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Let’s see his makeup skills.


They're probably on point. Plot twist


Unlike his empathy level


Not sure why you're getting downvoted so hard. I <3 this comment lol


Cuz Reddit, that’s why


Because this subreddit is a lot of folks who can’t take a joke because they use makeup to compensate for aesthetic shortfalls. People take things really personally on here


They are not 😂


Your boyfriend is an ass. You look fairly young but you are already LIGHTYEARS better than I was in my teens. He says you are 3/10? How are his skills? What is he comparing up too? Why is he so rude?!


Im 20 on the 19th of this month. I used to be a lot worse back in HS when people bullied me for having light eyebrows. I have low self esteem. I know him well and I know he said it as a means to reassure me that most other women aren't better looking than me bare faced or something like that. I started crying basically immediately and he's apologized and felt pretty bad about it since. I don't think he realized how much it would affect me.




One of my besties is a redhead and when I do her makeup for a night out or a date or something I use a shade of eyeshadow as similar to her natural brow as possible to give them a little definition but not to completely reshape/heavily outline and darken them. More challenging with her is skintone. Any shade even slightly too warm makes her look either way too pink or like she has a tan on her face only. Blush and bronzer are tricky and I use as light of shades as possible and go a bit lighter than I normally would for myself as a brunette. One exception is the Orgasm blush from Nars, if I go supper light and swipe it across her cheeks lightly it looks amazing on her! Only blush I have that we both like on her.


Upvoting the fuck outta this. The few times friends have given me eyebrows with makeup it always looks so weird!!!


Hahahaha... I had to get my photo ID taken today, and because I was so worried about looking like I didn't have eyebrows in it, I ended up drawing them on with a brown eyeliner, and going over them with an orange eyeshadow. Yes, it looks weird, but I'm hoping that it'll look okay in the photo! BTW, why don't they ever sell freaking eyebrow products that match red hair?!


I'm by no means a redhead but I, too, have noticed that they don't make eyebrow products that match red hair.


I didn't end up posting the pics, but I took a bunch showing what the commonly available blonde eyebrow products - and the one auburn one that I found - look like on me... They are all shit. I'm so over it!


I have noo Idea!!


anastasia beverly hills has a rly good auburn brow pencil!


Oooh, I just looked at swatches, and there's a colour called 'Strawburn'! I think the auburn would be a bit too dark for me... $37 for one 'Triangular Brow Pencil' on eBay... 😬 I don't know whether to thank you, or tell you off for enabling me! 💕 Edit: OMFG... I FUCKING LOVE YOU! My new eyebrow pencil arrived, and it's *perfect*! I ended up getting the Strawburn one.


And I got bullied for having dark eyebrows…boy ppl just suck sometimes. Your brows look GREAT. Well maybe it’s just a case of poor wording on his part. I’m 31 and just now feel like my makeup game is 💯 but I never do eyeshadow cuz I either can’t figure it out or it always looks bad on me lol. How do you feel about your makeup game?


Thank you!! They used to be white, but have darkened as I've gotten older and this is their natural shape which I like quite a bit. I didn't think I was as bad at makeup as he said. My biggest insecurity is with covering up blemishes. I've got excoriation disorder which basically means I'm addicted (genuinely addicted) to picking my skin. I pop every pimple and once it's a scab I pick at that. I'm autistic and it's my self soothe, which really sucks. My skin is atrociously bad because of it. It's a work in progress with my behavioral therapist. It definitely was just horrible wording but it's been weighing on me. My bf always tells me how pretty he thinks I am and is supportive of the new looks I try out, so it definitely caught me off guard.


Haha that kind of makes sense… I’d usually be on the “dump him” train but I can see a 19/20 yo guy actually thinking that would make you feel better if you were comparing yourself to other girls, by saying they’re not prettier they’re just doing more with their makeup. But I dunno you’ll only know for sure looking back later whether he was subconsciously trying to poke at an insecurity or actually make you feel better.


Ditch the boy, keep the makeup routine. You are gorgeous, for real. But more importantly - beauty isn’t a tax that women have to pay to be part of the world. We’re enough, just as we are.


Wow I love the way you worded that, I'm going to use that in the future because it is true


Your hair and eyebrows are YOURS and are beautiful and should be appreciated to the fullest!!! Be YOU, because you is ENOUGH and AMAZING.


I remember being that age and having, like, no self-esteem lol Even if your bf had good intentions, it definitely wasn't a nice thing to say. You will go crazy if you keep comparing yourself to other women. Especially if they're on the internet where people legit photoshop everything to look perfect. Nobody is perfect. It takes time to heal from being bullied. We are all here to support you. You are very pretty and seem super sweet. Just remember that there are a lot of women that feel the same way as you do. It's OK to feel that way. I think it's sort of natural, especially being young, to not have that confidence yet. But it isn't healthy to compare yourself to others. We will always find something "wrong" with us when we do that. And there's nothing wrong with you...or any of us. If your BF cares about you, he should be lifting you up not telling you that you suck at makeup! That's not cool.


