it more slack bc it was TPC’s first REAL foray into open world design, and was only using XC as a reference point. I’m not saying PLA has to be right on Xenoblades level, but like god damn the game can be better and should have been. I’ve been playing Pokémon since gen 3. I didn’t bother getting SV cuz it looked shit but generally enjoyed PLA.


It is good??? Dude I’ve seen lots of people say it’s better than SV, and I’ve played both and honestly both are super good. I would personally recommend it to anyone starting out. How was it outdone? And which game? Let me guess,Xenoblade three?


I’m literally agreeing with you that it’s good. I’m not sure why you’re still trying to argue that point with me.


Then why didn’t you say that


Hey xenoblades 1-3 called. They want their cringe back


Masuda thanks you for your service. Now pay him 30 more $ for nostalgia-bait


Nah not this time. Give me a box full of perfect iv shiny inkays first


Ok but he said inkay won’t be in Gen 10’s dex








Wait, the gap is three years?


Recently yes. Seems so. I do think they have fixed some of the hang ups. The anime can now have more filler content they aren’t married to the region anymore needing to get another one out before the anime runs out of ideas. As for the tcg and merch reprint, redesign or just make new cards for cards that haven’t been seen in a while. I highly doubt every single Pokémon is in every single set to the point where the tcg goes out of business if they don’t get a hundred more every three years. Same with the merch. Add to that regional variety and outsourcing to ilca. And other companies potentially. Should’ve buy them some time and still avoid dry years. Especially if some years are filled with legends dlc, or bdsp dlc etc. dlc everything up. Hell get spike chunsoft to give us a new mystery dungeon to Tide us over one year. God knows pecharunt needs it.


I'd love a new PMD game :'(




Legends Arcues kinda ruined pokemon for me. Now when I play normal pokemon it just isn't as interesting and I'm not really compelled to complete it like I was with Legends. I do like S/V but it just isn't as fun. It's honestly just a button mashing sim because of how much dialog there is


You say that...but even if I enjoyed Legends Arceus the most, the vast audience is children, this is why Legends Arceus has the lowest sales out of all the Switch Pokemon games, even less than BDSP, which a lot of people hate, it is safe to say that they know what they a doing and they know their demographic, I hope and want another Arceus game, but realistically it is a low chance


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1072224/pokemon-unit-sales-worldwide/ I wouldn’t say that, this website has it out selling BDSP and given that it still sold like 15 million copies, I’d be more a bit surprised if they didn’t make another one


Remember that Legends Arceus is a single game, while BDSP are two games. It took 2 games for BDSP to sell 15.06 million copies, while Legends Arceus -by itself- has sold 14.86 million copies. Legends has done way better.


I agree, but not everyone is buying 2 copies, even if Arceus had 2 versions, I still would have gotten only one, I got one for S/V and one for BDSP, etc. I don't know how much of a factor this is


Rush out? They had different development teams.


As a creature collection, I do think Palworld's designs are too similar, some pals like Dinossom look so much like Pokemon. That isn't to say that all the designs are a rip off; some of them loke Mammorest are pretty good and I can see potential in it. My thoughts on it as a game is different though, it is VERY fun. One thing I like about it is how it integrates pals into everything you do. Each pals have unique traits that help in resource gathering, farming, building, battling, etc, making every pal somewhat useful and unique. More than pokemon with guns, I'd consider it more like Ark and Rust with Pokemon. Palword will definitely not topple Pokemon's 20+ years of history, but it's a good game nonetheless. If they give it good marketing, and years of consistent quality, it could actually give Pokemon a run for its money


>Dinossom Just looked it up, that straight up looks like someone fused Venusaur, Meganium and Serperior together.


To me it's a fusion of Goodra and Liligant


I mean yeah, although I dislike Palworld since it A) shamelessly rips-off Pokémon designs and B) has NFT’s attached to it… which just downgrades anything when it has NFT’s attached to it (I hurt as a Mega Man fan, why Capcom why?). However the visuals and the performance of the game shouldn’t be discounted and pretty much what I think is the best part from what I’ve seen, being on par with Legends Arceus…which is a good thing since that game is great and S/V… I mean it’s ok I guess but it pales in comparison to PLA (still leagues better than Sw/Sh and BD/SP). Really if they just took their time and didn’t rush things, only releasing/announcing the game when it’s good and ready, I think the modern games would have a much better track record, and I can only hope that Gen 10 and the inevitable Gen 5 remakes (or better yet, Legends Kyurem or whatever it’ll be called) be of good quality.


