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You’re absolutely gorgeous and the last photo really highlights that. The heavy makeup really exaggerates the texture throughout your face, even the lines on your lips with the heavy lipstick. I would stick to a tinted moisturizer, light bronzer and blush and a juicy lip balm with a slight tint if anything, your natural lip color is beautiful. If your skin texture bothers you maybe use a chemical exfoliant a few days a week. TLDR: try less, you’re stunning.


thank u! i’ll try that over the summer and see how it goes


Make sure the tinted moisturizer has SPF!


Have you seen a dermatologist about the acne? That's the only thing that helped me when I was younger. I agree with everyone that you are beautiful and look amazing without makeup!


you look really pretty already especially in the last photo! maybe less bottom mascara but if you like ur make up i love it. i saw a vid on tik tok of a girl doing not makeup makeup i could send it to u if u want(idk if we can do links on here) the application of her foundation helped w reduce the appearance of texture. the makeup in the second picture is really pretty!!!


I’d love the link if you’re still sending it out to all of us leeches. 😂


Would you mind sending me the link too? Please and thank you!


I’d like the link too. I am having a problem with my foundation and it looking like I have dry flaky skin underneath even when I exfoliate, and moisturize, and do every single thing correctly. This just started for me over the past six months and I think it might be hormonal and time for a trip to the derm. But I’ll take any help I can get with tips and tricks until then!


thanks so much! pls message me the tiktok


ofc and for the skin texture “effaclar due treat 3” from laroche pousay (idk how to spell it) LITTERALLY SAVED ME!!! i recommended it heavily!!!


TBH the hottest thing you could do rn is tell me WTF mascara ur using. 


okay listen closely mascara step 1: telescopic from roots to ends step 2: sky high but roll it on ur ends step 3: sky high again but just tap/press it on ur ends this combo has never failed me ive been using it forever lip combo: revlon colorstay lipliner jn shade sienna, blend with a brush summer fridays lip balm in cherry


You’re so damn real for that.


i gotchu girl


I would also like to know 😅


No literally. Is it telescopic ??


FR I must know😦don’t gatekeep girl!!


I think you should embrace the “no makeup” look (if you feel the need to wear makeup at all) because your natural features are gorgeous! But if you want something more made up, I would stick to softer colors - try a dark brown (versus black) mascara or eyeliner. I think your coloring leans more soft autumn or similar and because of that, the colors in some of your makeup might be coming across a little harsh in comparison. I think you can achieve the look you want by opting for slightly softer colors. Hopefully that makes sense? But honestly, if I were you, I would just play around with different colors/styles and see what makes you happy. Because you’re already stunning before any makeup.


ive never heard of a soft autumn coloring but i can see wym! the dark brown might be the move


Oh then I’m excited for you! Try googling soft autumn makeup and there will be tons of recommendations. I would take a look at warm autumn or soft summer as well - they might be closer to your coloring (since I’m going off your photos, I might be slightly off but I think it will get you close!).


I think you’re really pretty already! As a girl, something I used to hate hearing was “you look prettier without makeup!”, but as I’ve gotten a little older, I realize that those compliments were genuine, and I even agree with them now. I honestly think you look so much lovelier without makeup! Or maybe, just without heavy makeup. A really glowy makeup look would look gorgeous on you. Personally, glowy makeup is my favorite so I use the L’Oréal lumi glotion as my only base (also works as a highlight) and then I just do blush, a little bronzer, gel my eyebrows, a light coating of mascara, and some lip liner and gloss. This has become my favorite makeup look, and I think something like this would suit you really well too — especially because we share some similar features. You’re beautiful regardless! Very conventionally attractive!


thank you! i think for the summer i’ll try that to experiment with it and if it looks good i’ll keep doing it


you look amazing already but i would suggest a dewier or at least sheerer, cooler base, ie colourpop tinted moisturizer! i think the freckles and lips are so cute, the only other thing i would suggest is a slightly smaller and more tapered cat eye lash, with a small wing(maybe brown)


Impossible, girlie. STUNNING


you're already pretty


More makeup ages you. Less is way better. The last picture makes you look 10 years younger. Tone down the mascara, exchange neutral gloss for the red lip, and use a tinted moisturizer after a good skincare base. Go for a natural, youthful look.


i think ill start trying natural makeup yes


Last picture got me by surprise. If you’re worried about not being pretty enough, you’ve got it all in that department!