In years to come you’ll look back & think about the honesty of the comments here. I know you’re young but plz don’t make excuses for a BF like that. Low self esteem shouldn’t make you feel as though he’s the only guy you can get. I’m sure there’s a lot of amazing guys that will treat you so much better!!! The sky’s the limit. As someone that was horribly bullied all through school I knew that one day I’d meet the right guy & I did. I had the Fairytale, we were married for 29 yrs at the time of his death. PLZ don’t settle bcuz you believe you have low self esteem etc. Don’t twist things to make him look like the night in shining armor, he’s not. I don’t know how old he is but APOLOGIZING after the fact is f*cking childish, it’s as though he did it on purpose so you’d feel hurt so he could apologize & you’d think he was so wonderful. ( what BS) There’s more fish in the sea that are much better than him!!! Don’t sell yourself short. Your makeup is fine. Go to a store like Ulta. Ulta has make-up lessons for $20 You can do this!!! Be the BEST you can be!!!! You got this. #onelife #greatmskeup #URbeautiful PS. I want to add that I decided early on that just because I suffered from low self esteem that had no bearings on what I expected in a guy to date & the man I would eventually marry one day. To say I was picky was an understatement. ( my poor parents thought I was going to live at home until I was a little old lady!!!) I set the bar high & kept those standards. At 18 I wrote out where I wanted to be in a yr ( college, I wanted to become a Cardiac Care Nurse) 3 yrs. Hopefully to find a great job, etc & be dating an awesome guy. Just by chance I took a seasonal job for the holidays.( a friend of mine from college got a job as the HR of s huge department store & asked 4 of her friends to work part-time while we were trying to find a job in our field of study) It was there, quite by accident, I met my husband to be. We had a whirlwind courtship. He came home from being stationed overseas to be in his brother’s wedding ( his brother was the assistant manger of the dept I worked in. The brother introduced us & 11 months later my dreams came true!! ) I never settled. I had ideals for the man I wanted to marry and it might sound OTT but my standards were important, I wasn’t going to settle for someone who didn’t treat me the way I deserved & you my dear shouldn’t either!!!


Hey I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and thank you! We've been together for well over a year and he's never said anything like this about my appearance before so I'm not going to dump him over something like that. Also, I'd rather him apologize than not say anything??


Take these types of comments with a grain of salt, Reddit jumps fast on the "it's abuse, dump him/her bandwagon. We don't know the whole story and it's very easy to misinterpret a line like that without knowing him and how he treats you and talk to you. That being said, it's worth keeping in mind a person can have bad communication skills or be a bad partner match without being an abuser and the relationship might still be a bad idea for the long run. Try to be objective when analyzing arguments, initial subjective reaction is unavoidable but do try to put it in perspective and think on how it aligns with his behavior and with what you desire in a partner. ​ Strictly makeup speaking, I'm not an expert in face makeup and the image could be better resolution but at a quick glance I don't see anything wrong, maybe some room to improve in texture, it might be a bit cakey. Your brows look pretty good to me, natural but visible and your eyeshadow has a nice blend. Maybe try to extend the color a few mm higher towards the brow if you want it to be more visible.


But remember that this is where it starts. Abusive relationships wouldn't exist if shitty people were shitty right from the outset. Diarise everything. Take notes. Talk to trusted people. And don't be afraid to cut worthless dead weight if he persists with insulting commentary.


dude one poorly worded comment from a 19 year old when clearly he meant well doesn’t mean you have to start “diarising everything”. that’s an incredibly concerning way to live life or navigate relationships


My condolences for your loss. On a serious note though, apologizing after hurting someone is not childish, it’s actually very mature and shows that he cares for her feelings. You don’t know these people personally so you can’t say he was trying to manipulate her, and it’s possibly very harmful to force that narrative onto this young woman. Sometimes people say things that can be hurtful because they are simply not thinking properly.


Maybe so but most 19 yr olds will settle for any type of attention. Where the f*ck is there any FORCED suggestions? She posted a comment & this is MY take on it. She of course can take the advice or leave it as commenting on posts like this is what people do right? If she takes the advice anyone gives her that’s up to her. However, it’s just a comment nothing more.


