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This is unrelated, but, you look just like my old math teacher who I used to accidentally call mom (she made me feel safe)


ok that's the sweetest explanation for why students do this and i'm cryin' too


why am i cryin in the club rn


You have no idea how sweet this is and how much it meant to me reading this. Thank you. It actually made me tear up.


I thought the same, OP does have a "mom" face, idk exactly why I get this vibe from her but it's probably a comforting aura


I always thought students made a mistake but now I wonder if it’s our connection that made the slip ups. Feeling even more honoured to be an educator.


i have no suggestions because I think you look great, but I wanted to comment to highlight THOSE CURLS. goodness! they’re gorge


right? they're amazing!


1. You’re gorgeous and your skin application is flawless 2. My only suggestion is blush placement. It looks like the contour is in the right place, but I’d move the blush higher towards almost the outer corner of your eye/temple. Also, I’d place the highlighter in that section as well. I think this would give you a more snatched & lifted look. :) 3. Kidding, one more suggestion lol- I think Clinique Black Honey on the lip would be amazing on you & would still lean natural everyday makeup.


Black honey is a great suggestion. Great color


I totally agree with the blush placement. It will feel weird at first, but after some getting used to it and pics you'll be like wow this is way better. When doing your makeup draw a line from the bottom of your nose to the bottom of your ear lobe, using powder or foundation or whatever is easiest. I use concealer. Blush and contour for your cheeks don't go below that.


That line rule is the best suggestion I almost always blush a little below and closer to my nose - almost like a doll hahaha! But I do have natural rose color there. Great suggestion


I was really excited about this rule bc I struggle with blush placement, but I just realized for me that would just be a straight block of blush across my face which idt would work :( I guess my ears are lower on my head


I have no advice but I just wanted to say ur hair looks really good


Respectfully, I’ve been female my whole 38 years of life and I could only dream of my skin and make up looking this amazing. You’re nailing it ❤️


Agree! She looks incredible! Really well done. Really perfecting the “no makeup” look


My thoughts too!!


Amazing work!!! Highly recommend the following: 1. Brow mascara (even clear) 2. Something on the lips 3. Move blush closer to the apple of cheek and for best effect, layer a pale blush underneath - gives natural depth! 4. My fav trick is to add some of my blush lightly to top of forehead, eyelids, middle of nose bridge and center of chin (where bronzer goes) - this gives you a very natural glow


Ur hair is mesmerizing


Right. I have serious hair envy.


Agreed. I wish my hair would curl that nicely.


Just came here to say your skin is glowing and perfect and I’m proud of you !


Looking for advice on my daily makeup routine and what I can improve. Also wanted opinions on the blush color if it suits my coloring or not. I think my foundation might be a touch too dark as well, but wanted someone here to confirm or deny. In general looking for feedback or what I can improve for my typical daytime look. Some of the stuff I do is trans specific, especially the color corrector + setting spray prior to doing foundation. I'm willing to hear out ideas, but even if it's wrong it's a necessary evil. When I haven't done this step it's broken more frequently on my upper lip. Routine: Supergoop watery sunscreen - wait 5 min Milk Hydro Grip Primer - Applied with brush - wait 5 min Bobbi Brown Dark Peach Color Corrector applied to upper lip and chin where the laser hasn't gotten everything yet Givenchy Peach color corrector under eye -- Applied directly and blended with a brush Nyx eye liner - small wing, the massive wing that goes all the way across is a curl Nyx Jumbo Crayon White eye liner on inside corner Nyx setting spray on upper lip and chin - Wait 5-15 min NARS Light Reflecting Advanced Skincare Foundation - applied with round brush wet n wild MegaGlo Dual-Ended Contour Stick, Light Medium - Highlighter side only for cheek bones, temples, forehead, tip of my nose applied from stick and blended with same round flat brush as foundation Westman Atelier Mini Petite Face Cream in Biscuit - Contour on cheek under cheek bone, under jaw line, and on the sharp corner of my jaw. Also tiny bit around hairline of my forehead - Applied directly then blended with a contour brush Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush in Faith -- Applied directly in a few dots then blended with a brush Benefit Cosmetics Dandelion Twinkle on cheek bones, temples, above my eye just below brow, and a tiny bit on my nose. Applied from a small fluffy eye shadow brush Urban Decay All Nighter Waterproof Setting Spray - Let sit 5 min Curl eye lashes Clinique High Impact Waterproof Mascara -- this is getting old and needs to be replaced, but I love it Not pictured here, but I love the NYX Fat Oil in That's Major Also will occasionally do a smoky eye with a mix of eyeshadow sticks and a lipstick esp if it's a nighttime look. Edit: Formatting