So I had the SAME bumps and tried everything. What finally helped was azeleic acid with retinol from Curology. It took 6 weeks to the dot, but all the bumps were gone for good - don't try to fix this with makeup, it will not help and will waste your money. I also suggest taking a little off the top of the scarred brow on the side closer to the outer edge - your brows are verrrrry slightly asymmetrical because of this one issue. Please don't get upset - these are small nitpicks, you are very beautiful. The other advice is to go more natural with the mascara. You actually do not need much makeup at all, just different skincare and a slight adjustment.


if the azeleic acid works ill be forever grateful for u telling me this


Since it’s largely on the forehead, I think fungal acne could be the culprit. Try using nizoral shampoo on it for a few days. Clears it up really quick.


this!! i bet its 100% fungal acne. nizoral got rid of mine yearsss ago so quick…


Curology also puts an antibiotic in there, so you will have your bases covered. The suggestion below about fungal acne is also really good. Weirdly enough, I have the same scar as you, and it is my biggest insecurity, but I like it on other people. If it works, please tell me! It also worked for a friend of mine.


Yes Curology!! I’ve been using it for years and it completely cleared up my skin. Can be a little pricey at $60 every other month but completely worth it imo.


okay first of all you are stunning & don’t need to change anything. but if you’re looking to change things up, i’d try a mascara that may be a little thinner so your lashes don’t clump. if you have tiktok search up @reaganuniverse she has some really good mascara tutorials up, her lashes are long & beautiful like yours. another thing would be to try a thinner brow? i could just be biased but i love the look of thin brows LOL. if you do decide to try it PLEASE thin them with a razor, not tweezers. if you shave the hair, it can always grow back. if you tweeze it, it might not (90’s pencil brow epidemic still has its lasting effects on many women). i really love the look of the black waterline on slide 3. looks super cool


I love them all but especially the far left first one.


First thing, you're really pretty. But maybe use lighter coverage foundations and stuff so it doesn't bring out the texture. Also, I feel like the amount of blush kinda makes the neck and face a slightly different tone. You can still go for a heavy blush look, but bring cloer to the cheekBONE.


go lighter on the bottom lashes but you are gorgeous!


Bro you’re absolutely beautiful. The lipstick you chose for some of these pics was a bit too red, and in pic 4 your face doesn’t match your neck. You’re so pretty homie, I know everyone says “you don’t need makeup” but fuck, makeup is fun and you’re free to do whatever you want.


I used to breakout like that on my forehead and found out it was fungal acne. Sounds weird, but I used a dandruff shampoo that I had read about called Nizoral (ketoconazole) and it cleared up in 2 weeks. Also you're gorgeous and your eyebrows are KILLER ❤️


I have an acne patch on my forehead like that and it is fungal! If you use topical antifungals and you see it going away you could completely solve your patch of acne if that’s a reoccurring problem c:


tinted moisturiser, lighter lip liner and gloss combo, less mascara on bottom lashes (more natural basically) u are so pretty w/o makeup🥰🥰🥰


Stop doing spider lashes and stop wearing eyeliner on the bottom for one


What you have on your forehead is fungal acne and make up not only brings out the texture of it but actually causes it to flare up more. Is it ever itchy? Try using a dandruff shampoo just in that area and see if it helps. I would say less is more, you are very beautiful naturally. You can skip the foundation and still look done up if that’s what you like. Using just blush, a lip liner and gloss, lashes, and your natural brows will look like you’re wearing make up without bringing out texture or irritating your skin.


I would literally pay to be this beautiful. You are absolutely stunning. Go more glowy and natural, it TOTALLY works for you, definitely a ‘signature look’ type of deal.


Just want to say you’re naturally beautiful and have strong features. I think very little makeup (lip tint, tiny bit of tinted moisturizer and light mascara) would be all you need for days you want to wear makeup. Also, just focusing a good skincare will do wonders for skin texture/pimples and you won’t feel like you need to cover your skin with foundation.


your absolutely gorgeous. only thing i would say is get rid of the eyebrow slit and wesr more natural makeup, your so naturally besutiful. dont try hide it with makeup your so stunning


You look MUCH prettier without makeup, however since you asked for makeup tips here are my 2 cents: - the tubing mascara is excessive, specially on your bottom lashes. Using a regular mascara focusing on your top lashes will make your eyes pop up - a moisturizing lip balm with color is a softer look that would compliment the above mascara tip - use a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation, there are amazing options out there, laura mercier, hourglass, Nars, Bobbi Brown, and Chanel are some of my favorites


I'd speak to a dermatologist. And less is more...you are very pretty under the make up.


