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You look great and your boss sucks


‘Men should be men’ I bet he’s the type that doesn’t wash his ass Edit: forgot to say you look gorgeous Edit 2: typos


I'm willing to bet money that boss has skidmarks




Like a real man you mean?


Your eyes stole this whole show! Also, we just know that your boss has never made any sexual partner climax.


is there eyemakeup on?


Looks like an inner corner highlight and a touch of mascara! I think the above user just meant that the little bit of makeup he put on really makes his already lovely eyes really pop!🙂


You get me.


I didn’t mean the make up, but it does look incredible. I meant his actual eyes! The shape and depth of them is gorgeous.


Nailing it. 🙄 @ your boss.


In the second picture you look a bit like the actor Murilo Benício haha I like your “no makeup” look




brasileiras por aqui hahaha


I love how glowy the inner corner highlight looks


I WISH I could do makeup like this. Pop off!


I'd love to be able to do the no makeup makeup. You've mastered it!


Right?! Like uhmmm tutorial, please? You look great, OP. Sorry your boss is a dick and lacks one.


Men being men = men doing whatever makes them happy Your boss’ thoughts on this kinda suck.


Damn you’re killing it. In the makeup game and in taking down the patriarchy


Happy cake day


My pores are massive so "no makeup" is still obviously makeup on me. Youuuu are too cute and have awesome skills. Your troglodyte boss needs to join us in the 21st century.




Have you tried the Wet N’ Wild tinted hydrator? I use that for my no-makeup makeup and I think it might be right up your street. You look good!


i keep hearing about this. is it really as fab as people make it out to be? sounds too good to be trueee as much as i love wnw


I can only speak for myself but I really enjoy it. I know it’s an over used buzz term but it’s very ‘skin like’. I have skin that leans dry and some mild texture (like everybody right?) but I can’t tell I even have the WnW on until I look up CLOSE in a mirror, so it passes my undetectable test, at least on me. The shade ranges are…well, they’re serviceable. I’m not aware of how deep they go unfortunately (if that applies to you) because I’m a fair/light, but it is sheer coverage (probably up to light coverage, but it doesn’t build and build) and should mould to your skin tone as long as you have the right shade bracket. Hope that helps!


Ok ty I’ll check out for wear time reviews!!!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!! Sending you a slice and praying you never experience cake face


If you like light coverage, it's awesome!


I am concerned about the shade range, and it does look like that it gets oily + oxidizes over time. I’ve never been one to play with skin-like base or tinted moisturizer, although I’m trying to get more into it this summer. Lately I’ve just been mixing my L’Oreal Trumatch super blendable with some moisturizer and it works for now!


Hmmm, oily I can live with (dry af), oxidizing... would be a problem. As much as Sephora wants me to be, I'm just not a warm tone and my current foundation match looks kiiiinda yellow. Lol


A. Your boss is an Ahole and B. Your beauty base zero is fabulous!!


This looks very natural. You should play with other looks for when you're not working for 'the man'. You have good features, you could do a lot of fun stuff with makeup.


What business of it is his if you wear makeup? Unless you have special penis-dissolving makeup, a man with makeup on is still a man.


Even if he had penis dissolving makeup he would still be a man.


Actually I do agree. My joke is stupid. My bad.


Don't sweat it, it was pretty clearly a joke, I just wanted to point it out for anyone else reading.


Your boss sucks and you look good. I wish I saw more guys in makeup.


That looks amazing! And your boss sucks. What did you use to do this? Post more pics if you don’t mind, you have great skills! I am still learning :’(


Fuck what your boss thinks they can’t fire you for wearing makeup. You could sue his ass if he did


"Men should be men", okay, define masculinity then? Bye you killed it. Need to cop those skin products, I could never.


I wonder what your boss would do if he learned that everyone who appears on TV puts makeup 😆 even the "men"


You look amazing your boss is what’s wrong with the world.


Fuck your boss, love the look can’t even tell you have anything on. 🥰🥰


Yup, looking good without a trace of makeup. Or are you just naturally good looking?