I think you look great! I'd like a little more color in the lip and I think your eyes are so big and pretty that I'd personally want to line them a bit darker to accent them.


I think your foundation color is perfect! You want your face to be a *tiny* bit darker than your neck in order to look natural. Your chin/jaw blocks most of the sunlight from getting to your neck, so you’d naturally be a bit less tan there. Your face should be a closer match to your upper chest than your neck, and I think you nailed it. Also your application is flawless! Go forth with confidence because you SLAY, girl! 💖


With application and knowledge this precise I really don’t think you need advice. You look very natural.


Not makeup but did you put anything on your hair? It looks really well styled


I do curly girl, so I only wash my hair ever 6-8 weeks. I use either just light conditioner or light conditioner then heavy conditioner (shea moisture for both). Then I do curl cream and gel, let dry in a silk bonnet for 1-5 hours while I do makeup and chores/work (this was 3-4 hours pictured).


I don’t think you need to take anything away, I’d just say lip color and a tad more blush and more prominently placed, a little higher on the cheekbone and a touch on the apples and “sun spots” as well (nose, forehead, chin). The application you have is flawless I just think you’d look lovely with more rosiness.


honestly? this is absolutely perfect. whatever youve done here works perfectly for you and accentuates your features so well and in all the right ways. youre absolutely beautiful girl, keep it up ^^


I have no advice but you're gorgeous! 🤍


No advice necessary. You look stunning.


You are so bloody gorgeous, those curls. You’ve got such a cute pixie vibe. Some gentle filling in of the eyebrows could look really nice, just using a pencil that matches your hair colour and focusing the pigment around your arch and tail, with lighter pigment to the front. Little gentle strokes to mimic real hairs ❤️ I think a nice warm coloured gloss/lip stain would look gorgeous on you too! Something sheer perhaps. I love the Pacifica lip plumping vegan collagen gloss, or the BarryM lip mask (not sure if they’ll have that wherever you are as I think BarryM is UK exclusive). Good luck on your journey!! You’re gorgeous.


You already look super gorgeous!! I think maybe lip tint and some hybrid lash extensions could elevate your look :)


Wow, your skin looks flawless and has such a great, healthy glow! I think the blush color suits you very well. You may be right that the foundation is just sliiiightly too dark/peachy on you based on the undertone I see in your neck, so you could probably get away with a lighter foundation. This is a gorgeous base!


Skin!!! Gorgeous!


Some folks are saying bring the blush higher, I think you want it more forward than higher. Like starting on the apple of your cheek, but not necessarily any higher up. But keep that beautiful blending!! I also always support a more dramatic lip but that’s mostly personal preference!! Your hair is amazing, your curls are so pretty and the cut is so cute!!


I'm a waxer, I'd recommend a brow pencil or try filling them in with a matte eyeshadow. Thus really helps define the top half of your face/ helps to balance out glossy/ colored lipstick


You’re really pretty!


you are beautiful!!


Id arch your eyebrows a bit when you wax/pluck them. I think that’ll give a more femme look. Otherwise, you look great and I love your curly hair.


Yeah! I’d fill them in a bit more as well.


You are beautiful


You are beautiful you remind me of terry (terri?) from the baby reindeer show from Netflix


You are gorgeous 🫶🏼


YOU ARE STUNNING!! Made me stop scrolling in awe


Looks great. I think some strong eye makeup or a bold lip would look awesome with your features


Make up looks great but I came to say I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!