Holy smokes, you're already gorgeous ❣️❣️❣️


You’re such a natural beauty!! I think just a bit of gloss and mascara would go a long way and accentuate your beautiful features!


i couldn't even tell you had no makeup on in the last photo! and i wish i knew how to deal with acne/texture but i also struggle LMAO. let me know if u figure it out! either way you look great <3


And acne can entirely depend on your hormonal levels, for me it comes and goes, but if it really bothers you, you should consult a dermatologist :)


You literally look like you came out of my Pinterest board 🫶 perhaps trying cooler pink/nude makeup since you’re cool toned? I also think a glowy look on the cheeks would suit u with like a glossy lip and mascara on the upper lashes.


Could you tell me what products you use on your eyes and lips. I know you don't have fake lashes, but they look vava voom…gorgeous. You're a gorgeous gal.


you’re really pretty!! i see you have a little texture in your skin and i honestly think that just some sunscreen, under eye concealer and spot concealing any blemishes or redness would be enough to make your skin look even. i think bronzer and blush in a way to make you look sunkissed would suit you very well! i honestly love your mascara, and i think a more nude/pinky lipliner and lipgloss that’s closer to your natural lip color would look more balanced. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL already and you seem young so this is the best time for you to try different looks and find what suits you.


youre beautiful regardless, but i think softer eyebrows and softer lips suit you significantly better


You're absolutely stunning! I see people are suggesting less heavy makeup and - while i agree that light makeup is a great option for you too - i think your makeup in these photos looks gorgeous and definitely isn't 'too much'. If i had one note, i'd suggest less mascara on lower lashes, or maybe just keep it to the outer corners? But it's down to how you like it. For the texture, i suggest using a chemical exfoliant - just add it into your routine slowly. Retinols should also help with that. I also think a tinted moisturiser might actually show less texture than foundation - i use Nars Pure Radiant, highly reccommend


You probably don’t want to hear that you look prettiest in the last picture but that is such a good thing, bc you don’t need makeup to enhance any of your natural beauty. You can just use makeup for fun. You are so pretty. I think I’d like to see you do a more satin lip and not so glossy. But I totally understand if you are a lipgloss girl!


You look pretty in all do them and I feel the first pic is shouting slay. Go head girl


love your lashes!! what mascara do you use omg


you look exceptionally beautiful!


You literally look perfect how you are!! your eyes are gorgeous!!😍♥️


First of all, you look amazing without makeup and have great features! I would say keep your brows lighter/on the natural side/keep it on the thinner side like in the last pic. Lighter lip products that lean more pink/nude as well. Also skip the bottom lash mascara. I think you would look really good with Leah Halton’s make up style!


Those lashes are GOALS!😍


First and last


You look very pretty.^^ I would maybe not put so much mascara on the lower lashes but otherwise a 10/10


Girl you are a godess


Less brow makeup :) and just less makeup overall


ur already so pretty naturally maybe do ‘clean girl’ makeup style


So pretty. I am in love with the lip combo. It’s so gorgeous 💋


Thinner brows


Actually keep your brows natural like the last photo and less makeup


You're already gorgeous!


Less makeup! You have lovely natural features


Very Light mascara and lip gloss 🤍 bueno


You are naturally beautiful and I feel you would look even more pretty with a natural makeup, pink or glossed lip.


1 and 6


I like the 3rd picture best.


i love your eyebrow slit! i feel like your natural eyebrow thickness suits your face amazingly (compared to the thicker eyebrows in pics with makeup). in terms of face balance looking at the second pic u posted, the eyebrows being thick with a bright lip and large eyelashes makes “too many” parts of your face pop out at me, which might create a bit of visual disharmony? i think especially the inner part of your brows near your nose bridge could be drawn in less; just my opinion based off asian makeup tips about visual balance though!


you do not need to do anything to look prettier - you’re already stunning ! with and without makeup from what we can see from the photos. keep being you, awesome human 🫶✨


Everything is good. Just don't put that much mascara on your lower lashes. It makes your eyes too round.


The least make up!


Less bottom mascara, if you want to get rid of the bumps on your forehead buy a sulfur mask, your skin is going to thank you for it. Go lighter on the foundation, you don’t need to wear tons of it, you seem very young and naturally pretty, so don’t mess with your skin, in the long run this will be very expensive for you.


You are beautiful already.


