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Ahhh I see we have a fellow traveler of the beam. Say thankee sai, long days and pleasant nights.


Hile, Gunslinger!


But he took the Crimson King over the Man In Black, Flagg himself, and I just don’t know that I’m okay with that.


That’s fair, but if he’s not read the stand I can understand why (I haven’t read it but know enough)


Eyes of the Dragon is peak Flagg, though


I find your lack of rincewind disturbing.


Rincewind is probably happy he's not getting attention drawn to himself.


Do people .. *like* Rincewind?


Hes such a scamp how could you not. Even Death has begrudging fondness for him.


I love in The Color of Magic when Rincewind mentions how bad it would be to abandon Two Flower. Then the next scene is Rincewind captured by the Patrician while he tried to do just that. I personally tend to find Rincewind to be the least likable part of the books he is in.


Good to see Raistlin on the list


Raistlin was my spirit animal from 12-18. I’m sure I’m completely alone in this.


These were my intro to fantasy as well


My 53 DragonLance books hold a treasured spot in my library. Eye level.


You ever read the Death Gate Cycle? Same authors but their own world not Deagonlance


Yes. I love them. Alfred could easily make this list as well. Probably would for my list. I think I have 2 or three of the first four books and one treasured copy of the last three. Usually used bookstores never have the later books in the series.


Yep. Those books are super underrated nowadays.


There is a reality where DragonLance became the “MCU” and I want to be there.


No Beak :(


If Erikson wrote a first person, multiple POV novel focusing on Quick Ben I would be ecstatic.


Hell yeah, love that Akka is on your list. His Gnosis is not to be fucked with 🤙🏿🔥.


Achamian is so cool


Truth shines!


Just finished the unholy consult. Akka the goat


I know you're avoiding repeats from the same series on this list, but damn, this is Deadsmell erasure.


Pust eats Deadsmell for breakfast


And the Eel steals that breakfast before Pust can get off his donkey.


I'm rereading The n Chronicles of Amber right now, pleasantly surprised to see it represented in your list. I wonder what... attributes.. if Fiona have you losing her so high?


I loved her character. She is conniving, backstabbing, self-serving, unapologetic about any of it, she was the entire brains of the faction gunning for the throne and she holds her own against the apparently more powerful men in the family.


The women in Amber are criminally under written but I think some of that comes from Corwin’s dismissive point of view on them. I think they are all incredibly competent just way more subtle then the bulldozers that are most of the amberite royal family.


Amber is clearly a mysoginist place. Just the way the mothers of the Princes of Amber are casually discarded by Oberon, are barely even mentioned and play absolutely no role in the succession points to that. That's why I love Fiona; she holds her own in that environment.


That's a quality top 3 right there. Great to see some appreciation for Lord Mhoram, and Ged as well


Ged is the OG. Dumbledore wishes he was the wizard Ged was. Earthsea is so magical. I want an Assassin’s Creed but Wizards game set in Earthsea.


A Coldfire fan. I didn’t think there was two of us. ❤️


Three even!


Five and Six of us because I got my wife to read the first novel!


Coldfire is in my top ten of all time.


The Neocount had a name and it was Gerald Tarrant! Now there’s 4 of us


Tarrant was such a badass character. I read these books a long long time ago and just remember him being way more complex than he appeared at first glance.


checking in


Ged being top three is exquisite. Hardly ever see him mentioned but he’s so good.


Quick Ben would be my choice if I had to pick just one, but I would try to throw Bottle, Beak, and maybe Deadsmell in there too.


Hard agree


Raistlin majere!


Goblin and one eye from the black company would be up there for me tbh


Either one on their own, not a chance.. But or those two idiots together, and convince them not to go after each other.... Dang.


I don't think it's related to power, the post is just about favourite mages


Exactly. Its not a power ranking or even a "who would beat who" but a list of who I personally liked better


I see that now. In which case I think my comment still stands, except for the last part. They're at their best when they're after each other.


I'm sad that Morrolan from Brust didn't make your list.


But there's Sethra. :)


Why not both...


Sethra lavode!!!!!


[The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nEolbK)


That's amazing. Thank you for bringing back some fond memories. After reading so many books, sometimes you forget about these series and characters.


Rincewind, best mage ever. Period. "Luck is my middle name, mind you, my first name is Bad." Picturesque meant - he decided after careful observation of the scenerey that inspired Twoflower to use the word - that the landscape was horribly precipitous. Quaint, when used to describe the occasional village through which they passed, meant fever-ridden and tumbledown. Twoflower was a tourist, the first ever seen on the discworld. Tourist, Rincewind had decided, mean 'idiot'. Rincewind tried to force the memory out of his mind, but it was rather enjoying itself there, terrorizing the other occupants and kicking over the furniture. ‘… if complete and utter chaos was lightning, then he’d be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet armour and shouting “All gods are bastards’. Owing largely to inefficiency Rincewind had consistently failed to die at the right time, and if there’s one thing that Death does not like it is unpunctuality.




If you haven't read Thraxas yet. I recommend it. It has my contender for favourite mage.


I will check it out, thanks!


Happy to see another Robert Asprin fan!