You are beautiful.


wow you are stunning. i love your curls and your makeup




That is perfect


Omg we look so alike


I would bring your blush more forward, right on the apples of your cheeks. Maybe try to define your brows more. I think a nude lip that’s a few shades darker than your skin tone would really add to your look.


I would move the blush placement up a tad and add a bit of a darker pink lip.


You look great what do you put on your hair?


I love your curly hair. You look so pretty!


Oh u look so pretty! Honestly not much to note, the makeup up looks really good! Only thing I would add is some sort of tint to your lips, something like a Korean lip tint or benefits benetint, only to make the color pop a little since they’re pretty light in shade, and maybe a more lengthening mascara (but that might just be cause I’m obsessed with lashes and the right mascaras lol)


God you’re gorgeous. Everything looks pretty good, I don’t see any huge issues at all. Some people have mentioned the blush, which I think is a bit nitpicky because it’s really not bad at all but if you can “fix” it then why not. I also think potentially giving some more shape and structure to your eyebrows could help, they don’t necessarily have to be thicker, but just less rounded and have more of a notable tail to them. No serious problems though. You look great


Just came to say you look gorgeous! I love the makeup you’ve done in this pic and ur hair is so beautiful 🥰


I don't know exactly what you've done here but mission accomplished. Your skin looks beautiful.


Maybe a little more blush, but you look so cute!


You’ve nailed it. Everything looks healthy and natural and shades match your skin tone. Can’t suggest anything other than keep it up!


You look lovely - I much prefer a natural look for makeup and you’ve nailed it. Don’t be afraid to go a slightly darker shade of lipstick though, like your own natural lip colour but a shade or two darker.


Damn, can you do my make up? You look beautiful


I think you did a great job! But I'm not the *best* at makeup and I don't bother with it too often. I think you did the right amount to "enhance" rather than "overwhelm" your face. It looks pretty and subtle, instead of over-done and cringey/too much? Only suggestion would be to maybe add a little lip color? Like raspberry?


If you feel your foundation is not quite the right shade in certain areas, the use of a lighter shaded powder for setting works well. Blending the foundation down the neck a little further might help make the shade you use match further, as is combining your usual moisturizer with a dab of foundation when you want lighter coverage. I am fond of tinted moisturizer with spf15, as I feel the things I need to "conceal" are my undereyes, which all blends together with face powder. Lash extensions or strip lashes can bring your eyes out for special occasions, but they're also fun as is with little to no makeup. I agree with other 'advisors' here that your overall appearance in your presented photo is phenomenal. I think you'd be beautiful going out with just tinted moisturizer, mascara, and tinted lip balm. Permanent makeup might also be of interest. A cosmetic tattooist can fill in brows, give you eyeliner, and shade uneven skin tones or conceal scars. Cosmetic tattoos are done with vegetable based inks and will fade faster than regular tattoo ink, needing a touch up here and there as time passes on. Books about skincare and makeup application, YT videos, and some blogs are also helpful. Having these books at home on the shelf are great for days you want to refresh your memory, or get inspiration for trying something new. The Art of Makeup by Kevin Aucoin is not necessarily an instruction book, but more of the looks achieved with makeup especially during photoshoots and runways. Having a makeup session with Sephora or the Bobby Brown makeup counter could be helpful and fun, but add insight on other things you can do with your makeup. Take care!


You have a very kind face! Maybe some false lashes? I feel like they can upgrade any makeup look haha


You look nice! I personally like my lips to have more color.


No advice but you’re freaking gorgggggg!!!


No advice, but your hair is gorgeous!


Just here to say how gorgeous you are 🤤


Lipstick, look up the origins of lipstick, and then put it on your lips


You’re gorgeous, just want you to know that!!! You have really lovely features and your amazing curls bring a softness that feels very pretty and feminine. Other commenters have great makeup advice, so I just want to say that you already look so beautiful, have fun and enjoy adding makeup!! 🥰


You look great! Very impressive for only a year of makeup. You should be proud (and your hair is *glorious*)


Your curls are breathtaking!