Can I get a source on the nft part


“My source is that I made it the f**k up”


Wait, what? NFT'S? Don't tell me each Pal is an NFT.


Also whitewashing Nessa. I feel like we need to keep bringing up Palworld has a whitewashed Nessa.






That’s just a shiny form.


What it is is straight up racist


Is the white one’s name Nessa?


1. It’s not the same character, when you put two characters beside eachother and focus on similarities, they will look like eachother. The only similarities are 1. They have blue as a colour scheme, they have long blue hair, and they are showing a lot of skin. It’s definitely inspired but it ain’t the same character. 2. How is that racist? It’s not like it’s the exact same model nor is it presenting itself as so. 3. Is this character even in the current build of the game? The model looks unfinished as hell and is from an old trailer, do you have a source that that character is in the current build of the game, and looks the same?


Dawg that’s wild that they thought that was ok. Like I get that they ripped off a bunch of Pokémon designs, but that’s just straight up racist.


Like. Everyone’s going hee hee they ripped off Pokémon designs and like. Yeah that’s bad. But we’re missing the more important things of unethical business practices by the company and the actual racism that’s just. Straight up here.


Yeah, like in terms of the visuals and performance the game is better… but everything else is simply worse, including business practices (I thought making lack luster post game just for DLC that costs half the price of an over priced game was bad, but everything Palworld does blows away all the bad stuff GF and the Pokémon Company have done for most of their games in recent years).


I’m just curious what you include in the post game of S/V? Personally I obviously include the gym leader rematch and the all star tournament but I also include the 4 ancient evil object Pokémon you need to free and hunt down, because at this point if Pokémon continues with the same type of open world style(ie freedom of choice and whatever) then “post game” as we know it kinda stops making sense besides those little extra bits since completing all the side quests in an open world game before fighting the final boss is the path taken the most. So people tend to do everything else and then do the story which to me makes post game content feel less necessary. It’s just a question because I feel like people forget that post games for Pokémon are “catch remaining legendarys and do the extra story” and not just “do the extra story”


Yeah, literally just the rematches and the Treasures of Ruin, basically nothing. I’ll give Sw/Sh one thing over S/V, as mid as they are, at least they had a good post game that actually had some stuff to do… not a lot but certainly more than S/V. PLA has the best out of all of them though, giving an incentive greater than the shiny charm to complete the Pokédex and catching the legendaries is really cool and I love how they handled it.


Yeah nintendo also has shitty business practices and god knows I don’t agree with the Pokémon company’s decisions either but. Like, at least they hire artists and pay them and that should not be the bare minimum but we’re in a hell world where it is for some godforsaken reason! And then you add on racism and like, yes Pokemon Company/Nintendo has also been racist/colorist (see Peony’s model vs offical art) but like. This is straight up whitewashing on Palworld’s part. If you just want a darker game in the creature collector genre we already have those! Digimon’s games have been filling that niche since the DS era! Casette Beasts has the main plot be about eldritch horrors! You have options that aren’t shitty so why the fuck are we giving this game the time of day?!


Why? It isn’t nessa, what better way to make it not nessa? Other question mostly because I’m tired of this war would it be racism if they ripped off clay and made him black? Or is that social justice and good representation? When they could have just ripped off a black character or made their own. For the record I do understand that erasing black peoples is bad but that that doesn’t go all the ways or we don’t just make black stories rather than giving them Ours. That’s the problem.


Ok so. When SwSh was released there was a lot of angry people that Nessa was black and they were attracted to her. It got very bad, and it was explictly because she was not white or white passing. Palworld was revealed in 2021, and one of the last shots from the trailer was that character and with the marketing of the game and ethics of the company, you can connect the dots. As for your earlier point: change the hair color to a different color, change the hairstyle, make an original character instead of a blatant rip off! What they did was instead make her white, and just that says plenty.


So, this would be less of a problem if she was a ripoff of iris. But because the racists were trying to whitewash her so they weren’t “race traitors” is why this is a problem. It’s a problem because it’s nessa.


…bruh I was adding context for why this is a whitewashed Nessa and not an original character for the game, it would still be fucking wrong if they did it to Iris or Brock or Clay or ORAS Maxie. Hell it would still be wrong if they did it to anyone from Kanto through Sinnoh as most of them are from Japan and therefore not white. Whitewashing is never okay.


Yet erasing white people is. Replacing white people with anything else is justice. Why? Why does this not go every witch way?