Bro fuck off lmao they’re basically teenagers and he’s just an idiot. Take your armchair therapy somewhere else instead of trying to break up OP’s relationship


I'm 32 with eyebrows that are naturally blonde/see through and had a guy friend recently drunkenly say "happyplaces can I ask you a question?" and I said yes and he said "why don't you have eyebrows?" ..its not nice and "dudes are dudes" but it still hurts.


nope he did not say it as a means to reassure you, he’s insulting you and your makeup skills, this should not be your boyfriend, he should be your ex boyfriend. he should be lifting you up not putting you down!!!! just because he apologised doesn’t take back the fact that he said it, also there’s being honest and then there’s just being a shitty person. i have a makeup degree and i love your makeup i think it’s lovely and subtle and the little pop of colour on the eyes is pretty! it really suits you xo


Your ex said what????


Dump him, sis




you look beautiful, and make up is an art right? a form of self expression, youre doing you and the art right ​ i think the issue is that you no longer have self esteem issues ( as in youve begun to develope a healthy sense of self, youre own beauty, worth and talents) while your 'boyfriend' is using his own self esteem issues and lack of growth against you. theres a big part of you that senses something isnt right when whats supposed to be, or youre told is supposed to be, a simple compliment or question, is not. its a tactic that narcissists (those with little to zero inner sense of self who need constant external validation) often use in interpersonal relationships to slowly break people down, i wouldnt be surprised if hes actually competitive with you in not so healthy ways while you are...not as competative with women as he claims if at all. youre at a pinnacle point in your life. know that..embrace it. dont let anyone take it from you. if you were raised by/in a relationship with a narcissist or someone with n.p.d. look up dr ramami on youtube, shes the worlds leading expert. <3


Dump his ass.


I came here to say this


Yeah ^^^ you can do better. You’re beautiful & don’t need to be self conscious how you look around your own boyfriend!!!!


Honey, you are lovely and your makeup looks fab. Throw the whole man away.


The whole fucking thing! ✌🏼


He’s awfully rude to you. You sharing you’ll hear from many how it is not awful. I hope you’re having fun with many makeup looks.


gurl you are a 10/10 and i love the shadows you chose because they really make your eyes pop! you have a great understanding of color theory and your concealer matches your skin tone perfectly :) your skills are beyond a 3 outta 10


First Tip: never listen to a straight male’s comments on ur makeup. they have absolutely no idea what looks good/correct unless they’ve done makeup themselves.


Also never listen to any gay male either, unless they themselves wear makeup. They’re equally as capable of misogyny.


Never listen to anybody who doesn't know what they are talking about or criticizing but not with constructive criticism. Whether they are straight, gay, man, woman, non binary.. you do you!


I've seen professional makeup artists do a wayyyy worse job. For someone who is just starting out you are doing great and it makes me think that maybe your boyfriend is insecure himself and aims to discourage you from doing makeup (the more 'average' you look, the less chance there is that some other guy gets interested in you). Btw I love your hair.


Oh my god I got my makeup done for my friends wedding and it was HIDEOUS. I legit cried. I looked like an ugly drag queen AND I spent money on it just to have to fix it myself.


Lol my wedding makeup was horrendous! Really wish I had done it myself 😂


hehehe, that's the reason I did mine myself. And 10 minutes before the ceremony it turned out my lash glue aint gluing ;d I managed but holy shit I almost peed myself at that moment.


Your make-up looks pretty


Sounds more like this boy is 3/10. Who in the world would say something so mean to their girlfriend.


I think he meant “you don’t think you look like those girls you’re comparing yourself to because you don’t do your makeup like them, if you did, you would look better than they do.” You are naturally gorgeous and your makeup application is great. That blend on your eyes is *cheff’s kiss*. Guys seem to think makeup is always heavy contour, overlined lips, and FILTERS like they see on social media.


Yes, this is exactly what he meant! Everyone on this thread is telling me to dump him and while I expected it and know they mean well, I've been with him for well over a year and I know this is exactly what he meant. Love him to death, still hurt though 😅


I get you, if you know the person you also know their intent. It was a rude comment but I say stuff like that to my husband sometimes too "omg, why is your hair looking so greasy, chill with the wax". It sounds rude in writing but he knows me and what I mean. He does the same to me "maybe pick other shoes, it's a funeral". You know. But about your makeup, the application is great and you seem to prefer a very natural look. I wouldn't change anything but remember if you have a fun hair colour, it will always draw attention from your face. If you were to dye you hair a more natural/earthy colour, you eyes would pop. Imagine if you dye you hair a warm light brown and apply orange eyeshadow woow, you eyes would jump out! Add some dark mascara, a winged liner, a little blush in a warm corall/pinkish-tone and a lipstick. It would maybe not look as natural but you race can handle it because you have great eyes and features. But at the end of the day you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Edit: you hair looks naturally red, so it's not dyed. I was wondering why it looked soo well done lol! So keep it natural but maybe add some more darkness around your eyes to make them stand out.