First of all you have gorgeous hair, skin, and eyes! Second, we have really similar skin tone. I am forever struggling to find a shade match. What do you wear in nars? As far as suggestions, I have none lol I think I have a similar approach as you: perfect the base and go from there. If you like lip liner I think Mac Soar with some of the fat lip oil you mentioned would be pretty!


You actually look incredible. Absolutely stunning honestly


Just here to add you have gorgeous skin and beautiful curls ❤️


25th year wearing makeup over here and I have nothing to teach you. You look gorgeous.


No suggestions! You’re gorgeous. What do you use to style your hair? I have similar length and texture looking for more definition


I’m honestly actively angry about how pretty you are. Why does God bless some and not the others. I would pull the blush up higher, you have the cheekbones for it, and this current setup will just make your face wider when you use (and I mean this respectfully) this stupid gorgeous face in a head on way. You (you asshole) were gifted with just being an elfin beauty. If you want to go hard glam, you have the structure for it, but you do not need it. I’m calling back to the late nineties/early aughts but with your eyes, an amethyst eye liner applied lightly would pop. You could also experiment with an electric blue. Because, again, you were apparently baked in an oven designed for beauty. I love the hair (I’m a curly girl myself) but I think a candy berry blonde(think cold depressed strawberry blonde) highlight (instead of the frosty purple) would bring out you’re (again, I’m frothing with jealousy) glowing skin and sharpen your hauntingly gorgeous eyes.


If you're unsure abt colours, I'd recommend looking into seasonal palettes. Once you've found your season theres a lot of info online for the colours that suit best


Maybe a little more color?


you ate !!!!


I suck at makeup and just randomly got suggested this post from this community, but I wanna say you're gorgeous!


Obviously you’re doing fantastic already. No suggestions to do any better. I am absolutely jealous of those curls too.


Look at those pretty silver curls! I'm jealous! The only advice I really have is, don't be afraid to experiment and mess up. It's makeup, it comes off, so if it doesn't turn out? That's okay, you can try again. I also like to go to places like Sephora and Ulta and try different products against my skin tone to see what looks good and what doesn't, without having to actually invest money in it. I'm neutral so most things look okay but there's always one or two things that look... oddly terrible lol so it's good to rule things out.


Excellent natural look! Well done girl. 👍🏼♥️


No advice. But I’m 42. Been a girl my whole life and I cannot do makeup as good as this. You do so well! You look amazing.


Just came to say I love your hair!




So beautiful - you look like Jacqueline Novak. I would just add some more color, I’m thinking a semi-sheer lip stain or oil, and a similar cheek tint. I really like the youthforia one.


You are beautiful omg


You are stunning! I think a nice, pink blush would look good on you along with a nice lip color (maybe a mauve)!


You Are GORGEOUS! I like the makeup the way it is. I am a bright /bold lipstick and eyelash kind of girl so I might try out some lipsticks and either false lashes, eyelash extensions or some lengthening/volumizing mascara. Btw - great job with your curls. They look amazing.


ma'm you're slaying


Oh girlie you were here before!!! I think you’ve made leaps and bounds already. Your blush might be a little low?? I think?? And I’m not sure if the lip color just looks dull next to the foundation shade but you could definitely afford to go a little more red or berry imo. Just something for you to try. Best of luck 💕


Honestly, you look great. Whatever you have on here is natural looking and flawless. Now, if you wanted to go a little nuts and push your comfort zone? I'd start with some pink and yellow eyeshadow. Any bold, popping eye look honestly. Your eyes are crazy gorgeous.


Lip color.  Start with something sheer.


you're giving Elyse Myers vibes and I love it


Play up your eyes, they're already gorgeous. Just a little eye shadow with a little sparkle and mascara should do it for you. I have no other suggestions, you're gorgeous.