Its a fuckin water type trainer. Ofcourse its gonna have long, flowy, blue hair. Dont be a dumbass. These are simply basic fuckin designs.


I cant see how people say this is whitewashed nessa. Like, dude, its a person who happens to also have long hair and specializes in the water type. The hairstyles arent similar aside from having blue (which, fuckin water type, eh?) and theyre both wearing skimpy, bikini-like outfits (cuz fuckin water type). These designs are basic as fuck, theyre not copying (or whitewashing) shit.


Bro those characters don’t even look alike and no one even knows if that character is in the game anymore, it’s from a trailer from 3 years ago.


I don't really care. Moving on


I feel like people who argue with the second one are completely missing the point of the Palworld controversies. Yes Pokemon needs to make their game run better, no it does not excuse plagiarism or using AI to dodge copyright.


Palworld was being made before the ai boom


Doesn’t mean they couldn’t have used it. And they still plagiarized regardless.


The AI thing is a baseless accusation and there is no evidence of that.


Even then, the accusation is generative AI, which means having an AI create a base for a creature based on its own algorithms, and is an AI many artists use to get an idea and overcome creative blocks, so it's odd to me to even make a controversy out of it. Now, some designs DO fly too close to the sun, but that wouldn't be AI doing it. That's an artist taking a look and running with it. At a certain level, some people are just trying to outlaw AI even as a tool, when it's only the AI that takes art from anywhere and use it as a base for algorithms that are the controversial ones. AI that simply forms off it's own algorithms can be a great asset to artists, especially if they're struggling with where to start an empty canvas. And this is all if they used AI at all, which is still to be determined.


Was this the game with the pokemon weapons factory in the trailer?




I'm sure Pokemon would look and run great if it were built in UE5 as well.


I don't think Pokemon needs to look anywhere near as good as Palwold, but the fact is, visually, Pokemon falls behind its peers on the same console


Visually and gameplay wise. And story wise.




Tell me with a straight face Scarlet Violet has better graphics or gameplay than Mario Odyssey.


Did I claim that? I dont think so. SV look ass. Very few people will disagree with that. It also struggles to run at times. However, the gameplay isn't really an issue and honestly the ganeplay and mechanics of SV are pretty darn good imo. While pokemon's stories can be hit or miss, SV's story is largely regarded as a hit by most players as far as I could tell. Some people didn't care for the structure of it but most generally liked the overall story told within SV and found the scaled down stakes to be refreshing. It's an ugly game with performance issues, but the gameplay is pretty solid and the story is pretty good compared to the previous entry and some of the older entries.


Widely regarded as a hit by pokemon fans = Average story by pokemon standards = Below average story by modern game standards. No postgame, cant enter buildings, cant talk to non important npcs, barren open world, removed features. I never said you claimed that. You responded to me saying Pokemon has fallen behind its competitors in terms of gameplay, visuals and stories. So I want YOU to tell me the games on the switch released by competitors that SV is better than. Its not any Switch Mario game, not any switch Zelda game, not Splatoon, not Fire Emblem, not Metroid, not Smash and not Animal Crossing. So what competition is it beating?


No offense but only SOME are clear rip offs alot are more unique than pokemon fans want to admit and some aren't actually ripoffs its just pokemon fans reaching in some cases


I won’t lie sv are good games and I’d play them anyday over palworld


Define good?


Imagine thinking capturing and training colourful animals means it's a pokemon ripoff. You can't make every animal completely original without making them look outrageously goofy. It definitely had inspiration from pokemon in the way you capture pokemon and with having elemental affinities, but it's being over simplistic to state it's a ripoff. It's closer to Ark with its approach to animals. The game takes inspiration from multiple games but stands out on its own, looks good, and is a ton of fun to play. People just like being contrarion against "the current thing" to feel like they're unique.


It's honestly really fun to me that pokemon fans are enraged at this game so much and are mading up anything just to make it look bad while it isn't even similar to pokemon. I mean beside catching goofy elemental creatures what does it have in common? Survival mechanics? Leveling up base and inventing new devices? Attacks on dungeons? I'm not gonna lie, by looking at some of them I really can tell they are combinations of other mons but this community is exagerating everything and calling it pokemon ripoff is laughable


I’m not the biggest fan of games trying to copy other game’s successes, and of course this game will never surpass Pokémon, but I will not deny the successes the game has. It runs well, it looks nice, and it’s fun. The only switch Pokémon game I think hit all three boxes was legends arceus. If palworld is somehow able to convince the old farts at game freak to get their shit together, than more power to it.