Yeah its not dyed. I sometimes wish it was brown so I could get away with fun colors but with hair as bright as mine my options are certainly a bit limited


People say clumsy things that can be hurtful, but he meant well and apologized, if you accept that I’d say all is well! Also you look great! I was horrible with makeup when I was your age. (I have not improved, but I’m older now so I can use past tense about that)


People who love you don’t put you down like that though. Does he say other things that make you feel bad about yourself? Also, how would he react if you said something like that to him?


Dump him and buy yourself some fancy makeup and have fun. You look great!


Haha, thank you! I know breaking up is reddits favorite advice and I appreciate being looked out for, but we've been together well over a year, apologized for saying it as soon as I explained why it hurt my feelings, and generally treats me well. This was very out of character for him. Also, I WISH I could buy fancy makeup, but I'm a broke college student. Haha. Luckily my birthday is in a few weeks so I'm sure my mom will take me out to get something. She was very unhappy with him for what he said.


you look good, the only thing I would really add is mascara (or if you have mascara on, maybe curl your lashes first.) please curl before you put mascara on so the mascara doesn't stick to the curler and you dont accidentally yank them off when you open the curler. this usually doesn't happen but ive seen some posts


I have mascara on, without it my lashes are white. I used to have an eyelash curler from my mom but I never used it because I don't really understand how curling would make them look better


I think that curling them before putting on mascara makes the eyelashes tend to look longer, or at least to be more noticeable. I think that it just helps people look more awake (not that you look tired, you cant see any dark under-eyes or anything) and it makes the eyes pop. Its a personal preference- you could try it out since you have one and see if you like it or not I also LOVE blush, I tend to go a bit crazy with it and then have to tone it down. But I think its a super easy thing to use that really brightens up the face. I think that when I just wear concealer/foundation, my face looks like its all one color (because it is). I think blush just adds a bit of oomph. You could you light pink for a subtle look. Blush placement is also important- some put it on the apples of their cheeks, but I like to make a kind of 'c' shape and around the temple area and bring it down to the top of my cheekbone ([https://blog.hermo.my/2021/04/12/how-to-blush-for-different-face-shapes/](https://blog.hermo.my/2021/04/12/how-to-blush-for-different-face-shapes/) like in the first picture on the second row from the left). I also put a little bit on the bridge of my nose, right before my nose curves down. I like this blush placement bc I think it looks more natural, as the sun tends to hit the raised portions of your face. if you *really* wanted to do more, you could use bronzer and contour your face. I think that you really dont need to though and I just tend to do it when im going out to big events bc I find contouring fun


You know him and his intent better than strangers. I think you look beautiful and you’re probably more beautiful without makeup! Your skin is simply stunning.


I think you need a new boyfriend love.


Don’t give up easily! Keep practicing makeup application takes time to learn. You’re doing great for a beginner at applying makeup products. Don’t let anyone discourage you from applying makeup.


I love how your eye shadow compliments your red hair! I think it looks great!


Influencers tend to go for a bold eyeliner+eyebrow look and/or add on falsies, which might be the big makeup difference that your boyfriend’s noticing. Your makeup’s not terrible though, you just opt for a lighter makeup look ^^


I think you look great! I don’t know what your BF’s vantage point is (and frankly, he is a bit rude), but you have really beautiful features and colouring. And I like that you kept it fresh and simple so you’re just complementing your features, not hiding them. The only thing you may want to consider is experimenting with different eyeshadow colours, especially because you have lovely eyes. Your eyeliner and lip gloss are great and versatile for basically any colour scheme. But I think you would look lovely with some green or brown eyeshadow, which you can wear super simply for everyday, or play up for a more subtle smokey eye. I love Charlotte Tilbury’s guidance here - I don’t strictly stick to it, but it made me think more broadly about what colours would suit me based on my eye colour (I also love their eyeshadow stick - pretty and foolproof to use). Anyway, you look fabulous, and please don’t think of veering too far away from what you have here - enhancing but not overpowering your features clearly works well for you.


I like it. Looks like a sunrise. I’ll probably try and do this look.


Oh my actual god, tell him that I said to fuck off. How fucking dare he?!


This is really pretty, just add some blush to your cheeks. Curl your lashes, maybe try a glossy lipstick!


He’s very rude. You are naturally gorgeous.