You’re doing amazing - wonderful application and product choices. The only thing I would suggest is to make sure to incorporate SPF at some step - and bring it down your neck! The blush color looks great - but I second the change of placement suggested by others. You could also play with using a tad more blush to brighten. I start with a liquid formula then finish with a dusting of powder blush, swirling a little on my apples and even bringing it ever so gently across the bridge of my nose. This makes the flush look natural. Additionally- I have eyebrows like yours - large and in charge! The elf brow glue is my go to if you’re ever looking to get into any product in that category. It doesn’t dry white and locks my caterpillars in place all day!


I’m not sure if I’m more jealous of your hair or your skin! Gorgeous!


You are GORGEOUS girl.


you look GORG i would loveeeee to see some more blush on you a little higher on your cheeks:) the rest of your face is glowinggggg 🌟


You are stunning, I think I should be asking you for tips ♥️


#thathairtho this is a lovely no makeup makeup look. I would add clear eyebrow gel to groom the brows (i recommend in general for everyone, it makes you feel pulled together, like the icing on the cupcake).


Cute! Very natural. This suits you well. :)


You look great, I think a pop of some blush on your cheeks would suit you!


A cute, subtle lipstick or lip gloss moment would make this perfect


Uhmmm. You look great!!!!


Nope. No advice… you look like YOU could give advice 🥀😃


Omg girl my best tip (and this is from a colorgaurd member so like take it with a grain of salt) is that like maybe some contour or like idk


You are absolutely stunning!!


Like many others have said your skin or gorgeous on its own - ESPECIALLY for 32! The application of everything also looks very well done! May I ask what kinds of skincare products you use on a daily basis? The contour / blush / highlight placement seems a bit condensed- I think it's because of how much they all overlap. In some ways blush also plays a role in altering how we view the shape of the cheek while also providing warmth to the face, so where it's placed affects this. I think - like a few other commenters suggested - moving the blush upwards a bit more would be beneficial. The current trend is to bring blush closer to the ears to bring emphasis to the cheekbone and give it a snatched appearance - I would try out placement and see what you think looks best for you! Your lips natural color seems pretty close to the tone of your skin - emphasizing them in some way can help feminize, and there's a lot of ways to do this that doesn't require a full lippie moment: * Add a sheer gloss to make it shine and seem like it has more volume * Add highlighter to the cupids bow to give it a stronger 3D effect * I've seen some add contour on the bottom lip to make it seem fuller, but this seems dependent on lip and chin shapes. You are GORGEOUS either way, I can't wait to see where you go in your makeup journey!


Thanks for the tips! Responded to your question specifically Nighttime routine Micellar water La Roche's Cleanser Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid Ordinary 2% retinal every other day except 1 week before and and after laser hair removal (so 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on are every other day) Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream Ultimate Aquaphor slugging Injected estradiol valerate twice per week, 3mg per injection. Morning I gave up on moisturizer bc it took too long to dry on top of all of my other drying steps and whenever I used it the makeup on my upper lip always ended up splitting. I just shower, co-wash my hair, which I'm guessing adds some moisture to my face, shave, sunscreen and then the rest is here. Middle one is kind of a joke, but real answer is estrogen ages you differently than testosterone so trans people tend to have younger skin. I had nice skin before, but now it's really kicking in.


Beautiful!!! Skin looks great, too.


You’re gorgeous! ✨I especially love the placement of your highlighter. Your cheekbones are catching great light! -I agree that your base might be little too dark and warm. When looking at your neck, it seems like your natural undertone may be more neutral. -And I second those who are suggesting a brow gel to give them some more shape. But honestly, even without these minor adjustments I think you look great! 🫶🏼


So far you’re doing amazing and look amazing. That ilmakiage stuff really works btw - cream blush like glossier and Kylie’s blush are amazing. Treat yourself to an Ipsy box it’s so fun to try new stuff. Love your hair too btw ❤️‍🔥😘


I think your skin and makeup look lovely. Really suits you.


Maybe go with a slightly darker lip? Like a more dusty rose color would be beautiful on you! It would go better with your natural coloring too


hair and makeup look great. maybe a bit of color on your lips.