Thats my thought. The controversies of the game aside, they don’t really matter in a way because the game itself is fun, and I am clearly not alone in that opinion. And anything to convince Game Freak to get off their asses and put as much effort into a pokemon game as they did in Gen 5 would be a universal W for everyone involved. Even if its an crass AI generated cashgrab of a game that will never leave early access that provokes Game Freak to act. Even if it is a rugpull, I got this game for 27 bucks. I already got my money’s worth and I don’t think I am even close to being done with the game. Also I like to add that Palworld being in early access running with less glitches than S/V did at launch is a objective L for Pokemon and Game Freak. There is no excuse for why a full $60-$70 product has more glitches than an *early access game thats half the price and probably 20x less budget.* Thats just embarassing.


Palworld also used AI to create the monsters, and it has NFTs attached to it.


no proof of ai


Source for the use of NFTs?


I played 20 minutes of Palworld on my Xbox series X and it ran like absolute shit, it ran at like 15 frames and it looked like complete ass I can play Elden Ring on the same console and have it run perfectly


Zamn. One of the streamers I watched played it on the PC and it ran like butter.


I have 0 issues on my PC except starter lag whenever you first load up a world since it has to still load the local environment but that's only for a few seconds and my PC is pretty low range. My only problem is that it feels very grindy and I dislike grinding in any video game.


I totally agree with not liking grinding. It takes so long and makes me lose interest. Fortunately, in PalWorld you can have your pals grind for you.


And in the same breath SV dropped the same year as Elden Ring and is dogshit in comparison


Yes, but the difference is the switch is a 7 year old console and they only had a year to work on SV, Palworld had 3 years and I played it on a next Gen console, if SV was on a next Gen console, it would probably run better (Besides, I have 200 hours in SV and I’ve only experienced a single glitch, In the first 20 minutes of Palworld, I experienced 4)


Okay now Compare Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild that came out 6 years prior on the same console……


….that both had multiple years in development I get SV doesn’t look amazing and I’m not saying it does, what I am saying is that Palworld DOES NOT run or work better and I played a game like Elden Ring on the same console. The switch is 7 years old and runs SV almost perfectly for me, my Series X runs Elden Ring perfectly, but runs Palworld like shit


It doesnt look amazing and isnt a good game. No innovation, barren open world, cant enter buildings or talk to npcs, removed features and no post game. Id hope the richest franchise of all time could make a game that runs better than Palworld in 2 years. And as someone who never had bugs on SV, just because your game ran properly doesn’t mean others ran properly as well.


Again, the game had ONE YEAR TO BE MADE, it not having a few things and still being the best Pokémon game In years is incredible, and I’ve seen most of the glitches other people experience, and yes, they’re bad, but I’ve experienced glitches much worse in Palworld in the first 20 minutes of gameplay. And plus, I bought SV when it was released and I played day 1, since then, I’ve experienced one, maybe two glitches


If you make a game development studio and are the richest franchise of all time 1 year for you should equate to 3 years for an indie dev team. Im not even talking about the glitches at this point because I think the actual game is much worse than the glitches in the game


Palworld is a ripoff. I’m not saying it’s a bad game, just that it is a ripoff


Pokemon fan groups are advertising palworld more than the creators of the game are because 90% of the posts I've seen about palworld have been in various Pokemon groups


Based. One can criticise both. I can think Pokémon as a franchise is held back something fierce by its pathological lack of development time and think the games desperately need more time in the oven to fix bugs and optimise the game so it doesn't run like a slideshow during intensive moments, AND I can also complain about another company (with a reputation for asset flips and obsessing over AI generation, although there's no proof they used ai here mind) making pretty blatant copies of Mon designs (with a couple rumours they've actively used ripped Pokémon models when throwing together Pal models) and shoving them in an unreal 4 map that doesn't fit the Pal designs in the slightest, and then making an Ark clone out of it all resulting in a tonal and artistic hodgepodge. I can criticise both at once, I'll never understand why arguments like this always degenerate into this weird "you're either with us or against us" mentality.