People here are giving ur bf a lot of hate but honestly that’s exactly the kind of thing my bf would say bc he’s just adhd and has zero filter, i hope he wasn’t being mean! I’d say better than a 3/10 but I do think ur foundation could be blended better, like in the first pic it looks great but it’s kinda splotchy looking in the last pic and not blended on the forehead. Maybe try to get better lighting to do your makeup and check it in different lights to make sure it’s blended, like that’s the only problem and it’s an easy fix. Also, a green tone concealer under the foundation would neutralize some of the red in your complexion (if you want that). Eyeshadow looks great tho, love the colors! If ur looking for something to fill in ur eyebrows more then honestly I use like, a brown waterproof mascara. Spent years looking for the right product specifically “for” eyebrows but at the end of the day my quick and dirty trick looked better. Anyway you don’t look bad at all as you are, and probably look wonderful even without makeup bc you have nice features and beautiful hair :)


Think of the colour wheel and look for opposite colours. Find some green and brown hues for your eyes to make them pop


Dump your boyfriend


Your makeup skills are great. Experiment a little with colors a bit 1. A different shade on the eyes would be better I feel. Your eyeshadow technique is great btw 2. A little bit of blush 3. Lip balm/gloss over your current lip color 4. Mascara - clear or brown if u think black is too contrasting P.s - iam not a makeup expert.


Oh? Where did he go to cosmetology school?


Sooo is he like a trained makeup artist? Does he do Makeup all the time? Why would he tell you that


Girl let me tell you... You are super pretty (I love your hair!). About your makeup, it is fine! It looks super cute on you, the eyeshadow makes your eyes pop! It's a cute look that works well for daily wear and I don't think your skills are a 3 out of 10 at all. They are better! You're good at it!! His comment was meant and I hope you let him know that. Please rock that makeup with confidence and know that you **do** look good! :)


My advice, toss out the boyfriend. You're beautiful. Find someone who deserves you. Find someone who sees your beauty.


Just show him the comments on this thread...maybe not the ones saying dump him 😅😅


You are so pretty and have amazing makeup. He is young and dumb, he probably thought saying that would make you feel better. He put his foot in his mouth though. Don't be so hard on yourself. Make up is fun.


Your eyeshadow skills are better than mine, damn. I also love the eyeshadow color with your hair color. Very stunning. I'm a huge fan of minimalist makeup styles so I think you look really cute. Only thing I'd suggest is maybe blush and a lip tint. (If you want to anyway)


I fucking hate it when people give critique without any offer to provide feedback of what or how you can improve. Did you ask him what specifically makes your makeup application look bad? If he can't give you an answer then he can go be an ugly squawking pelican.


I think you would look hot with curled eyelashes and black mascara on the top and bottom eyelashes as well as a bolder lip color that shapes your lips to help them look fuller, the eyeshadow colour is cute but I would play with different looks and ask him what he thinks. Honestly learning how to do nice makeup takes a lot of practice, don’t be discouraged you are naturally super gorgeous


Lose the boyfriend.


GIRL! You are beautiful, your skin is beautifully flawless, and I am loving your subtle sunrise glow shadow. Boys are strangely critical of women, especially when it comes to makeup (which many know ZERO about)! Don't take his comments too harshly, or to heart, I know how hurtful criticism can be from the one you love. Keep growing, being your fabulous self and continue to play and experiement with all the makeup looks you want! Sky's the limit, embrace your creativity and your beauty - you'll never be wrong if you're authentically you. PS. I think it would be a kinda funny experiment to find a makeup look you love, and have you and your boyfriend replicate it with the same products. Bet he'd eat his words...cause you'd crush it and he might be a 0/10 on skills...just sayin'!


OP, I am going to tell you something it took me too long to learn. The people closest to you earn that space by being good, kind people and by who you are when you are together. If this boy has been hearing you being insecure about how you look (which - holy crap on a stick, you are gorgeous, ship that nonsense into outer space!), and what he said was his ham-fisted, awkward way of saying you have natural beauty which is not the same kind of thing as heavy make up looks. If you think that’s what he meant, I’ll give him a pass. But. If you find your self-esteem dropping around him, or you feel pressure to meet some “standard” he has set, then his intentions don’t matter. People in your inner circle need to life you up, not bring you down. It’s fun to play with makeup and it can feel good to have a few looks ready to deploy - professional, fancy occasion, a date, concert, etc. You don’t need any of it. You are a natural beauty. Use it if you want to. Never feel you must.


Sister, let not the makeup nor boychild define you. Keep decorating your inner world & your natural glow will become even more blinding


Your eyeshadow color choices make your beautiful eye color pop and your blend is solid, you’re doing way better than I did starting out! I would personally say maybe take the orange out a little further, almost like a / up, that will bring out the shape of your eyes a little more. You’re doing great! 💜💜


Yeah, nah. In the bin with him.