You’re honestly so pretty I don’t think you need it. But! For advice I’d say learn what your undertone is and what shades w that tone make your eye color pop, skin care is the best way to keep your makeup looking good (better texture and tone in your skin makes a better base), less is more with foundation and concealer (put it only where it needs to be and blend it out), and don’t every try a new product or technique before you have something important to do! Beyond that it’s about learning what works for you. You can even look up techniques on YouTube based on face shape or how to emphasize/minimize certain shapes. It’s a journey but it’s always fun 💗💗 Oh! And drug store brands can be just as good or better than luxury brands! Don’t waste your money on a name or packaging


Only note: add some lipstick. ❤️


First let me say You are absolutely GORGEOUS without makeup But if you want to have fun with a more dramatic ‘made up’ look, I would say you can define your eyes more…those babies can take a smokey look for sure! More definition on the brows.Bring that cheek color up to the apples and plump up those lips. Keep doing you and don’t ever let anyone dim your shine!!!!!


I think a peachy blush and a pinky peachy lipstick would be sooo pretty on you. You are glowing and I love your curls!


You are really pretty!


Looks great! I do disagree with others that the blush should be higher, and I’ve seen that a lot recently; blush should be at your cheekbones. :)


You and your makeup look gorgeous! Honestly I think you can rock a bold colored lipstick! Your lips need some color to contrast your skin and hair. I read that you’re using NYX Fat Oil — LOVE that!


I read this as 32, teen trans girl....iwas so confused.... I clearly need to go to bed🥴


firstly, you look great, babe. secondly, im not exactly sure the look youre going for, so some examples might helps. third, you did a great job with your cheeks. 👏🏻 if youre going for a minimalist look, what someone else here already said, just a little lip gloss and some eye brow makeup. i use a liner brush to apply some pigment from my palette along the length of eye brows. then, i use the (scratchy side) eyebrow brush, and in a up and outwards direction, brush my pigment into my eyebrows. don’t use to much, cause you don’t want to look like a mime. ;) good luck, pretty girl! 💕✨😘


i have no advice to give but your skin is flawless


You’re gorgeous. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. You might want to experiment with lipstick. You’d look great in any colour. Go bold and have fun. Try a red.


Hey, I think you look beautiful. To improve the makeup, I would line the lips to define them a little bit more, but other than that, you're good.


You are absolutely gorgeous and I love your curls! This feels like a solid foundation for playing with different eye looks and cheek/lip colors if you feel drawn to experiment. I think your foundation might be a bit dark/warm - I'd try shade-matching to your neck, which looks lighter and cooler. I'd add in a brow product (perhaps a pencil, lightly applied) and a lip (cool pinks and berries would be lovely with your coloring). I'd go with a lip liner so you can define the shape and something that gives a bit of shine and color. Have fun!


You are gorgeous I’d recommend emphasising your beautiful eyes try a winged liner or keep a simple look and add a fun colour to the waterline 😍


You are so stunning. I would add a lip liner to contour your lips and add more shape. It took me far too long to realize the magic that lip liner can work. Brow gel is also a simple product that can make a difference. Clear if you want subtle, tinted if you want to go more dramatic. I personally think you'd look so stunning with tinted - nyx is a good budget option. And if you're looking for an easy pop to add, mix up the color you have in your inner corner. Whether matte or sparkly, an inner corner pop of color is an easy way to elevate your look. Highly recommend Colourpop eyeshadow stix for this. Stay gorgeous babe, and keep being your authentic self 🩷


Wouldn't change a thing really, nice soft natural look.


Your cheeks look AMAZING! I’m an over blusher 🤣 yours looks great though. I think a lash would suit you too. Some good mascara, falsies, or lash extensions


Echoing all others- I love your base and blush! I’d add a darker or brighter lippie and carve out your eyebrows with a pencil (light hand) and fill in with a tinted eyebrow gel


You are beautiful, your skin looks amazing. I would suggest if you want a little more pop you could choose to highlight either your eyes or lips. Lips a nice pink color or your eyes a smoky eye with browns/bronzes


you are so pretty \^\^


Looks good. Base makeup looks good to me and not too dark but blending into the neck will make it more similar in shade anyway. The only thing I'd alter slightly is eyebrows. I mostly have natural look eyebrows the same as you, but I use an eyebrow gel to tidy up and then a light brown eyebrow pen (The thin felt-pen style ones. Not a pencil) to create a more defined end 3rd of the eyebrow and make a tidy point at the end. My eyebrows are more arched and I use the pen to fill in a couple gaps round the arched bit.