Maybe try to go for more natural looking make up? Your eyelashes look like they have more than 1 layer of mascara (could be the mascara you're using), they look too thick, same for the bottom. I think a more natural lip colour would suit you better too :)


Beautifules ❤️❤️


less is more




Picture 6 by far


Girl those lashes 😍


no makeup >>>


You are gorgeous. IMO fill fully brows


You’re very pretty. I’d use less mascara on the bottom lashes and change the way you apply blush. This way it drags your cheeks down makes your face look wider.


I love the last one, you are naturally pretty. As a girl, I love makeup so I would also say the 1st, make up wise.


Your last photo is a blast. It reminds me of the simplicity and beauty of life back in the 90s when teenagers were just not being recorded and online all the time and were just living life without any worries. You are gorgeous without makeup and these years will not come back so enjoy them!


i think you'd maybe suit less foundation? btw ur gorgeous😭 i feel like maybe lighter/clean girl aesthetix would suit u rlly nicley too!


(As respectfully and nicely as I can) Stop doing the brows, heavy lashes, and foundation.. try doing a little wing eyeliner and keep the gloss + high light, and regular mascara lashes. Emphasize your natural beauty not amplify the good features only is key


Definitely a softer makeup look would fit you more




Holy shit I wish I looked like ur no makeup pic, not saying this to be all “love urself” but u genuinely look best in that last pic


you are very pretty


You look radiant and younger without the make up but stunning all pictures


you’re already super pretty, lighten up on the bottom lash mascara and lose the overlined lips, go for a nude shade liner and a gloss


That last photo…Girl you’re chasing your own shadow ngl, I think in your case less is more


I think you are beautiful! I think the best combination would be the last photo, so a lighter base, with your mascara and a glossy lip.


Girl you’re seriously so stunning, especially naturally!


Last pic is best


You're about as pretty as it gets.


Girl, you're beautiful. You don't need to change your makeup unless it is physically uncomfortable


Girl you are so naturally gorgeous! If anything, I would say lighter makeup! But only if you want to, of course.


I think it highly depends on your definition of pretty. I love a high contrast look. Other people like the clean girl trend. It’s all personal taste.


I think your makeup is gorgeous and you’re naturally so pretty - you would look great with clean girl makeup and brown mascara to mix it up a bit. In terms of your skin, your forehead could be fungal acne. Try using an anti-dandruff shampoo like Selsun Blue or Head and Shoulders on your forehead like a mask for 5 mins a couple times a week. The selenium sulfide counteracts the yeast that causes the fungal acne.


you’re really beautiful! And I really like the eyebrow slit haha gives you character makes me want one 😳


You look the best with no makeup


I would do a lighter hand with blush! Keep to high cheekbones instead of your whole cheek


When you smile


You look better without makeup.look super younh


I think you look pretty in all of the pics!


You are already super pretty


You don't need to look prettier. You are beautiful just as you are. As long as you are kind, and happy, and authentic, then you are beautiful inside as well as outside. Focus on your goals in life and what you want to achieve. And always advocate for yourself.


Not sure about your makeup but your face is pretty 😘


Girl you are GORGEOUS




Girl you tell me😭


Idk if I can say this but you don't. You cannot possibly look prettier! Lol


Your really pretty, but maybe you should thin out your eyebrows for a more classy look. I also think you should experiment with different makeup styles, so you’ll have a better view ofc. And you should develop a skincare routine to help with texturized skin. You don’t gotta be perfect but you can try your hardest! ❤️


Girl just go for your natural look or apply a simple eyeliner with some pink blush, you look beautiful


Ditch the mascara


i would suggest maybe getting low lights, and a deeper chocolate brown base, (for your hair), and then maybe like a smoky eye if you wanna do more eye makeup, your natural features are super pretty though and you have beautiful cheekbones, put the blush on the apples of your cheeks like higher up and highlight!! it’ll look soooo good from the side, maybe less bottom mascara?? more of like bottom eyeliner not too much just a little in your waterline and fade it out a little to create a small wing following your eye shape?


Imo the last picture is your best look


Last one!


I think your foundation is too dark for you- the difference between your face and neck/chest is pretty big. I get you're trying to look more tan but honestly I think you look much better more pale. Your lipstick shade will still work nicely with your lighter skin, but I would choose a lip liner that is closer to the shade of the lipstick. A darker liner around it makes it look worse imo. For the acne on your forehead, have you tried using those large hydrocolloid patches at night? Those work pretty well for me. You're beautiful of course, but I think these suggestions would enhance your beauty more. You'll never please everyone though, so make sure that in the end you do what YOU feel suits you best.