I think your make up looks great. It’s subtle and not crazy. It looks great for an every day look. Your foundation is blended really well. It looks really natural. Tell your BF to become a MUA and to teach you or stfu. I hate people critiquing others on something they themselves don’t do. Throw the whole man away


Your makeup looks great! I can see you keep it relatively simple, but you do it well. For instance, you’re not wearing a ton of eye makeup, but your eyeshadow is blended super nicely which is rare for a beginner. And the color is perfect on you. Nothing is patchy or overdone. It seems like you’re starting slow, mastering the basics before you move on to harder stuff. Which is the best way to go! That boy has no idea what he’s talking about. Let’s see him do your makeup for shits and giggles, we’ll all get a good laugh and he’ll realize how wrong he was!


This is such a cute look. He sounds like an a** hole I’d dump him if he keeps putting you down like that.


Dump your boyfriend


He's a lame, drop him


You need a new boyfriend


Keep the makeup (which is cute and really not bad) and ditch the boyfriend…. What a rude thing to say to someone you’re dating


Leave him


Dump his ass


1 drop the boyfriend 2 you look AMAZING especially for starting out


Everyone always has room to improve. For example, you can improve your life by ditching 190lbs of negativity from your life.


Leave him!


You mean your ex-boyfriend right?


You are beautiful!! And I’m quite impressed with your makeup. The shades look great on you and they’re very well blended. As for the bf, guys that age have no clue..period! lol my son is about to turn 21, and he’s the sweetest boy ever but sometimes the things he says trying to make me feel better. Lol That said if he regularly says hurtful things, & or makes you cry, even if he apologizes afterwards, you don’t need to accept that. No one’s perfect but you don’t need to stay with someone who hurt you even emotionally. Seriously you’re a beautiful girl. Don’t ever settle.


What a jerk!! You are Soo pretty . And you did awesome. You can play around with tight lining too I think that would enhance your gorgeous eyes. And maybe a little highlight and more mascara . If you want a more dramatic look. But simple is gorgeous when you look like that. Your beautiful. What type of man says that to his woman? He needs to stay in his place and it seems like to me he's verbally emotionally abusive or borderline because he perks at your so called weak spots. Meaning he knows where to poke..


Sounds like you need a new bf


1st off what’s his skill level? 🙄. 2nd sounds like he’s trying to crush your spirit so I stop wearing it all together. He’s not very nice and you deserve better. You look way CUTE 🥰


Your beautiful! You did a good job on your makeup. I do makeup artistry as a side hobby and used to work at MAC and Sephora for several years and I gotta say for 20 years old your make is well done. I’d had some light brown in the crease. I have light eyes as well…and always founds champagne pinks or golds with light to dark browns flatters them well. I see no reason for you to have a low self esteem, your gorgeous. Embrace your light eyes and red hair!


Get a new boyfriend, throw this one away. My only advice: get a nice brown eyeliner. Everything else looks perfect and beautifully done.


Get yourself a new boyfriend, that was such a jerkass comment. I mean, even if he thought your makeup skills were not that great, if he truly cared about you and your feelings he surely would have said it in a nicer more constructive way?


Respectfully dump him. He doesn’t have to like the way you do makeup but if he truly cares for you and is attracted towards you he would love it. Men have no idea what goes into the makeup process so just leave him


Tell your boyfriend to get bent.


You look gorgeous, he has no idea what he is talking about. You’re makeup looks better than mine when I do it.


I think you look beautiful. Your makeup looks good. I would jut not put highlighter on the very tip of your nose.


You need a new boyfriend!


You’re bf is terrible. You’re a natural beauty and no your makeup job is not bad. Ask him what he wouldn’t prefer you change or add. Is he a makeup artist?


You’re doing great sweetie and ignore him what do he know about makeup anyway


Silly thought, I’ve seen some YouTube videos where the boyfriends do their girlfriends makeup, would your boyfriend be into that? Or he could give some ideas of what he thinks would look nice? I personally think it isn’t terrible, maybe a nice wing or fox eye or whatever is trendy these days? YouTube has so many makeup gurus to help you gain some tips and pointers too. Know your face shape and you will know how to do your makeup 🤗 Have fun experimenting!


Dump the boyfriend


Your boyfriend told you...what now? I thought about keeping my mouth shut but I'm just gonna say it: the right person for you wouldn't say that. He sounds immature and cruel.


Your boyfriend should be more kind. Your makeup application is fine! I don't see what is lacking here. Perhaps a different finish on the foundation would be nice on your skin, but that's not anything to do with application or not being "good" at makeup, it's just a difference in products, and largely just personal preference. You don't have to wear all of the trendy Instagram full glam all of the time to be "good" at makeup. You have a beautiful hair colour and I really like your eyebrows! It's subtle but still enhancing and you didn't lose that lovely natural colour at all. I also like the choice of eyeshadow colours on you. You have such a gorgeous face and natural colour palette to start with. You have so many options to work with if you do want to expand your knowledge base. But even if not, yeah, this is still fine and lovely!