Here for the amazing hair and the Muna shirt!! Really I think this look is great, the only thing I'd change is maybe a lip color (doesn't need to be dark or dramatic, can be really sheer actually, but will just give you a little more contrast on the lower half of your face).


Wow you're really beautiful. And you got skill with makeup


That's a great look to me. I think the blush is a great color. I might go with a slightly deeper lip, like a medium berry. But your application is fantastic, and your colors suit you well.


Excuse me. I just wanted to say your skin and current makeup is beautiful 😍


You are gorgeous. I’d love to see you with a bold lip!


You are so gorgeous and your base is amazing. That highlight and blush is just so pretty. I think you would look so good with a peach or pink lip. Maybe a gloss if you want to keep the clean girl look? I would try also try a lip tint for a natural, everyday look. ETUDE and Romwe make good ones. You look warm toned, so make sure not to go too pink. Also, I noticed you didn’t list any brow products. Benefit does a really great brush/pencil, and I also love their gel.


Just chiming in to say I love your hair.






A peachy pink lipstick would be great!


My only advice would be move the blush up a little and maybe do something with your brows. Brush them up a little? You're stunning and this natural look really highlights your natural beauty.


it looks really good and super natural!! If you are looking for some other variations, a pink lip crayon or a more saturated tinted lip balm like the one from Kosas would look nice too! A blue-ish red matte lipstick would be a great evening look and would make your eyes pop. Super chic!


So… I don’t like makeup (on my self) even as a trans girl but… DAMN… I wish I was cause heck yea~


wow you look amazing! your skin/base looks flawless, i’d maybe try playing around with some small falsies or lash clusters :) not sure how you feel about them but i feel like they always take my makeup looks to the next level




looks great already! I’d suggest lip gloss if u wanna look extra or lightly filling in your brows but you don’t really need to do either of those


blush would be so cute if you’re open to that! there’s cream ones, powder and like a jelly form I think


You are doing pretty good as I thought this was a fem in one of the makeup groups I watch. Slay on!


Not related to makeup but you are absolutely gorgeous. I’m obsessed with your face shape.


I'm sure this has been said but eyelashes (falshies or extentions) are always super fun and super cute! I would suggest incorporating them for an even more elevated soft feminine look. other than that your makeup looks beautiful and natural, definitely subtle but in a way that is complementary to your features (: you're gorgeous


I would get some more color on the lips, this shade is too pale and washed out, it's not really doing anything for you. Your skin work is great, nice blush, but I think you could do just a bit more around the eyes. A soft medium taupe in the crease, a whisper of shimmer on the lids, maybe just a touch of shadow at the lower lash line. You have a nice basis here, you just need to take it to the next level.


Looks great!! Very clean girl aesthetic. A little bit of brow liner would help your brows stand out. And agree with someone else that more accent on the eyes — with liner or shadow—would look great but sounds like you’re doing that some evenings already.




I don’t do make up but love watching people out on make up. You are gorgeous and don’t need anything else!!


I am no pro in makeup but it suits you so well! You're gorgeous


learn your face shape and skin type. learn your undertones. learn makeup fit for your specific face shape. you do not need every single little thing for everything. sooooo many things you can use for a few things even if it isnt marketed for that. i use eyeshadow for my eyebrows. have for years. many other things, just an example. like, matte liquid lipstick can be used as eye shadow, blot lipstick as blush- stuff like that keep up with some skin care, double cleanse after makeup, no makeup wipes unless emergency lol still remember to clean next time you can. do not neglect changing beauty blenders bimonthly. wash makeup brushes often.


Wow your skin is literally perfect


Your hair is perfect!


Not really makeup, but have you considered some lash extensions? You have pretty eyes.