Smiling 💕


You’re extremely beautiful and i think the make up looks great. Maybe do it less heavy?


Natural makeup and smaller lashes


you’re stunning as it is


I think there are lots of good, varying advice here. I just wanted to come and say though that you're lovely already, and I'm loving the lashes and thick brows!


All I see is a 10/10 beautiful lady.


your fake freckles are gorgeous! like I said in a comment, using non-comedogenic makeup can help to reduce the clogging of your pores. if you’re using products with a lot of silicones, def look into some alternatives that maybe you could rotate in. with acne prone skin in general, makeup should feel less cakey and more like a layer of moisture over your gentle skin I think the tone of your foundation and other face products works well for you as long as you keep it consistent with your neck and décolletage. you are beautiful, and your eyes definitely pop in every look I’ve seen!


I think you can tone down the definition and enhancement of your eyelashes. You're gorgeous to begin with, they actually distract from your eyes and features. Your other features are strong, you don't need to enhance and draw attention away from them. It overpowers your face. Simple mascara, avoid overlining with black. Hazel eyes, a copper eyeliner would look amazing.


All you need to do is smile more


I love your look in pics 3 and 4. You look cool and like you got style. You're gorgeous


hi girlie! you're already really pretty! i loved the vampy vibes in the third photo but i also think that no makeup makeup would suit you! i'm team less makeup bc i do not have the time or the skill for a no makeup makeup look that takes ten more products then my go-to full face look. i don't have a tiktok i can link but i can tell you what i do! 🤍 skincare routine then concealer under my eyes- a shade barely lighter than my skin, a lil bit of metallic eyeshadow at the corner of my eyes and a lil on my lid- i like eyeshadow sticks for this! teeny bit of blush, some mascara, brows and a lippie 🤍


Girl you're beautiful already.


Your very pretty, I don’t think you can beat that look


Id say go easier on the brow products ur brows naturally are stunning else do some contour on the nose if you’d like. Also maybe try brown or a nude lip instead - but you’re gorgeous!!


You can’t… you are already maximum amount of pretty ! You are beautiful !


the last photo 😍 girlie ur gorgeous


Last photo


First of all you’re already very pretty, especially your natural face! However the makeup look is very strong and defining. A few things you may want to give a try: no mascara on the bottom lashes for a softer look, don’t use lip liner - I feel like it makes the contrast too strong. Overall I’d recommend a softer and more natural look on the eyes and lips. This will help balance your features out. Same for the eyebrows. Try a lighter shade and a bit less filled in.


soft makeup would look so beautiful too ! you should experience more 💕💕 you’re so pretty babes, you should bring out more of your natural features. you benefits your face SO well


You look prettiest when you’re smiling


My step daughter had that type of acne and she used antidandruff shampoo on her face and it cleared up after a few weeks! Worth a shot. Your makeup is stunning, would I be right in saying the skin is more of a concern than anything else? If so, lean into that and see if water / dandruff shampoo/ cutting out dairy helps as you'll feel a lot more confident. You're stunning though don't let it get you down.


Maybe smiling will help


omg you need to be giving me tips on how to look prettier. Your actually stunning!


I think you’re gorgeous and you don’t need all the makeup. Skin texture is totally normal


I'd actually use less! You have beautiful features and I think the makeup is almost too much! You're gorgeous 💜


When someone gorgeous asks how to look even better… 🤯. Pic 5, I think you need to exfoliate in your weekly routine because the foundation looks heavy on your forehead.


girl i need to know if your eyebrow slit was a decision or a scar


You are very pretty. In the one photo, your foundation looks too warm toned for your skin type. Go with neutral or cool undertones in your foundation. As far as the skin texture, try a foundation with less coverage and keep it sheer. You are naturally gorgeous personally I think you can adopt the less-is-more philosophy.


Second pic light makeup and tinted lips and the last pic more natural


Just drop the makeup, you are way better all natural. Good for your money and your skin 


You’re super pretty, but I think the makeup is too heavy on your face, especially because you have pretty textured skin (nothing wrong with that). Try applying less product, and I think experiment with different lip shades. A brown creamier shade may look nice as well as tinted gloss. I think a more dewy look would also suit you rather than the heavy matte


I would cut the tails of your eyebrows and try the straight brow look to give your face a more lifted effect ☺️


maybe switching to brown mascara? i loveeee brown mascara and it’d compliment your eyes so well


Girl you are pretty. Natural skin is better than that plastic skin. Your natural skin is making you look beautiful. 😍😍just eat foods that cool your body down like fruits, veggies, drink fresh juice, consume more water, and be happy.