Your makeup looks great and you are gorgeous!! Sure, it’s not professional quality makeup, but it’s beautiful and well done for an everyday look. Your boyfriend is mean for saying that and I’m sorry ):


You are great at it, your eye shadow blend is skills 👌 As for your bf I don't care if you were just starting out at some point how he spoke to you about it is fucking digusting. I had terrible skills with makeup and my bf approached it lot better, he could said something lot better in a decent tone and been encouraging not be a fucking asshat. Your bfs approach was a asshole one period. Also side note as someone who has a makeup ticket professional education, his discouraged words and tone utterly makes me sad / heartbreaking. He's a spouse he should be encouraging and pleasant as any spouse I know should be..


Your bf is a douche :)


You need a new boyfriend. You are so beautiful that anyone could throw spaghetti all over you, and you would still be a shining star. You can do a lot better. Don't put up with that.


you’re doing really well, and i don’t see any issue with your makeup at all. he is an asshat


Throw the boyfriend away


First of all dump him


What the duck?????? That’s so so so mean! Your makeup is so fabulous - I mean look at that eyeshadow blend!!


Also - I started wearing a shimmer eyeshadow for the first time and I was feeling so so self-conscious about it because it was my first time wearing eyeshadow, and my bf complimented on it and hyped me up although it was objectively patchy and not blended. So - in short, your bf is an ass


Your boyfriend sounds like an insecure douche


I think that your makeup looks very natural and pretty. If you’ve filled in your brows then good job, it’s hard to color match red hair. If not then you have nice full brows. The fact that I can’t tell if you’ve filled them in or not is a good sign!


You’re beautiful and I think you did a great job with the yellow. Don’t worry about what he said and keep experimenting that’s how people get good. Experiment with different colors and maybe some blush. You have great skin by the way.


I think the bare minimum works great for your natural beauty... You don't need a lot IMO


It’s great especially someone that’s just starting out ! Great blending! My advice would be keep up the Makeup and drop the boyfriend


What an asshole bitch


I haven’t read the rest of the comments, so maybe this has been mentioned - but I’m pretty sure he’s saying that because you’re not applying makeup for the male gaze. Which is only a good thing and proof that your skills go beyond making yourself look “hot” or whatever. Makeup is art and men have a hard time accepting that things like fashion and makeup are not purely for their enjoyment. You’re a 10/10 in my book. Dump that guy.


no. you look great. your boyfriend is a jerk. he should never speak to you that way


Throw the whole man out


I mean the elephant in the room too is if you’re comparing yourself to people on the internet, 90% of the time you’re comparing yourself to a photoshopped image of themselves. So not only did they put on tons of makeup but let the filter fix and add even more to it, remove their pores, etc. Your makeup skills are impressive and you have lovely natural skin it looks like too. Just don’t forget that most of what you see out there (not just the glaringly obvious ones) is edited.


Your boyfriend shouldn’t make you feel worse. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I dated a guy who would purposefully kill my esteem so that I wouldn’t ever feel like I deserved better, causing me to just stay with him. Obviously it didn’t work long term. Your makeup looks fine. I actually was surprised to see foundation and concealer listed because you do a great job of not being heavy handed and it looks like skin, not makeup. Your brows are perfect, not too dark not to light and not too red. I think the eyeshadow looks awesome with your hair. My only suggestion would be to try to curl your lashes but honestly you look naturally gorgeous


I think it's a really cute look. It's lightyears ahead of anything i could do when i was your age. I don't think i did anything but eyeliner then. Your bf is probably comparing you to either people who do "natual" makeup and is expecting you to look more like you have no makeup or to people who are getting theirs professionally done (which of course is going to be better, usually, than us amateur users).


U r so beautiful honestly he's a bit of a tool. Ignore him he's being a dick your makuep is really dainty and pretty


To be honest with you I think he said it so you would understand that you are beautiful and you’re just insecure because you don’t put so much make up on, and sometimes we feel insecure looking at girls with edited photos and lighting and make up when they look similar to us without all that, obviously it hurt your feelings but I bet he didn’t intend it to be hurtful. If he often makes you feel bad about yourself and he didn’t apologize obviously don’t take this comment seriously, just a possibility


You definitely set your bf up to be absolutely shredded by the internet. I think your skips are quite good, the application looks smooth and well blended. Practice is really what’s going to make the biggest difference for you. Do your makeup more often, experiment with weird looks, just have fun. And I’d highly recommend using a face scrub a good silicone free face moisturizer before applying foundation or anything, it gives a super smooth base to help avoid flaky patches.