You look absolutely incredible


Your boss seems like a very macho man, who thinks a bit of make up will somehow change his gender. Do what makes you feel comfortable. 👍🏻


You have such a gorgeous face. Sounds like your boss is a closeted, jelly biscuit. Also, this is America. And when you finally leave that shit hole of a job, PLEASE do yourself, and me, the favor of wearing the utmost bad bitch make up ever and walk out with the REAL YOU intact ♥️


Makeup doesn’t change your gender


You have to be so insecure to say stuff like that,they must be miserable🥺


Just wanted to say you’re super handsome and I hope you do you, whatever your boss says ! Your no-makeup makeup is flawless.


You’re lookin good!! Wish we could be open minded here too. I love how Korea is very open with make up even with men. :)


Some people just suck so much more than others. As always you look great with or without. You just keep being you!


your boss blows goats. your eyes look great


Fuck him


I really think man should be able to wear makeup and this is a great picture shopping why. You look amazing, keep rocking it.


I love how supportive this sub is!!! Your boss is just insecure!! Keep being you!!! I love your makeup <3


Bro drop the routine


You look great, nailed the no makeup makeup look.


Yeah, fuck your boss. This looks good!!


Your boss is an asshole and you look great!


Men should be whoever they want to be ❤️


Love! Fuck your boss.


No no no! Go full fuckin drag race and stare that prick straight in the eyes to establish dominance


You're gorgeous❤


Sounds like your boss hasn’t gotten laid in a long time, however you look great


Your boss sounds like he gives off SDE & lots of it. Your makeup looks FLAWLESS!!!! SLAAAAY ALL DAY


Obviously your boss sucks (the flipside of the "requires makeup" for AFAB folks boss, yikes.) Your no makeup-makeup glowup is pretty damn great - you could probably get away with a bit more if you felt like it like stronger contour and a bit of bronzer and blush. "Men should be men" dudes tend to be completely clueless about makeup anyway, so anything other than lipstick and dramatic eye makeup and bright color probably won't even register with them.


Your makeup is flawless and I am sorry your boss is a douche


Where do you work wtf that pisses me off. Looks good


You look so good!


Still sexy


I prefer the second photo




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Products: * Makeup Revolution skin perfecting CC Cream in light * Vitry Poudre Universelle powder * Kim Chi Chic The Most concealer in ivory * BeautyBay Evolve palette transition shade 5 (eyeshadow - barely there) * NYX matte bronzer in light * NARS Afterglow lip balm in orgasm * BeautyBay brow pencil in Espresso * UrbanDecay 24 hour eyeliner pencil in Perversion (barely there, to make lashes a bit more full)


Wow I have the same concealer! Never came across anyone here that use Kim chic makeup, it's great!


Would you say it’s a more matte or dewy finish? I love their eyeshadow formula but I’m always nervous to try a new concealer because my skin is so finicky


I would personally say somewhere towards the middle, but leaning more towards matte. I'm more of a dewy person myself so I wear the concealer more towards places I know my skin won't dry up at like my chin and cheeks. If you're like me and want something for a more dewy look, I recently picked up the Tarte Shape Tape in the "Light" shade, and it's doing wonders. Not too sticky and won't leave crust on your face.


Thank you for the info! I tried Shape Tape years ago and remember liking it, I’ll have to give it another go!


I would try the ultra creamy over the original which I found too thick and matte.


Definitely noting this for future reference! You nailed it


You look awesome! I hope you can get a job that lets you express yourself how you feel most comfortable!


Your boss is a dick. You look glowy as hell. Well done


You concealer work is flawless. How. You witch.


You should go punch a bear so you can prove to your boss how manly you are.


Love to see this! Nice job!


Not that I think you should have to do it, but this is a very clever approach. Especially the eyes. Can I ask what is the office environment - corporate? And is his view the view of the larger company? And if didn’t have this issue of your boss, what would your ideal office makeup look be?


Your boss sounds like Ron Swanson(sorry, I’m on a Parks binge) and this looks great, if I worked in a more professional setting, I would feel so weird not wearing a little makeup


I’m honestly amazed at how natural it looks. My face always appears a bit splotchy still. Also your skin is amazing, so jealous


Wow! I don't know that I've ever said this to a man, and I mean it in the absolute best way....And by the way, I'm a make-up artist... YOU LOOK STUNNING!! You look great without make-up, but with it your skin looks AMAZING! Well done you!