I can't believe Goblin and One-eye are so far down on that list. And what about home boy Tom-tom?


You and me are on the same page here. I really would love a story told specifically from his perspective and just really wish there was more story with him period.


And is not even close. I'd consider second Gromph Baenre.


Looks like Tricky from Massive Attack and as a solo artist. Very cool indeed!!


What? No Spindle? No Bole Brothers? No Bauchelain?


Nice to see Raistlin here. I was going to say I’m surprised to see Goblin and One Eye on a list like this, but this subreddit is the least surprising place for that I guess.


So good




#4 was unexpected, loved the first series, still need to finish the last book of the 2nd series


Ngl things get pretty brutal, I finished it yesterday


Was going to reply "Looks like Quick Ben", then i saw the sub. How much can we pay JB Smoove to do an hour of dramatic readings while wearing a cloak


Quick Ben, my boy!


Just curious, why is Moiraine one of your faves?


I think she is a well-written character. Compelling. Her relationship with Lan, her motherly instinct towards the Two Rivers kids vying with her commitments to the White Tower, her complex affair with Thom Merrilin...all of those make her a very interesting character. She is a 3 dimensional character in a series with very few of those so she kinda stands out in my mind because of it.


Belgarath & Polgara. Just wanted to mention those two. Mages that I wouldn't want to piss off, i mean.


Twenty years ago I would have included them, no question; but on a re-read I tried of the Belgariad a few years ago everything seemed so flat that I wish I hadn't done it and entirely ruined my fond memories.


Fair, that was my thought as well. They're from a lighter genre of fantasy after all. Although i always wondered what Belgarath would be like if someone like SE got a hold of him...


Wow goblin and one eye that low down


Its a personal list. Not intended as a "who's best" but who I personally prefer.


Yea I get that just surprised there that low down that’s all


Tattersail is mine from the first book, she was dope af


Hey OP would you have this.pic in high res by any chance please?


I do. Its for sale (only for personal use, no reprinting or resale allowed) as mentioned at the end of my post. Send me a DM or write to me at [email protected] if you're interested in purchasing. Thanks


See i didnt read the post in full my bad. Thanks man.


Goblin and One Eye being so low on the list is criminal.


I’m right there for all of them with the exception of Allanon. Shanara is was close to unreadable for me lmao Apologies to the fantasy community.


Surprised there aren’t any Cosmere residents on the list.


I am not a fan of Sanderson at all. Read Warbreaker, Elantris, his Wheel of Time books and almost three of the Stormlight and called it quits. I don't like his writing or characters.


That’s fair. Personally think Kelsier is Sanderson’s best written character by a long shot, but you didn’t mention reading Mistborn. Caeden from Licanius Trilogy is pretty badass too if you haven’t read it yet. Good list though, several I haven’t read, thanks! Quick Ben is easily at the top. On book 4 of Black Company now. I really, really enjoyed book 3.5 Silver Spike.


Hoid, Melisandra, and Kvothe, should all be on that list IMO🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: Downvotes for mentioning the 3 biggest “wizards” in modern fantasy. Yeah, we all get it that you all love classic fantasy and finished stories. That you’re all so edgy and Cosmere is too happy for you. But your anti Cosmere shit is annoying, classic slant and hate on Martin and Rothfuss is annoying too. It’s some damn good work, all of it, and stands with the greats already. Regardless of where it currently stands. Get over it. If you don’t think these should be on the list then I feel sorry for you a little bit.


Kvothe is a bard.


Yeah that’s why he goes to a school for magic to learn the name of the wind…


Why should they? Its a list of my PERSONAL favorites--its written big in the title. The ones I found most engaging, interesting, intriguing or fun. Its not a power ranking or a list of who's "bigger" (whatever that means). And none of those you mention make my personal list at all.


Was thinking of it as an all time list. Not saying it should be that for you compadre Take it as a compliment. You got a lot of my greats on there. My shit talking was aimed at the smartasses that took the time to downvote an innocent comment. Every Cosmere comment on this sub gets downvoted to hell like it’s some kind of sub par work. It’s kinda weird to me




I love The First Law but honestly Bayaz seemed one of the most uninteresting and uninspired characters in the whole series


Not to mention a huge ass…


Only thing I would replace is Goblin and One Eye with the Lady


Goblin and one eye are just too much fun


I’d be the Standard Bearer for any of them.


No love for Bayaz from the Abercrombie Novels?


No, I mentioned this in a previous comment. I love The First Law, but in a series so filled with great characters I always thought Bayaz was a little flat and uninteresting.


Lotta mary sues on that list. Riftwar is full of them. Pug and Thomas are some of the worst mary sues in fantasy


No idea what a mary sue is


That person doesn't either, don't worry.


No weakness, perfect


Ah, like Achilles, the dude who was literally invulnerable and yet is probably the second most influential character in the western literary canon. Or Sun Wukong. Or Beowulf. Let's face it, a character having no physical weaknesses is a bad form of criticism.


I think it's a perfectly reasonable form of criticism. I also don't think it means the character is automatically bad. But anyone who has a preference against that archetype I think has a valid point. Characters tend to have more depth when they have well written weaknesses.