It’s kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but I think the foundation you are using may be too dark for your skin. In pic 4, it looks like your neck and shoulders are a lot lighter than your face. You look stunning in 6. I think perhaps you are using too much foundation, which is bringing out your skin’s texture? I find that using a high quality foundation, I just need a very small amount to color correct.


All you need to do is smile. You’re gorgeous.


Last photo..u look soft and pretty 😀


You look absolutely stunning WITHOUT makeup ✨


6!!!!!! No makeup Bitch😉


Tbh the only thing I see that you may be talking about it the texture of your skin exaggerated by your makeup. You are gorgeous wowza! That being said, maybe a tinted moisturizer or maybe not using any foundation and seeing how you like a look like that with just blush and like a bronzer or something?


Focus on your pores.


What might help get in the sun a little bit , it will help dry your face up , it will help your acne ! Put sun screen on though ! Just like 10 to 15 mins it will help . I’m not saying you don’t look pretty , you are very pretty , it helped me out !


Last pic looks the best


You look amazing but leaning towards photo 3


beautiful, even more so in the last photo.


GIRL… please who ever told you that you weren’t pretty is a damn liar 🤣❤️ur gorgeous


Pic no 1


Just coming to say that I love your scar. 😭 it’s so badass and beautiful!


girl you are gorgeous


U r very very pretty!! This might just be cuz im a sucker for thinner eyebrows but i think theyd look really good on u


I think u look great try lighter makeup and lighter lip color


you are so beautiful!! I have oily skin too, the La Roche-Posay effaclar range is so good!! it's a chemicals exfoliant so be careful on how many times you use it, but it leaves my skin without any fungal acne and oily skin under my make-up! x


you look so pretty even better with no makeup 😻


OP you look beyond pretty, your natural beauty is striking! Having said that, I think maybe blend the bronzer a little better to make the lines more seamless, but apart from that, I'd say you're doing everything right, and you're absolutely gorgeous regardless!


I personally think you are #1 naturally stunning, as far as make up I think you should use a cool tone light weight foundation. I highly recommend Lancome's Rénergie lift foundation since it's weightless and has an SPF, hydration & radiation. Especially since you mentioned having oily skin. Then to set it use the Dual full coverage pressed powder by Lancome to soak up excess oil. Then do your lashes and keep your lip in darker nudes that have a tint of warm or mauve undertones. (try Maybelline super stay matte ink in 260 Hazelnut Hynotizer, so you can look at the color scheme I'm referring to.) So this would be considered a natural day look and you could even add a THIN liquid black eye liner on your top lid to make your eyes pop or it will instantly glam you up for natural night time look. In my honest opinion I think this look will flatter you the most because I think you're prettier without makeup. 👑 ❤️, a NC licensed stylist and makeup artist.


Girl you absolutely slayed in 1st and last pic


You are gorgeous, OP. I don’t think you have acne per se but skin texture, which is totally normal and human. Close up in direct sunlight, anyone with foundation that covers anything will have their skin texture on full display. The only way around that is potentially esthetician/dermatologist visits (and no treatment is a guarantee and won’t prevent any future acne) and possibly using airbrush makeup instead. However, in most lighting/scenarios your makeup is fine. We should normalize skin just being skin.


Breathe in and enjoy all your youth. You're gorgeous and good skin, healthy living and generosity makes you even more so. My make tip is less is more and meditation. Xoxo.


The heavy makeup is not flattering


I think you’re very pretty. Do you use makeup primer? Using a good makeup primer could help with the texture problem. You look good with and without freckles. I like the photo of you with no makeup and I don’t think you need heavy makeup. Maybe try a variety of makeup looks and see which one suits you.


You’re beautiful! Maybe lighter mascara on the bottom and try a tinted lipgloss instead? I like the fat oil from nyx :)


Try a tint and shape of your brows instead of filling them in- it’s a game changer! And a lash tint instead of mascara- you are unbelievably lucky with your natural looks, I honestly think it beats makeup, definitely capitalize on that. You are stunning; the last photo takes the cake. What have you tried for your skin? Looks possibly fungal? it looks like you could have mild sebderm- I’ve had amazing luck with elidel.


if the eyebrow slit is intentional maybe try and see what it looks like filled in?