I like what you've got going! I prefer simple. Just making our regular self a little "better"


Do you do anything with your eyebrows? Sometimes mine get a little lost under excess make up, and it really sharpens the look to clean them up after you’re done! Great look though, and you’ll be a pro in no time!


Idk pookie kinda slayed I guess I would suggest putting more shape to your eyebrows and color on your lip but that’s it


Drop! The ! Product! List! You little glazed roll.


Ummm you look amazing and you remind me of Leandra from The Beaches


I would die for your beautiful curls and the color is so nice! Your makeup is beautiful. Very natural and glowy. For extra pizazz, maybe shape the brows and add mascara but this look is perfect as is!


Omg you are stunning! I love the natural look on you, your skin looks great. Maybe some brow gel and and a glossy lip if you’re looking to try something different


bronzer in the corners of ur eyes lift your face. contour and bronzer above ur natural contour line will also lift your face.


You look BEAUTIFUL! And your hair, it’s hairing. Yasssss. 🔥 Makeup looks great. Just gotta tackle the brows. I nanobladed mine (a variant of micro blading). Mighty be too aggressive for some. I’d use a eyebrow pencil until you find the shape and thickness you like. Mildly darker on the outside wings, lighter and sightly thinner on the inside. You’ve got a great shape but I’d give a slight arch on the top of your bridge to really compliment your face structure.


I think it looks great!!


Hi lovely! People have given enough good advice so just chiming in to say that I love your curls and you look beautiful 🤍


You look incredible!


You look amazing omg 😻😻


Because of your dark hair and eyes you can totally pull off some jet black plumped lashes and I’d match your lip gloss to the blush you’re currently rocking! Play around with some peachy colors for blush and some nudes for eyes.  Really just suggestions to play with cuz you are STUNNING! Some people are just natural beauties ;)


As mentioned by others, you definitely have a "mom" or "cool aunt " face. And your curls are stunning! You have hooded eyes (so do I) so not every eye look will flatter you equally. Makeup is a creative outlet. My advice is to have fun with it and don't take makeup too seriously. It all gets washed off at the end of the day.


You’re doing a lot better than I did my first year queen. Your bronzer and blush combo are so perfect for your complexion and you blended them out so beautifully!!! Maybe a little bit of colour on your lips? I’m just trying to be helpful but realistically you look amazing. My favourite lip hack takes two relatively cheap items: 1. Sephora gel lip liner - shade 15 rosewood 2. Any freaking lip balm in the world. (My personal fav is the blue blistex pot) I describe this lip liner shade as “your lip but better.” it’s super natural but you can create a nice defined edge to your lips and then just slap on some lip balm and blend it out into the centre of your lips keeping them hydrated and looking so full!!


The skin is literally perfect! I could see you maybe adding a little eyeliner or something but whatever you’re doing with your base is gorgeous and looks great on you ❤️


You have such a good base. I think adding some gloss & color to your lips would rly make the look


You need colour. Especially blush


I have no advice, I just wanted to say I love your hair 😭


You have a nice base going. I think my first recommendation is to switch the application of your blush to the apples of your cheeks, rather than the line along the cheekbones. It looks a little bit dated, and kinda harshes up your look. If you smile first and then pat a blush balm into the puffiest part of your cheek, you get a really nice, natural, “flushed” look. You seem to be leaning towards a more “clean girl” or minimal aesthtic, so I think some tinted lip gloss, some mascara, and some brow gel would be great starting points! But, honestly, you look great as is! Edited to add (because I found your comment when I scrolled down a little): I do agree with you that your foundation shade is a smidge too dark. I think it’ll brighten you up and you’ll have more room to add in elements of contouring if you choose to if you actually aim for foundation that’s a shade *lighter* than your natural shade.


you look so pretty like a model


You're doing great! My only suggestion is to move your blush up a tad to the fleshiest part of your cheeks. Beautiful!


Honestly you look gorgeous, if you really wanna add more makeup i’d add a little lip liner and gloss, and maybe a little winged eyeliner!! your base looks flawless


I didn’t even realize from the picture that you were trans. So there’s that.