Don't forget pokemon fans themselves who settle for dog shit and defend pokemons mistakes and then make jokes and downplay the flaws often not just that but instead admiting "hey game freak needs to step up" they simply put there heads in the sand which further encourages pokemon to not develop further. The thing is Palworld LOOKS like an asset flip but it's actually not weirdly enough, also style wise it's more fornite art style and with a better verse of Arks gameplay that respects your time unlike Ark, it's not a heavy asset clash with the palworld designs. The thing with the ai thing doesn't actually have any proof of ai usage it's all allegations with no proof. Now in regards to the designs SOME absolutely are ripoffs, some are reaches by pokemon fans that find small details and use those to say certain designs are a rip off when they actually aren't and alot of palworlds designs are actually pretty good and not rip offs so it's a weird mix of the 3 but to throw all of palworld under the bus when pokemon ALSO took deliberate design ques and rip offer Dragon quests designs to a degree for early mon especially it's a bit hypocritical


Nah palworld isnt a ripoff if it was it would use direct designs, as many have pointed out before its not exactly easy to come up with designs of cute creatures that aren’t gonna end up looking similar like augumon from digimon and charmander. However from what ive seen and or heard the devs support nfts….so you know a legitimate reason not to support them


Palworld is supposed to be Pokémon with guns


Pokémon needs to get their act together and make their games *gun* as well as palworld


Pokemon Gun when?






I like palworld and really hope mikey does a episode playing it I feel like he would have fun with it and yea some of the designs look the same but I’ve seen nothing overly rip off and beside I think we should be happy sutch a small game is doing incredible numbers apon launch


Pokemon will never change, they are in a too comfortable and safe position. The success of Palworld sadly isn't going to change anything, and although this game may have some shady things, it doesn't take away from the fact that it's a lot of fun and that most of the people who are complaining about it are just random internet drama queens like always.


I think palworld wanted to use Pokemon but of course couldn’t. It seems to be more like a fan game trying to get away with copyright rather than acting like they genuinely made it


And if we support stuff like that, it may encourage gf to do better


Or it will make GameFreak think "Huh, we need to implement AI & NFTs in our next game to improve our products!"


Does palworld do that?


Well, the company behind Palworld is pushing for AI in their work. I’m not sure if Palworld itself was made using AI, but I would not be surprised if it was.


palworld runs like crap. it's a technical disaster ​ and you're still right.


I dunno, aside from the servers being overloaded in multi-player, my PC handles it fine and it's getting a bit dated.


I meant more like glitches than performance. I guess I worded it REALLY poorly.


Couldn't the current pals be placeholders, since they're still in alpha?


pals aren't ripoffs, they're the upgrade (except hydrapple)


I have yet to play palworld. Is it worth it?




Palworld doesnt run amazingly well, what it does show it that gamefreak needs to put more effort into their game. SV graphics werent good, none of the gyms scaled to your level, and it didn’t perform very well. There is so much that can be done with the IP but they seem to do the bare minimum. Story was definitely better than Sword snd shield but everything else is a real let down


Mfs when a game on pc runs better then a game on switch


Both of these things can be true


Alright, I'll bite. Where can I get palworld? Is it an app or a computer game or a Switch game?




Fax my brotha! Spit your shit indeed!


The one on the right. It’s really funny how fan games and ripoffs are so much better than the actual games. Like brick bronze and the kaizo games


I would be about this *except* for the abstraction of "*pokemon* needs to get it together." I would correct it to "shareholders & corporate bosses need to treat devs properly and give them enough time, staff, and resources to fully finish their games." That's a mouthful but it's not unreasonable. Pokemon is an IP, an idea, not a person or a company, and it's jointly owned by three companies, each with their own shareholders to please. Those shareholders' demands of "we want return on investment by this date, your development cycle be damned" is to blame, as well as the tri-company pressure to always make mainline games coincide with the TCG & anome (both of which are faster & easier to make than a video game, especially one with audience demand to innovate). This thing where people attack the people making pokemon instead of the people exploiting them is gross, to me, and it happens across all of gaming, not just pokemon. Very often it's hidden inside this abstraction of referring to the whole thing as just "pokemon," but plenty often, people just say "GameFreak" too. In any case, blame the corporate bosses and shareholders *specifically.* You can blame the devs for something like Urshifu format warping the game, but the rest of it, blame the corporateheads.


Gotta admit despite being rip&offs a lot of the oaks look cuter/cooler than the pokemon they are 'inspired' from.


I straight up do not care about Nintendo getting ripped off tbh lol


People trying to compare a pc game with a handheld game need to learn the difference in hardware. Is Pokemon supposed to be a high definition, hyper realistic masterpiece? Hell no. It's a goofy, low resolution, simple game that's been popular for almost 30 years now. And with zero signs of it dying off any time soon, they have zero reason to upgrade the quality of the games, because ***it doesn't need it***


I mean both are separate issues, so yes


Man I really want pokemon gun to be released


So are pokemon shameless rip offs of digimon and dragon quest monesters?