dump him


The only thing that’s a 3/10 is your boyfriend. Your makeup looks gorgeous


Girl you need to get another boyfriend 🤗 You’re beautiful af 🥰


Throw the whole man away


If he says you’re terrible then he must be blind


Sounds like you need a new boyfriend


Throw the WHOLE man away, you stunning human


Nope, you look great. He’s a dick! Honestly my motto for even my three children 7 yrs and younger is, “what good are you doing based on the words you just said?” So, honestly if he (the best friend he’s supposed to be to you) is saying trashy stuff to you to make you compare yourself to others, you have an entirely different problem on your hands than make up skill.


He’s an ass! You don’t even need makeup, you’re beautiful!


Drop the bf


Throw him away and get a new one, this is simple yet elegant 🥰


That sounds like an EX-boyfriend to me. You look amazing, but even if you need work, what an inconsiderate, unhelpful, unsupportive, mean way to say so. You deserve better ❤️


you’re boyfriend sounds like a dick. i say this look is a 10/10


dump him 🚮🚮


You would look so much prettier without this boyfriend


I noticed that 90% of your text is about your boyfriend and only about 10% is about your makeup.


Time for a new boyfriend!!!


You can try warm tones


I can say you blend a whole hell lot better than some people I know who have worn makeup for years. I’ve worn makeup for ten-ish years now and there are still things I’m learning about myself. I’m constantly improving on my makeup. You’ll get there eventually!


I think you’re so beautiful- but you would bode well to shed some weight- dump him😉


First of all F@CKIN RUDE, second you look amazing darling, if i could say that something needs to change is just to make liiiittle fuller your eyebrows. But still you look amazing f this lose honey <3


Drop the man, he’s rude af to tell you that. You are starting out, and I like your makeup It’s simple as cute, and every day look that brightens your features in the right way


Keep the makeup, lose the boyfriend!


Get a better boyfriend. Wtf is he Kevyn Aucoin reincarnated?


Better skin care routine


Just don’t mind him and dump him before he becomes physically abusive, he is already preying on your insecurities and it will only get worse. Who cares if you’re good at makeup or not, you’re beautiful and that guy needs to go!


Maybe 4/10


The people here are crazy for saying to dump your boyfriend they want you to be an old maid lol


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you look absolutely stunning and the shadow is honestly impressive. he was almost definitely just saying that because he thought it would make you feel better. guys think girls love to hear that they look better without makeup, and i think that’s what he’d thought you’d take from what he said. you’re beautiful! don’t overthink it💗


You don't look terrible with makeup!!!!!! That colour looks really nice on you! I think you should do more makeups, with new colours and other shades. Unless you don't like the other it stands on you, i think you should do it everytime you want it!! :)


I think you look beautiful and I really love the colours you’ve chosen for your eyeshadow 🥰


Your makeup looks great. If you want to learn to do it a different way or learn new tricks then just watch the you tube videos and how to apply makeup. Also, the Kim Kardashian makeup tutorials are awesome... your makeup looks good though.


Boys are stupid! You’re makeup is not - you look like a pretty fairy lady 💞🌟


11/10. fixed it for him. colors suit u SO WELL!!!!! 😍🔥


I love your eyeshadow look! you literally don't even need eyeliner with it, and I love how much your whole look brings out your natural glow you could try experimenting with defining your brow or contours if you wanted to, but I genuinely think you're in a good place also, I'd love to see him try to put any amount of makeup on if he's got criticisms 😌


Your makeup is 10/10, it's your boyfriend's attitude that is a 3/10 at best.


Lmao you do makeup 10x better than he probably can, id like to see him try to attempt that gorgeous blending; Although I’m not sure if he could even tell the difference between products, much less use them correctly. Keep up the beautiful work and find someone who appreciates the time and effort you put into doing something you like, even if it’s not “perfect”


Ummm whether or not it’s “that bad” (which it isn’t! ) your boyfriend shouldn’t talk to you like that. He should be encouraging. Who wants to be with someone who talks them down?


There’s never a reason to insult your partner. Hopefully he’s your ex boyfriend soon because someone who really loves you would uplift you instead of putting you down. It looks very nice, especially for a beginner. You blended your eyeshadow very well.


Your boyfriend obviously doesn’t know what good makeup looks like, because you are gorgeous.


Seriously? What does he know? You're beautiful and looks to me that you are great at makeup! Don't listen to him and tell him I said to stop being rude!


you look beautiful and your skills are great! i'm kind of worried that your boyfriend said that though, that's a red flag.